Research project On the topic: Unusual fish. Design and research work on the topic: “Interesting facts from the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Research work on the conditions of keeping aquarium fish.

Branch of the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution

"Staroaleksandrovskaya secondary comprehensive school name

Hero Soviet Union Kaliev Anvar Madievich"

"Karbanskaya basic secondary school

named after Hero of the Soviet Union Neatbakov Khamit Akhmetovich"


"Aquarium fish"

Completed by: Ishmukhametova Ruzanna Ruslanovna

2nd grade student of the Karbanskaya secondary school branch

them. Neatbakova H.A."

Head: Bikshanova Galiya Sharifovna,

primary school teacher

Karbany village - 2016

  1. Introduction


Goal______________________________________________________________ 2


Hypothesis__________________________________________________________ 2

Research methods______________________________________________2

Object of study_______________________________________________2

Subject of research_______________________________________________2

    Main content of the work__________________________________________

§ 1. What is an aquarium__________________________________________________________ 3

§ 2. Water for the aquarium___________________________________________ 3

§ 3. Soil preparation___________________________________________ _4

§ 4. The importance of light for fish_____________________________________________ 4

§ 5. The inhabitants of my aquarium__________________________________________ 5-6

5.1. Fishes are the main “eaters” of the aquarium______________________________________5

5.2. “Scavengers” of the aquarium ________________________________________________6

    Conclusion__________________________________________________ 6

    Bibliography______________________________________________ 7

"The whole huge world is around me, above me

and beneath me is full of unknown secrets. And I will

discover them all your life, because this is the most

interesting, the most exciting activity in the world!"

V. Bianchi


Once in a store I saw a large aquarium and for a long time could not leave it, admiring the underwater world behind the “glass shore”.

And now my dream has come true. Aquarium with crystal clean water, various plants and fish, decorated like natural flowers, were given to me for my birthday, and it became the decoration of our home.

The life of the inhabitants of this ecosystem became a real mystery and riddle for me. Therefore, I chose the topic of my research without hesitation - the aquarium and its inhabitants.

The purpose of my work was to investigate the living conditions of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Based on the goal, there weretasks set:

1) study the literature and find out how to properly create an aquarium;

2) find out how plants and animals live in the aquarium

At the beginning of my work Iput forward a hypothesis , i.e. suggested that if an aquarium is a body of water with fish, aquatic plants and animals, then it is an ecosystem with a closed cycle of substances. To confirm or refute this hypothesis, I decided to use the followingmethods:

Studying literature and Internet resources




So, the object of my research became an aquarium.

Subject of research – interaction of living and nonliving components.

Main content of the work

§ 1. What is an aquarium

Looking into the explanatory dictionary, I found outWhat an aquarium is an artificial pond or glass container with water for keeping fish, aquatic animals and plants. Artificial means created by man.

A body of water with fish, aquatic animals and plants is an ecosystem.. Like any An ecosystem, an aquarium, obeys the laws of nature: that means it must have eaters, feeders and scavengers. Then why do we change the water in our aquarium so often? Does it become cloudy and the glass becomes coated?

§ 2. Water for the aquarium

Having carefully examined the aquarium, I saw in it soil, algae, a tube for supplying air - a compressor, fish, snails, water, a lamp for supplying light. Testing your hypothesisI started by testing the water. Water for an aquarium must, first of all, be soft and clean. It is quite possible to use tap water, as well as lake or river water. If tap water is poured into the aquarium, it must be allowed to settle for several days. The parents explained that at many waterworks, large amounts of chlorine, a gas that kills harmful microbes, are added to the water. After studying the literature, I found out that Chlorine is dangerous for fish, so fish should not be allowed into tap water. It should sit for 2-3 days. We poured water from the well, but mixed it with pure distilled water.So, I concluded that to maintain the aquarium ecosystem you need prepared water.

§ 3. Soil preparation

Further, having studied the literature, I learnedthat the soil in an aquarium is called soil . The soil should not have sharp edges that could injure fish. Before placing it in the aquarium, the soil must be washed to remove dirt, it is best to boil it and lay it on the bottom of the aquarium in a layer of several centimeters.Small pebbles with a particle size of 4 to 8 mm are successfully used in aquariums. Such soil cakes less than soil whose substrate consists of coarse sand, but its siltation occurs more slowly.
Before placing the soil in the aquarium, we rinsed it thoroughly until the drained water became completely clear. Sand can be boiled; we used pebbles and simply doused them with boiling water.

§ 4. The meaning of light for fish

But what was the lamp for? I decided to find out how lighting affects an aquarium and how much light does it need? To do this, I conducted an experiment. The first week I added lighting to the aquarium, and in the second week, on the contrary, I put the aquarium in a dark place. I found out that an aquarium that was heavily lit quickly became overgrown with algae and required constant cleaning.

And in an aquarium placed in a dark place, after a while the plants and fish began to feel very bad and almost died. It turns out that light promotes the formation of chlorophyll - the green pigment of leaves; if its production is insufficient, plants die.

I came to the conclusion that the aquarium needs to be artificially illuminated with a lamp. daylight. Lighting should be moderate, but in sufficient quantity.

From the literature I learned thatPlants and animals need oxygen to breathe . Fish breathe oxygen, which is dissolved in water. It is clear that the further from the surface, the less oxygen in the water. I understood why a special tube was lowered into the aquarium - this is an additional source of oxygen - a compressor.

§ 5. The inhabitants of my aquarium

5.1. Fish are the main “eaters”

The main “eaters” in the aquarium ecosystem are fish. There are so many types of fish: viviparous fish, guppies, swordtails, labyrinth fish, goldfish and many others. Most of them come from fresh water bodies of the tropics, so they are kept in aquariums with warm water: from +20 to +27. The exception is goldfish, which were bred from crucian carp in China a long time ago. Since crucian carp live in temperate climates, goldfish are kept in colder water.

It turns out that fish swim at different depths (closer to the bottom, on the surface and throughout the aquarium). For beauty, it is better to populate different fish. In addition, the fish differ in the way they feed, so they need to be selected so as not to eat each other.

Having learned this, I I came to conclusion , it is better to stock unpretentious fish in the aquarium - guppies, swordtails. Keeping fish in favorable conditions, varied and proper nutrition, regular care of the aquarium can prevent many diseases if the fish is in perfect health, it is cheerful, cheerful, its dorsal fin is held straight, its body color is bright and shiny, and its appetite is excellent.

5.2. Aquarium scavengers

When my mother bought catfish and put them in the aquarium, I noticed that they always swim near the bottom. At first I thought that the fish were sick, but it turned out that the catfish are real"scavengers" ": they clean the aquarium of food debris. And another secret was revealed to me - all fish breathe oxygen, which is in the water, and catfish, like you and me, breathe atmospheric air. To do this, they occasionally stick out of the water. Who else will play the role of scavengers in the aquarium? Clams, crayfish, aquatic turtles, snails - coils. The illuminated glass of aquariums is overgrown with a green carpet - tiny algae. They serve as the main source of oxygen in the aquarium; many of the plants are excellent spawning substrates; others absorb calcium from water, reducing its hardness; For many fish, plants are an essential food or vitamin supplement to the diet. Therefore, plants in the aquarium are necessary. However, as they grow, they block light. And here snails come to the rescue - coils that clean algae from the glass. But since an aquarium is an artificial reservoir and a person monitors its cleanliness, there may not be any scavengers.


So, having examined the living conditions in the aquarium, I want to say , that my hypothesis was partially confirmed. An aquarium is truly a small artificial ecosystem. But to maintain it you cannot do without human help.

I also came to the conclusion that aquarium activities develop a sense of love for nature and an understanding of beauty. Communicating with the beautiful world on glass shores relieves a person of stress, lowers blood pressure, and gives a boost of energy and vigor. Remembering the words of the writer Vitaly Bianki, we can say that by fulfilling this work, I discovered the unknown and interesting.

Thank you for your attention!


1. "Basic truths of aquarium science" - V. Tretyakov

2. "Some advice for beginners" - Olga Yakovleva,

Denis Pavlov

3. “Advice for a beginner aquarist” - V.A. Smirnov

4. “Modern aquarium and chemistry” - I.G. Khomchenko

A.V.Trifonov, B.N.Razuvaev

5. Internet resource

MBOU "Ardatovskaya secondary school"



"Aquarium and its inhabitants"

Completed by: Vasyushkina Daria, student of 3rd grade A

Head: Iya Ivanovna Italeva,

primary school teacher

Ardatov, 2015


Wherever we live, regardless of age and profession... and we all have one thing in common - love for the WORLD OF AQUARIUM FISH.

It seems to me that a person who is interested in aquariums is endowed with the gift of love not only for people, but also for the surrounding world; this person is able to create and make this world a better place.

The goal of the project: to study theoretical material about aquarium fish in order to answer questions that interest us, write a creative work and introduce the children of our class to life aquarium fish.

Project objectives:

1. familiarize yourself with theoretical information;

2. analyze and summarize the facts;

3. by comparing the collected material, develop interest in the topic,

4. ability to speak in front of a large audience;

5. cultivate environmental culture and abilities

to independent work.

Stages of work on the project



Problem and task definition, research



Getting started with information collection



Systematization and analysis of acquired knowledge



Discussion of methods, presentation of final results



Formatting the work, summing up the results



Project presentation

scientific and practical conference"First steps into science"


Signature of the conference participant

Signature of the supervisor (teacher who prepared the student) _____________

____” _______________ 2015


Living in harmony with yourself, with other people and in harmony with nature - necessary condition for a happy and successful life of a person in the world. Love for nature is a great feeling; it helps a person to become more generous, responsible, and fairer. A person who loves nature will never offend his neighbor, will not mock our smaller brothers, will not pollute his native nature.

Man has long been interested in the underwater world inhabited by animals and plants.

Relatively recently, scuba gear and research submarines have appeared, making it possible to observe fish in their natural environment for several hours and study their way of life. Despite this, people have long ago learned to recreate a particle underwater world next to you. These are aquariums - permanent homes for fish.

An aquarium is not just a beautiful thing that satisfies a person’s aesthetic needs, and not only a means to fill one’s leisure time, but also a working model of a natural reservoir.

The aquarium, although small, is a sovereign piece of wildlife in your home. All biological and other laws of nature are steadily fulfilled in it, chemical and physical processes take place, bacteria and fungi invisible to the eye live. And in order for your aquarium to see life visible and invisible to the eye, it is advisable to be able to use these laws, and certainly never contradict them with your actions

I . Aquariums: history of origin

Keeping beautiful fish at home and displaying for public viewing, not intended for consumption, is a centuries-old tradition in Asia and, in particular, in China and Japan. Goldfish and ornamental carps swimming in various fish tanks were (and are) in the center of everyone's attention. Simple clay vessels, painted and glazed pottery, exquisite, finely crafted porcelain vessels - all this was used in the practical aquarium hobby of the East. All classic goldfish species were specifically sought out and purposefully bred to be observed from above. Observation "from behind glass" in an aquarium can be considered a Western invention

Our ancestors showed love for breeding ornamental fish in the last century AD. Although they were already well known essential conditions biological existence of fish, such as the water temperature requirements of tropical fish, limited technical capabilities were not allowed successfullyimplementthis knowledge in practice.

“River Fish” - Goals: to develop children’s knowledge about the life of fish. Acne. Carp. Sturgeon. Catfish feed on fish of any size. The ruff is a small fish with a very spiny dorsal fin. Come on, look into a fairy tale! (fish) Who are fish? Be able to name fish. Rudd is a fish with red fins and slightly golden sides. Rotan.

“Questions about fish” - Class cartilaginous fish. There are fish in which the notochord remains throughout its life. You can tell the age of a fish by its scales. Cartilaginous fish have a pronounced snout - rostrum. I option 3. The number of parts of the fish brain is: A) 4 B) 3 C) 5 D) 6. Class Bony fish. The skeleton is weak, not ossified, cartilaginous. Gill covers and swim bladder are absent.

“Lung-breathing fish” - Class Bony fish. It turned out that the skeleton of modern coelacanth is almost completely identical to the skeleton of a fossil lobe-finned fish that lived 200 million years ago. The largest white shark caught reached 7 m in length and weighed 1208 kg. Beluga. Hammerhead shark. The whale shark is the largest shark in the world (up to 20 m).

“Aquarium fish” - Fizminutka. Who has a mouth on its belly? Which fish resembles a chess piece in appearance? Guppy. Sword bearers. Catfish. What type of living creatures did you meet today? The bell rang and stopped and the lesson began. Besides, she’s so mean! Cockerel. Proverbs and sayings. Aquarium plants. Crossword. What fish live long?

"Fish and seafood" - Minerals: iodine, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium. 20 amino acids. Kitchen tools. What methods of cooking food do you know (remember from 5th grade)? Why should a person eat fish and seafood? Crustaceans Molluscs Echinoderms Sea kale. Freshwater fish.

“Diversity of fish” - Birds. Scales, mucus, fins breathe through gills. Crucian carp. Flounder. Fish. Mystery. Variety of fish. Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins. Scales. Herbivores. Aquarium. They are developing. V – already knew + - learned something new? - I want to know. Som Soldatova. Zebra is a lionfish. Cockerel. Scat. Questions: Growing. River.

Research project “Goldfish” Author of the project: Avilova S. Yu. primary school teacher MBOU-SOSH village. Kistenday

Objectives: § § get acquainted with theoretical information; analyze and summarize facts; by comparing the collected material, develop interest in the topic; conduct research work to study the life and behavior of fish in an aquarium; § to develop an environmental culture and the ability to work independently; § give practical recommendations to improve the life of fish in an aquarium.

Stages: § § § formation of topics for students’ work; distribution into microgroups for work; choosing a creative name for the project; discussion of the students’ work plan; independent work microgroups for completing tasks; students preparing a presentation.

Hypotheses: § if carefully studied necessary information, analyze and summarize the necessary facts, then you can not only replenish and expand your knowledge, but also develop creative abilities and the ability to work independently.

Breeding ornamental and freshwater aquarium fish is one of the most common hobbies not only for children, but also for adults. The first fish to be bred in aquariums were goldfish. They appeared in China more than a thousand years ago. In the 6th century BC. e. goldfish were kept as ornamental animals. The image of a goldfish appears in early Chinese writings and on the coats of arms of noble families. Goldfish were considered sacred. The first European to see and describe fish of extraordinary beauty was the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo (1254-1324). It is not known exactly when goldfish came to Europe. Various dates are named, most of them belong to XVII century. Overseas wonders brought on military sailing ships settled in spacious pools at the courts of kings under the protection of guards, and were presented as gifts or as rewards to the nobles.

Appearance. § The body of goldfish is streamlined, compressed laterally, pointed in front and narrowed in back. This body shape allows the fish to swim well. § At the end of the body, the goldfish, like all other fish, has a caudal fin. In addition, the fish has fins on the back, abdomen and chest. The fins are reddish or golden. The dorsal fin is long, and the anal fin, on the contrary, is short, shifted closer to the tail.

"Comet" Species. Basically, a “comet” is an ordinary goldfish with a slightly raised back and an elongated, ribbon-like caudal fin with identical ends. In some species of this breed, the length of the tail is three to four times longer than the body of the fish. The tail is like a fork.

“Valehvost” The body of this fish is ovoid, the fins are long, colored, but thin, almost transparent. The eyes are slightly enlarged. The length of the caudal fin, hanging down in the form of a veil, in purebred fish can exceed the length of the body. Reaches full flowering by four years.

“Telescope” The body of the telescope is ovoid, swollen, all fins are elongated. The main difference between the breed is its greatly enlarged eyes. They must be identical and symmetrical. The color of the fish is very diverse - orange, bright red, black. The most prized are the delicate and heat-loving black ones.

"Oranda" The body is ovoid, swollen. The shape and size of the fins is similar to the veiltail, but the head is larger. With age, curly growths appear on the head. The color of the fish is very diverse: chocolate, red and red-white, black. The red riding hood - "tancho" - has gained great popularity. She has a pure white body with a convex bright red growth on her head. A very beautiful fish.

“Pearl” The body is short, ovoid, swollen. All fins are short, the anal and caudal fins are forked. The scales are large, strongly convex, similar to pearls. One of the most capricious and delicate types of goldfish.

“Heavenly Eye” It is found in two types - short-bodied and long-bodied. There is no dorsal fin. The rest are short, the anal and caudal are forked. The color is golden-red. Very similar to a telescope. In the park ponds of Buddhist monasteries, he is considered an obligatory settler.

“Water eyes” The shape resembles the celestial eye, but under the eyes directed upward and forward, it has huge, transparent bags filled with liquid. They reach a quarter of the size of the fish itself. The coloring is very diverse. With age, the size of the bags often evens out.

Care. IN good conditions goldfish live up to 25 years, and the size of the fish ranges from 15 cm to 30 cm. § The water temperature for goldfish should be between 15 § and 28 °C. The water is soft. Fish need air. Goldfish lose their color if kept in a dark place, so the aquarium needs good lighting. § Goldfish are omnivores. They are very fond of bloodworms - the red larva of a harmless mosquito. One goldfish eats 4-5 larvae per day. Also, all aquarium fish eat dry food well - daphnia and cyclops. These are very small crustaceans that are specially caught and then dried. It’s good to give lettuce and nettles, otherwise the fish will start to eat the plants. It is advisable to grow plants such as riccia and duckweed in the aquarium - the fish are fed with them. The fish are given no more food than they can eat, so as not to pollute the aquarium. The fish are fed at the same time. Fish should not be overfed. § Fish benefit from fasting days.

§ § § In order for the fish to be healthy and swim happily, it is necessary not only to take good care of them, but also to treat them with care. They cannot be frightened, caught with your hands, or played with. You can admire them, how beautiful they are, how they swim, rest and eat. As you know, fish have a calming effect on an irritated and tired person. Freely sliding behind the glass of the aquarium, they not only please the eye, shimmering with various bright colors, but also relieve stress, anxiety, and tension. § They also say that goldfish bring their § owners good luck and happiness.

Reproduction. § Goldfish reproduce by spawning. On average, a large adult fish can spawn up to 3 thousand eggs over the entire spawning period, and a small one – much less. Goldfish eggs are up to 1 mm in size, translucent at first, and slightly yellowish in color. The males then fertilize the eggs. After a few days, the eggs form larvae, and then fry (small fish).

Observations and facts. If we knock on the glass of the aquarium, the fish swim to the feeder when we knock, which means they hear. Also, when you throw food, the fish catch it in their mouths. It is very funny. Scientists have proven that goldfish can be trained to take food directly from their owner's fingers. But when they offered to give food strangers, the fish did not go for food. Various experiments and experiences have shown that fish generally distinguish well between their own and others. In addition, the English researcher Clifford Bower-Shaw proved that goldfish can be trained, since goldfish are the smartest aquarium fish.

Conclusion. § § § § The work done showed that the main goal - developing a caring attitude towards living beings, empathy for them, understanding of the need for protection, based on one's own observations, on environmental knowledge - was achieved. It is obvious that the project plays a big role in the upbringing and education of primary schoolchildren, develops research skills, the ability to look for a way to solve a given problem, develops creative abilities, increases motivation for learning, and contributes to the formation of new relationships - cooperation between teacher and students. §

Literature and resources. 1. How to choose fish, Moscow. : 2005 Mizzle D. 2. All about aquarium fish. Atlas-reference book 2007. Publisher: Crystal 2. Encyclopedia for children. 3. http: //ru. aquariumist. net/wiki/Goldfish 4 http: //www. zooclub. ru/aqua/vidy/268. shtml 5 5 http: //goldfishy. ru/gf. prl. html 6 http: //aquadomik. ru/zolotaya-rybka/