Maternity capital payments are the last of the year. Changes in maternity capital

Since 2007, thanks to annual indexation, the amount of maternity capital has increased from the initial amount of 250,000 rubles. almost 2 times and this moment the amount of maternity capital in 2017 is 453,026 rubles.

Despite the fact that the program was designed for 10 years, it was decided to extend it for another 2 full years after its original deadline completion. Now, in accordance with the changes made to the program by Law No. 433-FZ of December 30, 2015, the program for the payment of maternity capital is extended until December 31, 2018.

In 2016, a document was adopted that provides freezing maternity capital until January 1, 2020. In accordance with the adopted provision, the amount of maternity capital will not be revised for another 3 years in a row due to the difficult economic situation in the country.

Thus, from January 1, 2015, the amount of maternal (family) capital was not indexed and for 2017 its amount is 453,026 rubles.

Who is eligible to receive maternity capital?

The following have the right to receive maternity (family) capital:

  • a woman with Russian citizenship who gave birth to (adopted) a second, third child or subsequent children starting from January 1, 2007;
  • a man who has Russian citizenship and is the sole adoptive parent of the second or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption has entered into force legal force, starting January 1, 2007;
  • father (adoptive parent) of the child, regardless of citizenship Russian Federation in the following cases: death of the mother, deprivation of her parental rights in relation to a child, when she commits an intentional crime in relation to her child (children), relating to crimes against the person;
  • minor child(children in equal shares) or student full-time education of the child (children) until he (they) reach the age of 23, upon termination of the right to additional measures state support father (adoptive parent) or a woman who is the only parent (adoptive parent) in cases established by Federal Law.

A state-issued certificate is issued to confirm the right to receive maternity (family) capital funds.

Useful facts about maternity capital 2017

  • the right to receive maternity capital is granted just one time;
  • circulation period V Pension Fund with an application for extradition state certificate for maternity capital after the birth of the second or subsequent child is not limited;
  • maternity capital can be used at any time after three years from the date of birth of the second or subsequent child. However, if you want to use maternity capital funds to pay the down payment on a housing loan or loan, as well as to pay the principal debt and interest on a loan for the purchase or construction of housing, to purchase goods and services for a disabled child, then maternity capital can be used in any time after the birth or adoption of a child, with whose birth the right to receive a certificate arose;
  • maternal (family) capital exempt from tax on income individuals;
  • maternity capital certificate valid only upon presentation of an identification document.
  • the certificate is terminated in the event of the death of the owner, deprivation of his parental rights in relation to a child, in connection with whose birth or adoption the right to receive maternity capital arose, he commits an intentional crime against his child related to crimes against the person, as well as in the event of cancellation of the child’s adoption, in connection with the adoption of which the right to maternity capital arose, or in connection with the use of maternity capital funds in in full;
  • in case of loss of certificate you can get a duplicate of it;
  • Maternity capital funds can only be received by bank transfer. Any schemes for cashing out these funds are illegal. At the same time, the owner of a certificate for maternity capital, who agrees to take part in cash-out schemes, commits an illegal act and can be recognized as an accomplice to the crime in fact misuse public funds.

Use of maternity capital

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2017:

1. . This includes the purchase of housing (including repayment of the mortgage): apartments, rooms, houses and shares in construction, as well as the reconstruction of premises. An important point is that the residential premises must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Maternal capital in 2019 - still one of the most popular and sought-after measures to support families with children. This year there have been changes to the provision and use of capital funds. Read more about everything in this article.

Maternity capital 2019: changes

Over the entire period of the program - from 2007 to 2019 - the amount of maternity capital that families with two or more children can count on increased from 250,000 rubles by more than 80%.

However, in 2016, for the first time in the entire period of the program, the Government of the Russian Federation decided not to increase the amount of maternity capital due to the difficult financial and economic situation in the country. According to Federal Law No. 444-FZ dated December 19, 2016, the annual increase in the amount is frozen until 2020. Therefore, starting from 2016, the amount was not indexed. Thus, in 2019, as in previous years, maternity capital amounted to 453,026 rubles.

From 2020, indexation will continue:

  • 2020 - 470,241 rub.
  • 2021 - 489,051 rub.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019 is 453,026 rubles

At the same time, the law provides for the possibility of additional indexation of the amount of payments in the event of a revision of budget parameters. But for this, the State Duma must adopt an additional law.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019 remained the same, but there are other changes that came into force. Namely, the period for making a decision on issuing a maternal capital certificate (or refusing to issue it) has been reduced from 30 days to 15 (Law No. 390-FZ of October 30, 2018).

Deadline for receiving maternity capital in 2019. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2017 No. 253, the period for obtaining a certificate should now not exceed 1 month and 10 working days from the date of filing an application for disposal of the certificate. This period applies to all cases of use of capital, with the exception of the formation of the mother’s pension.

Documents for receiving capital in 2019. Another change is the list of documents for using capital. Now, if the family has decided to allocate funds to improve living conditions, as a document that confirms ownership of residential premises or land plot, the Pension Fund accepts a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register, not a certificate of state registration property rights, as it was before.

Who can receive maternity capital in 2019

In accordance with Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, you can receive a certificate only once at the birth or adoption of a second child (third or subsequent, if maternity capital was not issued for the second).

Persons entitled to the payment can apply for it at any time, but no later than the child reaches three years of age.

Application for cancellation of a previously submitted application for a lump sum payment from maternity capital funds When needed: if a person decides to refuse a one-time payment from the certificate funds. To do this, you need to write an application for cancellation of a previously submitted application.

If there were two children in a family before 2007, then the parents cannot receive capital. If their third child was born after January 1, 2007, they can count on payment. If a family eventually has a fourth child, they will no longer be able to receive capital again, since they previously exercised their right by receiving a certificate for the third child.

When twins are born, you can receive only one payment, and it does not matter which child it is issued for. If the first child in the family was born dead, then in accordance with the law he will not be considered born, however, if the child lived for at least a day and the parents have evidence confirming the fact of his birth, then such a child will be considered the first. Then, at the birth of their second child, parents can apply for capital. If another child appears in such a family, then formally he will be the second, but according to the law - the third, and the family will no longer receive payment for him.


IN individual regions Russia can have its own system of supporting large families and birth rates. If a family can receive federal maternity capital only once, then in some regions of the country it is possible to receive regional maternity capital more than once.

What can you use maternity capital for in 2019?

In 2019, the certificate can be used for the following purposes:

  • housing improvement. For example, changing a one-room apartment to a two-room apartment;
  • child education, including preschool education (developmental clubs, kindergarten and so on.);
  • mother's pension savings;
  • purchase of medical and other goods, as well as for the adaptation of a disabled child into society.

In addition, a bill has been introduced to the State Duma that expands the possibilities for using the certificate. They want to allow it to be spent on purchasing a car. But with one condition - the car must be produced in Russia. Several categories of families will be able to spend maternity capital on buying a car: families raising adopted children, disabled children and large families. Such categories of families need additional measures support, the authors of the project believe. If the family takes out a loan, then the payment can be used to pay off the principal debt and interest on the car loan.

Another new project establishes a restriction on the sale of a car purchased with a maternity capital certificate during the first three years of operation. This will help, according to the authors of the bill, to reduce to zero fraud associated with cashing out funds for a child.

One-time payment from maternity capital in 2019

Many families have not yet exercised their right to payment in full: some are in no hurry to submit an application, others do not know how and what to spend the payment on.

The amount of a one-time payment from maternity capital in 2019 is 25,000 rubles ( the federal law dated June 23, 2016 No. 181-FZ).

A one-time payment can be received in the amount of:

  • 25,000 rubles - in the general case;
  • in the amount of the balance - if it is less than 25,000 rubles on the date of application.

You can submit an application at the MFC or online on the official website of the Pension Fund. There is also a service available in your Personal Account on the fund’s website that allows you to find out the capital balance.

By the way, State Duma deputies recently proposed replacing one-time payments with monthly ones in the amount of 3 to 15 thousand per month, depending on how many children there are in the family. True, the Ministry of Labor did not support the idea of ​​​​replacing maternity capital with payments, considering it impracticable and, as a result, not ineffective.

Maternity capital is a state support measure in the amount of 466,617 rubles in 2020, provided for families in which a second (or subsequent) child was born after January 1, 2007. To obtain a certificate, two main conditions must be met: the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child during the program period and the presence Russian citizenship the recipient and the child.

January 15, 2020 Vladimir Putin during his annual address Federal Assembly instructed to make important changes to the maternity capital program:

  • introduce maternity capital for the first child;
  • extend the maternity capital program until 2026 inclusive;
  • increase the amount of maternity capital for the second child by 150 thousand rubles.

All changes are planned to be introduced from January 1, 2020. Moreover, families that already have a first child will receive maternity capital in an increased amount upon the birth of the second child.

The rules for registration and disposal of maternal capital are established by Federal Law No. 256 of December 29, 2006. Its amount has not increased since 2016, its next one will pass in 2020.

Who is entitled to maternity capital?

According to Art. 3 of Law No. 256-FZ, if all are observed, obtain a certificate for maternal capital they have a right:

Right doesn't go over to the father or adoptive parent if:

  • He - stepfather for the previous child who was taken into account when becoming eligible for a certificate;
  • after the death of the mother, the child was recognized as remaining without parental care.

Parents and adoptive parents are deprived rights to maternity capital when:

  • die or are declared dead by a court;
  • are deprived of parental rights;
  • commit intentional crime against the person of the child;
  • the adoption of the child is cancelled.


Children) is deprived of the right to maternity capital only in case of death (declared dead in court).

How to register maternity capital?

To get certificate for maternity capital, the person applying for it must contact the Pension Fund with an application and mandatory documents:

  • Russian passport or other proof of identity and place of residence;
  • birth certificates of all children with a mark on Russian citizenship (if there is none, then another document confirming it is required).

In some situations it may be necessary additional documents , listed bellow.

Happening Document
The child is adopted adoption certificate
The application is submitted by a legal representative
  • identification;
  • proof of residence;
  • documents proving authority
The parent(s) or adoptive parent have lost the right to family capital
  • death certificate or court order declaring deceased;
  • court decision on deprivation of parental rights;
  • documents proving the commission of a crime against the child’s person;
  • confirmation of cancellation of adoption
Place of residence is not confirmed by registration documents confirming actual place stay.

If a family applying for maternity capital lives abroad, parents have the right to submit an application and documents directly to the Pension Fund on the territory of the Russian Federation.


You can apply for a certificate Anytime after the right has arisen - including after completion of the program, if a child appeared in the family while she was acting.

You can contact the Pension Fund using one of the following: established methods:

  • To the territorial branch of the Pension Fund:
    • in person or with the help of a representative;
    • send certified copies of documents and an application by post.
  • To the department of the multifunctional center (MFC).
  • Via electronic resources (application only):
    • citizen’s personal account on the Pension Fund website;
    • single portal “Government Services”.

If the applicant applies via the Internet, then within 5 working days from the date of registration of the application, he must provide the remaining documents to the Pension Fund office, otherwise the issue will be denied.


The pension fund decides whether to issue a certificate or refuse the applicant within 15 days from the date of application. A certificate for maternity capital can be obtained in the form paper or electronic document.

In case of loss or damage, you can get duplicate by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund.
In the registration of maternity capital there may be denied, If:

  • right to it did not arise or was lost during the application period;
  • information about the order of birth (adoption) and/or the citizenship of the child invalid.

What can maternity capital be used for?

In 2019, Part 3 of Art. 7 of Law No. 256-FZ, provides for the following presented in the table below directions use of maternity capital.

Direction What can you spend it on?
Improving living conditions
  • purchase of residential premises (primary or secondary) under a sale and purchase agreement, including installments;
  • payment of the cost of the participation agreement shared construction;
  • making an entrance (share) contribution to a housing cooperative;
  • construction (reconstruction) of an individual housing construction project (IHC);
  • compensation for the costs of construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project, if ownership of a new or expanded premises was registered after January 1, 2007;
  • payment of a down payment and/or repayment of principal and interest on a targeted loan or loan (including mortgage) for the purchase or construction of housing ( including refinanced)
The residential premises must be registered as the common shared property of parents and children
Getting children an education
  • institutional training higher (Bachelor's, Master's, Postgraduate, Residency A), secondary special (college, technical school), additional (sections and circles) education;
  • child's accommodation in a dormitory;
  • maintenance and (or) supervision and care of a child in preschool and secondary education organizations
The first, second, and any subsequent child - natural or adopted - can receive an education at the expense of mat capital.
Mother's funded pension Sending funds to:
  • state pension fund;
  • non-state pension fund
Purchasing goods and services necessary for a disabled child’s social adaptation Compensation for purchased goods and services included in the list established by Government Decree No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016.
Monthly allowance for a second child under 3 years of age The family has the right to it if:
  • the child was born (adopted) after January 1, 2018;
  • The average per capita family income is no more than 2 times the subsistence level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

You can apply for an order later three years after the birth (adoption) of a child. The owner of the certificate has the right to submit an application earlier if the maternity capital is used for:

  • payment of the down payment and/or repayment of principal and interest on a housing loan or loan;
  • purchasing goods (services) that serve to adapt a disabled child to society;
  • payment preschool education and other expenses associated with it;
  • receiving monthly payment for the 2nd child up to three years old.


Any attempts to cash out maternity capital illegal and are punished under Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Fraud in receiving payments. Legal way receive money from certificate funds - issue monthly allowance for a second child (born no earlier than January 1, 2018).

As an anti-crisis measure to support families in 2015-16, the Government of the Russian Federation provided for the possibility of receiving lump sum payments from maternal capital funds: 20 and 25 thousand rubles, respectively. Apply for them in 2020 it is forbidden.

Changes in 2019

In 2019 there were a number of serious changes affecting the management of maternity capital:

  1. On March 29, Federal Law No. 37 came into force, which introduced a provision into Law No. 256-FZ that now the Pension Fund will independently request information about suitability purchased residential premises for accommodation at the organs local government and other institutions.
  2. If maternity capital is used to build a house, the owner of the certificate now has the right to provide a construction notice to the Pension Fund.
  3. According to the changes, introduced by law No. 37-FZ, targeted loan or loan for the purchase (construction) of housing it will be possible to take only V:
    • banking and non-banking credit organizations administrated by the Central Bank;
    • credit consumer cooperative (CPC);
    • unified development institute in housing sector JSC "Dom.RF".
    • agricultural CPC.
  4. As established by Art. 1 of Law No. 205-FZ of 08/02/2019, from January 1, 2020, the monthly benefit for the second child will be paid until he turns 3 years. In addition, the income threshold will increase from 1.5 to 2 living wages for the working population.
Possibility to obtain a housing loan (loan) from an employer or another organization not specified in the list abolished.

On April 24, 2019, at a meeting of the Light of the Federation with Vladimir Putin, Valentina Matvienko proposed extend action of maternity capital until 2025. For now, the program runs until the end of 2021. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova instructed the Ministry of Labor to consider the issue of extending the maternity capital program - the report must be submitted by March 1, 2020.

On May 30, 2019, bill No. 721208-7 was introduced into the State Duma, which proposed adding a new direction for spending funds: purchasing a car. However, it was rejected before the first reading.

If it were accepted, then certificate holders would be able to use maternity capital to purchase a car worth up to a million rubles, provided that it was produced in the Russian Federation, was not previously registered and, in addition to the driver’s seat, has three more passenger seats.

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Government to consider the possibility of using capital for gas, water and sewerage.

In addition, under consideration in State Duma There is bill No. 846971-7, which allows the certificate funds to be spent on the construction of a residential building on a garden plot, and bill No. 839769-7, which allows the use of maternity capital to pay for a kindergarten organized by an individual entrepreneur.

The Ministry of Construction has prepared changes that will affect the rules for using maternal capital to improve housing conditions. According to them, the funds from the certificate can be spent on purchasing housing through an escrow account.


Bryansk, Ulyanova street, building 4, office 414

In 2007, a program was launched through which women can receive additional payments 250,000 rubles. The specified amount under the maternity capital program was steadily indexed, therefore, in 2017 the amount increased significantly. In this material we will tell you how the amount has changed over 11 years. We will also talk about ways to obtain information on the rest of the matcap.

Amount in 2017

The amount of MK has increased due to indexation. However, this year the MK will remain unchanged, since the President signed a Decree on freezing capital until 2020. This decision was made due to the lack of budget funds.

Over 11 years, over 7 million families were able to receive MK.

Matkapital in 2018

As mentioned above, the MK amount was frozen until 2020 by Presidential Decree. Therefore, the size of MK in 2018 remains unchanged - 453,026 rubles.

According to the latest information, the program will cease to exist at the end of 2018 if it is not signed new law on the extension of relevant payments.

How to find out?

Funds can be used for several legal purposes at once. At the same time, a citizen must know the remaining capital in order to plan the following types expenses. So, the main ways to clarify the amount of MK are:

  1. Independent calculation of MK in the presence of accurate information about expenses incurred.
  2. An online calculator is one of the simplest and fastest ways to check your MK balance. To obtain information, a citizen must go to one of the sites with this function. There are several fields to fill out on the site. These calculations are approximate. Important: legal websites should not ask citizens for personal information.
  3. Communication with the Pension Fund (the local Pension Fund) - you need to have your passport, SNILS and certificate with you. The application is submitted by the owner of the MK (or an authorized representative). A certificate stamped and signed by a Pension Fund specialist must be collected within 3 days. In this case, an extract is not required if the MK amount is less than 30 rubles.
  4. Provision portal public servicesthis method suitable for those who have passed registration and identity verification. After logging in Personal Area The applicant has the right to order a certificate, which must wait at least 15 days.

Amount over the capital period

The size of the MK for the entire period of existence of the program should be read in the table below:

Year MK amount
2007 250000
2008 276 250
2009 312 162
2010 343 378
2011 365 698
2012 387 640
2013 408 960
2014 429 408
2015-2020 453026

How much are regional surcharges?

Regional MK installs local authority. Also local Administration determines the terms, conditions and purpose of these payments.

The amount of deductions varies from 30,000 – 300,000 rubles. The average amount of regional MK is 100,000 rubles.

Such allowances are provided only for large families.

Here are some examples:

  1. The amount of regional MK in St. Petersburg and Moscow is 100,000 rubles.
  2. Sverdlovsk region – 100,000 rubles.
  3. Omsk region - 138,000 rubles.
  4. Orenburg region– 100,000 rubles.
  5. Sverdlovsk region– 150,000 rubles.
  6. Rostov region – 117,754 rubles.

Amount of maternity benefits for 2 and 3 children

As stated earlier, MK is more than 450,000 rubles. Indexing has been suspended for three years (until 2020). The amount of payments does not depend on the birth of the child. Therefore, the MK for the second or third child is equal to 453,026 rubles.

Certificate of capital amount - how to get it?

The most in a fast way to obtain a certificate on MK - a personal visit to the Pension Fund. At the same time, only the owner of the MK (or an authorized representative) can order such a certificate.

Such certificates will be required in the following situations:

  • loan processing;
  • construction of a household;
  • participation in shared construction;
  • participation in housing cooperative;
  • payment for the child's education.

To obtain a certificate, you should visit the Pension Fund with documents such as: passport; SNILS; certificate; power of attorney (if necessary).

This certificate sent 3 days (free of charge) after submitting documents to the applicant’s residential address.

Conclusion: MK funds have grown steadily due to indexation since 2007. In 2017, the amount of payments is frozen - 453,026 rubles.

To find out the amount of savings for the entire period of the program, study this material in more detail.

The issue of extending maternity capital payments is more relevant today than ever. In less than a year, the program will expire, which means the issuance of cash certificates will automatically cease. Russians who managed to become parents before December 31, 2016, will be able to receive financial support from the state. Well, families who have planned for a later date can only hope for a successful resolution of this issue. What do experts predict regarding maternal capital in 2017?

Why is the maternity capital program important?

For most young families, maternity capital is significant financial support in our difficult times. Unfortunately, the issue of extension of this type payments are still debatable. The program's advocates who developed new bill, it is not unreasonable to believe that its extension will help improve the demographic situation.

The second goal of the program is to strengthen the institution of marriage, since the opportunity to purchase a more spacious apartment eliminates a significant number of everyday problems, which often lead to the breakup of families. It is also important to take into account the fact that a small generation of the 90s is entering childbearing age, which indicates a reduction in the potential number of young mothers.

Matkapital is designed to facilitate financial situation young families

The cancellation of the maternity capital program could cause another round of the demographic crisis in the country. Of course, this will not be noticeable immediately, but in five to seven years, but the government is obliged to think ahead in this matter. Opponents of the program argue that the budget of the Russian Federation is not dimensionless, so the economic feasibility of continuing to finance maternity capital is a big question today.

Possible program scenarios

Let us recall how discussions on this issue took place. If we analyze all the proposals put forward by representatives of the parliamentary corps, financial and social departments of the country, we can identify the most likely scenarios for the development of events. The most optimistic scenario implied that the program would be extended until 2025.

Proponents of this option appealed to the fact that it was for such a time that the Concept of Demographic Development of the State was developed. However, extension of the program is possible only if the budget finds the funds necessary to finance it. Payments can be increased to 1.5 million rubles. However, funding is provided only for families who have given birth to or adopted a third child (or more).

The first scenario involves expanding the list of areas for using maternal capital, as well as its possible indexing. The second option states that the program would be extended only for low-income families. The president spoke in favor of this scenario, speaking about the advisability of funding parents receiving low and middle incomes. Maternity capital will become targeted and linked to the subsistence level.

The third scenario was the most pessimistic and spoke about the possible termination of the program in statutory term (from 01/01/2017). In favor this option Anton Siluanov, who holds the post of Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, spoke out. The position of the Ministry of Finance, from the point of view of the majority of Russians, on this issue is quite radical.

The ministry explained its call to celebrate payments of maternity capital by the need to stabilize the Russian economy by reducing the expenditure side of the budget. At the same time, Siluanov stated that the program can be considered exhausted, since it has completed the tasks assigned to it. He also voiced the possibility of developing compensatory measures in the form of doubling the amount of child benefit.

What are the program's prospects for 2017?

Negative sentiments of a society forced to survive in difficult economic conditions, did not allow the government to immediately accept the most radical of the scenarios. Let us recall that in April last year, State Duma deputies considered a bill containing a proposal to increase the amount of maternity capital to one and a half million rubles - but only on the condition that the money would be provided only to large families.

Most likely, in 2017 only low-income families in which a third (or more) child was born

If the bill passes subsequent readings, the maternity capital program will be extended into the future. However, starting from 2017, it will apply only to women who have given birth to a third or subsequent children, and to families who have adopted a third or more child. This event must occur before December 31, 2026 (the time of possible extension of the social program).

At the same time, it is possible that the program will operate only for families that meet not only the criterion of having many children, but also of “low income.” It is quite possible that deputies will listen to the president’s statement about the targeting of maternity capital accrual. For everyone else, the program will likely end in 2017.

Until December 31, 2016, target areas for the use of maternity capital include the following:

  • buying a house or apartment;
  • payment for the child's education;
  • formation of the funded part of the child’s mother’s pension.

Buying a home may be the only way to spend your capital

The latest innovation in the areas of implementing maternity capital is the ability to use money to improve the living conditions of disabled children. The parents of such a baby can spend maternity capital on the purchase of goods and services approved by the sanitary and medical examination commission. The issue of leaving only the first of these areas is now being actively discussed.

Deputies argue for the innovation by saying that the second and third directions are practically not used anyway. People's representatives are considering the possibility of including other options in the list. For example, there are proposals to allow the use of maternity capital to pay for the treatment of a child, or as an investment for starting a business. None of these proposals have received significant support, so the issue remains open for now.

Amount of maternity capital in 2017

According to the forecast of inflation expectations for 2017, the amount of maternity capital will be indexed by 4.0% and fixed at 492,348 thousand rubles. If the family has already spent some due payments, the remaining amount of funds will be indexed to her.