Elizaveta Simonova is also called fierce. The youngest defendant in the “Occupy-pedophilia” case was released in the courtroom

20-year-old student Elizaveta Simonova, who was held in a pre-trial detention center on charges of attacking two natives of Chechnya who were involved in drug trafficking, was released. Lawyer Igor Popovskikh told Reedus about this.

Elizabeth was released due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for the crime charged to her. In particular, she was accused of robbery, this is Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part two. Our law provides for the following: if a person is not sentenced within 10 years after committing a crime, then he must be released. Since Elizabeth was a minor at the time the proceedings began, then, accordingly, the statute of limitations is halved. According to the court verdict, the crime was committed in May 2014. Thus, in May 2019, the statute of limitations in this case expired, Popovskikh explained.

“And according to the first verdict of the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow, when she, in fact, was arrested, she was given two and a half years, but taking into account the adoption of the law, when they accepted a day and a half (in fact, she served two years in a pre-trial detention center), she has already served the period is three years. That is, she also served her first term,” the lawyer concluded.

Let us recall that the girls and boys from “Restrukt”, as part of the “Occupy-Pedophile” and “Occupy-Drug-Occupy” projects, were engaged in identifying drug dealers and pedophiles. They handed over the alleged criminals to the police. The leader of the movement was nationalist Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak.

In 2017, the participants of “Restrukt” themselves. They were accused of robbery and assault. One of the victims of the activities of the young people was a citizen of Uzbekistan, Khamidillo Mukhtarov, a courier - a spice dealer, who, after test purchase participants of “Restrukt” detained and brought to the police. A year after his arrest, he wrote a statement saying that he had been robbed.

During the trial, as Eva Merkacheva, first deputy chairman of the Moscow Public Monitoring Commission, previously commented on the situation, Simonova was accused of adhering to neo-Nazi views.

“But what kind of neo-Nazism are we talking about? - asks Merkacheva. - I am familiar with Lisa’s social circle; among her friends there are a huge number of people of different nationalities and beliefs. At the same time, Lisa was not tried for neo-Nazism. The accusation is completely inappropriate. Why would Lisa take 1,000 rubles from drug dealers if she lives in a wealthy family, has decent parents and a colonel father? The investigation is trying to make white seem black.” According to Merkacheva, “the investigators have arrogated to themselves the highest moral right to decide for society and the state what is good and what is evil.”

On Tuesday, June 27, Babushkinsky district court Moscow issued a verdict in the case of activists of the Restrukt movement. All the accused received real prison sentences for the brutal capture of drug dealers.

Among those convicted: Martsinkevich and Sheldyashov received 10 years in a maximum security colony; Knyazev - 8 years in a general regime colony; Shankin and Shalankevich to 6 years in a general regime colony; Maksimov - 5 years in a general regime colony; Keptini, Kotlovsky, Lapshin and Simonova - 3 years each in a general regime colony.

Activists of the “Narcophilia” project, organized by the “Restrukt” movement, were found guilty of committing crimes under Articles 111, 162,167, 213, 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Behind all these articles of the Criminal Code there are several episodes in which drug dealers received a couple of slaps on the head and punches in the gut, their mobile phones worth 1000 rubles and the same amounts of money disappeared.

In addition, the defendants were charged with the death of one of the victims.

According to the defense, the activists brought him to the police and handed him over to the officers, but before they had time to leave the police department, the drug dealer was released, after which he immediately rushed at the young men with his fists. There was a fight. A week after the fight, the drug dealer died. The investigation linked the fight and the death of the drug dealer into one criminal case.

All victims in the case are sellers of soft drugs, most of them are citizens of independent states of Transcaucasia and Central Asia, which at the time of the crime against them illegal actions were in Russia illegally.

Many of the victims did not go to trial because they were unable to enter Russian territory due to the entry ban. Those who were able to were obviously at a disadvantage before the investigation, which had grounds to send each of them to prison for all the same cases of drug distribution proven by Narcophilia.

Prison sentence for 19-year-old student

“The process took place under pressure,” Eva Merkacheva, the first deputy chairman of the Moscow Public Monitoring Commission, expressed confidence in her comment to Reedus. — It was obvious that the questions asked by the prosecutor had nothing to do with indictment. During the interrogation of the victims, it was said that they gave evidence only after the operatives found them. And one of them even thanked Lisa Simonova for stopping the drug trade after the ill-fated raid.”

Eva Merkacheva

During the trial, according to the human rights activist, Simonova was accused of adhering to neo-Nazi views. “But what kind of neo-Nazism are we talking about? - asks Merkacheva. — I am familiar with Lisa’s social circle; among her friends there are a huge number of people of different nationalities and beliefs. At the same time, Lisa was not tried for neo-Nazism. The accusation is completely inappropriate. Why would Lisa take 1,000 rubles from drug dealers if she lives in a wealthy family, has decent parents and a colonel father? The investigation is trying to make white seem black.”

According to Merkacheva, “the investigators have arrogated to themselves the highest moral right to decide for society and the state what is good and what is evil.”

“It is the specific investigator who decides where things will be black and where things will be white,” says the human rights activist. “And then he convinces both the prosecutor’s office and the court of this.” You should have seen what the prosecutor, a respectable man, said about Lisa, whom the investigators convinced that Lisa was some kind of incarnation of hell, some kind of uncompromising neo-Nazi. I’ve known Lisa for a long time and I can say that this is completely untrue.”

It is worth noting that Elizaveta Simonova, an active animal rights activist, recently exposed a huge criminal business: criminals used state funds to catch stray dogs and cats, but instead of humane treatment, they killed them and made food from animal meat for their other “prisoners.”

According to the materials of the criminal case, 16-year-old Elizaveta Simonova, during two different raids to catch drug dealers, committed robbery against two adult 35-year-old men, from whom she took 1,000 rubles each and one phone of the same value.

Elizaveta Simonova

At the same time, both drug dealers caught are at large, despite the fact that they were handed over to the police and properly processed. They remembered that the girl had robbed them six months later, when detectives found her.

Directly at the trial, both victims refused to recognize Elizabeth as guilty of their “misadventures.” One of the victims asked not to punish any of the defendants in the case, the second asked not to punish anyone severely.

Another victim did not remember Simonova among his offenders at all; the second stated that she protected him from the other young men. At this point, the prosecutor applied for a request to read out the testimony of the victims obtained at preliminary investigation, where both of them accused Elizaveta Simonova of robbery.

After the testimony was read, both suddenly remembered the gravity of Simonova’s deed and agreed with their testimony.

An excellent student was sentenced to three years in prison, and was forbidden to even take things collected by her parents with her to the pre-trial detention center.

Cleaver will spend his entire youth

After a series of publications on Reedus about the “Narcophile” case, a girl who recently graduated from a Moscow school approached the author of these lines on condition of anonymity and spoke about the morals of modern schoolchildren (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved):

I can tell you if you are interested in what is going on there (in schools) now. Because I recently graduated and have a little brother. No respect. Teachers are humiliated and insulted, and sometimes physical force is used. Everyone is mean to each other. It's not fashionable to study. From 1st to 2nd grade you can hear such obscene speech that you want to cut off your own ears. They send you for comments; teachers consider this all the norm.
Girls in the 5th grade wear stockings, mini skirts and makeup as if they were from a club or a member (sometimes this is true). I stood at the door and once listened to a conversation between 6th grade girls, they were discussing who had which penis and who fucked how. Most boys from grades 6-7 smoke or vape, use drugs and drink in large quantities.
And this is only a small part of what is happening.
If we take grades 5-9, then 70% use it. They play a lot of sports and use it at the same time. Only a few lead a healthy lifestyle.
I changed a lot of schools and that’s why I can freely talk about it to everyone.
I know that in grade 5, children drink for the first time and start smoking in grade 5, actively using from 7-8. Sometimes even in class they are under something. And on the weekends they hang out at the registers, in clubs, and the simplest thing is in the entrances, there is usually wind in the entrances.

The trial against a group of fighters against drug traffickers (the Occupy-Narcophilia project) from the youth nationalist movement “Restrukt” was supposed to be another “one-man show” by its leader and the most famous neo-Nazi in the country, Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak. The remaining nine defendants were perceived as extras. But the fate of one of them - the petite, intelligent girl Liza Simonova - became the subject of heated public debate. Many sincerely consider her a victim of tyranny, and not a Nazi and a robber. The girls have already shown interest in the fate of the girl - they plan to write a request asking to check the fairness of the punishment assigned to her - three years in prison. I tried to understand Lisa’s story.

"Poor Lisa"

On July 20, during the second meeting of the council of bloggers that appeared in the State Duma, one of its members told deputies about the case of Liza Simonova. In the past, Andreev oversaw the Occupy-Narcophilia project, whose participants were convicted of robbery a month earlier, and believes that only his membership in the precinct election commission saved him from criminal prosecution.

“Any sane person understands that a 16-year-old girl with the same height, physique, education and upbringing as Liza Simonova could not attack two 35-year-old Chechens and take something away from them,” Andreev told Lenta. RU". - The deputies to whom I told about this matter agreed with me. Especially from , who said that innocent people should not be in prison. And if we cannot influence the outcome of her case at the level of a deputy’s request, then he will transfer the information to the president.”

Merkacheva's post caused outrage among human rights activists. Stasya Denisova of the International School of Human Rights and Civic Action saw the wave of public support for Simonova as an attempt to justify “her membership in Restrukt and the Nazi raids.”


The basis for a good or bad opinion about Lisa is the recognition or non-recognition of her as a neo-Nazi, and not the methods of fighting drug dealers. “You should have seen what the prosecutor said about Lisa - a respectable man, whom the investigators convinced that Lisa was some kind of fiend of hell, some kind of uncompromising neo-Nazi. I have known Lisa for a long time and I can say that this is completely untrue,” Merkacheva told the publication.

However, there is a lot to indicate that Liza Simonova is a staunch nationalist. So, on her personal Facebook page, the first thing she writes about herself is “Slavic”. Before the verdict was announced, she told Lente.ru about herself: “Since childhood, I have been receptive to the purity of the nation and justice in everything.”

In addition, according to her friends, Simonova professes paganism, although not fanatically, but rather in an abstract philosophical sense.

Her mother said that Lisa read Nietzsche, but she liked Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago” more.

Among Lisa’s friends there are many nationalists, and she does not hide her good relationship with the most media-heavy Russian skinhead, Martsinkevich. “We met Maxim in absentia at the beginning of 2015, through correspondence through. Since then we have been constantly communicating,” said Simonova.

The head of the human rights center “Russian Social Movement” (ROD), Natalya Kholmogorova, gave an interesting assessment of the girl’s beliefs. “The political views of a teenager (and Liza was 16 years old at the time of the acts accused of her) simply due to his age are superficial and easily change,” she wrote on her page in Facebook. - Today he is right, tomorrow he is left, the day after tomorrow someone else. Conscious political choice is the lot of older people. And it scares me that a 16-year-old girl can so easily be labeled and with this label justified any injustice and cruelty that you want to do to her.”

Those accusing Lisa of Nazism, according to Kholmogorova, do not pay attention to the fact that Dagestanis, with whom she was connected by an animal protection project, are now standing up for this person.

“Disguising true motives and selfish intent”

At 19 years old, Liza Simonova looks like a teenager, but not like a typical bully's companion with fanboy clothing, rude manners, chewing gum and "what the hell?" on the lips. In the corridor of Babushkinsky Court, surrounded by friends, she looks like a modest first-year student from an intelligent family: wearing glasses, with a folder pressed to her chest, an innocent childish smile and a quiet voice.

According to the verdict, Lisa was given the least of all: three years in prison (Martsinkevich - 10 years). And few people thought that the term would be real and not conditional. But then Lisa was surrounded by a convoy, she was taken into a small “cage”, where the girl took off her earrings and handed them through a small window to one of the law enforcement officers.

Simonova was found guilty of two robbery attacks committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy.

The first, according to the case file, happened in March 2014. It was not possible to establish the exact date: the victim does not remember. He did not contact the police; he told the operatives who found him about what happened many months later.

There are several interesting points in the man's story. Firstly, he still admitted that he worked as a drug courier. Secondly, Simonov and his company beat him with five hands and feet, including on the head, but did not cause any harm to his health. Thirdly, after a mocking interview on camera, they took his money and mobile phone(total damage 11.5 thousand rubles), but then for some reason they gave me a ride to the metro in a car.

The second attack occurred in mid-May 2014. And here the victim also does not remember the date when he was attacked by an armed group of robbers under the pretext of a “control purchase of drugs.” He, like the first victim, did not file a statement with the police.

The attack took place in broad daylight in the Zodiac Signs park near the Sviblovo metro station. According to the indictment, Simonova tortured the victim with a stun gun, then recorded a video interview confessing to drug trafficking.

The case materials do not indicate who exactly called the officers, although the “restructuring” members always did this themselves during their raids, since they saw themselves as a kind of vigilantes helping law enforcement agencies. But the indictment emphasizes that the young fighters against drug trafficking acted “disguising the true motives and selfish intent of their actions.” IN in this case this intent was aimed at stealing 1900 rubles.

Simonova does not admit to any crimes. Her friends say that Lisa had the most understandable motive for doing this hunt: her 23-year-old cousin died of an overdose.

“The process took place under pressure,” Eva Merkacheva told Reedus. - It was obvious that the questions asked by the prosecutor were in no way connected with the indictment. During the interrogation of the victims, it was said that they gave evidence only after the operatives found them. And one of them even thanked Lisa Simonova for stopping the drug trade after the ill-fated raid.”

From drug dealers to flayers

“Restrukt” ceased to exist at the peak of its development - in the summer of 2014. Then, in the Izmailovo concert hall, a congress of movement participants who arrived in Moscow from other regions and from abroad was supposed to take place in order to consolidate the transition of “Restrukt” from the state of “Tesak’s cronies” to the category of a broad socio-political phenomenon.

Lisa, although she came into the movement in the same 2014, was not only involved in raids against drug dealers and those who sell alcohol to minors, but also led charitable projects to help orphanages: she collected things for pupils, organized entertainment and sporting events for them.

But all this work was curtailed after riot police arrived at the congress in Izmailovo. All participants were taken to the police, registered, and then, according to Lenta.ru’s source, “targeted work” began with each one.

Liza Simonova switched to the fight against animal cruelty in the public organization “Zoopravo” and plunged headlong into this matter. “She helped work with the victims, that is, with the owners of animals tortured and mutilated by someone’s ill will. She explained how and where to write a statement, where to take the animal’s corpse for examination,” the head of this organization told Lenta.ru.

Lisa also participated in organizing legal animal protection rallies in Moscow, and organized the collection and delivery of food to shelters for stray animals.

In February 2017, there was news about the mass destruction of dogs in Dagestan. “Only two girls agreed to go with me, including Lisa. Another colleague of ours worked from Moscow,” recalls Fedyunina.

After the volunteers’ visit, a shelter and a sterilization center appeared in the republic, for which Lisa saw her own merit. During her business trip, she became friends with several local activists and, having already returned to Moscow, helped them collect expensive medicines for animals.

“These beautiful girls managed to build a constructive dialogue with the authorities and stop the massacre,” she wrote on her page in

Nazi Maxim Martsinkevich and his wild “Restrukt” turned violence into a cult

On Tuesday, the Babushkinsky Court of the capital began to announce the verdict of Maxim Martsinkevich, one of the most odious propagandists of National Socialism (). Known under the nickname Tesak, he managed to gain a very dubious reputation as an ultra-right public figure.

His public statements are so cynical and disgusting that we do not even dare to publish them on the pages of the newspaper, so as not to propagate fascist ideology.

This is not the first time Tesak has been tried. But this time he is not bored in the dock: his associates and like-minded people are on trial along with Martsinkevich. These are those whom Maxim lured into his so-called public organizations. MK already spoke about one active participant and at the same time a victim of police brutality - Liza Simonova - in March (material). But are the rest of the organization members so harmless? Members of the Civic Assistance Committee, who defended the victims of Tesak’s people at the trial, give their assessment of them. One of the committee employees prepared this article for MK.

There are ten of them. They haven't seen each other for a couple of weeks - since last court session. Five are sitting in the dock, five more are being led by guards in handcuffs into a cage in the courtroom, they were brought from the pre-trial detention center. Everyone looks at each other and giggles periodically. There are grins on their faces that can often be seen in the company of teenagers: they say, we are connected by one secret, the rest do not understand anything. These smiles are creepy, especially when they appear on the faces of those behind bars.

All these guys and girls are members of the “Narcophilia” unit of the “Restrukt” group - an informal international social movement(also valid in Ukraine). The official website of the organization is blocked, but it is known that the activists claimed: their main goal is to interfere with the processes (both social and political) “that lead to the degradation of the Russian nation.” Within the framework of “Restrukt” there were several divisions, in particular “Occupy pedophilia”, “Narcophilia”, “Alkophilia”, “Evict”.

As the names suggest, the specialization of the “fight” against degradation was narrowly focused. The methods are approximately the same. Members of the group found on the Internet those suspected of pedophilia or, for example, selling drugs, and “dealt with” them. How they sorted it out is clear from numerous videos on the Internet, discussions of the raids on social networks (that’s what the young people called their actions) and pictures from the group’s public pages. In one of the videos on the Internet, the leader of Restrukt, Maxim Martsinkevich, gives a “lecture on catching pedophiles” (the definition of “pedophiles” also included people of unconventional orientation). The sixth point in the raid plan is “Violence”.

Against drugs - for violence

The young people in the dock of the Babushkinsky court were participants in the project “to combat drug trafficking,” that is, “Drugophilia.” This branch of “Restrukt” is responsible for the death of a citizen of Azerbaijan and the beating of a citizen of Uzbekistan to the point of disability. In total, according to investigators, at least eight people suffered at the hands and feet of members of the “Narcophile”.

For the activities of this division of "Restrukt" law enforcement agencies drew attention in the summer of 2014, after the cousin of the deceased, Zaur Alyshev, contacted the police. A relative of the Azerbaijani said that the young people called Zaur and, under a plausible pretext, agreed to meet. It is unknown where the phone number was found (at trial, the young people claimed that it was on a website with information about the sale of drugs). Having met Alyshev on Snezhnaya Street in Moscow, four members of Restrukt began to mock the foreigner. They handcuffed him, forced him to his knees, and forced him to “apologize” allegedly for selling prohibited smoking mixtures (spice). They filmed all this on camera. Afterwards, the “Timurovites” began to beat Alyshev, hitting him on the head, back, arms and legs. The screams attracted the attention of law enforcement officers, members of Restrukt interrupted the execution, and Zaur was taken to the police station to testify.

When Alyshev left the police department, the same young people were already waiting for him on the street. They decided to finish off the man. Continuing the abuse, one of the members of “Restrukt” grabbed Zaur and threw him forcefully onto the asphalt, while the others beat him with their hands and feet. Zaur Alyshev later died from the blows he received in the hospital.

The Azerbaijani citizen still had a disabled mother in his homeland, whom he helped with money, and in Moscow he had a son and wife, citizens of Russia. Evidence that Alyshev was selling drugs was never found.

10 days after beating Alyshev, members of Restrukt committed another crime. The young people arrived at the Sokol metro station, where their planned “public control action” was to begin. Initially there were seven of them, three of whom took part in the torn apart of Alyshev. Later, two, including the organizer of the raid, left, leaving Andrei Makarov in charge.

The choice fell on a man of Asian appearance - it was Alexander Lee, a citizen of Uzbekistan, a Korean by birth, who worked for many years in the capital as a cook in an elite catering chain. Makarov threw out a rallying cry and ran towards Lee. The others followed suit. Alexander tried to escape: he flew onto Leningradsky Prospekt under the wheels of cars, then rushed to the Sokol metro station. Members of Restrukt caught up with him and started beating him. They sprayed tear gas in Lee's face, knocked him to the ground and began beating him. One of the attackers had a telescopic baton. The blows fell on the lower back and legs. Finally, members of Restrukt also took the victim’s money and phone.

Now, three years later, Alexander continues treatment, trying to regain the ability to walk. He has already had four operations. “I still remember how a bunch of people are running shouting “catch up, kill,” someone shouting “I’ll kill you.” They jumped on my back after hitting my spine. I was already lying on the ground, paralyzed. My legs and right arm didn’t work; I covered my head with my left hand. I have never seen such cruel people. These are non-humans,” Lee recalls.

In court, Alexander Lee and his cousin Zaur Alyshev are represented by lawyer Mikhail Kushpel. In addition to a fair punishment, he seeks payment moral compensation family of Alyshev and Lee.

One of the attackers on Alexander Lee, Stanislav Kotlovsky, claims that he did not understand what he was doing: “I hit him in the right thigh, I did not hit him in the back. But Makarov was jumping on his back. In general, all this happened because Makarov thought that this was a security guard for a drug dealer, and because of this it was his (Makarov. - D.M.) preference to catch up with him, I had no intention of taking money and beating him. I didn’t go into the movement for this. I didn’t know what I was doing, I was underage. Pressure was put on me to detain, and then I no longer understood what was happening.”

Kids with brass knuckles

It’s no longer scary to “blame” Makarov on other members of “Restrukt”: Andrei was sentenced to 6 years in prison. His accomplice Kirill Filatov also went to prison for 6 years. The remaining cases are still being considered. Each one goes through a separate or separate episodes. A criminal case has been opened against someone under the article “Hooliganism”, against others - “Robbery”, “Robbery”, “Causing grievous harm health."

The leader of the Tesak organization does not succeed in attacks on Lee and Alyshev. By the way, after Alyshev’s death, he called his like-minded people who participated in the beating of an Azerbaijani citizen “degenerates.” Tesak is accused of robbery, hooliganism, intentional destruction of property and extremism. The latest accusation is related to a book written by Martsinkevich called “Restruct”. In this kind of charter of the organization, the Nazi spoke about three years of his life in prison, in which he ended up for “inciting hatred or enmity” (in total Tesak was involved in criminal liability three times: in 2008, 2009 and 2014. And three times - under the article “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity”). In 2014, the book was declared extremist.

Tesak always openly expressed his racist views. Thus, in journalist Ross Kemp’s 2007 film about Russian neo-Nazis, Maxim Martsinkevich says: “With... (cut out by censorship. - D.M.) we have various skirmishes, we need to hunt them, otherwise they destroy the useful population, if you kill one, a thousand will not come, they will think.”

The leader of Restrukt clearly managed to infect many followers with this “ideology.” Thus, Roman Maksimov, an activist in the Novosibirsk branch of the organization, said that he was close to the concept of the group, especially the concept of “To each his own,” which lies at its basis. Jedem das Seine is an inscription at the entrance to one of the most terrible concentration camps in Germany - Buchenwald.

According to one of the lawyers, the trial of Occupy-Narkofiliay members began because activists began to pose a threat to major players in the spice market. The lawyer is silent about the fact that the “children” used knives, metal batons, brass knuckles, stun guns and gas canisters during their lynching.

"I raised a patriot"

And the accused themselves, and their parents, and teachers say: “my son did not know that members of Restrukt were using physical force,” “he went along with it,” “I was raising a patriot.” Perhaps this is true. Only, unfortunately, with good intentions, modern “Timurovites”, alas, paved their way to prison. In which, of course, they were helped by unscrupulous and already very experienced leaders. Not only did they not explain that beating people (even drug dealers) is illegal, but they even encouraged young activists to commit crimes.

Out of ten young people, only two admitted their guilt: Georgy Keteni, who participated in only one Restrukt raid and whose mother convinced the court that her son had no idea what was actually happening during the group’s visits to the city. And the second is Kotlovsky, who beat Lee. During the debate, the prosecutor asked them for 3.4 years and 7 years of general regime, respectively. Longest term They asked for Martsinkevich - 11.6 years of strict regime. For Alexander Shankin, whose status on social networks says “Continuer of the good old violent traditions,” the prosecutor asked for 9 years.

At the time of going to press this issue, the sentencing was still ongoing. It was known that Martsinkevich was found guilty, and the case of Alexander Shankin, by decision of the court, was separated into separate proceedings and returned to the prosecutor's office to correct the violations committed in the indictment.

Perhaps the verdict will serve as a lesson for some of the defendants who are already adults (some were under 18 at the time of the attacks). The lawyers, by the way, asked the court to take into account the public benefit that the young people allegedly brought to society. But under no circumstances can killing a person benefit society. Even if it was done, as the accused believe, “with the best intentions.”


Maxim Martsinkevich are charged with assault on a citizen of Uzbekistan, theft of personal belongings of those who were subjected to lynching during Restrukt raids with the participation of Martsinkevich, as well as writing an extremist text.

Lisa Simonova are charged with participation in the attack on Chechen citizen Atuev and Gavrilov, who was selling spice. In both episodes, the evidence was collected with gross violations (“MK” talked about this). Mikhail Shalankevich is also charged with the episode with Atuev.

Georgy Keptenin And Stanislav Kotlovsky are accused of robbery and intentional bodily harm against Alexander Lee.

Alexander Shankin is based on the facts of attacks on Alyshev, Gavrilov, Atuev, Ligai, Dorofeev, Moskovaya.

Evdokim Knyazev goes through the attacks on Mukhtarov, Moskovaya, Ligai.

Vasily Lapshin Dorofeev is charged with robbery.

Romana Maksimova accused of robbery, hooliganism and causing property damage against Ligai.

For those who are new to the case of Tesak and his team and want to understand why they were tried. - Good succinct text. I recommend paying special attention to the video that formed the basis of the charges against Maxim. Look (to the end) at what actually happened there - the behavior of the Uzbek drug dealer. The reaction of an Azerbaijani who was passing by and initially decided to intervene. And a commentary from Tesak himself, why he is doing this and what “threatens” the drug dealer is to be taken to the police. Look and answer yourself - who poses a real danger to society (your children and loved ones) - the terrible fascist Tesak or the unfortunate immigrant from Uzbekistan with a bad heart Hamdillo, poisoning and killing our children in order to “cure his mother” at the expense of their health and lives?

On Tuesday, June 27, the Babushkinsky District Court of Moscow handed down a verdict in the case of activists of the Restrukt movement. All the accused received real prison sentences for the brutal capture of drug dealers.

Among those convicted: Martsinkevich and Sheldyashov received 10 years in a maximum security colony; Knyazev - 8 years in a general regime colony; Shankin and Shalankevich to 6 years in a general regime colony; Maksimov - 5 years in a general regime colony; Keptini, Kotlovsky, Lapshin and Simonova - 3 years each in a general regime colony.

Activists of the “Narcophilia” project, organized by the “Restrukt” movement, were found guilty of committing crimes under Articles 111, 162,167, 213, 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Behind all these articles of the Criminal Code there are several episodes in which drug dealers received a couple of slaps on the head and punches in the gut, their mobile phones worth 1000 rubles and the same amounts of money disappeared.

In addition, the defendants were charged with the death of one of the victims.

According to the defense, the activists brought him to the police and handed him over to the officers, but before they had time to leave the police department, the drug dealer was released, after which he immediately rushed at the young men with his fists. There was a fight. A week after the fight, the drug dealer died. The investigation linked the fight and the death of the drug dealer into one criminal case.

All victims in the case are sellers of soft drugs, most of them are citizens of independent states of Transcaucasia and Central Asia, who were in Russia illegally at the time of the commission of illegal actions against them.

Many of the victims did not go to trial because they were unable to enter Russian territory due to the entry ban. Those who were able to were obviously at a disadvantage before the investigation, which had grounds to send each of them to prison for all the same cases of drug distribution proven by Narcophilia.

Prison sentence for 19-year-old student

“The process took place under pressure,” Eva Merkacheva, the first deputy chairman of the Moscow Public Monitoring Commission, expressed confidence in her comment to Reedus. “It was obvious that the questions asked by the prosecutor were in no way related to the indictment. During the interrogation of the victims, it was said that they gave evidence only after the operatives found them. And one of them even thanked Lisa Simonova for stopping the drug trade after the ill-fated raid.”

Eva Merkacheva

During the trial, according to the human rights activist, Simonova was accused of adhering to neo-Nazi views. “But what kind of neo-Nazism are we talking about? - asks Merkacheva. — I am familiar with Lisa’s social circle; among her friends there are a huge number of people of different nationalities and beliefs. At the same time, Lisa was not tried for neo-Nazism. The accusation is completely inappropriate. Why would Lisa take 1,000 rubles from drug dealers if she lives in a wealthy family, has decent parents and a colonel father? The investigation is trying to make white seem black.”

According to Merkacheva, “the investigators have arrogated to themselves the highest moral right to decide for society and the state what is good and what is evil.”

“It is the specific investigator who decides where things will be black and where things will be white,” says the human rights activist. “And then he convinces both the prosecutor’s office and the court of this.” You should have seen what the prosecutor, a respectable man, said about Lisa, whom the investigators convinced that Lisa was some kind of incarnation of hell, some kind of uncompromising neo-Nazi. I’ve known Lisa for a long time and I can say that this is completely untrue.”

It is worth noting that Elizaveta Simonova, an active animal rights activist, recently exposed a huge criminal business: criminals used state funds to catch stray dogs and cats, but instead of humane treatment, they killed them and made food from animal meat for their other “prisoners.”

According to the materials of the criminal case, 16-year-old Elizaveta Simonova, during two different raids to catch drug dealers, committed robbery against two adult 35-year-old men, from whom she took 1,000 rubles each and one phone of the same value.

Elizaveta Simonova

At the same time, both drug dealers caught are at large, despite the fact that they were handed over to the police and properly processed. They remembered that the girl had robbed them six months later, when detectives found her.

Directly at the trial, both victims refused to recognize Elizabeth as guilty of their “misadventures.” One of the victims asked not to punish any of the defendants in the case, the second asked not to punish anyone severely.

Another victim did not remember Simonova among his offenders at all; the second stated that she protected him from the other young men. At this point, the prosecutor requested to read out the testimony of the victims obtained during the preliminary investigation, where both of them accused Elizaveta Simonova of robbery.

After the testimony was read, both suddenly remembered the gravity of Simonova’s deed and agreed with their testimony.

An excellent student was sentenced to three years in prison, and was forbidden to even take things collected by her parents with her to the pre-trial detention center.

Cleaver will spend his entire youth

After a series of publications on Reedus about the “Narcophile” case, a girl who recently graduated from a Moscow school approached the author of these lines on condition of anonymity and spoke about the morals of modern schoolchildren (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved):

I can tell you if you are interested in what is going on there (in schools) now. Because I recently graduated and have a little brother. No respect. Teachers are humiliated and insulted, and sometimes physical force is used. Everyone is mean to each other. It's not fashionable to study. From 1st to 2nd grade you can hear such obscene speech that you want to cut off your own ears. They send you for comments; teachers consider this all the norm.
Girls in the 5th grade wear stockings, mini skirts and makeup as if they were from a club or a member (sometimes this is true). I stood at the door and once listened to a conversation between 6th grade girls, they were discussing who had which penis and who fucked how. Most boys from grades 6-7 smoke or vape, use drugs and drink in large quantities.
And this is only a small part of what is happening.
If we take grades 5-9, then 70% use it. They play a lot of sports and use it at the same time. Only a few lead a healthy lifestyle.
I changed a lot of schools and that’s why I can freely talk about it to everyone.
I know that in grade 5, children drink for the first time and start smoking in grade 5, actively using from 7-8. Sometimes even in class they are under something. And on the weekends they hang out at the registers, in clubs, and the simplest thing is in the entrances, there is usually wind in the entrances.