Why do you dream about a hacksaw? Why do you dream about a saw?

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    In dream saw Chainsaw yourself - this one dream promises you a good rest and a fun time. In dream hear the sound Chainsaws- to meet very influential and rich people who can provide you with timely assistance in solving problems. I dreamed about it Chainsaw huge in size - you will soon become a leader, you will gain financial independence; carried Chainsaw on your shoulder - at the beginning of your career growth, you will be entrusted with a serious and profitable business.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Saw, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Saw in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream We saw this symbol. There was a large selection of all kinds of household appliances at the hardware store. I don’t know why I chose chainsaw I was so happy. And when she started working and I sawed the log like clockwork, there was no limit to my delight, I looked around saw from all sides it was a work of art, the only canvas was...

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  • Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    In dream heard a noise chainsaws- prosperity will descend on you. You will be very calm and peaceful. girl with chainsaw the one you see in dream, suggests that a woman will help you achieve success in business. Buying or selling a hacksaw means material joys and difficulties. A good financial situation is promised by a dream in which you bought a new hand saw or new knives for electric saws. All “financial gods and deities” will be against you, If dreamed what are you selling saws.

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  • Dream Interpretation "snovidenija"

    Dream saw, synonyms. hardware, electric saw, chainsaw, hacksaw, chainsaw, reward, saw, circular saw, mechanical saw, fine-toothed, rokhlovka, gater, crosscut, fuchschwanz. Saw (Dream Interpretation Miller). If in dream Are you using manual saw- this means that you are an energetic and business-like person, and cheerfulness and fun reign in your home. If you will dream large mechanical saw- Means.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Why dreaming Saw By dream book: Saw- If in dream you worked manually saw- in reality you are an energetic and business person, joy and fun reign in your home. If you will dream large mechanical saw- Means. You have to manage some large enterprise that will generate decent income. If a woman dreaming like dream- this means she will be respected and her advice will be listened to.

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  • Dream book "sonnikisnov"

    Dream Interpretation chainsaw, why dreaming chainsaw. Dream about chain saw in dream implies a significant change or event that will occur in the future. To achieve your goals, you must fully apply yourself and use persistence and determination. It may also mean that you tend to tackle the problem head on instead of approaching them gradually and carefully.

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  • Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    See in dream large two-handed saw If dreamed about it in dream lumberjack operating chainsaw

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonarium"

    If dreamed about it broken rusty saw- expect misfortune. If in dream you're lost and can't find saw– beware, you may be drawn into things that will end badly for you. Find saw, even rusty - fate will be favorable to you. Dream Interpretation Saw" Yaroslav (March 31, 2015 at 07:19) #. dreamed about it new chainsaw Whenever a spare part broke, it started leaking.

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  • Dream Interpretation "raut"

    If in dream you see chainsaw, then some sharp and dramatic event should happen soon. Success will come only through your own willpower. Besides, dream assumes that you will be entitled to a quick resolution of the matter. Chainsaw can be seen as a phallic symbol and can reflect your sexual drive and potential.

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  • Dream book "SleepExpert"

    If dreamed about it rusty or broken saw- to an unfortunate incident. If dreamed what have you lost saw- in reality you will take part in affairs that are destined for a disastrous future. If in dream you heard sounds saws- this is for prosperity. If you see in dream lumberjack operating chainsaw, - you should be careful in order to avoid, if possible, an accident that threatens you.

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  • Dream Interpretation "bulvarvesn"

    If dreaming that cut off the leg chainsaw. Winter. We went sledding. Dream about gas dreamed about twice. have you ever had déjà vu? in dream? What does it mean when in dream they are calling you and waiting??? I don’t really remember what dreamed, I remember that at the end sleep It was unpleasant, almost to the point of fear.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Saw. See in dream large two-handed saw portends that you will have to listen for the hundredth time to something that you have long known well. If dreamed about it in dream saws in dream lumberjack operating chainsaw

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Saw. See in dream large two-handed saw portends that you will have to listen for the hundredth time to something that you have long known well. If dreamed about it in dream in dream working electrical or chainsaw saws in dream

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Saw. See in dream large two-handed saw portends that you will have to listen for the hundredth time to something that you have long known well. If dreamed about it a hacksaw is a sign of grief, in which you yourself will become the cause of other people’s misfortune. Use it in dream means that you will persistently convince someone that you are right. See in dream working electrical or chainsaw- a harbinger of good income. Hear the sound of working saws in dream means that someone will bore you with their monotonous conversations.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Saw. See in dream large two-handed saw portends that you will have to listen for the hundredth time to something that you have long known well. If dreamed about it a hacksaw is a sign of grief, in which you yourself will become the cause of other people’s misfortune. Hear in dream shrill sounds of a circular saws biting into a tree - in real life, this foreshadows the location of influential people, wealth and prosperity. If you see in dream lumberjack operating chainsaw, - you should be careful so that, if possible...

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Saw. See in dream large two-handed saw portends that you will have to listen for the hundredth time to something that you have long known well. If dreamed about it a hacksaw is a sign of grief, in which you yourself will become the cause of other people’s misfortune. If you see in dream lumberjack operating chainsaw, - you should be careful in order to avoid, if possible, an accident that threatens you.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Saw. See in dream large two-handed saw portends that you will have to listen for the hundredth time to something that you have long known well. If dreamed about it a hacksaw is a sign of grief, in which you yourself will become the cause of other people’s misfortune. Use it in dream means that you will persistently convince someone that you are right. See in dream working electrical or chainsaw- a harbinger of good income. Hear the sound of working saws in dream means that someone will bore you with their monotonous conversations.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Saw. See in dream large two-handed saw portends that you will have to listen for the hundredth time to something that you have long known well. If dreamed about it a hacksaw is a sign of grief, in which you yourself will become the cause of other people’s misfortune. Use it in dream means that you will persistently convince someone that you are right. See in dream working electrical or chainsaw- a harbinger of good income. Hear the sound of working saws in dream means that someone will bore you with their monotonous conversations.

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  • Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    These dreams are always born at the climax of life situations, separating one era from another. I dreamed about it Abyss - to difficult and necessary life choices, Self-determination; to danger; a lot of worries and worries. Natasha, sleep may have a completely positive meaning. On the eve of the New Year, you dream of a new stage in life, renewal and positive changes. In dream The accident symbolizes dramatic changes.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    I saw how I fell on him chainsaw from the barn, dividing it into 2 halves. Then I remembered where I knew his face from - he was a famous singer, whom almost the whole world knows. Some people ran out and started cleaning up the blood, they dragged the body somewhere. I feel in my gut that this will happen in dream. And today I have this dream dreamed about it, now I walk and suffer.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    I dreamed about it the pregnant wife of a work colleague (in fact, she had recently given birth to a child) whom I saw in real life only once, who in dream all the time she showed me her pregnant belly, showed off it, talked about how happy she was. I saw how she fell on him chainsaw from the barn, dividing it into 2 halves. Then I remembered where I knew his face from - he was a famous singer, whom almost the whole world knows. Some people ran out and began to clean up the blood, and dragged the body somewhere.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Canister with solarium dreamed, why dreaming in dream A canister of diesel fuel? Perhaps yours will be blackmailed. Dwarfs with chainsaw- this is an argument! :-) In fact, try not to talk about yourself, don’t let anyone in on your plans, don’t be cunning in front of people. That is, do not create a situation that can be used to your detriment.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    about the pioneer camp in dream. Dream dreamed about it from Wednesday morning. Gradually the whole event moved to this washbasin. Before my eyes, an accident happened to one of the guys in our corps. I saw how I fell on him chainsaw from the barn, dividing it into 2 halves. Then I remembered where I knew his face from - he was a famous singer, whom almost the whole world knows.

    in dream. To me dreamed that I am swimming in a shallow sea, I feel very good, then I rise to my feet, and a huge wave covers me, but I am not afraid, and clearly several times recently dreamed that I'm trying to stop people from dying and getting hurt, for example dreaming that a person climbs onto exposed wires, or transformer tires (I am an electrician by profession), or reaches out to a working chainsaw.

Find out from the online dream book what Saw dreams about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you see a saw in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Saw in a dream?

Saw - If in a dream you use a hand saw, it means that you are an energetic and business person, and cheerfulness and fun reign in your home. If you saw a large mechanical saw in a dream, then you will have to manage some kind of large enterprise that will generate decent income. If a woman sees a saw in a dream, it means that she will be respected and her advice will be listened to. Losing a saw in a dream means that you will take part in affairs that are destined for a disastrous future.

Hearing the sound of a saw in a dream means wealth and well-being. Finding a rusty saw in a dream means that you may still be able to get your luck back. A dream in which you are carrying a saw behind your back suggests that you will be entrusted with a big profitable business.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about saw?

Saw - About an annoying person; “sawed” (about his wife).

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Saw?

Dream about a saw - If in a dream you worked with a handsaw, in reality you are an energetic and business person, joy and fun reign in your home. A large mechanical saw means that you have to manage some kind of large enterprise that will generate decent income. For a woman, such a dream about a saw portends respect; people will listen to her advice. Losing a saw in a dream means that you will take part in developing plans that are not destined to be realized. Hearing the sound of a saw in a dream means wealth and well-being in the home. A rusty or broken saw portends failures and unpleasant incidents. If you find a rusty saw in a dream, this means that you may still be able to get your luck back.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about saw?

Saw - Success // loss of a friend.

Ancient French dream book

What does saw mean in dreams, interpretation:

Saw - If you saw a saw in a dream, soon in reality you will have a business trip that will bring you success and satisfaction.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Saw, what does it mean?

The saw symbolizes the division of someone or something. Also adjusting something to fit (“Procrustean bed”). Cutting a log with a saw in a dream means sharing difficulties among the whole family. Seeing others sawing with a saw means being offended by someone.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Saw according to Chinese ancient books:

Saw - portends a task that will not be completed.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Saw from your dream

Saw - Grumpy wife; sawing with a saw - doing the opposite of what they want from you, showing dissatisfaction with someone.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Seeing a saw means your aspirations will be fulfilled. Hand saw - Act frivolously. Sawing with a saw is a smart move.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Saw?

Dream about a saw - You will have to correct other people's mistakes. Imagine using a saw to quickly give your nails the perfect shape.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Saw according to the dream book?

A saw in a dream is usually a symbol of hard work or some activity that requires you to work hard and hard to complete.

Hearing the screech of a mechanical saw means going through the troubles associated with some kind of danger. Holding a handsaw or sawing with it means maintaining order in the house, doing useful and profitable things. To see a large mechanical saw in a sawmill, at some factory, or to carry a large saw on your back - in reality, get the post of manager of a large enterprise or start a profitable business.

A dream in which you receive a large saw as a gift or inheritance suggests that serious responsibilities will soon fall on your shoulders. Perhaps you will be asked to take charge of some serious project.

Seeing a rusty or broken saw in a dream is an unlucky sign. It portends an unsuccessful completion of what you started or an unfortunate combination of circumstances that will prevent you from completing your plan.

If you dreamed of a dull saw and decided to sharpen it, then in reality a rash act awaits you. Most likely, you will recklessly agree to take part in a business that is obviously unprofitable.

Only for women - To see in a dream how you work with a saw, to honor and respect among colleagues for your conscientious attitude to the work performed. If at the same time you see sawdust flying from under the saw, then such a dream also promises you a material reward for your efforts.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Saw?

Dream about a saw - A common and necessary tool in any household. It is not surprising that it is she who is perceived as a symbol of the creation of something new, personifying the dreamer’s hard work or efficiency. But in order to determine exactly the meaning of a dream about a saw, you need to take a closer look at its shape and circumstances.

  • A beautiful and new saw - things are going well.
  • Seeing an old, rusty saw with crooked teeth takes away your strength and doesn’t bring you any closer to your goal.
  • Sawing wood and boards with a saw predicts forced communication with a corrosive person - exhausting, but necessary for changes in fate.
  • If in a dream you cut patterns with a saw, make wooden toys, or engage in construction with a saw, this portends success on the way to your goal.
  • An elegant nail file, indispensable when creating a manicure - the dream symbolizes correcting the mistakes of others for both women and men.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to Saw's dream book

  • A saw with which the dreamer creates something new is a good sign: thanks to your own assertiveness, energy and business acumen, you will be able to achieve the desired heights in your career and, due to this, material stability.
  • To dream that the saw was so heavy that you had to carry it on your back symbolizes the hard work ahead of you to achieve a positive result.
  • A two-handed saw, according to the dream book, a dream foreshadows seeking help from a person whom you once rejected due to disagreements.
  • Dreams in which it is not you, but someone from your environment who is wielding a saw, are interpreted as a projection of a long-cherished resentment. But, the offender didn’t do it on purpose? Then you're just wasting your nerves.
  • Hearing the roar of a chainsaw in a dream is a good omen: you will find peace and tranquility.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about saw?

Dream about a saw - The romantic interpretation of the sign, an ordinary saw, varies significantly due to the different circumstances of using this tool.

  • Seeing an abstract saw that has just been taken off the shelf means quarrels in the family or a more active personal life.
  • The classic hand tool saw in a dream seems to separate spouses, predicting disagreements over financial issues or the birth of a child.
  • The simple sound of wood being cut with a saw without a clear picture in an intimate interpretation promises quarrels due to misunderstandings or the reluctance of lovers to hear each other.
  • The image of a saw symbolizes your interference in other people’s relationships as a homewrecker.
  • A woman who dreamed of using a saw in her dreams will become more authoritative for her other half and will reduce the number of conflicts between the couple to a minimum.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Saw - To a boring person.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Cutting wood with a saw in a dream means quarreling with your wife, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To see in a dream how firewood is being cut with a saw - to an obsessive person.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does Saw mean:

Saw - If you dreamed of a saw, then family problems and financial problems await you.

Why dream of seeing that someone gave you a saw - then you need to be very persistent in order to achieve your assigned tasks.

To see that you worked with a saw - then you will prove that you are right.

See also: why do you dream about carpentry tools, why do you dream about sawing a log, why do you dream about sawing a tree.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Saw:

Saw - To see that they sawed wood - then your family will have complete mutual understanding.

To see that you were sawing a tree with a saw - then you will soon fall under the influence of bad people.

To see that you are guiding a saw or razor - then through frugality you will improve your situation.

See also: why do you dream about a saw, why do you dream about a razor, why do you dream about a gun.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Saw - If you dreamed of a large two-handed saw, then you will have to listen again to what you have known for a long time.

Why dream of seeing a hacksaw - then you will worry that you have caused problems to other people.

If you saw in a dream a saw without some teeth, then you are in danger of nervous exhaustion.

If you dreamed of a rusty saw, then happiness awaits you with your lover.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Saw, what does it mean:

A saw in a dream is usually a symbol of hard work or some activity that requires you to work hard and hard to complete.

Hearing the screech of a mechanical saw means going through the troubles associated with some kind of danger. Holding a handsaw or sawing with it means maintaining order in the house, doing useful and profitable things. To see a large mechanical saw in a sawmill, at some factory, or to carry a large saw on your back - in reality, get the post of manager of a large enterprise or start a profitable business.

A dream in which you receive a large saw as a gift or inheritance suggests that serious responsibilities will soon fall on your shoulders. Perhaps you will be asked to take charge of some serious project.

Seeing a rusty or broken saw in a dream is an unlucky sign. It portends an unsuccessful completion of what you started or an unfortunate combination of circumstances that will prevent you from completing your plan.

If you dreamed of a dull saw and you decided to sharpen it, then in reality a rash act awaits you. Most likely, you will recklessly agree to take part in a business that is obviously unprofitable.

Only for women: To see in a dream how you work with a saw, means honor and respect among colleagues for your conscientious attitude to the work performed. If at the same time you see sawdust flying from under the saw, then such a dream also promises you a material reward for your efforts.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why do you dream about Saw according to the dream book:

Saw - means the appearance in your life of a person with selfish aspirations and a warning that you should not be excessively gullible.

Saw - emotional wounds of the past that have healed but are not yet forgotten. Pay attention to other dream symbols, people and situations to understand what areas of your mind need to be healed.

Idiomatic dream book

Saw - about an annoying person; “sawed” (about his wife).

Maly Velesov dream book

Saw - success / loss of a friend.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Saw in a dream?

Saw - to be at a meeting where you are criticized.

Family dream book

If in a dream you used a handsaw- you are an energetic and business person, and cheerfulness and fun reign in your home.

Dream about a big mechanical saw- means that you will manage some large enterprise that will bring you decent income. If a woman had a similar dream- they will listen to her advice.

Rusty or broken saw- dreams of failures and unpleasant incidents.

If you lost a saw in a dream- take part in unpromising affairs.

Finding an old, rusty saw in a house or other building means the return of good luck and success.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A saw in a dream is a harbinger of quarrels and disagreements. Usually such dreams suggest; that some events may cause you acute dissatisfaction and will require decisive action to correct the situation.

Sawing in a dream is a sign of conflicts with loved ones.

Broken saw teeth- portend a major quarrel with serious consequences.

A two-handed saw indicates an unpleasant dispute within the family.

Rusty saw in a dream- means that some long-standing and extremely unpleasant problem for you may soon painfully remind itself of itself.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a saw means scandals and squabbles; saw with broken teeth- possible dental problems.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing wood being cut in a dream- to an obsessive person.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Cutting wood in a dream- quarrel with your wife.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Saw - to a boring person.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Saw in a dream?

To see a saw - your aspirations will be fulfilled.

Guide the saw - you will improve your position through frugality.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you use a handsaw- it means that you are an energetic and business person, and cheerfulness and fun reign in your home.

If you dream of a large mechanical saw- this means you have to manage some large enterprise that will generate decent income.

If a woman has a dream like this- this means she will be respected and her advice will be listened to.

Rusty or broken saw- portends failures and incidents.

Losing a saw in a dream- means that you will take part in matters that are destined for a disastrous future.

Hearing the sound of a saw in a dream- portends prosperity and well-being.

Find a rusty saw in a dream- means that you may still be able to get your luck back.

Carrying a saw behind your back in a dream- means that you will be entrusted with a big, profitable business.

Chinese dream book

Saw - portends a task that will not be completed

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Peel in a dream?

Seeing a large two-handed saw in a dream- portends that you will have to listen for the hundredth time to something that you have long known well.

If you dreamed of a hacksaw- this is a sign of grief, in which you yourself will become the cause of other people’s misfortune.

Saw with chipped teeth- indicates internal dissatisfaction, threatening a nervous breakdown.

A rusty hacksaw means that you will be happy if your chosen one likes you, despite your shortcomings.

A dull saw that you can't cut anything with in your sleep- things will go from bad to worse, and serious illness will be added to everything. Sharpen or sharpen the saw- a sign of various pleasures, cut with such a saw- have fun and relax in the lap of nature.

Hearing in a dream the piercing sounds of a circular saw cutting into a tree- in real life, this foreshadows the location of influential people, wealth and prosperity. If you see a lumberjack wielding a chainsaw in a dream- you should be careful in order to avoid, if possible, an accident that threatens you.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If in a dream you worked with a handsaw- in reality you are an energetic and business person, joy and fun reign in your home.

Large mechanical saw- means that you have to manage some large enterprise that will generate decent income. A woman has such a dream- portends respect, people will listen to her advice.

Losing a saw in a dream- means that you will take part in the development of plans that are not destined to be realized.

Hearing the sound of a saw in a dream- to prosperity and well-being in the home.

Rusty or broken- portends failures and unpleasant incidents.

If in a dream you find a rusty saw- this means that you may still be able to get your luck back.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Did you drink according to the dream book?

Saw - a grumpy wife; nag - do the opposite of what they want from you.

Wood cutting process- symbolizes sexual intercourse, and sawing metal speaks of the desire for same-sex love.

A saw that is rusty, dull, or has broken teeth- symbolize problems with potency or loss of sexual attractiveness.

French dream book

If you saw a saw in a dream- soon in reality you will have a business trip that will bring you success and satisfaction.

Video: Why do you dream about Saw?