What documents are needed to register a child? How to register a child in an apartment at the place of residence of the father or mother - a package of documents and the procedure for registration. What documents are needed to register a child?

Registration is the basis of the state's population census. Minor children are no exception.

Family code this is the one normative act, which contains a direct indication of the impossibility of implementation separately from the parents or one of them until the child reaches the age of fourteen years.

For registering a child at his place of residence The following options exist:

  • With both parents (at their place of residence);
  • With one of the parents (mother or father);
  • With other immediate family.

If everything is clear with the registration of a child with both parents at their place of residence, then the option of registration with one of them raises many questions.

Registration with one of the parents (mother or father) is carried out if they live separately, or one of the parents has a registration and the other has a permanent one.

In the latter option, the child will be registered with the parent whose registration is permanent.

A child can be registered with the father only if he is recorded in the appropriate column in the birth certificate.

The state currently gives priority to who the child should be registered with only if the parents have significant differences in quality in favor of the one who has better conditions. If they are the same for everyone, the contract regime between them comes into force.

In practice, there are often cases when parents have different registration addresses, the child is registered with one of them, and they all live together at a third address, where temporary registration has been issued for everyone (if necessary).

In the same case, if the parents cannot agree among themselves on the place of registration of the child, this issue will be resolved by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities or the court in the appropriate proceedings.

Registration with relatives

Registration with other close relatives, except parents, family and civil law is provided only if the child cannot be registered with the parents for some reason.

The list of such reasons may include:

  • Deprivation of both parents in relation to their children;
  • Purpose close relative guardian of the child due to the inability of the parents to fulfill their immediate responsibilities due to health reasons (both physical and mental), as well as in the event that the child’s parents are declared dead or missing by a court decision;
  • If both parents have only temporary registration or living conditions do not allow the child to live with them (for example, the residential building in which the parents are registered is recognized as unsafe or subject to demolition).

This list of cases when a child can be registered separately from his parents, but with his close relatives, is not exhaustive, since in each problematic case a decision is made directly by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities or the court taking into account all existing circumstances.

Temporary registration

If the parents’ registration is temporary, then the child’s registration at the same address will also have temporary status. At the same time, the owner’s consent to registration will not need.

However, for a child in public housing (for example, under a contract social hiring), permission from authorized persons will be required municipal authorities(even if the parents also have temporary registration in the same housing). No other permits will be required.

To obtain temporary registration, a child will need to complete the following steps:

  • Prepare what is necessary for registering the child at the place of stay;
  • Send these documents to the migration authorities at the place of actual residence of the child and his parents;
  • Come within the timeframe specified by the employee of such authorities to receive

If the child has permanent registration, for example, in another region, a request will be sent there to clarify the information about whether the child lives there with parents or close relatives or actual place stay is true.

Registration of temporary registration without parental participation

Temporary registration for a child can also be issued without the participation of parents. However, this opportunity is provided by the legislator only in a few cases:

  • or the child has a guardian appointed by authorized bodies,
  • or the child is in specialized institutions for minors due to the absence of parents and close relatives to whom he can be transferred for care.

In addition, such registration is possible only if there is a need, for example, in connection with moving to another region for a period of more than ninety days.

Registration of temporary registration in this case falls on the shoulders of employees of authorized bodies, whose responsibilities include monitoring compliance with the rights of a minor (guardianship and trusteeship authorities or the management of the institution where the child is located).

The ability to represent rights in this case is assigned by the legislator either to the management of such an institution or to employees of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

However, such a representation is only possible if the child has not reached the age of fourteen. From the moment of turning fourteen years old, a child can independently, but with the consent authorized persons, represent your interests, including regarding the registration of temporary registration at your place of stay.

Possible difficulties

When registering temporarily for a minor without the participation of parents, it is possible the following difficulties:

  • Refusal to register due to lack of confirmation of information about the possibility of involving parents in the registration process (before the child reaches the age of fourteen);
  • due to the non-compliance with the necessary requirements of the characteristics of the premises in which registration must be carried out;
  • Refusal to register at the place of temporary location due to an incorrectly prepared package of accompanying documents (the entire package is not fully prepared, or some documents are prepared improperly, for example, if there are parents who permanently work in another region and live separately from the child, To obtain a temporary registration, the child will need their notarized consent to complete such registration. The absence of notarization of this consent will be regarded as. incorrect document formatting)

    By clicking on the send button, you consent to the processing of your personal data.

The concept of temporary registration involves registration at the place of residence, that is, in premises that are not permanent housing. Children, like their parents, are required to register at the new location within 90 days of arrival.

Law of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 1993 N 5242-1 (as amended on November 28, 2015) “On the rights of citizens Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation"

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the registration of children at the address of one of the parents or guardians.

Registration of a citizen of the Russian Federation at the place of residence is carried out within a period not exceeding 90 days from the date of the citizen’s arrival in the residential premises. Registration at the place of residence is carried out without removing the citizen from registration at the place of residence.

Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

The rules for obtaining registration for minors are similar to the procedure for obtaining registration for adults. It is carried out by the Federal Migration Service or passport offices at the place of temporary residence of the family.


Registration of temporary registration for a child2

The law protects the rights of children, therefore, to register them at the place of stay, the consent of the property owners, their relatives or others registered in this premises is not required. The main requirement is the presence of temporary registration at the same address of one of the parents.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 1995 N 713 (as amended on February 5, 2016) “On approval of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation and the list of persons responsible for reception and transfer to the registration authorities of documents for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation"

Registration of minor children at the place of residence of parents (adoptive parents, guardians) is carried out regardless of the consent of the persons specified in paragraphs two - four of paragraph 10 of these Rules.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 1995 N 713 (as amended on February 5, 2016)

At the same time, neither registered children nor their parents can count on a property share of this housing, and owners do not have to worry that by registering minors in their apartment, they will lose the right to own real estate.

To obtain temporary registration of children who do not have Russian citizenship, they should be registered with the authorities migration service according to the Law “On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation”.

A foreign citizen permanently or temporarily residing in the Russian Federation who has the right to use residential premises located on the territory of the Russian Federation is obliged, in the manner and under the conditions established in accordance with this Federal Law, to register at the address of the specified premises, except for the case provided for in part 2 of this article.

Law "On migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation"

The cost of the registration procedure at the place of residence is free for citizens of the Russian Federation. This is stated in the Law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 N 5242-1 (as amended on November 28, 2015) “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation”:

Registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of residence within the Russian Federation are free of charge.

Article 3. Registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation

For registration of foreign citizens, a state fee of 350 rubles is charged.

Article 19. State duty collected for actions performed in accordance with this Federal Law

State duty is charged:
for registration foreign citizen in the Russian Federation at the place of residence or place of residence.

Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) “On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation"

State duty is paid in the following amounts:
for registration of a foreign citizen and stateless person residing on the territory of the Russian Federation at the place of residence - 350 rubles;

Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Dimensions state duty for state registration, as well as for performing other legally significant actions

The maximum period of temporary registration is 5 years. It may differ from the period of registration of parents at this address. If the parents' registration has expired, they can request its extension, arguing that their children are temporarily registered.


List of documents for temporary registration of minor children3

How to temporarily register a child for kindergarten? To do this, you need to contact the authorized body (FMS, passport office, housing cooperative, etc.) with a package of documents, provided by law. It includes:

Application for registration (Form-1), filled out by him (if the person is over 14 years old) or by his legal representative - parents, adoptive parents, guardians.

Sample application for registration at the place of stay

  • Identification document of the parent (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation)
  • Child's identity document. For those children who have reached 14 years of age - a Russian passport, for minors - a birth certificate.

Please note that in the latter case, you must confirm your Russian citizenship. In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation, this can be done in several ways:

The presence of citizenship of children can be certified by a birth certificate with an insert confirming the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation, issued in accordance with previously in accordance with the established procedure and maintaining its effect.

Documents can also certify the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation in children, information about which is included in these documents and certified by a signature official and the corresponding seal of the authorized body.

A birth certificate can certify that a child under 14 years of age has citizenship of the Russian Federation by birth if the following information is included in the birth certificate:
on the citizenship of the Russian Federation of both parents or the only parent of the child

A birth certificate with a mark confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation can certify that a child under the age of 14 has citizenship of the Russian Federation by birth if:
The birth certificate contains information about the citizenship of the Russian Federation of one of the child’s parents.

Regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation

The fact of citizenship can be confirmed by a special stamp on the certificate form or the passport of the parents where their child is registered.

  • Paper confirming temporary registration (if the parent is registered at the same time as the child). This could be a lease or rental agreement, or a statement from the responsible tenant with his consent to move in.
  • Consent of the second parent (if the registration addresses of the father and mother do not match).

The law does not prohibit registering children separately from their parents. In this case, in addition to the main package of documents, the written consent of the parents and the basis for registration are required. Temporary registration minor child at the place of residence without parents is possible only after he reaches 14 years of age.

Having issued a temporary registration for a child for kindergarten, you can contact social protection with an application to receive a one-time payment child benefit at the place of stay. To confirm that the payment was not received at the place of primary residence, both parents must provide relevant certificates.

Despite a large number of kindergartens in Moscow, due to temporary registration of the child, may not be accepted. Recording mechanism preschool significantly simplified - now except personal visit at the location of the Commission, you can send electronic application using the single portal “State Services”. Despite the equality of rights guaranteed by law for children with permanent and temporary registration, the latter most often end up at the end of the queue. You can fight for the right to visit a free municipal garden in court. In this case, the help of a professional lawyer in drawing up a claim will give you the maximum chance of a successful outcome of the case.

You need to receive a child's birth certificate within a month after the child is born. However, civil registry offices also register the birth of children aged one year or more. An adult can also apply to register his birth if he has not previously received a birth certificate. Please note: if neither of the parents is registered at their place of residence in Moscow and the child was born outside the city, it is impossible to register his birth in Moscow.

The following may apply to register the birth of a child:

  • parents (parent) of the child;
  • a representative of the parents (one parent), acting under a power of attorney;
  • an adult whose birth was not registered and who did not receive a birth certificate.

In the absence of parents and their representatives, representatives of medical organizations, guardianship authorities or internal affairs authorities can apply to register the birth of a child, depending on the specific situation.

2. What documents will be needed?

To obtain a child's birth certificate, you will need the following documents:

  • Identity documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation:
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • International passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for persons permanently residing abroad).

    Identity documents of a foreign citizen (stateless person):

    • passport of a foreign citizen or other document established federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen;
    • refugee certificate;
    • certificate of consideration of the application for recognition as a refugee on the territory of the Russian Federation on its merits;
    • certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation;.
    • temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation (for a stateless person);
    • residence permit in the Russian Federation (for a stateless person).

    Documents issued by competent authorities foreign countries, must be legalized unless otherwise provided international treaties RF, and translated into Russian. The accuracy of the translation must be notarized.

    identification documents of the parents (or one parent if the child has only a mother or father);
  • an identification document of the parent’s representative and a power of attorney (if it is not possible to apply in person);
  • one of Documents that are the basis for state registration birth:
    • birth document issued medical organization, in which the birth took place;
    • birth document issued by the medical organization whose doctor provided medical care during childbirth or to which the mother contacted after childbirth, or by a private practitioner (for childbirth outside a medical organization);
    • a court decision to establish the fact of the birth of a child by this woman (in the absence of other grounds for state registration of the birth of a child);
    • a court decision to establish the fact of birth of a child who has reached the age of one year or more (in the absence of a document in the established form on birth);
    • a document on perinatal death issued by a medical organization or a private practitioner (for state registration of the birth of a stillborn child).
    , which are the basis for state registration of birth;
  • A document issued by a medical organization and confirming the fact that the consent of the woman who gave birth to the child has been received by the parents of the child to record the spouses who have given consent to the implantation of the embryo into another woman for the purpose of bearing it., confirming the consent of the surrogate mother (when using surrogacy);
  • one of Documents that serve as the basis for entering information about the father:
    • parents' marriage certificate;
    • certificate of paternity;
    • a certificate of divorce of the parents or a court decision on divorce or invalidation of the marriage (if no more than 300 days have passed from this moment until the child’s birthday);
    • death certificate of the spouse of the child’s mother (if no more than 300 days have passed from this moment until the child’s birthday);
    • application from the child’s mother to enter information about the child’s father into the birth certificate writing(provided at the request of the mother, if she is not married and paternity has not been established).
    , which are the basis for entering information about the father;

In some cases, additional

  • death certificate of the mother (if the child’s mother has died and the father submits the application);
  • an identity document of an adult child, if he himself submits an application to register his birth.
  • ">documents.

    3. Where to submit documents?

    You can contact one of them only if you want to register the birth of a child:

    • born outside the Russian Federation;
    • born using surrogacy;
    • on the basis of a court decision establishing the fact of the birth of a child, which has entered into legal force.

    In other cases, to register the birth of a child, contact any of When contacting the “My Documents” public service center to register the birth of a child, parents can also order a certificate for receiving benefits, SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy, registration insert, citizenship mark, certificate of paternity (if it is necessary to establish paternity), certificate for maternal capital(at the birth of the second or subsequent children), certificate large family(if a third child was born in the family). When the documents are ready, parents will be invited to pick them up at the public services center.

    ">state service centers. Those for whom the civil registry office departments or the civil registry office department are the civil registry office departments at the place of residence of one of the parents or at the place of birth of the child can also contact them.

    4. What difficulties may arise when registering the birth of a child?

    If the child’s parents were divorced at the time of his birth, and less than 300 days have passed since the divorce, then legally the mother’s ex-husband is recognized as the child’s father. It is indicated by the child's father on the child's birth certificate.

    If the child is not from the ex-husband, his real father may be, but for this the ex-husband will have to write a notarized statement that he is not the father of the child, and the father of the child - after that - apply together with the child's mother to the registry office with a joint statement.

    If the ex-husband does not agree to renounce paternity or the child’s real father does not agree to establish paternity, the mother’s ex-husband will be entered as the father on the birth certificate, regardless of whether he really is and whether the mother wants it. In the future, you can challenge paternity in court, after which the registry office will make changes to the birth document.

    Please note: a married man can establish paternity of a child born out of wedlock.

    5. How to register a child for a single mother?

    If the woman has not been married (or since her divorce from ex-husband more than 300 days have passed), and the father of the child does not recognize paternity, the child’s birth certificate is issued to the mother.

    Surname When registering a child's birth, it is recorded using the surname of his parents. If the surnames of the parents are different, by agreement of the parents, the child is assigned the surname of the father, the surname of the mother, or a double surname formed by joining the surnames of the father and mother to each other in any order. It is not allowed to change the sequence of joining the surnames of the father and mother to each other when forming double surnames for full brothers and sisters. A child's double surname can consist of no more than two words, joined by a hyphen when written.

    7. Where should the birth of a child born in transport be registered?

    You can register the birth of a child at the civil registry office closest to the place of residence of the parents (one of the parents) or to the place of birth of the child.

    If a woman gave birth to a child on a ship, on an airplane, on a train or in another vehicle during its passage, state registration of the birth is carried out by the registration authority civil status at the place of residence of the parents (one of the parents) or any civil registry office located along the route vehicle. The place of birth of the child indicates the place of state registration of the child’s birth.

    After a child is born, he must be registered at his place of residence within a certain time.

    According to current legislation, namely paragraph 2 of Article 20 Civil Code Russian Federation, children must be registered at the place of residence of both parents or one of them.

    The child must be registered in mandatory. For failure to register, parents face administrative responsibility in the form of a fine.

    In the future, registration will help your child get a place in kindergarten or school.
    This can also become a guarantee for obtaining various child benefits and benefits for children.
    Registering a child has some features that we will consider in this article.

    To register a child by permanent place residence, you must provide the following package of documents:

    • completed application for registration in Form 6;
    • child's identity document. This may be a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, if the child is already 14 years old, or a birth certificate;
    • identification document of one of the parents or another legal representative child. This must be a Russian passport with registration at the same address where the child is registered;
    • a marriage certificate (if the parents are registered at different addresses), or a divorce certificate (if the parents are divorced).

    Also, in some cases, additional documents may be required.

    For example, if the parents are divorced, some passport offices request the consent of the second parent to register at the place of residence of the first.

    Additionally, you may need a certificate confirming that there is no debt to pay for housing and communal services at the place of the child’s future registration.

    Where to contact

    Currently, you can submit documents for registration in various ways:

    • through the MFC or the EIRC passport office at your place of residence,
    • in the departments of GUVM,
    • through the State Services portal on the Internet.

    But from our point of view, it is more convenient to register a child through the MFC. Multifunctional centers have a number of advantages:

    • convenient opening hours (from 9:00 to 20:00 daily),
    • possibility of remote recording,
    • availability of an electronic queue.

    If you have a verified account with State Services, you can submit documents to register your child via the Internet. Through the State Services portal it is possible to register citizens.

    This method has a clear advantage - the application can be submitted remotely, without visiting the authorities. But you still have to come and pick up the result of receiving the service—the child’s registration paper.

    Features of temporary registration of a child

    Often parents live in a rented apartment. In this case they don't have permanent registration at your residence address, only temporary. However, temporary registration gives the same rights to the registered person as permanent registration. To register a citizen in a rented apartment, the consent of the owner or owners is usually required. But an exception has been made for children. Their parents can register them without obtaining such consent.

    Therefore, you will need the same list of documents as for registration at a permanent place of residence.


    After accepting the documents authorized body The child will be registered up to 7 days in advance.
    But usually the procedure takes less time.

    After registering the child, parents receive a document - a registration certificate. And if the child is already 14 years old, he receives a corresponding stamp in his passport.

    Through the State Services portal

    The most advanced way to register a child is to use the State Services portal. In this case, documents are submitted in in electronic format to your territorial department of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

    But in order to use this service, you must have a verified account on State Services. Read our material on how to do this.

    • Log in to your account;
    • Go to the service catalog;
    • Select Passport and Visa Registration;
    • Select the item Registration of citizens, Registration of citizen at place of residence;
    • On the page that opens, read the description of the service. If you agree with everything, click the button to receive the service;
    • Next you will have to fill out an online form
      In the first step, fill in your location, as well as the option Registration at place of residence,
      In the second step you will need to enter your personal data:
      - Full Name
      - Date of Birth
      - floor
      — email address
      - contact number
      - passport details
      and also fill in who you are related to the child.
    • On the next page of the online form you will need to fill in the personal data of the person being registered:
      - Full Name
      - Date of Birth
      - floor
      — email address
      - contact number
      - Place of Birth
      as well as an identity document - in the case of a child under the age of 14, birth certificate data, after 14 years - passport.
    • Next, you need to fill out some statistical data; in the next step, select the department to which the application will be submitted.

    Within 3 days, your application will be reviewed and if everything is fine, you will be invited to the GUVM department where you submitted it. Here you will need to provide original documents and also personally sign the application.

    And if everything is in order, they will issue a certificate of registration of the child.