Compliance with fire safety in the New Year. Rules of behavior during the New Year holidays Safety precautions for the New Year at school

Safety rules during New Year's holidays


New Year and Christmas are long-awaited holidays loved by everyone. Games and fun around the green beauty remain in the children’s memory for a long time. We sincerely hope that they will be joyful. But we should not forget that it was during the period holidays At home, on walks and at a party, the most unexpected dangerous situations may await you. To avoid them or minimize the risk, use the following rules:

I . Rules of conduct in in public places during New Year's Eve celebrations and in other crowded places.

1. If you go to a New Year's performance with your parents, under no circumstances go far from them, because With a large crowd of people it is easy to get lost.
2. In places where mass New Year's celebrations are taking place, try to stay away from the crowd to avoid injury.

You should:
3. Obey lawful warnings and demands of the administration, police and other persons responsible for maintaining order, fire safety.
4. Behave respectfully towards participants of mass events, service personnel, officials responsible for maintaining public order and safety during mass events.
5. Avoid actions that could create danger for others and lead to the creation of an extreme situation.
6. Carry out an organized exit from premises and structures at the end of the events
7. When receiving information about evacuation, act according to the instructions of the administration and employees law enforcement responsible for ensuring law and order, maintaining calm and not creating

II . Fire safety rules during the New Year holidays.

During the New Year holidays, in addition to the usual fire safety rules, you should follow a few simple rules that will allow you to get only positive emotions from the weekend:
1. Do not decorate the Christmas tree with fabric and plastic toys.
2. Do not cover the Christmas tree stand with cotton wool..

3. The Christmas tree should be lit only with electric garlands. industrial production.

4. It is not allowed to light sparklers, use firecrackers or wax candles indoors. Remember, open fire is always dangerous!

5. You should not use pyrotechnics if you do not understand how to use them, and instructions are not included, or they are written in a language you do not understand.

6. You cannot repair or reuse pyrotechnics that have not worked.

7. It is strictly prohibited to use homemade pyrotechnic devices.

Z prohibited:
- arrange “fireworks” closer than 30 meters from residential buildings and flammable objects, under low canopies and tree crowns.
- carry pyrotechnics in your pockets.
- hold the wick near your face while lighting.
- use pyrotechnics in strong winds.
- point rockets and fireworks at people.
- throw firecrackers at your feet.
- bend low over lit fireworks.
- be closer than 15 meters from lit pyrotechnic products.

The wick should be lit at arm's length. Remember that the wick burns for 3-5 seconds. A flying spark is very difficult to extinguish: therefore, if it gets on the skin, a burn is guaranteed. Smoking is strictly prohibited when working with pyrotechnics. There should be no fire hazardous objects within a radius of 50 meters.

In this case, spectators should be at a distance of 15-20 meters from the launch site, always on the windward side, so that the wind does not blow smoke and unburned parts of the products onto them. It is strictly forbidden to use products flying upward near residential buildings and other buildings: their flight path is unpredictable, they can enter the house, fly into the attic or roof and cause a fire.

In apartments and private houses, when celebrating the New Year, it is not recommended to light sparklers at home, use exploding firecrackers, light candles on Christmas trees, or decorate them with toys made of flammable materials. Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended.

If there is the slightest sign of a fire, immediately notify fire department by phone - 01, from a mobile phone 112 (toll-free), evacuate people and start extinguishing the fire with improvised means. Observing specified requirements, you guarantee yourself a good mood and a fun holiday.

II I . Rules of behavior on the road.

1. Cross the road only when the traffic light is green.
2. You can only cross the road at pedestrian crossing, marked with a special sign and a zebra. If there is an underground passage, it is preferable to use it when crossing the road.

3. When crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing that is not equipped with a traffic light, you should not forget to first look to the right, and, having reached the middle of the road, to the left.
4. You should not cross the road in front of a car driving nearby. It's better to wait until she passes. The driver may not have time to brake, and you may unexpectedly fall, thereby creating an accident. dangerous situation, as well as a situation dangerous for your life and the life of the driver.

5. Don’t forget that when crossing the road, you should go around the bus and trolleybus from behind, and the tram in front.

6. When traveling on commuter trains, follow the rules of conduct; cross railway tracks in strictly designated areas.
7. When using public transport, follow the rules of conduct public transport, be polite, give up your seats to elderly passengers, disabled people, passengers with children and pregnant women.

IV . Rules of conduct at a public skating rink.
Skates must be selected exactly according to your feet: only in this case will the ankle joints receive good support, and dislocations and sprains of the joints will be practically eliminated. It is best to wear skates with wool socks. You need to lace your skates carefully. The skates should fit snugly, but the lacing should not be over-tightened, otherwise your feet will become numb. And then feel free to get on your skates and skate for your own pleasure.
Children under 12 years old can only ride if accompanied by an adult. A child under 12 years of age can only be present at the skating rink if there is an accompanying person.
While on the skating rink, it is PROHIBITED:
1. Run, jump, push, play around, ride at high speed, play hockey, perform any actions that interfere with other visitors;
2. Throw garbage or any other objects onto the ice. Please use trash cans;
3. Bring alcoholic drinks with you and drink them on the skating rink;
4. Be on the territory of the skating rink in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
5. Damage equipment and ice covering;

6. Go out on the ice with animals.

7. Use explosives and flammable substances (including pyrotechnic products).
8. Show disrespect for the staff and visitors of the skating rink.
9. While skating, cracks and potholes may appear on ice. To avoid unexpected falls and injuries, we ask you to be careful and careful. If you are injured, notify skating rink personnel immediately. You will be helped.
10. Remember that the administration of the skating rink is not responsible for risk situations associated with the health of visitors (injuries, bruises, etc.).

V. Rules of conduct in winter on open water bodies.

1. Do not go out on thin, fragile ice.

2. Places with dark transparent ice are more reliable than those adjacent to it - opaque ones that froze with snow.

3. Do not use skates on the first ice. They are very easy to drive onto thin, fragile ice or into wormwood.

4. In case emergency transition dangerous place on ice, tie a cord around your waist, leaving the end trailing freely behind you if a friend moves behind you. Cross this place with a large pole in your hands, holding it across your body.
5. When helping a friend who has fallen through the ice, give him a belt, scarf, stick, etc. You can grab onto them more tightly than an outstretched hand, and when you get closer, it’s easier to break off the edge of the ice.

6. If you accidentally get on thin ice, move back with sliding, careful steps, without lifting your feet from the ice.

7. Do not walk with a load over your shoulders on unstable ice. If this cannot be avoided, be sure to remove one of the shoulder bag straps so that you can immediately free yourself from it in case of failure.

8. If you fall through the ice, do not get lost, do not try to crawl forward and break it with your elbows and chest. Try to lie on your back and crawl out onto your trail, and then, without getting up, crawl away from the dangerous place.

9. When breaking ice, you must:

Get rid of heavy objects that restrict movement;
-Do not waste time getting rid of clothes, since in the first minutes, until they are completely wet, they keep the person on the surface;
-Get out onto the ice in the place where the fall occurred;
-Crawl onto the ice using the “screwing” method, i.e. rolling from back to stomach;
-Stick sharp objects into the ice, pulling yourself towards them;
-Move away from the hole by crawling in your own footsteps.
10. Thin ice powdered with snow is especially dangerous.
It should be remembered that the most productive are the first minutes of being in cold water, while clothes have not yet become wet, hands have not frozen, and the weakness and indifference characteristic of hypothermia have not developed. Only one person should assist a person who has fallen through the ice. at least two of his comrades. Accumulating on the edge of the hole is not only useless, but also dangerous.

VI. During country hiking or skiing, we may face such dangers as hypothermia and frostbite.

Frosts with strong winds and prolonged exposure to low temperatures cause frostbite, often severe. Frostbite is possible at a low temperature, but at high humidity, and also if a person is wearing wet clothes. Most often the fingers, toes, ears, nose and cheeks are affected.
Signs of hypothermia:

1. chills and trembling;

2. disturbance of consciousness (lethargy and apathy, delusions and hallucinations, inappropriate behavior);
3. blue or pale lips;

4. decrease in body temperature

Signs of frostbite on the extremities:

loss of sensation;

skin is pale, hard and cold to the touch;

no pulse at the ankles;

When tapping with a finger, a wooden sound is heard.
First aid for hypothermia and frostbite:

1. Take the victim indoors and try to warm him up. This is best done using a bath, the water temperature in which should be from 30 to 40 degrees (in case of frostbite of the extremities, first immerse them in water with a temperature of 20 degrees and in 20-30 minutes bring the water temperature to 40 degrees.

2. After warming up, you should dry the body, dress the person in dry, warm clothes and put him in bed, covering him with a warm blanket.
3. Give warm sweet drinks or foods high in sugar.

If you have frostbite, you can't : 1. Rub frostbitten areas of the body with snow;
2. Place frostbitten limbs immediately in warm water or cover them with warm heating pads;
3. lubricate the skin with oils;
4. give large doses of alcohol;

VII. During skiing, you should follow simple safety precautions to avoid injuries:

1. When transporting, skis must be tightly tied or fastened together with special fastenings. The upper sharp ends of the skis must be covered with a cover.

2. Skis should be carried in an upright position, with their sharp ends up.

3. Remember that ski poles are used for pushing off the snow surface and maintaining balance, and not for fencing. They should not be waved or raised with their sharp ends.

4. How to avoid oncoming skiers -

The basic rule is that the ski track is “divided in half.” A few seconds before the meeting you need to:
- “change lanes to the right” - step with your right ski into the area outside the track, trampled with poles, and then with your left ski onto the right track of the track. At the same time, forward movement continues.
- throw left hand with a stick behind your back, the tip of the stick to the right, away from the ski track
- at the very moment of the meeting, you can additionally tilt your body slightly to the right so as not to push with your shoulders .

If you follow all these simple rules, we hope that your holidays will be fun, varied and will not bring any unpleasant feelings.

Rules of conduct for parents at children's parties.

1. The holiday in kindergarten is held not for parents, but for children.

2. Entrance to the music hall is permitted with a change of shoes and without outer clothing (during the cold season), with the permission of the music director.

3. During the matinee, it is prohibited to use cell phones.

4. Photo and video shooting can only be done from your place and with the permission of the music director and administration kindergarten.

5. You cannot distract your child by talking or shouting from his seat.

6. During the matinee, parents are prohibited from moving from one place to another or getting up from their place.

7. It is not advisable for younger children (among the guests) to be present at the party.

8. If two groups of children are present at the holiday, only one parent is invited to each child.

9. At the request of the music director and teacher, parents can take part in the children's matinee (sing a song with the children, dance with the child, play, tell a little joke or poem with the child).

In case of failure to comply with the above rules or other inappropriate behavior on the part of parents, the music director and the kindergarten administration reserve the right not to invite parents to the holidays and to hold holidays without parents. Since failure to comply with these basic rules distracts children and prevents them from feeling like the main participants in the action.

Winter holidays are a time of miracles, gifts and positive emotions for children and adults. The comfort of candles, the colorful shimmer of garlands, the sparkle of sparklers and the bright flashes of fireworks have long become unchangeable attributes of the New Year. Along with tangerines and the Christmas tree, they create a special mood. To ensure that the holidays are remembered only for happy moments, it is worth taking some precautions, paying special attention to fire safety rules.

Choosing a New Year's tree

The traditional symbol of New Year and Christmas celebrations is a fluffy tree. Large and small, natural and artificial, of any color and material - these trees are now available in all sorts of variations. Each spruce has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Real wood has an indescribable aroma due to the beneficial phytoncides released into the air. However, it is worth remembering that wood burns very well. The most fire hazards are dry, standing for a long time copies.

Artificial trees are bought because of their practicality and pleasant appearance. appearance, they do not harm nature and do not cause allergic reactions. When choosing such Christmas trees, you should focus not so much on aesthetics, but on the quality of materials.

In many countries, the sale of very cheap spruce trees made from polymer waste, which can emit toxic substances hazardous to health, is prohibited for sale.

There are strict regulations regarding the composition of artificial trees and their compliance with fire safety measures. Almost all manufacturers of fir trees write on the packaging that their product is safe and does not support combustion, but this is often not true.

Artificial wood actually burns worse than natural wood, but the harm caused to health during its fire is much higher.

The materials included in such a product (for example, aluminum) when high temperature begin to decompose with the release of toxins that cause severe poisoning. You should buy only high-quality products that have all required certificates and complying with fire safety regulations.

Installing and decorating the Christmas tree

Whatever spruce you choose, it is important to remember the following rules:


Fireworks, salutes, firecrackers, firecrackers and sparklers are probably the most popular products before the winter holidays. These devices often contain gunpowder, chemical additives and some metal, which makes them not the most harmless entertainment.

Failure to follow the operating instructions or expired pyrotechnics, as well as flammable materials in the vicinity, can cause a fire or other disaster.

Poor-quality and dangerous goods may be sold in markets or on the street, so you should only purchase pyrotechnic products at specialized retail outlets. Remember that fireworks are not intended for children - only adults can buy and use them.

Be sure to check the availability of certificates of conformity and fire safety, the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the product.

The operating instructions should not only describe safe rules use of the product and its disposal, but also storage conditions, restrictions on use and actions in the event of a sudden fire.

It is prohibited to explode fireworks, fountains or fireworks in premises, places of large crowds of people, near gas stations, power lines or gas pipelines. To launch, choose an open area located away from a residential area.

It is necessary to strictly follow the operating instructions and move a sufficient distance after igniting. There are several general rules for handling pyrotechnics:

Remember that safety on New Year's Eve directly depends on the correct handling of entertainment pyrotechnics.

Safety at children's parties

New Year's parties - another one mandatory item in the entertainment program for children during the winter holidays.

The head of the institution in which it is organized is responsible for fire safety during an entertainment event. Before the start of the matinee, the room is checked for compliance with the basic requirements:

  1. location no higher than the second floor when holding a holiday in a building with flammable floors;
  2. the presence of at least two evacuation exits, indicated by working light signs;
  3. installing a Christmas tree, organizing illumination and decorating the hall in accordance with fire safety rules;
  4. absence of candles, crackers, fireworks and other pyrotechnics in the room;
  5. good condition and close location of fire extinguishing and communication equipment.

At an event with the participation of children, responsible persons must be constantly present: educators, teachers or teachers on duty. They are responsible for strict compliance with fire safety measures and evacuate people in the event of smoke or fire.

Before the matinee, a list of names of children present must be compiled, which is checked with during evacuation.

Parents, in turn, should remember that children’s outfits should not contain flammable elements made of cotton wool, cardboard, paper or gauze.

You can prepare a fire retardant composition for these materials yourself by dissolving 150 g of baking soda and 50 g of starch in warm water. The masquerade costume is soaked in the resulting mixture for 10 minutes, after which the outfit can be dried and used during the matinee.

Follow the tips below to reduce your child's risk of injury during the holidays. Your children are at risk during the holidays. Any doctor or emergency dispatcher will tell you that most often parents turn to them for emergency help precisely during these times, when all family members are actively celebrating something. important events. During large feasts and parties, children have a lot of fun, while it can be quite easy for parents to get distracted from constantly watching them and miss something important. This is especially true during the holidays, when children, having escaped from the yoke of daily schoolwork, are full of energy and are ready to run, jump, and just go crazy literally all day long. This does not mean that you will now never be able to calmly celebrate the New Year, birthday or any other family holiday. Just read this article to be aware of possible risks and successfully avoid situations that are dangerous to the life and health of your children.

How to protect children from holiday dangers

1. Candles

Almost no holiday, be it New Year or birthday, is complete without the use of candles. After all, they illuminate the space so beautifully, decorating the interior and bringing the atmosphere of a real holiday to the celebration. Young children are very attracted to fire, including candles. Needs to be done additional measures safety to make sure dangerous toys are kept out of reach of little explorers. A child caught in the hands of a burning candle can not only get burned by the flame or hot wax, but also start a real fire by dropping the candle on any flammable material. Never move candles while holding a child.

2. Decorations

Many holiday toys and decorations are made of glass, which is extremely dangerous for young children. Glass shards can injure small fingers and, if swallowed, pose a serious gastrointestinal hazard. Also, if the decorations contain chalk parts, be careful not to get them into your child's hands. It is extremely dangerous if hard small objects get into the respiratory tract; the child may suffocate. Even a seemingly ordinary button is a direct threat to an unreasonable child. Place fragile and small items as high as possible, out of reach of children. If you decorate a Christmas tree, either do not use dangerous decorations, or place them at the very top. You can hang solid plastic balls made from environmentally friendly materials or children's toys on the lower branches.

3. Fireplaces

The tradition of gathering with the whole family around a hot fireplace seems so sweet and safe only at first glance. For overplayed children, the source of an open fire directly in the room poses a direct threat. Never leave children alone in a room where there is a fire. Install a reliable screen in front of the fireplace that will prevent your baby from accidentally falling and preventing him from getting burned. There are special screens with additional protection for babies. Don't let children burn paper or gift wrap in the fireplace: these materials can ignite too quickly, so that the child does not have time to pull his hand away and receives a serious burn. When leaving home or going to bed, make sure that the fire in the fireplace has completely gone out. Also make sure that your fireplace and chimney are in good working order and that smoke is not entering your home. A faulty chimney system can cause deadly carbon monoxide to accumulate indoors.

4. Christmas tree

A beautifully decorated and deliciously smelling Christmas tree irresistibly attracts small children. They may even want to climb onto it, which will inevitably lead to the fall of both the tree itself and the little explorer. Therefore, make sure that your forest guest is well secured. Natural spruce should not be dry, so as not to provoke a fire. When leaving home or going to bed, be sure to turn off all the lights and garlands on the tree.

5. Allergies

If your child has allergies, pay special attention to their diet during the holidays. Explain to guests, especially kind aunties and grandmothers, that you yourself will feed the baby when necessary, and that you should not feed him various goodies from the table. Often holiday dishes contain hidden allergens that are not always noticeable at first glance. Only an attentive parent can warn their child against using them. So, if your little one has a peanut allergy, always check to see if a particular treat contains peanuts. Ground peanuts are added to a huge number of store-bought candies and cakes, and peanut butter is found in processed foods and dry snacks. Always read the packaging carefully before giving your child another treat.

Many children who are allergic to peanuts, as well as their parents, may not realize it for a long time until, at some holiday, the child overeats candies containing this type nuts Therefore, it is better to know the signs of an allergic reaction in advance in order to recognize it in time and immediately seek the help of specialists, rather than self-medicate. Call urgently ambulance, if you notice signs in a child such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, severe itching in the nose and throat, swelling of the area around the eyes. Any deviations in the child’s behavior and condition require attention and immediate response from the parents.

6. Dangerous food

The most seemingly harmless products can pose a serious danger to a child if they are consumed during active games and fun. It can be nuts, vegetables, fruits, caramel, chips and much more. Make sure that children eat only at the table, otherwise there is a high risk of choking on the treat.

7. Holiday visits

If you are taking your child with you to visit relatives or friends, first inspect the house to make sure that the environment does not threaten the life and health of an active baby. Pay close attention to what your child is doing and don’t lose sight of him. This is especially true for those houses where small children do not live, and the owners have forgotten or never knew the safety rules for the home of small children. Make sure household chemicals and sharp objects are stored in a safe place. If visitors come to your home, explain to them that dangerous devices and substances should not be left in plain sight, and make sure they truly understand.

8. Parties and feasts

Clean the apartment immediately after the guests have left, without leaving it until the next day. After all, waking up at night Small child may want to taste what's left on the plates and choke. It is quite possible that he will want to find out what the alcoholic cocktail tastes like at the bottom of the glass carelessly left by your guest right on the coffee table, or to finish his cigarette. Clean up immediately after the holiday Balloons, they can only be played under adult supervision.

9. The most important phones

Next to your home telephone number, post a list of the most important telephone numbers that you or your nanny may need when she is alone with the child. This list should include not only the usual ambulance, police and fire service. Be sure to include the number of your child's pediatrician, the number of the poison control center, and Cell phones both parents, as well as other relatives.

10. Holiday shopping

Always remember that shopping centers, amusement parks and other recreation areas are most crowded with people during holidays and vacations. But the child so wants to look at everything and wander everywhere that he may forget about the need to always hold his mother’s hand. Don't let your child out of your sight for even a single minute. Agree in advance about his and your actions in the event that he gets lost. It is best to advise him to stay in the very place where he realized that he was lost until mom or dad comes for him. Explain to your child that under no circumstances should you leave strangers. Put a card with your address and phone number in his pocket.

11. Water safety

If it's a warm time of year, many people prefer to celebrate holidays by pools or open water. If you're too busy preparing a barbecue or mixing holiday cocktails, you can easily lose your vigilance and leave your child unattended. Do not do that! Small children cannot swim and can drown much faster than an adult. Do not leave children unattended for even a minute.

12. Gifts and toys

Make sure that all toys given are appropriate for your child's age. Before allowing your child to play with the gift, carefully read the instructions with him and explain to your child what not to do. Do not forget also that gift wrapping, bows and ropes can pose a danger to foolish kids, so it is better to immediately throw all of the above in the trash.

13. Poisoning

Poisoning from the most common substances and objects regularly used in the home (cleaning products, plants, cosmetics, medications) is much more likely to occur when parents are busy having fun and do not monitor their child, that is, on holidays. At any time of the year, you should carefully ensure that all dangerous objects and substances are removed far beyond the baby’s reach.

14. Road accidents

Road traffic accidents are the most common cause of death in children. If you have a long trip planned this holiday season, make sure your child is securely secured in a quality car seat that is appropriate for their age. Use a car seat every time you transport your child in a car.

Depending on what area you live in, your children may become the proud owners of sleds, scooters, bicycles and other means of transportation. Always make sure that your child does not drive onto the roadway where he could easily get hit by a car. Do not let your child ride without special protective equipment, including a helmet.

It is important to remember that during a general holiday and fun, it is quite easy for parents to lose vigilance and not keep an eye on their frolicking children, which can lead to very sad consequences. Make a conscious effort to be aware of possible health risks for your children, and take additional safety precautions in your home and where children play.

New Year and Christmas, winter holidays are long-awaited holidays and days loved by everyone. Games and fun around the green beauty, on the street and in nature, remain in the memory of children for a long time. But do not forget that it is during the holidays that the most unexpected dangerous situations can await you at home, on walks and at a party. To avoid them or reduce the risk as much as possible, here are the following safety rules:

I. Rules of behavior in public places during New Year's Eve celebrations and in other crowded places.

1. If you go to a New Year's performance with your parents, under no circumstances go far from them, because With a large crowd of people it is easy to get lost.
2. In places where mass New Year's celebrations are taking place, try to stay away from the crowd to avoid injury.

You should:
3. Obey legal warnings and requirements of the administration, police and other persons responsible for maintaining order and fire safety.
4. Behave respectfully towards participants in mass events, service personnel, and officials responsible for maintaining public order and safety during mass events.
5. Avoid actions that could create danger for others and lead to the creation of an extreme situation.
6. Carry out an organized exit from premises and structures at the end of the events.
7. When receiving information about evacuation, act in accordance with the instructions of the administration and law enforcement officers responsible for maintaining law and order, maintaining calm and not creating panic.

II. Fire safety rules during the New Year holidays.

During the New Year holidays, in addition to the usual fire safety rules, you should follow a few simple rules that will allow you to get only positive emotions from the weekend:
1. Do not decorate the Christmas tree with fabric and plastic toys.
2. Do not cover the Christmas tree stand with cotton wool.
3. The Christmas tree should be lit only with industrial-made electric garlands.
4. It is not allowed to light sparklers, use firecrackers or wax candles indoors. Remember, open fire is always dangerous!
5. You should not use pyrotechnics if you do not understand how to use them, and instructions are not included, or they are written in a language you do not understand.
6. You cannot repair or reuse pyrotechnics that have not worked.
7. It is strictly prohibited to use homemade pyrotechnic devices.

- arrange “fireworks” closer than 30 meters from residential buildings and flammable objects, under low canopies and tree crowns.
- carry pyrotechnics in your pockets.
- hold the wick near your face while lighting.
- use pyrotechnics in strong winds.
- point rockets and fireworks at people.
- throw firecrackers at your feet.
- bend low over lit fireworks.
- be closer than 15 meters from lit pyrotechnic products.
It is strictly forbidden to use products flying upward near residential buildings and other buildings: their flight path is unpredictable, they can enter the house, fly into the attic or roof and cause a fire.
In apartments and private houses, when celebrating the New Year, it is not recommended to light sparklers at home, use exploding firecrackers, light candles on Christmas trees, or decorate them with toys made of flammable materials. Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended.
In case of the slightest signs of fire, immediately notify the Rescue Service - 112 (free of charge), evacuate people and begin extinguishing the fire with available means. By complying with these requirements, you guarantee yourself a good mood and a fun holiday.

III. Rules of behavior on the road.

1. Cross the road only when the traffic light is green.
2. You can cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing marked with a special sign and a zebra crossing. If there is an underground passage, it is preferable to use it when crossing the road.

3. When crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing that is not equipped with a traffic light, you should not forget to first look to the right, and, having reached the middle of the road, to the left.
4. You should not cross the road in front of a car driving nearby. It's better to wait until she passes. The driver may not have time to brake, and you may unexpectedly fall, thereby creating an emergency situation, as well as a situation dangerous for your life and the life of the driver.

5. Don’t forget that when crossing the road, you should go around the bus and trolleybus from behind, and the tram in front.

6. When traveling on commuter trains, follow the rules of conduct; cross railway tracks in strictly designated areas.
7. When using public transport, follow the rules of behavior in public transport, be polite, give up your seats to elderly passengers, disabled people, passengers with children and pregnant women.

I V. Rules of conduct in winter on open water bodies.

1. Do not go out on thin, fragile ice.

2. Places with dark transparent ice are more reliable than those adjacent to it - opaque ones that froze with snow.

3. Do not use skates on the first ice. They are very easy to drive onto thin, fragile ice or into wormwood.

4. If it is absolutely necessary to cross a dangerous place on the ice, tie a cord around your waist, leaving a freely trailing end behind you if a friend is moving behind you. Cross this place with a large pole in your hands, holding it across your body.
5. When helping a friend who has fallen through the ice, give him a belt, scarf, stick, etc. You can grab onto them more tightly than an outstretched hand, and when you get closer, it’s easier to break off the edge of the ice.

6. If you accidentally get on thin ice, move back with sliding, careful steps, without lifting your feet from the ice.

7. Do not walk with a load over your shoulders on unstable ice. If this cannot be avoided, be sure to remove one of the shoulder bag straps so that you can immediately free yourself from it in case of failure.

8. If you fall through the ice, do not get lost, do not try to crawl forward and break it with your elbows and chest. Try to lie on your back and crawl onto your trail, and then, without getting up, crawl away from the dangerous place.

9. When breaking ice, you must:

Get rid of heavy objects that restrict movement;
-Do not waste time getting rid of clothes, since in the first minutes, until they are completely wet, they keep the person on the surface;
-Get out onto the ice in the place where the fall occurred;
-Crawl onto the ice using the “screwing” method, i.e. rolling from back to stomach;
-Stick sharp objects into the ice, pulling yourself towards them;
-Move away from the hole by crawling in your own footsteps.
10. Thin ice powdered with snow is especially dangerous.
It should be remembered that the most productive are the first minutes of being in cold water, before your clothes get wet, your hands are not frozen, and the weakness and indifference characteristic of hypothermia have not developed. Only one, or at least two, of his comrades should assist a person who has fallen through the ice. Accumulating on the edge of the hole is not only useless, but also dangerous.

First aid for hypothermia and frostbite:

1. Take the victim indoors and try to warm him up. This is best done using a bath, the water temperature in which should be from 30 to 40 degrees (in case of frostbite of the extremities, first immerse them in water with a temperature of 20 degrees and in 20-30 minutes bring the water temperature to 40 degrees.

2. After warming up, you should dry the body, dress the person in dry, warm clothes and put him in bed, covering him with a warm blanket.
3. Give warm sweet drinks or foods high in sugar.

If you have frostbite, you can't:

1. rub frostbitten areas of the body with snow;
2. place frostbitten limbs immediately in warm water or cover them with warm heating pads;
3. lubricate the skin with oils;
4. give large doses of alcohol.

General rules behavior of students during the winter holidays.

1. You must be careful and attentive on the street, when crossing the road; follow the rules traffic;

2. Follow safety rules when walking in the forest or on the river:
2.1. It is prohibited to light fires in the village and forest areas;
2.2. Be careful on the ice. If the thickness is insufficient
( up to 15 cm) do not go out on the ice.
2.3. It is necessary to handle skis, skates, and sleds with care.
2.4. When the air temperature is very low, do not go for a walk to avoid frostbite of the skin.

3. It is necessary to take care of your health; carry out preventive measures against flu and colds;

4. Be careful when contacting electrical appliances, follow safety precautions when turning on and off the TV, electric iron, kettle, etc.

5. Observe safety precautions when using gas appliances;

6. Observe the time mode when watching TV and working on the computer;

7. It is prohibited to visit tractor teams, garages, farms without adult accompaniment;

8. Be careful when handling pets;

9. It is prohibited to be on the street without an adult after 22.00.

10. You should not go into the forest, to reservoirs, or go to another city without your parents’ knowledge.

12. All fire safety rules must be followed.

13. You need to behave as carefully as possible on bodies of water.

14. You cannot pet, let alone tease, homeless animals.

The most long-awaited and magical holiday for children is the New Year. The smell of spruce, sparkling toys and lights, the expectation of gifts and miracles make its atmosphere unique. Surely, your family is looking forward to this celebration. Children decorate the house, write letters to Santa Claus, dream about gifts and fun. Adults are busy with more serious preparations: drawing up and bringing to life the New Year's menu, preparing gifts, unobtrusive conversations with children on the topic: “What did you ask from Grandfather Frost this year?” and other troubles. In this turmoil, the main thing is not to lose vigilance and remember that safety in the New Year- this is not just a warning, but a guarantee that this holiday will be fun, without negative consequences and will leave behind only pleasant and exciting memories.

Paradoxical as it may seem, the most beloved and unchanging attributes of this celebration are also the most insidious dangers. Lights, fireworks, Christmas tree decorations, sweets and gourmet dishes, bitter cold and fun festivities can cause serious injuries and illnesses.

So, what are they dangers brings with him New Year celebration?

1.Fire or burns caused by electrical decorations.

Safety rules for the New Year that must be followed in order to prevent unwanted consequences:

  • Electric garlands should be mounted at a level that is safe for children;
  • You should not leave the garlands constantly on;
  • Before turning on, check the serviceability of decorative electrical elements;
  • Do not allow children to play with such devices, switch light modes on their own, turn them on and off;
  • WITH follow the precautions indicated on the products themselves;
  • Do not leave children unattended near operating electrical appliances.

2. The occurrence of a fire, burns and injuries from pyrotechnic products, sparklers and candles. Fire safety on New Year's Day is the key to a successful holiday.

  • Do not allow your child to independently use pyrotechnic products, even the most harmless ones at first glance;
  • Never make fireworks, firecrackers, or sparklers yourself. The safety of your children during the New Year will depend on compliance with this rule;
  • Purchase such products only from trusted retail outlets. In order to verify the quality, you need to ask the seller for a certificate of conformity. Check the sell-by date, the origin of the product, and the integrity of the packaging;
  • When using fireworks, strictly adhere to all instructions included with the product; if they are not available, then ask the seller for them;
  • Do not violate the rules for storing pyrotechnic products;
  • Fireworks should be launched from open area, having previously recorded. Spectators should be positioned downwind of the launch site at a distance of 15-20 meters.
  • After use, smoldering residues must be extinguished;
  • Supervise children to keep them away from the product in use.

Separately, we can say about crackers and sparklers:

  • New Year's safety rules require that children are not allowed to explode firecrackers on their own. Strictly control the distance from the firecracker itself to the child’s face during the shot;
  • When using them, make sure where the detonating rope is located and where the shot will come from;
  • Buy only high-quality products;
  • When using sparklers, keep them at arm's length;
  • Children can only use this attribute under adult supervision; do not let them light the fires themselves;
  • Please note that sparks may land on the floor, clothing, hair, etc.;
  • When lighting candles, remember that this is, although small, an open fire. Therefore, be extremely careful, do not decorate the Christmas tree with burning candles, as this in most cases leads to fires;
  • Do not leave candles burning for a long time.

3. Poisoning, allergies and exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.

Exquisite dishes, new culinary masterpieces, a large number of foods, sweets and drinks can lead to these undesirable effects. The menu for children must be appropriate for their age. Avoid spicy, exotic dishes and seafood. Follow food preparation technology. Don't experiment. Control the amount your children eat to avoid problems associated with overeating, etc. Take strict New Year's Eve safety measures regarding feasting.

4.Cuts, bruises and other bodily injuries

This danger is present in everything: from Christmas tree decorations to dishes. It is better to avoid using glass toys if there are small children in the family. Monitor the behavior of children, as excessive excitement from the holiday can lead to undesirable consequences, especially if there are many children. Keep your children busy with calm games, interesting competitions and don't leave them to their own devices. This way, you will create a safe New Year, and the children will get a lot of pleasure from the time spent together.

5.Dangers associated with attending public events. These are injuries, missing children, hypothermia, etc.:

  • Don't let your children out of your sight for a minute;
  • Don't take children into the middle of a crowd;
  • Dress them for the weather;
  • Better yet, refrain from such events altogether or do not take children with you.

Behind the bright lights, uninterrupted garlands, flowing fireworks, burning candles, ringing firecrackers, bright fireworks, a sea of ​​sweets and other New Year's “pleasures,” there are many dangers. We can ensure a safe New Year for our children. The most important thing is not to succumb to the euphoria of the holiday and not to abuse alcoholic beverages. This will help us be more vigilant and control the actions of our offspring. And what could be nicer than satisfied, joyful, happy children? Just the realization that ours responsible approach to organizing a holiday, allowed the children to get everything they expected from him.

Photo from the Internet