The first written document about the life of society. The role of the document in modern society

The role of a document in a person’s life in society


The concept of “document”, its historical development

Document properties and attributes

The meaning of the document for individuals and society




The relevance of the work is due to the importance of the role of the document in the life of any person. Almost every area of ​​our activity requires some kind of documents.

With the development of society, the management process is constantly becoming more complex and it is necessary to solve increasingly complex sets of interrelated problems. Their decision is based on information about managed objects, the carrier of which is a document.

The development of humanity objectively accompanies the growth of volumes of information and its carriers - documents.

The purpose of the work is to determine the role of a document in a person’s life in society.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set: to consider the evolution of the document in its historical development, to identify modern definition document, the main functions of a document in human life and society.

The subject of the study was the properties, characteristics of the document, as well as the role and significance of the document in human life in society.

The concept of “document”, its historical development

The concept of “document” is central, fundamental in conceptual system document management. It reflects the characteristics of real-life objects that serve as objects practical activities on the creation, collection, analytical and synthetic processing, storage, retrieval, distribution and use of documentary information in society.

A document is a complex and ancient phenomenon. The advent of writing marked the transition of mankind to a new information technology. With the help of graphic sign systems, it has become possible to separate information from the subject and fix it on some material for the purpose of subsequent transmission in time and space.

As a result, documented information appeared, i.e. document.

In Russia, the term “document” was introduced by Peter the Great precisely in the meaning of “written evidence”. Throughout the 18th century. in the definition of the concept “document”, it was primarily its legal purpose. Meanwhile, this term itself was almost never used for a long time. Instead, other terms were usually used in office practice: “act”, “deed”, “paper”.

IN late XIX V. There is a tendency to narrow the boundaries of the concept of “document”: at first it was considered as any object used to obtain and prove, then as a written certificate confirming certain legal relations.

Since the beginning of the 20th century. Belgian scientist Paul Otlet International Institute documentation has already used the concept of “document” as a term that unites all information recorded on various media. He included here manuscripts, printed publications, engravings, diagrams, film and photographic documents, disks, maps, voice recordings, sheet music, medals, postcards, etc., and even sculpture, painting and architecture. That is, any source of information embodied in material form.

P. Otlet's concept considers a document as a carrier of social information. However, in reference publications of that time, a narrow meaning of this word continues to exist: in addition to the legal one, the concept of “historical document” (fixed evidence of an era, person, etc.) and “account document” (serving as the basis for carrying out business actions) is introduced - receiving and issuing valuables).

At the international level, the most generally accepted definition of a document is recorded information that can be used as a unit in the documentation process. Thus, the Dictionary of Archival Terminology, published in 1988 by the International Council on Archives, defines a document as “the combination of a medium and information recorded on or in it that may have evidentiary or reference value.” Otherwise, a document is defined as “recorded information, regardless of form or medium, created, received and maintained by organizations, institutions and individuals in support of their legal rights and responsibilities or to conduct business transactions.”

Over a long historical period, the meaning of the concept of “document” has constantly changed. And to this day, definitions are used that either give it the broadest meaning, or narrow its understanding to one particular type of document. Operating with the concept of “document,” it is necessary to clarify each time exactly what meaning is invested in it in order to solve theoretical or practical problems.

The official wording in the legislation of the Russian Federation: a document is a material medium with information recorded on it in any form in the form of text, sound recording, image and (or) a combination thereof, which has details that allow it to be identified, and is intended for transmission in time and space in for public use and storage purposes.

Document properties and attributes

Like any object, a document has many properties. The most significant of them are the following:

The attribution of the document, i.e. the presence of integral components without which it cannot exist. Document how complete system consists of two main components - informational and material;

Document functionality, i.e. its purpose is to transmit information in space and time. A document is a multifunctional object, i.e. it performs many system-wide and specific functions, determined by the diverse needs of society for information and knowledge;

The structure of the document, i.e. the close relationship of its elements and subsystems, ensuring its integrity and identity with itself, i.e. preservation of basic properties under various external and internal changes. It is the structure that ensures the efficiency of use and long-term storage of the document.

A document is a complex object that represents a unity of information and a material (material) carrier. The main component of the document is information, i.e. a variety of data, information, messages, knowledge intended for transmission in the process of communication. Any sphere of human activity, one way or another, is connected with documentary information, i.e. information contained in the document. The information contained in the document has certain specifics, expressed as follows:

A document is a carrier of social information created by man for use in society;

The document assumes the presence of semantic (notional) information resulting from intellectual activity person;

Information is transmitted discretely, i.e. in the form of messages. A message recorded on any material medium (papyrus, paper, plastic, photographic film) becomes a document;

Like any object of a symbolic nature, a message is a coded text. A fixed message has a sign form because only in this form can the knowledge, emotions, and volitional influences of the author (communicant) be conveyed in the message, providing the reader (recipient) with the opportunity to decode and master the relevant knowledge. ;

A document is information that is recorded on a tangible medium in a way created by man - through writing, graphics, photography, sound recording, etc.;

The document has substantiality (thingness). A stable material form is important for a document.

Information itself is not a sufficient feature of a document. The material component is one of the two necessary and mandatory components of a document, without which it cannot exist. The material component of a document is its material (physical) essence, the form of the document, ensuring its ability to store and transmit information in space and time.

The material component of the document is determined by the information carrier. A material object becomes a document only in the case of unity of the material carrier and the information contained in it. The dual nature of the document is one of its main features as a known system.

TO distinctive features documents include:

Availability of meaningful semantic content;

A stable material form that ensures long-term preservation of the document, the possibility of repeated (long-term) use and movement of information in space and time;

Intended for use in social communication.;

Message completeness

The meaning of the document for individuals and society

The document accompanies a person from birth to death and records major events throughout his life: birth, graduation from school, receiving a special secondary and higher education, marriage, etc. In the distant past, a document appears primarily in order to consolidate and confirm the right of an individual, family, clan to land, some property, the right to power, etc.

The document became necessary for recording livestock, money, and other valuables, and for transmitting the ruler’s orders. The presence or absence of any document can change a person’s entire life. The document plays an even greater role in the life of society, consolidating and reflecting in laws the order of organization and management of the state, the rules of behavior of people, the order of their relationships, accepted morality, etc. Thus, a document can perform many functions and have different purposes.

The function of a document is its social role, social purpose, purpose, task.

One of the most important functions of any document is, of course, the function of securing and capturing information. It is this that decisively determines the creation of the document. In this way, a person tries to “stop the moment.” In the process of implementing this function, a kind of materialization of information occurs, creating the necessary prerequisites for the document to perform a number of other functions.

The information function is the ability of a document to satisfy society’s needs for information, i.e. serve as a source of information and knowledge. .

The ability of a document to serve as an “external memory” of a person and society as a whole, to preserve information and transmit it from one generation to another is characteristic of monument documents (artifacts) that have special socio-cultural and historical value (handwritten book, rare, especially valuable and unique content, form or conditions of existence in the external environment documents)

Hedonic function - the ability of a document to serve as a means of relaxation, entertainment, rational use of free time (works fiction, art publications, films, CDs, magnetic phonograms, etc.).

Origin, formation and development social system is possible only with the help of information connections, which often find material embodiment in documented information. Documents contain a wide variety of information about processes taking place in society, therefore social information initially determines the social nature, the essence of any document. At the same time, the document, being a product social development, at the same time it itself has a certain influence on the formation and character public relations, inhibits or, conversely, stimulates their development. Therefore, the study of any document is impossible outside the social environment in which this document appeared and where it functions.

The communicative function is the ability of a document to be an informative means of transmission, exchange, communication, communication, continuity.

The communicative function is intended not only to solve the problem of transmitting information in social space, but also to organize, streamline and maintain information connections in society. In other words, it plays both a transmitting and socially cementing role.

Storing information is not an end in itself. The fact is that a necessary condition the existence of human society is knowledge of its past, the accumulation of information about the life of previous generations with its subsequent transmission over time. The stored documented information, once in a retrospective environment, is subsequently activated mainly by the efforts of historical science, which is engaged in modeling the past of human society. As a result, the function is implemented historical source, which is a type of information storage function that documents potentially possess from the moment of their appearance. This function is associated exclusively with the retrospective environment in which documents exist, and therefore is classified as a secondary function.

It should be noted that the historical source is a complex information structure. It contains, along with open ones, also hidden layers of information. Over time, due to the constantly changing living conditions of society and the increasing needs of people, hidden information can be updated and become increasingly apparent. In addition, methods for extracting retrospective information are constantly being improved. Thus, the function of the document as a historical source practically cannot be exhausted.

The legal function of the document is to consolidate legal norms and legal relations in society. This function is primarily possessed by documents that establish, secure or change legal norms and legal relations or terminate their validity, as well as other documents that may entail certain legal consequences. This includes legal acts organs state power; judicial, prosecutorial, notary and arbitration acts; acts of management that entail certain legal consequences; documents recording contractual relationship, as well as identification documents (passports, education diplomas, travel certificates, etc.). Besides, legal function Other documents may be temporarily acquired, for example, for use as judicial evidence.

Historically, the accounting function was one of the first in demand, since the complication of social connections, the development economic relations Already at the stage of agrarian society, the need for documenting information arose, i.e. registration, accounting of population, land, crops, livestock, debts, etc. Documents performing the accounting function are necessary not only for solving various economic problems, but also for managing socio-political, demographic and other processes in society in general. This function is reflected primarily in accounting, statistical, planning, and reporting documentation.

A significant part of the documents is carried out cognitive function, which reflects the connection of documented information with social cognition. This function is inherent primarily in scientific documentation, since the goal of scientific knowledge is to obtain new information. At the same time, the recording of knowledge on a material medium is not carried out for the sake of knowledge itself, but primarily for practical purposes, in particular, for understanding and successful solution diverse problems of social development.

A number of documents have a political function, which is closely related to the management function, since the sphere of politics primarily includes the activities of public authorities and government controlled. The political function finds its expression primarily in documents intended to provide information support for the domestic and foreign policy of the state. In addition, documents of political parties, various socio-political structures, party-political associations, blocs, political figures, etc. perform a political function. ( various kinds program materials, manifestos, political statements, appeals, etc.).

The ideological function of the document is adjacent to the political one. Already in ancient times, a person had a need to fix religious, moral, aesthetic, philosophical and other ideas and views on material media, in which his attitude to the surrounding reality was manifested, reflecting the interests of various social strata and groups of the population. Thanks to this, many wonderful monuments of human thought and the spiritual quest of our distant ancestors have survived to this day.

At the same time, it is well known that documents that perform an ideological function can have a very significant impact on the mindset and social behavior of large masses of people. Suffice it to recall the role of documents of religious content during the Reformation in Western and Central Europe or during the split of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia. At times, documents served as a kind of ideological weapon, in particular, during the so-called “Cold War” of two world systems in the second half of the 20th century.


The significance of the document is difficult to overestimate. Information recorded in documents is a reflection of human activity. As further development society, the complication of social connections, the actualization of certain areas of human activity, as well as in the process of deepening documentary research, it is possible to identify some other functions of the document as independent ones. This happens in cases where the mechanism for the manifestation of already existing functions becomes known or previously hidden (latent) functions appear. So, in Lately The problem of information security has become very relevant. As a result, some document specialists, not without reason, also included the information security function in the document functions.

Analysis of the role of a document in a person’s life in society allows us to highlight the most important features. Some functions are inherent in the document from the very beginning, regardless of the will and desire of the author (functions of consolidation, transmission, preservation of information, cultural function, function of a historical source). Other functions are assigned to the document deliberately, depending on specific social needs.

Also, any document is multifunctional, i.e. possesses several functions at the same time, intertwined with each other, since in reality different spheres and types social activities are closely interconnected. However, one function usually predominates.

The functions of the document can be divided into: functions of an operational nature, the duration of which is limited (managerial, legal, political, ideological, information protection function); functions that are constantly operating (all others), which ensure historical and sociocultural continuity.

Moreover, over time, the relationship between the functions of the document changes, since the place and role of the document in the social and information environment changes, and operational information turns into retrospective information. As a result, the proportion of operational functions is gradually decreasing and the importance of others, especially the function of a historical source, is increasing. Ultimately, some document functions are completely exhausted and replaced by others.


1. Larkov N.S. Documentation: Tutorial. M.: Gardariki, 2004

2. Okhotnikov A.V., Bulavina E.A. Document management and office work: Fundamentals of document management; Types and functions of documents; Office technologies: Textbook for universities. - M: ICC MarT, 2004

3. Balibardina G.I. Documentation and documentation support for management: Educational and methodological manual. - Volgograd: VolSU Publishing House, 2002

4. Kuznetsova T.V. Specialty - Documentation and documentation support for management (Introduction to the specialty) // Records management. 2002. No. 1. P. 16–19

5. Kushnarenko N.N. Documentation. - Kyiv: Knowledge, 2000

6. Bulatova A.T. Documentation: textbook. allowance / A.T. Bulatova. – M.: Infra-M. 2005

7. Zinovieva N.B., Soyapina N.A. Document of communication and perception. Lectures on the course Documentation. - Krasnodar: 1995

8. Yankovaya V.F. Terminology of documentation support for management // Deloproiz-vodstvo. 1999. No. 1. P.41-44

9. Ilyushenko M.P. Functional analysis of the document // Office work. 1999. No. 2. P.43-46; 2000. No. 1. P.20-23.

10. Panfilova T.A., Kondratyeva T.N. Document management and office work: Educational and methodological complex. - Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2005

Larkov N.S. Documentation: Textbook. M.: Gardariki, 2004. - P. 78

Bulatova A.T. Documentation: textbook. allowance / A.T. Bulatova. – M.: Infra-M. 2005 – p.9

Ilyushenko M.P. Functional analysis of the document // Office work. 1999. No. 1. P.20

The dead were often buried along with their belongings. Objects such as weapons, tools, various vessels, architectural remains, fragments of matter can tell us a lot about how these people lived. Tombs and excavated remains of buildings often contain statues, wall paintings and mosaics depicting scenes from everyday life. Types of ancient writing have been found on pottery shards, building walls, and papyrus scrolls (a type of paper). These writings tell us about ancient rulers, laws and religious beliefs.

Study of oral traditions

How ancient monuments perish

For a long time, people carefully preserved information about the past: they passed on tales about their heroes from generation to generation, recorded information about wars and natural disasters, erected monuments at battle sites, and filmed the most important events. Material from the site

Every family keeps its own history: old letters and documents, photographs or film and video recordings. It is no coincidence that they say that history is the past preserved in the memory of mankind. But it is impossible to save everything. Natural elements can instantly destroy the remains of what people have created over centuries. However, nature cannot be blamed for everything. A person, with his ill-considered actions, also causes irreparable harm. For example: during the construction of new residential areas a church built 200 years ago was demolished; The children, while cleaning the room, threw away old papers, among which were their grandmother's diaries.

There are a lot of forces that can destroy the past. But under a layer of sand, the remains of the village can persist for thousands of years. After the invasion of the enemy army, the city was destroyed, but the foundations of buildings and many objects that belonged to people remained underground. In the ancient monastery, a manuscript written several centuries ago was preserved. In the attic of my grandmother's house, under a pile of unnecessary things, there was an old hand mill. Remnants of the past can be found everywhere.

Pictures (photos, drawings)

  • These things accompanied man in different times
  • Written sources: 1 - page of a handwritten book; 2 - writing on clay; 3 - page of a printed book; 4 - letter on birch bark; 5 - papyrus scroll; 6 - inscription on carved bone
  • Material sources: ancient folk costumes for women and men
  • Household items, utensils, jewelry, tools - various material sources
  • Great monuments of antiquity: 1 - Parthenon, Ancient Greece, V century. BC e.; 2 - Great Sphinx, Ancient Egypt, 3rd millennium BC. e.; 3 - mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal. A gem of Muslim art in India. Built in the 17th century; 4 - Horyuji Buddhist Temple, Japan. The oldest wooden building in the world. Translated into Russian, the word “horyuji” means “temple of the prosperity of the law.” Built in the 7th century.

  • Postal station of the 19th century. Russia, Ekaterinburg. The postal station in Yekaterinburg was built in the 19th century. Similar stations in the 17th-19th centuries. served as a means of communication between Russian cities. Here travelers could change horses and rest. Now this building is an architectural monument, a museum telling about the history of postal services in Russia.
  • Windmill. Holland, near Rotterdam. The windmill, which is located in Holland, is more than 200 years old. Over time, it became a monument to the history of technological development.
  • Celtic men's shirt collar

The document accompanies a person from birth to death and records the most important events of his entire life: birth, graduation from school, receiving special secondary and higher education, marriage, etc. In the distant past, a document appears primarily in order to consolidate and confirm the right of an individual, family, clan to land, some property, the right to power, etc.

The document became necessary for recording livestock, money, and other valuables, and for transmitting the ruler’s orders. The presence or absence of any document can change a person’s entire life. The document plays an even greater role in the life of society, consolidating and reflecting in laws the order of organization and management of the state, the rules of behavior of people, the order of their relationships, accepted morality, etc. Thus, a document can perform many functions and have different purposes.

The function of a document is its social role, social purpose, purpose, task.

One of the most important functions of any document is, of course, the function of securing and capturing information. It is this that decisively determines the creation of the document. In this way, a person tries to “stop the moment.” In the process of implementing this function, a materialization of information occurs, creating the necessary prerequisites for the document to perform a number of other functions.

The information function is the ability of a document to satisfy society’s needs for information, i.e. serve as a source of information and knowledge.

The ability of a document to serve as an “external memory” of a person and society as a whole, to preserve information and transmit it from one generation to another is characteristic of monument documents (artifacts) that have special socio-cultural and historical value (handwritten book, rare, especially valuable and unique content, form or conditions of existence in the external environment documents)

Hedonic function is the ability of a document to serve as a means of relaxation, entertainment, rational use of free time (works of fiction, publications on art, films, CDs, magnetic phonograms, etc.).

The origin, formation and development of a social system is possible only with the help of information connections, which often find material embodiment in documented information. Documents contain a wide variety of information about processes occurring in society, therefore social information initially determines the social nature, the essence of any document. At the same time, the document, being a product of social development, at the same time itself has a certain influence on the formation and nature of social relations, inhibits or, conversely, stimulates their development. Therefore, the study of any document is impossible outside the social environment in which this document appeared and where it functions.

The communicative function is the ability of a document to be an informative means of transmission, exchange, communication, communication, continuity.

The communicative function is intended not only to solve the problem of transmitting information in social space, but also to organize, streamline and maintain information connections in society. In other words, it plays both a transmitting and socially cementing role.

Storing information is not an end in itself. The fact is that a necessary condition for the existence of human society is knowledge of its past, the accumulation of information about the life of previous generations with its subsequent transmission over time. The stored documented information, once in a retrospective environment, is subsequently activated mainly by the efforts of historical science, which is engaged in modeling the past of human society. As a result, the function of a historical source is realized, which is a type of information storage function and which documents potentially possess from the moment of their appearance. This function is associated exclusively with the retrospective environment in which documents exist, and therefore is classified as a secondary function.

It should be noted that the historical source is a complex information structure. It contains, along with open ones, also hidden layers of information. Over time, due to the constantly changing living conditions of society and the increasing needs of people, hidden information can be updated and become increasingly apparent. In addition, methods for extracting retrospective information are constantly being improved. Thus, the function of the document as a historical source practically cannot be exhausted.

The legal function of the document is to consolidate legal norms and legal relations in society. This function is primarily possessed by documents that establish, consolidate or change legal norms and legal relations or terminate their validity, as well as other documents that may entail certain legal consequences. This includes legal acts of public authorities; judicial, prosecutorial, notarial and arbitration acts; acts of management that entail certain legal consequences; documents recording contractual relations, as well as identification documents (passports, education diplomas, travel certificates, etc.). In addition, other documents may temporarily acquire a legal function, for example, for use as judicial evidence.

Historically, the accounting function was one of the first in demand, since the complication of social connections and the development of economic relations brought to life already at the stage of an agrarian society the need for documenting information, i.e. registration, accounting of population, land, crops, livestock, debts, etc. Documents performing the accounting function are necessary not only for solving various economic problems, but also for managing socio-political, demographic and other processes in society in general. This function is reflected primarily in accounting, statistical, planning, and reporting documentation.

A significant part of documents performs a cognitive function, which reflects the connection of documented information with social cognition. This function is inherent primarily in scientific documentation, since the goal of scientific knowledge is to obtain new information. At the same time, the recording of knowledge on a material medium is not carried out for the sake of knowledge itself, but primarily for practical purposes, in particular, for understanding and successfully solving the diverse problems of social development.

A number of documents have a political function, which is closely related to the management function, since the sphere of politics primarily concerns the activities of public authorities and public administration. The political function finds its expression primarily in documents intended to provide information support for the domestic and foreign policy of the state. In addition, documents of political parties, various socio-political structures, party-political associations, blocs, political figures, etc. perform a political function. (various kinds of program materials, manifestos, political statements, appeals, etc.).

The ideological function of the document is adjacent to the political one. Already in ancient times, a person had a need to fix religious, moral, aesthetic, philosophical and other ideas and views on material media, in which his attitude to the surrounding reality was manifested, reflecting the interests of various social strata and groups of the population. Thanks to this, many wonderful monuments of human thought and the spiritual quest of our distant ancestors have survived to this day.

At the same time, it is well known that documents that perform an ideological function can have a very significant impact on the mindset and social behavior of large masses of people. It is enough to recall the role of documents of religious content during the Reformation in Western and Central Europe or during the schism of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia. At times, documents served as a kind of ideological weapon, in particular, during the so-called “Cold War” of two world systems in the second half of the 20th century.

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    The document has an organizational function. With the help of the document, influence is provided on groups of people to organize and coordinate their activities. External relations of enterprises and organizations are ensured by the communicative function of documents.

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    this work represents collected material for a more in-depth knowledge of the history of the development of documents and writing. The work contains tables, links, figures and much more.

    The document – ​​also known as “evidence” or “method of proof” is an equally important part course work. A document is the result of displaying facts, events, objects, phenomena of objective activity and mental activity of a person. It is created through writing, graphics, drawing, photographs, sound - and video recording.

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    2. Analyze historical documents and determine the features of the development of writing on the territory of various states.

    The subject of the study is written sources. The object is the study of the method, process, formation and development of writing.

    The problem of the development of writing has been described by specialists recently. Interest in it is increasing today. Many works have appeared on this problem. Among them: M.I. Avtokratova, V.I. Buganov “Treasury of Documents of the Past” and many other works that are relevant in our time.

    Chapter 1 Theoretical analysis of the emergence of writing and the appearance of the document

    ... is a science, there was no need to identify another special discipline studying this science. The discussion was usually about theory, history and methodology, acting as sections of bibliography itself as the science of the book. Chapter II. Theorists of bibliography January 22, 2008 A remarkable scientist and teacher, a leading specialist in Russian bibliographical studies, bibliology and social science, has passed away...

    They are developed taking into account the possibility of their computer processing. They are mandatory for use in all institutions, organizations and enterprises, regardless of their subordination and form of ownership. Chapter 2. The influence of the unification of documents on the office work system in various historical periods 2.1 Order office work (XVI-XVII centuries) On the organization of office work in the early...

    A step towards the creation of real writing, which conveys linguistic units with regular written signs. Yin writing The first source of information about the ancient period of the development of Chinese writing is the inscriptions on oracle bones discovered in large quantities during excavations of the last capital of the Shang Dynasty, which was located on the site of the modern village of Xiaotun County...

    Activities of the Russian Federation” (December 29, 1993)); · Fourth stage (Acceptance federal law“On auditing activities” August 7, 2001 No. 119-FZ (as amended in 2002). The fourth stage in the history of audit development in Russia was marked by the entry into force of the FEDERAL LAW of 08/07/2001 No. 119-FZ “ON AUDITING ACTIVITIES” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 07/13/2001). To date, his last...