Cat Bayun contraindications. "Cat Bayun": reviews

The appearance of other animals in the house, travel on public transport, moving to a new place and other similar events can provoke stress in almost any cat. As a result of this, a well-mannered and obedient animal may suddenly begin to behave inappropriately, crap in in the wrong places, damage furniture, etc. A veterinary medicine called cat Baiyun. When used correctly, this medicine will have a sedative effect and eliminate aggression in felines.

Properties and composition

Kot Bayun is a soothing veterinary medicine that contains various medicinal herbs. The medicine contains mint, lemon balm, motherwort, catnip, nettle, thyme, St. John's wort, oregano, hawthorn, valerian, meadowsweet, sweet clover, peony, hill solyanka, dried grass, budra, hops. Thanks to such a rich composition, this product has many useful properties:

  • calms and relaxes;
  • eliminates feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • strengthens the body, improves immunity.

The drug is available in two forms:

  • tincture, bottled in 10 ml bottles, having a yellow- Brown color and herbal aroma (a plastic pipette cap is included with the tincture);
  • white tablets, 50 pieces in a plastic jar.

Indications for use

  • worried, nervous, scared;
  • lick themselves compulsively;
  • show aggression towards other animals and their owners;
  • become hyperactive and overexcited;
  • scream and behave inappropriately during the period of sexual hunting;
  • They leave marks in the apartment and shit in inappropriate places.

The veterinary drug, which has a sedative effect, is considered a safe alternative to many hormonal medications that are given to cats when they are in heat. Regular use of hormones can provoke various diseases in the animal, including tumors, cysts, etc., and even lead to early death. Unlike similar products, natural Cat Bayun, which contains only medicinal herbs, does not have a harmful effect on the cat’s body and at the same time perfectly corrects its behavior.

Terms of use

Included with the veterinary medicine detailed instructions, which describes the rules for using this medicine. In order not to harm the animal, you must strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions:

  • the tableted drug must be added to the cat’s food 3-4 times a day (2 tablets at a time);
  • It is best to give your cat tablets half an hour before meals or an hour after meals;
  • It is necessary to give animals a medicinal product in the form of an infusion using a dispenser pipette; the infusion must first be warmed to room temperature and shaken thoroughly;
  • at one time the pet should be given 3-4 milliliters of infusion to drink;
  • if you don’t have a pipette at hand, you can measure the medicine in the form of drops using a spoon: a single dose of the drug should be ½ teaspoon;
  • the opened infusion should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days, and the pipette cap placed on the bottle does not need to be removed;
  • It is necessary to give the animal a veterinary drug in the form of tablets and drops for 5-7 days (in some cases, the veterinarian may prescribe a longer course of treatment);
  • For preventive and therapeutic purposes, the drug can be used every month;
  • if the animal has a long trip or moving to a new place, it should be given a sedative 2-3 days before the event.


It is not recommended to give the sedative to kittens under 10 months of age, as well as to animals that are intolerant to any plant contained in the drug. This medicine does not have any other contraindications; even pregnant cats are allowed to use it.

If the dosage has been strictly followed, your pet will not experience any complications after taking the veterinary medication. Some cats may experience side effects such as lethargy and weakness, which usually go away on their own within a few hours.


To find out about the effect of a calming veterinary drug, you can study reviews of people who gave this drug in drops or tablets to their pets:

“My cat always becomes uncontrollable during heat. At such moments, she screams heart-rendingly, meows, rolls on the floor, starts doing all sorts of dirty tricks and also refuses to eat. A friend told me a simple way to calm my pet. She advised her to give her Kot Bayun and said that these drops have a natural composition and are well tolerated by animals. I followed her advice and purchased this drug. Just two days after the start of treatment, the cat became quiet, obedient and practically stopped yelling. I plan to continue using this medicine until I sterilize my pet.” Anna, St. Petersburg.

Cost of the drug

You can always buy a calming veterinary medication for cats in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. Owners are usually interested in how much this medicine costs. The average cost of a package of tablets is about 100-110 rubles. The price of one bottle of infusion varies from 80 to 90 rubles. Instructions for use are included with the medications.


Analogues of the veterinary drug Kot Bayun are such drugs as Fitex and Relax Easy Travel. Before feeding cats with them, you should read the instructions and consult a veterinarian.

Advantages of the medicine

Veterinarians often prescribe the veterinary drug Kot Bayun to felines, because... it has many advantages. This medicine.

Available in the form of tablets and solution.

The composition of both drugs is as follows:

  1. Active ingredients.
  2. Complex of natural herbs.
  3. Auxiliary components.

The first 2 groups of substances in both drugs are the same.

Active elements include:

  1. Oregano herb . A natural strong antibiotic and anthelmintic, has an antihistamine effect.
  2. Sweet clover grass. Contains coumarin, a substance with a narcotic effect that depresses the central nervous system and relieves seizures.
  3. Valerian roots and rhizomes . They produce a strong sedative effect and reduce the excitability of the central nervous system.

A complex of plants is also used:

  • flowers and fruits of hawthorn;
  • motherwort;
  • mint;
  • hop cones;
  • ivy beetroot grass;
  • catnip;
  • Melissa;
  • meadowsweet flowers;
  • St. John's wort;
  • thyme;
  • swamp grass;
  • Solyanka Kholmovaya grass;
  • nettle;
  • evasive peony roots.


In liquid form, distilled water is used as a solvent. The drug has a strong herbal aroma. The product is liquid brown. During long-term storage, a sediment forms, which dissolves into a uniform cloud when shaken. Available in glass bottles with a rubber stopper. In terms of rutin (glycoside of the flavonoid quercetin), the concentration of flavonoids is about 0.007%.


The tablets are small, weight - 0.2 grams. They have a light yellow tint, round and slightly convex shape. Additional components: lactose, starch, calcium stearate. Sometimes there are inclusions and stripes of various shades (marbling). The medicine is packaged in plastic bottles, not blisters. In terms of rutin (glycoside of the flavonoid quercetin), the tablet contains about 1x10-3 mcg.

Indications for use

The product has a comprehensive calming effect:

  • reduces the excitability of the central nervous system;
  • removes feelings of fear and tension;
  • eliminates muscle spasms;
  • calms the pet.

Applicable in the following cases:

  1. Adjustment period . Many cats are afraid of noisy appliances; moving to a new apartment or rearranging furniture in the house causes them a lot of stress. It is recommended to use a sedative if the pet is constantly hiding or showing aggression towards new family members.
  2. One-time stressful situations . First of all, this includes going to the veterinarian. It is advisable to give a sedative so that the cat allows itself to be examined and does not rush at the doctor with its claws. The product is also used at exhibitions and when traveling on public transport.
  3. Aggressiveness . It can appear for no apparent reason. In these cases, you need to give your pet a sedative so that it does not injure itself and others.
  4. Sexual hunting . It is advisable to spay or neuter pets that are not intended for breeding. If a cat cannot fertilize a partner, they begin to experience anxiety and severe stress. In addition, they refuse food and mark their territory.
  5. Hyperactivity . Some animals have increased activity. They always have a desire to run and play. Even at night. To prevent your cat from disturbing your sleep, you can give him a sedative in the evening.

The drug may be given to reduce the risk of injury if you feel your pet may attack, bite or scratch.

Dosage and method of administration

Instructions for use can be found in the cardboard packaging with the drug. The use of an aqueous solution and tablets is somewhat different. The product should be given on an empty stomach before feeding 20-30 minutes or in the evening before bedtime.


A single dose is 2 ml per adult pet. You can give the product 3-4 times a day. For prolonged stress, the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

The liquid form of the drug should be used according to the following instructions:

  1. Shake the bottle so that any sediment (if any) dissolves in the liquid.
  2. Remove the rubber stopper and replace it with a dropper plug.
  3. Pour the required number of drops into a glass or syringe.
  4. Remove the dropper and close the bottle with a rubber stopper.

After this, you need to wait a little for the substance to warm up to room temperature (store it in the refrigerator). Give it to the cat through a syringe, pour it into the cheek and hold the mouth so that the pet does not spit it out and swallow the drug. Usually, there are no problems with the administration of the product, since the valerian root included in the composition makes the pet want to try the product.


A single dose is 2 tablets per adult pet. You can give the drug 3-4 times a day. If necessary, the course of treatment can be increased to 5-7 days. Since the cat will not voluntarily eat the tablet, it is permissible to crush it, mix it with water and drink it through a syringe according to the instructions above.

You can also feed it entirely according to this scheme:

  1. Place your pet on your lap; if this is not possible, then wrap it in a towel (hold it with its head up and belly down).
  2. Open his mouth.
  3. Using tweezers, place the tablet on the root of his tongue.
  4. Close your mouth and wait for the swallowing movement.
  5. If the cat does not swallow the tablet, then give him some water through a syringe.

pharmachologic effect

Mild sedative. The drug contains herbal components with a sedative and antispasmodic effect. There are substances that increase the pet’s adaptation to new environmental factors. “Cat Bayun”, in terms of the level of narcotic danger, belongs to the most harmless class of substances (group 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). Does not affect the placenta and embryo, has no toxic effect, does not accumulate in the blood.

Side effects

No side effects were noticed. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible, but unlikely. If you previously had an allergy to valerian, then it is better to avoid the product.


It is allowed to be used by pregnant cats, since the product does not penetrate the placenta and does not affect the normal development of the offspring. Can also be given to lactating pets. There is no dependency.

Do not give to kittens under 10 months. Since before this period nervous system The kitten is just developing, so it is advisable to reduce the effect of sedatives to a minimum.

Drug interactions

No interactions with other drugs were identified. Sedatives may enhance the effect of tranquilizers.


There were no cases of overdose. Therefore, the drug is sold without a prescription. If an allergic reaction is detected (rash, swelling, diarrhea, vomiting), you should contact a veterinarian.

Release form

Available in the form of an aqueous solution and tablets. The liquid form is sold in a transparent glass bottle with a rubber cap. It is packed in a cardboard box with instructions. The tablets are sold in an opaque plastic jar. It is also in a cardboard box complete with instructions.

Storage conditions

An open bottle can be stored for no more than 7 days at a temperature of 2-8 degrees. The tablets can be kept at room temperature, away from sunlight for up to a year. The product cannot be used and must be disposed of if there is insoluble sediment, mold, or discoloration of the solution. It is recommended to keep separately from food. Despite its harmlessness, the product should be kept away from children.


Since this is a natural drug, any sedative will be an analogue plant origin. In particular, these are medicines containing valerian, motherwort, sweet clover and other soothing herbs, flowers, roots and their tinctures.

Pharmacological group

Refers to natural sedatives. Therefore, the drug does not have a hypnotic effect, although it facilitates its onset. Unlike tranquilizers, it does not cause negative side effects and is not addictive.

Today you can see Kot Bayun drops in veterinary pharmacies. The drug Kot Bayun is a tincture based on medicinal herbs, which is intended for the treatment of any behavioral disorders in cats or dogs. The composition of medicinal drops includes many different herbs, such as:

  • oregano 0.45%;
  • valerian roots 0.23%;
  • sweet clover grass 0.23%;
  • motherwort;
  • ivy-shaped budra;
  • nettle;
  • hawthorn;
  • Melissa;
  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort;
  • catnip;
  • hop cones;
  • peppermint;
  • meadowsweet;
  • hill solyanka;
  • roots of peony evading;
  • swamp grass;
  • water 100%.

Cat Bayun drops have light yellow or brown color, and have a light herbal scent. It is worth noting that sediment is acceptable, which easily disappears with shaking. The drops are available in 10 ml bottles and are packaged in cardboard boxes of three bottles.

Description of the drug and instructions

Pharmacological properties

The mechanism of action of the drops is determined by the fact that in their composition all the biological substances of plants have a sedative, anxiolytic, analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Thanks to the drug, the animal’s body receives important plant substances that have general strengthening properties and are intended for stable and balanced behavior of the pet. This leads to the animal’s behavior being corrected and the risk of developing mental disorder. Kot Bayun drops do not have embryotoxic, cumulative or teratogenic properties.


Kot Bayun should be used upon the animal reaching 10 months of age. Drops are also used for cats screaming during heat, aggression towards the owner, licking, aggression during the struggle for leadership, imitation of covering, aggression due to fear or phobia, hyperactivity, marking indoors, sexual aggression, barking for no reason, hypersexuality and aggression against this background, strong excitement, fear.

Mode of application

Copley should be given to the animal internally, but be sure to shake the bottle before doing so. For cats, 2 ml or 0.5 teaspoon is enough, and dogs should be given 4 ml or 1 teaspoon. For 5-7 days, give drops 3-4 times a day. If necessary, the course of taking the drug should be repeated. Duration of use The drug does not affect the health of the animal in any way. Therefore, treatment can be done every month depending on the pet’s behavior.

Kot Bayun does not contain preservatives, so before use you must adhere to some requirements:

  • carefully open the bottle;
  • put a dropper cap (which is in the box) on the neck;
  • Using light pressure on the pipette, the drug should be injected directly into the oral cavity;
  • if necessary, you can pour the drops into a teaspoon and give to the animal;
  • Store leftover drops in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days;
  • Before each use, shake the bottle and warm the drops.

Drops can also be add to animal's drinking water.

Side effects

As a rule, Kot Bayun drops do not have side effects if they are used according to the instructions for use.

There is no information on the use of drops with other medications.

No contraindications have been identified. But it should be noted that hypersensitive animals may experience allergic reactions.

Precautionary measures

When working with the drug, you should adhere to some safety and personal hygiene rules; do not forget that this is a drug for animals, not for humans.

The drug should be stored in the refrigerator out of the reach of children. Shelf life 7 days.

Clinical experience and benefits of the drug

People who keep cats or dogs always face the problem of animal contraception. In order to somehow solve this problem, new contraceptive drugs appear on the market every year that help calm pets. After all, ill-mannered and aggressive animals can destroy all perceptions about a cute pet. In this case, one can understand the owners of cats and dogs who always stain carpets or furniture.

Another unpleasant aspect during the period of sexual desire is emotional upsurge or, in other words, stress. In cats, this is manifested by licking, especially in Abyssonian, Siamese and Himalayan cats, as well as in many dog ​​breeds. The main symptom is hair loss on the back or tail. If the animal constantly engages in licking, the hair begins to fall out on the stomach and limbs. And during puberty, cats begin to mark their territory, and this brings a lot of trouble to their owners.

To get rid of cat screams, owners usually progestogens are used who are capable of for a long time stop the heat and this is an excellent alternative to castration for them. At the same time, rarely does anyone think about the consequences, which can be different. From simple diseases, pyometra, hyperplasia or mucometra can develop, which ultimately requires removal of the ovaries and uterus. Then a tumor of the mammary gland may appear, the coat changes, diabetes and bulging eyes form.

It is worth noting that Kot Bayun is on this moment It is considered an excellent replacement for hormonal drugs, as well as tranquilizers that contain chemicals. The main components of the drops are only plant phytosterols, and they considered parahormonal substances, which are capable of simulating the action of a real analogue.

By using herbal drops, the animal’s hormonal balance is not disturbed, even during long-term use. Flavonoids can have a sedative and slightly hypnotic effect, but they do not block the cerebral cortex.

In addition, the drug is able to cleanse the blood and liver of the animal, as well as the intestines and stomach. In other words, this is a ready-made home pharmacy in one bottle.

Cat Bayun tablets have instructions exactly the same as the drops, only using them in liquid form is much more convenient and safer for the animal itself. The tablets are white and packaged in a plastic bottle, each contains 50 tablets.

It is important to know that Kot Bayun tablets and drops have no downsides at all. The only thing is that he is not able to cope with severe stress in a pet, so in this case it is necessary to buy potent drugs at an expensive price. But it has many advantages:

  • convenient use;
  • inexpensive price;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • contains only natural ingredients;
  • effective;
  • no side effects.

> Kot Bayun (infusion)

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!
Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

Short description: This drug is a dietary supplement. It contains decoctions of the following medicinal herbs: motherwort (4%), plantain leaves (3%), peppermint leaves (2%), marshweed (2%), horsetail (1%), licorice root (1%) , hawthorn flowers (1%). All these herbs have calming, analgesic and antispasmodic properties. When used together, they mutually enhance each other's effects. Also, taking these components reduces the animal’s sense of fear. The drug is indicated for use in animals that are hyperactive and display aggression towards the owner. It is used to reduce the sexual activity of animals, for example, when cats cry during estrus. In dogs, the reason for using the drug Kot Bayun may be constant barking for no reason. This dietary supplement is also used to relieve nervous tension and fear of an animal when moving or other changes of environment.

For whom: can be used for cats and dogs.

Leave form: the drug is a yellow-brown liquid with a herbal odor. It is packaged in 10 ml bottles. The cardboard box contains 3 bottles, each of which is equipped with a special dropper cap.

Dosage: The standard daily dosage for cats is 6-8 ml, and for dogs - 12-16 ml. It is given in 3-4 doses, that is, cats receive 2 ml of solution per dose, and dogs - 4 ml. The recommended course of taking the drug is 5-7 days, it can be repeated if necessary. Before use, the infusion must be shaken and warmed to room temperature. After opening the bottle, put a dropper cap on it and, using pressure on the pipette, inject the solution into the animal’s mouth. The drug Kot Bayun does not contain preservatives, so unused medicine in an opened bottle should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. In this case, do not remove the dropper cap from the bottle.

Restrictions: It is not recommended to use this dietary supplement for animals under 10 months of age. Due to its natural composition, the drug does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic or other harmful properties. It can be used in conjunction with other dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals. Some animals that are hypersensitive to the components of the drug may experience allergic reactions due to the use of this dietary supplement.

Reviews about “Cat Bayun (infusion) for cats, cats and dogs”:

Nonsense. Year of the Canadian Sphynx. At night he tears the wallpaper, scratches the linoleum, and does not let him sleep. I bought Kot-Bayun drops. It's midnight, I'm sitting in the kitchen and watching him run practically along the walls after the "calming" session.

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The drug became a lifeline for us, and quite unexpectedly. We have a kitten (Scottish), he is 10 months old. Physiological needs took over, and every night at exactly 5 am he began to scream. He screamed wildly and non-stop. After a week of suffering, my husband and I went to the veterinary clinic. The doctors advised that before the operation, the cat should have an ultrasound of the heart. This was explained by the fact that this breed often has heart problems and anesthesia can kill it. They did not risk the life and health of their beloved Conti. When an ultrasound was performed, fears were confirmed - he had restrictive cardiomyopathy. And as the cardiologist said, we can agree to castration, but the kitten will not tolerate it. This disease has no cure. Therefore, we abandoned the operation forever. But the question of night screams remained open. As a solution, the doctor advised giving Kot Bayun. The advantage of the tincture is that it is completely herbal, does not contain hormones and does not cause complications. This was important for us. As a result, I can say that the cat drinks water with medicine very well and does not turn his nose up. Stopped screaming on the 4th day. The only downside is that it gets used up quickly.

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I took the cat to the vet because we moved to a new place and the animal became irritable. The examination went well and the doctor stated that the cat was stressed due to the change in environment. He prescribed us the “Cat Bayun” infusion and showed us how to use it. If we talk about the benefits, then we should highlight the composition - a herbal medicine and without chemicals. For me this is a very important factor. The cost is very reasonable.
The cat had to be buried twice a day. In other words, the medicine is drawn into the syringe and released into the animal's mouth. I didn't like it, but what to do?
The treatment lasted 2 weeks. The first days there were no changes, the cat rushed at everyone and scratched. After 5 days he became calmer and allowed himself to be petted, but not always. After the entire course of treatment, the cat became very calm, played without scratches and no longer bit.
In general, the medicine is good, only because the natural one takes a long time to wait for the effect.

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My cat spent the first months of her life in the village, and then ended up in my city apartment as a gift. The adaptation period did not go entirely smoothly; nature demanded its way. I started giving her valerian tincture - it didn’t help (she could have given it up altogether), but she liked Cat Bayun, she calmed down and became more affectionate. The composition of the tincture is natural, so I give it without fear, but naturally, when necessary.

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We have a calm, affectionate mongrel cat. She is very well-mannered and only goes to the toilet in her litter box. Previously, she was let out into the street, but we got tired of putting the kittens in good hands, and for the last few years we haven’t let her out - now she’s indoors. But when she starts to go on a spree, she starts screaming at night and can go to the toilet on the carpet, so on the advice of the veterinarian we give the drug "Cat Bayun". After it, the cat becomes calm again and allows us to sleep peacefully at night. We give "Cat Bayun" for 3-4 days while the cat is on a spree.

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Just recently I saw a very cute cat on the street, which I couldn’t help but take home with me. For the first couple of days, the cat expressed his displeasure by running around the apartment at night and meowing, thereby giving me and my girlfriend no peace. The cat from the street was not accustomed to life within four walls, he asked in every possible way to be free and was slightly aggressive, and sometimes he could even attack. Then I turned to one of my friends for help good friend, veterinarian He advised me the drug "Cat Bayun". The tincture helped a lot, the animal stopped asking to come back and became calmer after the first use. After that, we used this drug a couple more times when moving. And the animal is calm and the owner is happy. The drug is sold in a package with three bottles, which are enough for a calming course for the animal; the shelf life of the tincture, if you have already opened the bottle, is a week.
The tincture is made on the basis of natural substances and herbs, and is absolutely safe for cats. Plus, the cat liked the tincture, and he happily took it from a spoon.

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I bought this drug on the advice of a veterinarian. I have a rather aggressive cat (a mix of Scottish Fold and Russian Blue). I grew up in an apartment, meaning I saw the street 3-4 times. Somehow there was no time. Naturally he is afraid of everything. She yells at strangers like crazy. When they took him for sterilization, all the veterinarians were scratched. We were advised to purchase this drug as a sedative. It was also used as a painkiller after surgery. There is an effect, this aggression has gradually been regulated, and there are no more attacks. She feels great, the same playful and active cat. No side effects were observed. And the composition of the drug does not contain any bad substances. The price is reasonable.

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Sometimes our beloved domestic cats behave very restlessly. This happens if the environment or situation that is always familiar to them suddenly changes, as well as during puberty, when nature takes its toll and the animal becomes overactive. To correct the cat’s behavior and rid it of aggression, fears and phobias that have arisen during exhibitions, during transportation or when parting with its owners, to reduce ardor during sexual hunting or, Russian company Veda developed the drug Kot Bayun.

The medicine is available in the form of tablets or liquid, packaged in 10 or 16 ml bottles. The drug is prescribed no earlier than the animal is 10 months old. Kot Bayun drops for cats are a sterile aqueous infusion of medicinal herbs; it does not contain preservatives, therefore it is absolutely safe. To prevent the liquid from spoiling during use, the manufacturer recommends storing the bottles in the refrigerator for a week and using the dropper that comes with the drug.

The herbs used in the manufacture of drops or tablets also contain biologically active additives, thanks to which Kot Bayun is a sedative for cats. This drug reduces the feeling of fear in animals, exhibits antispasmodic, sedative and analgesic effects. It helps the cat painlessly adapt to new conditions, strengthens its body, which is so necessary for normalizing the behavior of our pets.

Method of use of the drug Kot Bayun

The medicine Kot Bayun for cats is given to animals directly into the mouth 3 or 4 times a day 20 minutes before feeding or an hour after eating. If you use drops, they can be added to water, making sure to shake before use. The dose for cats is 2 tablets or 2 ml of liquid per dose, which corresponds to half a teaspoon. Kot Bayun can be given to cats every month, and the duration of taking this medicine is 5 – 7 days. Before using the medicine Kot Bayun for cats, do not forget to read the instructions and check the expiration date of the drug.