Housing on public housing. State housing certificate: conditions of issuance and implementation

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The State Housing Certificate (SHC) gives a citizen the right to receive free financial assistance from the state for the purchase of housing. Subsidies for the purchase of housing are allocated under the program “Implementation of government obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation.”

Who is eligible for the program?

Participants in the program are certain categories of citizens defined by law, and recognized as needy in improvement living conditions and not having residential premises for permanent residence in the territory Russian Federation.

These include:

  • A number of categories of military personnel (with the exception of participants in the savings-mortgage system housing provision military personnel), employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, employees of the Tax Police, employees of the penal system;
  • Citizens subject to resettlement from closed military camps, as well as settlements with special conditions economic activity. (The list of settlements is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation);
  • Family members of certain categories of military personnel;
  • Some categories of citizens exposed to radiation due to radiation accidents and disasters, and persons equated to them. Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and at the Mayak production association;
  • Some categories of Baikonur employees;
  • Citizens recognized in in the prescribed manner forced migrants and included by the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service in the consolidated lists of forced migrants registered as needing residential premises;
  • Certain categories of citizens leaving (have left) the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;
  • Other categories of citizens.

How to obtain a state housing certificate?

Certificates are issued depending on the category of citizens:

  • Federal authorities executive power, in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides military service;
  • Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in whose territory citizens are registered as those in need of improved housing conditions;
  • Administration of Baikonur.

What kind of housing can a holder of a state housing certificate expect?

The State Housing Certificate (SHC) is issued once in a lifetime.

The subsidy is non-cash. Its size is calculated on the date of issue of the certificate and is not subject to change. Standard cost of 1 sq. m of total housing area is determined by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation for each six months. On this moment* in the Moscow region this norm is 54,479 rubles.

The housing issue is the most pressing for all citizens. It is quite difficult for young family people to buy their own property; in order to save a certain amount for an apartment, they have to resort to different methods. Some people save a certain amount every month, others take out mortgage loans. These methods are not available to everyone. For example, low-income families simply cannot save enough money and their monthly mortgage payments are too high.

The state offers those in need an alternative - state housing certificates (GHC).

They allow you to purchase real estate on completely different terms, having received free assistance from the state. Like maternal certificate, only certain categories of citizens can receive GHS. It is also worth knowing that the presence of this form introduces significant restrictions on its use. All this together can attract or repel those in need of housing.

The state housing certificate is a special document that certifies the owner’s right to purchase living space. The civil housing contract is a personal document; accordingly, only the recipient can use it. The cost of the certificate is indexed depending on changes in pricing policy in the real estate market. The main indicator for determining the cost of civil housing construction is the cost of the constructed residential property; the higher it is, the more the certificate amount increases.

Citizens often perceive public housing property as a security, but this is not entirely true. The received certificate has a specific purpose, and therefore it is impossible to cash it by selling it to another person. A housing certificate is a full-fledged alternative to receiving free housing from the state. In fact, it can be compared with apartments previously allocated in the USSR, but there are also significant differences. GZS allows:

  1. Get housing in any region of the country.
  2. Add your own funds to the allocated amount and purchase more expensive and better premises.

But you should also remember about the existing disadvantages - the certificate limits the choice of options.

Main purpose

A housing certificate gives its owner the right to purchase finished living space. Often this means buying apartments on the secondary market. Housing under construction can only be purchased if the property has a high degree of readiness or has already been put into operation.

The purpose of the SHA is to provide free square meters to citizens who are recognized as needy and do not have the opportunity to independently purchase living space. Please note that only those citizens who do not have their own housing can receive government assistance.

The use of a certificate involves variations. But before considering them, you should understand what actions cannot be performed with it:

  1. It will not be possible to buy an apartment larger or smaller than what is specified in the State Housing Development Plan. If the paper states that the money was issued for the purchase of a 1-room apartment of 36 m2, then it will not be possible to buy a 2-room apartment.
  2. The seller must have legal status or individual and have registered ownership rights to the apartment.
  3. Use document over deadline. If the validity period of the GHS has expired, you will not be able to use it.

All the existing restrictions result in a rather complicated search and purchase procedure, so many sellers simply do not want to contact the owners of such securities.

Categories of citizens

You can only obtain a certificate by at will. The fact is that by agreeing to participate in this program, a citizen is excluded from the queue of those in need after purchasing real estate.

A person who has applied for participation in the program may be rejected if he has the following points:

  1. Own home in the form of a house, apartment, isolated room.
  2. Comfortable housing that meets established standards has been booked.
  3. Previously, housing was received from the state, but it was sold, exchanged, or donated, as a result of which living conditions seriously deteriorated.

If the person in need is a military personnel, then additional restrictions apply to him. A service member cannot count on receiving a certificate if one or more members of his family:

  • purchased real estate;
  • build housing;
  • members of a housing construction cooperative, which is sponsored by federal budget;
  • received a subsidy for these purposes.

The final decision on whether to provide the applicant with SHA or not is made by a special Housing Commission.

The following categories of citizens can receive a certificate:

  1. Working in the ranks of the Armed Forces, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSIN and FSKN. Provided that they have at least 10 years of service or were dismissed for health reasons. Relatives of employees of these structures who died in the line of duty can count on this kind of help.
  2. Those working at the Baikonur complex who are moving from there to other zones of the Russian Federation.
  3. Migrants from the Far North, but only if their work experience is at least 15 years.
  4. Scientists, up to a certain age.
  5. Citizens of the Russian Federation who changed their place of residence are forced to do so, even if they came from other countries.
  6. Victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  7. Lost property for a reason natural disaster or emergency situation.

At the same time, all the stated conditions regarding the absence of own housing remain.

Conditions of receipt

Being included in the list of listed categories of persons is not enough to receive state aid for the purchase of housing. Citizens who fit one of the following categories can become participants in the program:

  1. The property does not contain any living space intended for permanent residence.
  2. Man lives on permanent basis in a hostel, communal apartment or office space, without having personal square meters.
  3. A citizen rents a premises on the terms commercial hiring without having their own living space.

All information about need is checked by a commission, and if it is revealed that the applicant himself or his relatives have property, the application will be rejected. Close relatives are considered to be the spouse, children, and parents.

The procedure for provision is strictly regulated by accepted living space standards. Today they are represented by the following parameters:

  1. 33 m2 is paid per person.
  2. For two citizens 42 m2 is allocated.
  3. If a family consists of more than two persons, then an additional 18 m2 is given for each subsequent member.

There are no more restrictive conditions for obtaining GZS.

Issuance procedure

You can take part in the government financing program for the purchase of housing if you follow a special procedure.

It looks virtually identical for all categories of persons, but may have some differences depending on what category of citizens the person in need belongs to and what grounds he has for receiving GHS.

The housing certificate will be provided as follows:

  1. A person in need collects a package mandatory documentation. Its completeness should be clarified in advance with the relevant authorities.
  2. An application form is filled out with a request for financial assistance to improve living conditions.
  3. All documentation is submitted for review.
  4. The Housing Commission reviews the submitted forms and makes a decision to allocate funds or refuse the application.

Not everyone who submits documents and applications will receive a positive response. The amount of funding plays a huge role in decision making. Sometimes the number of applicants significantly exceeds the currently available opportunities. But if the candidate himself is recognized as needy, then his application will be approved, but its implementation will be postponed for a certain period.

Required documents

The process of considering the candidacy of a person in need can be started only under one condition - a package of documentation has been submitted. This is the initial and most important stage, because the commission focuses exclusively on verified and confirmed data.

The list of required papers should be clarified directly in your region. It may have some differences. However, in most cases there is a developed list of mandatory forms, which can be supplemented with other documents at the discretion of local authorities.

The list of required documents to submit includes:

  1. Identification.
  2. A certificate stating that the citizen does not have his own home and needs to improve his living conditions.
  3. Extract from the house register last place residence.
  4. Certificate-extract from the personal account at the last place of residence confirming the absence of debts on utility bills.
  5. Birth certificates of children.
  6. Passports of all adult family members.
  7. Marriage or divorce certificate.
  8. Work record book or extract from it.
  9. Certificate stating that the person is a forced migrant or came from the Far North.

In the case of military personnel receiving civil housing contracts, increased requirements may be imposed on them, and the list of documents for them may increase by several points.

Certificate issuing authorities

Each Government program is implemented through certain structures that are vested with the authority to conduct verifications of the information provided and issue financial assistance. Obtaining a civil housing permit is a complex procedure, and first of all, the applicant should find out where to apply for consideration.

Only those government bodies that are authorized to perform this action can issue housing certificates. Depending on the applicant’s status, these may be:

  1. If the applicant works in preferential structures, then he must contact the relevant ministry or directly the institution where he works. So military personnel submit applications to the Ministry of Defense, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service to the Ministry of Justice, etc.
  2. Persons working at Baikonur submit documents to the city administration.
  3. Other categories of citizens submit applications to housing commission municipal council, at the registration address or actual residence when it comes to relocation.

Other structures are not authorized to resolve housing issues, and therefore cannot accept an application for consideration of a candidacy.

All of these structures operate according to one approved scheme:

  1. Applications are accepted annually from January 1 to July 1. If you submit the form later, it will be applied to the next year.
  2. Requests are satisfied based on funding from the federal budget.
  3. A limited amount of time is allotted for the implementation of the received certificate.

The applicant cannot influence the decision; only an authorized structure can give a final answer.

Obtaining a certificate

The process of obtaining a state housing certificate can proceed in two ways:

  1. The applicant submitted documents for consideration from January 1 to July 1 of the current year and wishes to receive assistance this year. This process involves collecting a complete package of documents to verify all declared information.
  2. The citizen submits an application for the following years. The procedure is simplified and to include it in the register of recipients, you will only need two forms - an application and a certificate of the need to improve living conditions (you will have to collect all the required papers in the year of receipt).

These deadlines may not apply to military personnel. The earlier the application is submitted, the greater the chance of receiving funding this year.

After the documents from the person in need to receive a housing certificate have been reviewed and his request has been granted, it is time for the second stage of the procedure. In essence, the Civil Housing Agreement is just a piece of paper that is not even security, but its presence allows you to subsequently purchase housing. The issued certificate indicates the amount of subsidy that is allocated to this citizen to improve his living conditions.

After receiving the certificate, the person in need is again included in active work. From the moment the document is issued, in a short time, he will have to go through a long and complex procedure for exercising the acquired right.

Implementation procedure

Every year in the Russian Federation, about 10,000 GZS are issued and sold.

These figures show that, in general, the work in this direction is being carried out quite seriously and it is quite possible to receive government assistance. But it should be borne in mind that on the way to the treasured square meters, those in need will face many difficulties. The most important obstacle will be the cost of the issued housing certificate. Unfortunately, the housing prices that are used to calculate government assistance are absolutely not true. If real estate is purchased in small towns, then there is still some chance of meeting the amount. But when buying a home in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other large cities, you cannot do without adding your own or borrowed funds. This factor is worth considering even before applying for participation in the program.

The received certificate must be implemented within an extremely short time frame. You only have 9 months to buy a home. This is not so much considering the duration of the entire procedure. The owner of the State Housing Property Agreement will have to go through the following path:

  1. Open a bank account.
  2. Find a suitable property.
  3. Conclude a purchase and sale agreement with the seller.
  4. Pay for purchased housing.
  5. Register ownership of the premises.
  6. Report on the intended use of funds.

Each stage of the housing certificate implementation procedure has its own nuances.

Opening a bank account

The state housing certificate cannot be presented to the seller as payment for the selected property. The procedure for converting GHS into real money is complex and multi-stage. The presence of such complications allows the state to track where the money is going and prevents it from being wasted in inappropriate ways.

GHS will become money in the following case:

  1. The owner of the certificate will open a bank account.
  2. The amount specified in the form will be credited to this account.
  3. After choosing a seller, the transaction is verified by bank employees.
  4. If the purchase and sale is transparent, money is transferred to the seller’s account.

The essence of the procedure is that the certificate holder cannot cash out the funds and spend them in a different direction.

You can open an account only in a financial institution that is authorized by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Most often, recipients of state aid turn to Sberbank to carry out this operation. The bank employee is presented with a housing certificate, on the basis of which he opens a special blocked account. Money is credited to it, but it cannot be withdrawn either partially or completely without the approval of a government agency. It will not be possible to transfer money from account to account if there is no such command from above.

Search for accommodation

Having transferred the money to your personal bank account, you need to proceed to the next stage of the procedure - choosing housing. You can do this yourself, or by contacting the services of a realtor. The implementation period for a civil construction project is quite short, less than a year, so it is often quite difficult for the owner to cope with it on his own.

When choosing housing, it is important to consider the following criteria:

  1. Real estate must comply with the standards prescribed in the Civil Housing Construction Code. You should select the number of rooms as prescribed and take into account the permitted square footage of housing.
  2. The purchased living space must correspond sanitary standards and have proper engineering communications available.

The most significant criterion remains the amount of the allocated subsidy. It is this that limits the search and slows down the process. If you have your own savings in the amount of the difference between the actual cost of the property and the amount of the certificate, it is not difficult to buy an apartment. But unfortunately, not everyone has excess material resources, so the procedure can cause serious difficulties.

When hiring a realtor, be prepared for the fact that all expenses for his services will fall on your shoulders; it will not be possible to reimburse his work from the State Housing Construction Fund.

Conclusion of an agreement

Having found a seller, you can proceed directly to the purchase and sale procedure, which is expressed in concluding an agreement. This document is drawn up according to generally accepted standards and does not require specialized forms. However, when drawing it up, it is extremely important to indicate all the significant terms of the transaction and not miss a single important aspect.

The purchase and sale agreement can be drawn up independently, but it is better to seek help from professionals. It must indicate:

  1. Details of the seller and buyer.
  2. Address and main characteristics of the real estate that is the subject of the transaction.
  3. Cost of living space. If it exceeds the amount of the certificate, then it is necessary to additionally specify which part is transferred by bank transfer, and which part is paid by the buyer independently.
  4. Conditions for transferring money.
  5. Payment deadline; it will not be possible to provide an exact date, but it is worth indicating the maximum payment period so as not to find yourself in a situation of unfulfilled promises.
  6. Bank account numbers of both the seller and the buyer for transferring funds from one to the other.
  7. Other essential conditions.

The purchase and sale agreement itself is not certified by a notary, but the act of acceptance and transfer of the object must be certified at a notary's office. The deed is signed after the seller has received the full price of the home. The agreement is registered with Rosreestr or MFC.


Having registered the purchase and sale agreement, the owner of the certificate applies to the bank, where he has a personal account with funds from the state housing cooperative. He submits documents and writes an application for transfer Money to the seller.

The banking organization checks the submitted papers within 30-50 calendar days. All submitted forms are carefully examined for authenticity.

A lengthy verification procedure can scare away the seller, which is why many property owners do not want to get involved in such long-term transactions. But this process also has its advantages - it is a kind of insurance against fraud, the money will go to the seller in any case.

After transferring funds to the seller’s account, a transfer and acceptance certificate is drawn up and signed.

Registration of ownership

The buyer, and now the new owner of the home, collects papers for the purchased property and submits them to Rosreestr or MFC to register ownership. This is the last stage and it takes a little time. If the documentation is submitted directly to Rosreestr, then registration will be completed within five days, and if submitted through the MFC, it will take two more days.

In 2018, a certificate of ownership is not issued. You can confirm the fact of re-registration by requesting an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. It will contain the details of the new owner. It is she who is submitted to the housing department of the region for confirmation intended use funds and completing the procedure for purchasing an apartment using the state housing certificate.

Sample documents

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Information for citizens eligible to participate in main event “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing to categories of citizens established by federal legislation” of the state program of the Russian Federation “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities citizens of the Russian Federation."

The main event “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation” (hereinafter referred to as the main event) is federal program. The Moscow City Property Department (hereinafter referred to as the Department), as a representative of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - the city of Moscow, issues state housing certificates (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) to the participants of the main event to improve their living conditions.

The certificate is a personal certificate certifying a citizen’s right to receive social benefits from the federal budget for the purchase of residential premises.

Attention, the certificate is not a subsidy provided from the budget of the city of Moscow to city residents who are registered in the housing register in the city of Moscow for the purchase or construction of housing (Article 31 of the Moscow City Law of June 14, 2006 No. 29 “On ensuring the right of Moscow residents to housing premises").

The certificate is not a security.

The standard for the total area of ​​living space for calculating the amount of social benefits is established in the following amount:

33 sq. m- for a citizen living alone;

42 sq. m- for a family of 2 people;

18 sq. m for each family member if the family size is 3 people or more.

The calculation of the amount of social benefits when issuing a certificate is based on the cost standard 1 sq. m total living area in the Russian Federation valid on the date of issue of the certificate.

The period for receiving social benefits directly depends on the number of certificates allocated to the city of Moscow.

Social benefits are provided to the certificate holder in non-cash form by crediting federal budget funds to his bank account opened with the bank.

The participant of the main event and (or) members of his family who own the residential premises (living premises) without established encumbrances, undertake an obligation to alienate this residential premises (living premises) free of charge to the state or municipal property. In this case, the alienation of a residential building (part of a residential building) is carried out together with land plot occupied by the specified residential building (part of a residential building) and necessary for its use.

If the participant of the main event and members of his family do not accept the obligation to terminate the contract social hiring and about the vacancy of the residential premises occupied by them, a certificate is not issued to the specified citizen.

The owner of the certificate within 3 months from the date of issue of the certificate submits it to the bank at the place of purchase of the residential premises or at the place of residence of the owner of the certificate to conclude a bank account agreement and open a bank account.

A participant in the main event can purchase residential premises in the city of Moscow or the Moscow region not only within the limits of social benefits, but also using their own and (or) borrowed (credit) funds, as well as funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital.

After receiving information about the sale of the state housing certificate, the participant in the main event is deregistered.

In accordance with the norms of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2006 No. 153 “On some issues of the implementation of the main event “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation” of the state program of the Russian Federation “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation” Federation" and the resolution of the Moscow Government dated May 11, 2010 No. 388-PP "On approval of the Rules for considering applications from citizens for participation in the main event "Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and public services of citizens of the Russian Federation" by the Department of City Property of the city of Moscow and the registration and issuance of state housing certificates for the allocation of social benefits for the purchase of residential premises." The Department annually carries out work to compile lists of participants in the main event who submitted an application from January 1 to July 1 of the year state housing certificate in the planned year.

These citizens include:

Citizens leaving (have left) the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, who have the right to receive social benefits in accordance with Federal law dated October 25, 2002 No. 125-FZ “On housing subsidies citizens leaving the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas”;

Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the accident at the Mayak production association, and persons equivalent to them who are registered as needing improved housing conditions, have the right to be provided with housing at the expense of the federal budget in accordance with Articles 14, 15, 16, 17 and 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On social protection citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant", Federal Law dated November 26, 1998 No. 175-FZ "On the social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation exposed to radiation as a result of the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and the discharge of radioactive waste into the river Techa" and the resolution Supreme Council Russian Federation dated December 27, 1991 No. 2123-1 “On the extension of the RSFSR Law “On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster” to citizens from special risk units”;

Citizens recognized in the prescribed manner as forced migrants, not provided with residential premises for permanent residence and included by territorial bodies federal body executive power, authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of migration, to the consolidated lists of forced migrants registered in the city of Moscow as those in need of improved housing conditions or those in need of residential premises;

Citizens leaving populated areas (including cities, towns), polar stations located in the Far North and equivalent areas and closed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of decisions of authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation, who have the right to receive social benefits in accordance with Federal Law dated July 17, 2011 No. 211-FZ “On housing subsidies for citizens leaving closed settlements in the Far North and equivalent areas” .

If you belong to these categories of citizens, are on the housing register in the city of Moscow, you can apply to the Department at the address: st. Bakhrushina, 18, building 1, application for registration as a participant in the main event “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation” of the state program of the Russian Federation “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation "

For more detailed explanations and other questions, within the framework of the named subprogram, in accordance with paragraphs. “b”, clause 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/21/2006 No. 153 You have the right to contact the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation or read independently in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/21/2006 No. 153 and the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 11.05 .2010 No. 388-PP.

Amount of social benefit under the certificate:

For 1 person - RUB 1,693,019. (33 sq. m per 1 participant);

For 2 people - RUB 2,154,752. (42 sq. m for 2 participants);

For 3 people - RUB 2,770,395. (18 sq. m for each family member if the family size is 3 people or more).

Examples of calculating social benefits based on a certificate:

  1. In addition to the occupied living space

(33.0 sq. m – 10.6 sq. m = 22.4 sq. m) x 42,753 rub. x 1.2 = 1 RUB 149,201 , Where:

33.0 sq. m – the standard for the total area of ​​living space for calculating the amount of social benefits for a citizen living alone (clause 16 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2006 No. 153);

10.6 sq. m. - the total area of ​​residential premises owned or with the right of use by the participant of the main event (clause 16.2 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2006 No. 153);

RUB 42,753


  1. With the vacancy of the occupied residential premises

33.0 sq. m x 42,753 rub. x 1.2 = 1 693,019 rub., Where:

33.0 sq. m – the standard for the total area of ​​living space for calculating the amount of social benefits for a family of one person (clause 16 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2006 No. 153);

RUB 42,753 - standard cost of one square meter total housing area in the Russian Federation (clause 13 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2006 No. 153 and order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2018 No. 387/pr “On the standard cost of one square meter of total residential area in the Russian Federation for the second half of 2018 and the average cost of one square meter of residential area in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the third quarter of 2018");

1,2 - an increasing coefficient to the standard cost per square meter of total housing area in the Russian Federation for the purchase of residential premises on the territory of the city of Moscow or the Moscow region (clause “a”, clause 14 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2006 No. 153).

Social benefits are provided to the owner of the state housing cooperative in non-cash form by crediting federal budget funds to his bank account opened with the bank.

The owner of the certificate, within 3 months (for the “GA” series - 2 months) from the date of issuance of the civil housing certificate, submits it to the bank at the place of purchase of the residential premises(s) or at the place of residence to conclude a bank account agreement and open a bank account.

When opening a bank account, the bank checks the compliance of the data specified in the State Housing Certificate with the data contained in the identity document of the certificate owner, as well as the timeliness of submission of the State Housing Property Certificate to the bank, after which it concludes a bank account agreement with him and opens a bank account in his name.

If there is a discrepancy between the data specified in the State Housing Property Agreement and the data contained in the submitted documents, as well as in the event of expiration of a 3-month period (for the “GA” series – 2 months) from the date of issue of the State Housing Property Agreement, the bank returns the State Housing Property Agreement to its owner.

The owner of the civil housing construction has the right to apply to the executive authority that issued the civil housing construction with an application to replace the certificate.

The bank account agreement stipulates the basic conditions for servicing the bank account, the procedure for the relationship between the bank and the owner of the civil housing cooperative.

The bank account agreement is concluded for the period remaining until the expiration of the civil housing contract, and can be terminated during the validity period of the bank account agreement upon the written application of the account owner. When early termination bank account agreement, if social payment funds have not been credited to the specified account, the bank issues the account owner a certificate of termination of the bank account agreement without transferring social payment funds.

The civil housing property, handed over by its owner to the bank, is not returned to the certificate owner after the conclusion of the bank account agreement.

If a bank account agreement is concluded not at the place of acquisition of residential premises(s) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation specified in the certificate, but at the place of residence, the account owner must submit to the bank before purchasing the residential premises(s) to the place of purchase of residential premises(s), a previously concluded bank account agreement and a copy of the civil housing contract certified in the manner established by the bank. The bank concludes with the account holder new agreement bank account. In this case, the validity period of the new bank account agreement is limited to the validity period of the previously concluded bank account agreement. In this case, there is no commission for opening an account (see reefs).

The bank account agreement stipulates that, by agreement of the parties, the opening and maintenance of a bank account is carried out at the expense of the account owner (see Tariffs).

The account owner, within the validity period of the bank account agreement, has the right to purchase residential premises (residential premises) that meet the requirements from individuals and legal entities (one or more) on the primary or secondary housing markets in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation specified in the Civil Housing Agreement. , established by Articles 15 and 16 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, landscaped in relation to the conditions settlement, chosen for permanent residence, including in rural areas(including outbuildings). In this case, it is permissible to acquire a share in the right of common ownership of residential premises(s), provided that as a result of such a transaction, the residential premises(s) are fully included in the common shared ownership the account holder and his family members.

When indicating cities in the certificate in the column “name of the subject of the Russian Federation” federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg or Sevastopol, it is allowed to purchase residential premises(s), respectively, in the Moscow region, Leningrad region or the Republic of Crimea.

The account holder has the right to purchase residential premises(es) not only within the limits of social benefits, but also using their own and (or) borrowed (credit) funds, as well as funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital.

The account holder provides to the bank at the place of purchase of residential premises(s) to pay for the purchased residential premises(s), documents for payment of civil housing construction and at the same time draws up an application-instruction to write off social benefits for the intended purpose when they are received in the account.

The originals of the purchase and sale agreement and the statement(s) are kept by the bank until funds are transferred to the person(s) specified in the purchase and sale agreement, or until a decision is made to refuse such a transfer, and then returned to the account owner.

The bank verifies the package of documents for payment within 3 business days from the date of receipt. Based on the test results:

When deciding to accept the purchase and sale agreement for payment, sends to the Federal Institution “United Directorate” of the Ministry of Construction of Russia an application for the transfer of social benefits to pay for the purchase and sale agreement;

When deciding to refuse to accept a purchase and sale agreement for payment, the Bank writing notifies the account holder about this, indicating the reasons.

FKU "United Directorate" of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the Bank's application, checks the data specified in the application for compliance with the data contained in unified register issued certificates.

If they comply with territorial body Federal Treasury payment documents are provided to carry out, in accordance with the established procedure, the operation of transferring social benefits to the account of the owner of the civil housing construction, opened for him in the bank.

After the social payment funds are received into the account of the owner of the civil housing construction project, they are transferred for the intended purpose to the recipient.

Documents provided to the bank to pay for residential premises(s):

  1. Contract(s) for the purchase and sale of residential premises(s), on the basis of which the state registration ownership rights to residential premises (residential premises);
  2. Extract(s) from the Unified state register real estate;
  3. Credit agreement (loan agreement) on the provision of funds for the purchase of residential premises (residential premises) (if any);
  4. Bank account agreement;
  5. Identification document of the owner of the civil housing construction project or an authorized representative; a notarized power of attorney (or a power of attorney equivalent to a notarized one, in the case of documents being submitted to the bank by an authorized person).

Mandatory indication of details in the purchase and sale agreement:

  1. Address of the residential premises(s) being purchased, area of ​​the residential premises(s);
  2. Price of residential premises(s) (in numbers and words); if there is an additional payment, then the terms for payment of the missing amount and the timing of the transfer of own or borrowed funds are prescribed;
  3. Details of the Civil Housing Code: series, number, date of issue, name of the body that issued the certificate;
  4. Account, full name of the owner of the civil housing construction project from which social payment funds are transferred;
  5. Account, full name of the seller to which social benefits are transferred.


  1. The purchased residential premises (residential premises) are registered in common property all family members specified in the certificate.
  2. An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) must contain complete data about each person whose right to residential premises is registered. An extract from the Unified State Register is provided to the copyright holders themselves or their legal representatives, or physical and legal entities having a power of attorney from the copyright holder or his legal representative. To obtain from the rights registration authority an Extract from the USRN containing complete data about each copyright holder, it is necessary to contact all copyright holders at the same time or their legal representatives, or persons who have a notarized power of attorney(s) from the copyright holder(s) or his(their) legal representative(s).
  3. When purchasing 2 or more residential premises, contracts for residential premises and extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate must be submitted to the bank at the same time.
  4. Residential premises(es) can only be purchased in the region indicated in the corresponding line in the certificate.
  5. It is permissible to accept a purchase and sale agreement for payment if the cost of the purchased residential premises (residential premises) is lower than the amount of social benefits specified in the certificate.

Owning your own apartment or house is available to many people only thanks to support from the state. Providing assistance to the population in providing housing is one of the most important priorities of the state’s social policy. Support activities are organized in several directions and in various forms, among which the publication of housing certificates occupies a special place.

What is a state housing certificate

A state housing certificate is a document that gives its recipient the right to finance the purchase of housing from the federal budget.

Dreams of owning their own home have become a reality for many families thanks to housing certificates

Legal basis

The form of state support under consideration appeared after the adoption of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2006 No. 153, which defined the rules for the provision and use of certificates. Due to many changes and additions, the Rules were published in new edition in November 2018.

The very idea of ​​providing support in this form was initially provided for by the federal target program “Housing”, approved in 2001. After this, the event for issuing certificates moved on to the next program legal acts V housing sector, adopted after the implementation of the previous ones. Relevant today is the state program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utility services to citizens of the Russian Federation,” designed for implementation in 2018–2025.

The essence of the certificate

The certificate confirms the right to social benefits allocated to meet the need for housing.

  • The amount of the benefit is calculated individually for each applicant according to standards established depending on such circumstances as:
  • composition of the applicant's family;
  • current standards for the number of square meters;
  • the person’s need for housing and the availability of housing owned or with the right to use;

standard cost of housing in a particular region.

For some groups of applicants, increasing coefficients apply.

The validity period of the document is limited: the recipient of assistance must submit the document to the bank branch within 3 months after its execution. Previously, citizens had only 2 months. The bank has 7 months to make payment on the presented certificate, subject to the submission of the relevant documents by the applicant. Strict deadlines are established because certificates are issued annually, therefore, competent authorities must have the opportunity to plan

budget funds to provide support. The certificate is issued on forms

strict reporting

and filled out in the name of each recipient

The first results of the program's implementation confirmed the effectiveness of this method of providing support to the population in the field of housing.

According to official estimates, as a result of organizing the issuance of certificates in 2011–2015. About 57 thousand families purchased housing.

The procedure for providing support in this form is set out in detail in the Rules approved by Resolution No. 153. The document defines the categories of persons entitled to payment, the procedure for applying and the list necessary documents, interaction procedures between government agencies and institutions involved in the process, and other procedural nuances.

Which persons have the right to count on support?

The categories of entities that have the opportunity to receive assistance in the form of a certificate are listed in paragraphs 19–21 of the above Rules. Potential applicants include people who are particularly vulnerable to housing due to their nature labor activity, the specifics of the area in which they live, or due to work at special facilities.

The list is closed and includes the following groups:

  • military and internal affairs workers, national guard troops completing their service (except for participants in other support systems in the housing sector). For different groups of military personnel and employees, different minimum required working periods have been determined depending on the reasons for leaving (10 years when leaving upon reaching the maximum age for service, due to health, change of place of residence, 20 years - for those leaving service at the end of a contract or family circumstances). The opportunity to receive support also remains for relatives of the deceased from the specified categories of military and other employees;
  • employees of internal affairs bodies, tax service And similar structures subject to receiving the status of those in need of housing;
  • tax service employees who have completed their work;
  • migrants from closed military camps who have completed their service and residents of former military camps, subject to the right to a pension;
  • people who suffered due to radiation from the incident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and at Mayak PA, if they have the status of those in need of improvement housing situation and housing rights under special legislation;
  • legalized forced migrants without housing for permanent residence subject to inclusion in the general lists of displaced persons with a need for living space;
  • residents of the Far North who leave their region and have the right to social benefits under special legislation;
  • persons relocating from closed entities and the Baikonur complex, subject to the right to support under special legislation.

Amount of social benefit

The amount of the benefit is calculated by the administration of the relevant territorial entity, taking into account the previously listed indicators, as well as special legislation for certain categories of applicants.

For example, for residents of the Far North, the standard payment amount depends on length of service. Yes, when working period in this area for over 35 years, the subsidy amount is 100%, and for those who have worked there for 10 - 15 years - 75%. The amount of payment can reach 100% with less work experience, subject to the closure of the site on the initiative of the government.

The current legislation defines the following living space standards:

  • single people - 33 m2;
  • families of two people - 42 m2;
  • for families of three or more people - 54 m2 or more (18 m2 per family member).

Some entities have the right to claim an additional 15 m2.

Due to constant market fluctuations, the certificate benefit may change each year. Eg. in 2018 married couple from Moscow could qualify for support in the amount of 1.9 million rubles

Basic conditions for participation in the social support program

You can use government assistance in the form of a certificate only once.

Social assistance is paid only if the applicant does not have other housing. If there is a place of residence for hire, the condition of support is the terminated social tenancy agreement.

Another requirement for applicants for the certificate is that there is no evidence on their part that their housing situation has worsened before submitting the application.

To calculate the number of meters allocated to a particular applicant, the following facts are taken into account:

  • maintaining social tenancy relations for the premises occupied by the applicant;
  • reduction of available living space during the 5-year period prior to requesting a certificate.

In either of the two cases, the size of the allocated living space is reduced taking into account the circumstances.

If, taking into account the stated reasons, the reduced area standard is less than 18 m2, then a certificate will not be issued with such data.

The procedure for organizing assistance

The procedure for supporting the population in housing issues through the issuance of certificates consists of several successive stages:

  • accepting applications from those in need from January 1 to July 1;
  • reviewing applications and making decisions on the participation of citizens in the main event, establishing a registration file for each candidate;
  • compiling lists before August 1 and submitting information for event budget planning;
  • distribution of funds between structures responsible for one or another category of applicants;
  • preparation of a list of certificate holders;
  • informing local authorities and recipients of payment;
  • organizing the issuance of certificates;
  • preparation of reporting documents.

It is important to take into account that there are specifics in providing support to different groups of applicants, and different people are responsible for organizing interaction with them. government agencies. In this regard, procedural detailed rules for each category are determined at the level of departmental regulatory legal acts. Therefore, the timing and features of these stages for individual categories may differ from the generally accepted ones.

Certificates are issued by one authorized body, and they are filled out in the name of the owner by the relevant structures responsible for separate category. Registers are maintained for issued certificates and reporting forms are filled out. Based on the information provided following the issuance of documents for social payments the responsible executor forms a consolidated register.

What documents are required to receive assistance?

The process of participation in activities to obtain a certificate is initiated by submitting documents. Applicants from all categories must submit:

  • application or report for participation in the program;
  • a copy of the passport (for the main participant and each member of his family);
  • documents confirming the fact of residence in a specific region (if receiving support is related to the place of residence);
  • consent to the processing of personal data (for the applicant and his family members);
  • documents on the status of those in need of improved housing conditions;
  • documents confirming the right to additional square meters.

The application is drawn up in the form proposed by Resolution No. 153, written to the head of the local administration and contains the applicant’s request to be included in the list of participants in the main event. The application must indicate the contact details of the potential participant, information about housing and family status, and living conditions.

To participate in the event to provide certificates, you must fill out an application according to the proposed sample

The list of other required papers is determined by the category of the applicant:

  • military personnel additionally provide the following certificates:
    • about service life;
    • about dismissal;
    • about living within a closed military formation;
    • certificates of length of service and dismissal;
  • persons who suffered due to radiation from the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and at the Mayak Production Association - a document on the right to provide housing with money from the federal budget;
  • forced migrants:
    • copy of the ID forced migrant for the applicant and each family member;
    • a certificate from the migration control structure about providing assistance to the applicant in the form of providing him with housing, a loan or other payment to solve the housing problem;
  • persons leaving the Far North:
    • documents confirming arrival in the Far North;
    • certificates of work in this area and pension provision(if the applicant is a pensioner);
    • certificates of disability;
    • certificates of family composition, including only persons permanently residing with the applicant at his last place of residence in the Far North region, excluding close relatives;
  • applicants leaving closed administrative entities - copy work book and a document on pension provision;
  • moving from the Baikonur complex - documents about work at the complex and the availability occupational diseases or about a work injury.

If a positive decision is made regarding the applicant, then in order to directly issue a document for payment, re-submission of certificates and other papers, the list of which is identical to the original one, is required.

Such an application must be completed if a decision is made to issue a certificate to the applicant

Video: about the procedure for seeking support for military personnel

Reasons for refusal

A candidate for payment is denied a solution to a housing problem if he:

  • does not belong to any of the groups of persons entitled to support;
  • didn't present necessary certificates and discharge;
  • presented information that does not correspond to reality;
  • previously already exercised his right to resolve the housing problem using federal budget money.

How can you use a certificate to buy a home: methods and rules for implementation

Possession of a certificate is perceived as a significant achievement by those who need their own apartment or house. However, to meet this need, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements for certificate holders when carrying out real estate transactions. Ignoring these rules may result in the certificate being revoked.

Implementation of the certificate requires compliance with deadlines and requirements

Requirements for purchasing real estate

The process of using the certificate is designed in such a way that its owner does not have any opportunity to cash out this document.

So, in order to take advantage of the benefit, the certificate holder, observing the designated temporary conditions, is obliged to contact the bank and submit a document. The bank opens an account in the name of this entity to transfer the amount determined by the amount of the calculated payment.

Finding the best housing option is the responsibility of the recipient of assistance. It is allowed to purchase a newly created residential property or one offered on the secondary market. It turns out that the deal itself can be concluded in one of the following options:

  • under a purchase and sale agreement;
  • under a shared construction agreement.

Before taking legally significant actions, you should make sure that the property being purchased:

  • is located in the region mentioned in the certificate;
  • complies with the requirements defined by housing legislation.

If the cost of housing exceeds the amount of the certificate, then you are allowed to invest your own funds, borrowed money and maternity capital to repay the missing amount.

Features of payments for real estate using a certificate

In order for the bank to transfer money to pay the cost of the property, its acquirer undertakes to present:

  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for the property planned for purchase;
  • purchase contract;
  • a loan or credit contract if funds are spent in excess of the certificate amount.

If we are talking about shared participation in the creation of a residential property, the applicant, in order for the bank to make a payment, presents the corresponding agreement and loan agreement if additional funds are needed.

Besides specified documents A citizen’s order is issued to transfer the required amount.

The transfer operation occurs in the following order:

  • within 3 days, the bank branch accepts documents for payment and within 1 day sends a request to transfer the amount to an authorized authority;
  • no later than 5 days after receiving the request, the responsible authority will organize the receipt of financing to the account of the certificate holder if the result of checking the documents sent by the bank for compliance with the requirements of the law is positive;
  • the bank transfers funds by order of the document holder and informs authorized body about each case of payment under the contract.

Often those wishing to buy housing with government support wonder how they can use the certificate when buying an apartment or house on credit. In such a situation, the certificate funds may be transferred as:

  • first payment when taking out a mortgage for a home;
  • next payment of principal and interest.

Certificate funds can also be used to obtain real estate services for selecting suitable housing and completing a transaction, if this is provided for in the main transaction agreement.

All relevant information can be obtained from representatives local authorities authorities. Their responsibility to inform the population on this issue is enshrined in legislation.

A housing certificate is an alternative form of providing state support to the population to solve housing problems. Despite the many conditions and requirements imposed both on the applicants themselves and on the process of providing assistance, possession of a certificate is a good chance for many families to purchase their own apartment or house.