Country selection

Gross domestic product
Gross domestic product

Calculating the social product using GDP and a system of interrelated indicators allows you to keep your finger on the economic pulse of the country. Various indicators enable us to measure production volume in...

How to legally avoid deportation
How to legally avoid deportation

One of the forms of forced eviction of foreigners from their own territories to another state was deportation. Although this term appeared in the 18th century, modern attitudes towards it are ambiguous - from pity to...

Minimum wage (minimum wage)
Minimum wage (minimum wage)

The minimum wage (SMW) is the minimum possible wage that an enterprise can charge its employee. This value is also used in calculations when determining the amount for...

Modern migration processes in Russia Main region of population outflow
Modern migration processes in Russia Main region of population outflow

1. Migration of the population of Russia…………………………………….….3 page 2. National composition of the population of Russia…………………………..6 page 3. Migration to Stavropol Territory…………………………………10 p. 4. List of references…………………………………………………27 p. Migration...

How many years does the average person live?
How many years does the average person live?

Social phenomena Finance and crisis Elements and weather Science and technology Unusual phenomena Nature monitoring Author sections Discovering history Extreme world Info-reference File archive...

Where is the best medicine in the world?
Where is the best medicine in the world?

Diseases almost never spare anyone. And everyone wants to receive quality treatment for themselves and their loved ones. Analytical firms are conducting research to identify the best medicine in the world. And already formed...

White-blue-red tricolors in countries around the world
White-blue-red tricolors in countries around the world

1. Benin This flag is considered a symbol of the Benin Empire, which existed in the lower reaches of the Niger River, on the territory of modern Nigeria, in the 15th-19th centuries. In the 18th century The Benin Empire was shaken by many years of internecine war...

Description of flags of countries of the world
Description of flags of countries of the world

All kinds of combinations of white and red are extremely popular in state symbols. Flags of European countries and states of other continents often use them in different combinations. What are the possible layout options...