The longest football match in the world. Interesting facts from football life

Sometimes incredible things happen in football that the world has never seen before. Some players score fantastic goals from long distances, others hit the ball with incredible force, after which it flies into the goal net with great speed, while others are distinguished by a large number of goals scored in one match or season. In general, something happens that has not happened before, that is, one or another record is set or surpassed. It is about the 10 most incredible records in football that we will talk today.

Farthest goal (Asmir Begovic - 91.9 m.)

In 2013, the English Premier League match between Stoke City and Southampton took place, in which the Potters’ goalkeeper Asmir Begovic scored a goal. In football, of course, there are cases when goalkeepers act as scorers, but this mainly happens during set pieces in the last minutes of the match. Our case is special in that Begovic scored a goal from his own penalty area. He simply kicked the ball away, which flew to the opponent's goal and treacherously jumped over Southampton goalkeeper Artut Boruc, ending up in the net. That goal was scored from a distance of 91.9 meters.

Interesting fact. About a year earlier, before Begovic's sensational strike, Everton goalkeeper Tim Howard had also scored a goal in a similar style.

Most red cards in one match (Claypole – Victorano Arensa – 36)

The Argentine 5th Division match between Claypole and Victorano Arenasa went down in football history thanks to the huge number of red cards. The meeting started quite calmly, but after the score was 2:0, the Victoriano Arenas players were outraged by many of the referee’s decisions, and in the end, everything escalated into a fight. The main referee of the match, Damian Rubino, decided to punish the participants with a mass brawl. He issued as many as 36 red cards, sending off all 22 players from the first team, as well as many substitutes and members of the coaching staff. Rubino can be called a real daredevil, because not every modern referee can dare to send off 2-3 players in a match, but he left as many as 36 overboard.

The most expensive football player transfer (Neymar - € 222 million)

Football madness cannot be stopped. It would seem that the €94 million paid by Real Madrid to Manchester United for the transfer of Cristiano Ronaldo will remain a transfer record for a long time. However, a few years later, Gareth Bale and then Paul Pogba were sold by their clubs for even more money: € 100 and € 105 million, respectively. The madness didn't stop there. In the summer of 2017, the French Paris Saint-Germain paid the Spanish Barcelona for the Brazilian Neymar € 222 million. This is by far the most expensive player purchase in football. I wonder how long this transfer record will last?

Record for most goals scored in one calendar year (Leo Messi - 91)

This is interesting. The Zambian Football Federation does not recognize the achievement of the Argentinean Messi. In their opinion, Zambian striker Godfrey Chital scored the most goals in a year, allegedly scoring 107 times in the opponent’s goal.

Most goals by a single player at the World Cup (Juste Fontaine - 13)

At the 1958 World Cup, Frenchman Juste Fontaine scored 13 goals. Fontaine scored a hat-trick in the team's first game at the group stage, then scored a brace against Yugoslavia and scored another goal against the Scots. In the quarter-final game against Northern Ireland, Juste scored a brace, and also celebrated one goal in the semi-final of the tournament against the Brazilians, which France eventually lost with a score of 5:2. In the match for third place, Fontaine scored 4 more goals, bringing his tally in the tournament to 13 goals. By the way, .

Most goals scored by a goalkeeper (Rogerio Ceni - 135)

A goalkeeper has one most important task on the field - to defend his goal. However, for some goalkeepers, the work associated only with protecting their own goal seems boring, and they decide to test themselves as a scorer. There are only a few such goalkeepers in football history, but they do exist. The main one of these goalkeeper-scorers is Rogerio Ceni. The Brazilian played for Sao Paulo, where he spent more than 20 years and won many titles.

Ceni also excelled as a scorer. During his career, the player scored 135 goals in all tournaments. He scored these goals from free kicks and penalties. For example, the famous English midfielder Ryan Giggs scored only 111 goals during the same playing period of his career.

5 Champions League Cups won in a row (Real Madrid 1955-1960)

From 1955 to 1960, Real Madrid destroyed all their rivals on the continent, winning 5 UEFA Champions League Cups in a row. This record still remains unbroken, and certainly, against the backdrop of a significant evolution in the teams’ tactics and the skill of the players, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to repeat such an achievement. It is worth noting that in the current realities it is not possible to win the Champions League, even twice in a row. Only in the 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons did the same Real manage to win the tournament twice.

Largest attendance at a football match (Brazil - Uruguay: 210,000 people)

The 1950 World Cup final with the participation of the national teams of Brazil and Uruguay, held at the Maracana stadium, was called “Maracanazo”. According to official figures, 173,850 tickets were sold for the match, but unofficial sources claim that 210,000 people were in the stadium at the time of the game.

Then there was no such strict control regarding security measures at the stadium, and many fans without tickets made their way into the stands in order to watch the most interesting match.

The most productive match in history (Adema – Stade Olympique l’Emirne – 149:0)

The Madagascar championship match between Adema and Stade Olympique l'Emirne, which took place on October 31, 2002, was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most productive in football. That game was part of a 4-team tournament. The SOE players were dissatisfied with the actions of the chief referee in the last game, who, with his decisions, deprived the team of the chance to become a champion. For the next match against Adema, the SOE players took to the field and, unexpectedly for everyone, began scoring own goals. In 90 minutes of play, they managed to score 149 times against their goalkeeper. 149:0 is the final score of the game.

Such a protest from the players did not go unpunished. The Madagascar Football Federation suspended head coach Hem from football for several years, and also banned some players from playing until the end of the season.

Fewest wins in a single season in the English Premier League (Derby County - 1) Such a sad football record belongs to Derby County. Among all the teams participating in the 2007/08 Premier League season, Derby turned out to be the weakest. In 38 rounds, the Rams managed to win only 1 match. They lost 29 matches (another record), scored only 20 goals, and conceded 89. At the end of the season, Derby became the weakest club in the Premier League with 11 points to its credit. As a result, Derby took last place

Most international goals (Ali Daei - 109)

Over a 13-year career, Iranian Ali Daei managed to play 149 matches for the national team, in which he scored 109 goals. Daei is considered one of the greatest football players in Iranian history. At the club level, the striker managed to play in one of the strongest leagues in Europe - the Bundesliga. He represented Hertha and Bayern. During his time at Bayern, Ali became the first Iranian player to play in the UEFA Champions League.

The strongest kick in football (Hulk - 214 km/h)

At one time, Brazilian defender Roberto Carlos had one of the most powerful blows in football, but now the Hulk has the most powerful blow. The Brazilian winger demonstrated his cannon in the match against Shakhtar Donetsk, when he was still playing for Porto. Hulk took a shot from outside the penalty area, after which the ball went into the goal at crazy speed. Shakhtar goalkeeper Andriy Pyatov was powerless against such a shot. The flight speed of that ball was 214 km/h, which is an unsurpassed record today.

Football is not only the most popular sport in the world, but also a constant source of sporting achievements. With enviable regularity, teams and players set records for the number of victories and trophies, the range and speed of goals scored, the scale and duration of games... History also knows many record-breaking matches. Read on to learn about one of them – the longest.

When did the longest match in history take place?

The longest match in the history of football was carried out and recorded in May 2016 in the British city of Worthing on the territory of Lansing College. This achievement was officially confirmed and included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Important! The longest duration of a football game is contested annually in various countries. Multi-day marathons are specially held in an attempt to exceed the achieved results. For example, in the same 2016, a successful attempt was made in Chile to hold a 120-hour match, but this fact was not accepted at the international level.

How long did it last?

Participants of the Heartbeat United FC society were previously divided into two teams of 18 people: “Team Heartbeat” and “Team United”. While playing football they spent 5 days on the field (from 26 to 30 May 2016), which amounted to a total of 108 hours 2 minutes.

Tournament Features

This tournament is different from professional matches and has a number of key features:

  • It was attended not by football club players, but by amateurs, for whom such a long game is a real test of endurance;
  • the teams differed from the standard ones in composition and number of participants (34 men and 2 women were involved in the “Heartbeat United FC” game);
  • the tournament was held specifically to establish a new world achievement with the invitation of representatives of the Guinness Book of Records;
  • was organized using donations collected and personal savings;
  • an additional purpose of the event was to collect Money for charitable purposes. All funds raised during the 108-hour friendly were donated to the British Heart Foundation and a memorial fund for the three fallen West Sussex Worthing United footballers.

What was the score?

In total, the teams hit each other's goals 1,881 times. The meeting ended in victory with a significant lead for Team Heartbeat. "Team United" lost to opponents with the final score

1. Which goalkeeper scored more than 100 goals?

Rogerio Muque Ceni is a Brazilian goalkeeper. World champion 2002 as part of the Brazilian national team. He has been playing for the Sao Paulo club since 1992. Officially recognized as the goalkeeper who scored the most goals in history (116 goals).

2. Which judge removed himself?

Referee Andy Vane sent himself off the field in the 63rd minute, showing himself a red card.

This unique event in the history of world football was preceded by the following sequence of events. In the 63rd minute, Royal Mail scored a goal against Peterborough goalkeeper Richard McGuffin, thus taking the lead 2:1. However, MacGuffin, believing that the ball was scored in violation of the rules, criticized the referee.

Wayne did not remain in debt. The 39-year-old referee ran up to the MacGuffin and, liberally using profanity, advised him to shut up. Then, as if having come to his senses, the referee took out a red card, but showed it not to the goalkeeper, but to himself, after which he blew the whistle to end the game and walked off the field.

3. Which club won 149:0?

In the Madagascar football championship, the Adem Club beat Olympic with a score of 149:0!

Olympic, which was playing away, did not agree with one of the decisions of the match referee, and began kicking goals into their own goal as a sign of protest. We managed to score - 149!

4. In which match were 36 players sent off?

In the Paraguayan junior league match between Teniente Farina and Libertad, the referee sent off all 36 players from both teams for fighting.

5. The longest match in football history?

Most long match lasted - 36 hours! It took place on April 11-12, 2009 in England, two English teams played: Leeds Badgers and the Bristol team football academy.

6. In which match were 540 goals scored?

During the entire period of the above football match, 540 goals were scored! And the match itself ended with a score of 255-285.

7. Who scored 75 goals in one match?

In the same match, Adam McPhee, playing for Leeds Badgers, scored 75 goals.

8. Who is the “barefoot football player”?

There are several possible answers to this question. Firstly, there is an expression in Portuguese that means "barefoot footballer", derived from this expression is the word PELE.

There was also a case in the history of football when a football player scored barefoot at the World Cup. It was Leonidas. In one of the matches, his boots became unusable, and he was forced to play barefoot for extra time.

9. Who scored 3 own goals in one match?

Belgian footballer Stan van den Buys scored 3 own goals at once in the national championship match between Germinal Eckeren and Anderlecht in the 1995-96 season, which is a record. Anderlecht won 3:2 without scoring on their own.

10. How did the referee score 2 goals in one match?

It happens! The referee scored two goals in one match. In the first case, the ball flew into the goal after a ricochet from his leg, in the second - from his head. Fortunately, both teams suffered from the judge, and therefore he did not get any nuts. Moreover, the meeting of Spanish fourth division clubs ended in a draw

Many football fans think that 90 minutes of a match is too short. The most desperate fans can play football even for more than a day. So, today the longest football match is considered to be the match that took place on April 11-12, 2009 in Great Britain between the team of the Bristol Football Academy and Leeds Badgers. This match lasted 36 hours and ended in a victory for Leeds with a score of 285–255. Leeds striker Adam McPhee especially distinguished himself - he scored 75 goals.

Each team had 18 players, each of whom played approximately 18 hours. It is estimated that the players ran an average of 70 kilometers during this match. Moreover, even during breaks, players were not allowed to leave the field.

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Seventeen years ago, on April 26, 1998, the largest simultaneous game of checkers took place. Three-time world champion Barbadian Ron King, nicknamed "Ali of Checkers" for his long tongue, played against 385 opponents and beat them all. We present the most striking examples of long matches from other sports.

Marathon at Wimbledon

Usually tennis matches at Wimbledon are postponed to the next day due to rain, sometimes due to darkness. And in very rare cases, due to the fact that both opponents can barely stand on their feet from fatigue. In 2010, the French Nicolas Mahut and American John Isner played the longest match in the history of world tennis. In addition to the record for duration, records were set for the number of aces per game. In the fifth set alone, Isner served more hits than any other player in the entire match. With the score 47:47 in the fifth set, the scoreboard on court No. 18 went out, as this was the maximum score for which it was programmed. Six games later, for the same reason, the statistics on the official Wimbledon website were reset to zero. The result of this amazing match is 6:4, 3:6, 6:7 (7:9), 7:6 (7:3), 70:68 in favor of Isner. In total, the match lasted three days, the pure time spent by the players on the court was more than 11 hours. Immediately after the end, the players and, and a memorial plaque dedicated to this incredible game soon appeared on the wall of the court. Nicolas Mahut I was so shocked by what happened that I wrote the book “The Match of My Life.”

Pyrrhic victory for the Russian team

Russian water polo masters arrived at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney as one of the favorites. The group tournament was successful for the Russians. In the quarterfinals it was unexpectedly difficult against the Americans, but in the end our water polo players achieved victory. And in the semi-finals, the Russian team took on the then-current Olympic champions from Spain. It was a fabulous match. The Russians constantly came forward, the Spaniards caught up with them with the same regularity. In extra time, both teams were most afraid of making mistakes and, as one of the commentators put it, they swam back faster than forward. In the end, everything was decided 10 seconds before the end of the third overtime with an accurate throw Dmitry Gorshkov. But the Russians did not have enough strength for the final match - the Hungarians easily beat our team with a score of 13:6. After the Sydney Games, changes were made to the regulations - water polo players stopped playing endless overtime and switched to penalties.

Hotter than hell

On April 5, 1915, the longest heavyweight boxing championship fight in history took place in Havana, Cuba. American Jack Johnson, the first black world heavyweight champion, defended his title in a fight with his compatriot Jess Willard. At that time, there were no regulations on the mandatory number of rounds in championship matches, and before each fight the opponents agreed on its length.

This time they agreed on 45, which was supposed to show the extreme endurance of the boxers. It didn’t reach the required number of rounds; the champion was knocked out in the 26th. After the defeat, Johnson always claimed that he gave up this fight - the hostility towards the black champion was too great in America at that time. In fact, the champion simply did not bother training too much before the fight, hoping to knock out Willard at the beginning of the fight. When this did not work out, it became clear that a long fight in forty-degree heat would be to the advantage of the challenger. Perhaps Johnson really could have gotten up after the missed blow, but in any case, his stamina would not have been enough not only to win, but even to stay on his feet for another 20 rounds. Willard said only one phrase after the fight: “I think that even in hell it won’t be as hot as here.”

With a lunch break

One cricket match can take place over several days, and the regulations include official breaks for lunch, tea and sleep. Modern rules limit matches in time, but previously teams could play virtually indefinitely. It was just such a match that the teams of England and South Africa played in 1939, which ended only when it was time for the British to board the ship to sail home. The match was played over nine days with two days off. The rain also added to the duration of the match - on one of the game days, the participants simply could not go out onto the field, which was completely flooded with water. Despite (or perhaps because of) the length of the game, cricket is very popular in countries that were formerly part of the British Empire. the fact that she did not know who (the greatest player in cricket history) was who had come to watch her match caused an uproar in India. Indian fans even came up with the hashtag #whoisMariaSharapova.

How one party changed all the rules

In 1989, a chess game was played in Belgrade between Ivan Nikolic And Goran Arsovic. The players signed a peace treaty after the 269th move and 20 hours spent at the board. In the endgame there were only five pieces left on the board - white had a king, bishop and rook, black had a king and rook. Nikolic tried to use his advantage for more than a hundred moves, but nothing worked. After this record, FIDE decided to introduce the “rule of 50” - if each player makes 50 moves without capturing the opponent’s piece, the game is declared a draw.