The concept of international sources of human rights. International human rights law

Licenses and certificates

Testing and measuring parameters of electrical equipment of electrical installations

Electrical equipment is a set of electrical devices designed to perform specific functions. It can provide safe and reliable operation if the design meets the conditions environment and operating modes.

Tests- This is a type of control. The testing system includes the following main elements:

1) test object- product being tested. The main feature of a test object is that, based on the test results, a decision is made on this particular object: about its suitability or rejection, about the possibility of submitting it for subsequent tests, about the possibility of serial production, etc. The characteristics of the properties of an object during testing can be determined by measurements, analyzes or diagnostics;

2) test conditions- this is a set of influencing factors and (or) operating modes of an object during testing. Test conditions can be real or simulated, provide for determining the characteristics of an object when it is functioning and not functioning, in the presence of influences or after their application;

3) testing facilities- This technical devices necessary for testing. This includes measuring instruments, test equipment and auxiliary technical devices;

4) test performers- these are the personnel involved in the testing process. He is subject to requirements for qualifications, education, work experience and other criteria;

5) normative and technical documentation (NTD) for testing, which consists of a set of standards regulating the organizational, methodological, regulatory and technical basis for testing; a set of standards for the system of development and production of products; regulatory, technical and technical documents regulating requirements for products and test methods; Regulatory and technical documents regulating the requirements for testing tools and the procedure for their use.

Measurements and tests in electrical installations are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE) and the Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers (PTEEP) by specialized electrical laboratories (ETL).

The purpose of measurements and tests is to verify the conformity of the measured quantities regulatory requirements, providing safe operation electrical installations.

Tests and measurements of parameters of electrical equipment of electrical installations are carried out at major renovation, at current repairs and during overhaul tests and measurements, i.e. during preventive tests performed to assess the condition of electrical equipment and not related to the removal of electrical equipment for repair.

Most often in electrical installations up to 1000 V, the following types tests and measurements:

  • Ø Measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wires and cable lines;
  • Ø Measurement of single-phase short circuit current in the “phase-zero” circuit;
  • Ø Measurement of resistance of grounding devices;
  • Ø Checking the circuit between grounding conductors and grounded elements;
  • Ø Checking residual current devices (RCDs);
  • Ø Check circuit breakers with thermal and electromagnetic releases.

The specific timing of tests and measurements of electrical equipment parameters is determined by the Consumer's manager based on Appendix 3 of the PTEEP, taking into account the recommendations of factory instructions, the state of electrical installations and local conditions.

The required scope of testing and measuring parameters of electrical equipment can be determined together with ETL employees professionally involved in testing electrical installations. Although any energy engineer can do this on their own.

Timely and high-quality testing and measurements of electrical equipment parameters ensure its safe and trouble-free operation.

  • Ø Measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wires and cable lines:

Monitoring the insulation resistance is necessary, since during the operation of electrical equipment for various reasons (natural aging, heating due to overloads, humidification, etc.) its decrease may occur and, as a result, insulation breakdown with subsequent short circuit, equipment damage and fire.

To measure the insulation resistance of electrical equipment that is not energized, the Eurotest VE 2.5 kV MI 3102H CL megohmmeter is used.

Measuring the insulation resistance of electrical equipment should be preceded by a thorough inspection of visible elements of electrical installations. Equipment rejected during external inspection must be repaired or replaced.

The insulation resistance must be measured:

- between current-carrying conductors, taken in turn relative to each other;

- between each live conductor and the ground;

- between current-carrying conductors while excluding the influence of leakage currents (screening circuits are grounded).

Shielding is used in cases where it is necessary to exclude the influence of the surface of the insulating structure or to limit the area of ​​controlled insulation.

The obtained measurement results must meet the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules, ed. sixth, revised and additionally, with changes; ed. seventh, section 1 (chap. 1.1; 1.2; 1.7; 1.8; 1.9), section 6, section 7 (chap. 7.1; 7.2; 7.5; 7.6; 7.10) and the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations, in otherwise the equipment is rejected.

  • Ø Measuring the current of a single-phase short circuit in a “phase-zero” circuit:

Measuring the single-phase short circuit current is necessary in order to assess the possibility of the protection triggering when a short circuit occurs. That is, it is necessary to make sure that the amount of current generated during a single-phase short circuit is sufficient to trip the circuit breaker release or blow out the fuse link within the maximum permissible time.

To perform measurements, instruments are used that are included in the Gosstandart register, in good working order and timely verified (once every 12 months) by enterprises (organizations) accredited for this type of work.

Measurements are carried out after successful testing of the grounding device and insulation of live parts of the electrical installation.

When preparing to carry out measurements, it is necessary to determine the most powerful and remote electrical installations from the power source, the phase-zero circuits of which are checked.

Measurements should begin with a visual inspection of the phase-zero circuit, which is necessary to establish the presence of mechanical damage to the circuit breakers and fuses, the neutral wire circuit, as well as compliance of the cross-section of the neutral wire with the requirements of the PUE.

The impedance is measured between the phase and neutral working and protective conductors alternately.

The measurement results must be recorded in the appropriate measurement protocol, signed by persons entitled to do so.

The obtained measurement results must meet the requirements of the PUE and PTEEP.

  • Ø Measuring the resistance of grounding devices:

Grounding is one of the most important functions in protecting people, animals and connected loads from the effects of electric current.

Periodic monitoring of the grounding resistance is necessary, since during operation the metal parts of grounding devices are destroyed by corrosion. If the open parts of the grounding device can be inspected visually, then its part hidden underground can be checked using special equipment. The work is carried out by enterprises (organizations) that have permission to carry out this type of work. To carry out measurements, instruments are used that are included in the Gosstandart register and are in good working order and timely attorneys.

Measuring the resistance of the grounding device is preceded by a thorough inspection of the visible elements and welded connections of the grounding device. A grounding device rejected during external inspection must be repaired.

Resistance measurements that have undergone visual inspection are carried out by our electrical laboratory using the “EurotestXE 2.5 kV Electrical Installation Parameter Meter MI 3102HCL”.

  • Ø Checking the circuit between grounding conductors and grounded elements:

The above-mentioned conductors are an important part of the protective system that protects everything in the room from dangerous voltage damage (dangerous in the aspect of duration as well as in the sense of absolute value). These conductors can serve this purpose successfully only if they are properly sized and properly connected. This is why it is important to check their continuity and connection resistances. Conductors that are too long, with a cross-section that is too small, poor contacts, incorrect connections, etc. may cause unacceptably high resistance of protective conductors. Poor contacts are the most common cause of high resistance, especially in older installations, while the other causes listed may cause problems in new installations. Testing the circuit between the ground electrodes and the earthed elements is preceded by a thorough inspection. Chains rejected during external inspection must be repaired.

The resistance of a circuit that has passed a visual inspection is measured by our electrical laboratory using the “EurotestXE 2.5 kV Electrical Installation Parameter Meter MI 3102H CL”.

The measurement results are recorded in the appropriate measurement protocol, signed by persons entitled to do so.

The obtained measurement results must meet the requirements of the PUE and PTEEP, otherwise the equipment is rejected.

  • Ø Checking residual current devices (RCDs):

Damage to electrical network- the most common cause of fires, but approximately 20% of all fires can be prevented with the proper use of a residual current device (RCD), which is designed to protect people from electric shock due to electrical equipment malfunctions or contact with live parts of an electrical installation. The purpose of measurements and tests is to check the compliance of technical parameters and installation of residual current devices with current standards and regulations (PUE, GOST, PTEEP).

When testing an RCD, the following functions can be performed:

- Touch voltage measurement;

- Measurement of response time;

- Trigger current measurement;

- Automatic RCD test.

When testing an RCD, the following parameters and limit values ​​can be set:

- Maximum permissible touch voltage;

- Rated differential current of RCD operation;

- Multiplier of the rated differential current of the RCD;

- RCD type;

- Initial polarity of the measuring current;

- Maximum permissible touch voltage.

Safe touch voltage for standard residential premises is limited to 50 V alternating current. At special conditions operation (hospitals, rooms with high humidity, etc.) the touch voltage limit is limited to 25 V AC.

Rated differential current of RCD operation.

The rated differential operating current of the RCD is set in accordance with the specified differential operating current of the RCD being tested.

Our electrical laboratory checks the RCD using the “EurotestXE 2.5 kV Electrical Installation Parameter Meter MI 3102H CL”.

The measurement results are recorded in the appropriate measurement protocol, signed by persons entitled to do so.

The obtained measurement results must meet the requirements of the PUE and PTEEP, otherwise the equipment is rejected.

  • Ø Checking circuit breakers with thermal electromagnetic releases:

Tests of circuit breaker releases are carried out to verify compliance with time and temperature limits their response according to the manufacturer's data, PUE, GPEEP, GOST R-50669-94, RD 34.35.613-89, GOST R 50571.3-94.

The work is carried out by enterprises (organizations) that have permission to carry out this type of work. To perform measurements, instruments are used that are included in the Gosstandart register, are in good working order and have been verified in a timely manner.

Measuring the resistance of the grounding device is preceded by a thorough inspection. Circuit breakers rejected during external inspection must be replaced.

Circuit breakers that have passed visual inspection are checked using the Saturn M1 complete testing device.

The measurement results are recorded in the appropriate measurement protocol, signed by persons entitled to do so.

The obtained measurement results must meet the requirements of the PUE and PTEEP, otherwise the equipment is rejected.

Purpose of testing electrical equipment- checking compliance with the required
technical features, establishing the absence of defects, obtaining
initial data for the next prevention trials, also a study
equipment operation. The following types of tests are distinguished: 1) standard; 2)
control; 3) acceptance; 4) operational; 5) special.

Typical tests of new equipment, different from the existing one
design, materials or technological process, adopted at his
manufacturing are carried out by the manufacturer to verify compliance
all requirements for equipment of this type standards or
technical criteria.

Control tests Each product (machine, apparatus, device and
etc.) upon release from the manufacturer to check the conformity of the product
products main technical requirements. Control tests are carried out according to
abbreviated (compared to standard tests) program.

Acceptance tests everything is subjected again upon completion of installation
equipment being put into operation to assess its suitability for operation.

Equipment in operation, including those beyond repair,
exposed operational tests, the purpose of which is to check it
serviceability Operational tests are for serious and ongoing
repairs and preventive tests not related to the removal of equipment

Special tests are carried out for research and other purposes for
special programs.

Programs (also norms and methods) for standard and control tests
established by GOSTs for the corresponding equipment. Volume and norms
acceptance tests are determined by the “Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations”.
Operational tests are carried out in accordance with the “Test Standards”
electrical equipment" and "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations
consumers." During acceptance and operational tests
it is necessary to additionally take into account the requirements of industrial and departmental

A certain part of the test work is common when setting up different
parts of electrical installations. Such work includes checking circuits
electronic connections, insulation checking and testing, etc.

Checking electronic connection diagrams

Checking electronic connection diagrams includes:

1) familiarization with design switching diagrams as fundamental ones
(full), and installation, also a cable magazine;

2) checking the compliance of the installed equipment and equipment with the project;

3) inspection and verification of compliance of installed wires and cables (brand,
material, section, etc.) to the project and current rules;

4) checking the presence and correctness of markings on the ends of wires and cores
cables, terminal blocks, device terminals;

5) checking the installation properties (reliability of contact connections, installation
wires on panels, cable routing, etc.);

6) checking the correct installation of circuits (continuity);

7) checking circuits of electronic circuits under voltage.

Primary and secondary switching circuits are inspected in in full at
acceptance tests after completion of installation of the electrical installation. At
In preventive tests, the scope of switching checks is significantly reduced.
Installation errors or other deviations from the
the project is taken care of by adjusters or installers (depending on the volume and nature of
work). Fundamental configurations and deviations from the design are only permissible
after agreeing with them design organization. All configurations must be
shown in the drawings.

Tests of existing electrical installations of all consumers, regardless of their departmental affiliation, with a rated voltage of up to 220 kV must be carried out to the extent and with the frequency specified in Appendix E1 of the PTE. When testing electrical installations with rated voltages above 220 kV, one should be guided by the current Standards for Testing Electrical Equipment of the Ministry of Energy and the instructions of manufacturers.

Specific testing periods for electrical installations are determined by the person responsible for electrical equipment on the basis of standards and the departmental or local system of scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) in accordance with standard and factory instructions, depending on local conditions and the condition of the installations.

For certain types of electrical installations not included in the standards, specific testing periods and standards must be established by the person responsible for electrical equipment, based on the instructions of the manufacturers and the departmental or local PPR system.

Electrical equipment produced by foreign companies is subject to testing according to PTE standards after the expiration of the warranty period. Insulation of electrical equipment manufactured by foreign companies, which, according to technical documentation, is tested with a voltage lower than that required by the standards, must be tested with a voltage set in each individual case taking into account operating experience, but not lower than 90% of the test voltage accepted by the company, unless other instructions from the supplier are available.

A conclusion about the suitability of electrical equipment for operation is given not only based on a comparison of test results with the Standards, but also based on the totality of the results of all tests and inspections performed.

The parameter values ​​obtained during testing must be compared with the original ones, with the results of measurements of parameters of the same type of electrical equipment or electrical equipment of other phases, as well as with the results of previous tests.

The initial values ​​of the measured parameters should be understood as the values ​​indicated in the passports and factory test reports. In the absence of such values, the parameter values ​​obtained during acceptance tests or tests upon completion of restoration repairs can be taken as initial ones. If these values ​​are also missing, it is allowed to take the values ​​obtained during an earlier test as the initial ones.

Electrical equipment and insulators with a rated voltage exceeding the rated voltage of the electrical installation in which they are operated can be tested with increased voltage according to the standards established for the insulation class of this installation.

In the absence of the necessary AC testing equipment, electrical equipment of switchgears with voltages up to 20 kV can be tested with increased rectified voltage, which must be equal to one and a half times the value of the power frequency test voltage.

The following standards are adopted in the standards (Appendix E1 of the PTE): symbols types of tests:

K – tests during major repairs of electrical equipment;

T – tests during routine repairs of electrical equipment;

M – between-repair tests, i.e. preventive tests not related to the removal of electrical equipment for repair.

Assessment of the insulation condition of backup electrical equipment, as well as parts and components of electrical equipment in emergency reserve, is carried out according to the standards adopted by the manufacturer for manufactured products.

Testing of electrical equipment must be carried out according to the programs (methods) set out in the standards and technical specifications for testing and electrical measurements, in compliance with the requirements of safety regulations.

Test results must be recorded in protocols that are stored together with electrical equipment passports.

Electrical tests of the insulation of electrical equipment and sampling of transformer oil from the tanks of devices for chemical analysis must, as a rule, be carried out at an insulation temperature of at least 5 ° C, except for cases specifically specified in the standards when a higher temperature is required.

Before testing electrical equipment (except for rotating machines and cases specifically specified in the standards), the outer surface of its insulation must be cleaned of dust and dirt, except in cases where the tests are carried out using a method that does not require disconnecting the electrical equipment.

When testing the insulation of the windings of rotating machines, transformers and reactors with high power frequency voltage, each electrically independent circuit or parallel branch must be tested in turn (in the latter case, if there is complete insulation between the branches); in this case, one pole of the testing device is connected to the terminal of the winding under test, and the other is connected to the grounded body of the electrical equipment under test, to which all other windings are electrically connected for the entire duration of testing a given winding.

Windings that are tightly connected to each other and do not have an outlet for the ends of each phase or branch must be tested against the housing without disconnecting them.

When testing electrical equipment with increased power frequency voltage, it is recommended to supply line voltage to the test installation.

The rate of voltage rise to 1/3 of the test value can be arbitrary. Next, the test voltage should rise smoothly, at such a speed that a visual reading along the measuring instruments, and upon reaching the set value is maintained unchanged throughout the test. After the required exposure, the voltage gradually decreases to 1/3 of the test voltage and turns off.

Under test duration means the time of application of the full test voltage established by the Standards.

Before and after insulation testing with increased power frequency voltage or rectified voltage, it is recommended to measure the insulation resistance using megohmmeter. The insulation resistance is taken to be the one-minute value of the measured resistance R 60 .

The results of the high-voltage test are considered satisfactory if, when applying the full test voltage, no sliding discharges, leakage current surges or increases in the steady-state value, interruptions or flashovers were observed, and if the insulation resistance measured with a megohmmeter remained the same after the test.

When measuring the insulation parameters of electrical equipment, random and systematic errors must be taken into account due to the errors of measuring instruments and apparatus, additional capacitances and inductive couplings between the elements of the measuring circuit, the effect of temperature, the influence of external electromagnetic and electrostatic fields on the measuring device, method errors, etc.

When measuring leakage current (conduction current), if necessary, the ripple of the rectified voltage is taken into account.

The standards for the dielectric loss tangent tgδ of the insulation of electrical equipment and for the conduction current of the arresters are given for measurements made at an equipment temperature of 20 0 C. The dielectric loss tangent of the main insulation is measured at a voltage of 10 kV for electrical equipment and bushings with a rated voltage of 10 kV and above and at voltage equal to the nominal voltage of the remaining electrical equipment.

The dielectric loss tangent of insulation when drying a transformer without oil should be measured at a voltage not higher than 220 kV. When measuring the dielectric loss tangent of electrical equipment insulation, its capacitance should also be determined at the same time.

Testing with a voltage of 1 kV of industrial frequency can be replaced by measuring the one-minute value of insulation resistance with a megohmmeter for a voltage of 2500 V. This replacement is not allowed when testing critical rotating machines and relay protection circuits, and electrical automation, as well as in cases specified in the relevant sections of the standards.

When comparing measurement results, the temperature at which the measurements were taken should be taken into account and corrections made in accordance with special instructions.

When testing the external insulation of electrical equipment with increased voltage of industrial frequency, carried out under environmental factors different from normal (air temperature 20 ° C, absolute humidity 11 g/m 3, atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa, unless other limits are adopted in the standards for electrical equipment ), the value of the test voltage must be determined taking into account the correction factor for the test conditions regulated by the relevant standards.

When carrying out several types of tests of electrical equipment insulation, testing with increased voltage should be preceded by a thorough inspection and assessment of its condition by other methods. Electrical equipment rejected during external inspection, regardless of the test results, must be replaced or repaired.

The test of no-load operation of power transformers is carried out at the beginning of all tests and measurements before applying direct current to the windings of the transformer, i.e., before measuring the insulation resistance and resistance of the windings to direct current, warming up the transformer with direct current, etc.

The insulation temperature of electrical equipment is determined as follows:

– the temperature of the insulation of a power transformer that has not been heated is taken to be the temperature of the upper layers of oil, measured with a thermometer;

– the average phase temperature is taken as the insulation temperature of a power transformer exposed to heating or solar radiation IN high voltage windings, determined by its resistance to direct current;

– the ambient temperature is taken as the insulation temperature of electrical machines that are in a practically cold state.

– the temperature of the insulation of electrical machines subjected to heating is taken to be the average temperature of the winding, determined by its resistance to direct current;

– the temperature of the insulation of the input installed on an oil switch or power transformer that has not been heated is taken to be the ambient temperature or the oil temperature in the tank of the switch or power transformer.

The timing and standards of preventive measurements and tests are given in Table 6.

Table 6 - Timing and norms of preventive tests

Type of wiring and electrical equipment

Instructions for measurements (megaohmmeter voltage, frequency and other instructions)

Resistance standard MOhm

Power and lighting wiring; distribution devices, switchboards; electrical devices 0.38–0.66 kV

Power cable lines up to 1 kV

Transformers up to 35 kV

Electric motors up to 0.66 kV (stator winding)

Hand-held power tools and portable lights

1000 V. in dry rooms at least once every 6 years. In particularly damp and hot rooms, in outdoor installations, as well as in rooms with a chemically active environment at least once a year. Measure between any wire and ground, as well as between any two wires with the fuse-links removed and the electrical receivers turned off.

2500 V. In stationary installations at least once every 5 years, and in seasonal installations - before the onset of the season.

2500 V.

1000 V Frequency - according to local instructions.

. Frequency – according to the PPRESkh system, but for engines of critical mechanisms and operating in difficult conditions at least once every 2 years.

500 V


Frequency – according to the PPRESkh system, but at least once every 6 years.

not standardized, but not lower than 70% of the previous measurement

1.0 – cold; 0.5 at 60°C

For asynchronous motors, the operation of maximum protection is checked by measuring the impedance of the phase-zero loop and then determining the single-phase short circuit current. In electrode water heaters (boilers), the resistivity of the water is measured and it is ensured that it is in the range of 10–50 Ohm m at 20 ° C. The operation of the boiler’s protective equipment is checked. For overhead lines, the overall dimensions, insulators, wire connection points, the degree of rotting of wooden support parts and the operation of line protection are checked. The scope and timing of tests are regulated by local regulations. Preventive measurements of the resistance of grounding devices are carried out within the time limits established by the PPRESkh, but at least once every three years. To obtain reliable results, it is recommended to carry out measurements during periods of highest soil resistivity. The resistance of repeated grounding conductors should be no more than 30 Ohm m at soil resistivity  100 Ohm m (no more than 0.3 For overhead lines, the overall dimensions, insulators, wire connection points, the degree of rotting of wooden support parts and the operation of line protection are checked. The scope and timing of tests are regulated by local regulations. at

> 100 Ohm m), and neutrals of transformers and generators - no more than 4 Ohms at

 100 Ohm m (no more than 0.04 > 100 Ohm m). Grounding electrodes of electric boiler rooms must have a resistance of no more than 4 ohms. relatively early. The foreigner, especially the merchant, was a valuable investor for the host state, and those who harmed him thereby harmed the state itself, and therefore were liable to punishment. If the host state refused to take any measures, then international responsibility followed. For example, lynching was allowed against the offender - the seizure of property (goods, ships) of the guilty state.

The emergence in international law of individual norms and institutions of international legal regulation of the rights and freedoms of the individual occurred, among other things, due to the accumulation of a list of standards of individual rights and their formulation in national legal acts. The basic elements of the mechanism for international protection of human rights (condemnation of human trafficking, issues of slavery and forced labor) were gradually developed. And the codification of the rules of warfare and the protection of victims of armed conflicts in the Geneva and Hague Conventions strengthens the humanitarian focus of international law. These documents established certain mandatory rules of conduct for states in relation to citizens and laid the foundation for international legal protection individuals in armed conflicts. That is, we are talking about the actual creation of a mechanism for the international protection of human rights.

In fact, states were obliged to provide foreigners on their territories with guarantees to ensure the necessary minimum rights and legal protection, for example: protection of life, dignity, property, judicial protection of their interests. In this way, the principle of “diplomatic protection” is formed - a mechanism for ensuring the lawful behavior of any state in relation to persons of foreign nationality. The country of origin could demand from the host country mandatory and strict compliance with a certain minimum standard of protection of the rights and interests of individuals for its citizens, take preventive measures to protect them and eliminate the consequences of their violation. began to arise legal norms, forming the principle of responsibility of states for the observance of human rights and the principle of admissibility of possible sanctions against a state that violates these obligations.

This became especially evident after the end of the First World War. Agreements concluded by eight European states and Turkey obliged the participating countries to promote the well-being and development of the peoples living in these territories. This laid the foundation for the formation international institute minorities, the basis for which were norms on the protection of their native language, national culture and way of life, religion, as well as guarantees of sovereign rights that ensure a certain degree of autonomy and self-government.

The human rights mechanism of the institution of minorities in classical international law regulated a very specific legal regime, which was limited both to the subject of regulation and the range of subjects, and to the list of guaranteed rights.

The next stage in the development of the institution of international protection of human rights and freedoms occurred at the end of the Second World War. The movement to resolve issues related to human rights is becoming truly massive in connection with the creation of the United Nations. Article 1 of the UN Charter declares that one of the purposes pursued by the Organization is to pursue international cooperation in “promoting and developing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to sex, race, language or religion.” This formula is practically repeated by Article 55 of the Charter, and Article 56 imposes on all UN members “the obligation to undertake joint and independent actions in cooperation with the Organization to achieve the objectives specified in Article 55.” Thus, the international community recognized that the protection of human rights is one of the most important areas of international cooperation at all levels.

One of the first agreements regulating this area of ​​relations was Universal Declaration Human Rights, adopted on December 10, 1948. Its norms have become the standard legal status individuals, according to which states must balance the treatment of their own citizens.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its Optional Protocol (1966) continue to be fundamental international documents for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Subsequently, the UN trained over 80 international treaties, conventions, declarations on the issue of human rights.

From all of the above we can draw the following conclusion:

International law human rights is a set of agreed upon legal principles and norms establishing the mandatory scope of individual rights and freedoms for states, regulating the system of international legal guarantees for the observance and restoration of these rights in the event of their violation by the state, as well as interstate cooperation in the field of development and strengthening respect for human rights and freedoms.

International human rights law has all characteristic features independent industry, namely: special sources, industry principles and an autonomous subject legal regulation. It should be noted that in modern international law there is a tendency to regulate the international mechanism for the protection of individual rights and freedoms. This is demonstrated by the large number of documents dealing with issues judicial protection, providing legal assistance. However, I would like to make a reservation that quantity does not always mean quality. That is why the main task of international legal regulation of the status of the individual at present is not the development of any new set of rights, but the search for means for the fullest implementation and protection of already established human rights and freedoms.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights for the first time proclaimed a range of fundamental civil, political, social, economic and cultural human rights and freedoms. All rights are based on the principle of equality.

Like any branch of international law, international human rights law is based on the basic principles of international law: respect for human rights and freedoms, sovereign equality of states, non-interference in internal affairs, prohibition of the threat and use of force. The special principles of the industry under consideration include universality, non-discrimination, interconnectedness and interdependence.

The principle of universality of human rights. International human rights norms are in the nature of minimum standards that each state is obliged to uphold at the national level. Wherein international standards do not limit states in ensuring a greater volume of human rights and freedoms compared to international standards.

Principle of non-discrimination determines the need to ensure and protect rights by states on the basis of equality and justice. Discrimination is prohibited regardless of its grounds. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that “no limitation or abridgement of any fundamental human rights recognized or existing in any State party to the present Covenant, by virtue of law, convention, regulation or custom, shall be permitted under on the pretext that the present Covenant does not recognize such rights or that they are recognized in it to a lesser extent.”

The principle of interconnectedness, interdependence and indivisibility is that all human rights are equally important, and their qualitative division into primary and less significant and attempts to contrast them are unacceptable. Any rights are equally necessary for the full existence and development of the individual.