Accounting info. Accounting info Setting up price list 1s 8.2 trade management

Setting and changing sales prices. Formation of a price list in 1C: Trade Management 8 edition 11.2

Information on sales prices is recorded by document Setting item prices. Data on established prices is stored in the information register Item prices. You can view the current price, as well as the history of price changes for a specific item, from the item card by going to company price history. (Fig.1).


Selling prices are used in shipment documents (Customer Agreement, Customer Order, Sales of Goods and Services, etc.)

If we fix prices in an agreement with the client, then when registering sales under the selected agreement, first of all, price data will be taken from it, and secondly from the Price List.

Let's move on to creating a new document Setting item prices ( chapter CRM and marketing).

In field from We indicate the date from which the new prices will begin to apply.
In the table section, in the column Types of prices All types of prices are reflected. We need to cancel the ones we will be registering.
In a collumn dependent prices information is reflected on those types of prices that need to be recalculated after changing the calculated price.
Influential prices influence the calculated type of price. (Fig.2).


Let's move on to setting prices

There are several options for filling out the list of item items. We can manually select the product range, add products by price group, and also use random selection of products, etc. (Fig.3).


For example, we need to set prices only for those products that are in stock, to do this, click Edit lines → Add selection items. In the selection window, check the box Only in stock, click fill and transfer to document. (Fig.4).


As a result, the product list was filled with products that are in stock. (Fig.5).


After filling out the list of products, we proceed to specifying prices, which are assigned manually.

We can change prices by percentage by clicking Change prices → Change by percentage. In the new window, select the type of price, the percentage of change, and also determine in relation to which price to apply the percentage and which positions to recalculate. (Fig.6).

In our example, Dealer prices increased by 8% relative to the new cost (Fig. 7).


If there is accounting by characteristics, then prices must be fixed for each characteristic. (Fig.8).


After the document has been completed, the established prices will be registered in register Item prices.

Formation of a price list

To form price list let's go to CRM and marketing → Prices (price list). (Fig.9).


Click create and set the price list settings and click OK. (Fig. 10).


In this processing we can view and change prices.
We can change the price manually. In this case, the program will prompt us to apply the changed prices. (Fig. 11).


This price will be changed in the price list, but not in the register.
Now we can print this report by clicking Price List.

Also for forming price list report go to the reports section CRM and marketing and create a new one. (Fig. 12).

By default, a report will be created for the current date and only for those types of prices that are used for sales. (Fig. 13).


This report reflects the price, as well as the balance of goods by warehouse.
The price list can be generated with various selections - by price groups, by types of prices, by product group, etc.

In typical 1C configurations, you often find standard functionality for loading any data into the program. In this article we will look at loading supplier prices, using the example of 1C 8.3 “Trade Management 11”. This method is also applicable in other situations where a similar download is available, for example, procurement plans in ERP and so on.

Let's go to the "Purchases" section and select the "Supplier prices (price lists)" item. We will load into the program exactly the price list that the supplier sent us in an Excel file.

You will see a form in which you can create a price list for a specific date with selection by supplier. Click on the “Load from external file” button in this window.

A window appeared in front of us, in which the field of the spreadsheet document is located. It is in it that you will need to place the price list intended for loading into 1C.

Also, do not forget to indicate the date and types of prices in the download assistant header. In our case, this will be the wholesale price that we created ourselves, specifying the USD currency.

Now let's move on to the most interesting part - filling out the spreadsheet document. After selecting the price type, an additional column appeared in it - “Wholesale”. In the future, we will put the price of the supplier’s item from the price list into it.

This spreadsheet document also contains the columns “Article” and “Supplier nomenclature”. This information will also need to be filled out.

Let's open the price list that the supplier sent us in an Excel file. Next you need to select the area that should fall into 1C. We now have three lines with corresponding columns.

Next, go to 1C and click on the cell from which the data we copied should be inserted. We inserted the data into the first row of the “Article” column. Pasting can be done using the context menu (right mouse button) and the hot key combination Ctrl+V.

Data can be entered into this spreadsheet document not only by copying from Excel, but also from Word, as well as from other files that support data copying. You can also fill the table manually with small amounts of data.

After entering all the lines of the supplier’s price list, indicating the date, price types and the supplier itself in the header of the download assistant, click on the “Next” button in the lower right corner.

1C 8.3 will analyze the data you entered for some time depending on its volume (in our case it took no more than a second). After that, we were presented with a warning window that for some lines of the price list we entered, no matches were found in the supplier’s product catalogue. Everything is correct, since we have not purchased these product items before.

We display the entire product range, but if the volume is large, using the corresponding switch you can view only unmatched items.

As you can see in the figure above, in the “Supplier Nomenclature” column, in each line by default it is written what will be created upon loading. This means that for all those nomenclature items for which there were no established correspondences in the directory, new ones will be created. Of course, by clicking in this field you can select an existing item.

After checking all unmatched items, click on the “Next” button and specify the method for registering prices. Naturally, you can only register changed prices only for matched item items.

This completes the setup for downloading the price list and all data will be included in the program.

Having information about current prices and current balances is the task of any responsible sales consultant. In our recent publication, we looked at ways to extract information on product balances from 1C. Now we will look at how to extract current prices from the program.
In almost any configuration 1C 8 there is a standard treatment formation of a price list. It can be opened in the "Nomenclature" directory using the Print - Price List button. Using the same button, other printing functions are also available, but we are interested in the price list. If you haven’t found it, processing for printing a price list in any configuration can be found in the menu Operations - Processing - Printing Price List.

To display data correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with some processing features.

The price list is displayed for a specific date specified in the price list printing settings.
When printing a price list, you can customize the list of products and prices included in the price list.
Setting up a list of products and prices is done in the “Price list setup” form, which opens when you click the “Settings...” button. Information about the available settings is located on the tabs: General, Groupings, Selection, Fields, Sorting, Printing.
The price list includes the ability to exclude product items for which prices are not set from display. This can be done using the "Selection" tab. You can select one or more price types for which the price list will be generated. On the "General" tab there is an option "Do not include products for which prices are not specified in the price list." If it is installed, then the price list will not include products that do not have a price assigned. This selection excludes items for which prices are not specified from being included in the price list. If a price is set for at least one item from the list, this item is displayed in the price list opposite the price type for which the price was entered into the database.

Price list printing settings

The price list may not include goods that are not available at the enterprise.
Not many people know and not many people use the function of displaying the remaining inventory in the price list. Displaying the balance in the price list is very convenient for sales representatives and sales consultants who are not able to view balances online on a computer or tablet. Data printed once a day (in the morning) with prices and balances is enough to equip personnel working in the fields. You can use two-sided printing to save paper.
If a specific warehouse (several warehouses) is set in the selection settings, then current balances are considered only for a specific warehouse (group of warehouses). That is, when setting the flag and specifying a warehouse, those goods that are not available at this warehouse will be excluded from the list of goods shown in the price list.
The “Use properties and categories” flag enables or disables the ability to use the properties and categories mechanism when generating a price list.
As you can see, in practice, the variations in the formation of a price list are almost limitless. Below is a screenshot of the settings and the result of generating a price list with these settings. Try experimenting with the processing settings to get the type of price list you need in 1C.

Price and pricing are fundamental concepts of a market economy. Also, price is the main characteristic of both the product being sold and the product being purchased.

The price of a product purchased for sale - “Purchase price”, of course, is the main part of its cost, and as a result, affects the selling price - “Wholesale price”, “Retail price”. For the purpose of planning purchases/sales, “Planned prices” are used, and for price analysis, competitors’ prices can be used – “Reference prices”.

All this variety of price types in the context of the company’s product range turns into huge data tables, which are quite difficult to work with. At the same time, the probability of an error when setting the price is extremely high.

To facilitate work with product prices, ensure the correctness of price selection and the ability to quickly analyze prices, the 1C company has provided special tools for registration and price analysis in its software products.

Let's consider the price registration mechanisms available in standard 1C configurations running on the basis of 1C Enterprise 8.3.


Price registration mechanisms will be considered for the following product items:

  • Glass table;
  • Wooden chairs;
  • Office sofa.

For the listed items, we will set prices for the following types/types:

  • Purchasing;
  • Wholesale;
  • Information.

In this case, we take into account the following conditions:

  • Purchase price – the price of the item set by the supplier who supplied the goods to us;
  • Wholesale price – calculated as Purchase price + 20% (rounded to 100);
  • Reference price – fixed price of competitors.

Table 1. Item prices

Setting prices in 1C Accounting 8.3

“1C Accounting 8.3” provides us with 2 options for setting prices:

  • Using the document “Setting item prices”;
  • Through the nomenclature card.

Document “Setting item prices.” Price types

First, let's look at the document “Setting item prices.” First, let's find him.

This document is located in the “Warehouse” section, subsection “Prices”:

Having created a new price setting document, first of all, let’s turn to the “Price Type”. We have defined for ourselves 3 necessary types of prices: “Purchase”, “Wholesale”, “Reference”. There is no Reference price type in the demo database, which means you need to create it. For our example, I will indicate that the Reference price includes VAT. Other price types do not include VAT. This attribute shows that the price set for this price type includes or does not include VAT; the attribute does not in any way affect the selection of the price type in documents.

The “Item Price Types” directory can be easily supplemented with the elements you need.

In the current document, select the price type – “Reference”. Next, we need to select product items for which we plan to set prices. The selection of item items can be done using three commands:

  • Add;
  • Selection;
  • Fill in.

The “Add” command will accordingly add one empty line to the document. The item selection will need to be done manually.

The “Selection” command will open a workspace for selecting items, in which, having established the necessary selections, you can quickly select a list of required items for transfer to the document. Each selected item will be displayed in a separate line of the completed document.

The “Fill” command provides greater opportunities for selecting item items, namely:

Table 2. Commands for filling out the document “Setting item prices”


Fill in by nomenclature

Displays the entire list of nomenclature items from the Nomenclature directory

Fill in by item group

Displays a list of item items belonging to the user-selected item group

The tabular part of the document is cleared

The tabular part of the document is cleared

Displays a list of product items with set prices according to the price type specified in the header of the document being filled out

The tabular part of the document is NOT cleared

Fill out upon receipt

Displays a list of item items from the user-selected base document. When selecting several basis documents, the document being filled out will include items only from the last basis document selected for selection.

The tabular part of the document is cleared

Add upon arrival

The tabular part of the document is NOT cleared

After selecting a list of product items, you need to set prices for them. The easiest option is to fill in the prices manually. However, if the list of item items consists of hundreds, or even thousands of elements, this option will be quite labor-intensive. In this case, you should use the mechanism for loading prices from an Excel file (discussed below).

Because in our example, we set prices for only three product items; it will not be difficult for us to do this manually.

After setting prices, the document must be “Posted and closed”. The posted document will reflect the entry in the periodic information register “Item prices”. The frequency of this information register will allow you to control changes in prices by item.

To set purchasing prices, we will reflect the purchase of item items (this is an optional condition; prices can be filled in manually or loaded from a file). Let's say we bought 100 units of each item and reflected this operation with the goods receipt document KP00-000001 dated 05/06/2018.

Let's return to the price setting document. Set the “Price type” to “Purchasing” (keep in mind that changing the price type does not clear the tabular part of the document, which means you can select items by one price type, replace the price type and set new indicators for the selected items). And we fill out the document according to the previously entered receipt.

Nomenclature items and prices from the base document have been transferred to the tabular part of the document being filled out. Please note that the document does not contain any connection with the “Supplier” who supplied us with the goods at these prices.

We navigate and close the document.

Purchase prices are filled in, you can proceed to wholesale prices. In our example wholesale prices = purchase prices + 20% (prices rounded to 100). We don’t have to calculate the amount on a calculator at all; the program will “help” us with the calculations.

Create a new price setting document. “Price type” – “Wholesale”. We will fill out the list of nomenclature items in any convenient way. Click the “Change” button to open a workspace for changing the table of goods and set prices according to the price type – “Purchasing”.

Prices are set.

Please note that the price setting document is not linked to the Organizations directory. Prices are set general for the entire enterprise.

Setting prices from the Nomenclature directory. Loading prices

Let's consider the mechanism for setting prices through the “Nomenclature” directory.

First, let’s look at the “Nomenclature” reference book itself. The directory contains the tabs “Item Price Types” and “Planned Price Type”.

“Item price types” are already familiar to us (from this tab you can add price types for items), but “Planned price type” is a new concept for us.

“Type of planned prices” is the type of price that will be reflected by default in the documents “Production report for a shift” and “Provision of production services”. On this tab, you can select only one price type from the previously created ones.

For each element of the “Nomenclature” directory, you can set prices of any type. Let’s open any item item we created earlier and go to the “Prices” tab. We see the set prices of the item for the date we have selected. Opposite each price type is the document by which the price was set. Because We did not set retail prices, the value of the retail price is “empty”, but we see the number of the last document for setting the retail price for other product items.

By setting the retail price manually and clicking the “Record prices” command, we will automatically generate a new price setting document.

Once the prices are set, you can download the Price List.

Click the “Products and prices” - “Upload” button to open the processing “Uploading products and prices to a file”.

We determine the required fields of the item card and selections by item and price. Click the “Upload” command, and then select a folder to save the file.

The following data was downloaded based on the results of our work with prices.

Let's add data on the retail prices of tables and chairs to the uploaded file and load them into 1C.

Click the “Products and prices” - “Load” button to open the “Loading products from file” processing.

Please note that the system will not allow you to upload prices of different types at the same time. When setting the details required for the price type, the previous setting disappears.

To load data, the “untitled” columns must be deleted, and then click the “Next” command. On the next tab, select “Price type” (if not selected automatically), “Price setting date”, “Item details” and click the “Download” command.

Checking the retail prices of the table and chair, we see that they are filled out using a new price setting document, in the comments to which there is the phrase: “#Loaded from file.”

Retail prices. Revaluation of goods

And one more important point regarding setting retail prices.

Unlike goods sold at wholesale prices, which are accounted for at the cost of the goods, retail goods are accounted for in accounting accounts at the sales cost.

The document “Setting item prices” reflects movements in accounting accounts; therefore, a change in retail prices by this document will create a gap in the data on retail prices stored in the information register “Item prices” and accounting data.

To correct this discrepancy, the document “Revaluation of goods in retail” is provided.

Let's create a new document. Click the command “Fill” - “Fill at changed prices”, after which the tabular part of the document will display information on product items whose retail price has been changed.

Carrying out this document will ensure the consistency of prices in the registers and on the accounting accounts.

Setting prices in 1C Retail 8.3

Price groups. Types of prices. Pricing Rules

All reference books and documents for setting prices in 1C Retail are located in the “Marketing” section, subsection “Pricing”.

In 1C Retail there is such a thing as “Price group”.

“Price group” is a directory with elements that are as simple in structure as possible (the element consists only of “Name”). This directory is located in the “Marketing” section, “Pricing” subsection.

“Price group” is a requisite for elements of the “Nomenclature” directory and allows you to make price settings for all nomenclature items of a certain price group at once.

To work on our task (see Example), we will create a price group “Example” and assign the value of this price group to item items for the example under consideration.

In addition, each price must belong to one or another price type, so first of all, let’s look at the mechanism for creating “Price Types”. In the example, three types of prices are indicated (“Purchase”, “Wholesale” and “Reference”).

  • Name;
  • Price usage parameters:
  • If the price will be set in the sales documents, check the “Use for sale” checkbox;
  • If sales between your own organizations are intended - “Use when transferring between organizations.”
  • Method of setting the price.

The program allows you to choose one of four ways to set the price:

1. Set manually– the name speaks for itself;

2. Set according to information security data(information base);

3. Fill in according to information security data upon admission.

Data composition schemes (hereinafter referred to as DCS) determine which information security data will be taken into account when determining the price. For example, when selecting the “Cost” SKD, when determining the price, all costs allocated to the cost of the item (product cost, transportation and procurement costs, etc.) will be collected.

An arbitrary access control system allows you to use a query constructor to “collect” a price from any data available in the IS.

When you select this method of setting prices, the “Calculation Rules” tabular section opens, allowing you to define the price calculation formula for all types of prices and add individual calculation rules for specific price groups.

The price calculation formula can be entered manually or using the formula builder. By clicking the “Check Formula” button, the program will check the formula for logical errors.

For the example under consideration, we will set up the following price calculation rules:

Table 3. Setting up price types for the Example. 1C Retail

All types of prices include VAT.

For the “Wholesale” price type, we will set up rounding rules. To do this, in the “Types of Prices” directory element, go to the “Price Rounding Rules” tab.

On this tab you can configure both arithmetic rules for rounding prices and “psychological” rules. If there are no issues with arithmetic rounding, then “psychological rounding” is not a well-known concept.

When setting price rounding rules, the user is given the opportunity to define different rules for prices of different orders. This feature can be implemented by setting the “Lower Border” in the tabular part of the bookmark.

“Rounding accuracy” is set manually; at the bottom of the form you can determine the rounding method: according to arithmetic rules or always up.

Psychological rounding can be set either manually or using the constructor. In the "Constructor" you can use an example to check how the rule of psychological rounding will be worked out. Psychological rounding can adjust the price to the value with the last digit: 9, 7, 5, 3. (1000 –> 999.99; 999.97; 999.95; 999.93).

Setting up price types allows you to determine the “Trigger Threshold” of price settings. The triggering threshold determines the percentage of deviation of the new price from the previous one, at which the price had to be recalculated. The triggering threshold can be set for all prices of a given type, as well as for specific price groups.

Having configured price groups and price types, you can proceed to setting up “Pricing Rules”. Pricing rules are useful analytics for elements of the “Stores” directory and determine the main type of prices used in a given store. Types of prices can be clarified by price groups.

The “Price includes VAT” checkbox is a filter when selecting price types.

To set item prices, you must go to the “Item prices” workspace and create a new price setting document.

The first page of the document presents all types of prices, indicating dependent and influencing types. At this step, you need to select the types of prices that will be filled out in this document.

After clicking the “Proceed to setting prices” button, a tabular section will open in which you need to select product items to set prices for them. To select the required items, the IS position contains a wide selection of selection mechanisms.

After the list of items is displayed in the tabular section, it is necessary to set prices. By clicking the “Set prices” button, the user also receives a list of options for filling out prices. When filling out, the previously set price is displayed in the “Old price” column, and the new one is displayed in the “New price” column.

In accordance with the conditions of the example, we will set prices for the selected items:

  1. Using the “Calculate prices” command (Setting prices), we display the value of purchase prices;
  2. Manually enter “Reference prices”;
  3. We carry out the document;
  4. We create a new price setting document, price type – “Wholesale”;
  5. Using the “Calculate prices” command (Setting prices), we display the value of wholesale prices.

When calculating, the program took into account the rounding settings, for example, the “Purchase price” of a glass table is 10,369 rubles. * 1.2 (i.e. + 20%) = 12,442.80 rubles. -> rounding up to 10 = 12,450 -> psychological rounding to 0.9, total = 12,449.90.

The example shows that in order to calculate price values ​​based on another price type, you must first set the value of the price type on the basis of which the calculation will be carried out in the future.

If necessary, a price setting/change document can be created based on a goods receipt document. In this case, in the price setting document, those item items that are listed in the goods receipt document will be selected, and those types of prices that can be filled in based on purchase prices, both directly and through another type of price.

In the “Marketing Reports” subsection of the “Marketing” section there are four reports on prices:

  • General parameters of pricing rules;
  • Price list;
  • Prices by type of price;
  • Cents according to pricing rules. :

These reports provide similar information in different sections. Below is an example of the “Prices by Price Types” report.

Setting the price in 1C UPP

Setting prices in 1C UPP will be considered through the presentation of the full interface.

To switch to the full interface, you must perform the steps “Switch interface” - “Full”.

To set item prices and item prices of counterparties (purchasing, etc.), you need to define “Price Types” and, if necessary, specify price groups.

Price types define the main characteristics and how prices are determined.

Types of prices. Price groups

Directories “Price types” and “Price groups” can be opened through the section “Directories” - “Nomenclature”.

“Price groups” is a simple reference book. Directory elements can be grouped.

The created price group must be assigned to item items included in this price group, which will serve as a grouping of items for setting prices.

To create an “Item Price Type” you need to determine the following characteristics:

  • Name of price type – in our case “Wholesale”, “Purchase” and “Reference”;
  • Default price currency – the price currency can be changed in documents. For the example under consideration, it is necessary to set the currency - rubles;
  • The price includes VAT - let's say it includes;
  • Kind of price type. You can choose one of three types of prices:

Table 4. Types of prices 1C UPP

For dynamic and calculated price types, there are two ways to calculate prices:

  • By percentage markup for the basic type (in this case, you must indicate the percentage markup in the field next to it);
  • When the base price enters the range (using the document “Setting base price ranges” you can configure the dependence of the new price type on the base one).

In both cases, the value must be selected in the field below.

The price rounding method is set to “According to arithmetic rules” or “Always up”.

The directory element “Types of prices for items of counterparties” is much simpler than “Types of prices for items”. In this directory you need to fill in the following information:

  • Counterparty;
  • Name;
  • Currency;
  • The price includes VAT;
  • Item price types (for price comparison using the “Price Analysis” report).

Using the document “Setting price types by item groups for customers,” you can assign a specific price type to a particular price group.

The document for setting item prices is located in the “Documents” - “Pricing” section.

First of all, let’s define the “Price Type” (_Purchase; _Reference; _Wholesale).

Table 5. Filling out 1C UPP prices


Preliminary clearing of the tabular part of the document

Fill in item prices

Displays a list of product items with set prices according to the price type specified in the header of the document being filled out

The tabular part of the document is cleared

Add by item prices

Displays a list of product items with set prices according to the price type specified in the header of the document being filled out

The tabular part of the document is NOT cleared

Update by item prices

In the tabular part of the document, current price values ​​are set for those item items for which they were previously set

The tabular part of the document is NOT cleared

Fill in at counterparty prices

Offers for selection “Counterparty”, “Price type” and “Nomenclature for price selection”.

The tabular part of the document is cleared

Add by counterparty prices

Offers for selection “Counterparty”, “Price type” and “Nomenclature for price selection”

The tabular part of the document is NOT cleared

Update based on counterparty prices

The tabular part of the document is NOT cleared

Fill in at planned prices

Offers for selection “Nomenclature for selection of prices”

The tabular part of the document is cleared

Add at planned prices

Offers for selection "Nomenclature for selection of prices"

The tabular part of the document is NOT cleared

Update at planned prices

In the tabular part of the document, the current values ​​of counterparty prices are established for those item items for which they were previously set

The tabular part of the document is NOT cleared

Fill out upon receipt

Displays a list of item items from the user-selected base document. When selecting several basis documents, the document being filled out will include items only from the last basis document selected for selection.

The tabular part of the document is cleared

Add upon arrival

Displays a list of item items from the user-selected base document. When selecting several basis documents, the document being filled out will include items only from the last basis document selected for selection.

The tabular part of the document is NOT cleared

Using the “Change” command you can perform a group price change:

Setting prices for counterparties' items

The document “Setting prices for items of counterparties” is located in the same section as “Setting prices for items” and has a similar appearance. Differences:

Among other things, you must select the “Counterparty”. Filling in prices is limited to filling in by counterparty prices and by receipts.

You can also set purchase prices from the “Receipt of goods and services” document.

Based on the results of the work, let’s turn to the “Price Analysis” report (“Reports” - “Pricing” - “Price Analysis”):

The prices are set correctly.

Setting prices in 1C ERP. Setting prices in 1C Trade Management 11.3 (UT)

The mechanisms for setting prices for 1C UT and 1C ERP are absolutely identical, therefore they will be considered within one block. To begin with, it is worth noting that in 1C UT/ERP there are two types of prices: “Prices” and “Supplier prices”. Let's start with the simplest mechanism - “Setting supplier prices”.

Setting supplier prices. Types of supplier prices

To set supplier prices, you must refer to the “Purchases” section, subsection “Procurement master data” and follow the link “Supplier prices (price lists)”.

In the workplace that opens, to set supplier prices, first of all, you need to select a supplier. If necessary, prices can be downloaded by clicking the “Load from external file” command and filling out the form that opens.

If you do not plan to load prices from a file, click the generate button to select product items and price types. By clicking the “Generate” command, a window for setting up price list parameters will open. On the “Item Selection” tab, you can select items for which the price will be set. If selection is not set, then all positions in the “Nomenclature” directory will appear in the price setting window.

Next, you need to go to the “Price List Columns” tab to select the types of supplier prices for which data will be entered. From the same tab you can “Add” a type of supplier prices. The price type card contains information about the price currency, the presence of VAT in the price, the availability of the price type and the amount of the minimum supply for this price type. The value “” is a property of the “Price type” object and is for reference only. The value of this field is set by the user independently and can have any indicator.

After filling out the price type, you must check the box next to this type to select it.

The “Sorting” tab allows you to set a sorting rule for displayed item items and is not required to be filled out.

After filling out the price list parameters, you must click the “OK” command and manually fill in the supplier’s prices for the selected product items in the resulting tabular section.

Pay attention to the processing date! Price values ​​are displayed at the beginning of the specified date. Those. if you set prices for a number of items today and update the price data in processing for today, the price values ​​will be empty/remain old. And only as of the next day the prices will take the correct value.

But this does not mean that incorrect prices will be included in procurement documents. The prices in the documents will be current, since the data will be taken from the information register “Supplier nomenclature prices”, and the current prices are recorded in the register.

Price setting documents can be viewed by clicking on the link “History of price changes”.

Purchasing prices can also be set from purchasing documents (“Order to supplier”, “Purchase of goods and services”, “Receipt of goods and services”).

To do this, in the “Products” tabular section, in the “Price type” field, you must select “Supplier price type”, in our case – “Purchasing”. On the “Advanced” tab, check the “Register supplier prices automatically” checkbox.

Setting prices (price list). Types of prices

The process of setting your own prices is very similar to the process of setting supplier prices. The main difference is the ability to configure “Types of prices” and, as a result, the use of different methods for calculating prices.

To add price types, you must follow the “Settings and references” link in the “CRM and Marketing” section. To enter item prices, you must follow the “Prices (price list)” link in the same section.

Let's start working with the “Type of prices”.

For the price type, it is necessary to define the following parameters:

  • Name;
  • The program itself will offer an identifier for formulas;
  • Price type status: Valid/Not valid;
  • Price currency;
  • Availability of VAT included in the price (“Price includes VAT”);
  • Price usage parameters:
    • If the price will be set in the sales documents, check the box “When selling to clients”;
    • If it is necessary to calculate retail prices based on the prices registered in the delivery documents and the specified markup on the receipt price - “When entered based on delivery documents”;
    • If sales are intended between one’s own organizations – “When transferred between organizations.”
  • Method of setting the price.

When using the simplified capabilities of the “Types of Prices” directory element, you can use the following details/functions:

  1. The price setting method has three possible values ​​to choose from:
    • Manual assignment;
    • Markup on other types of prices;
    • Markup on entry price.
  2. It is possible to select product items/price groups for which this Price Type will apply;
  3. You can set the rounding precision and rounding option:
    • According to arithmetic rules;
    • Always in favor of the client;
    • Always in favor of the company.

Using the full capabilities of the “Price Types” directory element adds the following functionality:

1. The method for setting prices expands to five options:

  • Manual assignment;
  • Markup on other types of prices;
  • Markup on the entry price;
  • Arbitrary formula for other types of prices;
  • Arbitrary request to information security data.

At the same time, “Custom request to information security data” allows you to use the following data layout schemes:

  • Admission price;
  • Cost price without additional expenses;
  • Cost price with additional expenses;
  • Maximum prices from suppliers;
  • Average prices of suppliers;
  • Minimum prices from suppliers;
  • Minimum prices of competitors;
  • Average prices of competitors;
  • Maximum prices of competitors;
  • Cost + percentage of profit (intercompany);
  • Cost + percentage (intercampaign);
  • Arbitrary.

2. When you select the method of setting prices “Markup on another type of price”, “Markup on the receipt price” or “Custom formula from other types of prices”, an additional tab “Clarification by price groups” is displayed in the directory element, allowing you to set a calculation rule for a specific price group.

3. The attribute for setting rounding accuracy is removed from the view, but the “Rounding Rules” tab appears.

On this tab you can configure both arithmetic rules for rounding prices and psychological rules. If there are no questions with arithmetic rounding, then psychological rounding is not a well-known concept.

“Psychological rounding” is reducing the price by a few smallest units to create the impression of a lower price. For example, you can often see a price of 999.99 rubles, in fact the price of the product = 1,000.00 rubles, but buyers perceive this price as nine hundred “plus”, i.e. as a lower price.

When setting price rounding rules, the user is given the opportunity to define different rules for prices of different orders. This feature can be implemented by setting the lower border in the tabular part of the bookmark.

The “price range” will be determined by the program automatically after determining the lower limit of the range.

  • According to arithmetic rules;
  • Always in favor of the client;
  • Always in favor of the company.

Psychological rounding can be set either manually, in the “Subtract from result” column, or using the constructor. In the "Constructor" you can use an example to check how the rule of psychological rounding will be worked out.

Setting up price types allows you to determine the “Trigger Threshold” of the price settings. The triggering threshold determines the percentage of deviation of the new price from the previous one, at which the price must be recalculated. The triggering threshold can be set for all prices of a given type, as well as for specific price groups.

“Price groups” is a directory with elements that are as simple in structure as possible (the element consists only of “Name”). This directory is located in the “Marketing” section, “Pricing” subsection.

The price group is a requisite for the elements of the “Nomenclature” directory and allows you to make price settings for all nomenclature items of a certain price group at once.

You can access the “Price Groups” directory by following the “Price Groups” link in the “Settings and Directories” list, “CRM and Marketing” section.

To set item prices, you must refer to the “CRM and Marketing” section, the “Prices and Discounts” subsection, and follow the “Prices (price list)” link.

In the workspace that opens to set supplier prices, you must specify the date the price was set. Price values ​​are displayed at the beginning of the specified date. Those. If you set prices for a number of items today and update the price data in processing for today, the price values ​​will be empty/remain old. And only as of the next day the prices will take the correct value.

If necessary, prices can be downloaded by clicking the “Excel” - “Download” command and selecting a file with a template filled with price data.

To obtain a loading template, you must first unload it, select all the necessary item items, and use the “Excel” - “Unload” command.

To fill out the list of product items and select the types of prices at which prices will be set, click the “Generate” button. By clicking the “Generate” command, a window for setting up price list parameters will open. On the “Item Selection” tab, you can select items for which the price will be set. If selection is not set, then the price setting window will include all positions of the “Nomenclature” directory.

Next, you need to go to the “Price List Columns” tab to select the types of supplier prices for which data will be entered. Please note that if the workplace for setting prices is open, and you add another type of price, then in order to see the new type of prices in the “Price List Columns”, the workplace for setting price types will have to be closed and reopened.

So, on the sheet “Price list columns” we mark the necessary types of prices with checkmarks. In our case, these will be “Wholesale” and “Planned prices”. The “Sorting” tab allows you to set a sorting rule for displayed item items and is not required to be filled out.

After filling out the price list parameters, you must click the “OK” command and the resulting tabular section will display a list of selected item items. If necessary, download prices exactly at this moment You need to download a template to load prices.

In addition to uploading prices, 1C offers other types of filling them out. The “Change prices” command opens a list of possible actions:

  1. Load from price setting documents (you will need to select a specific document whose prices you are interested in);
  2. Load current ones (set manually);
  3. Calculate calculated ones (using information security data and formulas);
  4. Round prices (set manually);
  5. Change to percentage;
  6. Change prices (set the same price for all items of the selected price type).

To solve the example, you must use the “Calculate calculated” function, and wholesale prices will be calculated based on the purchase price. Reference prices must be set manually. Next, you need to click the “Apply changed prices” command and in the window that appears, select the “Record and post” action, and then click the “Set” command.

Price setting documents can be viewed by clicking on the link “History of price changes”. We will display a price list for the items in question. Report path: “CRM and Marketing” - “CRM and Marketing Reports” - “Prices and Discounts” - “Price List”.

Wholesale prices are calculated taking into account the established psychological rounding.

Hello dear readers.

This article will talk about printing price list in 1C .

What is a price list?

You probably know everything, but if not, look at the definition below

PRICE LIST is a publication that contains a list of goods, services, their brief characteristics, purpose, prices, discounts, date, contact information.

In many 1C configurations there is a standard processing Print price list and it is located in the menu Directories - Nomenclature - Print price list

In such configurations as Production Enterprise Management, Integrated Automation, Trade Management, price list printing processing is built in by default.

For example, in Enterprise Accounting there is no such processing and it has to be modified, here is an example

The price list should be easy to use and display the information necessary for the company in a convenient form.

How to change the price list?

Login to the configurator, open the configuration tree, find processing Print price list and save as external processing. Then we open the processing and modify it for ourselves.

Often you need to print a price list with a markup or discount, so I changed the processing by adding the Percentage Markup field