Personal life of Marina Anisina now. Biography

Paired with Ilya Averbukh, winning gold medals at the World Junior Figure Skating Championships in 1992 and 1992. Then Averbukh chose Irina Lobacheva as a new partner, and Anisina worked in tandem with Sergei Sakhnovsky. After Sakhnovsky left for Israel, where he became a partner at Galit Khait, Anisina was forced to train alone for some time, since she did not find a suitable partner in Russia. Then, on the advice of her coach, she began to look for a couple outside the country. After watching a large number of videos, her choice settled on two skaters - Victor Kraatz from Canada and Gwendala Peyserat from France. Having written letters to them with a proposal to work together, Anisina received the consent of Gwendal Peyser and in 1993 went to France, where for the first six months she lived with Gwendal's family in Lyon. Because Peyzerat refused to move to Moscow and compete for Russia, Anisina had to stay in France and obtain French citizenship, after which the couple were able to represent France at the Olympics.

After winning the Olympic Games and the 2002 European Championships, the Anisin-Peyser couple ended their careers and did not take part in the 2002 World Championships. Since then, the couple has performed in various shows.

Personal life

Marina Anisina was born into the family of the famous figure skater Irina Chernyaeva and hockey player Vyacheslav Anisin, her younger brother Mikhail is also a hockey player.

State awards

  • : Knight of the National Order of Merit (fr. Chevalier de l"Ordre National du mérite )
  • : Knight of the Legion of Honor (Fr. Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur )


  • The Anisin-Peyser couple had a special style that distinguished it from other couples. Their trademark was lifts performed not by a partner, but by a female partner. (, , , , , )
  • Marina Anisina starred in the film What Men Do! 2, together with her husband, Nikita Dzhigurda.

Sports achivments

(from Peyser)

Competitions 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002
Winter Olympic Games 3 1
World Championships 10 6 4 5 2 2 1 2
European Championships 12 5 4 4 3 2 1 2 1
French Championships 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Grand Prix Finals 3 3 2 1 2
Trophée Lalique 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
NHK Trophy 5 3 1 2 1 1 1 1
Skate Canada 2 2 1
Skate America 2 1
Sparkassen Cup 1 2
Ondrej Nepela Memorial 1
Pirouetten 5

(with Averbukh)

Competitions 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992
World Junior Championships 1 4 1

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  • Marina Anissina: "Je ne suis pas de glace", Atlantica, ISBN 2-7588-0064-0, ISBN 978-2-7588-0064-4

see also



  • (English) on the official website of the International Skating Union.

An excerpt characterizing Anisin, Marina Vyacheslavovna

- Here’s another Key of the Sacrament your Eloise sends you. Religious. And I don’t interfere with anyone’s faith... I looked through it. Take it. Well, go, go!
He patted her on the shoulder and locked the door behind her.
Princess Marya returned to her room with a sad, frightened expression that rarely left her and made her ugly, sickly face even more ugly, and sat down at her desk, lined with miniature portraits and littered with notebooks and books. The princess was as disorderly as her father was decent. She put down her geometry notebook and impatiently opened the letter. The letter was from the princess’s closest friend since childhood; This friend was the same Julie Karagina who was at the Rostovs’ name day:
Julie wrote:
"Chere et excellente amie, quelle chose terrible et effrayante que l"absence! J"ai beau me dire que la moitie de mon existence et de mon bonheur est en vous, que malgre la distance qui nous separe, nos coeurs sont unis par des liens indissolubles; le mien se revolte contre la destinee, et je ne puis, malgre les plaisirs et les distractions qui m"entourent, vaincre une certaine tristesse cachee que je ressens au fond du coeur depuis notre separation. Pourquoi ne sommes nous pas reunies, comme cet ete dans votre grand cabinet sur le canape bleu, le canape a confidences? Pourquoi ne puis je, comme il y a trois mois, puiser de nouvelles forces morales dans votre regard si doux, si calme et si penetrant, regard que j"aimais tant et que “je crois voir devant moi, quand je vous ecris.”
[Dear and priceless friend, what a terrible and terrible thing is separation! No matter how much I tell myself that half of my existence and my happiness lies in you, that, despite the distance that separates us, our hearts are united by inextricable bonds, my heart rebels against fate, and, despite the pleasures and distractions that surround me, I I cannot suppress some hidden sadness that I have been experiencing in the depths of my heart since our separation. Why aren’t we together, like last summer, in your big office, on the blue sofa, on the sofa of “confessions”? Why can’t I, like three months ago, draw new moral strength from your gaze, meek, calm and penetrating, which I loved so much and which I see before me at the moment I write to you?]
Having read up to this point, Princess Marya sighed and looked back at the dressing table, which stood to her right. The mirror reflected an ugly, weak body and a thin face. The eyes, always sad, now looked at themselves in the mirror especially hopelessly. “She flatters me,” thought the princess, turned away and continued reading. Julie, however, did not flatter her friend: indeed, the princess’s eyes, large, deep and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves), were so beautiful that very often, despite the ugliness of her whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty. But the princess had never seen a good expression in her eyes, the expression they took on in those moments when she was not thinking about herself. Like all people, her face took on a tense, unnatural, bad expression as soon as she looked in the mirror. She continued reading: 211
“Tout Moscou ne parle que guerre. L"un de mes deux freres est deja a l"etranger, l"autre est avec la garde, qui se met en Marieche vers la frontiere. Notre cher empereur a quitte Petersbourg et, a ce qu"on pretend, compte lui meme exposer sa precieuse existence aux chances de la guerre. Du veuille que le monstre corsicain, qui detruit le repos de l"Europe, soit terrasse par l"ange que le Tout Puissant, dans Sa misericorde, nous a donnee pour souverain. Sans parler de mes freres, cette guerre m"a privee d"une relation des plus cheres a mon coeur. Je parle du jeune Nicolas Rostoff, qui avec son enthousiasme n"a pu supporter l"inaction et a quitte l"universite pour aller s"enroler dans l"armee. Eh bien, chere Marieie, je vous avouerai, que, malgre son extreme Jeunesse, son depart pour l "armee a ete un grand chagrin pour moi. Le jeune homme, dont je vous parlais cet ete, a tant de noblesse, de veritable jeunesse qu"on rencontre si rarement dans le siecle ou nous vivons parmi nos villards de vingt ans. Il a surtout tant de franchise et de coeur. Il est tellement pur et poetique, que mes relations avec lui, quelque passageres qu"elles fussent, ont ete l"une des plus douees jouissances de mon pauvre coeur, qui a deja tant souffert. "est dit en partant. Tout cela est encore trop frais. Ah! Chere amie, vous etes heureuse de ne pas connaitre ces jouissances et ces peines si poignantes. Vous etes heureuse, puisque les derienieres sont ordinairement les plus fortes! Je sais fort bien, que le comte Nicolas est trop jeune pour pouvoir jamais devenir pour moi quelque chose de plus qu"un ami, mais cette douee amitie, ces relations si poetiques et si pures ont ete un besoin pour mon coeur. Mais n" en parlons plus. La grande nouvelle du jour qui occupe tout Moscou est la mort du vieux comte Earless et son heritage. Figurez vous que les trois princesses n"ont recu que tres peu de chose, le prince Basile rien, est que c"est M. Pierre qui a tout herite, et qui par dessus le Marieche a ete reconnu pour fils legitime, par consequent comte Earless est possesseur de la plus belle fortune de la Russie. On pretend que le prince Basile a joue un tres vilain role dans toute cette histoire et qu"il est reparti tout penaud pour Petersbourg.
“Je vous avoue, que je comprends tres peu toutes ces affaires de legs et de testament; ce que je sais, c"est que depuis que le jeune homme que nous connaissions tous sous le nom de M. Pierre les tout court est devenu comte Earless et possesseur de l"une des plus grandes fortunes de la Russie, je m"amuse fort a observer les changes de ton et des manieres des mamans accablees de filles a Marieier et des demoiselles elles memes a l "egard de cet individu, qui, par parenthese, m" a paru toujours etre un pauvre, sire Comme on s"amuse. depuis deux ans a me donner des promis que je ne connais pas le plus souvent, la chronique matrimoniale de Moscow me fait comtesse Earless. Mais vous sentez bien que je ne me souc nullement de le devenir. A propos de Marieiage, savez vous que tout derienierement la tante en general Anna Mikhailovna, m"a confie sous le sceau du plus grand secret un projet de Marieiage pour vous. Ce n"est ni plus, ni moins, que le fils du prince Basile, Anatole, qu"on voudrait ranger en le Marieiant a une personne riche et distinguee, et c"est sur vous qu"est tombe le choix des parents. Je ne sais comment vous envisagerez la chose, mais j"ai cru de mon devoir de vous en avertir. On le dit tres beau et tres mauvais sujet; c"est tout ce que j"ai pu savoir sur son compte.
“Mais assez de bavardage comme cela. Je finis mon second feuillet, et maman me fait chercher pour aller diner chez les Apraksines. Lisez le livre mystique que je vous envoie et qui fait fureur chez nous. Quoiqu"il y ait des choses dans ce livre difficiles a atteindre avec la faible conception humaine, c"est un livre admirable dont la lecture calme et eleve l"ame. Adieu. Mes respects a monsieur votre pere et mes compliments a m elle Bourienne. Je vous embrasse comme je vous aime.
“P.S. Donnez moi des nouvelles de votre frere et de sa charmante petite femme.”
[All of Moscow is talking about the war. One of my two brothers is already abroad, the other is with the guard, which is marching to the border. Our dear sovereign leaves St. Petersburg and, it is assumed, intends to expose his precious existence to the accidents of war. May God grant that the Corsican monster, which disturbs the tranquility of Europe, may be cast down by the angel whom the Almighty, in His goodness, has made sovereign over us. Not to mention my brothers, this war has deprived me of one of the relationships closest to my heart. I'm talking about young Nikolai Rostov; who, despite his enthusiasm, could not bear inaction and left the university to join the army. I confess to you, dear Marie, that, despite his extreme youth, his departure for the army was a great grief for me. In the young man I told you about last summer, there is so much nobility, true youth, which you see so rarely in our age among twenty-year-olds! He especially has so much candor and heart. He is so pure and full of poetry that my relationship with him, despite all its fleetingness, was one of the sweetest joys of my poor heart, which had already suffered so much. Someday I will tell you our farewell and everything that was said at parting. All this is still too fresh... Ah! dear friend, you are happy that you do not know these burning pleasures, these burning sorrows. You are happy because the latter are usually stronger than the former. I know very well that Count Nikolai is too young to become anything other than a friend to me. But this sweet friendship, this so poetic and so pure relationship was the need of my heart. But enough about that.

Abnormal love of Marina Anisina

Jealous Urmanov receives his resignation. - Drunkard and womanizer Gwendal Peyser. - Ideal man Pavel Bure. - Taiwanese at the epicenter of the scandal. - The best film by Nikita Dzhigurda.

Marin, is it true that you and Averbukh had nothing?

Olympic champion Alexey Urmanov nervously ruffled his short black hair. I thought that if she was having fun with someone in France, even with her partner Gwendal Peizerat, this was nonsense. But Ilya is another matter. Go out with ex-lover Averbukh, whom he disliked, was not attracted to such a prospect.

And Marina got a thrill from dating Urmanov. Explaining herself on the staircase in a dusty Moscow entrance - this is exactly what she missed so much in Lyon. Light and spacious, filled with the bustle of business, she was tired of the “city of weavers” and during her rare visits to decaying St. Petersburg to see Lesha or her parents in Moscow, she tried to warm up and fill her heart with warm, rough pieces of her homeland.

Ilyusha and I rode when I was sixteen. Never even kissed! - Marina was indignant. - He's not my type at all.

Here she lied a little. As a man, Ilya really did not evoke emotions, but as a partner... Anisina had already managed to curse the villain’s fate a thousand times. If you look for a partner like Ilya, you won’t find it. They brilliantly won two world junior championships, the prospects looked nowhere better, and Ilya went and skated with Irina Lobacheva. Everyone knows where she took him. After Ilya left, Anisina’s life was balanced, as they say, on a stupid skate. There was not a single free promising dancer in Russia at that time. It’s not a good idea to go into singles, really! - Maybe I should write to foreigners? - coach Natalya Linchuk suggested then. - There is always too much with men there. And it worked. Soon Marina received a call from Peizer and offered to try working together.

The charming big-nosed Frenchman accepted her as his own. He settled him in his parents’ house and introduced him to a new mistress almost every week.

Anisina sincerely did not understand where he gets the strength to go to the movies, cafes, discos and women. “It’s all about sex,” Gwendal, who returned home just for breakfast, once explained, juggling croissants. - I don’t understand why you don’t want to get yourself a boyfriend.

Marina believed that she had a boyfriend. Even before leaving for France, she invited Urmanov to her place and confirmed her feelings right on her parents’ bed. Everything went surprisingly quickly, painlessly, and in some places even pleasantly. There wasn't a drop of blood. This is what gave Alyosha a reason to doubt his exclusivity and every time bring up the conversation about Averbukh. But this time it didn’t work out either. But there was no one at Marina’s home. Mom Irina Evgenievna Chernyaeva, a figure skating coach at CSKA, dreamed that her girl would marry Urmanov, and created all the conditions for lovers. So this time, knowing that tomorrow Marina would fly to Lyon again, she gave them the opportunity to say goodbye. We agreed to meet in a month. Celebrate New Year with Lesha in St. Petersburg. The meeting did not work out. Anisina from Peizer was invited to participate in the Christmas ice show. The amount of the fee, astronomical at that time, did not leave the young couple any opportunity to refuse. Marina asked Alexey to postpone the date for a week. Jealous Urmanov immediately suspected God knows what. - Oh, so! You don't have to come! - blurted out to her foolishly on the phone.

He spent the holidays in the arms of a young figure skater from SKA. The girl talked about her happiness to everyone she could, and Anisina’s colleagues on the show Marina Klimova with Sergei Ponomarenko and Natalya Bestemyanova with Andrei Bukin did not fail to tell her all the details of Urmanov’s betrayal.

The reckoning for the betrayal came in Edmonton at the World Championships. Anisina arranged a showdown with her beloved a few hours before his decisive appearance on the ice. Only later, watching Alexei’s disastrous performance, did she realize what she had done. But it was already too late. Alexey paid for the girl’s broken heart with a shameful fifth place. Marina’s next great love came in 2000. They hung out in the Paris apartment of Pugacheva’s ex-husband, the famous director, writer and womanizer Alexander Stefanovich. They washed his French passport. On this occasion, the owner did not spare expensive champagne, and every now and then brought plates of delicious snacks. One of Stefanovich’s brightest guests was the handsome Pavel Bure, then still quite a playing “Russian rocket”.

I liked him immediately, and besides, everyone talked so much about him. I decided: Pasha is what I need. Literally fixated on him, set a goal to achieve his love. Mom buzzed all ears: “Are you crazy? Why do you need a hockey player? Trust me, you’re steering in the wrong direction, Marina, in the wrong direction...” I stood my ground: “Mom, I have to get him, that’s all!” Subconsciously, I wanted to meet a man like my father, a famous hockey player. “I remembered how I watched his matches on TV throughout my childhood,” Marina recalls now.

Once, having encountered Pavel at a Parisian party organized by Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov, Anisina tried to attract his attention with childhood memories.

You know, Pasha, my first love was Sashka Kharlamov, the son of Valery Kharlamov,” Marina coquettishly twirled a curl of hair on her finger. - We studied at the same school. They hugged, kissed passionately...

That evening, Marina got very drunk for the first time and on the threshold, saying goodbye to Tokhtakhunov’s daughter Lola Kochetkova, she promised her to listen to her mother and never look at hockey players again. In Salt Lake City, her and Gwendal’s main rivals turned out to be old acquaintances Averbukh and Lobacheva. - Hello “, frog girl,” they joked every time about Anisina, dressed in the uniform of the French national team. They had no time for jokes when Marina and Gwendal presented their new “trick” to the public. The small, fragile girl lifted her partner and performed the lift. The audience went wild with delight. They received top marks. But there was a scandal. Marina’s acquaintance Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov was accused of bribing judges and “organizing” the victory of French figure skaters. The analysis lasted several months. As a result, the victory was recognized as deserved, and all this time Russian figure skating fans wrote letters to Anisina, persuading her to return to her homeland. The return occurred only five years later. In 2007, the figure skater took part in the TV show “Dancing on Ice. Velvet Season”, where she performed together with actor Nikita Dzhigurda.

I arrived in Moscow from Paris in the evening. I went to the apartment that the Rossiya channel rented for me,” Marina recalls. - And in the morning we have already scheduled a filming of meeting my partner. They call and say: “Come out, a car is waiting for you.” I go down the stairs and hear: they are playing a guitar. I go out and see someone huge in dark glasses standing on his knees and singing loudly like this: “I want you to love me, as only you can love.” I was taken aback. But I immediately realized that the man is temperamental!”

Are you married? - Dzhigurda asked on the way to the skating rink. - No. - That’s good, I want you to become my wife. Anisina took a closer look at her partner and was upset. He did not give the impression of a normal person. Once after training, Dzhigurda invited Marina to a cafe. “To get to know each other better,” the singer growled in response to a perplexed look. As soon as they entered and took a table, Nikita slammed his huge powerful mouth into her lips. “You bit me,” Anisina recoiled. Wiping her face with her palm, she tried to hide her joyful smile.

If radical actions are not taken with you, you will still sit on your hands until next year,” Dzhigurda laughed, and Marina realized that this is her man. For the first time on the road she came across a person who was impossible, and did not need to be controlled.

And the beauty of the Universe that breathes in your pussy, I will glorify with reckless singing, like life, everywhere! -Nikita read her his new poems the next morning and gave her a month to think about setting a wedding date. The judges kicked the couple out of the project quite quickly. Marina immediately flew home to Biarritz. I wanted to get some sleep, put my thoughts in order, and at the same time train with Gwendal before the new show. I didn’t have a chance to meet Peizer. Days and nights in Biarritz, Dzhigurda called and sang serenades into the phone.

For the first time in her life, Marina had no time for figure skating.

Anise, I think you've fallen in love with him. You talk about him all the time, you miss him, you talk on the phone for hours. Well, what are you thinking about? Everything is great! - Oksanka Kazakova, who stopped by for a bottle of wine and cheese, calmed the jittery Marina. - Marry him. The marriage took place on February 23, 2008 at the Duras Palace in Lublin Park. - This is my last woman, the last, hear! - the groom loudly announced. On January 7, 2009, in Biarritz, they had a boy, Mick-Angel Christ Anisin-Dzhigurda. The video of his birth, shot by Dzhigurda on a mobile phone, broke all viewing records on the Russian Internet.

The only one who didn’t like the image of the creature crawling out of Marina’s womb was the newly minted director’s mother-in-law, Irina Chernyaeva. Mick-Angel's grandmother Krista said that this long-haired troubadour is using her daughter exclusively for his promotion and it will be better for everyone if Marina finally leaves the libertine bard who bewitched her. Between the advice of her mother and Nikita, Anisina chose her husband. Dzhigurda, inspired by the success of her directorial debut , filmed his wife in the second short film. The video is called “Conceiving a Child.” “This is a natural act of love, but unlike porn, filled with the energies that exist between Marina and me,” Dzhigurda explained to fans. Not surprisingly, during the filming of the video, Marina became pregnant with her second once. “It looks like it will be a girl, although we don’t know for sure yet,” Nikita is worried.

Recently, Olympic champion Marina Anisina finally formalized her divorce from showman Nikita Dzhigurda. For a long time, the figure skater remained silent and did not comment on the separation from her husband. Only when the divorce was officially formalized did Anisina come to the Live Broadcast program and tell the shocking details of her life with Dzhigurda.

According to Marina, she was repeatedly subjected to physical violence by her husband. The athlete assures that the artist is inadequate and all this time she lived in fear. One day Dzhigurda hit his wife in the forehead in front of people. “I started bleeding. There were a lot of people. I started screaming: “I’ll call the police.” I was shaking... But I quickly move away, I calmed down. He said it wasn't on purpose, it just happened that way. I didn’t believe it, but I pretended to believe it,” the figure skater said.


Anisina also admitted that Dzhigurda uses drugs, supposedly they help him “expand” his consciousness and establish a connection with the cosmos.

Marina forgave her husband many times, tried to understand him, but after his next prank she packed her things, took the children and left for France. Then the athlete filed for divorce for the first time, but quickly changed her mind. “I felt sorry for him. I wasn't ready. I took the documents back. He told me that no one would love me the way he does,” Anisina admitted.

After this incident, the skater tried to treat her husband. At first he agreed, but then said that she herself was crazy.

On air they discussed a scandalous video in which Anisina was captured in a drunken state. “This video is from a year ago. It was taken of me after the ice show. Before that, he brought me to tears, screaming like crazy... I was amazed that he deliberately filmed the video so that he could use it later. I think this is very mean. Everything masculine that I idolized in him disappeared overnight,” the figure skater commented on the video.

Marina decided to put an end to her relationship with Nikita after his trip to America, where the trial took place. “Terrible stories happened there: meetings with Kabbalists, orgies, mysteries. But there was no betrayal. For him. He said that he has met advanced women, is studying Kabbalah and reaching a new level. He invited me with him. He said that for this we need to get a divorce. Quiet, no scandals. Then he began to tell in vivid colors everything that happened. I didn't like it, I couldn't stand it. Moreover, he showed a desire to get a divorce. I considered it necessary that this should be done,” said the athlete.

In conclusion, Anisina wished her ex-husband to take his head. The figure skater said that she does not hate him and wants only the best, because they have common children. “I would really like him to pull himself together and find himself. So that he won't be found under a bridge in New York or in some motel. I sincerely wish him to take his head, because I don’t feel any negativity towards him. I'm not going to take revenge on him for anything. We have common children, I am grateful to him for them. But I think he needs to think carefully,” the skater added.

Figure skater Date of birth August 30 (Virgo) 1975 (44) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @marinanisina

Marina Anisina - famous French figure skater Russian origin. She achieved sporting success, competing for the French national team in ice dancing. In a duet with the French figure skater Gwendal Peizerat, the girl became the champion of the world championship and the Olympic Games. After finishing her career, Marina performed for a long time with the same partner in ice shows. In 2007, while filming a television program, she met Russian actor Nikita Dzhigurda and began to regularly appear in gossip columns covering various scandalous events.

Biography of Marina Anisina

Marina Vyacheslavovna Anisina was born in Moscow on August 30, 1975. The girl's parents were professional athletes. Under the guidance of her hockey player father and figure skater mother, Marina started skating at the age of three. The adults were well aware of all the dangers of big-time sports and tried to limit their daughter’s passion for figure skating, reducing it simply to a hobby. Despite their efforts, the girl from an early age dreamed of following in her mother’s footsteps. Once, having attended a training camp with her, Marina went out on the ice with professional athletes. The demanding public liked the baby, after which figure skating turned into a future profession for her.

In her youth, Marina trained together with Ilya Averbukh. They worked well together and won the Junior World Championships in 1990 and 1992. The union was developing rapidly in terms of sports, but at some point Ilya decided to change his partner and paired up with Irina Lobacheva. Anisina formed a duet with Sergei Sakhnovsky, but he soon moved to Israel and formed a new tandem there. The athlete had to think about finding a partner outside of Russia; the available options did not suit her level of training.

After reviewing a lot of candidates, the girl settled on the Frenchman Gwendal Peizerat and the Canadian Victor Kraatz. She wrote them letters with a proposal for joint cooperation. The skater's partner eventually became a Frenchman. Marina moved to Lyon and lived for some time with her partner’s family. Since 1993, they began performing together, as they understood each other perfectly and worked harmoniously. The Russian woman changed her citizenship to gain the opportunity to compete in official competitions.

A year after the start of joint training, the couple began to win medals at the Grand Prix stages. From the very beginning, they began to use a technique that was unique at that time - support was performed not only by the partner, but also by the fragile girl. They became champions of France and repeated this achievement five more times in a row. Their first joint Olympic performance in 1998 in Nagano brought them a bronze medal. In 2000, the couple celebrated their victory at the World Championships.

Marina's main success came in 2002 at the Olympics in Salt Lake City. The dance duo took gold in their group, but found themselves embroiled in a scandal. In the performance of sports pairs, figure skaters from Russia Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze celebrated their victory. According to one of the judges, she was bribed and gave the gold to the Russians in exchange for a French victory. The investigation lasted for a long time, but as a result, the guilt of the athletes was not proven.

Immediately after the Olympics, Anisina ended her career in figure skating and appeared only in various shows and programs. In 2007, she became a participant in the program “Dancing on Ice: Velvet Season” and became the winner together with Nikita Dzhigurda. Several times in interviews, Marina mentioned that she plans to pursue a coaching career.

Breakups of the year. Russian couples

Currently, no one can be surprised by the news that this or that athlete/athlete competes for another country. However, at the World Championships, everyone tries to defend the interests of their homeland. Due to certain circumstances, some athletes are forced to watch the triumphal procession of their compatriots, sitting behind the stands where delegates from other states are seated. Marina Anisina belonged to this category of people for some time. The history of her career cannot be called cloudless. Ups alternated with downs, a change of one place of residence followed another, and only one component was always present in her life - figure skating.

Childhood in a sports family

The biography of Marina Anisina takes the first turn of its narrative in Moscow. It was there that the future famous figure skater was born on August 30, 1975. Her parents knew firsthand about the world of sports. Marina's mother is the famous figure skater Irina Chernyaeva. The girl’s father, Vyacheslav Anisin, became famous for his achievements in hockey. Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl’s future career was predetermined: by the will of fate, she was destined to repeat the success of her parents.

Marina Anisina started skating at the age of three. Her parents instilled in her a belief in victory and the desire to achieve her goals. Gradually the girl began to achieve excellent results.

Victories and defeats

Her first partner in pair skating becomes a famous one. It was with him that figure skater Marina Anisina won gold medals at the World Junior Championships. Their first triumph occurred in 1990. The couple repeated their sparkling success two years later. However, the bright union was destined for a sad fate: Ilya Averbukh leaves his partner, choosing

However, Marina Anisina very quickly found a replacement for the “escaped” athlete. Averbukh was replaced by Sergei Sakhnovsky. However, even here fate decided to play a trick on the girl again. As soon as the couple began to achieve high results, Sergei left for Israel, where he became a colleague of Galit Hayit.

From Russia to France

This time, Marina looked for a replacement partner for a very long time. However, the search process in no way relaxed the figure skater: she still trained hard. After some time, Anisina realized that in Russia she was not destined to find herself a full-fledged partner. It was then, on the advice of her coach, that she began to watch films of performances by foreign athletes. After a long and careful selection, Marina Anisina sets her sights on two skaters: the Frenchman Gwendal Peyser and the Canadian Victor Kraatz. The athlete writes letters to both foreigners about the offer of a pair performance. The Frenchman agreed to this request. However, in return, he also set a condition: the couple would compete for France. Seeing no way out of this situation, Marina moves to the country of fashion. It was 1993. For the first six months she lives with Peyser's family in Lyon. She then moves into her own apartment and receives French citizenship.

Success of the new subject of France

A change of partner and country allowed Marina to perform again. The couple demonstrated the first success of the Russian-French alliance at the 1998 Olympics in Nagano. From there, Marina and Gwendal took away bronze medals. In a duet with Peyser, the girl became the champion of France three times. In 2000, the couple won the European Championships. Two years later, they repeated their success, further consolidating it at the world championship. That same year, Anisina and Peizer went to compete at the Olympics in Salt Lake City. Marina was happy new opportunity show your skills. The only thing that bothered her was the French anthem playing from the speakers instead of the much desired Russian one.

It is noteworthy that this performance was accompanied by a huge scandal. Not only Marina and Gwendal were involved in it, but also French judges. However, that didn't stop the international duo from taking home the gold. The career of the bright couple ended in 2002 after winning the Olympics and the World Championships. Since then they have only performed in various shows. However, their performances are still remembered by the public: the lifts performed by the partner, and not the partner at all, distinguished the duet from its competitors.

From athlete to prince

Marina Anisina's first true love was However, their relationship was hampered by distance: for a long time the young man and the girl trained in different countries. Love by mail did not last long, and soon the young man had a new lover. And Marina was inflamed with new feelings for However, he did not know about the girl’s torment, and the flame of passion soon died out.

Once at a banquet in Monaco, Marina met the heir to the throne of this kingdom. The loving prince could not miss the red-haired beauty, whose eye color was so reminiscent of the radiance of emeralds. And soon the couple began to spend a huge amount of time together. Their romance lasted two years. One day, having learned about other adventures of her lover, Marina caused a terrible scandal. Unaccustomed to such treatment, he quickly said goodbye to his temperamental girlfriend and left. And Anisina had to pick up the remains of a broken heart from the parquet.


In order to change the situation, Marina decides to return to Russia for a while. By the will of fate, she was offered to take part in a project called “Dancing on Ice. Velvet Season”, which had already become very popular at that time. This program was broadcast on the RTR television channel and was very interesting to television viewers. In this project, Marina’s partner is the impressive and very shocking bard, singer and actor Nikita Dzhigurda. Their relationship quickly moved from the “friendship” phase to the “love” phase. The result of the affair was a wedding: on February 23, 2008, Marina Anisina tied the knot. It is noteworthy that the athlete’s mother was shocked by her daughter’s choice and did not even try to hide her attitude.

Family archives

The couple also named their first-born son very extravagantly: Mick-Angel Christ Anisin-Dzhigurda. It is quite problematic to imagine how a boy will grow up surrounded by peers whose names are much easier not only in spelling, but also in pronunciation.

Second replenishment

On January twenty-third, 2010, a little more than a year after the first birth, Marina gives her eccentric husband a second child. This time a girl was born. It is noteworthy that they chose a double name for the baby: Eva-Vlada.
Nikita Dzhigurda, Marina Anisina, the couple’s children - all live in Moscow, going on short holidays to France, where they spend a pleasant time surrounded by their relatives. However, the athlete’s mother is horrified by her son-in-law’s behavior. Irina Chernyaeva, a fairly famous figure skater in the past, never approved of her daughter’s choice and always wanted the couple to break up. And the bard just laughs and, in his unique manner, upsets his mother-in-law.