Europrotocol. What is the payment limit under the Europrotocol? Insured event under the MTPL Europrotocol

In the event of an accident, drivers are required to remove vehicles from the roadway if only cars were damaged in the accident and this interferes with the movement of other road users. You must first record the location of the vehicles using photos or videos.

If the guilt of any of the participants in the accident is in doubt or the participants in the incident do not agree with its circumstances, you must call the police (telephone 02, 112 or 911) and follow the instructions of the police officer. Then the participants in the accident (at the direction of the police inspector) follow for registration of road accidents either to the nearest traffic police post, or to the nearest traffic police duty station, where the accident is registered.

If there is no dispute about guilt, but the nature and list of damages Vehicle does not cause controversy, the participants independently (without contacting the police) record the incident and go to the nearest traffic police post or traffic police duty station to further register the accident and obtain the necessary documents.

In this case, it is necessary to record the location of vehicles, traces of collisions and reference to stationary objects (houses, shops, etc.).

You can do without registering an accident at all if the vehicles or other property of only the participants in the incident are damaged and each of these participants does not need to register specified documents. For example, each car is insured under comprehensive insurance, damage is minimal, and to receive insurance compensation (according to insurance rules) no certificates are needed (check this point with your insurance company). Either the damage is minimal (scratches or abrasions) and the participants in the accident are not going to apply for compensation and have no claims against each other. In this case, the consent of the drivers is required. It is enough to formalize such consent in the form of a receipt, indicating that the participants have no claims against each other and there is no need to register an accident.

If the damage is minor (for more information on how to assess the extent of damage, read our article), you can register the incident without the participation of police officers using a European protocol.

To do this, you need to fill out an accident notification form, which is attached to the MTPL policy (as a rule, it is given to the insured when concluding the MTPL agreement).

Mandatory conditions for registering an accident under the European protocol

Damage limit:

  • 25 thousand rubles. - if at least one of the MTPL agreements of road accident participants was concluded before 08/02/2014;
  • 50 thousand rubles. - if the agreements of both participants were concluded after 02.08.2014;
  • 400 thousand rubles. - from 10/01/2014 for Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, if the accident was recorded using a video recorder. DVRs must be equipped with systems that record fact of an accident and its place with the use of global navigation satellite systems (GLONASS or other systems before January 1, 2017, after this date - GLONASS or GLONASS together with other systems).
IMPORTANT: If it subsequently turns out that the amount of damage exceeds the stated limits, the victim has the right to make a claim for compensation for the missing amount directly from the culprit.
Having filed an accident under the European protocol, you can apply to the insurance company and under a comprehensive insurance policy. In this case, the limitation on the amount of payment will be the same as in OSAGO.

Others prerequisites for registration of the European protocol include:

  • no harm was caused to the health of the participants in the accident (including passengers and pedestrians);
  • two vehicles were involved in the accident (important: if one of the vehicles is with a trailer, it is impossible to issue an accident report!);
  • both drivers have valid policies OSAGO (check that the second participant in the accident is included in the policy), for foreign cars you must have a “Green Card” (when the owner’s liability is insured in accordance with international system liability insurance);
  • all the circumstances of the accident, its nature, list of damages, degree of guilt, and so on do not cause disagreements between the two participants in the accident (if there is even the slightest dispute, then the accident will have to be registered either at the traffic police post, or with the participation of traffic police officers on the spot. The absence of disagreements is confirmed by signatures two drivers involved in the accident in the notification of the accident.

Features of registration of road accidents according to the European protocol

Photo and video recording

Photo or video shooting must be performed no later than 60 minutes after the road traffic accident.

What should be recorded:

  1. State registration plates of vehicles of participants in a traffic accident or identification numbers (VIN) (in the absence of state registration plates of vehicles);
  2. Damage to the vehicle;
  3. The location of vehicles of participants in a road traffic accident with reference to transport infrastructure objects or other non-movable objects (houses, shops, etc., so that the street name and house number are visible).

Filling out the European protocol form (notification of an accident)

Both drivers fill out one accident report. The notification form is self-copyable. One driver fills out column “A”, the other – column “B”. After filling front side notification, the form is separated - one copy for each driver. On the back, drivers fill out each form.

Front side of the accident notice

The front side of the notice must contain information about the place, date, time of the accident, information about the participants in the accident, witnesses, insurers, the nature and list of visible damaged parts and elements, the circumstances of the accident, etc. (all columns and fields on the front side of the Road Accident Notification form are filled in).

Clause 14 indicates the nature and list of all visible damage to vehicle parts. We briefly indicate all damage (for example, a dent on the left front fender). Hidden damage will be identified and described when the car is inspected by experts after contacting the insurance company.

In clause 15 “Remarks” you can indicate additional information if something was not indicated in clause 16 “Circumstances of the accident”.

In paragraph 16, the circumstances of the accident are noted (in the large cells located below, the number of marked cells is filled in). Please fill out carefully. If the car was standing at the time of the collision, check the appropriate box.

In paragraph 17, an accident diagram is drawn up. Vehicles after an accident are schematically recorded and the direction of movement of each until the moment of collision is indicated.

The notice is signed by each driver in clauses 15 and 18.

Back side of the accident notice

Each driver fills out the back side of the notice independently.

Empty columns can be marked with a dash. Once the forms have been signed and separated, no changes, corrections or additions are permitted.

After registering an accident and filling out the Europrotocol form, it is advisable to make a copy of your copy. On the road, a traffic police inspector may stop you and inquire about the cause of your broken car. In this case, it will be enough to show a copy of the accident notice.

Actions of drivers after registration of an accident according to the European protocol


Within five working days, the victim contacts his insurance company and provides the insurer with:

1) form for notification of a traffic accident;

2) an application for direct compensation for losses (filled out in any form, or (most often) a sample is provided by the insurance company, where you need to fill out the necessary fields);

3) electronic media with information (memory card with photo or video recording from the scene of an accident). It is indicated that you did not make any changes to the photo and (or) video recording, that is, the information is uncorrected.


Submits an accident notification form to your insurance company. Within fifteen days from the date of the accident, he has no right to repair his car. If you need to start repairs, you need to submit the car for inspection to the victim's insurance company or obtain permission to start repairs.

Every year millions of cars are produced around the world and our roads are becoming increasingly congested. As a result, the number of accidents on the roads is growing and, sometimes in large cities, traffic police officers simply do not have time to quickly respond to a call to the scene of an accident. Abroad, a system for registering road accidents on the spot without the need to call special services was developed, which greatly simplified many aspects. Recently, such a system has been operating in Russia. So what do our drivers need to know if they are involved in an accident and want to handle everything themselves? In this article we will talk about how to fill out the Europrotocol when Road accident sample 2017 with a brief description.

Europrotocol is a procedure for completing documents in case of an accident independently, without the presence of traffic police officers.

Drivers will fill out the form themselves at the scene of the incident, which will save time and allow the traffic jam to be quickly cleared, freeing it up for other vehicles to pass through.
But you should know that it is not possible to draw up such a protocol in all cases.

  • We list the situations in which drivers can safely draw up a protocol on the spot:
  • if in the event of an accident both vehicles are insured under MTPL;
  • if there are no disagreements between the participants in the accident regarding the current situation;
  • if no more than two cars were involved in the traffic accident;
  • in the absence of injured or dead people (passers-by, pedestrians, etc.);

if no additional property was damaged during the incident

  • Drawing up such a protocol cannot be carried out and drivers will need to call traffic police officers if:
  • there are injured or dead people;
  • more than two cars were involved in an accident;
  • in addition to cars, additional property was damaged;
  • if at least one of the drivers does not have MTPL insurance

Leaving the scene of an accident. What is the punishment in 2016-2017

Leaving the scene of an accident

Leaving the scene of an accident is administrative offense, according to which the violator must be held accountable. Since no amendments or changes were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses in 2015, then in 2016-2017 the violator will be punished in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

These punishments can be of two types:
-deprivation driver's license for up to one and a half years
- arrest up to 15 days

However, when drawing up a protocol with fulfillment of all necessary actions on the spot, the driver can safely leave the scene of the accident.

How much damage can be covered?

According to the MTPL insurance policy, the payment of the amount of damage is no more than 50 thousand rubles, provided that the insurance contract was signed after 08/02/2014. Before this, the amount was less and amounted to 25 thousand rubles.
However, if both cars had a satellite navigation system at the time of the accident, which recorded the incident, then the limit on the payment amount under the European protocol increases to 400 thousand rubles. This law distributed throughout Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and regions. The list of navigation satellites that are approved and permitted during this procedure is indicated in the relevant OSAGO documents.

Procedure in case of an accident

Registration of the Europrotocol in case of an accident 2017 procedure:

  1. Stop the car and put up a warning triangle;
  2. Collect contacts of witnesses to the incident;
  3. Do not remove traces of the accident and, if possible, take photographs of the situation:

-general, panorama with full view of the accident
- marks from tire braking
- vehicle breakdowns
- view of cars from the outside, their location
- state license plates
- some damaged parts

So, if drivers see that it is permissible to issue a European protocol in the event of their traffic accident, in order to alleviate the situation and not wait for the traffic police officers, they will have to fill out the form. In theory, every driver has a form, but only one of them will need to be filled out. It makes no difference which one. The form consists of two columns, where one is allocated to one driver, the other to another.

The first thing to do is to check that the form is not damaged and all the data on it is clearly printed. Then each driver selects a column for himself and enters all the necessary data about his car.

Rules for completing the form – Notifications:

How to fill out the Europrotocol correctly

So, let’s look at how to fill out the Euro Protocol in case of an accident 2017, the registration rules:

  1. You must fill out the form exclusively with a ballpoint pen (feather pens and pencils are not accepted. The former can be smeared on the paper, and the pencil can be completely erased).
  2. First you need to fill out the front side, where there are two columns, for each driver separately. A more detailed description of filling will be described later.
  3. Then both drivers are required to fill out the back of the form, indicating all the necessary data. This information is also important, since insurance company employees will take your personal notes into account when considering the case.
  4. Copies filled out on the front side must be separated after completion.
  5. Each driver must put two signatures on the front side. One will be under the completed information, the second under the “Consent” item.
  6. If any changes were made after the form was split, the driver must sign that he does not mind the other driver making amendments to the document.

Detailed instructions for filling

How to draw up a European accident report 2017 sample:

Road accident registration scheme

From points 1 to 8, you need to fill out general information about the accident

  • Place of accident - enter the exact address as required by the item;
  • Date of accident – ​​enter the exact date and time in the provided windows;
  • Number of damaged vehicles – enter the number in the box;
  • Number of wounded (persons who received injuries) – enter the number in the box, then enter the number of deaths in another box;
  • Whether the participants in the accident were examined for intoxication is indicated in the Yes or No box;
  • Material damage caused to other vehicles (except “A” and “B”) – must be marked Yes or no, other property – Yes or no. (check as appropriate);
  • Witnesses of the accident: - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, Moscow, st. Green, 33;
  • Was the registration carried out by a traffic police officer - check No

— Starting from point 9 and up to 15, each driver fills out separately, entering information about himself and his vehicle, as well as about insurance.
— Particular attention should be paid to paragraph 14 of the Notice, which will describe the damage that was caused as a result of the transport accident. You also need to make sure that the other driver does not embellish his breakdowns and damages and truthfully describes his situation.
— It is in the interests of every driver to correctly describe point No. 16, where it will be necessary to display under what circumstances the traffic accident occurred. The description must first of all be truthful, without exaggeration and concise. If there is any hidden damage in the car, then it should be checked by an expert.

It is necessary to write in precise terms that reflect the essence, for example, there is a difference in meaning - the driver overtook the car or changed lanes. Who is responsible for the incident may depend on what exactly he did in this situation.

- In the next paragraph No. 17, a clear diagram of the accident should be drawn, where you need to indicate the names of streets, traffic patterns, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, as well as any other items that could affect the current situation on the road.

There is also a “Remarks” item in the form, where you can add something that does not fit in other items or enter something else if the driver wants to emphasize some point.

After filling out, both participants in the accident sign, thereby confirming that they fully agree with the information provided. It is worth checking not only your column, but also the column of the other driver, in order to avoid further misunderstandings. Once the signatures are placed, the form is divided into two parts. Signatures are placed on both parts - your own and the other driver’s form, thereby confirming that you agree and are familiar with the information presented on his part.

The back side of the form is filled out after the Notification has been divided, i.e. each driver separately. On it the driver can indicate any additions, comments and notes. In case there is no more space, you will need to write “with attachment” on the form and add what there was not enough space for on a simple blank sheet, attaching it to the Notice.

If the completed form is damaged, lost, or one of the parties wants to make any changes to the information, you must fill out new form.

Drivers who want to register an accident under the European protocol should know that:

  1. You need to submit a claim to the insurance company as soon as possible, within 5 days
  2. When handling, you must have the following documents with you:

- completed signed form
- a statement that all information you provided is accurate and written by you personally
- application for damages
-all photographs taken (the list is described above)
-recording from a camera or video recorder must indicate the date and time of shooting
-the injured party will need to attach a claim for damages
-The insurance company has the right to ask to provide a car for examination
-Drivers do not have the right to return the car for repairs within 15 days after the accident

Drivers should take into account that after submitting all documents to the insurance company, proceedings will be conducted based on the data provided, after which the amount of compensation will be determined according to the European protocol.

The maximum payout amount has already been described above. Many drivers ask the question: Where can I get a European protocol? If the driver already has insurance, then Insurance Company provides such a protocol itself. You can download the European Road Accident Protocol form 2017 in this article, as well as a sample for filling it out.

The emergence of the Europrotocol in the territory Russian Federation, certainly simplified the process of registering traffic accidents. But our drivers must know step by step how to act in such a situation, what should be done and in what sequence. It is also important to navigate filling out the forms. Therefore, if the driver nevertheless chooses MTPL insurance with the intention that it may be useful when drawing up such a protocol, then he should familiarize himself with all the rules in advance and know how to draw up a European protocol in case of an accident. This will significantly simplify registration if the time comes and will give more confidence to the driver.

Useful video especially for you.

Since July 1, 2015, drivers can report almost all minor accidents without calling traffic police inspectors - if there are no injuries, then it will be enough to call 02 and report the incident, take a photo or video from the scene of the accident, fill out a notification form and arrive at the traffic police post yourself for paperwork.

However, there is a simpler way to document accidents - the so-called “Europrotocol”. Its meaning is that drivers themselves fill out documents at the scene of an accident and contact insurance companies within five days. In this case, there is no need to call the traffic police and later come to the department!

True, in most regions of Russia, the Europrotocol can be used only in small accidents, when the amount of damage to an “innocent” car is less than 50 thousand rubles (if you are the culprit of the accident and agree to the Europrotocol, then know that the injured party may later demand compensation if the repair costs more than 50,000 rubles).

At the same time, for such regions as Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, it is valid from October 1, 2014 special order registration of accidents without calling a traffic police officer. In these regions, you can do without the participation of authorized police officers in case of damage up to 400,000 rubles. True, only if there is footage from a video recorder (in the law this device is called a “technical control device that ensures uncorrected data recording”). Moreover, not every registrar will do. At the moment, it must be able to record the time and coordinates of the car (that is, the recorder must have a GPS / GLONASS sensor). Although, according to the law, you can do without a DVR - government decree No. 1002 of October 1, 2014 states that insurance companies must accept both video and photography (but the camera must also show the time and indicate coordinates). From January 1, 2016, the requirements for such devices will become stricter. They will have to record acceleration, braking of the car and side impacts, and also transmit information about the accident to emergency services.

It must be remembered that photography or video must be taken within 60 minutes after the traffic accident and include images:

a) state registration plates of vehicles of participants in a traffic accident or identification numbers(VIN) (in the absence of state registration plates of vehicles);

b) places of damage to the vehicle;

c) the relative position of vehicles of participants in a traffic accident with reference to transport infrastructure objects or other non-movable objects;

d) state registration plate of the vehicle of the witness of the traffic accident (if available).

By the way, the Europrotocol also has restrictions in addition to the amount of damage of 50,000 rubles. And you can use it only if ALL of the following points, without exception, have been completed:
no harm was caused to the health of the participants in the accident (including passengers and pedestrians);
Two vehicles were involved in the accident (and important nuance- a car with a trailer is considered as two separate vehicles, and if such a car is involved in an accident, then the simplified registration scheme cannot be used);
both drivers have valid MTPL policies (check that the second participant in the accident is included in the policy);
all the circumstances of the accident, its nature, list of damages, degree of guilt, and so on do not cause disagreements between the two participants in the accident (if there is even the slightest dispute, then the traffic police will have to be called). The absence of disagreements is confirmed by the signatures of two drivers involved in the accident in the notification of the accident;

IMPORTANT: if at least one condition is not met, then you need to call the traffic police officers to the scene of the incident.

After an accident, within 5 working days you must contact the insurance company and provide:

a) a copy of the traffic accident notification form filled out by the drivers of vehicles involved in the traffic accident;

b) an application for direct damages;

c) electronic media with information containing photo or video recording of vehicles and their damage at the scene of a traffic accident, the date and time of photo or video shooting, as well as location coordinates technical means control;

d) a statement that the information specified in subparagraph “c” of this paragraph is uncorrected.

In addition, remember - if you (or the second participant in the accident) have a comprehensive insurance policy, and the rules of the insurance company do not provide for the payment of compensation without certificates from the traffic police, then you will still have to call representatives of the traffic police to the scene of the accident.

Instructions for drawing up the Europrotocol

Follow traffic rules strictly. Stop and put up a warning triangle.
Save traces of the accident. Take all possible measures to preserve traces and objects at the scene of the accident.

In case of conflict situations with another driver, call the traffic police (02, 112, 911).

Fill out the Road Accident Notification form that was issued to you by the insurance company when you signed up for the MTPL contract. It is advisable to use ballpoint pen. This is necessary so that the information you enter on the front side of the Road Accident Notice is clearly printed on the bottom sheet.

Both drivers fill out one Accident Notice. One driver fills out column “A”, the other – column “B”. Both the back and front sides are filled out. In this case, the back side of the Road Accident Notification is filled out by each driver on his copy after filling out the front side and disconnecting the Road Accident Notification form.

Front side of the Road Accident Notice

The front side of the Road Accident Notice must contain information about the place, date, time of the accident, information about the participants in the accident, witnesses, insurers, the nature and list of visible damaged parts and elements, the circumstances of the accident, etc. (that is, it is necessary to fill out all the columns and fields on the front side of the Road Accident Notification form)

Clause 14 indicates the nature and list of all visible damage to vehicle parts. Describe them as accurately and concisely as possible. Make sure that the other driver does not add damage to parts and elements that are not related to this accident to the specified item. When indicating a damaged element (part), be sure to indicate the nature of the visible damage: scratch, dent (deformation), rupture (crack). Invisible (hidden) damage will be identified and described during inspection of the car by experts.

In paragraph 15 “Remarks”, if necessary, you can additionally provide information that is not specified in paragraph 16 “Circumstances of the accident”.

In paragraph 16, the circumstances of the accident are noted, and in the large cells located below, the number of marked sub-items (cells) is filled in. It is important to correctly reflect the maneuvers of your car, taking into account that:  parking is not a stop. If you stop, for example, at a red traffic light, it is a mistake to mark position 1 “Parking”. It is necessary to note position 22 “Stopped (stood) at a prohibitory traffic light signal”;  if one car overtook another, changing lanes from one lane to another, you need to mark pos. 12 “Changed lane” and pos. 13 “Overtook.”

In paragraph 17, an accident diagram is drawn up. The diagram shows the contours of the roadway indicating the names of streets (roads, etc.), as well as the direction of movement, the final position of vehicle “A” and vehicle “B”, road signs, indicators, traffic lights, road markings, items that are related to this accident.

In paragraph 18, both drivers put their signatures.

After filling out the front side, the road accident participants divide the Road Accident Notification forms into two copies. Make sure that the other driver signs both sheets of the Accident Notice on the front side, and not just the copy that remains with him. Please note that on the front side of the Road Accident Notice, each participant must put two signatures - in paragraphs 15 and 18.

Back side of the Road Accident Notice

The reverse side of the Road Accident Notice is filled out by each driver independently.

If there is not enough space, write out the information on a blank sheet of paper and attach it to the Accident Notice (on which you need to mark “With attachment”), and also indicate which document it is attached to and by whom it was compiled. Applications must be signed by both drivers.

In empty columns, use long dashes or a capital Z.

If the Accident Report form is torn, damaged, or difficult to read, you must fill out a new form. Once the forms have been signed and separated, no changes, corrections or additions are permitted.

If the second driver refuses to sign the Accident Notice or fill it out together, this means that the Euro Protocol cannot be completed and the traffic police must be called. Please note that if, after signing and separating the accident notification forms, it is necessary to make adjustments or additions to the document, they must be certified by the signatures of both participants in the accident.

Witnesses. Collect contact information for witnesses to the accident, if possible. Be sure to save the video recording system.

Insurance payments. After completing all the above steps, accident scene you can leave. If you intend to apply for insurance payment, please attach your copy of the Accident Notice to your application. If you believe that there are no grounds for compensation for the harm caused to you, then be sure to send a completed Road Accident Notice (with additions, if any) to your MTPL insurer within 5 working days from the date of the accident.

Please note that you cannot begin repairing the vehicle within 15 days from the date of the accident or without the written consent of the insurance company.

The payment limit under the Europrotocol is:
1) 25 thousand rubles. - if at least one of the MTPL agreements of road accident participants was concluded before 08/02/2014;
2) 50 thousand rubles. - if the agreements of both participants were concluded after 02.08.2014;
3) from October 1, 2014 - 400 thousand rubles. for Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region if there is footage from a DVR.

Answers on questions:

1. What to do if the other driver does not admit his guilt, is aggressive or is in a state of alcohol intoxication and so on.?
Call the police. A “Euro protocol” can be drawn up only if both participants in the accident have a common point of view on the circumstances of the incident. The need to call the police is also due to other circumstances described above.

2. Is it possible to issue a “Europrotocol” if one of the cars involved in an accident is not registered in the Russian Federation?
Can. But only if the liability of its owner is insured in accordance with the international liability insurance system (“Green Card”), as well as subject to the other previously specified requirements for processing documents about an accident without the participation of the police. If the participants have agreed to file an accident without the participation of the police, and the injured party is a citizen of Russia, the notification of the accident must be issued on a form issued by a Russian insurer (form printed in Russian).

3. What to do if more than two cars are involved in an accident?
Unfortunately, in this case you cannot use the Europrotocol. You will have to call the traffic police.

4. What happens if there are contradictions in the accident report between the information provided by both drivers?
The presence of contradictions in the data provided by the drivers means that the circumstances of the accident or the nature and list of visible damage to the cars caused disagreements among the participants in the incident, and in this case it is prohibited to file an accident without calling the police. If it is impossible to determine, on the basis of the circumstances of the accident stated in the notification of the accident, the person responsible for causing the harm, the insurer has the right to refuse payment.

5. Is there a need to photograph the scene of an accident and how to do it correctly?
We recommend taking photographs of the accident scene if possible. In the future, this can make it easier to clarify the picture of the incident when interacting with the insurance company. Try to photograph in such a way that you can see:
general plan of the accident site (so that the type of location of the vehicle can be identified);
traces of braking, fragments of parts, scree of broken vehicle elements (windows, bumper covers, etc.);
both vehicles close-up from all sides, with car numbers;
damaged vehicle parts.

It is necessary to take into account that you can claim a payment of up to 400,000 rubles only if the photographs were taken using equipment (camera, mobile phone with a special application), which meet the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation for this case, and the location of the accident was recorded by appropriate equipment operating using global navigation satellite systems.

6. What should I present to the traffic police officer who stops the car?
Indeed, a traffic police officer, seeing that the car is damaged, has the right to stop you in order to verify the fact that an accident was registered in which these damages could have occurred. Therefore, after handing over the original to the insurance company, you must have a copy of the completed accident notice in your car, certified by the insurer, to present to the police officer.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

From June 1, 2018, new rules for self-registration of traffic accidents come into force. This was discussed in the article "".

Let me remind you that in addition to increasing the maximum payments under the European protocol to 100,000 rubles, the possibility of registering an accident has also been introduced if there are disagreements between the participants in the incident.

In this regard, as of June 1, 2018, changes were made to introduce an updated notification form for self-registration of an accident.

Let's take a closer look at the innovations:

Entering information about disagreements into the notification form

The first change was made to paragraph 3.6 of the rules:

If there are disagreements about the circumstances of the traffic accident, the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles, refusal to sign the notice by one of the participants in the traffic accident, or if the amount of damage exceeds, according to the preliminary assessment of the participant in the traffic accident, the amount within which the insurer insurance compensation in case of registration of documents about a traffic accident without the participation of authorized police officers; registration of documents about a traffic accident is carried out with the participation of authorized police officers.

The notification form for a road traffic accident contains information about the absence of disagreements between the participants in the road traffic accident regarding the circumstances of harm caused in connection with damage to vehicles as a result of the road traffic accident, the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles or about the existence and essence of such disagreements.

Until June 1, 2018, if there were disagreements, drivers had to contact the traffic police to draw up documents about the incident.

Starting from June 1, you can independently enter information about disagreements in the notification form. However, the rules have added a list of situations in which independent registration impossible:

Registration of documents regarding a traffic accident without the participation of authorized police officers is not carried out in the following cases:

  • if there are disagreements about the circumstances of the road traffic accident, the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles (except for cases of registration of documents about the road traffic accident in the manner provided for in paragraph 5 of Article 11.1 Federal Law"On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners");
  • when one of the participants in the traffic accident refuses to sign the notice;
  • if it is impossible to record data on a traffic accident in the manner prescribed by paragraph 5 of Article 11.1 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners”;
  • if the amount of damage exceeds, according to the preliminary assessment of the participant in the road accident, the amount within which the insurer carries out insurance compensation in case of registration of documents about a traffic accident without the participation of authorized police officers.

Let me remind you that if there is disagreement between the participants maximum payout according to the European protocol is 100,000 rubles. At the same time, to register an incident, it is necessary either to have a special application of the union of motor insurers, or an ERA-GLONASS device in at least one of the vehicles. If the participants do not have the application or ERA-GLONASS, then if there are disagreements, they will have to contact the traffic police to register the incident.

Note. Currently application Union of Auto Insurers is available for download for devices running Android and iOS. Instructions for its use are posted in.

Updated Euro protocol form

Let's look at the updated road accident notification form (to enlarge the front or back of the form, click on the image):

Updates made to:

  • Point 18 of the front side. There are added cells in which you should indicate whether the participants have disagreements.
  • Point 7 of the reverse side. Information has been added that it is in this field that the essence of disagreements between drivers is entered.
  • Added note on reverse side.

Mandatory use of new forms

Let's consider point 2 Directions Central Bank Russian Federation "On amendments to the regulations of the Bank of Russia dated September 19, 2014 No. 431-P "On the rules compulsory insurance civil liability of vehicle owners":

2. Establish that during the period of validity of the contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, concluded before the entry into force of this Directive, drivers of vehicles involved in a traffic accident may fill out a notification about a traffic accident on a notification form in the form that was in force before this Directive comes into force. If there are disagreements between participants in a road traffic accident regarding the circumstances of harm caused in connection with damage to vehicles as a result of a road traffic accident, the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles, their presence and essence are indicated in paragraph 7 “Note” of the reverse side of the traffic accident notice. transport accident.

This paragraph says the following:

  • Old Only those drivers who entered into an MTPL agreement before June 1, 2018 can use this form option.
  • New This version of the form is required to be used by drivers who purchased MTPL after June 1. Also a new option for at will Drivers who have previously purchased compulsory motor liability insurance can also take advantage of it.

Thus, replacing old forms with new ones not mandatory. New forms will be given to you when you purchase another insurance policy. However, if you want to receive a new form as soon as possible, you can contact your insurance company after June 1, 2018. Notice forms, as a rule, are issued without problems (free of charge).

Note. I remind you once again that distinguish the new form from the old one You can use points 18 on the front and 7 on the back. In the new form, driver disagreements are mentioned in these paragraphs.

Using the old Euro protocol form in case of disagreement

Point 2 discussed above allows you to use the old version of the form, even if there are disagreements between drivers. In this case, information about the discrepancy is indicated on the reverse side in paragraph 7"Note".

Let's summarize this article:

  1. On June 1, 2018, a new European protocol form was introduced. When purchasing an insurance policy, you need to make sure that you are given a new form.
  2. Drivers purchasing MTPL after June 1 are required to use the new form.
  3. Drivers who purchased MTPL previously can use both the old and new option form.

You can find the full text of the updated MTPL rules here:

Good luck on the roads!

The Russian Union of Automobile Insurers (RUA) provided statistics on registration of road accidents under the European protocol. In 2017, 33% of all accidents were recorded by drivers independently, without the involvement of traffic police inspectors, versus 30% a year earlier. In quantitative terms, this is 541 thousand car owners. The total amount of payments under the European protocol increased by 22% and last year amounted to 11.5 billion rubles instead of 9.44 billion in 2016. And the average amount of loss settlement was 27,400 rubles.

Let us remind you that the payment limit under the European protocol is 50 thousand rubles, but from June 1, 2018 it will be increased to 100 thousand. In addition, the condition that both participants must agree with the circumstances of the accident and the list of visible damage will be canceled.

The RSA does not welcome these changes, fearing that it will become impossible to identify the real culprit of the accident. For example, if both drivers declare their innocence and compliance with the Rules traffic, then the insurance company will not be able to pay the real victim, because even special equipment cannot with an absolute guarantee identify all the circumstances of the accident and the real culprit. For example, both drivers will be able to say that they were driving at a traffic light or that the maneuver of another car led to the accident. In this case, the payment will most likely be divided in half between the participants in the incident. The RSA warns that in this way the victims will not receive enough money to cover the damage, and the perpetrators will enrich themselves.

Moreover, RSA continues to provide data that 68% of all road accidents are covered by the current limit of 50 thousand rubles, and therefore the majority of conscientious motorists do not need to double the “ceiling”. Although the remaining 32% of road accident participants clearly disagree with this.

Let us remind you that in order to register an accident under the European protocol, several conditions must be met. The accident involves no more than two cars, there are no injuries, there is no damage to the property of any third parties, the amount of damage is less than 50 thousand rubles, and both participants have a common opinion regarding the culprit of the accident and its causes. If, for example, during an accident the health of a pedestrian, passenger or driver was harmed, then it is impossible to register a road incident according to the European protocol. Of course, the liability of each participant in an accident must be insured by a compulsory motor liability insurance policy or under a Green Card insurance contract. At the same time, if disputes arise between drivers or any of the conditions are not met, it is necessary to call the traffic police.

The most difficult thing is to assess the damage: will the upcoming repairs cost 50 thousand? Of course, not everyone can perform an assessment under stress. Therefore, in cases where the accident was registered according to the European protocol, and the amount of damage ultimately exceeded 50 thousand rubles, then the difference will have to be demanded from the culprit of the accident.