Reform of state supervisory authorities year. The craftily forgotten old: Gennady Onishchenko - on the reform of supervisory authorities

Yesterday, February 6, as part of the Russian Business Week in Moscow, the forum “Control, supervisory and licensing activities: interests of business and the state” was held.

The curator of state control reform, Russian Minister for Open Government, Mikhail Abyzov, made a report. In the coming year, Russian employers are no longer so concerned about issues of control and supervisory activities. Problems related to tariffs, high taxes and a lack of qualified personnel came to the fore. However, more than half of them still expect the necessary transformations in this area and a reduction in the administrative burden associated with state control. The main directions of control and supervisory reform in 2018 will be the elimination of redundant and outdated requirements, the revision of the Code on administrative offenses, implementation information technologies, as well as finalizing checklists for enterprises and preventing violations by employers. The modernization of the system of state and municipal control and supervision is fixed by a bill that is currently under consideration in the State Duma.

“Almost 40% of businessmen experience excessive pressure from supervisory authorities,” says the head Russian Union Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin. These data were obtained through a survey of the business community. Let us clarify that in 2017, scheduled inspections were carried out in 87% of responding companies, and unscheduled inspections were carried out in 47%. Over the past 3 years, there have been fewer scheduled inspections. However, the situation with unscheduled inspections has remained virtually unchanged, Alexander Shokhin emphasized.

“Mikhail Anatolyevich (Abyzov) is actively pushing business to respond in a timely manner to government initiatives and federal bodies authorities in the field of control and supervisory activities. This is the most productive dialogue within all program committees; we are trying to use it on other priority issues. government programs"- said the head of the RSPP.

Entrepreneurs are actively working to promote control and supervisory reform. To date, more than 400 proposals have been prepared to update the requirements for entrepreneurs, which have been transformed into so-called “road maps”. True, the authorities’ response to the proposals received has not yet been prompt. To reduce the burden on enterprises, it is proposed to limit inspections mandatory requirements, which were established before the introduction of the regulatory impact assessment procedure (in 2014). Initiatives have also been proposed to introduce the one in - two out principle (each new requirement is introduced after the abolition of the other two), revising the Code of Administrative Offenses and improving checklists.

Mikhail Abyzov agrees that the pace of implementation of the “road maps” for revising the requirements is indeed still low. However, in 2018 it is planned to consider them in in full. The minister is decisive regarding the revision of the Code of Administrative Offenses - “Today its structure does not take into account the proportionality of fines to business volumes. As a result, fines imposed on a business often lead to its closure.” Regarding the revision of checklists, it is planned to highlight the requirements that are fundamental for the implementation state control. The unnecessary requirements will apparently be removed.

Regarding the ratio of scheduled and unscheduled inspections, Mikhail Abyzov reported the following important statistics: “In 2017, the number of scheduled inspections at the federal level was reduced by 30% compared to 2016. The reduction in 2016 compared to 2015 was 15%. Thus, in two years the number of scheduled inspections has been reduced from more than a million units to 450 thousand. And in 2018, in the application that we agreed with the prosecutor’s office, there is also an 8% decrease in scheduled inspections. As a result, in 2018 we reduced the volume of scheduled inspections by two and a half times from the 2015 level. This is a significant reduction in administrative burden. Things are not going so well with unscheduled inspections; their number in 2017, according to preliminary data, decreased slightly. The number of unscheduled inspections still remains at more than a million, and this means that we need to focus on reforming the institution of unscheduled inspections as a priority in 2018 with our state control bodies.”

Improved mechanisms for conducting unscheduled inspections are reflected in the new law on state control, which is now in the State Duma. The control and supervisory authority, according to the document, will be able, without initiating an unscheduled inspection, to request information from the entrepreneur or use other tools to respond to a holistic signal of danger and threat, explained Mikhail Abyzov. He stated that each side is interested in more imminent adoption law on state control. The bill has already collected opinions from 47 subjects, of which 46 are positive. Chairman of the Lower House of Parliament Committee on Control and Regulations Olga Savastyanova notes: “We understand that the practice that currently exists in control and supervisory activities is very costly in terms of resources, ineffective in its results and harmful to business and the economy, must go to the past. Assessing the bill that was submitted to the State Duma, we can say that there are no contradictions here. The main goals of the law are aimed at increasing the safety of citizens, the quality of products and services, and radically reducing the administrative burden on business. It creates an extensive system of guarantees of the rights of citizens and entrepreneurs.”

Another tool for reforming the control and supervisory system in 2018 will be the development of modern information technologies and remote interaction between entrepreneurs and supervisory authorities. All reporting will be translated into electronic view, and communication with inspectors will be carried out through personal accounts. Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development Savva Shipov announced the development of the “Digital Economy” program, which will allow the planned plans to be fulfilled. “We assume that it is necessary to move away from the billions of information that businesses provide to a clear, understandable, transparent system. To do this, it is necessary to create a register of all forms and reporting requirements that exist and move to a “one-window” system. This means that all data that is collected from a business must be provided once in an understandable and transparent manner. Further, all authorities that require this data must receive it from one place,” said Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development Savva Shipov.

The Prosecutor General's Office also has its own role in optimizing control and supervisory activities. The department has prepared a bill that expands the list of inspections that require approval from the prosecutor's office. This measure will reduce unreasonable pressure on enterprises. Prosecutor General RF Alexander Buksman reports that in 2017, prosecutors identified about 170 thousand violations of the law in the field of control and supervisory activities, 33 thousand submissions were made, 24 thousand were brought to disciplinary liability officials, and to the administrative one - more than 4 thousand. 2,200 lawsuits in defense of entrepreneurs have been sent to the court for consideration. “Serious changes have occurred in the psychology of prosecutors. Previously, they were presented as a club that crushes everyone left and right. Today this is a completely different department, one might say, with a human face,” said Alexander Buksman.

Minister Mikhail Abyzov supports moving away from the “stick” system: “In 2017, a revolutionary decision was made - to switch to a new system for assessing effectiveness and efficiency. Now we check the performance territorial bodies by how they were able to prevent damage through their work and improve statistics on harm caused. The development of prevention elements and institutions is extremely important here. According to our data, prevention can cover 20 times more supervised subjects than control measures.”

Already in February, the adoption of an updated standard for the prevention of violations is expected, and, at the same time, an increase in the coverage of enterprises with preventive measures.

For the first time, the reform affecting the reduction of control and supervisory authorities saw the light of day in 2008. The Russian government has decided to reduce the number of inspectors and supervisory authorities, wanting, first of all, to ease the pressure on entrepreneurs and organizations that Lately complained that inspections had become too frequent.

Officials took the liberty of conducting a small experiment and saving entrepreneurs from total control, as some deputies said, Russia is no longer the USSR, so it is necessary to move away from strict leadership in order to establish normal relations between government agencies and firms, to give the latter the opportunity to develop freely and independently.

According to the plan, administrative reform includes several important stages:

  • unification of individual state supervisory authorities depending on the field of activity;
  • clarification of the functions of each government agency;
  • unification in order to eliminate duplication of the same activities.

It was decided behind the scenes that, if necessary, it was possible to reduce qualified personnel of supervisory authorities in Russia, namely, reducing establishments from 21 to 15, closing 11 federal agencies, instead of which more functional 9 federal supervisory departments are created.

So, at the end of 2008, the total number of administrative inspections of individual entrepreneurs, which are initiated by Rospotrebnadzor employees, decreased by almost 4 times. As of 2015, this figure had changed by another 30%, and it was then that the Russian government recognized the attempt to reform the supervisory authorities as a failure.

What the Kremlin didn’t like

The meeting to discuss the program was held behind closed doors, but some information was still leaked to journalists. The officials backed down and stopped discussing the reduction of Russian supervisory authorities; mainly at the meeting the principles of creating 6 federal supervisory departments were discussed. The government was interested in the idea of ​​merging several large organizations at once:

  1. Economic supervision involves the unification of the FAS and the FTS.
  2. To improve the environmental situation and control environmental situation Roshydromet and Rosprirodnadzor need to be combined.
  3. Financial accounting will be carried out by a new agency created on the basis of Rosfinnadzor, Rosalkogolregulirovanie and the Accounts Chamber.
  4. As for technical supervision, a proposal was taken up for consideration in 2015 to abolish Rostechnadzor, Rosakkreditatsiya, Roskomnadzor, Rostransnadzor and Rosstandart. Instead of all these institutions, a single association will be created that will take over security analysis and control food products and medical supplies.
  5. Social control, of course, also remains - based on Rosobrnadzor and Rostrud.

Of course, newly founded enterprises are not rubber; it is impossible to accommodate and employ everyone who worked in liquidated organizations. Therefore, although the reduction of control and supervisory bodies was not openly discussed, everyone is aware that some workers will be left behind; analysts put the figure at 30% of the total number of civil servants.

However, here too officials see their advantages:

  1. Just in difficult times, when you have to leave your “familiar” workplace, many start their own business and become individual entrepreneurs, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being of Russian citizens and their families and, of course, the country that receives a new taxpayer.

Not everyone can become an entrepreneur, but the most active and efficient accountants and auditors, who know what responsibility is and how to properly manage finances, will definitely demonstrate themselves and their professional qualities. As practice shows, in conditions of an economic crisis and in the absence of stability, some even change the direction of their activities, learn new professions and discover talents from which they can make good money.

  1. Although the goal of the administrative reform was not initially to reduce control and supervisory bodies in order to reduce payments from the state budget, officials have already calculated the amount that can be saved by introducing changes into life.

This is neither more nor less – 1 trillion rubles. A significant contribution to this indicator is the reduction in the number of inspections for entrepreneurs, because for each inspection a lot of documents are drawn up, gasoline is paid for transport when the commission goes to the site, and many other costs that hurt the country’s budget.

How are things going in 2019?

Employees of the still existing Rospotrebnadzor highlight several important principles, which guide accountants in 2019 when conducting inspections at enterprises:

  1. First, experts analyze the financial and economic activities of existing organizations and identify those that are most at risk of making errors in reporting. More often, audits affect large companies.
  2. Since 2008, at the direction of the government, the list of products that need to be registered has been significantly reduced. If previously the list included 30 items, then in 2016 there were only 7 types of goods subject to state registration.
  3. The period for reviewing and studying reports, and therefore the time of the audit in each of the organizations, was reduced by three times.

The changes that have come into force are not being left to chance. At the end of 2015, several cases were initiated and won at once, where it was a question of exceeding the powers of Rospotrbnadzor employees, creating unreasonable administrative obstacles in entrepreneurial activity.

The reduction in inspections has not yet affected perhaps the only area of ​​activity - trade. An expert who is authorized person under the President for the protection of the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in Russia, Roman Terekhin asks to recruit Russian citizens engaged in business activities, patience. The program is mastered gradually; this requires at least several years. In the meantime, already in 2017, according to official data, they are experimenting with reducing checks:

  1. Rospotrebnadzor, where the number of audits decreased by 30%.
  2. Rostekhnadzor, which revised the number of inspections downward by 48% from the usual number.

What is a "road map"

Among latest news 2017 - the introduction of a “road map”, which, as part of the administrative reform, will make it possible to control in a short time the activities of not only small businesses, but also larger ones.

At the end of May 2016, officials presented their own vision of state control, documented in a corresponding document. In June, the principles of the concept began to be developed, which describes the reduction of Russian supervisory authorities and the final consolidation of the remaining ones, depending on the areas of activity.

Such a thorough reformatting is approved by the heads of large enterprises that pay large amounts of tax contributions to the state treasury. It is especially gratifying that they were supported by the government, promising for their part to unite the efforts of the legislative and executive powers to achieve a common goal.

On the progress of the implementation of the priority program “Reform of control and supervisory activities”

Conference call.

From the transcript:

D. Medvedev: About six months ago, we began reforming control and supervisory activities. This area was highlighted as a separate priority program. All reform targets up to 2025 were specifically formulated and approved. By the way, we discussed them yesterday at the United Russia party commission. So this topic is very important for various formats of discussion.

Gorki, Moscow region

Opening speech by Dmitry Medvedev at a conference call on the progress of implementation of the priority program “Reform of control and supervisory activities”

The success of any reform largely depends on the effectiveness of its implementation in the regions, which is why we have such a selector today. We will discuss with our colleagues how this work is organized and how coordination of the reform with territorial bodies is ensured.

What would I like to draw special attention to from the heads of control agencies who are present here?

Firstly, starting from 2018, all scheduled inspections must be carried out exclusively based on risk categories. In turn, it is necessary to distribute all supervised objects into such categories.

As we agreed, the control focus is on the places , where the threat of harm, primarily to the life and health of people, is maximum. And vice versa, there is no point in going with inspections to places where the potential threat is insignificant.

The same approach must be used for unscheduled inspections.

Second. The activities of control agencies will be assessed not by the number of inspections, the amount of fines issued and beautiful paper reports, but by the improvement of real safety indicators. It is important that they not only come with an inspection, but actually measure how much mortality, injuries, morbidity or economic damage have decreased. Relevant personnel decisions will be made on the same basis.

Third. The development of a modern high-tech company is incompatible with meeting outdated requirements from supervisory authorities. Many of these requirements have been carried over from Soviet times. By the fall, departments must prepare “road maps” for their reduction and updating. And in the future, these requirements should be codified for each area of ​​government control.

The Public and Business Council under the leadership of the RSPP is also preparing proposals for revising the requirements.

Such joint work should increase business confidence in the state and, of course, improve relations between authorities and entrepreneurs.

With the direct participation of entrepreneurs, so-called checklists are being introduced, that is, lists test questions during checks. I signed a number of resolutions on this topic. Such “checklists” will become mandatory for planning, supervision, etc. The subject of inspections will be strictly limited to an agreed list of questions.

Among these issues and requirements are the most significant threats. They concern harm to life and health, the environment, emergency situations natural and technogenic nature and some others. From October this year, the new rules will come into effect with some exceptions, and from July next year - for all protected objects.

It is already obvious that one of the main directions of future work will be digitalization government controlled, and primarily state control, as part of the task of building a digital economy, which was set by the President. Today it will be discussed at a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects. We have to make a transition from long and expensive face-to-face inspections to remote control methods - using telemetry, sensors, photo and video recording and the so-called Internet of Things. To achieve this, it is extremely important to establish a quick and convenient exchange of data with the regions and thus involve them more widely in the created unified information environment for control and supervision.

In some places, remote control technologies are already being successfully used. Moreover, they have proven to be cost-effective. All these practices can be replicated.

And the main thing to be achieved as a result of the reform is to fundamentally change the very philosophy of control. Rebuild it from the principle of “find a violation and punish at any cost” to the principle of a partnership and “service” attitude towards business. Shift the focus to prevention of violations and prevention of damage.

Both our people and, of course, business itself expect concrete results, transparency, modern and predictable approaches, and quality of work from the reform. They are waiting for a new level of security and a new level of economic freedom.

We agreed that each supervisory authority in the region will hold quarterly public discussions of the results of inspections with entrepreneurs - substantively and in a professional manner.

To assess the practical results of the reform, a special certification commission will be created in the Government. She will constantly monitor the work of the management team of supervisory agencies.

Separately, I would like to highlight the role of the prosecutor’s office in the reform of state control. In close cooperation with the Prosecutor General's Office, the Government prepared all the main directions of this reform. And one of the main resources for ensuring transparency of government control is single register checks – was created and developed by us together.

For further discussion, I give the floor to Yuri Yakovlevich Chaika.

Yu.Chaika (Attorney General Russian Federation) : Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich! Dear Colleagues!

For more than 10 years, prosecutors have been taking measures to protect businesses. Over the past two and a half years alone, about 150 thousand violations in this area have been stopped, prosecutors have rejected almost 900 thousand unfounded applications from regulatory authorities to conduct inspections. This is a tangible result for business. However, unfortunately, not everything goes smoothly.

Everywhere we are faced with the reluctance of inspectors to change outdated approaches to inspections of business structures. The results of a recent opinion poll conducted by the Ministry of Eastern Development as part of the preparation of a joint meeting of the boards with the Prosecutor General’s Office are indicative: 47% of entrepreneurs in the Far East federal district faced inspections that were ordered, and two-thirds of respondents, in fact, did not see any chance of defending their rights in court.

Ask any business representative: which inspector’s visits create the most problems? The answer will be clear: police officers. Under the guise of vowels operational activities they can appear in any organization, seize documentation, office equipment, and paralyze work. Back in 2013, speaking in the Federation Council, I proposed to establish mandatory approval of such checks by prosecutors, but the corresponding legislative proposals were supported Public Chamber and the business community, are torpedoed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other security forces and have not yet been implemented.

At the same time, over the past three years, while carrying out more than 19 thousand public operational activities, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs committed more than 2 thousand violations, and less than 15% of investigations resulted in the initiation of criminal proceedings. The question arises: why were business structures shaken in other cases?

According to prosecutors, the Ministry of Internal Affairs in general is one of the leaders in the number of violations committed during the implementation of control powers against entrepreneurs (over 4 thousand in 2016). Only the Ministry of Emergency Situations has more - almost 6 thousand. In addition, prosecutors uncovered about 4 thousand violations in the activities of Rospotrebnadzor, over 2 thousand in the activities of Rostekhnadzor and Rostransnadzor, 1 thousand each in Rosreestr and Rosprirodnadzor.

I will dwell on the most characteristic shortcomings in the activities of control bodies identified by prosecutors. Scheduled inspections are often carried out at addresses that do not coincide with those specified in the orders, exceeding the 20-day limit, sometimes by more than double. There are widespread facts of illegal implementation of control measures without inclusion in the annual consolidated inspection plan - in the Voronezh region, Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug and a number of other regions.

Despite the current moratorium, the 2017 plan proposed inspections of small and medium-sized businesses. Moreover, similar violations were allowed at the federal level.

Unscheduled inspections are carried out in the absence of information about violations of rights, without issuing relevant orders and without approval from the prosecutor's office. And even, contrary to the direct prohibition in the law, based on anonymous requests.

Separately, I would like to dwell on corruption in the activities of control and supervisory authorities. They are associated with illegal payments to controllers by supervised enterprises for the provision of consulting, educational services, with unlawful decision-making in favor of affiliated structures, unreliability of declared information on income and expenses. In 2016 and the first quarter of 2017, prosecutors identified 9 thousand such violations, and therefore, according to our materials, over 730 guilty officials were brought to disciplinary and administrative liability.

Of course, the consideration of acts of prosecutorial response by regulatory authorities leads to an intensification of their activities, which may result in additional pressure on business, therefore, in December 2016, I instructed prosecutors to refrain from biased, negative conclusions about the work of control authorities, leading to unreasonable inspection activities in relation to business entities. Prosecutors are generally focused on improving their work to protect businesses.

When forming control action plans for 2017, we will consider proposals from control authorities, taking into account the correctness of their determination of the intensity of inspections of enterprises depending on the degree of danger of production and their reputation. In other words, we will evaluate how controllers apply a risk-based approach.

Besides, further development will receive the functionality of a unified register of inspections, the ability to communicate with the business community using modern technologies.

In the context of a rapidly developing digital economy, regulatory authorities should be more actively involved in creating an information environment for control and supervisory activities and develop their resources so that their activities are carried out in a predictable, transparent manner.

Further improvement is needed legal framework. Today, a huge number of unscheduled inspections are not coordinated with the prosecutor’s office at all. In accordance with the law, only 3% of the total number is subject to approval. In 2015–2016, we authorized only 75 thousand out of 2.5 million unscheduled inspections.

On behalf of the head of state, we have developed a draft law that eliminates these imbalances, which is positively assessed by public associations of entrepreneurs. Taking into account the position of the State Legal Department of the President, it was sent to the Government to form a consolidated opinion and approval.

I ask you, dear Dmitry Anatolyevich, to support our initiative.

It is obvious that a favorable business climate today largely depends on the clearly structured work of regional authorities. During the organization of a meeting this year on protecting the rights of entrepreneurs in Yaroslavl, we were directly convinced that in this region, as well as in the Tula, Belgorod, Kaluga regions and a number of others, a constructive dialogue has been established between the authorities and business. Prosecutors also actively interact with them in this area.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in preparation for today’s event, I received positive experience coordination of our joint activities with the Government of the Russian Federation. We highly appreciate these results and have high hopes that all the developments will be jointly and effectively used in order to ensure the rights of entrepreneurs.

D. Medvedev: Thank you very much, Yuri Yakovlevich.

Mikhail Anatolyevich (addressing M. Abyzov), tell us how this work was carried out through the Government, because you are doing this.

M. Abyzov: Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich! Dear Colleagues!

Since the approval of the priority program passport, there have already been certain achievements for each of the projects. In general, I would like to report that we are moving within the schedule approved by the presidium.

I would like to focus on two points.

First. We are faced with large-scale, ambitious tasks, starting with the construction of a qualitatively different, partnership model of interaction with business, the introduction of a risk-oriented approach, and ending with the widespread introduction of modern information technologies in the implementation of control. All this requires more highly qualified inspectors. It is these people who must make decisions on which the lives and health of citizens depend. They must have an excellent understanding of all the intricacies of the sphere under their control, including technological processes, and also have high skills in working with modern complex information systems.

In this regard, it is extremely important to build a fundamentally new, large-scale system training and education of employees, improving their qualifications, and this is a total of about 130 thousand people. In this regard, as part of the project, we have prepared a HR management standard, as well as a comprehensive program for advanced training and retraining of personnel.

The second is work to prevent violations. It is the prevention of violations that should become the key axis for preventing violations and preventing harm to the life and health of citizens.

In this regard, we have launched the practice of holding public hearings with business and the participation of regional authorities, within the framework of which, control bodies, as well as subjects and local control bodies talk about the results of their work, explain the requirements and help businesses avoid violations in the future.

Over the past two months alone, more than 400 such events were organized in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, each of which was attended by up to 200 people. In total, these are several tens of thousands of people, our entrepreneurs, who have become familiar with all the intricacies and features of the work of control bodies.

Briefing by Mikhail Abyzov at the end of the meeting

From the transcript:

Question: Following the conference call, were there any proposals from the regions? And the second question: were any additional instructions given by the Chairman of the Government?

M. Abyzov: The regions are taking an active part in implementing the tasks of reforming control and supervisory activities (we have adopted a separate project to improve state supervision at the regional level). And their involvement in this process, understanding of what is happening on the ground, is probably a key aspect and the key to the success of the reform.

Many of the proposals that were made and discussed today are relevant not only for those regions that spoke out, but also for all regions of Russia.

Of course, first of all, this is a matter of eliminating redundant and duplicative, outdated supervisory requirements, which are no longer compatible with the current level of technological development of our enterprises and which need to be changed.

And we will carry out this work together with the regions. The regions prepare such proposals and send them to our design center so that we summarize them and make appropriate decisions.

The second question is related to the tasks of informatization of state control and supervisory activities. When we talk about the implementation of the Digital Economy project, we mean that it is necessary to implement more actively the part of public administration that needs digitalization. And this problem must be solved at both the federal and regional levels.

Third. Of course, many issues were discussed regarding the inspections carried out by federal supervisory agencies in the regions. Not all checks are objective; there are cases of biased checks. There are cases when, instead of carrying out verification activities, some supervisory agencies use so-called administrative investigations, which do not need to be coordinated with the prosecutor's office. And as a result, entrepreneurs, in fact, are subjected to testing pressure without full compliance with all the necessary requirements that are provided for by our supervisory regulations. Therefore, one of the instructions, decisions that were discussed today is related to making changes to the legislation and administrative investigations actually being equated to inspections, which means that administrative investigations will be subject to coordination with the prosecutor's office and will be regulated as ordinary supervisory activities.

In addition, the regions are raising questions about delegating some of the supervisory powers in those areas that are most significant for the economy and life of specific territories. We will study these proposals. There are types of government supervision that cannot be delegated to regional level. This is due to the fact that many of the risks that supervision controls are extraterritorial. This means that their federalization and centralization is the best way to protect the interests of citizens, their lives and health.

In addition, the issue of financing the reform of control and supervisory activities was discussed. We will prepare proposals for the possible allocation of additional funds in the next financial cycle to finance the work of our regional and territorial bodies.

Question: Today the Prime Minister announced the creation certification commission. Tell us more about this. And how will the inspectors who will conduct inspections be trained?

M. Abyzov: The Presidium of the Council for Priority Projects approved the passport of the priority program for the reform of control and supervisory activities. In particular, one of the projects that is being implemented within the framework of this passport is a project to improve personnel work. It provides, including at the federal level, at the Government level, for the creation of an attestation commission that will review the quality of work of senior management employees of federal supervisory agencies. This was approved by the decision of the presidium, and in the near future we need to submit documents on organizing the work of such a commission. Then the Prime Minister will make a decision.

Regarding the training of inspectors. I think that this week we will publish a comprehensive program for training employees of control and supervisory agencies. We discussed it last week, and it was practically agreed upon today. There are several areas of this work, ranging from online courses for inspectors, within the framework of which general qualifications will be improved in general management disciplines, to a special course on certain species control and supervision related to the preparation of inspections, the organization of inspections, preventive measures, the system of interaction between the inspector and the entrepreneur. As part of these online courses, we need to cover more than 130 thousand employees of supervisory agencies with the retraining process, this is a large number of of people. And such distance online courses and subsequent certification based on the results of online courses should significantly improve the qualifications of our inspection personnel.

On the other hand, a separate area of ​​work with senior management of supervisory agencies is seminars that we will conduct jointly with RANEPA. Much work will be carried out by the analytical center under the Government, on the platform of which for heads of federal and territorial government supervision Best practices will be discussed. The problems that supervisory agencies face in their work are largely the same, therefore it is important to identify and scale up the successful solutions that someone finds in a timely manner. This will be done by an analytical center under the Government.

Ministries and departments, government bodies:

  • Federal Project Office (Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects) (until July 19, 2018)

On the eve of the new political cycle, people started talking again about the problem of control and supervisory authorities: about their activities and reform. Sometimes it seems that this reform has been turned almost into an end in itself - to do, just to do. When analyzing the statements of those involved in this issue, a number of interesting conclusions emerge.

The first thing that catches your eye is that those who are trying to reform control and supervisory bodies, but have never worked in the field, apparently proceed from the “philosophy of effective managers.”

Such people, however, are ready to manage any field - from economics to politics.

However, I would like to draw attention to the substantive part of the question. The point is that often, under the guise of supposedly innovative solutions, “reformers” present a practice that has long been accepted in our country.

Professionals in supervisory authorities are not far behind them.

Thus, we are constantly presented with so-called risk-based supervision as a novelty. Some heads of supervisory authorities say that this is an innovation of the last five years. This is deceit. Let's take the same epidemiological surveillance. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the fact that “it is necessary to analyze the general situation in the world,” and that they have only now come to this conclusion.

In fact, let me remind you that for a long time already within the framework of the World Health Organization with active participation Our country organized global surveillance of the circulation of the influenza virus. Our country is a leader in this matter. This has a pragmatic effect: every year a new influenza vaccine is produced, which is always relevant and applicable to those strains that circulate during the epidemiological season. This is a huge achievement that will save millions of lives.

So this is nothing more than risk-based supervision. It was modeled with Russia not only because we have a great school of epidemiology. We also have a national feature: today our country is a global “maternity hospital” for all species of migratory birds that exist on Earth. Tens of millions of birds fly to us every year, starting from southern Africa and the southern American continent in the summer. These are primarily waterfowl, which are natural reservoirs of influenza.

Further: since the beginning of the last century in our country, all the burial grounds of livestock that died from anthrax have been carefully described. And today, all 35 thousand cattle burial grounds with exact geographical coordinates are contained in the cadastre, which is maintained by epidemiologists in our country. These cattle burial grounds are nothing more than a natural reservoir of anthrax. Monitoring them ensures the stability of the epidemiological situation.

Further: back in 1989, the entire huge country, which was called Soviet Union, accurate to the administrative district of each settlement was categorized based on the risk of the spread of cholera if the pathogen enters a given region. Based on these data, all epidemiological measures to control morbidity among the population were built. Risk-based supervision went far beyond purely medical activities. And this system works effectively today. And it brings a huge economic effect from preventing epidemiological complications.

The scary thing is that people who are involved in supervisory activities have forgotten that risk-based supervision was successfully used long before them. Not remembering this, not relying on it, but referring to the fact that “somewhere in Europe there are correct methods” is irresponsible in relation to the history of the profession in our country.

There is another practice that they now like to present as a revelation. They say that internal control technologies are now being introduced for the first time. In fact, even in the first half of the last century, in control and supervisory activities the responsibility of producers, including food products, medicines, and other agricultural products, included internal control, including technologies and laboratories. Without this, it is impossible to ensure high quality of the product.

It is also said that today, for the first time, we are introducing control over products, and not over enterprises (this, I note, is said by the people who are responsible for the most important types of supervision in the country today). This is wrong. Control over the passage of any product - from field to plate - has always been in the first place. It all started not even with a potato tuber, but with land quality control. The talk that this is supposedly starting only now is puzzling.

There is one more circumstance that I would like to draw attention to. Everything we do is done not for our own sake, not for the sake of improving the interaction between structural producers-controllers, but for the sake of the consumer, the citizen. His assessment and satisfaction with the state of work is the main criterion of our work.

Campaignism only does harm here. The continuous proclamation of reforms only creates mistrust in society. Based on the assessment of our work by citizens and on the experience gained, we will be able to decide on the eve of the new political cycle current issues control and supervisory activities.

The future government that comes after the March elections must be given the opportunity permanent job to improve the activities of control and supervisory authorities. This is especially true today, in the situation that is developing around the state, and this is the emergence, including, of military biological laboratories along the perimeter of the country, which carry potential danger deliberate impact on the health of our citizens. Identifying risks, assessing them and taking effective measures to preserve the biological safety of our state are the tasks of risk-based supervision. I would like to especially note: it is necessary to stop interdepartmental disputes, which are hindering both the formation of the legislative field in the field of biological safety and the improvement of the very structure of the control and supervisory area.

...In general, in my deep conviction, as a result of ill-conceived reforms, we not only do not gain in control and supervisory activities, but, on the contrary, we lose and become smaller.

We have a lot of experience. This, of course, does not mean that control and supervisory activities do not need development at all and are closed to reform. Today we have enormous technological capabilities thanks to computerization. Having these capabilities, we can introduce modern programs and technological methods, and, relying on experience, dramatically increase the efficiency of this work.

But this is completely different from replacing established own approaches with analogues thoughtlessly imported from the West. This is the wrong approach.

Our task is not to make pseudo-discoveries that flatter the ambitions of certain leaders, not to refer unnecessarily to international organizations that have always learned this work from us. And relying on our country’s own gigantic experience, quickly and promptly use emerging technological opportunities and continuously improve this most important of the functions of the state.