How to read the management report to the owners. Form of the annual report of the management company to the owners

You can see what the management company included in its report, for example, on its website. This is where annual reports are published. Also, such information must be provided on an extraordinary basis at the request of a citizen. If the owner disagrees with the documentation provided to him, he has the right to seek clarification.

You can complain about illegal spending of funds to the housing inspectorate, the court, the prosecutor's office or Rospotrebnadzor. Let's take a closer look at the approved reporting forms, the procedure for filling them out, and how to force the management company to act within the legal framework.

Should the management company report to residents?

Management company as one of the forms of management apartment building exercises its powers within the framework of current legislation. She must not violate the rights and legitimate interests residents.

Each of the residents has the right to get acquainted with information about the activities management company in relation to a specific house.

Thus, a report is made for residents. Of course, the management company is not obliged to provide reports every month to each resident of the apartment building. But still, according to the application, the person has the right to receive the necessary information. The management company is obliged to provide a financial or housing report at the request of individual government agencies And officials

. Reporting to residents on the work done must meet all the requirements stipulated by Russian legislation.

Article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation on the report of the Criminal Code to the owners of apartment buildings

The main regulator of these legal relations is the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. It is there that the norm is established that the management organization is obliged to report to the owners of apartments located in an apartment building. All this is directly enshrined in Article 162.

It states that when concluding a management agreement, the organization assumes the responsibility for maintaining reporting documentation and bringing it to the owners of multi-apartment buildings.

Until what date is the management company obliged to report, where can I see the final document

This company must submit an annual report to provided by law deadlines.

Information to the population is provided in writing no later than the first quarter of the year following the expired period.

In the event that a company violates these deadlines, citizens have the right to file a complaint with the housing inspectorate!

Most likely, the report will be posted on the website of your management company. ⇐
Another online resource that provides similar information is the housing and communal services reform website. There you first need to select your home in the search bar, then everything will become simply obvious!

Is it possible to request a report from the management company earlier?

As noted above, the management company is obliged to draw up and submit a report before this deadline, in the case where there was a demand from the building manager, chairman of the HOA, a resident of the house.

An application for the provision of information is created in in writing and must meet all requirements stipulated by the housing code. Information about management can also be obtained on the organization’s website without sending a corresponding request.

In a situation where there has been a refusal to access information, a citizen has the right to file a complaint with the housing inspectorate, the prosecutor's office or the court.

The procedure for the management company to report to the owners of apartments in the building: how and when, procedures

The management company is obliged to report to residents only for those activities that relate to the direct management of the apartment building. This includes:

  1. Providing services to homes.
  2. Providing housing and communal services.
  3. Repairs, both major and current.
  4. The procedure for spending funds received from citizens.
  5. Other activities.

The management company should not provide a report on the recruitment of employees, the assignment of wages to them and other issues related to its internal activities.

As noted above, there is a declaration and an annual report. They should contain business information, expenditure data, consumption data, work performed, taxes and other totals.

The procedure for approving a report involves collecting and conducting available information and its approval by the founder of the management company. If this occurs at the request of a resident, then the same procedure occurs in an extraordinary manner by studying local information.

Reporting meeting: agenda and sample


Before drawing up a reporting document, the management company, as part of its activities, is obliged to hold a meeting. The agenda is precisely the preparation of an annual or unscheduled report.

At this meeting, information about their activities is disclosed by the heads of various departments of the organization: housing and communal services, repairs, etc. After which a report is prepared for each of the areas of activity. The outcome of the meeting is the preparation of minutes, which form the basis of the report.

Participants may also be invited to the meeting: HOA representatives, this is necessary in a situation where the partnership has entered into an agreement with the management company.

Minutes of the reporting meeting of the management company: sample

As noted above, the end of the reporting meeting is marked by the minutes, which contain all the necessary information. A protocol is a written act that must include such elements as:

  1. Has the document been approved?
  2. What services were discussed?
  3. When was the organization meeting held?
  4. Who took part in it?
  5. What topics were discussed and what documents were studied.
  6. Date and signature of the manager.

At the request of the citizen, the management company is obliged to provide him with all these reports. The protocol is created exclusively for general annual meeting, therefore, at the request of a citizen, such a protocol is not provided on an extraordinary basis.

Contents, form and sample of the 2018 and 2019 annual report of the management company to the owners

The main document published as part of the annual activities of the management company is the annual report. This written document, which is signed by the head of the company that manages utilities in your home and is provided to citizens who are clients of the management company upon their application. Such information is always publicly available, including on the website.

Oral form of this document is not permitted. The report must include such elements as:

  • document's name;
  • an indication of the management company that accepted the act;
  • information about the agenda;
  • an indication of the forms of activity of the management company included in the report;
  • date of acceptance of the document;
  • signatures of authorized persons.

In 2018, special attention should be paid to the point regarding the expenditure of funds allocated for major repairs. Since these are carried out by regional operators, the management company, when reporting, indicates only the amount of funds received and the act of redirecting them to the regional operator, which subsequently distributes them.

Financial report of the management company to the owners

The management company is not required to report to the owners for all finances. Movement of internal funds allocated to wages persons for repairs office premises and other work goals.

However, for the fees charged to citizens cash must be included in such a final document. This is money accepted as payment for utilities, for major repairs, etc. The financial report is part of the annual report and is not published as a separate act.

Individual provisions of the report may be requested by citizens before this deadline upon their written application. In this case, the management company is obliged to provide such information.

Sample of this financial document Can . ⇐

Report on current repairs of an apartment building

Current repairs, unlike major ones, should be carried out much more often. This happens out of necessity, at the initiative of the management company or the owners of residential premises. It is necessary to report correctly on the fulfillment of the contract in this part. Standard forms Such reporting acts are issued within each specific organization.

Such a document must indicate how much money was spent, what work was carried out, who carried out it and when it happened.

Thus, when managing housing, the management company has an obligation to report on its activities to citizens. You can also request reports on the results of ongoing work on an extraordinary basis by written application. IN otherwise, you can write a complaint to the housing inspectorate, the prosecutor's office or the judicial authorities.

Those companies that have a large number of complaints in this regard may be forcibly liquidated by court decision.

Since the relationship between the owner and the management company is in some way of a material nature (we pay for the provision of services to us and general content Houses) - holders of residential premises have the right to know how and on what exactly funds are spent.

The obligation to provide such a report appears in Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, where the deadlines for its provision are indicated.

The report is a written statement of the work done for the year by the management company.

The report must contain the following information:

  • about funds received and spent;
  • for what specific needs was the money spent;
  • about the work performed;
  • about the debt, if any;
  • about plans for next year;
  • about standards done, not done or exceeded.

Reference! There is no single sample form according to which it should be drawn up this document, but the report must contain all the basic information about the work and cash flow.

Any owner has every right get acquainted with the information in the annual report and moreover, if it is not provided, the residents must demand it from the management company.

If the management company does not cope with its responsibilities, does not spend money rationally, and misleads the owners, then it is likely that you need and, because over time, the common property may simply be wasted or deteriorated, which will significantly affect the residents.

Annual work plan

The annual work plan is drawn up by the management company at the end of the fourth quarter of the outgoing year with a claim for execution next year.

Upon completion of the plan items, adjustments and notes are made to it.

After 11 months, the owners are shown an annual work plan, according to which residents can determine how much of what was planned in the plan has been completed. In case of inconsistencies in the report, residents can contact the Criminal Code for clarification.

Upon submission of the annual plan for review, a new document, which will take effect on the first day of the new year.

Attention! The annual work plan is a publicly available document and every resident can view it at the office of the management company.

The annual work plan is an official document. It is certified by the seal of the management company, as well as the signature of its secretary and director.

Staff Performance Report

The performance report of the management company's personnel is of great importance. It contains information about the extent to which cooperation with a particular person had a beneficial effect on the implementation of the annual plan, and provides indicators that are an index of the effectiveness of a particular employee of the management company.

They also evaluate attracted workers who perform not only frequent, but also one-time work.

If owners are embarrassed by cooperation with a particular person, they have the right to demand his replacement and even suggest candidates. So, in advance, the owners can even invite a person to a conversation at a meeting, where, during a personal conversation, they find out how the employee can meet their requirements.

If the tenants apartment building are not satisfied with the work of the person who heads the management company, then they may demand re-election or completely terminate the contract in unilaterally due to employee inefficiency.

Form and procedure for provision, according to legislative documents

In accordance with Government Decree of September 23, 2010 No. 731, information on the management of an apartment building must be communicated to the owners, otherwise, failure legislative act can lead to administrative responsibility and the fine provided for in Article 5.39 of the Code of Administrative Violations. Read about all types of liability of a management company.

The management company chooses the form of reports to the owners. The main condition is that the information must be understandable and accessible.

The report can be printed on paper media and placed on special stands in each entrance of an apartment building.

Reference! Reporting in local print media is not prohibited. At the same time, a week before the release of the media into circulation, the owners must be notified about this.

It is also allowed to post information on the website of the management company or on the website of the authority local government. It is important to warn owners about how they can familiarize themselves with the statements in advance.

From the video you will learn about what information is contained in management company reports and where such reports can be placed:

Required items

The management company's report to the owners consists of several subsections that describe the organization's annual activities.

Note! An important place in the report is given to indicators that were obtained as a result of the financial and economic activities of the organization.

The paragraph on financial and economic activities contains the following information:

  • information about the total income received for the provision of services and management;
  • information on expenses incurred for the provision of certain services indicated in the reporting;
  • information about reporting and general balance sheet management company.

In addition, the report mentions a list of houses that are included in the organization's activities.

A significant role in the report is given to the characteristics of the house being serviced:

  • year and date of construction;
  • materials used in construction;
  • number of storeys;
  • number of residential and non-residential premises;
  • number of owners;
  • type of construction;
  • availability of common property;
  • pulp condition;
  • cadastral number;
  • area of ​​land under the house.

IN additional points The report may contain the following data:

Advice! The management company, at its discretion, can add a number of items that relate to specific services and work performed, due to the fact that there is no uniform reporting form.

Thus, the report of some management companies may contain items that talk about the improvement of the territory that has occurred over the year, about new contracts concluded and acquired partners.

Annual reporting meetings

Annual reporting meetings can be held both with all homeowners together, and with specific ones, at the initiative of the management company.

Important! If the agreement between the owners and the management company does not stipulate a clause on holding meetings, only the management company, on its own initiative, can gather representatives of both parties at one table.

At the annual reporting meeting, the report is read out again, its specific points are analyzed.

It is quite possible that one of the owners will have doubts that may be voiced at the meeting.

The management company must clearly and comprehensively answer all questions from owners.

Such meetings should not only resolve problems and issues related to the past period, but also jointly determine plans for the future.

The most common points discussed at meetings are:

  • performers and scope of work;
  • increasing or decreasing fees for house maintenance;
  • priority areas where the money will go.

Residents have the right to express their opinions and vote for the final decision. In turn, employees of the management company, namely the chairman, secretary, accountant and a number of authorized persons, must provide explanations on issues, make proactive proposals and give advice on the rational use of the budget.

Reference! If at one meeting the owners do not consider all the necessary topics and do not receive answers to the necessary questions, another meeting is scheduled.

Before the meeting, residents should already be familiar with the results of the annual report, otherwise they will not be able to ask the management company all the questions and voice suggestions that arise in the process of studying the document.

If the management company refuses to hold a meeting or simply does not schedule one, residents have the right to complain to Housing inspection. The first appeal is made in the form of a complaint, and subsequent ones can take place already in court, depending on the management company’s response to the complaint.

In the video you can see an example of how a representative of a management company reads out an annual report to homeowners:

Do documents need to be approved?

The management company's reports are official documents. They display financial flows and expenses. When disputes arise between residents and managers, they are used as direct evidence.

Any reporting document is considered legal only if it is certified accordingly, and the reports of the management company are no exception.

The documentation of the management company is approved by the seal of the organization and the signature of an authorized person. Depending on what kind of report is being considered, you can certify it with your signature Chief Accountant, secretary, head of the management company.

Note! In cases where the chairman of the management company has not yet been selected, members of the board have the right to certify the statements of the management company with their signatures.

If the report does not have a seal and signature, if controversial situations and subsequent proceedings, government agencies will call into question the validity of such a document.


Issues of management company reporting to owners are rarely raised today. Mainly because the owners do not realize that once a year they have the right to receive a report from their management company.

The legal illiteracy of our citizens leads to the fact that common property is not properly looked after, which means it can quickly fall into disrepair.

Know all your rights and stop violating them. Know how to communicate with your management company, and also demand the information that is required by law.

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Is the management organization required to report on its work?

Yes, the management company must provide a report on the work, which is enshrined in Part 11 of Art. 162 Housing Code RF, and is also most often specified in the house management agreement.

In Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the management organization annually, during the first quarter of the current year, submits to the owners a report on the implementation of the management agreement for last year, and also places this report in the GIS Housing and Communal Services. However, the management agreement may provide for a different reporting procedure.

Also in sub. “z” clause 4 of the Rules for the implementation of activities for managing houses (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 N 416) stipulates that at management of the house is ensured, among other things, by providing the owners with reports on the fulfillment of obligations to manage the house with the frequency and to the extent established by the decision of the meeting and the management agreement.

In what form should the management organization's report be?

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation does not establish strict requirements for the form, as well as the procedure for its provision to owners.

In practice, some management organizations submit reports for approval at the annual meeting of owners, others simply post them on their website, others hang them on information boards, some still post information on Reform Housing and Communal Services (there you can also see old reports of management companies), the majority must disclose reporting in the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services.

Since the law does not provide for a universal and mandatory reporting form for all, it is important for owners to specify a detailed form and the procedure for its provision by the management company in the management agreement.

If the management organization is selected through a competition, then the reporting in this case is slightly regulated by the Rules for holding a competition for the selection of a management organization (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2006 N 75). In them, in paragraph 41, it is indicated that the competitive documentation must include forms and methods of monitoring the management organization’s fulfillment of its obligations under management contracts, including the right 15 days before the end of the contract to become familiar with what is located on the premises of the management organization, as well as on the notice boards located in all entrances of the building or within land plot, on which the house is located, an annual written report from the management organization on the implementation of the contract, including information on the work performed, maintenance and repair services provided common property, as well as information about violations identified by regulatory authorities.

Sample report form is contained in Appendix 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2014 No. 411/pr. The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation proposes to include in the report the following information:

on the compliance of the list, volume and quality of work and services for the management, maintenance and repair of common property regulatory requirements;

about the types, characteristics, dates of work actually performed, services provided;

on cases of violation of the terms of the management agreement, frequency and quality of provision utilities(number and dates of violations, number of related cases of fee reduction);

about the types of utility services provided;

on settlements with resource supply organizations;

on consideration of applications received from owners indicating the number and date of receipt, information about measures taken to eliminate (account) the proposals, statements and complaints specified therein - indicating the date of adoption of the corresponding decision and the implementation of measures to eliminate (account) them, as well as data on the number of facts of damage to common property identified as a result of consideration of appeals from owners by actions (inaction) management organization and information about compensation for such damage or elimination of damage to common property;

on the use of funds from reserves intended for repair (including unforeseen) work, indicating the timing, types, volumes and cost of work performed, as well as cases in which the cost of such work exceeds the amount of created reserves (in the event of the formation of appropriate reserves);

on changes to the list of works, services for the proper maintenance and repair of common property, the list of works (services) for management in accordance with the procedure established by the terms of the management agreement, indicating the number, date and content of changes;

about the amounts received by the management organization under agreements on the use of common property, the direction of spending such amounts;

on the results of reconciliation of payments for services rendered and work performed on the maintenance and repair of common property;

about the amounts accrued and received contributions for major repairs, the size of the fund overhaul, on the amounts used from the capital repair fund for purposes (in the case of the formation of a capital repair fund in a special account of the regional operator);

on penalties, fines, and other sanctions against the management organization by state housing control and supervision bodies, as well as lawsuits, in which the plaintiff or defendant is the management organization.

Once again, please note that This approximate form , it is advisory in nature, and real life Few people adhere to it. If you want to see a report from your management organization in this form, then make sure in advance that it is recorded in the management agreement.

Another form - 2.8“Report on the management organization’s execution of the management agreement...”- provided for by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 N 882/pr.

According to the requirements, the report must contain:

General information about the work performed (services provided) for the maintenance and routine repairs of common property;

Information on the work (services) performed for the maintenance of common property and routine repairs for each type of work (service);

Information about the presence of claims regarding the quality of work (services) performed;

Information on the provided utility services (general and for each of them separately)

Information about any complaints regarding the quality of public services;

Data on the conduct of claims and lawsuits against debtors.

Please note that this form was provided for management companies to comply with information disclosure standards on the Housing and Communal Services Reform website, but now almost all regions must post information on another website, in the Housing and Communal Services GIS. On it, the management company is required to post a report on the implementation of the management agreement and financial statements.

This is clause 15 of section X, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia N 74, Ministry of Construction of Russia N 114/pr dated 02.29.2016 “On approval of the composition, timing and frequency of posting information by information providers in the GIS Housing and Communal Services”.

Unfortunately, the order does not provide for a detailed composition of information in such a report, so you can see reports there that are completely different in their information content - from voluminous tables in Excel to single-line ones with several figures (accrued-collected-spent).

How to find the report of your management company in the GIS Housing and Communal Services?

To find the company's report, open the Housing and Communal Services GIS and find your home in the housing register. At the bottom, click the “item information” link housing stock", a sign will open with general characteristics at home, in the “Managing organization” column there should be a link “Information about the management of apartment buildings.” Open it. A new window will appear with subheadings from “General Information” to “Use of Common Property”, after which there is also a list button (4 blue horizontal stripes). You need to click on it and select “Management Report”, then specify reporting period. A link to download the file with the report will appear (if the management organization posted it).

Why is the management company’s report so important?

1. From it you can understand whether the management company received “savings” for itself.

By virtue of Part 12 of Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, if, based on the results of the execution of the management agreement in accordance with the report posted in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, the actual expenses turned out to be less than those that were taken into account when establishing the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises, subject to the provision of high-quality services and (or) performance of work, such a difference remains at the disposal of the management organization. You can write a different distribution of savings in the management agreement. Important condition preserving the company's right to save money - quality of work and services.

In clause 17 of the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491) it is written when work and services are considered to be of poor quality: if poor quality such services and (or) work during the period for which the report was submitted, an act of violation of quality or exceeding the established duration of the break in the provision of services or performance of work was drawn up.

Thus, if the acts were not drawn up, the work can be considered high-quality, and the organization can take the savings for itself. Some companies in the management agreement prescribe a different procedure for recognizing the work as high-quality: for example, if, after posting the report in the State Information System for Housing and Communal Services, no written objections were received from the owners to a certain, as a rule, short term. Then, according to the terms of the contract, the management company considers that the work was accepted by the owners without any complaints about quality, and calmly takes the saved money for itself.

Also, the owners’ acceptance of a report without quality claims or drawing up reports of improper work or services can backfire when they try to change the management company due to its improper performance.

2. From the report you can understand whether the house has collected but unspent funds that you can count on when changing the management company.

If the management organization did not take the savings for itself, then perhaps the house still has some leftover money that was not spent on Maintenance. In this case, you can count on the transfer of these funds to the newly selected management company. Most likely, this will not happen without a trial, and the report will serve as good evidence of the amount of unspent funds. As a positive example, you can read the Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2018 N 307-ES18-16839.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the terms of the management agreement regarding the company’s report, try through negotiations to achieve a more transparent reporting procedure, and immediately spell out the conditions regarding savings - whether the management company has the right to it or not, and in what amount.

DOMSKANER employees will help you:
- prepare a complete package of documents general meeting owners with a guarantee of acceptance of documents by the Housing Inspectorate.
- update the register of owners based on the FSIS EGRN of Rosreestr.
- make personalized forms for each resident.
Our experience is more than 5 years and several thousand successful meetings even in the most conflict-ridden homes.