I dreamed about the stork. Why does a woman dream about a stork?

Have you ever wondered why a stork dreams? This vision seems pleasant enough. There are different interpretations that will help you foresee the future and understand current events.

American dream book

Representatives of different nations interpret certain night visions differently. So, if you want to know why a stork dreams, the American version will look like this:

  • This means something new is coming into your life. For example, you will meet new interesting people or change jobs.
  • This dream will be favorable for those who have long dreamed of a new home. Perhaps you are about to get a profitable deal to buy real estate.
  • If you dreamed that a stork brought a child, this means happiness, serenity and peace in the family.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book is considered one of the most popular and accurate. It is this interpreter that the largest number of people trust. If you dreamed of a stork, it could mean the following:

  • If you see a stork flying, it is to a baby. The child may be born to you, or maybe to some close relatives.
  • If you catch a stork, it means that you are being haunted by some difficulties. Give up your ideas for a while, because they will not bring you success.
  • If in a dream you see two storks, a contender for your hand and heart will soon appear. There is a high probability that everything will end in a wedding and a happy family life.
  • If you dreamed of a stork flying away from you, you are in for a ride. You will be away from your home for a long time.
  • If you dreamed that you were looking up at a stork flying past, it means that the streak of bad luck in your life will soon end.
  • If an elderly person dreams of a stork, such a vision promises a happy and peaceful old age surrounded by family and friends.

Eastern dream book

If you are wondering why a stork dreams, turn to Eastern wisdom. The interpretation will be as follows:

  • In some cases, the stork is a negative symbol. So, if you have tense relationships with family and friends, such a dream foreshadows a worsening relationship.
  • If you act as a hunter who wants to catch a stork, this means that you will be able to avoid many problems. All threats to your family happiness will pass by.
  • Even though the picture of an empty stork's nest looks alarming, it's a pretty good dream. This means that all the threats that you fear at the moment will bypass you, and there will be no upsets or grief in the near future.
  • But if you are the reason for the destruction of the nest, this is a bad sign. Serious conflicts are coming in relationships with loved ones, and you will have to make titanic efforts to bring the situation to a successful outcome.
  • If you dreamed that you were feeding a stork, it means that you should pay more attention to your parents. Perhaps they need your material and moral support.

Love dream book

Why do you dream about a stork? According to this source, this vision has special meaning for those who are currently in love:

  • If a man sees a stork in a dream, this means that he is already ready for fatherhood and dreams of procreation.
  • A stork in a dream for a woman means an early pregnancy (it is quite possible that a new life has already arisen in you, but you do not yet feel visible signs).
  • If you saw a stork walking through a green meadow, you will soon enter into a marriage that promises to be happy and cloudless.
  • If you catch a stork, but just can’t do it, the object of your adoration will never reciprocate your feelings.
  • If in a dream you were chasing a stork, but caught another bird instead, soon a lover from a past life will appear in your life, whom you have long forgotten about.

Russian folk dream book: what did the stork dream about?

If you want to interpret your night visions, be sure to look into the Russian folk dream book. Stork can mean the following:

  • If in your dream the stork is in flight, you have a long trip ahead of you. It is possible that you will change your place of residence.
  • The dream “storks in the nest” is a harbinger that guests will soon come to you. This could be, for example, close relatives or friends.
  • If in a dream you hear birds screeching, unfortunately, you are about to have a big quarrel. This could be a disagreement in the family or at work.
  • The stork is a symbol of new life and spring. If up to this point you have been plagued by failures, perhaps a “white streak” will come.
  • People who dreamed that storks were building a nest on the roof of their house need not worry about their well-being. A long and happy life awaits them.

Family dream book

For those who have already found their happiness, there is a special dream book. The stork is a kind of symbol of the family. If you dreamed about him at night, it could mean the following:

  • The joys of family life await you. Perhaps your financial situation will improve, which will only strengthen your relationship.
  • If you dreamed of two storks, this promises you a new addition to your family or some other good news.
  • Such a dream may have a negative interpretation. Storks in the sky are a symbol of ill-wishers who want to interfere with your family happiness. It is quite possible that they are in your close circle.
  • A lone stork is a harbinger that one of your family members will be forced to hit the road. But the trip will be short and will end successfully.

Modern dream book

Modern life is significantly different from the life of our ancestors, and therefore the interpretation of dreams may have slightly different meanings. So, if a stork was present in your night vision, this may mean the following:

  • Thaw in relationships with friends and loved ones. If you have previously quarreled with a friend, it is quite possible that a warm reconciliation awaits you.
  • If you had a dream in which two storks are soaring in the sky, this means that your relatives are jealous of your happiness and well-being. Also, such a vision may foreshadow a visit to the house of robbers or ill-wishers.
  • If you or someone close to you is away from home, the stork portends a speedy return home. The trip will be easy and successful.
  • A stork in your dream could mean something new is coming into your life. Most likely, you will meet a nice person or get something you have long dreamed of.

Interpretation according to the dream book of mediums

Mediums are extraordinary people who see and know much more than everyone else. In their opinion, a dream in which you had a stork could mean the following:

  • The stork is a harbinger that you will soon meet your loved one and marry him. If you dreamed of a lot of storks, it means that you will have a large and happy family.
  • A favorable dream - a white stork soaring in the sky. This vision promises you an unexpected pleasant gift that you have long dreamed of.
  • If you dreamed that a bird was sitting on the roof of your house or on a tree in your yard, this promises a pleasant meeting with old acquaintances. It is quite possible that you will have a noisy and fun party.
  • If the stork in your dream was black, this is an unfavorable sign. For business people, this promises serious losses and business failures.
  • If you dreamed of a sick bird, there is a risk that you will become a victim of deception. You should not trust others too much, otherwise you will be completely disappointed in people and in friendship.

Interpretation from Denise Lynn's dream book

To understand what your night vision means, you should look into the dream book of psychologist Denise Lynn. Dreams about a stork can have the following interpretations:

  • This is a symbol of prosperity in business and family relationships. You will find your happiness by being fulfilled in raising children or grandchildren.
  • If you had to feed a stork in a dream, this means that your ideas will be realized. You just need to put in a little effort.
  • The stork is a harbinger of good news. It is quite possible that you will be presented with some long-awaited gift.
  • If a stork flies towards you holding a basket with a child in its beak, this means that your children will be obedient and smart, and in the future they will help you financially.
  • If in a dream a stork attacks you, beats you with its wings or tries to prick you with its beak, this means that you should expect serious troubles. This can apply to both family and work. In addition, a traitor could be hiding in your circle.

Gypsy dream book: interpretation of a dream

Gypsy wisdom allows you to interpret even the most complex and confusing dreams. Those visions in which a stork is present can mean the following:

  • If one of your loved ones is far from you now, he will soon return or send some news. If you are away from home, you will have the opportunity to meet your family.
  • If a stork flies away from you in a dream, you will soon be separated from a loved one. This could be a move away for work or a complete break in the relationship.
  • If you see a flock of birds among which a stork is lost, this is a warning of danger. There are many ill-wishers around you who are jealous of your happiness and want to hinder your career advancement.


The stork is a beautiful and graceful bird that is considered an auspicious sign in many cultures. However, you should always pay attention to the context of the dream. It is quite possible that this is a warning about impending danger or possible mistakes.

As you know, in the beliefs of many peoples, the stork is present as a harbinger of spring and renewal. Therefore, it is not necessary to look into the dream book and rack your brains for a long time over the question “why do you dream about a stork?” So it is clear that this is a happy dream, bringing pleasant emotions, satisfaction and hope. However, it happens that the dream left such an impression even after waking up that you simply need to check the dream book.

  • A stork flying in your dream promises family happiness and addition.

Wedding harbinger

  • If a young girl or a married woman dreams of a stork, then the dream book tells us that the woman will probably soon have a baby. Especially if the bird was carrying something in its beak and flying towards the one in the dream. But this dream may not mean that you are the one who is pregnant. If you are not planning a pregnancy, then you have no need to worry. Perhaps your relatives are waiting for an addition. What you may not know is that your sister or sister-in-law is in an interesting position.
  • Why might a stork, or even a pair of birds, dream about a nest? Such a dream foretells you a strong family and a long, happy married life. A particularly good dream is where there is a pair of birds in a nest with chicks. The dream book says that if you dream of such an idyll, material well-being awaits you in life.
  • For a girl, a dream book about a stork dancing in the sky says that she will soon have a magnificent, joyful, long-awaited wedding. And, even more so, if two birds are dancing in the sky. True, you need to take into account how far the birds are dancing from you. If they are far away, and their silhouettes are only visible in the sky, then this wedding will still have to wait.

Bird that brings prosperity

According to another interpretation, if you watch the flight of storks, material well-being will probably soon literally fall from the sky on you. Either it will be a very profitable contract, or winning the lottery. Or even an inheritance that you never expected to receive. But if you did not watch this picture alone, then in real life you will have to share this big jackpot with someone. Otherwise, it will bring neither joy nor peace.

On the wings - bad news

  • If a whole flock of storks circles above a girl in a dream, this is a bad dream. He warns that someone is slandering the girl behind her back and plotting against her.
  • But a stork flying away from you means either a long hard trip, or symbolizes missed opportunities that were falling into your hands.
  • If in a dream you are trying to catch a stork, the dream book says that you will try to arrange your family life, or try to establish peace in the family of loved ones. Reconcile friends, or introduce a close friend to her future husband. Think carefully before doing this. Maybe this is of no use to you. Usually such good deeds only lead to harm.

Enemy Warning

  • A dream book about a stork that a girl feeds from her hands says that this is a harbinger of a solution to a difficult problem that she will cope with despite everything. And if you dream that you are feeding chicks in a dream, then in life you need to think about your children. Do they need anything?
  • Why do you dream of a defenseless stork being attacked by crows? This is an unpleasant sign. There are many unworthy people around you, who discredit your reputation with their friendship. Or simply a lot of envious people poisoning your life.
  • A crippled stork that you are caring for means that you will meet a worthy and influential person who will raise your status in society and help you financially. Or, simply, your help and support is now really needed by a loved one. And your consciousness in a dream is trying to tell you this.

Rough sleep

  • Even if you don’t see a bird in a dream, but only hear its characteristic squawk, this is also an unpleasant sign. Perhaps a quarrel is brewing between relatives in your family.
  • It is also known why a black stork dreams of a divorce, a breakup of a family. And to see a dead bird means the loss of a loved one.
  • But if in your dream a stork defeats a snake, this is a very blissful dream. Apparently you have a friend who will come to your aid. And you will overcome all life's difficulties with its help.

Dream interpretation stork

Light-colored birds seen in a dream almost always bring good news and improved well-being.But if you dreamed of a stork soaring in the sky, a person is waiting for a deeper explanation, because this bird has a sacred meaning.

Since ancient times it has been said that the stork brings children. And this was not a fairy-tale excuse to avoid involving young listeners in too personal details of family life, but a natural belief of those times.

If a stork landed on someone’s roof, you could expect a new addition to the family. And it doesn’t matter whether it happened in reality or just a dream.

The sacred meaning of this bird cannot be disputed. Therefore, when interpreting what a stork dreams about, they talk about a happy family life, an imminent wedding in the house and the birth of many children. We should also not forget that this particular bird was considered a symbol of the sun and reviving nature after winter sleep.

And then it becomes clear why some sources, explaining why the stork is dreamed of, talk about the revival of spiritual life, a return to spiritual origins and the emergence of a new, more qualitative and highly moral view of the basic principles of the universe.

Opinions of different dream books

If you dreamed of a stork

Almost every dream book, explaining why a stork dreams, speaks of family well-being and the birth of an heir. It is considered a bad sign to see a bird that has flown away from you or left a nest built on your house. Unfortunately, you also dream about a dead or killed stork.

Ancient Slavic dream book of Veles - family nest

Our distant ancestors considered the stork a symbol of the sun and the rebirth of life. It is possible that this is one of the birds that in ancient times was considered the herald of spring and the beginning of the new year. And since the functions of reviving the fertility of the earth were attributed to her, this was also transferred to man.

Therefore, the ancient dream book also believes that a stork seen on a roof in a dream means an addition to the family if a woman dreams of it. But for men, such a bird dreams of fruitful work and receiving an inheritance

For a woman

If a young girl saw that a stork had flown into her yard, matchmakers would soon come to her. And even if she doesn’t like the groom at first sight, there is no need to refuse him, because he is the husband sent by fate. She will not accept these matchmakers - she will have to wait a very long time for the next ones and her married life will not work out.

For a man

In most cases, men have such dreams before receiving an inheritance or getting married. Perhaps the young man will have to take over his father’s craft, because only in this way will he be able to marry profitably and support his family well

  • Build a nest on the roof of a house - for marriage. Seeing a nest with chicks means your own home, the imminent birth of an heir.
  • Seeing that a stork killed a snake means you will get more from life than you expect. Or a person will appear who can remove all your enemies from you.
  • Black - bad news from blood relatives.
  • Hearing him scream is gossip about your person, which is being spread by close relatives.
  • Several circle in the sky and make sounds - a celebration that will bring together the whole family, including distant relatives.

Miller's Dream Book - success

Miller’s dream book, created on the basis of psychoanalysis, is confident that a stork that you dreamed about in the first half of the week means changes in work, and in the second half - changes in the family. White - they will be for the better, and black - for the worse.

  • Seeing a white stork soaring in the sky towards you is a successfully completed project that will help you literally fly up the career ladder.
  • The couple is located on the roof - you will be invited to a family celebration (it could be an engagement, wedding or birth of a child).
  • Lonely, flew to the meadow - returning to the house of a relative who had been absent for a long time.
  • Kill - your unseemly act will destroy your reputation so much that career growth will be impossible. Most likely, dismissal will soon follow, and you will not be able to find a new place for a long time.

Freud's Dream Book - Conception

A dream book created on the basis of pansexual theories, explaining why a stork dreams, speaks of the imminent conception and birth of a child. A man has such a dream as a sign that he will soon have to rethink the role of family and fatherhood for him in general.

  • Seeing a bird on the roof is a possibility of conception.
  • Hearing a squawk and noticing several birds in a nest means the creation of a family, the birth of several children one after another.
  • The stork flies away from you - problems with potency.

Analysis of your own feelings and sensations

Even in reality, it is pleasant to see this proud bird in the sky. There is a feeling of fullness of life, unity with nature, understanding that life flows, which means that all troubles will also go away.

Feeling the joy of such a meeting in a dream means getting what you want. Perhaps you have long thought about procreation, but could not admit it even to yourself. Now is the time to decide on this.

You meet a white stork in a meadow or in the yard, and you feel admiration for the bird, paying attention to its shiny beak and beautiful plumage - meeting your future soul mate. The more attractive the stork was, the more pleasant the appearance of this person would be.

To be frightened by hearing the harsh flapping of a wing above your head means your betrothed will turn out to be a very strong and powerful person.

Helping a wounded bird means someone needs your sympathy.

Crying over the dead - the irresistible force of circumstances will destroy all your hopes and aspirations.

Such a dream is a symbol of home and family well-being. In a dream, a bird that flies in the sky also symbolizes changes in family life. Moreover, favorable changes await the person, perhaps replenishment or the birth of a new life, gifts or surprises. All dream books say that storks in a dream are good news. Perhaps the person will experience pleasant changes and only for the better.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book - storks in the sky - promises exceptionally positive changes. A person can expect a new job offer, career advancement, or positive changes in family life. All undertakings will bring prosperity, success in business will accompany you, and everything should be in order in the financial sphere. Another option for interpreting a dream is receiving good news from relatives or friends. If an unmarried woman had such a dream, she will soon meet her fate. For a married woman, birds can portend an imminent pregnancy.

According to Vanga

The dream book of the soothsayer Vanga also explains why a stork in the sky dreams. If the birds have built a nest, the family will soon expect long-awaited peace and quiet. If they fly over the house, you should expect profit or a promising acquaintance with a rich person who will offer a profitable business. If you had to feed a bird in a dream, in real life you will soon be able to cope with a big problem.

According to Juno

Juno's dream book will tell you that a stork in the sky always promises changes and new beginnings in life. This is a sign that it’s time to do something new, bring your plans to life or implement an interesting idea. In general, a dream symbolizes well-being and prosperity, family happiness and peace. Often a bird appears in a dream to someone who may soon become a parent.

According to Tsvetkov

Pleasant impressions and gifts await the person who had a dream “storks in the sky,” according to the esotericist Tsvetkov. But seeing the nest of this bird is good news or consolation.

According to Freud

Freud's dream book interprets the dream as an imminent addition to the family. This is a symbol that the time has come for a woman to become a mother, but a man may soon get married. Even if there are no changes in life at the moment, they will not keep you waiting long.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does the Stork mean:

Stork - You dreamed of two storks making a nest on your roof - this portends you a long and happy life with your loved one. I dreamed of a pair of storks - this is a sign of a happy family union and an imminent wedding. If you dreamed of a stork walking in a meadow, then a happy marriage awaits you, the birth of children and happiness and prosperity in your home.

You dreamed of a flying stork and you are unsuccessfully trying to catch it - this means that your deepest desires will not come true. Catching him is a harbinger of matchmaking. If you dreamed about storks and cranes walking together in a meadow, then you are in danger from thieves or your enemies. In addition, such a dream predicts bad weather.

I dreamed of a flock of storks in the sky - this is a bad sign, foreshadowing losses and intrigues of enemies. In general, seeing a stork in a dream is a sign of good luck for those who are going on a trip. If at the time of your dream about the stork you were thinking about your children, then the dream predicts to you that your children will grow up smart, caring and will not abandon you in your old age.

See also: why do you dream about birds, why do you dream about a nest, why do you dream about a white swan.

Family dream book

Why do you dream about the Stork in modern times:

Stork - I dreamed of a stork in a meadow - a happy marriage awaits you. If you dreamed of a stork in the sky or you caught a stork, all sorts of difficulties and obstacles await you when getting married.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about the Stork:

Stork - If you dreamed of storks walking through a meadow, a happy marriage awaits you. You dreamed of a flying stork and you are trying to catch it - this means troubles associated with matchmaking.

Alternatively, if you dreamed of a stork, this means a visit to your home by thieves or some enemy. I dreamed of two storks - this means a wedding and numerous offspring.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about the Stork, how to understand the dream:

Stork - You dreamed of a stork in a nest, or he landed on the roof of a house, walking around in a meadow - peace in the family, a successful marriage awaits you. You dreamed of a stork flying above you - good luck awaits you, overcoming obstacles. If you dreamed that a stork was flying in the distance, you would expect indifference from those around you, including close people, difficulties in getting married, even to the point of postponing the wedding day.

If you dreamed that you were approaching a stork that had landed on the ground - you tend to embellish life, illusions replace reality for you, it’s time to take off your rose-colored glasses, otherwise big troubles await you. I dreamed of two storks in a nest - a wedding, a happy family life, the birth of children await you, who will be your consolation in old age.

If you dreamed of two storks in the sky - your mind always takes precedence over your heart, it’s time to bring them into balance. If you dreamed of a white stork, a spiritual or material acquisition awaits you, a pleasant discovery, a useful acquaintance. Dreamed of a black stork - loss of securities or money, disappointment, bad news awaits you.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Stork - Dreamed of a stork - this is good news

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why do you dream about the Stork, how to interpret the dream:

Stork – I dreamed about a stork - this is a symbol of spring, new life, purity and happiness. Everyone knows the belief that it is the stork that brings a baby into the house, that is, it gives happiness to two loving people, because nothing in the world compares with the joy of becoming a mother and father. It has long been considered great luck when a stork lands or builds a nest on the roof of a house. Those people who had a stork settle on the roof of their house were blessed with good luck in all their affairs and happiness in their personal lives.

If you dreamed of a flying stork holding something in its beak, expect an addition to the family or news from friends or relatives about the birth of an heir. If you dreamed that a stork made a nest on the roof of a house, then such a dream means happiness in the family and a stable financial situation.

If you dreamed of several storks, this means great luck and happiness with your loved one. Seeing a stork among other birds in a dream is a sign that there are a lot of ill-wishers around you, whom you consider your friends. Perhaps such a dream promises a meeting with a noble person, despite the fact that you were already sure that there were no more decent people left.

If you dreamed that a stork was being attacked by other birds, then such a dream indicates that you are being judged by the people around you, who are unlikely to make a good impression due to their stupidity and envy.

If you dreamed about a stork killing a snake, this is a harbinger of your imminent victory over your enemies. Perhaps such a dream means that you have a faithful friend who is always ready to come to your aid. Caring for a wounded stork in a dream means that someone close to you really needs your help.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream and why do you see a Stork in a dream:

Stork - If you dreamed of a stork or a pair of storks, this clearly indicates an upcoming wedding or the birth of a child, either from you or from your loved ones or friends.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about the Stork - dream analysis:

Stork – I dreamed about a stork - that’s very good! Joy in your family life and success at work await you. If a woman dreams of a stork, this means pregnancy. And even if there are no prerequisites for such an event yet, they will appear soon. If a man dreams of a stork, this reminds of his instinct of fatherhood and procreation.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

If you dream of a Stork, what does it mean:

The stork is a very important symbol, signifying serious changes in life. The color of the bird is of particular significance in this dream. For mature and elderly people, a dream in which they see a white stork is a warning about a health hazard, a breakup with a loved one, the loss of something significant, or great disappointment in life. If you dream of a stork’s nest on the roof of a house, then this is one of the most favorable signs for people of any generation and any occupation. It is especially useful for those who are planning to get married. Such a dream promises a happy and lasting union, healthy children and a strong, friendly family.

Dream book of birds and animals

Why do you dream of a Stork according to the dream book:

It is said that storks bring their babies to the salt marshes, where they grow up waiting for their parents. This symbolism of the stork owes its appearance to the fact that storks usually symbolized the female mother who gives life just like the mythical goddess Hera, whose sacred bird was the goose and who was sometimes called Mother Goose. The same applies to the Roman goddess Juno. Since the stork is the sacred bird of the goddess Venus (the goddess of love, beauty and fertility), the nest of storks on or near a house was considered a blessing that this goddess sends to the people living in the house. Stork nests are also considered a symbol of eternal love. In many countries, people specially build nests for storks to attract birds. These birds got their name from the Scandinavian legends about how a stork circled around a crucifix and uttered cries of despair, which in the Scandinavian language literally meant the word “be strong!”