Our favorite kindergarten. Minutes of safety in kindergarten material on life safety (middle group) on the topic Card file of minutes of safety in the preparatory group




D/i “What’s extra”


D/i "Flammable items"







"Safety Minutes" in senior group


  1. Week 2 Conversation “Taking care of health”

Goal: personal hygiene skills, disease prevention, teach how to take care of your health, avoid situations that are harmful to health.

D/game “Toiletries”.

Ball game "Helpful and harmful".

3 - 4 week Conversation “Rules” safe behavior in the vegetable garden and orchard"

Purpose: To introduce the tools of work in the garden and in the garden. Help draw conclusions about the consequences of careless and improper handling of tools.

Examination of illustrations with tools and objects to help in the garden. Introduce safe rules picking apples from tall trees.


  1. Week 2 Game “Put the edible mushroom in the box”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about edible and poisonous mushrooms.

3 - 4 weeks Contacts with strangers.

Purpose: discuss typical situations, learn to behave correctly

Situation: an unfamiliar adult treats a child with candy, chewing gum, etc.


1 - 2 week Conversation “Get to know household appliances”

Purpose: to establish safety rules when handling electrical appliances. Learn to talk on the phone, familiarize yourself with the telephone number of the “Fire Department” - 01.

D/i “What’s extra”

3 - 4 weeks Conversation with children on the topic “Types of transport. Special vehicles"

Goal: To consolidate ideas about various types transport. Draw children's attention to the fact that behind large vehicles (buses, trucks) may be hiding a small ( cars, motorcycles, bicycles) Bring to the attention of children the concept of “car braking distance”.


Week 1 -2 Conversation “So that there is no trouble”

Purpose: to clarify children’s understanding of the rules fire safety at home and in kindergarten, continue to learn how to talk on the phone, familiarize yourself with the telephone number of the “Fire Department” - 01 and other rescue services. Expand children's knowledge about fire-hazardous objects.

D/i "Flammable items"

Week 3 - 4 Conversation “When edible things are poisonous”

Purpose: To draw children's attention to poisoning, its causes and consequences. Provide information about unsuitability food products for use.


1 – 2 week Conversation with children on the topic “Street. Crossroads":

Goal: To clarify children’s understanding of the rules of street traffic (sidewalk for pedestrians, cars moving along the roadway of the street; car traffic can be one-way or two-way). Look at the illustration depicting a crossroads.

3 - 4 weeks Conversation with children on the topic “Pedestrian. Crosswalk"

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the rules traffic: You can cross the street in special places - above-ground and underground passages; remind about the meaning of the “Pedestrian crossing” road sign. Practice skills in performing the correct actions when crossing a roadway with an adult and understanding spatial terminology (left-right side, front-behind, towards, etc.)


Week 1 - 2 Conversation “What is dangerous about guys you don’t know well”

Goal: Explain to children what troubles happen when interacting with unfamiliar children. Convince the need to be selective in choosing friends.

Week 3 -4 Conversation with children on the topic “Road signs”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of road signs. Introduce new signs: first aid station, food station, gas station, crosswalk, bike path, entry prohibited, children. Expand your understanding of what ignorance of signs leads to.


1 - 2 week Conversation “Safety on ice in spring”

Goal: to tell children how to behave near bodies of water in the spring, to introduce them to methods and means of rescuing drowning people, as well as the rules of safe behavior on ice.

Observation from pictures “What happens when ice cracks”

Week 3 - 4 Conversation “If you are lost on the street”

Goal: to teach how to behave correctly if you are lost on the street and who to turn to for help in this situation. Learn to talk on the phone, familiarize yourself with the phone number of the “Police” - 02.


1 - 2 week Conversation “Contacts with unfamiliar animals”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of safe behavior with animals, to develop a respectful attitude towards animals.

Week 3 -4 Conversation “Basic rules of behavior and actions in case of fire”

Purpose: to consolidate the acquired knowledge about the occurrence of a fire, to learn the number of the fire department, police and ambulance; become familiar with the profession of a firefighter and his actions. Continue to learn how to talk on the phone, consolidate knowledge of the telephone number of the “Fire Department” - 01.

Watch a cartoon about fire safety rules.


1 - 2 week Conversation “Sharp objects”

Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​sharp, prickly and cutting objects, to warn against accidents in everyday life.

Reading fiction: E. Kazakov “Chik-chik with scissors”, Yu. Permyak “Hasty Knife”

3 - 4 week Conversation “Extreme situations in everyday life”

Goal: To bring to the attention of children the dangers of gas leaks and water breakthroughs at home. Teach them the correct actions in such cases. Introduce them to service 04.

Marina Nasonova

A moment of safety- this is a short technical reminder traffic safety which is conducted by the teacher, just before when the children go home.

Goal of the minute- acquisition of movement skills and observation skills, assessment of the situation on the streets and roads of the city.

"minutes"in kindergarten they should give not only children but also adult parents the necessary amount of knowledge about generally accepted human norms of behavior; teach how to act correctly and consciously in a given situation. Help preschoolers and explain to parents how to master basic behavior skills at home and on the street , in public places.

For children middle group minutes are better remembered in the form of small poems and pictures. They are located in the locker room in the form of a mobile folder where parents and their children can view and discuss this or that situation before going outside.

Do you need to bypass the bus? Know that there is a rule one:

Walk around the back of the bus.

In front - prohibited!

Publications on the topic:

Comprehensive lesson on fire safety in the middle group. Topic: “Don’t joke with fire” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about fire safety rules. Objectives: expand children's understanding of fire as a friend and enemy of man; .

Summary of GCD on safety in the middle group “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” Integration educational areas: “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Health”, “Socialization”. Goal: deepening and systematization.

Summary of GCD in the middle group on fire safety “So that trouble does not happen” Summary of GCD in the middle group on fire safety “So that trouble does not happen” Objectives: 1) Consolidate children’s knowledge of fire safety rules.

Summary of an open lesson on the basics of life safety in the middle group “Don’t joke with fire” Educator - Guys, we often have guests at our classes, holidays, and games. We have a lot of guests today. Teachers from other groups came.

Summary of entertainment in the middle group on fire safety “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” Objectives: To develop children's knowledge about fire safety rules. Give children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire. Develop the concept of being.

Summary of a safety lesson in the middle group “Home Alone” Goal: To develop in children a sense of responsibility for their behavior. Objectives: Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about safe behavior in the home.

Lesson notes for the middle group “Security Museum” Abstract directly educational activities on social and communicative development in the senior group “Museum of Security”. Presenter.

GCD for developing ideas about fire safety rules, in the middle group “Fire Engine” Purpose: - To form an idea of ​​fire safety. - To develop children’s knowledge about safe behavior and handling of dangerous objects.

A MINUTE" is a short-term lesson - a reminder on the topic of traffic safety, which is conducted by teachers primary school, at the end of each last lesson, that is, immediately before the children go home.

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""Minutes of safety" in questions and answers"


accounting for work with students to conduct

according to traffic rules, life safety

MBOU secondary school No.



“MINUTE” is a short-term lesson - a reminder on the topic of traffic safety, which is carried out by primary school teachers at the end of each last lesson, that is, immediately before the children go home.

“The Minute” is held daily or at least once every two days. Every day it's sorted out new question from the “questionnaire” indicating the date of the lesson.

The questions are compiled according to the seasons, where the most important, topical seasonal issues are considered.

I quarter

(September October)

Debated issue


What is security? Road safety.

Why do you need to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing?

The driver knows that pedestrians are allowed in this area, he slows down and is more attentive. A pedestrian who crosses the road in the wrong place can get hurt and interfere with the flow of traffic.

What does the word "traffic light" mean? The word “traffic light” means carrying light. There are traffic lights for transport and pedestrian traffic.

What does a red traffic light mean?

The red signal prohibits movement.

What does the combination of red and yellow signal mean?

Movement is prohibited during these signals. They warn about the upcoming turn on green.

Why can't you cross the road when the traffic light is yellow?

A yellow signal prohibits movement for both drivers and pedestrians. But if the vehicle was at the intersection when the yellow signal turned on, the driver will no longer be able to stop the car. He has the right to pass through the intersection so as not to create problems for pedestrians or other vehicles.

Why is it dangerous to cross the road?

When a person runs, it is difficult for him to see what is happening around him. And if you are in a hurry, you may fall, not notice a car leaving the alley, etc.

What is a sidewalk? What is it for?

The word "sidewalk" translated from French means a road for pedestrians.

Which side should you stay on when walking along the sidewalk?

Where can a pedestrian walk if there is no sidewalk?

When there is no sidewalk, pedestrian path or curb, you need to walk in one row along the edge of the roadway. Outside the city, pedestrians in such cases must walk towards traffic.

What is a curb?

A curb is a concrete or granite edge of a sidewalk. You cannot step on the curb; you can fall from it directly under the wheels of passing cars.

Why can't you cross the road diagonally?

When you walk diagonally, you turn your back to the cars and may not see them. In addition, the path becomes longer, you spend more time on the roadway.

What can happen if you get off the bus at the last moment?

The driver will see in the mirror that no one is there and will begin to close the doors. If you are late to leave, the doors may pinch you. In this case, you can fall and end up under the wheels of a bus.

Why is it dangerous to cross the road together, arm in arm or holding hands?
When a whole column of children crosses the road, it is safe to hold hands.
When two or three people are crossing, this should not be done (of course, if the student is not leading his younger brother or sister), because when danger appears, children can pull each other into different sides and lose precious seconds.

What should a pedestrian get off a bus remember?
After getting off the bus, you need to move away from it, giving way to those getting off and waiting to board.
There is no need to rush to cross the road: a standing bus makes it difficult to notice passing traffic.
Therefore, you cannot run out from behind him - neither in front nor behind.
Walk to the crossing or (if there is none) wait until the bus leaves the stop and you will have a clear view of the road.

What are the dangers when you walk down the street with small children?
Small children do not yet know how to navigate the road and can break free and run at the most inopportune moment. The elders should hold the younger ones tightly by the wrist and not let them go. You need to be especially careful when you drive up to your house and get off a bus, tram, taxi, or trolleybus. Small children, noticing someone they know on the other side of the street, can break free and run towards them.

What is the danger for a pedestrian when one car overtakes another?
For some time, the first car covers the second. A pedestrian can only see one car and will not notice an overtaking car.
How dangerous is it for a pedestrian when two oncoming cars pass each other?
One car pulls out from behind another. Therefore, both the driver and the pedestrian may not notice each other.

Is it possible to be distracted when crossing the road?
Of course not. On the road, a car travels 10-12 meters or even more in a second. But we love to look back at the noise, the scream, especially when we hear our name. This is a very dangerous habit

At an uncontrolled intersection, a pedestrian let a car pass; he cannot see any other cars. Is it possible to transfer?

The pedestrian began to cross the street when the traffic lights changed from green to red. The pedestrian decided: “While the cars are standing still, I’ll have time: after all, the drivers see me and won’t run over me.” What is a pedestrian's mistake?
Not all cars are standing at this moment; some are approaching the intersection, and when the green signal turns on, they will enter the intersection on the move.
Such a driver may not notice a crossing pedestrian because of standing cars. And the pedestrian also does not see this car because of the standing traffic.

Why is it necessary to cross the road at pedestrian crossings?

The driver knows that pedestrian traffic is allowed in these places, he reduces his speed and is more attentive. A pedestrian who crosses the road in the wrong place can get hurt and interfere with the flow of traffic.

Why can't you cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light?

When the light is red for pedestrians, the light is green for drivers. Seeing a green signal, the driver drives quickly, without waiting for pedestrians to appear.

Why is it dangerous to go out on the road? standing car?

Why can't you walk on the roadway?

Even walking along the edge of the road is dangerous; a car can hit you. You only need to walk on the sidewalk

While playing, you can forget about the danger, run out onto the road and get run over by a car.

You always need to stop to look around and prepare yourself for the transition.

Pause and examine the part of the road that was hidden behind the object.

Traffic lights, road markings, signs, road signs, traffic controllers.

Where should you wait for the tram?

You need to wait for the tram opposite the stop on the sidewalk or on a specially marked area.

What cars are allowed to run red lights?

Ambulance, police, fire, city gas.

A stationary tram must be walked around in front to avoid getting hit by an oncoming tram.

Where should a pedestrian stop if he or she does not have time to cross the roadway?

At a traffic island or at the intersection of the center line with the pedestrian crossing line

II quarter

(november, December)

Name the features of the winter season that can lead to danger

1. Snowfalls.

2.Short daylight hours.

3. Thaw.

4. Possibly bright, blinding sun .

Why is snowfall dangerous?

During snowfalls, visibility noticeably deteriorates, drifts appear, and the movement of pedestrians and vehicles is limited and hampered. Snow blinds pedestrians and interferes with their view of the road. For the driver, visibility on the road also deteriorates.

How dangerous is a winter day?

In winter the days are shorter. It gets dark early and very quickly. At dusk and in the dark, visibility deteriorates significantly. In the dark, it is easy to make a mistake in determining the distance, both to a moving car and to stationary objects. Often close objects seem far away, and distant objects seem close. Visual illusions occur: a stationary object can be mistaken for a moving one, and vice versa.

Can bright sunshine in winter be dangerous and why?

The bright sun, oddly enough, is also a hindrance. The bright sun and white snow create a glare effect; a person seems to be “blinded.” Therefore you need to be extremely careful

Why is ice dangerous for pedestrians and drivers?

In snowy or icy conditions, the likelihood of skidding and skidding increases, and, most importantly, the braking distance lengthens unpredictably. Therefore, the usual (summer) safe distance to the car for crossing needs to be increased several times.

Why is a thaw dangerous?

When it thaws, treacherous puddles appear on the street, under which ice hides. The road becomes very slippery! Therefore, when crossing the roadway, it is better to wait until there are no passing cars. Under no circumstances should you run across the road, even at a crosswalk! Walk only in steps and be careful

What dangers can winter clothing cause?

Warm winter clothes prevent you from moving freely and hinder your movements. If you slip, it is more difficult to maintain your balance in such clothes. In addition, hoods, furry collars and winter hats also interfere with visibility.

Name possible traffic situations on the road.

1.Increasing the braking distance of the car.

2. Cars skidding on slippery roads.


4.Narrowing of roads due to snow.

List the dangers of winter roads.

Ice, snow drifts, uncleared snow on the roads, slush, decreased visibility due to snowfall.

List the negative factors affecting children

1. Lack of adult supervision during the day.

2.Reduced visibility of the surrounding environment during strong winds, snowfalls due to a raised collar, hood.

3. Early darkness.

4. Glare from headlights.

List dangerous situations with children in winter

1. Outdoor games in yards, near roads.

2. Sledding, skating, skiing in dangerous places near the roads.

3. Road crossings with sports equipment.

4.Games in the evening.

5.Visiting shops, clubs, etc.

Why can't you cling to vehicles?

Because you can fall off and get hit by the wheels of the car you are attached to, or the car that is driving behind you.

Why is it dangerous to cross the road?

When a person runs, it is difficult for him to observe, to see. And when crossing the road, the main thing is to look carefully on both sides, because the road is also deceptive: it seems that it is safe, and suddenly a car pulls out from an alley or from behind another car.

Why is it dangerous to cross the road diagonally?

When you walk diagonally, you turn your back to the cars and may not see them. In addition, the transition path becomes longer.

How does a bus driver see passengers on a bus?

The driver monitors boarding and disembarking and passengers in the cabin through special mirrors. Therefore, he does not need to turn his head to see what is happening behind him.

Is it possible to look back when crossing the road?

Of course not. On the road, a car travels 10-12 meters or even more in a second. But we are accustomed to looking around when there is noise, shouting, when they call, without thinking whether we should give in to this habit

Where is sledding and skiing allowed?

In parks, squares, stadiums, i.e. where there is no danger of leaving the roadway.

You approached an intersection: while you were approaching, the green light was on all the time. Is it possible to transfer? If the street is relatively wide, more than 10-12 meters, it is better to wait so as not to find yourself at a crosswalk or in the middle of the roadway when the traffic light is red, the next green signal cycle.

Why is it dangerous to stand in the middle of the street?

When a person stands in the middle of the street, “on the center line,” cars are passing behind him, he does not watch them. But standing in the flow of cars and not watching them is dangerous. If you are frightened by an approaching car, you can, out of habit, take a step back - right under the wheels of the vehicle passing behind you. Standing in the middle of the street, you need to be very collected and attentive, not take a single step without looking. On streets where there are a lot of cars moving, it is better to time the crossing so that you do not have to stand in the middle between two oncoming traffic flows.

What should you do if a pedestrian drops a bag, briefcase or some other item while crossing the road?

In such a situation, we are used to immediately bending down and lifting, while distracting ourselves from observation. You can't do that on the road. You must always look first, make sure there is no danger, and then bend down. And it’s best to be collected during the transition and not drop anything.

The boy rushes to the cinema and is late. A truck is approaching the crossing, but the boy sees that it will have time to cross. What is the danger?

There are two dangers. Firstly, another car may not be visible behind the truck, which is traveling at a higher speed and is still hidden from the boy. Secondly, while crossing, the boy will watch the approaching truck and may forget to look in the other direction.

Why is it dangerous to play near the road?

At an unregulated intersection, a pedestrian let a car pass, more cars can not see. Is it possible to transfer?

You can’t let a car pass right away. In the first seconds, while she is close, the oncoming person may be hidden behind her. Having let a car pass, you need to wait until it drives further away and does not interfere with your inspection of the street.

The pedestrian approached the intersection. While he was approaching, the green light was on, and the pedestrian was ready to cross. Suddenly the light turned red. The pedestrian decided this: while the cars are standing still, I’ll be in time. After all, drivers see me and won’t run over me. What is the pedestrian’s mistake that he did not take into account?

Not all cars are stopped at this moment; some are approaching the intersection and, when the green signal turns on, will enter the intersection on the move. Such a driver may not notice a crossing pedestrian because of standing cars, and the pedestrian does not see this car because of standing vehicles.

When you approached the pedestrian crossing “without a traffic light”, the cars were standing, the main group of pedestrians had already walked half of the roadway. Is it possible to transfer?

When the main group of pedestrians has passed, drivers of stationary cars are ready to start moving. At this time, they follow the main group of pedestrians with their eyes and may not notice a late pedestrian. Therefore, crossing the road in such a situation is dangerous .

When a person is in a hurry, he always thinks about one thing - how to go faster and not waste time. In this condition it is easy not to notice the car. Most accidents on the roads occur when children are in a hurry, worried, or engrossed in conversation or play. .

There is a car parked near the entrance of your house. The driver left. What could be the danger?

A stationary car blocks or limits your view of the road. Because of it, you may not notice another car, motorcycle, or cyclist.

Why do some pedestrians cross the street wherever they please, and even diagonally?

There is no culture of behavior, endurance, willpower, or respect for drivers.

Why are cyclists and motorcyclists the most at risk on the road?

The stability of two-wheeled vehicles is many times lower than that of four-wheeled vehicles. Its size is many times smaller and it is often not noticed. Devices for signaling maneuvers on a car are incomparably better than on a motorcycle and bicycle, so motorcyclists and cyclists have to give hand signals, which they do not always do skillfully. In addition, in some cases hand signals are subtle: twilight, inclement weather, etc. And lastly: the experience of motorcyclists and cyclists is often insufficient for safe operation .

Why do some pedestrians cross the street when the traffic light is red? There is no restraint, discipline, respect for drivers, for whom it is more difficult to drive a car, when pedestrians cross in an unorganized manner and violate traffic rules .

Which turn is more dangerous, left or right, and why?

Left turns are much more dangerous. The driver has to cross two lanes: his own - you can collide with a passing car that is approaching from behind, it is not always easy to notice, and oncoming lane- you need to give way to oncoming traffic.

The green light is on for the cars, but they are standing still. Why can they stand? Is it dangerous or safe to cross?

Crossing in such a situation is very dangerous: cars can stand waiting for permission to turn during a traffic jam, letting “ ambulance", fire truck or other special vehicle. Cars can stand in one row, and cars can pass in another row (hidden behind the standing ones).

What is the danger of a bus when it approaches a stop?

The entrance to the bus stop is usually heavily traveled. In inclement weather or in winter, the bus may slip (skid) and even drive out onto the site. In addition, the pedestrian himself may slip and get run over. Or he may be accidentally pushed, especially when there are many passengers at the stop. Therefore, you need to carefully watch the bus approaching the stop and not come close to it until it comes to a complete stop.

What to do if a pedestrian has to go out onto the road close to a parked car: trees, bushes?

Pause and examine the part of the road that was hidden behind the object.

You want to catch up with a friend not far from the road. What danger threatens a comrade?

While running away, he can run onto the roadway without noticing the car.

On the edge of the sidewalks of a lightly trafficked street, a group of schoolchildren are chatting animatedly. Possible dangers?

Someone, being sure that there is no car, can step onto the road without looking .

What is the danger of going out onto the road because of a parked car, bushes, or a stall?

When a car is stationary, it blocks the view of the road; a pedestrian cannot see another car that is driving behind the stationary one. We must remember: if the car is stationary, there may be danger hidden behind it.

Why is a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light more dangerous than a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light?

Crossing without a traffic light is more dangerous because you need to be able to determine whether the car is far away, whether it is going fast or slow. At the same time, because of a slowly moving car, could an oncoming car drive out?

What is the danger of crossing when one car overtakes another?

At the moment when one car overtakes another, the speed of the overtaking car is much greater. A pedestrian may not notice an overtaking car. The driver of an overtaking car may also not notice the pedestrian.

How many meters will the car go when braking if the driver wants to stop?

Depending on the speed, it can move 36-46 meters. Much more in icy conditions. In addition, while the driver presses the brakes, the car will travel several meters without braking.

Why is it dangerous to play near the road?

While playing, you can forget about the danger, run out onto the road and get hit by a car. .

III quarter

(January February March)

How dangerous is the spring season for pedestrians and drivers?

Everyone is always happy about spring. But spring is a difficult and dangerous season for both pedestrians and motorists. This period is dangerous not only due to morning and evening ice, but also slippery mud, puddles, washed out roadsides, the appearance of ruts and new holes. Due to increased humidity, fog occurs more often - an insidious enemy for both the driver and the pedestrian.

Why is the spring sun dangerous?

The spring sun sometimes does a bad job - it blinds the eyes of pedestrians and drivers. Looking at the bright sun, a person seems to go blind for a while. If this happens to a pedestrian on the roadway or to a driver, it can end in disaster. It is especially bad when the sun shines towards the movement. Even sun visors in the car or glasses do not always help. Therefore, drivers and pedestrians should remember this.

Why is fog dangerous?

It's foggy outside. Visibility is very poor. Therefore, before crossing the road, make sure that no car is walking along it. And if there is a baby nearby, take him by the hand and lead him across the road. You have to be especially careful in fog.

What should a person get off the bus remember?

The fact that a stopped bus makes it difficult to notice approaching traffic. You have to wait until the bus leaves the stop.

How should one step from the sidewalk onto the roadway?

You always need to stop to look around, get ready for the transition

What is the danger of rushing on the street?

When a person is in a hurry, he is not so attentive; in this state it is easy to miss a moving car.

What if a pedestrian has to step out onto the road because of trees, bushes, etc.?

Pause and examine the part of the road that was hidden behind the object

How is pedestrian traffic regulated?

Traffic lights, road markings, signs, road signs, traffic controllers

How to get around a stationary tram?

You must go around a stationary tram in front to avoid getting hit by an oncoming tram.

Why is it dangerous to walk and run along the roadway?

The roadway is intended only for traffic, and a pedestrian on it interferes with traffic. This can lead to an accident, as you may not have time to assess the road situation. In addition, drivers do not expect that pedestrians can walk or run along the roadway and may not notice the pedestrian.

Why is the road dangerous in spring?(Ice, you can slip and fall.)

Where can I play in the yard?

Only on a special area designated for games, where cars and motorcycles are not allowed.

What is it for? road markings(lines, inscriptions, etc.) applied to the roadway with white paint?

It establishes a certain order of movement. She shows you where to go certain species transport where pedestrians can cross the street.

Why are pedestrian crossings installed on the streets? What are they?

Pedestrian crossings are places to cross the street from one side to the other. Pedestrian crossings can be underground, above ground or overground. If there is a pedestrian crossing, you should only cross the street along them. Transitions can be regulated or unregulated. The first ones are equipped with a traffic light.

How to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing?

It is allowed to cross the street if the permissive (green) traffic light is on. Before you step onto the roadway, you need to look around and make sure that the cars have stopped. If an approaching car is moving at high speed (maybe the driver did not see the signal), let it pass. You need to cross the street even more carefully and cautiously at an unregulated pedestrian crossing.

What is the main rule when crossing the street?

You need to cross it only in designated places - at intersections and pedestrian crossings, but the most important thing is to ensure good review roads to the right and left. Try never to cross where visibility is poor (there are cars, bushes, trees and other obstacles). If possible, move away from standing cars, bushes and other objects that interfere with your inspection of the road.

What should you do if you have to cross the street next to a parked car or other obstruction to your view?

It may turn out to be so. That just where the crossing is allowed, the car has broken down or is parked. In such cases, when approaching a standing car (or other object that obstructs your view), you need to stop and look out carefully, only after making sure that there is no hidden danger can you cross

Why is it necessary to cross the road at intersections and at pedestrian crossings?

The driver knows that pedestrian traffic is allowed in these places, he reduces his speed and is more attentive. A pedestrian who crosses in the wrong place can get hurt himself and interfere with drivers.

What can happen if you are late getting off the bus?

The driver will see in the mirror that there is no one there and will close the doors; if you are late getting out, he may get pinched by the doors. If you fall, you may get run over.

What are the dangers of entering the roadway because of a parked car?

When a car is stationary, it blocks the view of the road, and a pedestrian may not notice another car that is driving behind the stationary one. Trucks, buses, trolleybuses, and trams are especially dangerous and block the view of the road. But cars can also prevent you from seeing danger. We must remember: if there is a car parked on the street, there may be danger hidden behind it.

Why is a road with very few cars dangerous?

A pedestrian may think that the road is empty and begins to cross without looking both ways. And a car may suddenly appear - it will drive out of the yard, out of the alley. When crossing the road, you should always look both ways carefully.

How to determine whether a car is far or close?

It is necessary to determine how long it will take for the car to travel to the place where the pedestrian is standing. If it’s long, then the car is far away. If it's only a few seconds, it means close. Sometimes it seems that the car is far away, but if it is driving fast, it is dangerous to cross the road. When crossing the roadway, it is necessary to take into account the speed of traffic.

Why can't you walk on the roadway?

Even walking along the edge of the roadway is dangerous - a car can hit you. You should only walk on sidewalks

How to walk on a road that has no sidewalk?

When there is no sidewalk (outside the city), you need to walk along the side of the road, facing the traffic, in order to see the cars coming towards you.

What danger often arises when a schoolchild approaches his home?

Having noticed his house, the student will want to quickly cross the roadway to get home, and may not notice the car that is driving along the road at that moment .

How to determine that a car driver is about to turn right?

The car occupies the right lane, the right flashlight turns on and flashes - the turn signal

What are the dangers of vehicles with trailers?

Firstly, when turning, the trailer skids and can hit pedestrians. Secondly, an inattentive pedestrian, seeing that the body of a car has passed by, may begin to cross the street and get hit by a trailer.

Why is it dangerous to cross the road together, arm in arm or holding hands?

When a whole column of children crosses the road, it is safe to hold hands. When two or three are crossing, this should not be done, because when danger appears, the children may begin to pull each other in different directions and lose the most valuable seconds.

Why is a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light more dangerous than a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light?

Crossing without a traffic light is more dangerous, because you need to be able to determine whether a car is far or close, whether it is going fast or slow, and you need to be able to notice a small car or motorcycle. At the same time, often because of a slow-moving car, another one that is driving quickly gets out; because of a car that has passed, an oncoming one can get out.

Does the driver of a car that approaches him always see a pedestrian?

Not always: The driver has to watch many other drivers and pedestrians.

IV quarter

(April May)

Why is it dangerous to play near the road?

While playing, you can forget about the danger, run out onto the road and get hit by a car.

Where and how should you walk if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path nearby?

If there is no sidewalk or pedestrian paths on the road, follow the path along the road or along the side of the road. And - towards the movement. In the dark or when visibility is poor, there should be flicker on clothing. It will make you visible to the driver of the car.

How should you cross the road if there is no crossing or intersection nearby?

Cross the road at right angles to the edge of the roadway and only where there is no dividing strip or fences. And - remember the main rule: the road should be clearly visible in both directions

Where is it possible and where not to rollerblade and skateboard?

Never ride rollerblades or skateboards onto the roadway or ride them on the sidewalks! Ride only in specially designated places - parks, paths, playgrounds.

Where can you ride a bike if you are under 14 years old? Ride your bike only in safe places away from roads - in parks, in courtyards, on bike paths.

Where and why are metal fences installed?

They are installed in areas of heavy pedestrian and vehicle traffic and limit the possibility of crossing the roadway in the wrong place.

At what age are children allowed to ride a bicycle outside?

How is the word "bicycle" translated?

Bicycle translated from Latin language means "quick feet" or "swift feet".

Is it possible to cross the roadway at a pedestrian crossing on a bicycle?

A cyclist must cross the roadway at a pedestrian crossing on foot, driving a bicycle nearby.

How should you step from the sidewalk onto the roadway: immediately or pause first? Why?

You always have to pause. Firstly, to better inspect the roadway. Secondly, to get ready for the transition. Because on the roadway you need increased attention, not the same as on the sidewalk.

What requirements of the Traffic Rules must a pedestrian comply with when crossing the road?

Go at right angles.

What should a pedestrian get off a bus remember?

The fact that a standing bus makes it difficult to notice passing traffic, so you cannot get out or run out from behind it - neither in front nor behind.

How should child passengers behave?

Children passengers are prohibited from distracting the driver while driving, opening doors while driving, or sticking their heads and arms out of windows.

At what age can children sit in the front seat of a car?

From 12, must be fastened with a restraint device.

Where is the "Children" sign installed?

Installed near children's institutions (kindergarten, school, children's sanatoriums), the sign warns the driver that in this place the “children's zone” needs to be extremely careful and slow down.

Who can replace a faulty traffic light?

Adjuster. You can cross the road only after waiting for the permission signal.

What does the traffic controller’s signal mean, are your arms extended to the sides or lowered?

You can cross the roadway from the left and right sides of the traffic controller.

What does the traffic controller’s signal mean when the traffic controller’s right arm is extended forward?

You can cross the road behind the traffic controller.

Who needs to obey if a traffic controller gives signals on the roadway and the traffic light is working properly?

You must follow the traffic controller's signals.

Is it possible to talk on the phone while crossing the road?

It is forbidden. Conversation distracts from observation, so when moving to the road, talking should be stopped.

“Be careful of icicles/snow from the roof”
Objectives: to provide knowledge that icicles can be dangerous to humans (if they fall from the roof - injury and remember, if licked or eaten - sore throat);
teach how to protect yourself from icicles at the end of winter - beginning of spring, obey safety rules, and be able to anticipate danger.

“Don’t eat snow and icicles!”
Objectives: to provide knowledge that snow icicles can be dangerous to humans (if they fall from the roof - injury, if licked or eaten - sore throat);

"Road Safety"

Goals: to consolidate, systematize and update children’s knowledge about traffic rules.

"If you're lost on the street"

Goal: to teach how to behave correctly if you are lost on the street and who to turn to for help in this situation; learn to talk on the phone, get acquainted with the telephone number of the “Police” - 02.

"Colors in Traffic"

Purpose: to remind children of the meanings of colors in traffic; increase knowledge about how traffic lights work.

"Don't play with stray animals
Goal: to explain to children that contact with animals can sometimes be dangerous; learn to take care of your safety.

“Let’s go on an excursion (walking tour)”
Purpose: to provide knowledge about safety rules during walking excursions, to teach
comply with safety requirements.

"Hooray! We're going on an excursion! (by bus)"

Goal: to teach how to behave correctly in transport, to know and obey the rules of safe behavior.

“How the curious tongue was punished”
Objectives: to give children knowledge that iron objects are very dangerous in winter, that they should not be touched with the tongue, lips or bare hands;
teach how to take care of your safety and prevent accidents.

"On the Hill in Winter"

Purpose: to teach children to obey the rules of behavior when sliding downhill;
develop endurance and patience, the ability to wait your turn;
develop a desire to avoid traumatic situations.

“How to behave in the heat at the site?”
Goal: to teach children to put on a hat (panama hat, headscarf, etc.) without prompting from adults, to reinforce the ability to correctly pour water from a kettle into a cup, and to follow the rules for being in the sun so as not to overheat.

“Rules of conduct in the garden area during a walk”
Goal: to teach children to follow the rules of safe behavior in the kindergarten area;
know the boundaries of your site; remind them of the dangers that await them on the site.

"Winter roads"
Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, the road in winter, to form the idea that in winter the roads are slippery and drivers cannot stop quickly vehicle. On a slippery road, cars and buses slide forward for some time even after braking. Develop the ability to restrain yourself, be attentive, and not play on the road.

“The frosts are severe this year”
Goal: to teach how to behave correctly in frosty weather.

"Rules for crossing the street"

Purpose: to recall the rules for crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing.

"Types of transport. Special vehicles"

Goal: To consolidate ideas about various types of transport. Draw children's attention to the fact that behind large vehicles (buses, trucks) small ones (cars, motorcycles, bicycles) can be hidden. Bring to children's attention the concept of “car braking distance.”

"Street. Crossroads"

Goal: To clarify children’s understanding of the rules of street traffic (sidewalk for pedestrians, cars moving along the roadway of the street; car traffic can be one-way or two-way).

"A pedestrian. Crosswalk"

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the rules of the road: they can cross the street in special places - above-ground and underground passages, to remind them of the meaning of the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign; practice skills in performing the correct actions when crossing a roadway with an adult and understanding spatial terminology (left-right side, front-behind, towards, etc.)

"Road signs"

Goal: expand children's understanding of road signs; introduce new signs: first aid station, food station, gas station, pedestrian crossing, bicycle path, entry prohibited, children; expand your understanding of what ignorance of signs leads to.

“Where you can and cannot play”

Purpose: to introduce children to what can happen if you play in the wrong place; to form the idea of ​​preschoolers about safety on the streets and roads; convince children of the danger of playing on the roadway; explain why you can’t play on the street and roads; designate places for games and riding scooters, children's bicycles, skis, sleds and ice skates.

"About traffic rules"

Goal: to teach children to correctly name the elements of the road; introduce the rules for driving on the side of the road; consolidate knowledge of familiar traffic rules

“Follow the traffic rules without objection”

Purpose: to familiarize children with the movement of vehicles and pedestrians; continue to develop knowledge of the rules for crossing the street at traffic lights,

develop spatial orientation, the ability to act on a signal

give an idea of ​​how important it is to learn how to walk around the city correctly.

"My traffic light friend"Goal: to introduce children to the basic rules of street traffic, to tell them what irreparable consequences can result from violating traffic rules.

"Danger on the Road"Goal: to warn children about possible life danger with irreparable consequences.

"Travelling on the street: rules for pedestrians"

Goal: to continue to familiarize children with some rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street, with the concepts of “pedestrian” and “ground (overground, underground) crossing.”

"How sand can become dangerous"

Goal: show the child games with sand and warn him that playing with it is unsafe: you need to be careful and make sure that sand does not get into your eyes, mouth, nose, clothes, or head.

"Road Safety"

Goal: to form ideas about road safety rules, to deepen knowledge about traffic rules.

"If you are lost or lost"

Goal: To explain to children, in order to help yourself, you must: be able to ask adults for help, know and say your first and last name, know and say your age, your full home address (street, house, apartment).

Minutes of Safety

1. Minute of safety “Games in game centers”
2. Minute of safety “Behavior during educational activities”
3. Safety minute “Behavior in the washroom and toilet room”
4. Safety minute “Eating”.
5. Minute of safety “Quiet hour”
6. Minute of safety “Behavior in the corridor.”
8. Minute of safety “On a walk.”
9. Minute of safety “On the site.”
10. Minute of safety " Live nature»

1. Safety minute “Games in game centers”
You cannot throw toys, cubes, push each other, or try to avoid conflicts. If necessary, the teacher intervenes.
You cannot bring into the group or use in games items brought from home: glass, piercing or cutting objects, matches, lighters, etc.
You cannot bring medications or candy into the group.
After use, printed board games should be put into boxes and taken to their place.
You cannot take parts from these games or other small items with you.
During games, you must not stand on chairs and tables or crawl under tables.
When conducting outdoor games in a group, use only the territory determined by the teacher; do not push, do not shout, do not interfere with other children in the game and follow the rules of the game.
Cutlery, attributes role-playing games: use scissors, combs, shuttlecocks with arrows, balls, etc. only for their intended purpose.
Work in a living area only under the supervision of a teacher. Wear special clothing (apron, sleeves, gloves if necessary)
When working in a corner of nature, you must not push, fight over equipment, or put anything in your mouth.
Only the teacher turns on the tape recorder.
Don't put your fingers in doorways.

2. Minute of safety “Behavior during educational activities”
Use brushes, pencils and other objects only for their intended purpose during educational activities.
Do not swing the brush or pencils to avoid injury to anyone.
Clean up after yourself workplace.

3. Safety minute “Behavior in the washroom and toilet room”
No more than 5-6 people can be in the washroom and toilet at the same time.
Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene in the toilet: use paper, flush the toilet with water, wash your hands with soap, dry only clean hands with a towel.
You cannot run, jump, splash water, touch cleaning equipment, throw small objects and toys into the toilet and get them out of there; hang on the heating coil and partitions between toilets, climb onto the radiator grille and window sill; use the shower yourself.
Rinse your mouth only with water from a glass, but do not drink it. You should not rinse your mouth with tap water.

4. Safety minute “Eating”.
Sit at the table calmly, do not overtake your friend.
Sit correctly at the table: watch your posture, do not put your elbows on the table.
Do not talk while eating.
Chew food thoroughly, do not take in large portions or sips, so that food does not get into the windpipe.
If the food is hot, do not blow, but stir gently with a spoon until it cools down.
Do not tilt the plate of soup towards you, do not drink from the plate, or use cutlery.
Waving your hands while holding cutlery is not allowed. This can lead to injury, both to yourself and to those around you.
While eating, the plate with the first or second course should be kept at a distance from the edge, because... the plate may fall onto your lap and burn you.
You cannot move the plate with food, because... You could spill food and burn yourself or a neighbor.
Hold the cup of drink by the handle and drink in small sips to avoid choking.
You cannot swing the cup or throw it, because... it may break and injure you or a friend.
If dishes break, do not touch the fragments; adults will clean them up. The sharp edges of the fragments may cause injury.

5. Minute of safety “Quiet hour”
Before going to bed, go to the toilet, wash your face, hands and rinse your mouth
Carefully place clothes on chairs.
Walk at a calm pace, do not run.
While driving, do not push the child in front, do not put footrests on them, or hold them by their clothes.
Do not put your fingers in, do not slam the door, do not hold the door.
It is prohibited to take foreign objects into the bedroom (leftover food, hairpins, rings, etc.)
When sleeping, take off your glasses and place them on a special table.
In the event of even a minor injury, bruise, or abrasion, contact a teacher immediately.
Do not keep sweets, compote pits, small toys, mosaic pieces, etc. in your mouth, hands, or pajama pockets.
You cannot run between the beds, swing clothes, bedspreads, blankets, or throw pillows.

6. Minute of safety “Behavior in the corridor.”
We need to line up in a column of two people. Each couple join hands.

walk at a calm pace, do not talk loudly,

don't pull their clothes,
do not put footrests,

7. Safety minute “Behavior in the waiting room”
You need to dress for a walk at the suggestion of the teacher.
You need to be careful while dressing.
Dress yourself in the following order:
Sweater or jacket
A cap
Coat or jacket
You need to dress calmly, not throw clothes around, take them out of the locker as needed.
When dressing, do not push each other or pull the scarf.
Do not climb or lock yourself in a locker.
There should be no foreign objects in clothing pockets.
In the event of even a minor injury, abrasion, or bruise, contact a teacher immediately
You only need to go for a walk with a teacher.
When walking on stairs, hold on to the railing.
Be careful when opening or closing doors! Do not put your fingers in, do not slam the door, do not hold the door.

8. Minute of safety “On a walk.”
Going out for a walk
Before the walk, you need to line up in a column of two people. Each couple join hands.
There should not be any objects or toys in your hands (the teacher must have all this).
It is prohibited to enter the territory of the kindergarten without an accompanying adult kindergarten employee.
When going for a walk you must:
maintain distance between couples,
walk at a calm pace
do not push comrades in front,
don't pull their clothes,
do not put footrests,
do not delay movement (if necessary, stop, you must warn the teacher),
while driving, keep an eye on the teacher,
When going down the stairs, hold on to the railing.
Jumping off porch steps is not permitted.
Follow the teacher to the site of your group in an organized manner.

9. Minute of safety “On the site.”
During outdoor games, do not push, do not hold a friend by the clothes, and do not trip him.
During independent play, do not throw stones, sticks, toys and other foreign objects, do not climb trees or tall buildings.
You cannot leave the site with strangers or unfamiliar people.
You must not approach petting a foreign animal.
It is prohibited to pick up foreign objects: syringes, tablets, toys that do not belong to the kindergarten, bags, cans, boxes, etc.
It is prohibited to put foreign objects, leaves, tree fruits, flowers, etc. in your mouth.
When carrying out work assignments, use equipment and tools only for their intended purpose, applying the rules and techniques shown by the teacher.
Tools necessary for independent activities must be taken only with the permission of the teacher.
In the event of even a minor injury, bruise, or abrasion, contact your teacher immediately
Don't throw the ball at your head or stomach
Do not swing your arms and legs too much.
Do not pour sand into your eyes, ears, mouth;
Do not swing a shovel, bucket or other toys at children when playing in the sandbox
Don't collide with each other when playing

10. Safety minute “Wildlife”
Do not pick up mushrooms or plants with your hands.
Don't pick flowers.