Sentences with the verb keep. Phrasal verb keep: meanings, combinations, examples of use, exercises

As we delve further into the thorns of the English language, we will be able to discover that, unlike modal verbs, phrasal combinations in it never end. The hero of today’s topic is the phrasal verb keep, which is known throughout the world thanks to the widespread slogan “Keep calm and...”. Not familiar with this phrase? From this material you will learn its meaning and learn how to apply this design in practice.

According to dictionaries, the main meanings of the verb keep are: to continue, to preserve, to keep, to observe, to obey. Also note that this is an irregular verb with tense forms keepkeptkept.

Keep is often used in situations that at first glance are not related to its direct meaning. Context phrases changes due to the addition of function words.

Many stable combinations of the English language are formed by the connective “keep + preposition”. The role of prepositions in this case is comparable to modal verbs, which also help create new contexts. Studying phrasal constructions keep is not difficult, since most expressions are in the semantic field “keep-keep”, differing only in semantic shades or figurative meaning. To train your knowledge of this verb, special exercises are presented below.

Keep back

This phrase combination hides the meaning of holding back, holding back, putting off, hiding.

Keep on

Such a phrase should be denoted by the verb continue (in other contexts, save, persist, extend).

Keep down

The verbs of this group mean to delay, prevent, prevent, suppress, leave, hold. In figurative meanings, leave it for the second year of study, hold back vomiting.

Keep up

The phrase has several meanings: support, observe, be on an equal footing, adhere to traditions.

Keep away from

This phrase combination is based on the meaning of abstain, avoid. It is used both literally and figuratively.

Keep in

The design is translated into Russian with the words support, hold.

Keep ahead

The phrasal verb keep ahead means progress in business, maintaining good positions.

Keep together

The construction is translated by the phrases to be united, to stick together.

Keep calm

This verb and noun combination is the catchphrase "keep calm."

Now let’s practice using the phrasal verb keep in various constructions.

Phrasal and modal verbs will be much easier to learn if you combine theory and exercise in the form of a short test. To practice theoretical skills, try the following exercises.

In our pursuit to learn as many phrasal verbs as possible, the very popular keep somehow got lost. Perhaps because there are not so many phrase combinations with it. But, believe me, they all find their application in colloquial speech. Let's fill this gap and take a closer look at the verb keep.

We had to lie a little when we said that there are few phrase combinations with keep. But, you see, they are all associated with the meaning of “hold, restrain.” Therefore, it remains to supplement this meaning with the necessary preposition and everything will add up to the correct phrasal verb. Let's look at examples.

Examples and translations with keep

Keep in- keep locked up

They were kept in after school.

Keep on- continue

My sister kept on asking me question after question.

Keep to- stick to

Always keep to the speed limit.

Keep up- save, continue

His family kept up the pretence that he had been ill.

Keep up- don't let you sleep

It's late. I'd better not keep you up any longer.

Keep up with- keep up with

He had to hurry to keep up with her.

Keep up with- monitor events

We try to keep up with what's happening.

Keep away- don't let in

I’ve told him to keep away, but he won’t listen.

Keep back- hide

He said he was fine, but I knew he was keeping something back.

Keep down- interfere

Even if you're intelligent, they still try to keep you down.

Keep from- don't let it be done

These worries kept her from sleeping properly.

Keep off- don't let in

Keep the flies off the food.

Keep out- not allowed inside

Cars should be kept out of the city centre.

Pretty clear examples, right? Let's check if you have understood everything well.

01 He had to learn hard to keep _______ with the others.

02 Keep your hands _____ her!

03 She was kept __ for three months without anyone to talk to.

04 Don’t keep me ______, I’m gonna finish it anyway.

05 You're good at it, keep _____!

06 Keep the dogs _____ from the house!

Below are the meanings of the verb to keep using various prepositions:

1. Keep up- maintain, continue, observe (traditions), keep in order;
— To keep up an old friendship. - Maintain old friendships.
- To keep up going. - Keep going.
— My grandmother kept up this old tradition. - My grandmother adhered to this old tradition.
- To keep up a house. - Keep the house in order.

2. Keep ahead- stay ahead, advance (in studies, business);
— I was keeping ahead slowly in my studies. — I slowly moved forward in my studies.

3. Keep after- keep up, find fault;
— Don`t keep after me. - Don't pick on me.
- I'll keep after you. - I won’t leave you alone.

4. Keep aloof- stay away;
— We tried to keep aloof from others. - We tried to stay away from others.

5. Keep away from- avoid;
— Keep away from fire. - Stay away from the fire.

6. Keep down- retard growth, interfere with development, suppress (feeling), oppress, oppress;
— We need to keep these prices down. - We must not allow prices to rise.
- He kept me down. - He suppressed me.
— He tried to keep this feeling down. - He tried to suppress this feeling.

7. Keep back- hold, delay, hide (emotions)? Set aside, hold;
— She couldn`t keep her anger back. “She couldn’t contain her anger.
- Keep this dress for me. - Hold this dress for me.

8.Keep in- maintain (fire, good relationships), restrain (emotions);
- To keep in friendship. - Maintain friendship.
- Try to keep in your love. - Try to contain your love.

9. Keep off- keep at a distance, keep away, detain, refrain;
— Keep off this field. - Don’t walk across the field!
— To keep off hunger. - Dull the feeling of hunger.

10. Keep out- do not allow, remain on the sidelines, do not interfere;
— To keep somebody out of something. - Don't let someone do something.
- They are family. Keep out of their quarrels. - They're family. Don't get involved in their quarrels.

11.Keep under- keep in subjection, prevent (spread, growth);
— She tried to keep her fury under. - She tried to contain her rage.
— To keep the growth under. - Contain growth.

12. Keep together- remain united, not divided;
— We kept together until the last minute. - We stayed together until the last minute.

13. Keep to- adhere, follow;
- Keep to the point. - Stick to the topic.

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Keep calm and carry on (keep calm and carry on). Many of us have seen this phrase or variations of it.

The word keep has a lot of meaning and is often used. What else does it mean besides “preserve a certain state”? What other designs are possible with it? And what tricks do they have?

Let's look at the 8 most commonly used meanings of the word keep!

8 meanings of the English verb keep

Before we begin, I want to remind you that there are two types of verbs (words that indicate action):

  • The first form the past tense by adding - ed(visit - “to visit”, visit ed- "visited").
  • For others, the past tense is indicated by a separate word ( understand- "understand" understood- "Understood"). This type of verb is called wrong, because does not obey the basic rule.

Verb keep, which will be discussed, is just that. Its past tense will be kept.

1. Keep #1

Transcription and translation:/ [ki:p] - store something somewhere, keep something somewhere

Meaning of the word: Leaving something in a certain place for a long time

Use: As a rule, it is specified here where the item was stored. For example: The criminals knew that Mrs. Gaynor kept jewelry in a shoebox.

But this is not necessary: ​​if you don’t specify the location, you get something like “save”: Mom saved (kept) all his childhood photographs in an album.


John is a bit old-fashioned and keeps his money under his mattress.
John is a little old-fashioned and stores money under the mattress.

I usually keep my keys on this table.
I usually I'm holding the keys are on this table.

2. Keep #2

Transcription and translation:/ [ki:p] - keep something for yourself, keep something for yourself

Meaning of the word: To make something your own, to maintain as property

Use: Used when an item now becomes your property. For example: Can I keep this pencil? No one came for the wallet as advertised, so I kept it for myself.


Keep the change.
Leave change for yourself.

Little Annie found a stray kitten and asked her mom if she could keep it.
Little Annie found a stray kitten and asked her mother if she could leave.

3. Keep + sign

Transcription and translation:/ [ki:p] - remain in a certain state

Meaning of the word: Maintain a certain state for some time

Use: Here, after keep, we definitely need to put a word denoting the attribute. For example: a thermos will remain warm for a long time. Many animals keep still to avoid being noticed by predators.


Whatever happens, try to keep calm.
Whatever happens, try stay calm.

Keep close to each other, we are in the wilderness after all.
Stay Together (literally: stay close to each other), we are in the wilderness, after all.

4. Keep ___ing

Transcription and translation:/ [ki:p] - continue

Meaning of the word: Continue a certain action for some time

Use: The action itself after keep comes in the form with - ing. For example: Keep training - and everything will work out! I knew that the book had the answer to my question, so I continued reading (kept reading).


I can"t find the papers you asked for, but I"ll keep looking.
I can't find the papers you asked for, but I'll keep looking.

It"s almost nightfall, we need to keep going of we"ll get lost!
It's almost night, we have to continue go otherwise we'll get lost!

5. Keep + ____ + sign

Transcription and translation:/ [ki:p] - to preserve someone or something in one form or another.

Meaning of the word: To make someone else remain in a certain state.

Use: Here you should clarify first item(who? what?), and then state(which? which? which?). For example: The boss kept us busy all week. The plot kept me tense (kept me thrilled) the entire book.


I would be great if you could keep me informed.
I would be grateful if you could keep me updated. (Literally: hold me informed).

Try to keep the soil wet, then the plant will feel alright.
Try your best hold land wet, then the plant will feel good.

6. Keep + ___ + ___ing

Transcription and translation:/ [ki:p] - force someone to perform a continuous action

Meaning of the word: To cause someone or something to continue doing something

Use: Here we first clarify that whom or What we force and then put the action in the form on - ing. For example: He forced the servants to scrub the floors until they shone. How can I keep them listening to me?


Sorry for keeping you waiting!
Sorry, that forced wait for you!

My uncle's job is to keep the lighthouse burning.
My uncle's job is to keep the lighthouse lit. (Verbatim: force lighthouse burn)

7. Keep #3

Transcription and translation:/ [ki:p] - stored, preserved

Meaning of the word: To be preserved in an edible state (about food)

Use: This action is performed by products. For example: How long does kefir keep? I'm surprised this cheese is still around (kept).


The meat can keep for a long time if you freeze it.
Meat can be stored for a long time if it is frozen.

The cake won't keep, we need to eat it today.
The cake won't last - we need to eat it today.

8. Keep from ___ing

Transcription and translation:/ [ki:p from] - hold back, refrain from something

Meaning of the word: Don't let yourself do something

Use: Here we specify the action we are refraining from using the form on - ing. John can't help but keep from crying when he watches Hachiko. I pulled myself together and refrained from eating the cake.


Try to keep from asking too many questions.
Try to refrain from asking unnecessary questions. (Literally: try hold on that's why, to set too many questions)

He tried hard to keep from laughing.
He struggled to contain his laughter. (Literally: he tried with difficulty hold on that's why, to laugh).

So we looked at the 8 most common meanings of the verb keep. As you can see, some of them are used in a special way: with -ing or with from, etc. Among them was the meaning that is used in the popular phrase keep calm (keep + sign, point 3). I hope the article was useful! Keep calm and use the verb "keep"! (Keep calm and use the verb "keep"!)

Reinforcement task

Translate the following sentences. Leave your answers in the comments below the article.

1. I don’t need this book, you can keep it for yourself.
2. If you keep training, you will win!
3. The thought of an imminent vacation kept him in a happy state.
4. Try to stop yourself from worrying.
5. Will this sour cream last until tomorrow?
6. Please store milk in the refrigerator.
7. My little nephew always whines when he wants something. He just can't stay quiet!
8. The boss made us work until midnight!

This article will talk about one of the most common verbs in the English language, which you simply cannot do without. This is the verb KEEP, which is used very often in English and has completely different meanings. The ambiguity of this verb can lead to some difficulties in its use, so below I will try to talk in detail about how the verb is used keep in English.

So, here in front of you in all its diversity...

Keep in the meaning of stay in state / position (stay)

One of the main meanings keep- remain without any change in a certain state, position or place. In this meaning keep used as linking verb, or linking verb, since the main meaning is conveyed by the adjective that follows it. And How linking verb verb keep can be combined with a variety of adjectives: keep warm, keep safe, keep dry, keep busy, keep alive, keep awake, keep still, keep sane, keep cheerful. There can be many options, it all depends on the flight of your thoughts:

Keep quiet, please! - Shut up, please! (or, alternatively, Quiet noise, please!)

He asked us to keep silent about that accident. “He asked us to remain silent about that accident.

She goes jogging every day to keep fit. — She runs every day to stay in good physical shape.

They huddled together to keep warm. — They huddled close to each other to keep warm (to stay warm).

She likes to keep busy. — She likes to be busy (stay busy).

In Russian this is the meaning keep can be expressed by the verb “to remain”:

keep warm(busy, dry, still, cheerful) - stay warm (busy, dry, calm, cheerful)

Of course, such constructions can be translated into Russian in different ways, the main thing is to correctly convey the meaning of the sentence. The semantic load in such sentences falls precisely on the adjective, therefore, one should rely on its meaning when translating.

Keep someone / something awake, clean, safe, etc

The meaning described above keep can be used in other ways. Design keep someone / something + adjective will mean “to keep someone or something in some state or position.” For example,

keep something clean / tidy- keep (keep) something clean;

keep someone awake- prevent someone from sleeping;

keep someone quiet- don't let anyone make noise.

He always keeps his room tidy. — He always keeps his room clean.

She tried to keep the children quiet during the lesson. — She tried not to let the children make noise during the lesson. (Literally, “keep children quiet”)

(Please note that I am not translating literally, since in the case of translation it is important for us, first of all, to correctly convey the meaning of the statement, but how we do this is another matter)

In this way, you can make completely different sentences. At all, keep- an incredible verb, it is used often, in different ways and allows you to build “purely English constructions”, which can be quite difficult to translate into Russian. Therefore, I urge you to feel this verb, taste it and start thinking in English, then your speech will become an order of magnitude higher, richer.

I’ll add three more interesting expressions with keep:

keep someone/something under observation- to keep someone or something under surveillance

keep someone/something under control- to keep someone or something under control

keep someone in suspension- keep someone waiting (in uncertainty, suspense)

I will keep him under observation. - I'll keep him under observation.

It’s important to keep costs under control. — It is important to keep costs under control.

Are you going to keep us in suspense? We need to know. “Are you going to keep us in suspense?” We need to know.

Keep doing something / keep on doing something

Let's move on... Next value keep- continue to do something; do something repeatedly, many times. In this meaning after keep followed by a gerund (verb + ing), a preposition can also be used on:

keep + ing verb / keep on + ing verb

I can’t fall asleep because I keep thinking about my new job. — I can’t sleep because I keep thinking about my new job.

Keep on reading, please! - Continue reading, please!

Keep walking until you see a big pine. - Keep walking until you see a big pine tree.

Or you can do this:

keep someone doing something- to force someone to continue doing something.

Sorry to keep you waiting. - Sorry for keeping you waiting. / Sorry to keep you waiting. (This expression can be used in two situations: as an apology for being kept waiting, and also as an apology for having to wait a little longer)

He kept us waiting for almost an hour. “He made us wait for almost an hour.”

By using keep it is also possible to force something to continue to act or exist:

We want to keep our project growing. — We want our project to continue to develop.

Another verb keep used when giving directions regarding the direction of movement. For example, how do you tell someone to keep walking straight or on the left side?

Keep straight on! - Go straight! (Keep going straight!)

Keep left! - Keep Left! (Keep walking/driving on the left side!)

The verb keep and its other meanings

Keep - keep for yourself, do not give back, store

You can keep it forever, or you can keep it for a certain period of time:

If you like this pen, you can keep it. — If you like this pen, you can keep it (and not give it back).

Can I keep your book for this week? — Can I keep the book for a week? (I'll give it back in a week)

He told the waiter to keep the change. — He told the waiter to keep the change.

Another obvious meaning of the verb keep- store in some place:

Where do you keep salt? —Where do you store salt?

He keeps his things in this drawer. — He keeps his things in this box.

Also keep used in the meaning of “preserve, store” in relation to abstract concepts. For example, when we talk about something important to us:

How can I call him and keep my self-respect? - How can I call him and still maintain my self-esteem?

Well, and in relation to the physical concepts of “saving, that is, not losing”:

We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it. — We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it.

Keep - keep (records, accounts, diary)

Keep- regularly write down some information somewhere:

keep a diary- keep a diary

keep a journal l - keep a journal

keep a record— keep a protocol/record/account

keep accounts- keep accounts

I never kept a diary .- I never kept a diary.

We don't keep detailed records. — We do not keep detailed records.

Keep - keep, keep (word, promise)

In everyday speech you cannot do without this meaning, so remember)

keep a word- keep your word

keep a promise- keep a promise

keep an appointment— arrive at the appointed time/place; come to the meeting

Are you sure you’ll keep your word? -Are you sure you will keep your word?

I kept my promise to consult a doctor. “I kept my promise to see a doctor.”

She failed to keep her appointment. — She couldn’t come to the meeting.

Keep a secret - keep a secret

Keep a secret t - to keep a secret, not to disclose a secret (secret):

Can you keep a secret? -Can you keep a secret?

You can also use this phrase: keep something secret(from someone) - store / keep something secret from someone.

He kept his disease secret from us all. “He kept his illness a secret from all of us.

Keep - to be stored, not to spoil (about food)

This is the meaning of the verb keep used when talking primarily about food: to be stored, to remain fresh.

Potatoes keep well - Potatoes keep well.

Finish off this piece of cake, please. It won’t keep till tomorrow. - Finish this piece of cake, please. It will go bad by tomorrow. (He won't be here until tomorrow)

Keep - keep, contain (about animals)

With this meaning keep, I think everything is simple, as in Russian:

They keep a cow and a couple of pigs. — They keep a cow and a couple of pigs.

Keep - contain, provide (about money, income)

He keeps his family on twenty thousand rubles a month. — He supports his family on 20 thousand rubles a month.

He earns enough money to keep his family in food. — He earns enough money to provide food for his family (to buy food for the family).

Keep - protect, guard

Meaning "to protect someone from something" keep used in formal speech. Pay attention to the preposition from(from):

Her only thought was to keep her son from harm. “Her only thought was to protect her son from evil.

Well, and the classics:

The Lord bless you and keep you. - May the Lord bless and keep you!

And a little more about the verb keep

And I would also like to write about a couple of interesting meanings that a verb can have keep. Moreover, use keep in these values ​​it is not difficult and at the same time convenient.

In colloquial speech keep can be used to mean "to detain or detain someone":

For example, you are waiting for your friend, but he is still not there. And suddenly he arrives, an hour late. Then you ask:

What kept you? -What delayed you?

Or, for example, if you want to tell someone something quickly, but this person is in a hurry, then you can use this phrase:

I will not keep you long! - I won't keep you long!

In British English colloquially keep used to ask how things are going. But in this situation keep always used in the long tense:

How are you keeping? - How are you doing? / How are you?

How is your mother keeping? - How is your mom?

True, this question sounds a little old-fashioned)

This is such an incredibly ambiguous verb keep) It turned out a lot, but I really wanted to show keep from different sides. I hope that after reading this article this verb will become a little closer and clearer to you. I tried to cover all the most basic meanings, but perhaps I missed something. I suggest sharing in the comments what else you know about this verb. Maybe you remember some interesting expressions with keep? For example, this)).