Groups of documents by degree of unification. Unification of documents: basic concepts

Most management information is recorded in the form of documents. The management process itself is characterized by significant diversity and repetition of work situations and the actions taken to resolve them. Hence the large, often unjustified variety of documents, elements of their components and the need for their standardization and unification.

The economic efficiency of unification and standardization of documents is achieved as a result of reducing costs for the preparation, production and execution of documents, and their processing. In addition, an indirect effect can be obtained by improving the management system, expressed in increasing the efficiency of management by reducing the time for all types of work with documents and bringing the decisions made closer to the optimal options as a result of improving the quality of documents. Consequently, the unification of documents will represent a solution to the problems of improving their content and forms.

Thus, the objects of unification and standardization of a document should be both its form and the composition of the details included in it.

The main objectives of improving the content of a document should be: when unifying, selecting details that correspond to the purpose of the document and methods of its processing; when standardizing, establishing uniform requirements for details included in documents.

The main objectives of improving the forms of documents should be considered: with unification - the expedient reduction of the variety of documents in form and rules of execution; during standardization - the formation and implementation as a mandatory norm of restrictions that make it possible to select the most effective forms and rules for drawing up documents and ensure their long-term storage.

Standardization- this is an activity to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary repeated use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works or services.

Of particular importance today is the quality of the document as a carrier of management information. The requirement to increase the information content and unify documents both in form and content comes to the fore. This problem is solved by the standardization method.

The essence of the term “standardization” is characterized by three main points. Firstly, standardization is national mandatory norms for the creation of documents established for a long period of time. Moreover, it not only introduces standards, but also guarantees their compliance. Secondly, this is the unification of the properties and qualities of the document, the introduction of uniform sizes of forms, rules, requirements for all documents and, thirdly, standardization - this is the consolidation and dissemination of only those qualities and properties of documents that have the greatest functional justification and provide the greatest managerial Effect.

In the field of office work, the essence of standardization should be interpreted as the process of establishing and applying optimal rules, norms for the preparation of Documentation, adopted in the prescribed manner for their universal and repeated use.

State standard of Russia “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." GOST R 6.30-2003 is the main standard in the field of office work, although it has many-aspect applications. Its main use is in organizations of all forms of ownership as a basis for developing instructions, rules or standards for documentation support management activities.

The result of standardization work can be standards for individual species documents (for example, GOST 7.32-91 “Report on research work. Structure and design rules”) or their elements (for example, GOST 9327 “Consumer paper. Formats”), as well as for unified documentation systems. GOST R 6.30-2003 has already been cited above for the requirements for drawing up ORD, which is part of the unified system of organizational and distribution documentation (USORD).

At the state level, work is being carried out to unify documents and create unified documentation systems (UDS).

Unification- this is a reduction in the unjustified variety of types of documents, bringing them to uniformity of forms, structure, language structures, operations for their preparation, processing, accounting, and storage.

The unification of documents consists of establishing uniformity in the composition and forms of management documents that record the implementation of similar management functions and tasks. The unification of documents is carried out in order to reduce the number of documents used, typify their forms, improve quality, reduce the complexity of their processing, and achieve information compatibility during automated processing.

Unification work includes:

Development, implementation and maintenance of unified documentation systems (UDS);

Development of complexes of industry-specific unified forms of documents, reflecting the specifics of the industry, and not included in the USD;

Development of industry classifiers of technical and economic information that reflect the specifics of the industry.

USD is a documentation system created according to uniform rules and requirements, containing information necessary for management in a certain field of activity.

USD is a complex of interconnected unified forms documents providing documented presentation of data in certain types economic activity; means of their implementation; regulatory and methodological documents for their development; management and application.

At the same time, classifiers of technical, economic and social information are being developed to provide integrated automated processing of data contained in the USD. Responsibility for the development and maintenance of the DSD lies with the relevant ministries and departments.

According to the all-Russian classifier of management documentation OK 011-93, the following unified management documentation systems are currently in operation in the country:

Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation (code 0200000);

Unified primary system accounting documentation(code 0300000);

Unified system banking documentation(code 0400000);

Unified system of financial, accounting and reporting accounting documentation budgetary institutions and organizations (code 0500000);

Unified system of reporting and statistical documentation (code 0600000);

Unified system of accounting and reporting accounting documentation (code 0700000);

Unified labor documentation system (code 0800000);

Unified pension fund documentation system Russian Federation(code 0900000);

Unified system of foreign trade documentation (code 1000000).

Since the unified forms of documents included in the DSD constitute only part of the organization’s documentation, in order to streamline documents that are not included in the DSD, but used in their activities, organizations must themselves carry out work to unify the document forms. The results of this work are recorded in the Sheet and Album of document forms used in the activities of the organization.

One of the USD is the unified system of organizational and administrative documentation (USORD). Its characteristic feature is that it is used to document the actions of organizations and enterprises when performing any management function at any level of management and in any industry. Therefore, in order to achieve greater uniformity of documents, it is necessary to establish uniform requirements for their preparation and execution, independent of hierarchical subordination and departmental specifics.

The complexity of the approach to the unification of documents included in the USORD is expressed in the fact that, within individual forms, the details are arranged in the order corresponding to the sequence of their execution and processing. In this case, the methods of registration are also taken into account. individual details. One part of them is designed manually, the other - with the help technical means, the third - with the help of separate mechanical devices (stamps, seals). Therefore, details and indicators formatted in one way are placed side by side to simplify the process of filling them out. This, in particular, allows you to register the details included in the form stamp simultaneously using a rubber stamp. The USORD ensures greater reliability of information and gives documents legal force. When developing the forms of individual documents, attention is paid to the fact that information that has legal meaning, was drawn up in accordance with the requirements imposed on it by the relevant legislation, so that the documents contain all the details that provide them with the necessary legal force.

The purpose of developing and improving the USORD is to ensure optimal information management tasks and increase the efficiency of management decision-making. The basic principle laid down in the USORD is to identify a number of typical management tasks that are implemented using a certain chain of unified document forms built on the basis of a single form. The first document in the chain contains, as a rule, initial information, the last one contains the formulation of a management decision.

Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation- a set of standards, interconnected forms of documents, rules and regulations that establish requirements for the content and construction of documents used to solve management problems.

Thus, USORD establishes ways to improve ORD, makes it possible to process ORD using computer technology, and regulates the use of document forms depending on management tasks.

Standardization and unification of documents are closely related. Unification is often considered as one of the methods of standardization. Unification of documents can also be carried out independently. In this case, standardization as legal consolidation the requirements of unification will be only one of the methods of its practical expression. Common to these two terms is the requirement to introduce uniformity; the difference lies in the legal force and scope of distribution, and the common concept is “unification”.


The effective functioning of the management apparatus is inextricably linked with the correct organization of work with documents. Almost no technological management function associated with information sources, preparation and decision-making can be done without documentation - the process of creating, executing and processing documents. The activities of all employees of the management apparatus are related to documentation: from technical performers to managers of all levels. Some create documents, others ensure their execution and transmission, others are guided by these documents and make decisions based on them. The concept of “document” is defined by the State Standard of the Russian Federation for the terminology of office work and archiving. It is mandatory for use in all types of documentation: textbooks, textbooks, technical and reference literature.

Document - means of fastening in different ways on special material of information about facts, events, phenomena of objective reality and human mental activity. Thus, the concept of “document” is derived from the understanding of information as information. Information contains information about some events that they reflect. In the daily work of enterprises, documents are created on various issues of production, economic, financial and social activities. These are orders, decisions, letters, acts, agreements, protocols, statements, telegrams, certificates, etc. Documents that are drawn up at enterprises are usually called correspondence.

The set of works associated with the creation of documents, their registration, classification, movement, accounting and storage is called office work. Paperwork should be simple and efficient. In modern conditions, the main task is to ensure further development and increase in the efficiency of automated control systems and computer centers, consistently integrating them into a nationwide system for collecting and processing information; expand the production and use of office equipment to streamline office work and improve the organization of managerial work.

The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that modern stage in the light of reforming legislation on standardization, the justification of the problem of unification and standardization is of greater interest management documents and the composition of the location of the main details of the document, as a factor in increasing the productivity of managerial labor.

unification documentation management details

Unification and standardization of documents. Unified systems documentation

Bringing documents to optimal uniformity in composition and form is called document unification. Also, unification is the establishment of a maximum uniform set of details, paper format and recording of details on paper. A unified form of a document is a set of details established in accordance with the tasks being solved in a given field of activity and located in a certain order on a storage medium. They unify not only individual documents, but also documentation systems as a whole.

A unified document system is a documentation system created according to uniform rules and requirements, containing the information necessary for management in a certain field of activity. The DSD includes:

CS of organizational and administrative documentation;

CS of banking documentation;

MS of financial, accounting and reporting accounting documentation of budgetary institutions and organizations;

MS of reporting and statistical documentation;

MS accounting and reporting accounting documentation of the enterprise;

CS of labor documentation;

CS of pension fund documentation;

CS of foreign trade documentation.

The unification of documents consists of establishing uniformity in the composition and forms of management documents that record the implementation of similar management functions. The unification of documents is carried out in order to reduce the number of documents used, typify their forms, improve quality, reduce the labor intensity of their processing, and achieve information compatibility various systems documentation on the same and related control functions, more effective use computer technology. Unification work includes:

Development of a unified document management system (UDS), which is carried out by ministries and departments responsible for the relevant documentation systems;

Introduction of intersectoral (interdepartmental) DSD within the framework of republican and sectoral DSD;

Maintaining the DSD and the Industry Classifier of Technical and Economic Documentation (OKTEI) in order to maintain the reliability of the information and its further development;

development of complexes of industry unified forms of documents that reflect the specifics of the industry and are not included in the USDD, as well as their state registration;

Development of industry classifiers of technical and economic information that reflect the specifics of the industry. Organizational and methodological management of the unification and standardization of documents, coordination of relevant work and control is carried out by the head organization for coordinating the implementation and maintenance of SD and OKTEI in the republic. At the industry level, this work is carried out by the lead organization for the implementation and maintenance of SD and OKTEI in the industry.

Unification of documents is one of the methods of their standardization.

Standardization is the activity of establishing rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary repeated use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works or services. In the standards for management documentation the composition of individual elements of the document (details), their location and design rules are established. Standardization of documents is a form of legal confirmation of the unification carried out and the level of its mandatory nature. The following categories of standards have been established: state standards (GOST), industry standards(OST), republican standards (RST).

The goals of standardization are:

Increasing the level of safety of life and health of citizens, property of individuals and legal entities, state and municipal property, objects taking into account the risk of occurrence emergency situations natural and technogenic nature, level up environmental safety, safety of life and health of animals and plants;

Ensuring competitiveness and quality of products (works, services), uniformity of measurements, rational use of resources, interchangeability of technical equipment (machines and equipment, their components, components and materials), technical and information compatibility, comparability of research (test) and measurement results, technical and economic-statistical data, analysis of the characteristics of products (works, services), execution of government orders, voluntary confirmation of conformity of products (works, services);

Promoting compliance with technical regulations;

Creation of classification and coding systems for technical, economic and social information, cataloging systems for products (works, services), quality assurance systems for products (works, services), systems for searching and transmitting data, facilitating unification work.

Thus, the goal of standardization is to achieve an optimal degree of order in a particular area through the widespread and repeated use of established provisions, requirements, and norms to solve actual, planned or potential problems. The main results of standardization activities should be increasing the degree of compliance of the product (service), processes with their functional purpose, eliminating technical barriers in international trade, promoting scientific and technological progress and cooperation in various fields.

Standardization is associated with such concepts as the object of standardization and the scope of standardization. The object (subject) of standardization is usually called a product, process or service for which certain requirements, characteristics, parameters, rules, etc. are developed. Standardization can concern either the object as a whole or its individual components (characteristics). The standardization area is a set of interrelated standardization objects. For example, mechanical engineering is an area of ​​standardization, and the objects of standardization in mechanical engineering can be technological processes, types of engines, safety and environmental friendliness of machines, etc. Standardization is carried out at different levels. The level of standardization varies depending on which geographical, economic, or political region of the world participants accept the standard. So, if participation in standardization is open to the relevant authorities of any country, then this international standardization. Regional standardization is an activity open only to the relevant authorities of states of one geographical, political or economic region of the world. Regional and international standardization is carried out by specialists from countries represented in the relevant regional and international organizations, the tasks of which will be discussed below. National standardization is standardization in one specific state. At the same time, national standardization can also be carried out at different levels: at the state, industry level, in one or another sector of the economy, at the level of associations, manufacturing firms, enterprises and institutions.

The main directions in improving the state system of documentation support for management are unification and standardization. Unification and standardization contribute to the rationalization of management activities, giving them a more organized and streamlined nature.

Unification- this is the establishment of uniformity in the composition and forms of management documents created in the process of implementing similar management functions and tasks, operations for their processing, accounting and storage. Unification is carried out in order to reduce the number of documents used, typify their forms, improve quality, reduce the labor intensity of their processing, achieve information compatibility of various documentation systems for the same and related management functions, and more efficient use of computer technology. Organizational and methodological management of the unification and standardization of documents, coordination of relevant work and control are carried out by Rosstat. The unification of management documents involves the unification of the composition of documents created when solving management problems, and the unification of document forms.

Unification of the composition of documents organization is the selection and consolidation of a set of documents necessary and sufficient to solve management problems (as a result, the composition of the organization’s documents can be significantly reduced).

Unification of document forms- this is the selection and consolidation in unified forms of documents of information indicators and details corresponding to the purpose of the documents, and the establishment of uniform requirements for their preparation and execution. The results of unifying the composition of documents are recorded in the Sheet of Document Forms, and the results of unifying document forms are recorded in the Albums of Document Forms used in the activities of the organization.

Sample sheet of document forms- this is a list of unified forms of documents approved for use, necessary and sufficient for the implementation of management functions and tasks, with their characteristics legal status, stages of preparation and passing. In the current activities of organizations, the Timesheet serves as a reference book used by the organization to document management activities and allows for quick search necessary forms documents indicating all or the main stages of their preparation and execution.

Albums of document forms contain unified document forms included in the Timesheet and consolidate the results of the unification carried out, the composition and forms of the organization’s documents by management functions. National unified forms of documents are developed taking into account the capabilities of their computer processing. They are mandatory for use in all institutions, organizations, and enterprises, regardless of their subordination and form of ownership. Unification is usually carried out as a preliminary stage of standardization, but it can also be an independent species activities.

Standardization- construction in legal norm basic rules and requirements for the development and execution of management documents. Thanks to standardization, a huge mass of documents is created according to the same rules, faster and easier to perceive by recipients. The standardization process is carried out through the development and approval of standards.

Standard- is a normative document developed by interested parties based on agreement on significant issues, approved by a recognized body (or enterprise), establishing rules for universal and repeated use, general principles, characteristics, requirements or methods relating to certain objects and aimed at achieving an optimal degree of order in a certain area.

Standard is a normative document that is a sample, standard (model).

There are the following types of standards:

1. GOSTs - state standards.

2. OSTs - industry standards.

3. STP - standards of enterprises, institutions, organizations, etc.

Standards are developed and approved by the State Standard of Russia.

For documentation support of management, the following standards are of greatest interest:

1. GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."


Unification and standardization of documents…………………………………………….8

Unified documentation systems………………………………………………………12

All-Russian classifiers technical, economic and social information………………………………………………………………………………18



The unification of documents consists of establishing uniformity in the composition and forms of management documents that record the implementation of similar management functions. Standardization of documents is a form of legal confirmation of the unification carried out and the level of its mandatory nature. The following categories of standards have been established: state standards (GOST), industry standards (OST), republican standards (RST). The unification of documents is carried out in order to reduce the number of documents used, typify their forms, improve quality, reduce the labor intensity of their processing, achieve information compatibility of various documentation systems for the same and related management functions, and more efficient use of computer technology.

Unification work includes:

· Development of a unified document management system (UDS), which is carried out by ministries and departments responsible for the relevant documentation systems;

· Introduction of intersectoral (interdepartmental) DSD within the framework of republican and sectoral DSD;

· Maintaining the DSD and the Industry Classifier of Technical and Economic Documentation (OKTEI) in order to maintain the reliability of the information and its further development;

· Development of complexes of industry unified forms of documents that reflect the specifics of the industry and are not included in the USDD, as well as their state registration;

· Development of industry classifiers of technical and economic information that reflect the specifics of the industry. Organizational and methodological management of the unification and standardization of documents, coordination of relevant work and control is carried out by the head organization for coordinating the implementation and maintenance of SD and OKTEI in the republic. At the industry level, this work is carried out by the lead organization for the implementation and maintenance of SD and OKTEI in the industry.

The importance of document unification is increasing due to the increasingly widespread introduction into management practice of electronic computer technology and automated control systems created on its basis. The unified system of organizational and administrative documentation developed by VNIIDAD is suitable for both automated systems management, and when processed by ordinary, traditional methods in institutions of the country. USORD includes a complex state standards for organizational and administrative documentation, unified forms of documents, as well as instructional and methodological materials on the use of these forms.

Unification and standardization of documents

Technological progress creates new requirements for the preparation of official documentation.

The preschool education system includes three interrelated components: preparation of management documents, technology for working with documents, systematization of documents during the calendar year and their organization archival storage. When solving each of these problems, practitioners must be guided by the current regulatory and methodological documents in the field of office management, approved State Committee of the Russian Federation for standardization and the Federal Archival Service of Russia.

The regulatory and methodological basis for office work is a set of laws, regulations and methodological documents that regulate the technology of creation, processing, storage and use of documents in the current activities of the institution and the work of the office work service.

The basic requirements for the preparation of organizational and administrative documents are set out in GOST R. 6.30-97, approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated July 31, 1997.

The huge number of documents necessitates their standardization and unification.

Standardization - This is the activity of establishing norms and rules.

Standardization is the process of establishing and applying rules to streamline activities in a given field for the benefit and participation of all interested parties, in particular to achieve overall optimal economy while respecting functional conditions and safety requirements. Standardization is based on the result of science, technology and practical experience.

In the field of office work, the essence of standardization is to establish into a norm, mandatory for application, optimal rules and requirements for the development and execution of documents adopted in in the prescribed manner for general and repeated use.

Standardization, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization", adopted on June 10, 1993, is the activity of establishing norms, rules and characteristics in order to ensure:

· safety of products, works and services for environment, life, health and property;

· technical and information compatibility, as well as interchangeability of products;

· quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of development of science, technology and technology; uniformity of measurements;

· saving all types of resources;

security economic facilities taking into account the risk of natural and man-made disasters and other emergency situations;

· defense capability and mobilization readiness of the country.

Regulatory documents on standardization in force in our country include:

· state standards of the Russian Federation (GOST R);

· international (regional) standards applied in the prescribed manner;

· All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;

· industry standards;

· enterprise standards;

· standards of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public associations.

State standards of the Russian Federation - regulations, establishing uniform rules in a particular area of ​​activity within our state.

State standards are developed for products, work and services that have intersectoral significance. The content of the requirements of the standards, the scope of their distribution, the scope of their validity and the date of their introduction are determined by the state governing bodies that adopt them. In accordance with the Law “On Standardization”, state standards and all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information are adopted by the State Standard of Russia, they are put into effect after their state registration.

The requirements established by the standards are mandatory for all government bodies and entities economic activity. Gosstandart of Russia and others specially authorized government bodies departments within their competence exercise state control and supervision over compliance mandatory requirements state standards.

The standard states:

· composition of document details;

· requirements for the composition of document details;

· requirements for forms and paperwork;

· requirements for the production, recording, use and storage of forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

All state standards operating in our country are united into a single State Standardization System - a hierarchically organized system of classification and coding of the state standards themselves.

Series 1 of the State Standardization System contains a set of fundamental standards, which set out provisions on the procedure for developing state standards, on the construction, presentation and execution of standards, their approval, registration and implementation, on the procedure for amending standards, canceling standards, etc., for example: on April 1, 2000, Amendment No. 1 to GOST R. 6.30-97, adopted by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of January 21, 2000 No. 9-Art.

The procedure for application and implementation of GOST R. 6.30-97 is explained and specified in the Methodological Recommendations of the All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Science. Guidelines intended for implementation in organizations:

· uniform rules registration of document details and options for their location based on modern regulatory framework on documentation support;

new information technologies preparation of documents and transmission of documentary information;

· business style of documents, basic requirements for the preparation and unification of document texts;

· rules for producing documents using printing devices, including computer word processing;

· rules for designing document forms;

· rules for the use, accounting and storage of forms and seals;

· rules for the preparation of documents transmitted via telecommunication channels.

GOST 1.RO-92. State system standardization of the Russian Federation: Basic provisions.

An independent set of standards consists of standards for unified documentation systems and Unified system classification and coding of technical and economic information.

Unification in a broad theoretical sense is usually understood as the optimal reduction in the number of elements in objects that make up any complex or system.

The main goal of unification and standardization of management documentation is to create a system of documents that can provide an economic effect. The use of unified documents should simultaneously promote the growth of creative elements in managerial work and improve its culture.

The economic efficiency of unification and standardization of documents is achieved as a result of reducing costs for the preparation, production and execution of documents, their transfer, processing, storage, and destruction. In addition, an indirect effect can be obtained by improving the management system, expressed in increasing the efficiency of management by reducing the time for all types of work with documents and bringing the decisions made closer to the optimal options as a result of improving the quality of documents. Consequently, the unification of documents will represent a solution to the problems of improving their content and forms.

Thus, the objects of unification and standardization of a document should be both its form and the composition of the details included in it.

The main objectives of improving the content of a document should be: during unification - selection of details that correspond to the purpose of the document and methods of its processing; during standardization - the establishment of uniform requirements for the details included in documents.

A unified form of document (UFD) is a set of details established in accordance with the tasks to be solved in the assigned field of activity and located on a storage medium in a certain order.

The main objectives of improving document forms should be considered: when unifying:

· expedient reduction of the variety of documents in form and rules of execution; during standardization

· formation and implementation as a mandatory norm of restrictions that make it possible to select the most effective forms and rules for document execution and ensure their long-term storage.

Document standards should contribute to the unification of forms of management documentation, the organization of centralized production of forms, the creation of the possibility of centralized processing of official documents and facilitating the work of management personnel, as well as reducing the cost of office expenses.

The introduction of standardization into management documentation is due to the unjustified variety of types and forms of documents recording the implementation of identical management actions.

Of particular importance today is the quality of the document as a carrier of management information. The requirement to increase the information content and unify documents, both in form and content, comes to the fore. This problem is solved by the standardization method.

The essence of the term “standardization” is characterized by three main points.

Firstly, standardization is national mandatory norms for the creation of documents established for a long period of time. Moreover, it not only introduces norms, but also guarantees their compliance.

Secondly, this is the unification of the properties and qualities of the document, the introduction of uniform sizes of forms, rules, and requirements for all documents.

Thirdly, standardization is the consolidation and dissemination of only those qualities and properties of documents that have the greatest functional justification and provide the greatest managerial effect.

Unification and standardization of documents are closely related. Unification is often considered as one of the methods of standardization. Unification of documents can also be carried out independently. In this case, standardization as a legal consolidation of the requirements of unification will be only one of the methods of its practical expression. What these two terms have in common is the requirement to introduce uniformity; the difference lies in legal force and scope, with the common concept being “unification”

The legal force of standards, the inclusion in standards of the requirement for mandatory unification of documents, the consolidation in standards of only the best solutions and combinations make standardization effective method rationalization of work with documents.

The leading method for achieving standardization goals is the single form method, which represents the concentration of the properties and qualities of a certain set of documents in a single matrix - a form. In general, when unifying documents, it is necessary to construct their forms in such a way that when filling out and processing, technical means can be more widely used in order to reduce the amount of unproductive manual labor.

For example, the transition of the economy of the Republic of Belarus to market relations requires the necessary measures to develop and maintain national unified forms of documents used by enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership and levels of management for accounting purposes, incl. and statistics, and meeting the standards accepted in international practice.

The developed unified forms of documents are combined into unified documentation systems (UDS). USD is a documentation system created according to uniform rules and requirements, containing information necessary for management in a certain field of activity.

The unified forms of documents used are a set of details established in accordance with the tasks being solved in a given field of activity and located on a storage medium in a certain order.

The purpose of creating a DSD is to determine and establish the optimal composition of document forms.

In addition to unified document forms, unified documentation systems include:

· Documents of international organizations establishing unified forms of documents;

· interstate standards and guidance documents on interstate standardization, establishing the composition and content of work on the unification of document forms used by bodies, departments and organizations of the CIS countries;

· standards and guidelines of the Republic of Belarus, establishing the composition and content of work to unify the forms of documents used at all levels of economic activity and ensuring a uniform procedure for carrying out this work;

· regulations, published by developers of SDDS for a specific functional purpose

When unifying documentation, the following work is carried out:

· establish a nomenclature of existing forms;

· build a unified model of documents for groups of homogeneous tasks using, as a rule, a sample form;

· establish general syntactic rules for document construction;

· establish methods for monitoring document execution.

Work on the unification of documents is necessary in various types of economic activities (statistics, financial activities, accounting, etc.).

Several unified documentation systems are currently being developed in the republic: primary accounting documentation, reporting and statistical documentation, labor and social issues, trade, etc.

One of the USD is the unified system of organizational and administrative documentation (USORD).

A characteristic feature of organizational and administrative documentation is that it is used to document the actions of organizations and enterprises when performing any management function at any level of management and in all industries. Therefore, in order to achieve greater uniformity of documents, it is necessary to establish uniform requirements for their preparation and execution, independent of hierarchical subordination and departmental specifics. The terminology used in the system of organizational and administrative documentation is also being standardized, where each term is given a clear, unambiguous definition. When developing a USORD, the number of types of documents used in it is also significantly reduced.

The complexity of the approach to the unification of documents included in the USORD is expressed in the fact that, within individual forms, the details are arranged in the order corresponding to the sequence of their registration and processing. At the same time, the methods of registration of individual details are also taken into account. One part of them is issued manually, the other - with the help of technical means, the third - with the help of separate mechanical devices (stamps, seals). Therefore, details and indicators formatted in one way are placed side by side to simplify the process of filling them out. In particular, this allows you to register the details included in the form stamp simultaneously using a rubber stamp. The USORD ensures greater reliability of information and gives documents legal force. When developing the forms of individual documents, attention is paid to ensuring that information of legal significance is drawn up in accordance with the requirements imposed on it by existing legislation, so that the documents contain all the details that provide them with the necessary legal force.

The purpose of developing and improving the USORD is to ensure optimal information management tasks, increase the efficiency of adoption management decisions. The basic principle embedded in the unified system of organizational and administrative documentation is to identify a number of typical management tasks that are implemented using a certain chain of unified document forms built on the basis of a single formula. The first document in the chain contains, as a rule, initial information, the last one contains the formulation of a management decision.

A unified system of organizational and administrative documentation is a set of standards, interconnected forms of documents, rules and regulations that establish requirements for the content and construction of documents used to solve management problems.

The USORD includes standards that establish General requirements to the contents and forms of documents, an album of unified forms of documents, normative and methodological materials on their application, a classifier of unified forms of documents, which is a section of the National Classifier of the Republic of Belarus “Unified Documents”, normative and methodological documents on the use of the classifier of unified forms of operational activity.

The composition of unified document forms includes: act, schedule, report and explanatory note, job description, statement, regulation, presentation, rules, letter of request, protocol, order, structure and staffing, decision, charter, staffing table.

Unified forms are systematized by subsystems: creation, reorganization and liquidation of an organization, enterprise; privatization of state and municipal enterprises; admission, transfer, dismissal; registration of holidays and incentives, imposition disciplinary sanctions; administrative activities of an organization, enterprise; organizational-normative and operational-information regulation of the activities of organizations and enterprises.

Processing of operational data by means of computer technology is achieved by encoding the information contained in the document. Therefore, for the functioning of forms of operational activity, a classifier of unified forms of operational activity has been developed, which is integral part systems.

Thus, the USORD establishes ways to improve the forms and content of ORD, makes it possible to process ORD using computer technology, and regulates the use of document forms depending on management tasks.