Is it necessary to obtain a catalog sheet for products? These rules establish the procedure for filling out and submitting product catalog sheets

PR 50-718-99






1 DEVELOPED BY FSUE “Standardinform”

INTRODUCED by the Scientific and Technical Department of the State Standard of Russia

3 INSTEAD PR 50-718-94


(Amendment. IUS 1-2006)

PR 50-718-99



Date of introduction 1999-09-01

1 area of ​​use

These rules establish the procedure for filling out and submitting catalog sheets products.

These rules are intended for manufacturing companies commercial products for national economic purposes, as well as for specialists of territorial bodies and organizations of the State Standard of Russia.

2 Normative references

GOST 2.114-95 one system design documentation. Specifications

GOST 8.417-81 State system ensuring uniformity of measurements. Units of physical quantities

GOST R 1.0-92 State standardization system Russian Federation. Basic provisions

GOST R 51074-97 Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements

GOST R 51121-97 Non-food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements

3 Definitions

In these rules, the following term is used with the corresponding definition:

product catalog sheet (CLP): A machine-oriented document containing a single set of details that allows you to obtain information about the name and designation of a specific product, about the manufacturer, about the regulatory or technical document in accordance with the requirements of which the product is produced and supplied, about the holder of the original the specified document, as well as the main consumer characteristics of these products.

4 General provisions on filling out and submitting product catalog sheets

4.1 Manufacturers, in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 1.0 and GOST 2.114, fill out the KLP and submit it to the Center for Standardization and Metrology of Rostekhregulirovanie at the location of the manufacturer (hereinafter referred to as the Center for Standardization and Metrology) to form regional and all-Russian databases, provide information about products to consumers, as well as the implementation state control and supervision of compliance mandatory requirements state standards.

4.2 KLP is submitted to the Center for Standardization and Metrology together with cover letter manufacturer immediately after making a decision to begin serial production of products according to a regulatory or technical document.

For products mastered in serial production, KLP are submitted to the Center for Standardization and Metrology when making changes to a regulatory or technical document or when revising the specified document (if previously this KLP products did not imagine).

Note - Manufacturers located in Moscow and the Moscow region send KLP to FSUE Standardinform.

(Amendment. IUS 1-2006)

4.3 Territorial authorities carry out accounting registration (hereinafter referred to as registration) of catalog sheets of products manufactured by enterprises in the region, form regional bases data (catalogues) of products, keep them up to date, provide reference and information services to local (regional) authorities, enterprises and other users upon their requests, use information about products to select objects of state control and supervision of compliance with mandatory requirements of state standards, control whether the manufacturer has a registered technical specification document for its products.

Territorial authorities periodically (at least once a month) transmit the information they entered into regional databases to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Standardinform” via communication channels or on computer media. It is allowed, in agreement with FSUE "Standartinform", to provide information about products on on paper in the form of a copy of the CLP.

FSUE "Standardinform" creates a database "Products of Russia", keeps it up to date and provides information government agencies management, territorial authorities, organizations, as well as other users.

Based on the “Products of Russia” database, FSUE “Standartinform” creates an information index of technical conditions, which is published and distributed by FSUE “Standartinform”.

(Amendment. IUS 1-2006)

4.4 The KLP must be filled out for one specific product or for several specific products (brands, types, designs, etc.), the requirements for which are established in this regulatory or technical document, taking into account the consumer’s interest in obtaining information and the manufacturer’s own interest in bringing information about products to the consumer.

It is not allowed to fill out one specification document for several types of products supplied according to different regulatory or technical documents.

At the request of the manufacturer, the CLP can be filled out by specialists of the territorial authority on a contractual basis.

4.5 The manufacturer submits to the Center for Standardization and Metrology the original and one copy of the KLP, made on an A4 sheet in accordance with Appendix A, as well as a copy or original of the regulatory or technical document on the basis of which the KLP is filled out, to check the correctness of the latter and, if necessary, prompt adjustments.

(Amendment. IUS 1-2006)

4.6 When registering a CLP:

They check the completeness and correctness of filling out the CLP, including compliance of the nomenclature of the main consumer characteristics with state standards for these products, as well as the mandatory certification of products;

Fill in the fields provided for details 01, 02, 03 and 06 KLP;

A stamp is placed on the CLP indicating the name of the territorial body, date and registration number.

Note - It is allowed to affix the stamp used for the registration of technical conditions.

If necessary, the Center for Standardization and Metrology provides consulting services to manufacturers on filling out the CLP. Errors identified in the design documentation must be eliminated by the manufacturer or, in agreement with it, by a territorial authority on a contractual basis.

(Amendment. IUS 1-2006)

4.7 The original KLP and a copy (original) of the regulatory or technical document are returned to the manufacturer of the product, and a copy of the KLP is left with the territorial authority.

The registered original of the design documentation must be kept at the manufacturer as an integral part of the technical document on the basis of which it was prepared.

4.8 Product catalog sheets are not presented on:

Prototypes (pilot batches) and installation series of products;

Products for which regulatory or technical documents are not developed (for example, for products that are a work of authorship);

Products of limited use, supplied by order of a certain department and not subject to free sale;

Unique, one-off products supplied to a specific customer;

Components of products, technological equipment and tools created and used only at the manufacturer.

Product catalog sheet (CLP) is a document containing a single set of details that allows you to obtain INFORMATION:

  • on the name and designation of specific products
  • about the manufacturer
  • on a regulatory or technical document in accordance with the requirements of which products are manufactured
  • about the manufacturer about the holder of the original of the specified document
  • about the main consumer characteristics of these products.


To register a CLP, the enterprise sends:

  • APPLICATION FOR CLP registration
  • original and one copy of the document
  • original or copy of the document according to which the products are manufactured

Registration of commercial enterprises is carried out in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 16, 1996. No. 37 “On the main directions of industrial restructuring.”
  • Decree of the administration of the Vladimir region dated August 12, 1996 No. 391 “On cataloging products produced by enterprises in the region.”
  • GOST 2.114-2016 ESKD. Specifications
  • GOST R 51740-2016 Technical specifications for food products. General requirements for development and design.
  • PR 1323565.1.002-2018 Rules for filling out and submitting product catalog sheets
  • GOST R 1.3-2018 Standardization in the Russian Federation. Technical specifications for products. General requirements for content, design, marking and updating
  • GOST R 1.18-2018 Standardization in the Russian Federation. Register of technical conditions. Rules for the formation, maintenance and receipt of information
  • GOST R 15.301-2016 SRPP. Products for industrial and technical purposes. The procedure for developing and putting products into production.


  • forms a database of products manufactured by enterprises, organizations and individual enterprises of the Vladimir region;
  • transfers the information specified in the CLP to FSUE Standardinform.

FSUE "Standardinform":

  • forms a data bank “Products of Russia”
  • creates thematic catalogs (for example, “Containers, packaging, closures, labels”
  • issues monthly and annual indexes of technical specifications, which contain the designation and title of documents, as well as the names and addresses of enterprises that hold the originals.