What to do if a man doesn’t want a serious relationship, but won’t let go? Why doesn’t a man let go even though he doesn’t want a relationship? Why doesn't a man let a woman go?

Good day, dear readers! The topic of today's article is only for women.

He will learn men's secrets, and we will finally try to understand: why a man does not want a relationship and at the same time does not let go.
Women who find themselves in a precarious situation suffer and find no way out. And they often ask themselves: why is this happening to me.

In such a situation, it is worth trying the opposite sex and finding out the reasons for such behavior of partners.

Why a guy maintains a relationship, although he no longer loves him, is a difficult question, because each couple has its own unique situation. And most often it’s all about the instinct of the owner.

He gets used to having a faithful friend who sacrifices a lot for him. It is very difficult to refuse such a novel.

Many people like to feel their unemotional advantage over a person who cannot cope with his passions.
Often, a romance that has begun vigorously suddenly fades, and the person who recently wooed you suddenly loses interest.

Meetings take place less frequently, and then the man disappears and goes about his business. At the same time, a man has freedom and a woman is always waiting for a meeting, and there are no obligations.

He does not make general plans, but he is in no hurry to stop the appearance of connection. It is difficult for a woman to understand that serious intentions were not intended from the first moment of the novel, and romance is only one-sided.

If time passes and there are no serious attempts, then you need to think about whether you need such hassle.

Do you really love him, or do you regret wasting your time, or maybe you are afraid of being alone.
Even if it’s very difficult, try to free yourself from such relationships, at least emotionally. Maybe you are deluded into the fact that the man is holding you.

Perhaps you are the one clinging to him. Give him and yourself more freedom.

After all, distance often helps a man better evaluate a woman.

Here the conqueror's instinct immediately kicks in.

Let's find out the reasons

A man is flattered that he is loved and that everything is done for him. At the same time, he may not strain himself, but simply not refuse such an opportunity.

Let's find out what other reasons force a man to keep his partner nearby even if she is not his beloved:

  1. A long relationship with a girl has already exhausted itself, but until a new love appears, the guy does not break up with his old passion. First, the force of habit. And secondly, just searching.
  2. Confused in feelings, especially if he has another woman besides you. Just in case, he won’t let both of them go yet. He is afraid to advertise your relationship.
  3. The guy is not ready for a permanent relationship or marriage.
  4. Fear of loneliness.
  5. A comfortable romance that flatters the ego.
  6. Perhaps you are dear to him as a comrade and friend, and he is with you only because of these feelings or because of gratitude.

If you become interested in someone else or change your lifestyle, he may try to win you back. But do you need such games?

You can spend best years, dwelling in empty dreams, and miss a truly serious relationship.

A girl in love finds excuses for any action of her lover.

What is the right thing to do?

Such painful connections entangle the mind and do not allow starting another relationship. Years pass, and your partner is still not ripe for serious decisions.

Most women do not immediately understand that they are not loved, and this despite the vaunted female intuition. When awareness comes, many try to restore love and reanimate the feelings of their partner.

Others gain strength and break the connection. And some try to take revenge in the same way.

In any case, it is worth talking to the man. Often a man says everything frankly, and a simple conversation will put everything in its place.

Then you will have to decide the future fate of the novel.

In doing so, consider the following factors:

  • the duration of the affair, the longer the couple is together, the more difficult it is for her to end everything;
  • the strength of your feelings for a man;
  • the presence of common children, a group of friends and property;
  • your partner's behavior and attitude towards you.

It is necessary to work on relationships if you already have a child. The point is not how you arrange your future life and your worries about the fact that there are few people willing to meet a woman with a child.

And it’s all about the child and his psychological state, as well as his future fate. After a divorce, children suffer no less than their parents.
Some couples need a shake-up.

Often strong and stable relationships seem boring. A little distance will only do you good.

Could things change?

Let's find out the psychologist's advice to the question: can a man still fall in love?. Experts believe that the likelihood of feelings arising in this situation quite insignificant.

If he uses a woman, then you shouldn’t expect unexpected bright emotions.
It also happens that a partner does not want to change something, because there are still some feelings and then it is worth making some efforts.

For example, try to look attractive all the time and show concern, but at the same time live your own life and give freedom to your partner.
If a guy is only interested in a one-time relationship, but he stays with you for a long time, then maybe there are feelings.

It’s just difficult for a freedom-loving person to admit affection. But this only happens in novels, so don’t indulge yourself with illusions and don’t be complacent with unfulfilled dreams.

Kill all hope in yourself, and you will immediately understand what to do.

Is it possible to break the chains yourself?

If you decide to break up, then announce a new romance, even if it is not true and say that your romance was a mistake. Announce that you are leaving.

Just don't do this with the phone or letters. Understatement will pull you back. Don't cling to useless straws.
Scenes of jealousy and pleading may follow and must be endured.

If your partner has not wanted to move to the next level of the relationship for so long, then it is unlikely that he will do so in the future.
There are men who hate being the first to be abandoned. They may try to get you back and even stalk you.

And at the same time they will say what you want to hear.

Remember that the easiest way to understand whether this is your person or not is from a distance. Only by breaking off an old relationship can you come to a new one. Life goes by too quickly to give it away to those who will never appreciate it.

Remember that you can’t force yourself to be nice. Don't cling, but let go. Take care of yourself, work and exercise. Find a new hobby.

It’s also not worth knocking out a wedge with a wedge or exchanging an awl for soap. Don't be afraid of loneliness. In fact, that can be wonderful too.

After all, only by being alone with oneself can a person learn and develop. This means reading books, mastering a new skill or acquiring new education or knowledge.

So don't be upset, but get busy.
Good luck to you and self-realization! If you want to say something, please write in the comments.

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Often women are faced with the fact that a man does not love them, and at the same time does not let them go, forcing them to suffer again and again. In such a situation, it is important to understand the psychology of the stronger sex, because a partner may have many reasons for such selfishness.

A man doesn’t let go: reasons for a difficult situation

Why doesn't a man let go if he doesn't love - complex issue, because the situation in each couple is essentially unique. Most often we are talking about the elementary instinct of the owner. A representative of the stronger sex is used to having a faithful girlfriend who is ready to make many sacrifices for the sake of his attention. It is difficult for a man to refuse such a relationship, because he likes to feel his unemotional superiority over the one who is not able to resist feelings. What other reasons most often force a representative of the stronger sex to be close to the unloved?

The situation in which a man does not have deep feelings for his partner, but cannot let her go, is familiar to many women. Sometimes both partners become so confused that they no longer understand why their relationship developed this way.

Most often, we can talk about a simple habit or fear of loneliness. In such cases, the man will sooner or later leave the lady who has ceased to cause his heart to beat faster for the sake of new feelings and emotions.

Correct behavior of a woman if a man does not love her

The realization that the other half no longer experiences deep feelings comes to the woman gradually. Guessing and grievances merge together, and it comes to the surface the harsh truth. In such situations, a woman can act as follows:

  • try to restore the relationship, resurrect the lover’s feelings for himself;
  • break off all contacts and try to start a new relationship;
  • show the same selfishness and continue to build relationships without feelings for your partner.

Whatever option a woman chooses, the first thing she should do is talk to the man. An ordinary conversation sometimes helps to dot the i’s and understand why such a controversial situation arose. Many men are afraid of frank conversations, but the topic must be raised until the partner talks about his emotions.

  1. The duration of the relationship, because the longer partners are together, the more difficult it is for them to separate forever.
  2. The depth of your own feelings towards a man.
  3. Presence or absence general company friends, children and property.
  4. The partner’s behavior and his current attitude towards the woman.

If a man does not let go of his partner, this does not mean that deep down he feels something for her. Many ladies have been flattering themselves with empty hopes for several years, expecting that the situation is about to change. If a man does not have feelings, then it will be very difficult to develop them, and this will require a lot of effort. You can work on relationships where only one person loves you either if you have very deep feelings, or in the case of a long-term relationship and the presence of a third member in it - a child.

If a man shows aggression, raises his hand against a woman, cheats on her every day, being generous with insults, there is no need to grab onto this relationship to the last. The sooner a woman begins to respect herself, the sooner this tragic story of unreciprocated love will come to an end.

Another situation that occurs everywhere is the need for a shake-up. Some men one day come to the conclusion that they are bored with stable and strong relationships. However, as soon as the offended woman leaves their lives, the stronger sex realizes what they missed. Sometimes breaking up is the only thing that can help the situation.

Can a man fall in love?

Lack of feelings is a natural phenomenon, because even the first beauty can face the fact that the chosen one is indifferent to her. In such a situation, only one question arises: can a man ever fall in love. Psychologists believe that in such controversial situation, the likelihood of tender feelings arising is extremely small. If a man uses a woman for his own purposes, if he views relationships as a habit, then one should not wait for the rekindling of intense feelings. Such a person will remain cold no matter what.

However, if a man does not let go of a woman, but sometimes shows tenderness towards her, then there is still a chance to save the relationship. A woman can only make every effort to resolve the problem situation as quickly as possible. She needs to constantly emphasize her external attractiveness, show care and tenderness towards the man, and try to fill the time spent together with pleasant memories. In this case, sincere feelings may arise over time.

A situation in which a man does not let go, but at the same time does not love, is not uncommon. The basis of such a personal tragedy is that by fighting for feelings for this partner, a woman may miss out on a sincere and fulfilling relationship. Psychologists advise to boldly break off relationships with those who behave selfishly, aggressively and dishonestly. However, as long as one partner is in love, the relationship has a chance to be restored.

Olesya, Taganrog

A damn love triangle where all three “corners” suffer. The wife is hysterical because family life is suddenly bursting in half, the husband is tossing about, the mistress is in despair. This is what the sad bisector of this triangle looks like.

Well, why can’t it all work out simpler - a guy has been playing around on the side, everything is shuttered, well, return to your family and live as before. Well, what pulls him back to his passion almost openly, and why doesn’t he let her go?

If the reason is sexual craving and jealousy

Modern men are afraid like fire of “left” children from their mistresses, but the habit of insemination remains. But here’s the problem - some of these males believe that the women they inseminated should belong to his “pride.” Especially if the female herself is ready to submit.

Most often, such an owner forces his mistress to depend on her. For example:

    She is his subordinate in the service. Afraid of losing her job and her man, such a woman agrees to all his conditions.

    The man supports her financially. Well, what’s wrong with being a kept woman, not working and not denying yourself anything?

    This man is the only chance for a mistress to love and be loved. There are no more options.

As soon as some rival encroaches on the “property” of such a man, he will become wary and control the reaction of his mistress. As soon as she falls for the courtship of her rival, she will get what she deserves - or rather, she will not receive anything: no money, no position, no love. An egoist does not tolerate betrayal, despite the fact that he himself periodically betrays his family.

If your mistress is an “alternate airport”

Sometimes it happens that a man met his new passion just when his own marriage began to burst at the seams. He is still hesitating about divorce - he does not want to part with his wife too hastily, but his feelings for his mistress are already burning in full force.

Of course, he will have to make a choice, and it all depends on which of the women will be quicker:

    The wife suddenly changes. She will turn from a domestic bitch into a fairy-tale princess and make her husband look at her with different eyes.

    The mistress will prove her superiority. At home there is scandal, chaos and tasteless food, but with it you feel nourishing, cozy, and sex at the highest level.

Surprisingly, sometimes it is not the man, but the women themselves who have to decide with whom he will stay. He does not notice the invisible war to the bitter end between these two ladies of his heart.

The worst thing is if this cold war drags on for years. While women compete, he will hesitate for a long time, running from one lover to another, until one of them wants to put an end to the relationship.

If your mistress is your second family

Even in modern society there are polygamists. No, the stamp in the passport does not matter, although in fact the “left” family still exists. Such men are “always on business trips,” as the official wife believes, otherwise she would have known everything long ago.

Most often, the mistress knows about his real family, it’s very difficult to hide everything. But this does not stop her from building her own family nest for her beloved and even having children from this “business traveler.”

Of course, he can no longer leave one of the families - his conscience will not allow it. If in this situation a man has a conscience at all. But you can’t tell your heart: passionately loving one woman, he also adores another - no less and no more.

Modern European morals still do not allow him to unite two women in one house - society will not understand. And the wife won’t be happy. Therefore, such a double life can last a very long time. And as long as everything is covered up, the man will not leave his mistress.

The article contains advice for a legal spouse who suddenly finds out about her husband’s secret family.

If he feels sorry for his mistress

Surprisingly, even among cheaters there are compassionate and conscientious men. Usually they are quiet henpecked lovers, and, unlike an authoritarian wife, they take a sweet and flexible mistress who has already despaired of seeking happiness in her personal life.

They have a pleasant mutual union - she gives him peace from family life, and he gave her his affection and tenderness. In his mistress, he sees a small and defenseless girl who needs his care.

Next to her, he feels like a strong man who is saving his beloved from hopelessness. In addition, he feels sorry for her and therefore is afraid to leave her, because he believes that she will disappear through life without his protection.

“Don't leave me, please! Stay with me some more!” - such a tearful request from a mistress - this iron argument stay close to her for at least a couple more minutes. After all, at home his presence will not be so appreciated.

If he is proud of his mistress

Another reason is having a stunning mistress, which increases his status in society. Those around her admire her, men envy her, and the ladies' man himself is proud.

Usually this situation happens with very rich moneybags, who shower their mistress with gold, but also keep their wife on a short leash. As a rule, the wife guesses or even knows about her husband’s infidelity, but cannot do anything - money decides a lot.

This person will hold you as long as you allow him to do so. Being in such a relationship with you, he solves his emotional problems at your expense, reserves the opportunity to return if something suddenly stops suiting him in the new conditions, takes away from you the opportunity to arrange your own happy destiny, the right to decide, your energy, strength, nerves. Why are you doing this to yourself? Who told you that you are nothing of yourself, that you are not worthy of all the best? Try to understand the fact that you are with this person already broke up, already They stopped being a couple, in any case, he improved his life, rebuilt it, knows how to live without you. You need to do the same - you have every right, you simply have to become happy, for yourself, loved, to start living, because he doesn’t value you, he made his choice, make yours too. Try to emotionally disconnect from him, this means stopping, if possible, any participation in his life (in general, do not direct attention, and therefore energy, in his direction, to the past), try to immediately switch attention to something else at the first thought , memories of him, a meeting, do not be interested, do not communicate at all, unless only for forced reasons (be calm, independent, natural, self-sufficient, without forcefully demonstrating anything with your appearance and behavior, without proving, without asking) and begin to build your a new happy life, realizing that without him it is quite possible. Analyzing the relationship for yourself, know that no matter what happens, you are not to blame for anything at all. unilaterally(both partners always play an equal role in the emergence of their problem), you deserve to be happy, loved, for nothing, just for being you, without doing anything special for this or deserving it, without investing in this process of understanding that what happened and why, with all your strength and time, without turning expectations and suffering into the meaning of your existence. Let's accept what happened as a life experience, free ourselves from the wrong perception of ourselves and negative emotions, begin to become ourselves and realize our value as a person, a beautiful woman, beauty, intelligence, kindness, responsiveness, humor and all other positive qualities (you have them). a lot, finish it yourself! This is a psychological exercise). No means will produce any effect until you create the necessary harmony within yourself, until you love yourself as much as you once loved him, until you begin to invest strength, money, time, and resources into yourself. Start living for yourself, in joy and pleasure, in the full sense of these expressions, allow yourself this, this will be the first significant step towards letting go of the past, all the negativity, to shifting the focus of attention from the man’s actions to improving your life as a whole, and therefore to finding peace of mind. You should pay attention to yourself, stop focusing on what happened, thinking about the motives and consequences of his behavior and turn around, or rather completely reorient yourself exclusively - life is too short to waste it on illusions and those who do not value you. The meaning of life has not gone away, there is always something and someone to live for, even those who have a few days left to live find meaning. Stop getting upset and imagining all possible horrors, this won’t help yourself. Also, do not look for salvation from loneliness, for support in other people, men - look for an internal source of vitality, you have it. In order to survive any negative events, you need to let out the emotions experienced as a result (they are still inside you, not experienced, not reacted), cry, scream, hit a pillow or punching bag in the gym, break it, tear it up, whatever you don’t mind , write on a piece of paper everything you want to part with forever, all the negativity and tear it up, burn it - it will become easier, proven by experience. There are those that are pleasant to you and acceptable to you. physical exercise Also, walks in nature give a colossal boost of energy, if you really feel the sensations you get, watch comedies and funny shows (this is laughter therapy) - find your own way to recharge yourself with positivity, your own method of self-regulation. Look at the situation from this point of view: this person performed a certain function next to you, gave you experience, there is no point in being with him anymore, parting and being alone with yourself is not only sad emotions, they will pass, it is also an opportunity to understand yourself , experience, a chance to find a joyful activity, attract a person into your life who will appreciate you exactly as you are, love you, make you feel that you are the best, because you are, look at the world through the eyes of someone who freely manages their time and a person... and much more. Understand that you do not owe anything to anyone, you are not obliged to please someone, and if you do not meet someone’s standards, you will feel unhappy. Never dissolve in another person or relationship, maintain your integrity. Do not let your feeling of happiness and fullness of life depend on another person, his opinion or behavior. Just pay attention to yourself, understand that the most important value for you is yourself. What to do next with your life is up to you. Yes, you will have to change your life, but that doesn’t mean for the worse. Switch to yourself. Start looking for opportunities to receive joyful emotions - now for you this is like sanatorium treatment, relaxation, doctors and medicines combined. Love yourself, value and respect - people, men, will treat you the same way. Allow yourself to become happy regardless of the presence of other people in your life. All love begins with self-love, so love yourself for who you are, and the attitude of other people towards you will also change for the better. Self-love is unconditional acceptance of yourself as you are, the ability to see positive and negative traits in yourself, develop good ones, not deny, not give up bad ones (although there are definitely no good and bad ones, there are 2 sides to everything), understand your desires , to feel that you are good regardless of the opinions of others, age, education, finances, appearance, status. A sense of self-worth is a deeply internal, unshakable and independent confidence that you yourself are valuable, important, worthy of love, happiness, respect and all kinds of praise. Everything will be fine for you, believe me, everything will fall into place as soon as you begin to treat yourself with care and respect (this is self-love). Never expect that someone will help, advise, make decisions for you, make your life happy - build it yourself, fill it with new desired content. Do the best for yourself. Be good, first of all, for yourself, become your main value, an object of effort, a life guide. You are worth it, you will never abandon yourself, do not offend, do not betray. Believe in yourself, you can, you will achieve anything, everything will work out for you, don’t be afraid of anything - live with these thoughts. Each person chooses for himself whether to be happy or unhappy - allow yourself to be whatever you want. Take action. This is a very short answer. If you want support and professional advice, please contact us, I’m always happy to help, support, and find acceptable ways to resolve the situation. Good luck, love and harmony with yourself. I will be grateful for your assessment of the answer.

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The candy-bouquet period grew into a hobby and strong passion. But at one fine moment, a calm came in the rapid movement towards joint happiness, forcing the woman to look for the reasons for such a turn. The lady is constantly waiting for a serious step from her beloved man, receiving in return only painful and long days of waiting for a call and the now familiar muttering into the phone: “I’m very busy, I’ll call you back later.” The woman feels like a hostage to the situation and rushes around looking for a way out. Men do not have the slightest desire to change their status as a free person, at the same time they do not want to part with their partner and try with all their might to keep her close to them.

A man does not want a serious relationship - the situation is reminiscent of a dog in the manger that does not eat itself and does not give to anyone: the relationship seems to be there, but in reality it is not. The partner’s behavior resembles a pendulum: he wanted it, he called and called, and then he simply disappeared for a whole week. Today he is positive and gallant, tomorrow he won’t even smile.

If a man notices that his partner is losing interest in him, he again begins to courteously and tries to convince her of his love. And all this only to shower the woman with indifference and coldness again a few days later. This way the man relieves himself of all responsibility for the subsequent development of the relationship. It is better to prevent an unpleasant situation than to experience constant disappointment and waste time restoring your mental strength.

Before you understand what a woman should do in such a situation, it is necessary to penetrate into the very depths of a man’s inner world: what is happening in his soul and what principles he is guided by when he avoids serious relationships.

The main reasons for this behavior:

  1. 1. The man was very sensitive to family scandals and the indifference of his ex-wife.
  2. 2. He was unable to fulfill the natural need of the male sex to make his soulmate happy.
  3. 3. He associates family life with constant demands, reproaches and dissatisfaction with the one for whom he once had strong feelings.
  4. 4. The man put all his strength into providing for his family, but never received any gratitude, respect or support from his wife.
  5. 5. He is sure that living together is constant stress and everyday life, which kills everything good.

As a result, the man decides that family is not for him. It’s easier to take care of everyday life yourself and maintain excellent health. You need to look for a woman not for family life, but only for love. He really wants to have the comfort of home, a wife who meets him from work, a delicious dinner, but he no longer believes that she can be understanding and loving. Therefore, in order not to reassure the woman and not run into reproaches, the man warns that he does not need a serious relationship.

Why does a man keep a woman near him?

Every man is flattered by the idea that there is someone who loves him and is ready to do anything for him. Often, you don’t even need to strain to achieve this. So why should he give up what floats into his hands on its own?.

There are several more reasons why a man does not want to break up:

  1. 1. He already has long term relationship with another. While a man is not sure that he has a new love, he does not want to break his previous affection, since he considers the woman his property.
  2. 2. He is confused in his feelings because he has two women. This is a rather difficult situation, because it is difficult for a married man to decide which of them he feels true love for.
  3. 3. He believes that he is still too young for family life and the current situation suits him quite well. Maybe the guy will be ripe for a serious decision at the age of forty. Whether to wait or not is up to the woman to decide.
  4. 4. A man is flattered by such relationships, they allow him to feel like he is the arbiter of destinies, so he does not want to change anything.
  5. 5. He is afraid of loneliness, especially if he is already over 35. This situation often becomes the cause of an unhappy union.

Let go of failed love

If a woman believes that she does not deserve the role of a trophy hunter of broken hearts, she must leave such a partner in the past. Commitments to each other are not something to joke about.

By and large, it is not so important why he is afraid of a serious relationship and does not let go. There are many reasons for this and they are not advertised. It’s better to leave it and not try to get to the bottom of it, to believe that this was just another mistake that cannot be corrected.

It is important to take a closer look at how many admiring glances are looking for female attention. It is worth encouraging them with a mutual glance. It must be remembered that happiness depends on the level of personal freedom. And without the pain of parting, the road to happiness is impossible. It’s better to be the first to take a step towards ending the relationship and remain confident that you deserve the best.

You need to admit to yourself that there is a dead end ahead and there is no other way out and try to return to the light. At first you will have to do this alone, until a worthy person brightens the way and lends his strong shoulder. We must believe that it will help us see life in new positive colors. And the prospect of being dependent on the length of the leash, which does not allow you to get closer or turn to the side, is the lot of the weak.


You should not look for reasons why your partner does not want to get married and keeps you close to you. Continuing a relationship without commitment makes most women unhappy and that's enough. It's better to turn away and tear this person out of your heart.

  1. 1. Alone in the field is not a warrior. The woman did her best to preserve love and develop relationships. But both partners must do this.
  2. 2. You shouldn’t torture love. If the decision to separate is made, there is no need to try to cure a sick relationship. Love should not be burdensome, it should be mutual. If a lover wants to slip away, let him step aside and give way to another.
  3. 3. It is necessary to increase your self-esteem and remember that this is only done to inferior people.
  4. 4. There is no need to cling to unpromising relationships. The fear of loneliness is great, but an icy existence with an indifferent partner has no advantages. It's time to thaw.
  5. 5. You should analyze the situation that has arisen calmly. It will be possible to understand why, while loving a man, she did not become happy, it will be possible only after parting.
  6. 6. We must have courage, because any breakup is not easy. Any change is frightening because it disrupts stability. Over time, the understanding will come that all changes bring only good things.
  7. 7. The confidence that the breakup is a conscious decision will give new strength. Making a list of grievances against your ex-partner will be an excellent support when despair sets in.
  8. 8. Go to the very end. If you remain confident that you are right, you should not stupidly look through the wall and sit alone. Relatives and friends will always be able to distract you and offer their support.
  9. 9. You need to break up without reproaches and accusations. After all, it has long become clear why he does not want a serious relationship and does not let go of himself: because he was always forgiven and allowed to be around, remaining a stranger.

Life is never easy for anyone. Getting out of the shackles of optionality is difficult, and to prevent it from turning into constant stress, you can again entrust all the shortcomings to a clean sheet. Only this time it's your own. The path to self-improvement begins with working on yourself.

If you love such a man?

What should a woman do who has strong feelings for just such a man and hopes to marry him:

  1. 1. She must understand that changing the already established beliefs of an elderly man will not be easy. It is necessary to accept the fact that the partner will perceive any reproaches from her very painfully and they will only strengthen his conviction that all women are capable of being ideal only for a very short time.
  2. 2. An excellent solution is to heal yourself, work on your inner beliefs regarding serious relationships, try to free yourself from imposed stereotypes and harmonize your state. This will give new strength to accept a man for who he is and agree to an open relationship. The partner’s dissatisfaction will turn into a feeling of gratitude for the fact that she managed to change herself and realize a lot. Instead of constant reproaches, the woman has a desire to love him, because she has freed herself from fears, resentments and social stereotypes.
  3. 3. In the meantime, the man will watch how long she will have the patience and continue to be afraid. He will have an increased desire to constantly be around and take care of her. Gradually, the man becomes convinced that this is exactly the woman he needs, because she is very different from all his exes.
  4. 4. It is important to remember that men do not trust words, but time. A patient woman ultimately gets what she deserves - a faithful and caring partner, whom she herself has learned to understand, appreciate and accepts for who he is. Such a woman owns everything that unmarried ladies who are still in the grip of society dream of.


In separation, it is easier to understand whether this is the right man and whether it is worth clinging to him with all your might. Only by prohibiting yourself from such relationships can you start a new, open life.