Initial briefing for a passenger car driver. On-the-job training program for car drivers

On March 1, 2017, GOST 12.0.004-2015 “System of occupational safety standards” came into force. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions" This GOST replaced the popular GOST 12.0.004-90 “Interstate Standard. System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions", in accordance

GOST 12.0.004-2015 “System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions" was supplemented with new applications. One of them is Appendix B “Sample Program for Initial Instruction on Labor Safety in the Workplace.”

In GOST 12.0.004-2015, paragraph 8.5, it is written that Instruction programs are developed and approved by the training organizer in in the prescribed manner, based on the required measures of work organization, safety and hygiene when performing specific labor functions of the worker, taking into account national regulatory requirements labor protection.

Who is provided with initial training at the workplace?

In accordance with clause 8.7 of GOST 12.0.004-2015, initial training at the workplace is carried out before the start independent work instructed persons:

  • with all newly hired persons, including for short-term, seasonal and other temporary work, in their free time from the main job (part-time workers), as well as at home (homeworkers) using materials, tools and mechanisms provided by the employer or purchased them at their own expense;
  • with workers transferred in accordance with the established procedure from another department, or with workers who are entrusted with performing work that is new to them;
  • with personnel from other organizations sent to work for the training organizer;
  • with the personnel of contractors (subcontractors) performing work on the territory and facilities controlled by the training organizer;
  • with students educational institutions corresponding levels passing industrial practice(practical classes), and with other persons participating in the production activities of the enterprise that organizes the training.

Who conducts initial training at the workplace?

Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out by the head of the department or the immediate supervisor (producer) of the work (foreman, foreman, teacher, etc.), who has undergone training in labor protection in the prescribed manner and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements as a labor protection instructor.

Initial on-the-job training for personnel of contracting (subcontracting) organizations performing work on territories and facilities controlled by the enterprise that organizes the training is carried out by the immediate supervisor (producer) of the work - a representative of the contracting (subcontracting) organization together with the head of the department or with the person responsible for the contract work. at workplaces (in work area, territory) of this unit. The procedure for the safe performance of these works, including the procedure for instructing workers, can be drawn up in a separate document, which is an integral part of the contract for the performance of contract (subcontract) work (rendering services).

According to which local act is initial training carried out at the workplace?

In accordance with clause 8.7 of GOST 12.0.004-2015 initial instruction at the workplace they carry out:

  • or according to programs (Appendix B, program B.2) developed and approved by the training organizer in the prescribed manner in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations, instructions on labor protection in the workplace and on safe implementation works, other technical and operational documentation necessary to ensure safety,
  • or directly according to instructions on labor protection and (or) safe performance of work at a given workplace,
  • according to other local instructions necessary regulations and documents.

According to the new GOST, initial training in the workplace can be carried out according to an approved program of initial training in the workplace or according to instructions on labor protection in the workplace, and this mechanism must be enshrined in the local regulatory act of the organization.

I believe that it is important to maintain continuity with GOST 12.0.004-90 and carry out initial training at the workplace according to the approved Program for Initial Training at the Workplace, in which we indicate which labor safety instructions we provide for the given position of the employee.

Questions recommended for inclusion in the Initial Workplace Training Program

GOST 12.0.004-90 Appendix No. 5 recommended including ten questions in the initial workplace training program. GOST 12.0.004-2015 recommends including five questions. The analysis of the proposed issues is aimed at strengthening preventive work with workers on labor protection.

1. General information about the employee’s working conditions: technological process, equipment and production environment at the employee’s workplace, his character labor process(tension and heaviness):

  • general information about the technological process and products manufactured by the department;
  • general familiarity with the equipment located at the workplace, in the work area and within the territory and premises controlled by the unit;
  • dangerous and harmful production factors, present in the workplace and the risks of their impact on the human body;
  • facilities collective defense installed on equipment (safety, braking devices and guards, locking systems, alarms, etc.);
  • purpose, device and rules for using funds personal protection(PPE) required in the workplace;
  • requirements to secure organization and keeping the workplace clean and tidy;
  • safety requirements for operation and maintenance (repair) of equipment located in the workplace;
  • safety requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries.

2. Procedure for preparing for work:

  • requirements for workwear, safety footwear and personal protective equipment;
  • checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools, devices, interlocks, grounding and other protective equipment;
  • safe techniques and methods when performing work.

3. Scheme for the safe movement of an employee within the territory of a unit or organization:

  • passages provided for movement;
  • emergency exits, restricted areas;
  • intra-shop transport and lifting equipment, locations and safety requirements when carrying out lifting operations.

4. Emergency situations that may arise in the workplace:

  • characteristic causes of accidents, explosions, fires, cases of industrial injuries and acute poisoning;
  • employee actions in the event of an emergency emergency situation, industrial injury, acute poisoning;
  • locations of emergency protection and fire extinguishing equipment, rules for their use;
  • location of first aid equipment for the victim, first aid kits, rules for their use;
  • telephone service locations, telephone numbers;
  • employee actions when created dangerous situation threatening the life and health of others, and in the event of an accident that occurs at work;
  • the procedure for an employee to report to representatives of the employer about an accident or acute poisoning that has occurred to him.

5. Familiarization with all instructions on the workplace and labor protection by profession (in accordance with the list of professions developed by the employer for each workplace, indicating the numbers of instructions required for instruction).

The initial training program (Appendix B) is only a base, which must be supplemented with information about the dangerous or harmful production factors present in a given workplace and other information that an employee needs to know to work safely.

In accordance with the old GOST 12.0.004-90 clause 7.2.2. “Initial training at the workplace is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the heads of production and structural divisions of the enterprise, educational institution for certain professions or types of work, taking into account the requirements of safety standards, relevant rules, norms and instructions on labor protection, production instructions and others technical documentation. The programs are coordinated with the labor protection department (bureau, engineer) and the trade union committee of the unit or enterprise.”

GOST 12.0.004-2015 does not provide for coordination of the Initial Instruction Program at the workplace with the labor protection department and the trade union committee of the enterprise.

You can download the Initial Workplace Training Program in the section

In connection with GOST 12.0.004-2015 “System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions" organizations are required to make changes to the Initial Instruction Program at the workplace.

List of professions and positions of workers. exempt from initial training at the workplace

Workers, job responsibilities which are not related to the use, operation, maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of electrified or other mechanized hand tools, the storage and use of raw materials and materials, may be exempted by the decision of the training organizer from undergoing initial instruction in the workplace.

The list of professions and positions of employees exempt from undergoing initial training at the workplace is approved by the head of the training organizer.

Approximate form


by order dated June 12, 2017 No. 55


professions and positions of employees of Montazhnik LLC,

exempt from initial training at the workplace

1. General Director.

2.Deputy general director on economic issues.

3. Secretary of the General Director

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primary occupational safety in the workplace

1. General information about the working conditions of a car driver: the production environment at the workplace, the nature of his work process (tension and severity), the drivers’ work and rest time:

— general information about the device Vehicle;

— operation and maintenance of vehicles;

— dangerous and harmful production factors present in the workplace of the car driver;

— use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by the driver of the car;

— requirements for the safe organization and maintenance of a clean and tidy workplace;

— safe techniques and methods of work: when driving a car in difficult road conditions; when driving a vehicle on a slippery road; during vulcanization and tire repair work;

General requirements at work;

— safety requirements when working with tools and devices.

2. Procedure for preparing for work:

— requirements for personal protective equipment;

- preparation for work motor vehicle(checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools and devices, interlocks, grounding and other protective equipment).

3. Scheme of safe movement of an employee around the enterprise:

— passages provided for movement;

- emergency exits, restricted areas.

4. Scheme for the safe movement of a vehicle around the enterprise:

— passages provided for vehicle traffic;

— restrictions provided for when moving a car;

— places of loading and unloading operations.

5. Emergency situations that may arise in the workplace:

— characteristic causes of accidents, explosions, fires, cases of industrial injuries and acute poisoning;

— employee actions in the event of an emergency, industrial injury, acute poisoning;

— location of fire extinguishers in the car, rules for using a fire extinguisher;

— first aid kits for providing first aid to the victim, rules for using first aid kits;

— telephone numbers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulance services;

— the employee’s actions in the event of a dangerous situation that threatens the life and health of others, and in the event of an accident at work as a result of a traffic accident.

— the procedure for an employee to report to representatives of the employer about an accident or acute poisoning that has occurred to him.

6. Familiarization with.

Driver training program

For other instructions, see

Municipal educational institution
"Gymnasium No. 4"

Chairman of the trade union committee
____________ I.Yu. Timofeeva
«____» ___________

I approve
Director of gymnasium No. 4
___________ T.V. Shamardina
«____» ___________

initial driver training

1. GENERAL INFORMATION about the work of a driver in a municipal educational institution“Gymnasium No. 4” has the following vehicles on its balance sheet: GAZ 3102, GAZ 322132;
1.1. The garage is located on the school grounds: area - 105 sq. m. m.; foundation - reinforced concrete blocks; floors – concrete; capital external and internal walls - brick; roof – reinforced concrete slabs with soft roll slab; window openings – double casement; doorways – metal gates (2 pcs.) equipped inspection hole; central heating; daytime general lighting; natural ventilation; security alarm.
1.2. The garage has space for:
- car parking;
- storage of tools and devices;
- storage of work clothes;
- fire extinguisher (OP-10);
- instructions.
1.3. The gymnasium's vehicles are used:
- for administrative and economic support;
- for one-time transportation of students.
- the driver is at his workplace during the hours established for the start and end of work;
- the driver is allowed to work only on the vehicle to which he is authorized;
- handing over and accepting a car from security with a mandatory signature in the register;
3.1. The main activities of the gymnasium in the field of labor protection are:
- ensuring the priority of preserving the life and health of workers and students;
- administration labor protection;
- administrative supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements;
- investigation and recording of industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
3.2. The driver is obliged:
- follow the rules traffic
- immediately report any malfunctions of the vehicle to management;
- observe production and technological labor discipline;
- comply with the requirements industrial sanitation and occupational health;
- comply with the requirements fire safety and electrical safety;
- maintain order in the workplace throughout the working day;
- in case of an accident, provide assistance to the victim and report this to management. When investigating the causes of the accident, report the circumstances of the accident known to him;
- observe regulated breaks during the work shift;
- perform a set of exercises in order to reduce neuro-emotional tension, eliminate the influence of physical inactivity, and prevent the development of postural fatigue.
- have 1 qualification group in electrical safety;
- have permission to work based on the results of a medical examination;
- comply with labor protection requirements;
- correctly use personal and collective protective equipment;
- undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instructions on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
- immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease;
- conscientiously perform your job duties;
- treat the organization’s property with care;
- comply with established labor standards.
3.3. General management of labor protection work in the organization is carried out by the employer, direct management of labor protection work in the organization and its structural divisions carries out executive, which is entrusted by order with responsibilities for ensuring labor protection in the organization.
3.4. Deputy directors of the organization (employer), managers (chiefs) of production and sites, managers functional services carry out management of labor protection activities of the relevant divisions and services of the organization in accordance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection.
3.5. Public control the state of labor protection in the gymnasium is monitored by authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection trade union, labor collective or representatives of a higher organization within the limits of the rights granted to them.
4.1. The garage must be located on the school grounds and equipped with an inspection hole; central heating; daytime general lighting; natural ventilation; security alarm.
4.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have special training and have received, in the prescribed manner, are allowed to drive a car. driver's license for the right to drive a car, passed medical checkup and training on safe work practices, which includes:
- induction training;
- initial training at the workplace;
- industrial (theoretical and practical) training in safe methods and techniques of work in an amount of at least 10 hours during on-the-job training under the guidance of a mechanic (engineer) or a highly qualified worker;
- internship in the amount of at least 2 - 14 work shifts (depending on the complexity and danger of the work performed);
- primary test of knowledge - admission to independent work;
- repeated training at the workplace;
- unscheduled briefing at the workplace;
- targeted training in the workplace;
- another knowledge test;
- extraordinary knowledge test.
4.3. After enrolling in a job, the driver is obliged to accept the vehicle and perform only the work that is permitted by the administration of the gymnasium.
The driver is allowed to work only on those vehicles for which he is authorized.
4.4. Focus only on the work at hand, do not be distracted by extraneous matters or conversations mobile phones, do not distract others.
4.5. Don't allow it on your own workplace persons not related to the assigned work. The driver must maintain order in the workplace during the work process, clear it of debris and dirt.
4.6. The driver must be provided with special clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment in accordance with current standards, including:
- cotton overalls GOST 12.4.099-80, wear period - 12 months
- leather boots GOST 5394-89, wear period - 12 months
- combined mittens GOST 12.4.010-75, wear period - 2 months
In winter additionally:
- jacket with insulated lining GOST 12.4.084-80 wear period - 24 months
- trousers with insulated lining GOST 12.4.084-80 wear period - 24 months
- felt boots GOST 18724-88, wear period - 30 months
4.7. The driver must undergo training and instructions on the rules of providing first aid to a victim in an accident. The car must be provided with a specially equipped first aid kit. Every driver should be able to use it.
4.8. Personal protective equipment, power tools, equipment and technological equipment used during work must be used for their intended purpose, in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions for their operation and in the manner established by work projects, technological maps or other technological documents.
4.9. While on the territory of the gymnasium, at work sites and workplaces, the driver is obliged to follow the following rules:
- comply with internal labor regulations;
- comply with the rules on labor protection, safety and fire safety adopted in the gymnasium;
- it is prohibited to admit unauthorized persons;
- drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited;
- smoking is prohibited;
- do not walk around the territory of the gymnasium unless necessary for work.
4.10. The driver should not begin to perform one-time work not related to direct duties in the specialty, without obtaining targeted briefing on labor protection.
4.11. Having noticed a violation of safety requirements by any employee, the driver must warn him of the need to comply with them.
4.12. It is prohibited to use tools, devices, equipment, the use of which the driver is not trained or instructed.
4.13. The driver's working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week.
4.14. The driver must know that the most dangerous factors that may affect him during the work process are:
- a suspended vehicle or its components;
- hot water and steam;
- flammable substances;
- gases and other toxic substances;
- leaded gasoline;
- equipment, tools, devices;
- the driver falls as a result of his careless actions when exiting the cab and moving around the territory.
4.15. A vehicle suspended only by a lifting mechanism is great danger, as it may fall and crush the driver.
4.16. Hot coolant, water and steam cause burns if they come into contact with the skin.
4.17. Flammable substances (vapors, gases), when handled in violation of safety rules, can cause a fire and explosion.
4.18. Gases and other toxic substances (butane, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, ethyl mercaptan and others), entering the human body through the respiratory system, lead to severe poisoning.
4.19. Leaded gasoline has a toxic effect on the body when its vapors are inhaled, the body is contaminated with it, or it enters the body with food or drinking water.
4.20. The driver must follow fire safety rules. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas.
4.21 Gas-cylinder (gas-diesel) vehicles may enter checkpoints Maintenance and repairs only after switching the engine to run on gasoline (diesel fuel).
Before entering, you must check the gas supply system for leaks at a special post. It is prohibited to enter premises with a leaky disposable power supply system.
When switching the engine to liquid fuel, it is necessary to close the flow valves and completely exhaust the gas from the power system (until the carburetor engine stops completely), then close the main valve, turn on the liquid fuel supply and start the engine.
4.22. The driver must observe personal hygiene rules. Before eating and smoking, wash your hands with soap, and after working with components and parts of a car running on leaded gasoline, first wash your hands with kerosene.
4.23. The driver at the assigned workplace exercises the first level of control over the state of working conditions. Starting work with an inspection of his workplace, the driver checks it for compliance with the requirements regulatory documents on labor protection and when violations are identified, takes measures to eliminate them. During the work process, the driver complies with the requirements of the labor protection instructions established for him by profession and type of work. If violations are identified, takes measures to eliminate them, including stopping work. Reports violations to his immediate supervisor.
4.24. For violation of these instructions on labor protection and standards of behavior in the workplace, as well as internal regulations, the driver bears liability (criminal, disciplinary) in the manner prescribed by law.
4.25. If you become ill or injured, both at work and outside of it, you must inform your manager and go to a medical facility.
4.26. In the event of an accident, you should provide assistance to the victim in accordance with the instructions for providing first aid, call an employee medical service. Until the investigation, keep the situation at the workplace as it was at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of others and does not lead to an accident.
4.27. If you discover a vehicle malfunction, report it to your supervisor. It is prohibited to use and use faulty equipment and devices.
5.1. Upon arrival at work, undergo a medical examination.
5.2. Wear special clothing and safety shoes. Overalls must be appropriate for height, not restrict movement, have no hanging ties, be neatly tucked in and fastened with all buttons.
5.3. Receive a task for the execution of work from the work manager.
5.4. Get waybill and instructions on working conditions on the line and the characteristics of the cargo being transported.
5.5. After receiving the task, the driver must:
- clarify the sequence of work and safety measures;
- make sure that all mechanisms, metal structures and other parts of the vehicle are in good condition in accordance with the “List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited”, “Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation”;
- check the presence and serviceability of electrical fuses and electrical wiring. All fuses must be standard and rated current. Electrical wiring should not have exposed areas, and its connections should exclude the possibility of sparking;
- check the tightness of the power system (there are no fuel leaks or gas leaks);
- check that the vehicle is equipped with the necessary tools, fixtures, equipment and their serviceability;
5.6. Vehicles running on gas fuel must be inspected daily to check the tightness and serviceability of gas equipment. The tightness of all connections is checked using special devices (leak detectors), by ear or with soap emulsion.
Malfunctions of gas equipment (lack of tightness) are eliminated only at posts for repair and adjustment of gas equipment or in a specialized workshop.
5.7. Before starting the engine, the driver must:
- turn off and disconnect the heating elements;
- brake the car with the parking brake;
- put the gear shift lever (controller) in neutral position;
- check the tightness of the power supply system;
- ventilate the engine compartment for at least 20 minutes (on vehicles running on gas fuel).
5.8. The driver can use the starting handle only in the event of a temporary starter malfunction or when starting the engine after repair.
5.9. The driver is prohibited from:
- start the engine by towing;
- heat the engine, gearbox, drive axle housings with open fire;
- release compressed natural gas or drain liquefied petroleum gas while the engine is running or the ignition is on;
- hit gas equipment and fittings under pressure;
- stop a gas-cylinder vehicle closer than 5 m from places of work with open fire, and also use open fire closer than 5 m from the car;
- check the tightness of connections of gas pipelines, gas equipment and fittings with fire;
- operate vehicles with the air filter removed;
- fill the car with fuel, antifreeze and other toxic liquids from an open container (bucket, watering can, etc.) or through a hose by sucking into the mouth;
- refill gas cylinders with an overdue inspection period, as well as faulty cylinders - with dents, cracks, damaged fittings, lack of proper painting, if there is a gas leak;
- blow through the vehicle’s technical pipelines (fuel, antifreeze, etc.) with your mouth;
- wash the parts and components of the unit in gasoline;
- use open fire in explosive and fire hazardous areas and near containers with flammable liquids and gases;
- smoke when filling with fuels and lubricants;
- when inspecting fuel tanks and when measuring the level of flammable liquid in containers, use an open flame;
- store gasoline, diesel fuel and other flammable materials in the cabin.
5.10. Detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated on their own, and if it is impossible to do this, the driver is obliged to stop work and report this to his immediate supervisor.
6.1. Start moving the car only after making sure that there are no people or other obstacles in the path of movement, and if necessary, sound the sound signal.
6.2. When driving on roads common use, in courtyards and residential areas the driver is obliged to comply with the requirements of the “Road Rules of the Russian Federation”.
6.3. When driving a vehicle on a slope, in order to avoid sliding or tipping over, do not make sharp turns. When driving downhill, do not turn off first gear, and when driving uphill, do not change gears.
6.4. On sharp turns, the vehicle speed should be kept to a minimum.
6.5. Before backing the vehicle, make sure that this maneuver does not create a danger and that there are no people nearby.
6.6. Before you start driving in reverse in conditions of insufficient rear visibility (due to cargo in the back, when leaving a gate, etc.), require a person to organize the movement of the vehicle.
6.7. Before leaving the cab, turn off the ignition or turn off the fuel supply, brake the car with the parking brake, and make sure that there is no danger associated with the movement of vehicles, both in the same direction and in the opposite direction. Do not jump from the cab or car body.
6.8. If the car is stopped on a section of the road that has a slope (even a slight one), place wheel chocks (chocks) under the wheels.
6.9. Promptly clear dirt, snow and ice from the running boards. Avoid contact with oil and fuel.
6.10. Do not park the car in places that block the passage of other vehicles.
6.11. Rest in the car cabin only when the engine is not running, as otherwise this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning from the vehicle's exhaust gases.
6.12. In winter, to prevent cases of frostbite when troubleshooting problems on the road, work only with gloves. Do not touch metal objects, parts or tools with ungloved hands.
6.13. Troubleshooting, inspecting individual vehicle components, and lubricating or adjusting them should only be done with the engine stopped, the brake on and the gear shift lever in the neutral position.
6.14. Open the radiator cap of an overheated engine only after the engine has cooled down. You need to open it while wearing a mitten or covering it with a rag (rags), and stay as far away from the neck as possible to avoid burns. Open carefully, avoiding intense steam escape. Inspection of the vehicle should only be carried out when the mechanisms are not working.
6.15. It is prohibited to disable safety devices (jam contacts, disable lift limiters, etc.).
6.16. The driver should know that antifreeze is a poison that can cause severe poisoning, even fatal.
Do not allow antifreeze to come into contact with your lips or mouth. For ethylene glycol liquid, a separate container with special markings must be used.
6.17. Place used oily cleaning materials in special metal boxes with tight-fitting lids.
6.18. Refuel the car with fuel in accordance with the safety rules established for gas stations.
6.19. When refueling a car in winter, use refueling nozzles only with gloves on, and do not allow fuel to spill or get on the skin of your hands and body.
6.20. Before refueling the vehicle with gas fuel, stop the engine and close the flow valves.
6.21. After filling the cylinders with gas, first close the valve on the filling station, and then the filling valve on the car and disconnect the gas filling hose.
If the gas filler hose accidentally leaks during refueling, immediately close the outlet valve on the gas filler and then the filler valve on the vehicle.
6.22. If the engine makes popping noises when starting at a gas station, the driver must immediately turn off the engine and tow the vehicle to a safe place for troubleshooting.
6.23. When stopping the movement of a gas-cylinder (gas-diesel) car for parking for more than 10 minutes, close the main valve, and leave the main valve open for less than 10 minutes.
6.24. To open and close the sides of the truck, use the help of another person.
6.25. When sent to work away from the gymnasium, on ice roads, crossing water bodies and in off-road conditions, receive additional instructions from the work supervisor.
6.26. Instruct passengers before boarding freight car intended for transporting people, about the procedure for boarding and disembarking, warning them that standing in the back and sitting on the sides of a moving vehicle is prohibited.
6.27. Check the compliance of the stowage and reliability of fastening of cargo and awnings on rolling stock with the requirements for the safety and safety of cargo, and if violations are detected in the stowage and fastening of cargo and awnings, demand that the person responsible for loading operations eliminate them.
6.28. Transport glass containers with liquids only in special packaging, and they must be installed vertically (with the cap facing up).
6.29. Make sure that piece loads that rise above the sides of the body are tied with strong, serviceable rigging (ropes, cords). Do not use metal rope or wire.
6.30. Make sure that box, roll-barrel and other piece cargo is packed tightly, without gaps, secured or tied so that when driving, sharp braking, planing from a standstill and sharp turns, it cannot move along the floor of the body. If there are gaps between load areas, wooden spacers and spacers should be inserted.
6.31. Make sure that the barrels with liquid cargo are installed with the cap facing up. Each row of barrels laid on their sides should be wedged on the outer rows. It is prohibited to use other objects instead of wooden wedges.
6.32 Accept and transport dangerous goods and empty containers, taking into account the safety of transporting dangerous goods by road.
6.33. Ensure that all packages containing hazardous substances, there were labels indicating the type of danger of the cargo, the top of the package, and the presence of fragile vessels in the package.
6.34. Before loading or unloading dangerous goods onto or from the vehicle, turn off the engine.
6.35. Park your car no closer than 1 m from the car in front and no less than 1.5 m from the car standing on the side for loading or unloading.
When placing a vehicle for loading or unloading, maintain an interval of at least 0.5 m between the building and the vehicle and at least 1 m between the stack of cargo and the vehicle.
6.36. When stopping and parking on unlit sections of the road in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility, turn on the side or parking lights of the car.
6.37. If you are forced to stop your car on the side of the road or on the roadway for repairs, place a warning triangle or a flashing red light behind the car.
6.38. When working under a car, position yourself so that your feet are not on the roadway.
6.39. When inflating or inflating tires removed from a vehicle on the road, install a safety fork of appropriate length and strength into the holes of the wheel disk, or place the wheel with the locking ring down.
6.40. The driver is prohibited from:
- perform any vehicle maintenance and repair work at a distance closer than 5 m from the operating area of ​​loading and unloading mechanisms;
- at a gas station, use open fire and smoke, carry out repair and adjustment work, refuel with the engine running, allow fuel to overflow, allow passengers to be in the cabin, interior or body;
- allow the engine to operate on a mixture of two fuels - gasoline and gas (with the exception of gas-diesel);
- block the cabin doors with cargo;
- carry more people in the cabin than is indicated in the manufacturer’s passport;
- transport people on the steps, as well as with the doors open;
- transport hazardous substances and food products together;
- when refueling with gas fuel, stand near the gas filling hose and cylinders;
- tighten the nuts of the connections of the gas system under pressure and knock on them with metal objects;
- work without gloves when refueling with gas fuel;
- refill cylinders if depressurization of the power supply system is detected;
- allow unauthorized persons to repair the vehicle,
- talk on a mobile phone while the car is moving.
6.41. If malfunctions (breakdowns) of individual components of the vehicle occur, the driver is obliged to stop work until these malfunctions are eliminated. If it is not possible to eliminate the malfunction on your own, the driver is obliged to notify the work manager and the person responsible for the technical condition of the vehicle.
6.42. A car with faulty gas equipment must be parked open area without gas in cylinders.
6.43. Features of work in the autumn-winter period:
- the main rule when driving on a winter road is special caution. The driver should soberly and comprehensively assess his capabilities, the capabilities of his car, the condition of the road and weather conditions.
- the main cause of road accidents in winter is the irresponsibility of drivers on slippery roads. It must be remembered that sharp braking and acceleration are unacceptable on an icy road. The vehicle controls must be used smoothly and carefully.
It should be remembered: you can go out on icy roads unexpectedly, in this case emergency actions always lead to a malfunction or accident, you need to drive this section of the road calmly, avoiding changes in speed and direction, places on the road free of snow and ice (shoulders, ruts, etc.) . Engine braking is effective in icy conditions, especially during long descents.
- in winter, daylight hours are significantly reduced; drivers work some part of their working time under night conditions or artificial lighting. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to the light alarm, proper adjustment of the headlights, the windshield should be clean and free of cracks.
- when driving on loose snow, do not allow the wheels to slip, choose the correct speed.
It must be remembered that there may be various objects under the snow, if you run into them, the steering wheel can be torn out of your hands.
- it is necessary to show increased attention to drivers of other vehicles; the possibility of an error by any of the traffic participants cannot be ruled out, which could result in an emergency situation for you.
- the technical condition of the car takes on special significance in the autumn-winter period. Every day, with special care, it is necessary to check the steering mechanism and brake system. The tire pressure must comply with the requirements of the vehicle operating instructions, the tire tread depth must comply with the “Road Rules”. The cabin must be insulated and equipped with heating to ensure normal driver operation. It should be remembered that the influence of low temperatures on the human body reduces its reaction and work ability, and thicker and heavier clothing makes it difficult to drive a car.
- Pedestrians require increased attention on slippery roads. The number of traffic accidents involving pedestrians in the autumn-winter period increases 3 times. This is due to the fact that the visibility of pedestrians themselves is reduced (scarves, high collars, snowfall, wind). On a slippery road, the possibility of people falling on the roadway increases, and the braking distance of a car increases by 7–10 times.
7.1. If a fire is detected, the driver must immediately call fire department by phone 01, 74-97-29 and begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means (in accordance with the “Instructions on the purpose and principle of operation of fire extinguishers”, “Instructions for the actions of workers in case of fire”), attracting help from other workers and immediately report the incident to your immediate to the manager about the emergency situation.
7.2. If a car catches fire while working on the line, you must:
- stop the car immediately;
- turn off the engine (when running on gas, close the main and cylinder valves);
- take all measures to evacuate passengers;
- begin to extinguish the fire, attracting other workers to help;
- immediately inform your immediate supervisor about the situation.
7.3. If the vehicle slides down a slope or loses stability due to a wheel getting into a hole in the ground, the driver should turn off the ignition or turn off the fuel supply, apply the parking brake to the vehicle and leave it. Immediately notify your immediate supervisor about the incident and call a tow.
7.4. In the event of an accident, you must call the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and immediately notify your immediate supervisor about the incident; if necessary, contact medical institution 01, 02, 03. In case of injury to another employee, first aid must be provided (according to the “Instructions for first aid in case of work injuries") and take measures to send him to a medical facility. Immediately notify your immediate supervisor about the incident by phone 74-95-98 and call a tug.
7.5. The driver of the car is obliged to ensure the preservation of the situation at the scene of the accident, if this does not threaten their further development. In the event of a possible emergency, the driver must take the necessary precautionary measures to ensure safety.
7.6. In the event of a malfunction of the gas supply system, immediately close the supply and main valves, and then ventilate the engine compartment and other compartments where the gas pipeline passes.
7.7. If a gas leak is detected from the cylinder fittings, release or drain the gas in compliance with safety measures. The release of compressed gas or the discharge of liquefied gas on the territory of the enterprise should be carried out only at specially equipped posts.
Open the main and supply gas valves slowly to avoid water hammer.
7.8. When releasing compressed natural gas or draining liquefied petroleum gas, do not smoke or use open fire, and do not carry out work unrelated to the release or drain of gas.
7.9. If a gas leak is detected on the line from the power system, with the exception of the cylinder fittings, immediately stop the vehicle, close the flow valves, release gas from the system until the engine stops, then close the main valve and, if possible, take measures to eliminate the malfunction and notify the dispatcher.
7.10. If there is a gas leak from the cylinder fittings, drive the car to a place that is safe for others and release or drain the gas from the cylinder.
7.11. It is prohibited to release compressed natural gas or discharge liquefied gas while the engine is running or the ignition is on, as well as in the immediate vicinity of other vehicles parked or near fire sources and people.
8.1. Place all tools and equipment in designated areas.
8.2. Park the car in the designated parking lot and turn off the fuel supply.
Do not leave the machine running with the engine running.
On a gas-cylinder car, close the valve on the cylinder and exhaust all the gas in the power system, then turn off the ignition.
8.3. Inform your work supervisor about all problems that arose during the work process that need to be corrected; minor ones should be corrected yourself before leaving work.
8.4. It is prohibited to stay overnight in a closed vehicle cabin.
8.5. Have the person responsible for the work make a mark on the waybill indicating the completion time of the work.
8.6. Submit the completed waybill to your immediate supervisor.
8.7. Take off overalls and safety shoes and put them in storage.
8.8. Wash contaminated parts of the body with soap or take a shower. It is prohibited to wash your hands in gasoline, kerosene, oil and wipe them with rags contaminated with sawdust and shavings.
9.1 Psychophysiological hazardous and harmful production factors, based on the nature of their action, are divided into the following:
- physical overload;
- neuropsychic overload;
In addition, exposure to physical overload is possible, which are divided into:
- static;
- dynamic;
9.2. Neuropsychic overloads are divided into:
- mental stress;
- overvoltage of analyzers;
- monotony of work;
9.3. Hand cuts due to careless handling of cutting and piercing tools, thermal burns;
9.4. The illumination in the work area should be 300-500 lux; it is permissible to install a local lighting lamp to illuminate the workplace;
- natural lighting should be provided through light openings oriented to the north and northeast
9.5. Noise and vibration: indoor noise levels should not exceed 65 dBA.
10.1. Actions of workers in the event of an accident.
All employees of the organization must know the rules for providing first aid, because... provided correctly and in a timely manner first aid is of great importance for the recovery of the victim.
Incorrect or inept provision of first aid can cause complications that delay the victim’s recovery or even lead to disability, and in some cases (wounds with greater blood loss, electric shock, burns) can lead to the death of the victim at the scene of injury.
Due to the lack of breathing, heartbeat or pulse in a victim, you should never consider him dead and refuse to provide him with assistance. Only a doctor has the right to give an opinion on the death of the victim and decide on the appropriateness of actions to revive (resuscitate).
In the event of an accident, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim medical care and, depending on the condition of the victim, call medical assistance by phone 03 and inform management.
10.2. Assisting with injuries.
Wound - damage to the body (skin, mucous membranes). Wounds in which only the skin and mucous membranes are damaged are classified as superficial. If the damage extends to deeper tissues (muscles, tendons, bones, etc.), then the wounds are considered deep. Wounds communicating with the cavity (chest area


| Author Flaaim

I present to your attention a road safety training program for drivers.

Read also:

This program induction training developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, as well as Inter-industry Rules for Occupational Safety and Health in Road Transport.

Introductory training on traffic safety is carried out with all vehicle drivers hired for work. Introductory briefing on road safety is carried out by the head (engineer) of the traffic safety service.

The following sections should be included in the introductory training on road safety:

  1. basic requirements for drivers at the enterprise;
  2. rules for organizing the safety of vehicle traffic on the territory of the enterprise;
  3. features of the operating conditions of the enterprise, established traffic routes;
  4. the procedure for preparing for departure on the line and maintaining travel documentation;
  5. features of passenger transportation by motor transport;
  6. the procedure for undergoing pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations;
  7. the procedure for undergoing periodic medical re-examinations, special, periodic and seasonal instructions;
  8. driver's actions during a traffic accident;
  9. providing first aid to victims of road accidents;
  10. accident analysis for the enterprise

Road safety induction program

N p./p.Topic nameTime
1. Features of drivers' work.10 minutes
2. General information about the Company, characteristic features of production.10 minutes
3.1. General duties of a vehicle driver. Driver's work and rest schedule and requirements labor legislation. Labor discipline and internal regulations at the enterprise. Employment contract. Benefits and compensation. Rights and obligations of the employee and employer.10 minutes
3.2 Psychophysiological foundations of accident-free driver operation.
3.3. Requirements to technical condition Vehicle.
4. Basics of organizing traffic on city streets.10 minutes
5. Ensuring road safety when transporting people by road.10 minutes
6. Ensuring the safety of vehicles when transporting dangerous goods.10 minutes
7. Ensuring the safety of vehicles when transporting large and heavy cargo.10 minutes
8. Measures to ensure pedestrian safety.10 minutes
9. Occupational hygiene of vehicle drivers.10 minutes
10. Harmful effects of alcohol on the human body.5 minutes
11. Measures to ensure fire safety at the enterprise and vehicle.10 minutes
12. Analysis of the causes of road accidents.10 minutes
13. Responsibility of drivers for violation of traffic rules.5 minutes
TOTAL2 hours