Compensation payments for housing and communal services. Examples of calculating the amount of monthly monetary compensation to pay for housing and utilities

Utilities become more expensive every year. For families with average income, these are minor changes in the budget. Low-income citizens, in turn, find it difficult to cope with payments. However, the state provides subsidies for housing and communal services.

What it is?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the maximum payment for housing and communal services should not exceed 22 percent of the family income. Tariffs increase annually, in accordance with the region's cost of living. If the family is low-income, the rent amount should be reduced in accordance with Government Decree No. 541.

A certain category of citizens whose income is equal to or below the established annual subsistence level has the right to receive subsidies. In 2017, this figure is 9,776 rubles per person.

Compensation is social financial support for low-income citizens. Involves the payment of funds to pay for the apartment and utilities. Compensation for expenses is provided in full and in part to those who do not have debts for housing and communal services. In order to receive monthly benefits, you must pay utilities no later than the 25th of each month, and also submit meter readings to service providers. It is especially important to provide this information to disabled veterans, for whom compensation is paid in accordance with the consumption rate.

Subsidies imply a commensurate reduction in rent in accordance with the cost of living of the region. In order to receive benefits, you must provide a certificate of income to the Housing Office. You are also required to report any changes, such as:

  • moving to a new place of residence;
  • basis for receiving another type of benefit;
  • appointment of a new house manager;
  • change of utility service provider.

Heroes of the USSR are exempt from paying utility bills.

Who is eligible to receive?

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides subsidies for utility bills to the following categories of citizens:

  • large families (with 3 or more minor children);
  • participants of the Second World War;
  • veterans, military and government employees;
  • honorary donors;
  • participants in the elimination of the Chernobyl accident;
  • single mothers;
  • children - orphans;
  • disabled people - pensioners.

In addition, regardless of place of residence, benefits are provided to owners, tenants and users of public housing. However, the law prohibits the provision of subsidies to utility debtors, as well as to foreigners.

The main purpose of the benefit is to help low-income and socially vulnerable families. Citizens have the right to receive subsidies from the state if they do not work and are the owners of only one residential property. Basically, discounts are provided for gas supply. Support is provided by regional self-government bodies, and the amount of the benefit is assigned individually for each case. For pensioners, discounts are provided for the following housing and communal services:

  • water supply, drainage, electricity;
  • maintenance and repair of the apartment;
  • rental of premises.

Disabled people of groups I and II A 50% discount is provided on electricity and telephone bills. Pensioners over 80 years of age, as well as families of disabled children, are exempt from paying for major repairs of an apartment building.

Compensation for housing and communal services is provided:

  • large families whose income is below the subsistence level;
  • families of fallen conscripts;
  • single pensioners;
  • disabled from birth;
  • workers of medical institutions and teachers (in villages and villages).

Amount of compensation

State support for low-income families and socially vulnerable citizens of the Russian Federation is provided on the basis of confirmed status. This could be a certificate or a certificate, a military ID. Compensation rates are established by law and may vary depending on the individual case. The standard provides the following dimensions:

  • 30 percent refund;
  • compensation of half of the settlement amount;
  • full coverage of utility costs.

Low-income large families receive a refund of 30 percent of the paid rent if there is no debt. The list of services includes water supply, gas, electricity and heating. 50 percent of the calculation is reimbursed to disabled pensioners or other vulnerable categories of citizens to pay for all utilities. Heroes of the Second World War, the USSR, as well as honorary donors of the Moscow Region can count on full compensation.

Benefits from the state are provided to veterans and disabled pensioners, taking into account the area of ​​the apartment, the number of registered residents, as well as the average monthly family income. 50 percent of subsidies are provided for heating, electricity, drainage and waste removal. In addition, the following is taken into account:

  • renovation of living space and maintenance of the apartment;
  • ownership or rental.

If living conditions are unsatisfactory, a 50 percent discount on all types of utilities is provided.

How to get a?

In order to receive compensation for housing and communal services, you must pay all debts and then provide a package of documents with an application for government financial support. Cash refunds are provided to citizens at their place of residence and registration. The settlement amounts on the receipt must not exceed the consumption standard.

Compensation for utilities is provided on the basis of an income certificate. You need to contact local authorities or the territorial MFC. The decision to assign or refuse compensation is approved by government agencies within 10 days. If the request is granted, the citizen receives a monthly written notification with the following information:

  • amount of compensation;
  • list of utilities for which subsidies are provided;
  • recalculation;
  • receipts for payment of housing and communal services.

The grounds for refusal may be an incomplete list of required documents, as well as:

  • loss of right to compensation;
  • the amount of compensation exceeds the actual payment for consumed housing and communal services;
  • lack of registration at the citizen’s place of residence.

Receiving benefits and subsidies provided to citizens on the basis statements on the same principle.

Required documents

To receive compensation for utility costs, you must provide the following documents:

  • written statement;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • registration certificate;
  • House Book;
  • certificate of ownership of the apartment;
  • receipts for payment of housing and communal services.

In addition, depending on the case, a certificate of income, a military ID, a medical commission’s conclusion on assignment of a disability group, a pension certificate, an extract from the registry office on the number of children, and more are provided. The list of additional documents for receiving compensation also includes:

  • a certificate from the Housing Office about the number of registered residents, the size of the apartment, as well as the state of repairs;
  • certificate of temporary right to receive compensation.


Submission procedure

Monthly cash compensation for utility bills credited until the 10th. The citizen receives a written notification. Subsidies are valid for 6 months from the date of application. In the future, if necessary, the procedure should be repeated.

Funds are credited to the personal account of the apartment owner. Compensation is not taxed and can be spent on paying for any type of utility service.

When does the provision of compensation for utility services stop?

Subsidy payments are terminated on the following grounds:

  • loss of the right to compensation for utility bills;
  • death of a citizen;
  • moving to another area.

In addition, some subsidies are issued for six months, for example, compensation for heating. The transfer of money stops from the moment of the last payment of the receipt.

Utility tariffs are increasingly higher, but wages are not growing so quickly. More and more people are unable to pay utility bills on time.

The state provides the opportunity to apply for a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services to those citizens who have a difficult financial situation.

How to get a subsidy for utility bills? To complete it, you need to collect a package of documents and confirm your social status.

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What is a subsidy?

A subsidy is government assistance intended to cover part of the payment for utility services in the form of compensation payments.

The payment is provided when the expenses that the family allocates to pay off the “utility” amount to more than a fifth of its total income.

The 20% threshold may vary depending on regional conditions. Compensation is assigned in accordance with Article 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The amount of the subsidy depends on family income.

Subsidies for housing and utilities are provided to low-income citizens who turn to the state for help, and members of their families are also entitled to receive compensation. Compensation is assigned based on the provision of a package of required certificates and documents.

Who is entitled to a subsidy for utility bills?

You can get help paying for utility bills:

  1. Tenants who have entered into a rental agreement in a private housing stock;
  2. Owners - this can be an apartment, or part of it, as well as a house or part of it;
  3. Persons who own the premises on the basis of an agreement concluded with the housing cooperative;
  4. Citizens living in premises provided to them by the municipal or state housing stock;
  5. Family members who live with the above persons are also entitled to compensation.

The following persons are not entitled to state assistance in paying for housing and utility services::

  • Loan recipients when concluding an agreement on the free use of housing;
  • Persons using residential premises on the basis of a rental agreement concluded with its owners, while the owners can be both individuals and legal entities;
  • Citizens living under a sublease agreement with the tenant of premises in any type of housing stock;
  • Citizens who have been refused the execution of a testamentary document heirs of real estate;
  • who have entered into a maintenance agreement with dependents for the rest of their lives.

Compensation is not provided if a citizen:

  1. Concluded a debt repayment agreement for payment of housing and communal services;
  2. Is a foreigner, living on the territory of Russia on any basis;
  3. Has arrears of payment.

Where is it issued?

Applications from the population for government assistance to pay for utility bills can be accepted by various organizations. To apply for a subsidy, you should visit the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where the person lives.

For example, in Moscow you can go to the housing subsidy center. In the regions, those wishing to receive compensation payments can contact organizations that provide assistance to socially vulnerable categories of the population.

Subsidies are provided at the place of permanent residence, for which registration must be presented as confirmation.

The subsidy will not be provided at the place of temporary stay.

  • Documents can be submitted to authorized organizations in the following ways:
  • In person;
  • Through the applicant's representative;
  • Send by mail, issued in accordance with the law;

In the form of an electronic message.

When submitting documentation in the form of an electronic message, this can be done using the government services portal or through the MFC - a multifunctional center for providing government services to the population.

Documents that must be provided for accrual

  1. When applying for a subsidy, you must collect the following documents:;
  2. Statement, which are listed in the application;
  3. In some cases, judicial acts may be required stating that citizens living with the applicant are recognized as members of his family;
  4. Birth certificates of all minor family members of the applicant;
  5. Documents explaining on what basis the citizen lives in this premises(purchase agreement or certificate of owner);
  6. Certificate of family composition;
  7. Information about the income of the applicant and the persons specified in the application. This includes documents such as certificates of receipt of pensions, unemployment benefits, tax returns filled out in form 3NDFL;
  8. Extracts from personal account for payments for housing and communal services;
  9. SNILS of the applicant;
  10. Documents that confirm the rights of the applicant and his family members to benefits, compensation, other government support measures.

The application is filled out by the citizen for whom a personal account has been opened to pay for utility services.. The application must indicate:

  • Name of the government agency contacted to receive assistance in paying for housing and communal services;
  • Applicant details – last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, list contact information;
  • A list of the applicant’s family members living with him, for each of them the passport or birth certificate details are indicated;
  • The exact address of the residential premises for which the subsidy is being issued is indicated;
  • Information about the bank account and the exact name of the financial institution where it is opened are provided.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the sample application form for a subsidy to pay for housing and utilities: Download the form.

The list of documents may be supplemented or changed at some points depending on the region and the specific life situation of the applicant.

Dates of appointment, amount of housing subsidy

Consideration of an application for payment takes place within 10 working days. It is necessary to check the accuracy of the information provided in the documents.

After a decision has been made to award compensation, the citizen will be notified.

If registration was made between the 1st and 15th of the month, the provision of the subsidy begins on the first of the month. When registering from the 16th to the end of the month, compensation will be provided from the first day of the next month. Subsidy period: six months.

The amount of payment will be calculated monthly and depend on the amount of expenses for housing and utility services.

Services are calculated based on regional standards. The monthly subsidy amount will be calculated according to a formula established by legislators. The amount received as a result should not exceed the actual costs of utility services.

Accrual procedure

The calculation is made as follows: the recipient of the state subsidy pays, and after a certain time, funds determined as compensation are credited to his personal account.

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When can payment be suspended?

  • It is possible to stop payment of compensation in the following cases:;
  • No payment for current utility bills starting from 2 months Documents not provided in case of change
  • the income of the applicant’s family, the composition of his family, the reasons for living in the premises for which the subsidy is issued; Growing debt to pay utility bills

or entering into an agreement to pay such debt. The longest period of suspension of payments can be up to 30 days.

If the subsidy recipient can provide evidence that the conditions for stopping payments were due to valid reasons, they may be resumed.

The death of a relative, delayed wages, or the applicant undergoing inpatient treatment may be considered a valid reason.