How to find out that a person is not a fraudster. How to recognize a fraudulent buyer in an online store? Nine real stories

All three parties to the transaction can turn out to be fraudsters - the employer, the apartment owner, and the agent. Here are some tips on how to spot a cheater.

1. Fraudulent subtenants

It happens that tenants rent out the apartment to other people (often as a brothel or illegal casino, etc.). The owner needs to know in advance that subletting is illegal, even if such a prohibition is not stated in the contract. IN in this case silence is not a sign of consent. In order for the re-letting of an apartment to be considered legal, you will need written permission from the owner. If the sublease is not properly executed, the tenancy agreement may be terminated and the tenant may be held liable for fraudulent conduct.

It is not so easy to recognize this kind of scammers, if they are professionals, but there are some signs that should alert you. First of all, their willingness to rent an apartment at an inflated price tag. It’s clear how to protect yourself here: evaluate your apartment adequately. In addition, you should be wary if potential tenants come to view the apartment and appearance, are clearly not suitable for tenants of this class. Finally, there are certain areas and apartment settings that are particularly attractive to “subtenant” scammers. For example, in Moscow, apartments in the Sokol district in the entrances without a concierge and vigilant neighbors, for example, love “massage parlors.”

The family came to rent an apartment listed for 70 thousand rubles a month (real price - 60). Apparently they could only pay 30-35, but the owner said - let it go, no one else was interested in the property at that price. Passed. And these renters were organized group, who then rented out the apartment to everyone. For a month - in the amount of more than a million rubles. 50 statements to the police. It’s good that the neighbors raised the alarm when pneumatic guns were fired at the windows. They didn’t manage to ruin the apartment, and the owner got away with only an explanatory note, and even the glass wasn’t badly damaged.

Alexander Kharybin

practicing realtor, expert

2. Fraudulent “sellers”

These scammers make money by trying to illegally sell a rented apartment. How to recognize them? They will definitely ask about the documents for the apartment so so that the papers are in their hands for some - albeit short - time. This should not be allowed under any circumstances - scammers will prepare fake documents.

3. Fraudulent defaulters

Such tenants simply move out without paying for a long period and leaving debts behind. utility bills. Protection against them is standard - specify in the contract the terms for paying rent and penalties. Although this also does not guarantee the absence of problems.

We rented an apartment without a realtor, directly, to a visitor from one of the regions of the Russian Caucasus. At first he paid on time, then he stopped communicating, and after a month of “running away from us” he simply disappeared from the apartment, leaving, however, his things. Now, of course, the locks have been replaced, the apartment has been put on the market again, but lost money not return. But there is no desire to look for this tenant in his home region. We will no longer rent out without intermediaries, unless to acquaintances, and even then - with an agreement and a deposit.

owner of a two-room apartment in Moscow

There can be only one piece of advice here: if in doubt, get the most complete contact information from the tenant in advance, as when issuing a loan: work phone number, contacts of friends or relatives, etc. But even better Indeed, engage a trusted realtor.

4. Fraudulent “agents”

Oksana Polyakova

Deputy Director of the Apartment Rental Department Inkom-Real Estate

So, if an agent from a real estate company calls you and offers his services, do not be lazy to call the company where he works before paying him. Moreover, you need to find a phone number on the company’s website, and not call the number that the “agent” left. Find out if such a person works there and make sure that it was he who called you.

5. Fraudulent owners

Our contract was declared invalid - either the agent was unprofessional, or he was in cahoots with the landlord. They took three rubles from the owner, but in the end it turned out that he only owned a share in the apartment, and the other two owners did not give consent to the lease. As a result, we had to move out. It’s good that we lived there for almost the entire month we paid for, and then were able to quickly find a new apartment. But pay twice agent commission for a month and a half is, after all, too much.

tenant, rented a three-room apartment with a friend in Perovo:

To be on the safe side, you need to ask in advance how many owners the apartment has (especially a multi-room one), and if there are several of them, ask the agent for written consent from each owner.

Another nuisance is the concealment of the real lease term: they are initially planning to rent for three months, but promise a long-term contract. As a rule, the “lure” in this case is the low cost.

Such cases, unfortunately, do happen, and it is useless to even check anything. Therefore, always conclude a rental agreement and take receipts for any money. With these documents you can go to court, to the police, demand execution of the contract, return of money, and so on. And always carefully read the terms of accommodation, payment, early termination rent and penalties that await the initiator of termination of the contract. The owner, referring to the clause of the contract he invented and wrote down, can evict you ahead of schedule, and you will suffer due to your own carelessness.

Maria Zhukova

Director of the company "Miel-Arenda"

Valeria Semenova

Remember what Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote in his novel “Earth”:

The only true luxury is the luxury of human interaction.

Alone we are deprived of this luxury.

Maybe that's why we try to avoid loneliness all our lives? We run from him, not knowing where, not knowing why and not understanding who we are running after, driven by the fear of being left alone.

This can be used both for the benefit and harm of a person. Taking advantage of our insecurity and ignorance, scammers are waiting everywhere, including in the virtual space.

  • What safety precautions should you keep in mind? so as not to get into trouble by clicking on tempting banners and responding to invitations to meet?
  • How to recognize scammers?
  • On what sensations Should you focus your attention when contacting a stranger?
  • How worthy get out of the situation, in which you still ended up for one reason or another?

Let's figure it out.

1) People living fictional lives on the Internet love introduce themselves with foreign names and register in Latin. Be careful!

Although it is difficult to adhere to this rule. After all, there are real people living abroad and communicating in different languages ​​of the world. But in the case of fraud, the bait is our hope for a better future. After all, you really want to hope that this is exactly the one you have been looking for all your life!

If you catch yourself feeling this way, it’s time to remember F. Bacon’s aphorism “Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad dinner!” And so that your dinner is as good as your breakfast, while surfing the Internet, make it a rule not to enter into correspondence with strangers. At least until you study the profile for inconsistencies, check the photo, or enlist the support of mutual acquaintances and friends on social networks.

Feel free to ask questions of those whom you see as friends with the supposed prince. Those previously affected may well understand your interest and, perhaps, will delicately hint at the bait that you are ready to swallow or have already swallowed.

2) As a rule, scammers have no intention of showing their faces. Well, since a profile or page on social networks and dating sites is not so attractive without a photo, other people’s photos are used. Moreover, very attractive people are selected and their photos with friends are posted. But the page or profile itself seems to be lifeless: there may be no posts or few of them, no own thoughts and reasoning. You get this feeling right away. Don't miss it.

And if it does arise, know that there are software resources that allow you to find a person from a photo in the Internet. Now so much information has been collected that search engines can give you those pages where your stranger’s photo appears. And then you can finally be convinced of the reality or illusory nature of your acquaintance. Before responding to an offer to communicate, check the photo of your interlocutor!

3) If you neglected the first rule, nevertheless deciding to follow the dictates of your soul, and came into contact with a stranger, be on your guard. After all, the hunters for our souls begin a dialogue very easily and naturally. Before you know it, your imagination will take you so far away that, by relaxing, you may miss important calls. And they will certainly be, despite the fact that such people often have good knowledge of interpersonal psychology.

Men act very assertively not stingy with compliments, creating an aura of attention around you, which you, of course, miss. How can you not melt when they call you nothing less than my queen, and carefully ask what you ate today. After all, maternal care is difficult to resist; it is better to obey it.

Well, you are in no hurry to submit yet, but basking in the luxury of royal regalia is quite acceptable! By at least, there will be something to remember! Feel like a queen: this is only possible in fairy tales... Let go of your imagination, imagine that you are living in luxury.

By the way, there will be time to think, what is luxury for you? But you shouldn’t tell your interlocutor that you get dressed in Piccadilly Circus and relax in Nice. Luxury requires careful handling, and it should be demonstrated only in trusted places and trusted people. If you cope with the role of the queen, you will have the strength to part with the deceiver with dignity. Feel free to cross yourself when this happens.

If women are caught for the royal title, then men are supposed to be caught by pity. They will tell you stories about how bad it is to be sick, how boring it is to lie in the hospital, and having no one to talk to. The next step will ask you to put money on your phone, which, after they have gotten at least 300 rubles from you, will, of course, not answer you. If they managed to pity you so much that you are ready to leave the house and run to the nearest terminal, it’s time to remember the proverb “Everything in the world is a shirtless thing!” and sober up a little.

4) Who can resist interest in your children? After all, fathers are not often interested in how their children live, but here is a stranger... For him, of course, it is very important whether your children live with you. After all, your prince needs to understand how free and provided with housing you are, he has nothing in his heart, and for a person sitting, for example, in prison, this is especially important.

Well, while the issue of housing is not voiced, enjoy the advantage of the royal title. However, be alert and don't be surprised if the previous day you talked about your daughter, and the next day you are asked: “How is your son?”

You, of course, have the right to be indignant and ask if you have been confused with someone else, but they will explain to you that it is a spelling error. I wonder in what language you can confuse the spelling of the words son and daughter? Who knows, tell me!

Has doubt about your uniqueness already settled in your soul? And it is right! Thank your interlocutor for the mistake that helped you get closer to the picture of the reality of your acquaintance.

5) What woman wouldn’t want her chosen one to know her tastes and give her gifts?
And therefore, everyday questions about your favorite color, favorite fruits and metals can lull your vigilance and, since you are a queen, take you to the interiors of Buckingham Palace.

But for some reason your interlocutor's questions are often repeated in a slightly different version, and you begin to be haunted by the feeling that you are being tested. After all, in a normal dialogue between living people it is assumed that your answer has already been heard. Therefore, there is no point in asking about the same. However, it is in tests that questions are often similar, but have slightly different meanings; this is simply the principle of their composition.

When you find a question that you have just answered, or perhaps the previous day, it is worth remembering Ostap Bender’s simultaneous chess session, where “on the third move it turned out that the grandmaster was playing eighteen Spanish games.” Add to this the annoying “spelling” error from the previous paragraph in the description of this article.

6) What else can help you discern Ostap Bender in your interlocutor?
Perhaps you were offered dialogue on foreign language . Don't be alarmed, modern programs will help you cope with translation difficulties.

In fact, no difficulties are expected, because your chosen one has studied English language at a nearby school. You can determine this by phrases, the rules of construction of which are as familiar to him as they are to you. And remembering the school dialogue at the blackboard will help you turn on the logic that ordinary compliments try to turn off in you.

By the way, to confirm your guesses, you can at least inquire about the simple historical features of the place from which your interlocutor is supposedly writing. Don't be surprised if he changes the subject or responds with some common phrase, perhaps not even related to the question.

Don’t be too lazy to turn to the Internet and don’t hesitate to repeat the question containing some nuances that a person actually living in this area might know about. And if he arrived there under escort, even though he has access to the Internet, he will not be able to answer you. Well, taking into account the conditions of a session of simultaneous playing in different languages, sooner or later he will definitely “slip up” on some trifles. All you have to do is draw your own conclusions.

7) Can give another hint profession, which is indicated in the registration data of your interlocutor, or the one that he indicated to you in the dialogue. Try to take an interest in his career, ask where and how long he worked, why he quit, what his job is.

Believe that a person living someone else’s life in the Internet space has a fictitious profession by hearsay and will certainly reveal himself in detail.

It is worth remembering that our whole life consists of little things, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of paying attention to the details that will reveal the true intentions of your stranger. Perhaps they will give you confidence that your relationship does not fall into the situations described above, and you are truly lucky in this life!

Transfer loneliness everything is different. Someone hides it in the most secluded corners of their soul, and even the closest people have no idea how lonely a person lives. Outwardly it is invisible. Pain, carefully packaged, is stored in the deep basement of the subconscious and securely covered with a layer of everyday dust. In this case, it may not bother its owner for years. For others, the wound has not yet healed.

In any case, having identified an unscrupulous interlocutor, the pain of loneliness may again resonate in your soul with a wave of not very positive emotions.

What to do? How to get out of the situation with the least losses?

  • First of all, if it’s overwhelming, breathe deeply! Focus on your state and identify your feelings. Do you feel angry, irritated, disappointed, rejected, self-pitying? Don't run away from them, live them: let yourself feel! This may take time. If it becomes unbearable, consult a psychologist. Perhaps it's time to let go of your defenses and seek help.
  • Secondly, mentally thank a failed contender for your heart because he reminded you of a hidden and perhaps long-standing problem. This will let the space know that you have noticed this problem. No wonder they say, forewarned is forearmed!
  • Third, acceptto myselfresponsibility for creating this situation. In fact, who else but you responded to the dubious proposal: they didn’t push you on the shoulder, and no one moved your hand with the mouse. But now you have looked again into your pain, and it is up to you whether you will do something about it or again leave it to gather dust until better times. However, the paradox is that better times may not come if you do not solve the problem right now.
  • And finally, in order to exit the correspondence with dignity, write a final message to your interlocutor, remembering that Don't push your opponent into a corner. Perhaps he is also lonely, it is loneliness that pits us against each other, signaling possible problems, and equalizes us. Just express confidence that your interlocutor is grateful to you for brightening up his loneliness, and wish him good luck.
    Such an outcome will be natural and possible for you if you have already lived and let go of the feelings that you experienced when you initially discovered the deception.
    If you are still in them, there is no point in writing a letter yet. Perhaps you are stuck at this stage or, on the contrary, you suppressed your emotions too quickly. In this case you need help from a psychologist.

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Fraudsters are able to gain the trust of even the most cautious people, and even gullible people are a godsend for them. No matter what new schemes of deception appear, they can always be seen through if you think soberly.

website In this post I collected some tips on how to determine that they are trying to deceive you, and what to do to prevent scammers from succeeding.

You have an uninvited guest

  • Step 1: Ask how he knows your name or address.

If he can't answer clearly, he may have found your contact information on the Internet or in the phone book.

  • Step 2. Ask to see documents confirming the position and full name with which he introduced himself. Study them carefully.

Most often, scammers do not have any identification. And if there is, then upon closer examination you can discern a fake.

  • Step 3. Call the organization whose employee he introduced himself to be and ask if the employee was referred to you and what is the reason for this.

Every organization has landline phones. If they only provided you with a cell number or refuse to give it at all, it is most likely a scammer.

  • Step 5. Read reviews about the company, its services or products on the Internet.

News about scammers quickly spreads across the Internet. You will always find them on review sites. Most often, fraudulent schemes are as similar as two peas in a pod; even the names of such “companies” may not change.

  • Step 6. Ask about payment methods for the service/product offered.

Fraudsters always require partial or full payment in advance. They take money either in cash or by transfer to an electronic wallet. This means that after transferring the money, you will not have the slightest chance to prove the fact of payment and establish the identity of the fraudster.

Red flags if you've already made a deal

  • Confidentiality. You are asked not to tell anyone anything.
  • The jackpot is just around the corner. The scammers encourage you in every possible way, drawing out more and more money. Your denial of reality may extend this deception beyond common sense, since you will not want to admit that you have been fooled.

    Disappearance. When your patience runs out and you begin to suspect the scammer of an insidious plan, he simply disappears. All channels of communication with him suddenly become unavailable.

Contactless fraud

  • Situation 1

You received a message that you have won a big prize and are asked to transfer money for postage or to pay taxes.

  • Situation 2

You have received an SMS message stating that your bank card is blocked; to unblock it you need to send a security code that will be sent via SMS.

Actions: Even a bank employee has no right to request security codes; do not respond to SMS. Urgently call the bank that issued and services your card at the phone number indicated on the back of the card.

  • Situation 3

Actions: do not follow the link. You will receive a virus on your phone that will help scammers hack your Personal Area in mobile banking (if available) and steal money from bank accounts. It can also be an automatic subscription to paid services. Download any applications only from official stores, install and constantly update the antivirus on your smartphone or tablet.

  • Situation 4

You are selling an item online, a buyer calls you and offers to immediately transfer money to a bank card. To do this, you are required to provide your card number, CVC code (available on the back of each card) and other information.

Actions: You can provide the card number - this is its unique address. The CVC code, card expiration date, and holder's first and last name are not needed to make transfers. But with this information, scammers will be able to withdraw money from your bank account.

  • Situation 5

You have decided to buy a product from an online store at a super attractive price.

The modern world is rich not only in technology, but also in deception. There have always been scammers. There are a variety of reasons for this. Also, deceived people have existed at all times. As well as those who found ways to fight scammers, avoid the traps they set and save their belongings and money.

Today, deceivers surround us almost everywhere. So how to recognize scammers?

All about deceivers

First of all, it must be said that scammers are very good psychologists. They can easily gain your trust, as they have incredibly attractive charisma. Their oratory skills are at the highest level: they will charm you and lure you into their network. But deceivers are timid and are in constant tension because they are afraid of being caught. It is through fear that you can recognize a fraudster. The ability to do this is an extremely important quality in our world. Here are some ways to deceive a cheater: clean water:

  • A stranger writes, calls, or just approaches you on the street and already knows some facts about you, for example, your name, house or phone number, some stories from your life. This should immediately alert you.
  • The person asks not to tell anyone about your meeting or what you agreed on with him. Most likely, you are also being deceived.
  • When choosing a payment method (in any case), the person only asks for cash. Perhaps he just doesn't want to leave a trace behind him. Be careful in this case too.
  • On some sites, scammers offer large sums of money, usually in foreign currency, for a trivial task. Allegedly, the owner of some account on a casino website or other similar ones does not have time to do the work, and he hires you as an assistant. Don't be fooled by big money.
  • If you express your suspicions about his honesty to your new “friend,” he will most likely call you an ungrateful fool in order to make you look guilty. You shouldn't believe this. You always have the right to be distrustful of an offer, and if you feel that you are being deceived, then most likely you are. Your gut will almost always tell you how to recognize scammers.

Cheating on the Internet

You've probably come across various forms of tricks to deceive people. Internet users. How to recognize scammers in this case?

The main goal of such scammers is to get your money, passwords for bank cards or social network accounts. There are even such vile fraud schemes when a handsome young guy ingratiates himself with the trust of a lonely girl of 18-25 years old, usually with low self-esteem. He charms her, receives intimate photos, and then blackmails her for money. Agree, the situation is not the most pleasant.

In order to avoid becoming another victim of scammers, it is worth remembering a few main rules:

  • To no one, not even relatives, parents, best friends, do not give passwords for bank cards, social networks. Do not share your documents or personal data!
  • Don't give in to people who write you sweet, affectionate messages full of love and then demand something. Usually scammers respond rudely to a refusal or try to make you look guilty.
  • If suddenly a message arrives from stranger who says that he is your relative on your great-grandmother’s side and you receive an inheritance of incredible size, then you should think about it and not rush to rejoice.
  • It happens that you are offered a job and you do it. But in order to receive money, you need to pay some kind of fee or commission. Remember: you are being deceived. No one should have to pay for work done.

Cheating on dating sites

It’s not uncommon for you to receive messages on dating sites asking you to send money to a person. The pretext will be different, but always convincing: for example, a business collapsed; his wife died, but there is no money to bury him; stuck in another country and not enough for a ticket; They discovered a terrible disease, but the operation is expensive and so on. Here it is important not to get confused and not to be led by pity. Remember that when a person is in grief, he will definitely not run to look for help on dating sites. If you still want to respond kindly, then recommend a good campaign that can help real help, and end the dialogue here.

Also, do not send photos to anyone that you do not want to see on the Internet. Watch your children: they may become victims of pedophiles. Explain to them the basic rules of communicating with strangers. Children should also know how to recognize scammers. Always doubt a proposal or an unreal story told by someone.

Cheating on the phone

This method of deception appeared when telephones began to spread throughout the world. Most people are familiar with the most common scheme for such money scams.

Here's how to spot a phone scammer. For example, a police officer calls you and says that your son or daughter is in an unpleasant situation and is at the police station. There is no need to panic. Doubt what is happening and ask to hear the voice of your son or daughter. If they refuse, then say that you will come to the department. But the scammer will offer you another option: everything can be settled if you pay a certain amount. And to avoid being caught with a bribe, the money should be transferred to the specified address. Don't believe it! To make sure it's a scam, call your children and ask where they are now.

Cheating in an online store

Most often, people become victims of deception because they do not know how to recognize scammers using an elementary method: checking the site for its honesty. If you want to make sure you don't get scammed, then study it thoroughly. On legal sites, the contacts of the owners, TIN, and address must be indicated Email, support service and more. If you haven’t seen all this, then this site is fake. Pay attention to customer reviews, quality of services, etc.

How to recognize a fraudulent buyer

Typically, all schemes are based on the fact that the deceiver takes the goods and leaves. He does this under various pretexts: for example, “there is repairs at the entrance, give me the goods in such and such a place.” To avoid being deceived by the buyer, take an advance payment: full or 50%.

Situations are also common when a person receives a product, but suddenly discovers that he has accidentally been shortchanged. He needs to take the missing money from a friend, etc. He asks to wait, turns around and leaves with the goods. The courier is certainly not destined to wait for him. Therefore, do not give away the goods until you receive the money.

Play it safe, think through all possible scenarios and be careful.

How to “see through” an attacker? Family psychologist, interpersonal relationship consultant, director of the dating agency “Me and You” Elena Kuznetsova

Internet dating is good because it offers impunity, because the interlocutor does not see us, does not know what we look like or how we speak. And if a person is real life is not very attractive, not very sociable, and girls avoid him, then on the Internet he can hide behind an invented image: pass off someone else’s photograph as his own, speak in someone else’s phrases, .

But this ease of communication also has a downside, because we almost never can verify the information that the interlocutor offers us. That is why we can “run into” a swindler, someone who will never go to a real meeting, a married man, a gigolo or even a rapist.

Be careful, liar!

You can spot a liar quite simply: to do this you need to ask the same specific question over a certain period of time. It may concern the place of study, work, the car the man drives, etc. For example, your interlocutor mentioned in a conversation that he has a Toyota, and then suddenly says that he drives a BMW. It's interesting that liars don't really remember what they said earlier; they start talking. If a person lies once, be careful, it means he is already lying on several counts.

It is clear that you will ask questions that interest you most - mainly they. And it is these issues that men are most sensitive to. So ask very carefully so that the interlocutor does not get the impression that you are interrogating him. Bring the person out for a conversation and, when he starts talking, you can carefully clarify: “Is your child already 10 years old?”, but he, for example, said that he was five...

Professional virtual assistant

The frivolity of this character's intentions is also easy to understand. He himself will never suggest moving from Internet communication to real meetings, and he will also avoid your proposals in this regard under any pretext. Eternals, they are much more interested in how many women will fall for them, and it is much easier to collect a harem on the Internet.

Fraudsters and rapists

It is quite difficult to recognize a fraudster, gigolo or rapist, if he is smart, on the Internet. These are all “professionals” of sorts. However, they sometimes make mistakes. Be careful when talking, pay attention to how the man reacts to yours. In the process of communication, you still cannot avoid personal topics, including the topic of sex. By the way a man talks about women, one can draw conclusions. Even if a man is cunning and disguises himself, with prolonged communication, he will show his true face; at some stage, negativity and aggression towards women will slip through.

“If you communicate with a person for a long time, and he is aggressive in himself, then at some stage this aggression will still slip through, because when you touch on his personal life, the person will, no, no, let it slip: “Fuck her.” . A man will make a Freudian reservation in relation to his past woman or to the entire weaker sex in general,” states Elena Kuznetsova. She emphasizes that you can feel an inadequate man during long-term communication, but much depends on the woman, whether she knows how to analyze what is said, or simply reads the correspondence.

Don't rush into real meetings

Even the most reticent and unsociable person will open up more or less after three to four weeks of dense correspondence. As soon as you feel that the interlocutor has relaxed and began to trust you, then you need to try to pull it out of him. Do not rush to move on to a real meeting, try to first find out more about the person you are communicating with. Try to find out how long a person has been “hanging around” on the Internet, in particular on this site. Moreover, you must not only ask questions to the man himself, but try to “get through” information about him yourself.

Another question is that by delaying the moment of meeting, you risk losing a man. He may not wait for you, especially if he is determined to make quick contact. True, in such a situation there are certain advantages - you will cut off in advance the gentleman who is unsuitable for you, the gentleman who is not in the mood for a serious relationship, a collector of women. A person who, but also in you as a person, will definitely wait for you.

“Just as couples in real life test their feelings at a distance, so in a virtual setting, postponing a meeting is also a kind of test of how seriously a man takes you,” says Elena Kuznetsova.

Taking off the masks

In real life, a person may turn out to be completely different than on the Internet. This applies not only to appearance, but also to communication. As a rule, extroverted and outgoing people behave the same way when meeting in person as they do online. They are relaxed, friendly, cheerful. It is much easier for less contactable people to communicate on the Internet; it is easier for them to open up there than in a personal conversation, so you should not be surprised if a man who seemed modest to you in correspondence turns out to be a completely repressed silent person in reality.

“There are good actors. A person can be withdrawn and ugly. But he will never tell his interlocutor about this and will not give his real photo. And since he has a desire to communicate, he can pass himself off as a macho. In a personal meeting, the image, unfortunately, will not correspond to reality,” says the psychologist.

Elena Kuznetsova notes that 90% of the clients of her dating agency initially tried using the Internet, but this was not possible due to the fact that the information provided there turned out to be false. For example, women who were looking for Serious relationships, often came across married men or outright “eating”. Men, in reality, saw a completely different young lady.

It is interesting that people posing as other characters on the Internet nevertheless do not refuse personal meetings, hoping for “maybe.”

“It's a mentality. Many people in such a situation expect a positive outcome from the operation. They think: “What if I talk him (her) out?” The most interesting thing is that sometimes it really works, but a lot depends on the person’s ambitions, on his level of culture, as well as on the level of the person he is going on a date with,” summarizes Elena Kuznetsova.