How to make coffee in layers. Technology for making latte in a coffee machine

Coffee latte

First, some general information. Latte is a coffee mixture of espresso and milk in a ratio of 1:3. This drink, which originated in Italy, must be prepared in a strictly defined sequence. First of all, coffee is poured into the cup, and only then milk.

To my great surprise, on the Internet, when asked how to prepare a latte, they often answer with a detailed description of how to prepare a latte macchiato. And these, as I hope you have already read, are completely different drinks. In a macchiato, first pour milk into the cup and only then add a thin stream of espresso. However, let's get down to business - making a latte.

Coffee maker and latte

Often, beginners are interested in which coffee maker or coffee machine should be used to make lattes. As you read, lattes are based on espresso. We will not dwell in detail on the issues of its creation, since we have already written on this topic twice: and.

How to froth milk for a latte?

For a tasty drink, it is very important to froth the milk correctly. Of course, the best foam can be obtained using special equipment, but not everyone has such equipment. But still, the article is about how to make latte coffee at home, so we’ll give you a couple of tips.

- the foam produced from skim milk is an order of magnitude worse than from whole milk;
— the higher the temperature, the larger and more stable the foam;
- you should whisk the milk with a whisk, but work it much faster than usual.

How to make a latte?

So we know how to make espresso. We know how to make foam. Now you just need to reproduce all these actions in a certain order.

So, let's prepare a latte:

1) prepare espresso according to the instructions;
2) heat the milk to 40-60 degrees;
3) beat some of the milk into foam;
4) pour espresso into a cup preheated to 40 degrees;
5) carefully pour the milk into the cup in a thin stream, keeping the ratio 3:1 in mind;
6) spread a layer of foam on top;
7) enjoy the drink.

This is what cooking at home looks like.

Finally, here are a couple of things you might not think about:
1) latte is served in an Irish glass (large cup) or in a simple tall glass with a straw;
2) do not forget when assessing the height of the glass that foam also takes up space;
3) due to the difference in density, the espresso and milk will mix, so you don’t have to worry if you can’t create layers.

Thanks for reading this article on how to make latte at home.

Julia Vern 4 385 1

The traditional Italian latte, popular all over the world, is prepared on the basis of espresso coffee, milk and milk foam. The main difference between it and Latte Macchiato is the order in which the ingredients are mixed. In the first case, milk and foam are added to the coffee, while in the second, the final accord is espresso, which is poured into pre-whipped milk.

You can prepare latte and macchiato coffee at home without any difficulties by whipping the milk with improvised means: a mixer, a blender, a whisk. Coffee is brewed in a Turk, a saucepan, or a coffee machine.

In European countries, lattes are prepared using not only espresso. The drink options directly depend on the type of coffee chosen. Traditional Italian coffee includes mocha, warmed milk, cocoa and hot chocolate for decoration.

The classic latte coffee recipe involves using three parts milk (do not boil!) to one part espresso coffee with the obligatory lush foam.

You can calculate the calorie content of one serving of aromatic coffee by clearly knowing how many calories the drink contains in 100 grams. A regular latte is 25-30 kcal per 100 g. The number of calories can vary up or down depending on the fat content of the milk used, additional additives in the form of cocoa, chocolate, coconut flakes, syrups and other things.

Naturally, the calorie content of a sugar-free drink is an order of magnitude lower, even if additives are used for decoration and variety of taste.

Italian milk coffee is served in two versions. These can be porcelain cups, which help retain heat, or tall glass glasses, through the walls of which it is easy to see the layers of the drink.

Are there any rules regarding how to drink a latte or macchiato correctly? No. Here everyone is guided by personal habits and preferences. Considering that the drink has a high dense foam, it is served with a straw and a dessert spoon. Whether to eat the foam first, try each layer through a straw, or mix everything and enjoy the usual milky coffee taste - the decision should be purely individual.

As for the differences between latte macchiato and cappuccino in the usual version, here again it’s a matter of the order of mixing the products. In cappuccino, milk is added to the coffee, and not vice versa, as in Macchiato. In addition, in the first case the amount of milk is significantly greater.

There are also differences in the optimal time for drinking drinks. Cappuccino is drunk in the morning, while Macchiato is usually enjoyed in the afternoon, although this point is not critical.

Below are the most unusual and classic options for preparing Latte Macchiato with delicious additions.

Classic Macchiato - how to make it yourself?

Late Macchiato is not only tasty, but also an original drink due to its perfect presentation. The pronounced layering requires some skill, however, you can prepare a mini-masterpiece quite simply at home.

The classic version of the recipe involves using:

  • half a glass of milk;
  • espresso shots;
  • cinnamon or chocolate chips for decoration.

To make a latte this way, you will need to heat the milk without bringing it to a boil. The finished warm milk is thoroughly whipped into foam, transferred to a tall glass or cup, and proceed to brewing espresso. The finished coffee is added to the milk foam in a thin stream, thus maintaining the formation of even layers.

The end of the milk-coffee drink is strong milk foam, which is decorated with chocolate or cinnamon. To ensure a stable foam, it is recommended to use the fattest milk.

If desired, sugar or honey is added to the drink, which is added directly at the espresso brewing stage so as not to damage the layers.

Coffee latte with syrup - how to add a twist?

An exotic Macchiato with fruity, chocolate, and coconut notes can be prepared using syrup of the appropriate flavor as an additive. To mix the drink you will need:

  • syrup - 50 ml;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • espresso - 60 ml;
  • chocolate for decoration.

The third part of the pre-cooled syrup is poured into the glass prepared for the drink. The remaining part is whipped together with warm milk. The frothed milk will become the second layer in the cocktail. The next step is adding espresso and the final layer - milk foam, which is decorated with grated chocolate, using a stencil.

Caramel Macchiato - what is the secret of its unusual taste?

A delicious and unusual caramel latte is prepared using natural caramel, so the drink will be especially aromatic and rich. To prepare it you will need:

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • espresso - portion;
  • caramel - 4 teaspoons;
  • vanilla syrup - 2 teaspoons.

Start preparing the drink by heating the milk. At this stage it is mixed with vanilla syrup. The now warm vanilla milk is whipped in a convenient way and poured into the prepared container. Brew espresso and add it to the coffee in a thin stream so as to achieve layering.

At the final stage, caramel is added. It's easy to prepare at home by mixing sugar with water and vanilla extract and boiling for a few minutes. Finally, traditional milk foam is added to the drink and decorated as desired.

Refreshing iced latte - a summer cocktail to tone up

If you wish, you can also hone your skills in making a trendy iced latte at home, even without special equipment like a shaker. The ice-infused drink is easy to make using a traditional blender. It is used to crush ice along with pre-brewed espresso, milk and syrup to taste. It is important that the ice dissolves completely while mixing the components.

A variation on the theme of Italian cold coffee - with ice cream. Lattes with ice cream are prepared mainly in hot weather, enjoying the combination of flavors of coffee, milk and ice cream.

To prepare one serving of the drink, in addition to the traditional serving of espresso, use 150 ml of milk and a scoop of your favorite ice cream. Ice cream would be optimal, but if you wish, you can use vanilla, creme brulee or chocolate ice cream.

The drink is prepared in the same way as ice lata, replacing ice with ice cream. The finishing touch is to decorate the milk foam with cinnamon, chocolate, coconut flakes, and syrup if desired.

Vanilla taste and exquisite aroma - coffee and milkshake for gourmets

Another variation on the theme of how to make a latte at home to quench your thirst on a summer day is the recipe for Italian iced vanilla coffee. The highlight in this case is vanilla syrup.

The principle of preparation is the same: put ice (several cubes) into a prepared glass, add frothed milk, espresso brewed in a convenient way, syrup and milk foam. For decoration, use grated chocolate and serve with a straw.

Cheese latte - an exclusive cocktail option

The most unusual version of a milk-coffee drink is a cheese latte, again based on espresso and milk. To prepare it, just whisk 70 ml of warm milk. Place high-quality processed cheese in an additional container, add a spoonful of powdered sugar, pour in coffee and milk, and begin to beat intensively with a mixer or whisk.

The finished drink will not be layered, but its taste will be especially unusual and original, which coffee gourmets will definitely appreciate.

Spiced latte - an interesting combination of products

Making a gingerbread latte makes sense for those who are partial to drinks with oriental notes and don’t mind experimenting. The recipe is very similar to the recipe for mixing a cocktail with syrup, except that in this case you will need to make your own spicy ginger syrup.

Boil the mixture over low heat by first mixing ginger powder, cinnamon, vanillin, sugar and water. The finished syrup is cooled and added as a third layer after milk foam and espresso. The composition is completed, as always, by a fluffy milk cap decorated with cinnamon.

Nut coffee and milk drink - what's special?

Fans of nut mixtures, desserts and cocktails should try adding peanuts to the usual recipe with caramel, thus getting a completely new, tasty and nutritious nut toffee latte as an independent dessert.

The drink is prepared simply: put peanut butter in a tall glass, mix it with a small amount of boiling water, then add a little caramel syrup to the mixture, maintaining a 1:1 ratio. Next, freshly brewed espresso goes into the glass, followed by milk foam decorated for the occasion.

Banana-coconut latte fantasies

You can pour the aromatic and sweet tropical drink into a classic tall latte glass by adding bananas and coconut to the recipe. In the first case, banana will replace sugar. One ripe fruit is crushed with a fork and mixed with coffee using a mixer or blender. The whipped mixture is decorated with whipped milk or cream, garnished with banana pieces and chocolate chips.

A variation on this theme will be a coconut latte based on coconut milk, which will replace half of the usual one. If you don't have coconut milk, use coconut syrup instead. The drink is prepared according to the same principle as with banana.

Mint refreshing coffee for new emotions

If latte macchiato and latte differ only in the order in which coffee is added to a glass or cup, then in the case of a mint cocktail, it is distinguished from other options by the use of mint syrup in tandem with the richest milk.

Coffee is prepared in this version based on espresso, which will require three servings. By mixing it with milk foam and mint syrup, you can get an unusual, thirst-quenching and refreshing hot drink. In summer, you can change the recipe by adding a few ice cubes.

Pumpkin cocktail for Halloween

On the eve of the holiday, it’s really worth surprising your friends and family with unusual changes to the classic latte or macchiato recipe. By preparing a pumpkin latte, you can achieve an amazing combination of products that, at first glance, don’t go well together. The drink is mixed from 50-70 grams of pumpkin, pre-baked and chopped in a blender, with coffee and milk.

A little spice is added to the finished cocktail. This could include nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger. Before serving, the cocktail is heated, milk is added in the usual sequence, pre-whipping. Cups are mainly used in porcelain.

Algorithm for making latte in a coffee machine

Those who are lucky enough to have a coffee machine at home should forget about the difficulties of preparing the drink manually using improvised means. The machine will simplify the task and give you the opportunity to evaluate the combination of cocktail flavors.

So, a latte is prepared in a coffee machine according to the following principle:

  1. A heaped teaspoon of pre-ground coffee beans is poured into the holder.
  2. The mixture is tamped, thus obtaining a uniform tablet. This is important for the rich taste of the drink.
  3. Begin preparation, making sure that water at 9 atmospheres passes through the coffee tablet in 30 seconds. Properly brewed espresso resembles thick syrup.
  4. The milk is whipped into a fluffy foam, mixed with coffee in layers, and covered with a milk cap.

Just like handmade lattes, machine-made drinks can be decorated and enhanced with syrups, fruit additions, ice cream and ice.

Italian coffee is served mainly in tall glasses, demonstrating the ability to create dense layers. An exception is drinks according to some recipes that involve mixing layers with the addition of spices, fruit and even vegetable purees and juices.


Date: 02/03/2016


Hello my dear readers! You already know that I love coffee very much - not a single morning is complete without this aromatic invigorating drink. Most often I drink a cup of espresso, but sometimes, especially in the cold, my soul craves a latte.

I love reading a good book with a cup (hard to call it a cup)
latte on the windowsill of one of the large windows on the second floor of our house. I read, look out the window, when I think about some interesting thought I read - how good! The drink is like a connecting link between me and the book. It’s illogical, of course, but that’s how I feel. And also, if I suddenly catch a cold and (which doesn’t happen often) I’m lying on the sofa in a “bitty” scarf, then my husband brings me a latte as a delicious hot medicine and carefully tucks in a blanket. At this moment I just adore them (my husband and coffee)! Well, let’s begin with today’s story.

What is a latte

There is perhaps no other espresso-based drink that causes so much controversy about what it is and how to prepare it correctly. Of course, I won’t pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I will say that latte (as friends who lived in Italy for a long time told me) is just espresso with milk. In the morning, drink it during or instead of breakfast. To prepare it, simply pour warmed milk into a cup of ready-made espresso. No one really calculates the ratio of coffee to milk. Usually they use about three times as much milk as espresso - that's all!

Latte (accented on the first syllable) - comes from the Italian "kaffè latte", which simply means "coffee with milk".

But, since Italians are still partial to espresso, a latte is exactly espresso with milk, and not just coffee brewed in the usual way in a Turk, drip coffee maker or French press.

How to make latte coffee at home


  • 1 part espresso.
  • 2 parts hot (60-70°C) milk.
  • 1 part milk foam.

Recipe for coffee machine and carob coffee maker

  1. Prepare a shot of espresso or coffee maker.
  2. Froth the milk using the cappuccino maker. First, place the cappuccino maker nozzle at an angle into a container of milk. The tip of the nozzle should be at the wall of the vessel farthest from you. Turn on the steam and rotate the container clockwise. When the milk reaches a temperature of about 36-37°C (body temperature to the touch), remove the cappuccino maker tube from the wall and lower it deeper into the milk. Continue rotating the container until the foam temperature reaches 60-70°C.
  3. Pour milk into a cup of coffee.

My comments

What is the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

  • With the same amount of espresso used to prepare both drinks, a latte has twice as much milk as milk foam, and a cappuccino has twice as much foam as milk.
  • Cups for latte - 250-350 ml, for cappuccino - 150-180 ml.

The photo schematically shows “slices” of various coffee drinks.

I think that we have sorted out the question of what a latte is and how to make it at home. Now I’ll tell you “what they eat it with,” or rather, what they drink it with. Perfectly harmonizes with the soft taste of the drink

Caffe latte is a drink that was invented in Italy; it is a layered cocktail. Its main ingredients are milk and coffee. Therefore, making a latte is not difficult at all, especially if you follow all the tips that we have prepared for you.

How to make coffee latte. Recipe with photos.

So, to prepare a fragrant and rich latte, you will need, for one serving: one teaspoon of grain, ground or instant strong coffee, half a glass of hot boiled water and one glass of milk (it must have a fat content of at least 3.2%). You can find out what bean coffee is and how to learn to understand coffee beans. You can read about instant coffee, its history, production, beneficial and harmful properties.

  1. It is best to prepare a latte in a special tall Irish glass and serve with a comfortable high spoon.
  2. Brew coffee in a way that suits you. In a coffee maker, coffee machine, or simply pour boiling water in a mug if you are using instant coffee. The coffee must be strong enough. The most delicious latte will be made from a coffee mixture that will contain at least 10-20% robusta.
  3. Pour the milk into a separate container, it is best to use a French press, and heat it up a little, the main thing is not to bring the milk to a boil. It is enough to heat it to 50-60 degrees. This can be done either on an electric stove or in a microwave oven. It will be enough to put milk in the microwave for 40 seconds, setting the power to 600 W.
  4. Now you need to beat the milk using a blender or mixer. Beat thoroughly, at least 3-5 minutes, until an airy foam forms; as a result, it should be much fluffier than cappuccino foam. If you don’t have a mixer or blender at hand, you can use the same French press. Pour milk into it, close the lid and move the piston up and down over the surface of the milk. The foam should also be very thick and rich.
  5. Then you need to pour the milk into a pre-prepared tall transparent Irish glass. Carefully spread the foam on top if there is any left in the mixer or blender.
  6. After this, carefully pour the brewed coffee into the milk in a thin stream. The stream must be very thin, only then can you taste a real latte. The layers of coffee, milk and foam should not mix with each other. If you froth the milk correctly and carefully pour in the coffee, you will have a flaky, three-layer cocktail. The coffee should be between the milk and the milk foam. Clear identification of all three layers is the main sign that you have a real latte coffee.
  7. Finally, if you wish, you can sprinkle the top of the latte with grated chocolate or cinnamon.

Another interesting and original recipe that you can easily implement in your kitchen is a latte with syrup. Unlike the first recipe, the first step is to add syrup, about 20 ml, to an Irish glass. You can use any syrups that are used in coffee cocktails - vanilla, fruit, chocolate. The only exception is citrus syrup, which will cause the milk to sour. However, gourmets consider the addition of blackcurrant syrup to be the most successful.

On a hot afternoon, it's best to make an iced latte. For this you will also need strong coffee, as well as syrup and crushed ice. Place crushed ice in an Irish glass, pour in syrup and cold milk, and then gradually, in a thin stream, add well-brewed strong coffee.

For the classic serving of latte coffee, an Irish glass is most often used, which is placed on a saucer with a napkin (it can be useful for holding a hot glass).

Latte coffee recipes for all occasions

Recipes and methods for making latte coffee from various authors, connoisseurs of this drink

I first tried latte as a child. One day, my mother and I went into a coffee shop, and as a child, I immediately really liked the “striped drink” in the picture. I persuaded my mother to order it. That's when my love for latte coffee began.

Every time going to a coffee shop for my favorite coffee is inconvenient and a little expensive for me (and not only for me, I think). So I found a solution: making lattes at home.

There are many recipes for this Italian drink, but I want to tell you about the most popular and delicious ones.

Classic coffee latte (Latte Macchiato)

We will need:

  1. Espresso coffee – 50 ml.
  2. Sugar (to taste) – 3-4 teaspoons
  3. Cinnamon (to taste)

Cooking method:

To prepare a latte coffee, you first need to heat the milk to 60-70 degrees (under no circumstances boil, otherwise it will be difficult to whip); you can even use a microwave for this. Sugar is added to warm milk if desired.

Next, brew espresso, although other strong coffees (with the exception of Americano) can be used instead. Espresso can be taken either freshly ground or instant. But I prefer to use freshly ground coffee, as it gives latte coffee a more noble and pleasant taste.

Beat the warm milk either in a blender for about 2 minutes, or in a mixer at high speed for 10 seconds.

When the milk has foamed enough (the consistency should resemble thick sour cream or shaving foam), fill tall glass glasses with it (they are also called Irish glasses), but not completely.

Next comes the most difficult action, which will require attention and patience - adding coffee to a glass. And it is also very important that the coffee is hotter than the milk, otherwise the layers will begin to mix, which is not very desirable for us. We take a spoon and lower it almost to the very foam in the glass, and begin to carefully pour coffee in a thin stream into the center of the spoon.

And the last layer is an airy high “cap”. Spread the remaining milk foam on top of the espresso. You can sprinkle the foam with a little cinnamon to spice it up.

Latte with blueberry syrup

We will need:

  1. Blueberry syrup – 50 ml.
  2. Milk 2% fat – 150 ml.
  3. Espresso coffee – 50 ml.
  4. Chocolate topping.

Cooking method:

First, pour cool blueberry syrup into the bottom of the glass. It can be bought at any supermarket.

The second layer is warm milk mixed with the same blueberry syrup, but in a 1:1 ratio. The milk, as in the previous recipe, must be heated. Since we are using cool syrup, it is desirable that the temperature of the milk is about 80 degrees. But we don’t mix all the milk, leaving a little for the “cap”.

Beat the syrup with milk in a mixer and place on the bottom layer.

We decorate the top of the foam with all sorts of patterns from chocolate topping (the main thing is not to overdo it!).

Multilayer coffee latte with Irish Cream syrup

We will need:

  1. Irish Cream syrup
  2. Milk 2% fat – 200 ml.
  3. Espresso coffee – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

The first layer of Irish Cream syrup is poured into glasses. As with the pomegranate syrup, the Irish syrup needs to be cool so it doesn't mix with the other layers.

In the second layer, again add warm milk whipped into foam.

We brew coffee, but this time we divide it in half. Mix one half with warm, but no longer whipped, milk. Pour this on top of the second layer.

We make the fourth layer from the remaining half of the hot espresso.

And, as has been said many times before, we create a top from milk foam, which gourmets can decorate with cinnamon or chocolate chips.

Special Latte coffee recipe

To make a special latte coffee you will need (for 1 serving):

From products:

  1. 1 heaping teaspoon of finely ground coffee
  2. 1 half teaspoon of sugar
  3. pinch of salt
  4. 2/3 cup water
  5. 1 glass of milk 3.2% fat
  6. 1 tablespoon Baileys liqueur
  7. good pinch of cocoa

From kitchen equipment:

  • transparent glass
  • blender
  • long stick (toothpick)
  • heart-shaped template (you can make it yourself from thick cardboard)

The preparation process is simple, but it will require patience:

Warm the glass in hot water. Pour in the liquor. Beat hot (do not boil) milk in a blender at high speed until foam appears for about 3-4 minutes, pour the milk into a glass heated in hot water.

Now let's make coffee. To do this, pour a pinch of salt into the heated Turk, then add ground coffee and sugar. Heat for another 10 seconds over low heat, carefully stirring with a stick. Pour cold water into the Turk and, stirring, continue to heat the Turk until the coffee rises. As soon as the coffee has risen, immediately remove the Turk from the heat (do not let it boil).

By the time the coffee is brewed, the frothed milk in the glass will separate into 2 layers, i.e. the foam will rise to the top. Carefully pour a thin stream of coffee down the center, which forms a third layer in the glass (in the middle between the milk and the foam).

Using the template, draw a cocoa heart on the foam and, if necessary, carefully adjust it with a stick.

Quick, easy and tasty - a cup of hot latte

Required ingredients:

  1. espresso coffee – 40 ml;
  2. milk – 150 mil;
  3. sugar, vanilla, cinnamon (optional).

Step-by-step instructions for making cinnamon latte coffee.

  • First of all, you need to heat the milk. Tip: the higher the temperature of the milk, the thicker the whipped foam will be.
  • Brewing coffee. Tip: it is better to use freshly ground coffee brewed in a Turk over low heat.
  • Using a blender or whisk, beat half the milk for about two minutes. Stops when thick foam appears.
  • Carefully pour the milk into the glass. Tip: the drink will look more aesthetically pleasing in a tall glass goblet.
  • Pour the resulting espresso into the milk in a thin stream. Tip: To avoid mixing drinks, you can pour the coffee over the knife.
  • Place the finished milk foam on top of the coffee. Tip: the optimal ratio of milk to coffee is 1:3.

Classic art latte from Italy

  1. milk;
  2. coffee.

Method for making latte coffee from Italy:

Whip the milk, heating until it reaches a temperature of 60-65 degrees. The result will be a homogeneous foam with the consistency of cream. In the process of pouring milk into the coffee mass, the resulting foam mixes with the coffee, forming intricate patterns of different shapes. The patterning process must be strictly controlled to avoid unplanned mixing of liquids. Milk for latte should be glossy, without large bubbles. The espresso coffee for cocktail preparation should be cooked for about 30 seconds until it turns red-brown.

Coffee Latte at home

Coffee Latte has been a very popular drink since ancient times. Sometimes you want to sit in front of the TV or go out onto the balcony and drink a cup of an amazing invigorating drink, but what if you don’t have the time or desire to go to a coffee shop, or you don’t have a coffee maker at home, what should you do? Here's an easy and quick coffee latte recipe.

To prepare, you only need a blender.


  1. Milk – 150 ml
  2. Coffee (preferably Espresso) – 2 tablespoons
  3. Water – 50 ml
  4. Sugar - to your taste


First of all, heat the milk over low heat, be careful that the milk does not boil! After the milk has been heated, pour it into a blender and beat for 2-3 minutes, preferably to form foam; if you did everything correctly, you can see the transition between milk and foam. Now it's time to brew the coffee. Pour coffee into a mug and pour boiling water over it, leave for 5 minutes; if you like it stronger, you can increase the brewing time. Once the coffee has brewed, take a filter (for coffee) and separate the coffee from the grounds. Well, if you do have a coffee maker, then brew coffee in the same proportions. Pour milk into a glass of coffee in a thin stream; it is advisable to do this carefully so that the milk and coffee are in different layers. That's all, our Latte is ready, you can add sugar to your taste, usually Latte is drunk without sugar. If you want to decorate the top of your coffee, you can sprinkle with grated chocolate or add fluffy marshmallows. Here you can show your imagination. Bon appetit.

Try and experiment! The taste of latte coffee will never leave you indifferent.

In conclusion, a video of how to make a latte. You can read an interesting article about how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds.

Latte coffee is so popular that it is on the first line of the menu in every coffee shop. When receiving an ordered glass of latte with a high head of milk foam, the visitor believes that such a drink can only be prepared in coffee shops and bars using special equipment, and that it is impossible to prepare such a masterpiece at home. Indeed, in such establishments, latte coffee is prepared with a cappuccino maker, which creates an airy and at the same time strong milk foam. However, if you have a desire to drink a glass of this wonderful drink, but do not have the time or opportunity to visit a coffee shop, then latte coffee can be prepared at home.

It must be said that many people confuse latte and latte macchiato, believing that latte is a three-layer coffee made of milk, coffee and milk foam. In fact, a drink with distinct layers is called a latte macchiato, and in a latte, coffee and milk are stirred and covered with milk foam. Let's prepare both drinks at home.

On the left is a latte macchiato. On the right is a latte.

Coffee latte at home

In the classic version, preparing both drinks requires, but not everyone has the resources to brew it. Therefore, you can get by. Please note that for a latte you need 3 times less coffee than milk. Thus, for two servings of the drink we need 100 ml of black coffee.

Ingredients for making latte at home

  • – 2 teaspoons;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • water – 100 ml.

All ingredients are given for preparing both types of drink.

Making lattes and latte macchiatos without a coffee machine

  1. First of all, you need to brew black coffee in a Turk or an ordinary coffee maker.
  2. Heat the milk, but under no circumstances bring it to a boil. Its temperature should be around 60 degrees.
  3. Using an immersion blender, blend the hot milk until very foamy. Milk can be whipped, but it will be a rather labor-intensive process.
  4. Let's take two tall transparent glasses. Ideally these should be, but we make lattes at home, so whatever we have on hand will do. Pour 150 ml of milk into one glass, 50 ml of black coffee into the second.
  5. Prepare a latte by adding the remaining milk to a glass of coffee, then pouring milk foam on top.
  6. Now it's time for the latte macchiato. Pour black coffee into the second glass with poured milk. The coffee must be poured very carefully and in a thin stream so as not to mix the layers. The result will be a layer of coffee and a layer of milk. And to finish, place a third layer of milk foam on top.
  7. If desired, you can sprinkle grated chocolate onto the foam in both drinks.

As a result, we prepared coffee latte and latte macchiato at home and without a coffee machine.