How can you find a real witch? Olga Zvanskaya: A real witch does not take money for help! Help from the witch


I thought for a long time whether to write a review or not, because it’s probably not quite ordinary. But I decided to write because, probably, many women experienced the same thing as me. I contacted Victoria about five years ago. I loved a man, deeply, and thought that he was my destiny. For four years he constantly found fault with me, everything was wrong! I tried my best to please him and when he finally abandoned me, I turned to Victoria with a request to return him. I thought that without him there was no point in living, tears, despair... Victoria looked and said - why are you crying? Are you worried that you didn’t eat enough with him? So it was God who took you away from him! You will meet someone else soon and you will be happy!.. I had no more strength and I decided to listen to her. She made me want to live without him again, I learned to respect myself, to reckon with myself, and not to step on my own throat because of him. I realized that how you treat yourself is how a man treats you. I changed a lot with Victoria's help. And he... God be his judge... My son is now three months old! If it weren’t for Victoria, I would have committed suicide, by God! Maybe my review will help someone... It will save life and fate.


A ritual for sales growth and an increase in customer flow - 18,000 rubles!

Fortune telling for the coming year with situation correction - 15000t.r.

The strongest problem with attractiveness Aphrodite - 14000 rub. (in many cases you can replace a love spell with a spell)

Harmonization family relations- 18000t.r.

Strong Love Spells - from 10,000 rub. up to 150,000t.r.


Two rings marriage ceremony - 21,000 rubles!



The cost of a diagnostic consultation is 3000 rubles.

Nowadays it is impossible to live without magic! You can simply live honestly, work, fall in love, believe in ideals and hope for a bright future... But!

If only everything were that simple! I, like you and all people, would really like peace, kindness and participation, so that people not only do not offend each other, but treat their neighbors with the highest bright and pure Love!

I wanted... Only I, Witch Victoria, all my life (and I have been living in the world for a long time and practicing high magic) have seen disappointment, pain, tears and difficulties invading one way or another into every human destiny.

My grandmother, the strongest witch of our country, Catherine, always taught me to be open to people, to be above condemnation, evil, hatred and betrayal. Do not stab in the back and do not allow envy into your soul.

Why did she focus on these seemingly simple human qualities? Why does a witch need such personal qualities? After all, not every strong magician pays attention to his personal qualities and practices!..

Yes. Very, very many people are practicing now... This is probably why I hear the same thing every day for more than twenty years - I asked for the help of a magician, but they didn’t help me!

Many people write to me when I ask them - why didn’t they seek the help of a magician? - we contacted them, they didn’t help us...

My grandmother always taught me to work conscientiously; she didn’t understand when I told her that I couldn’t! Do not want! - she answered.

I was offended by my grandmother, I was even very angry, but only later I realized, when I began to accept people myself, without her help, that there is nothing more important than a person’s life and his fate! It’s very easy to make a mistake, to do something wrong, to do something wrong in good faith, but how can you then live with the knowledge of your mistake?!

That is why I, Witch Victoria, always took on only those cases when I was 101% sure that I could definitely help this person. If I had the slightest doubt - that's it! I refused to help, even if they offered me a lot of money for help!

She refused because there is nothing more expensive than a person’s fate!


On this moment I have reached such a level of mastery that over the past fifteen years I have never had such a case that I could not help the person who turned to me! This was achieved through great difficulty, constant improvement of my skills, and the search for new truths, just as my grandmother taught me!

Magic is work, regardless of heredity, because you can be weaker than your magician ancestor, or you can become even stronger! After all, this is what the magician works for all his life - to transfer his accumulated power to his successor! Preserve ancient knowledge! Magic is a secret and it is impossible to master it perfectly without such a rite of Initiation!

Yes, dear ones, a magician works for this, and not to help people! It is religious followers who must help people, because their strength comes not from their knowledge and skill, but from faith in one or another religious egregor. They do not belong to themselves and are forced to do what is required of them.

With the help of a magician, everything is different - the magician helps only when this help is well paid. Why? What, is the magician so greedy? I will say one thing: a real magician is always! lives far from any city, big or small, does not matter. Because it is so far from the “benefits” of civilization that you simply won’t understand it.

Why did I put the words Good in quotation marks? Yes, because for a real Witch there is only one good in the world - the Power of Nature! This is like air, like life-giving water for a witch! A real witch consists of this Power! This is her blood and nerve! That is why look for a real Witch in a village, in a village, in holy places - where the real Power lives! Away from large crowds of people and equipment. All this, like a powerful vacuum cleaner, sucks out energy and strength! And not a single Witch could live and practice in such conditions!

Now think about who receives in the so-called “magic salons” or in a city apartment? There is no magic there and cannot be.

So, why does a witch take a fee for her services, and not a small one, if she does not need the technocratic benefits of civilization? Yes, a witch is above any civilization, she is outside of it, but money in its equivalent is not a benefit, as in your philistine idea, but the most powerful energy!

Yes, money is the most powerful energy on earth today, it has no equal! She is capable of building states and destroying them, capable of taking possession of a person’s soul and controlling his will and destiny. Only the Forces of Nature are stronger than this energy. But you can’t give the witch the energy of nature in return?! And if the witch only gives you her energy without receiving anything in return, then she will dry up and die! IN best case scenario She and her loved ones will be sick. And to prevent this from happening, the witch will take your life energy in return in order to replenish the strength she spent on you. And then you will begin to have severe health problems, personal relationships will collapse, financial collapse will occur, etc. and so on until the energy that the witch spent on you is completely returned to her.

Now do you understand why the help of a magician is always paid? The magician knows about the balance of energies and does not disturb it. People don’t understand this and in their minds, money is equal to certain benefits of civilization, but not energy! And in the pursuit of these benefits and shaking over these pieces of paper, they forget that this is an illusion and in fact there is nothing more important, more valuable and more valuable than their destiny, the happiness and health of themselves and their loved ones, mutual love and successful self-realization in their career or in their business! And if you understand this correctly, then you don’t mind spending any money to make your life better, happier, right?

You can still earn money, this is a gainful business, but what could be more valuable than love, happiness, health, family, success!


The witch helps often.

Witch Victoria always helps!

Whatever worries you - love, money, family, removing any damage, or maybe inducing it - everything is subject to the hereditary strong witch Victoria!

My successful practice has lasted for 31 years and during this time I have been able to help thousands of people who turned to me for help!

But despite this, I never put my clients on the conveyor belt, like many magicians!

I always carefully consider each situation, analyzing it in detail from all sides before agreeing to implement your request, until the smallest details become clear to me. This is the only way to guarantee 100% results! And I, Witch Victoria, confidently guarantee it if I undertake to help you! And if you are my ally, and not a distrustful observer, then you and I will definitely be able to achieve absolutely everything you want! After all, your faith in success and in me will not allow To the Higher Powers refuse to help you!


For those who decide to find a witch who will help them find love

And so you decided to find the witch...

I bet that when you decided to find a witch, you initially prepared for the fact that you would have to deal with some dark forces from which it was impossible to expect anything but evil. Attuned in this way thanks to television, comics and horror books, you are not only afraid that you will plunge into the world of “black forbidden witchcraft,” but you even believe that you will come out of contact with this world changed.

Then you will be surprised to learn that I am hereditary and strong witch Olga - I undertake to bear the guarantee that the rituals I perform will be guaranteed to be performed within the agreed time frame and will take effect only if you strictly adhere to my recommendations regarding how you can radically or partially change yourself. And change, oddly enough, for the better!

FIND THE WITCH it’s simple and no less simple to order some ritual from her. Your acquisition of health, love, wealth, luck, happiness and a variety of talents is indeed a very real thing. But only on one condition, that you understand that a person lying on the sofa will never become a millionaire, and someone who offends even the other half who is bewitched by him will never retain her love. Just like those who so far bring nothing into this world except corruption and greed, although they receive talent, they will never be able to realize it in order to take advantage of the fruits that their gift could bring them.

That is why, before asking questions: how to find a witch or where to find a witch, you must understand that any, even the most powerful magical ritual will require your direct participation at the level of changing consciousness, soul and habits. And therefore, if you naively believe that the good witch Olga will take and do everything for you, you are deeply mistaken. No, of course, you can find a witch who will tell you: “I will do everything myself, and you go on making trouble, being lazy, being jealous, and not taking care of yourself.” You can even pay her, but there will be no results. The Higher Powers allow us to attract them as allies (trust the strongest representative of the village magic school) only when we act as their partners, doing our part of the work of personal change, and not as idle and greedy consumers.

And an important nuance:
time of implementation of a particular ritual, regardless of which sector of your reality it is aimed at changing. Having decided how to find a witch, you must understand that not a single ritual works instantly. The period for its full implementation in your reality takes from several days to weeks to six months. And this is understandable. You didn't get sick in one hour. And the resentment against you among those who cursed you accumulated for more than one day. And the relationship with your loved one went wrong in more than one month. Just as the lump of problems that has buried you under itself has been gaining its mass for more than one day, rituals aimed at its destruction are not able to act instantly. And this is especially true for cases when it is necessary to remove a generational or old curse, or when we are talking about damage and the evil eye brought on by force and skill.

But remember - for me there are no difficult tasks, and therefore, if you undertake to help me, I can save you from any evil eye, damage, curses, love spells, slander, attachments, crowns of celibacy and everything that prevents you from living! Or it turns the life of your family and loved ones into hell!

How and where to find a witch who can help you

As for the answer to the question: how to find a witch, you got it once you found yourself on my site. But one would have to be naive or narrow-minded not to understand that any meeting that gives us life happens by chance. If you came to me, wondering how to find a witch, then you can rest assured that it was not an accident that brought you to me, but only the Higher Powers, who have already decided not only that you deserve help in your trouble, but have also chosen me so that I can help you with your problem.

And they did this not in vain, since, having been engaged in magical practices for more than 20 years, I have reached the true heights of magical knowledge, allowing me to resist any evil, change human destinies, give birth or restore love between people, restore health and give inspiration, wealth, longevity and protected from any dark inclinations from the outside.

So, having asked the question “how to find a good witch”, you, having received the answer to it, only have to take the last and only correct step - call or write to me, using the information from the “CONTACTS” section, so that remotely or in person I can help in any of your troubles.

Where and how to find a witch who can work miracles. Village magic.

And finally, very interesting fact, which I think will be of interest to many visitors to my site. Did you know that for those who decide to find a witch, it is much more important to ask not the question “how?”, but the question “where to find a witch”? After all, a true and good witch who really masters the techniques of strong village Magic - the only one capable of attracting the attention and empathy of the Higher Powers - simply cannot live in the city.

A witch living or receiving visitors in the city, especially in a high-rise or apartment building, cannot perform serious magical rituals default! Firstly, she does not have access to the inexhaustible sources of energy in the world, and secondly, she is simply not capable of performing truly powerful rituals without harming her neighbors who live literally behind a thin wall from her. And the point is not even in matters of morality and ethics. The Higher Powers will never allow her to do this, and if they do, they will punish both her and those who ordered a ritual not carried out according to the rules from her in the most severe manner. Now do you understand why it is so important to understand where to find a witch who can help you with real magic?

I understand it. That’s why I settled on the edge of a small village on the very border of Russia and Ukraine. And therefore, now at my and your disposal not only are the inexhaustible energy reserves of a protected epic land untouched by civilization, but also extremely reliable protection. Namely, in order to get it, I settled on a large island, which is located on the outskirts of the village (there is a bridge there, so it’s possible to get to me, especially in the summer, when the dirt road is not washed out), the entire territory of which is covered with trees and large meadows, full of pure herbs. And that’s why I was able to find myself at the center of the intersection of all the most important and most powerful elements - air, earth and water, completing their unification with the magical fire that lives in my heart.

Now you understand why I can allow myself to say that your arrival on my site was not accidental and unintentional, and why I have no doubt that our meeting was not without the mediation of the all-knowing and all-seeing Higher Powers! And this means only one thing - I and I already have everything so that I can help you with any, even the most difficult problem!!!

Yours, witch Olga. Contact us!

FOR ALL. Ritual of Inga Khosroeva

The formation of a witch occurs through very great losses and tragedies in life. Until the age of 40, a witch’s powers are tested very strongly. She endures many losses, life problems, and adversity. But thanks to all this, her own character is strengthened, the strength given to her from birth is multiplied, and experience is accumulated. Her thoughts become alive, her words are fulfilled in such a way that she herself becomes dangerous to people, and sometimes to herself. All the work that she does can come true even with one word. Witchcraft reaches perfection, which is called the demonic level. In this case, the witch already has the right to do what she considers necessary and fair. Witches are very reasonable and practical people. After death, witches become guardians of their clan, teach and guide their clan through life. The witch herself creates her own egregor, with the help of her knowledge, skills and what she does for people, who then bring her gifts, gratitude and their positive energy. All this builds a defense for this witch.
The ritual was created by the author to call upon the power of the witch for help. In difficult moments of life, you can turn to this ritual, which will help you, but you yourself will pay with your own energy - the energy of one day. And in in this case this will be fair, since you do not make any further material investments, but pay with what you have. The life question in which you turn to the ritual can be anything: being kicked out of work, fear of going to jail, injustice in business, and much more.
We will need: a black altar, two black candles (any dark ones can be used), one red candle, incense, a photograph of Inga Khosroeva, earth and water. The red candle should burn out after the ritual, either immediately, or you can light it every day before the photo until it burns out. After you read the ritual, the water must be poured into the ground and placed on the windowsill; after it dries, the soil can be poured somewhere on the street under a tree. Also, after your problem is resolved, you need to pour vodka under any tree and leave 13 coins, and say that you are paying off the powers of the witch Inga. Leave without looking back.
“I, who know you, respect your strength, honor your ancestors and your formidable guards, turn to your strength and ask your guards to hear me and, in the name of love for you, to help me in my work. I turn to the power and family of Inga and ask them to help me in my work. I recognize your power, let your guards penetrate my life through temporary portals and hear my request. Show yourself to me with your power, penetrate my destiny and help me now (make a request). I let the power of the witch Inga into my life, I ask the guards of the witch Inga to help me, and in return I give a piece of my life force. The exchange is fair, the ransom will be paid, and my request will be heard and fulfilled. Her name is in a black book, written in black blood, and she has been given the power to help us. I conjure and call on the power of the witch Inga. I conjure with earth, water, air and fire, South, North, East and West. Let her powers help me, and in return take a piece of my strength as a ransom. Let it be done! I conjure. I conjure. I conjure."

Hello, dear readers! Today our guest is one of the most powerful magicians in Russia, a master of love magic, a hereditary magician and healer - Olga Zvanskaya.

Hello Olga! We are very glad to meet you. Our editorial office receives a lot of positive feedback about your work and we really wanted to talk with you. Olga, tell us how you managed to help so many people who turned to you on completely different issues?

Hello. Thank you for your attention to my person and for your kind words, I am glad that my help brings happiness to people. I was born in the Altai Mountains, where nature, earth, air, absolutely everything is saturated with extraordinary energy, these are sacred places where rare healing herbs and flowers grow, where everything is pristine and magical power can be felt even in the air. I inherited my gift from my grandmother Evdokia Prokhorovna, who taught me ancient spells and prayers; she passed on to me the secrets of healing herbs, healing infusions, love potions, and magical rituals. Having acquired in childhood the hereditary strength of our family, unique knowledge and abilities, I have been successfully helping people for 30 years. There are no boundaries or distances for magic, so I can help people solve many problems. In my arsenal there are more than 700 proven magical rites and rituals for all occasions. Using the magic of nature - good white magic, ancient spells and prayers, combined with unique rituals, I effectively help people.

What problems do people most often come to you with?

Most often, people come with love and family problems. Mostly women want to get their husband back, and girls or guys want to get their loved one back. Each person has his own inner world and his own energy, and situations that with one person are resolved in a matter of minutes, with another can drag on for a day or two. All people have different requests, but they all have one thing in common - a great desire to find happiness. For example, meet your soulmate, find Good work, build a career, achieve financial well-being or start a family. I never refuse anyone and help everyone, because nature has given me such a gift and abilities for a reason, I am obliged to help people, because this is my mission, my purpose. The Higher Powers gave me great strength, and I pass it on to people. People receive energetic, spiritual grace from me, healing, prosperity, and family happiness come to them.

How do you work with clients?

Method of working with specific person depends on the problem with which he came to me. There are strong conspiracies and proven magical rituals that work great at a distance, for example, these are all types of love spells, as well as the removal of damage, the crown of celibacy, cleansing the aura, or energy protection. But there are complex tasks that require personal visit to me, because only at a personal meeting can I fully convey the maximum of my energy and strength necessary to solve serious problems in humans. For example, for healing, it is imperative to work with a person personally, face to face, because treatment requires a colossal amount of energy and strength. Now I live and work in Volgograd, people come to see me from many cities.

How do you feel about the fact that the Foundation " Public opinion» recognized you as the most powerful magician in Russia in 2017?

Of course, I was very pleased when I was informed that the results opinion polls I deserve such high praise for my work. I was able to receive public recognition only because I provide people with truly effective and efficient assistance. And this is not only my reward and achievement, it is the reward of all the people who visited me and all my beloved clients who turned and are turning to me for help from different parts of our planet. I am grateful to everyone who supported me, this is our common achievement.

Did the award you received “The Most Powerful Magician of Russia 2017” affect the cost of your services?

(Laughs) You know, I don’t have any prices for my services and anyone can thank me at their own discretion, moreover, I’m always ready to help a person absolutely free of charge. My grandmother said, transferring her strength to me: “Olga, now you have received the Greatest gift, take care of it, you cannot put selfish goals above the sincere desire to help your neighbor! God loves you, allows you to do good through your mind, giving you unlimited divine love and power. The magical power of divine love can move mountains and make the impossible possible. But if you do not see the needs and problems of people, but think about the low energies of money, then God will immediately take away your gift and strength, because you will no longer be able to fulfill your divine mission. If a person bets material values higher than spiritual, then this is already pride, and pride is the most serious sin on Earth. If a person has pride, it means he has gone against God, such a person will never be happy, no wealth will bring him happiness and satisfaction, there will always be emptiness in his soul...” Clients often come to me when others have refused to work with them, so called "proven magicians", only because of their financial situation. I don’t look at how old a person is, what mistakes he made in the past, and especially not at his social status. I always extend my helping hand to people and help to the best of my ability. I am sometimes asked: “Olga, how to distinguish a real magician from a charlatan?”, and I always answer: “A real witch does not take money for help!” All. If you asked for help and a certain magician told you an absurd amount for his work, turn around and leave immediately, because here you are perceived as an object for making money, and not a person who needs help.

Do you think the personal qualities of a magician as a person are reflected in his work?

Yes. To really help people, you need a sincere desire, kindness, and love for people. During a session, I become completely immersed in the person’s problem, and that person’s pain becomes my pain. I understand a person more than he understands himself, I see the reasons for his misfortunes, I completely focus on solving the problem and direct all my energy to solving this specific problem. I believe that greedy people who are only interested in some kind of monetary gain that desperate people are willing to give them have no place in magic.

Is it enough just to know the spells and the sequence of the ritual for their magical power to be fully revealed?

Of course not. When reading a spell or a certain prayer, I call on the Higher Powers for help, available only knowledgeable people. For an ordinary person without magical abilities, a spell is just a set of words. You also need to have both the ability and the strength, thanks to which the Higher Powers will perceive and implement the request for help. The miraculous power of prayer is truly capable of creating extraordinary things. But, I want to note that intervention in the forces of nature with the help of white magic may not always be justified, therefore, before carrying out this or that ritual, I need a deep diagnosis with an examination of all the circumstances, the problem that worries a person, and only after that, I make a decision that I can work with a person or not.

Are there situations when your magic is powerless?

I won't lie, I once had a case where I couldn't help a person. It was a very long time ago... then I was very young and did not yet know how to manage my abilities properly. I was 19 years old and a woman approached me with a request to return her husband to the family, I worked with her, but the result did not suit her... or rather, her husband returned to her and everything worked out for them, but a month later, she wanted to turn away from her husband, and I couldn't make this lapel! Now I know this and understand why it didn’t work out, but then I was too young and didn’t have enough experience to correctly assess the situation and remove my love spell and make a lapel. Now I remember this incident with a smile, because in fact, making a lapel back then was incredibly easy! In general, any magical ritual is a complex process, sometimes to achieve the desired result it takes me a whole week of hard work: selecting the optimal rituals, directly performing the rituals, traveling to places of power, etc. In principle, if a person asks for my help in a timely manner, then good white magic will help in solving any problem, be it poor health, problems in his personal life or in business.

When is it possible and when not to seek help from Higher Powers?

When there is a problem that really interferes with living and enjoying life, you can always try to solve it magically. But I want people to understand that lying on the couch and not learning anything, they will not build a career, and money will not fall from the sky; By doing nasty things to people, or destroying other people's families, they will not find their happiness, and so on. My conspiracies and prayers will launch a mechanism for solving the problem, and the problem will definitely be resolved, but we also need to develop ourselves and our soul in order to grow spiritually and bring good to our loved ones.

What about love spells then?

This is a different matter. Often people turn to me whose relationships have suffered or completely collapsed due to the envy of others, black love spells from rivals or the negative influence of their relatives. My task is to return everything to normal, remove negative influences, turn away the insidious rival, restore the former warmth between the spouses, strengthen the union, make it strong and harmonious for many years. It is thanks to white magic that it is possible to destroy evil and restore happiness to people.

How do you manage to help everyone, since the name Olga Zvanskaya is becoming more and more popular?

Work has really become more difficult, because there are many people with problems, and I am alone, I have to devote more time to my work in order to have time to help everyone. First of all, I work with those people in whose situations one cannot hesitate and when people need urgent magical help. To make it more convenient for my clients, I now work through social media, as well as from photographs or I invite you to individual sessions. I repeat once again, there are no boundaries for real magic, magic is effective at any distance, confirmation of this is on my website, in the section Olga Zvanskaya magician reviews

We know that you also work successfully as a search engine, that is, you find missing people. There was a story in the media about how you found a missing girl. How often do people turn to you for such help?

I have experience in searching for missing people, and I work as a searcher using my abilities. Unfortunately, people disappear in our country very often. And relatives of missing people often turn to me asking for help in finding their loved one. But, unfortunately, they turn to me in most cases when it is already too late, people disappear in the forests, drown in rivers, etc. It's very scary and painful. And when the relatives of a missing eight-year-old girl, who could not be found for three days, contacted me, I put aside all my affairs and went to look for her. And Thank God, I was able to see where she was and she was rescued in time, the girl got lost in the forest and almost drowned in the swamp, she was very scared and exhausted. But thanks to the Higher Powers and her guardian angel, she survived!

Thank you very much Olga for an interesting conversation! We wish you health and great success in your sincere work of helping people!

Thank you for inviting me, good luck to you and all the best! I also want to wish your readers great love, health, happiness, and prosperity! Never lose faith in goodness and in people, sincerely strive for goodness and light and do not turn away from this path, because now there are so many false and deceptive temptations around that lead a person into the trap of evil, black magic and so on. Some terrible magical rites and rituals are published everywhere, and many try to do them, repeat them, without thinking at all about the consequences. There's no need to go into it without any idea of ​​how magic works. You will only harm yourself and completely ruin everything, and the white magician will have to correct the situation when you come to see him.

Olga Zvanskaya conducts personal consultations daily in the city of Volgograd, and also works remotely. Make an appointment, receive free consultation or advice, you can send a request for help via magician's official website For real magic there are no borders, kilometers or distances, this is proven by numerous reviews of people who, from their own experience, appreciated the power of the hereditary magician Olga Zvanskaya.

Free help from magicians and sorcerers, if a person applies in a timely manner, can quickly eliminate problems, and is usually effective in 100% of cases. What do I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, mean by timely contacting a specialist in esoteric disciplines? I'll explain now.

Free help from a magician via the website

It happens that a person suffers failures, loses love and health; life, and everything that he has created over the years, literally collapses, but, either out of stubbornness and disbelief in magic, or out of self-confidence, the person tries to independently deal with the difficulties and bring everything back to normal. The only catch is that if the difficulties are not of natural origin, but induced, created through witchcraft manipulations, only a sorcerer can interrupt the black streak. The magician will determine the origin of your life problems and eliminate their causes. If the situation is simple, the sorcerer will figure it out online and offer you a simple and effective way out.

Now it has become very easy to get free help - on mystical forums and websites for novice sorcerers and magicians they will advise you, do an express diagnosis, identify the source of your problem, and suggest solutions.

When you need the real help of a magician

If express diagnostics show the presence of a complex, intricate problem, you will need the help of a really strong sorcerer. Sometimes a black magician encounters problems that require complex work over several weeks, or even several months. This is exactly what is commonly called free help a real magician.

Any magical intervention, with the exception of simple conspiracies, challenges and hassles affecting the emotional background and mentality of the victim is associated with ritual actions, and directly depend on the phases of the Moon. You cannot, for example, remove damage to the waxing Moon, just as you cannot do a love spell on the waning Moon on your own (with the exception of a few cases when a free love spell is not tied to the state of the Moon, and the ritual can be performed on any day of the month except Sunday, correlating, if necessary, with women's and men's days).

But on the waning Moon, the magician prepares for strong love spell on the love of a loved one - weakens the victim, removes