Is the catalog sheet mandatory? Development of a catalog sheet for technical specifications

Product catalog sheet (CLP) is a document containing a single set of details that allows you to obtain INFORMATION:

  • on the name and designation of specific products
  • about the manufacturer
  • on a regulatory or technical document in accordance with the requirements of which products are manufactured
  • about the manufacturer about the original holder the specified document
  • about the main consumer characteristics of these products.


For CLP registration the company sends:

  • APPLICATION FOR CLP registration
  • original and one copy of the document
  • original or copy of the document according to which the products are manufactured

Registration of commercial enterprises is carried out in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 16, 1996. No. 37 “On the main directions of industrial restructuring.”
  • Decree of the administration of the Vladimir region dated August 12, 1996 No. 391 “On cataloging products produced by enterprises in the region.”
  • GOST 2.114-2016 ESKD. Specifications
  • GOST R 51740-2016 Technical specifications for food products. General requirements to development and design.
  • PR 1323565.1.002-2018 Rules for filling out and submitting catalog sheets products
  • GOST R 1.3-2018 Standardization in Russian Federation. Technical specifications for products. General requirements for content, design, marking and updating
  • GOST R 1.18-2018 Standardization in the Russian Federation. Registry technical specifications. Rules for the formation, maintenance and receipt of information
  • GOST R 15.301-2016 SRPP. Products for industrial and technical purposes. The procedure for developing and putting products into production.


  • forms a database of products manufactured by enterprises, organizations and individual enterprises Vladimir region;
  • transfers the information specified in the CLP to FSUE Standardinform.

FSUE "Standardinform":

  • forms a data bank “Products of Russia”
  • creates thematic catalogs (for example, “Containers, packaging, closures, labels”
  • issues monthly and annual indexes of technical specifications, which contain the designation and title of documents, as well as the names and addresses of enterprises that hold the originals.

Product catalog sheet - official document(machine-oriented type), containing complete information about a specific product (product).

What is the development of a catalog sheet?

The registration of a catalog sheet is provided for by the regulatory documents of our country, which is why the number of clients wishing to receive this documentation is constantly growing.

Let's first figure out what such a product sheet is and why it is drawn up. It contains the following information:

Full information about the name of a specific product;

Information about product characteristics;

Information about the company that is the manufacturer of this product;

The name of state standards (regulatory documents, technical documents) according to which the product is manufactured;

Start date of production and release of this product;

Information about the need for mandatory certification for this product;

Information about the holder of the original document.

The registration of the catalog sheet is carried out according to certain rules, which everyone can familiarize themselves with at the certification centers. According to these rules, you can obtain this sheet from a certification center that has received the appropriate permission. At the Foratest certification center, you can either go through the entire process of completing the required sheet.

What is the purpose of developing a catalog sheet?

According to the requirements of regulatory documents, company managers are required to obtain such a sheet and provide it to the Gosstandart center, whose employees use the information in the provided document to compile databases (both regional and all-Russian).

So, the design of the catalog sheet is carried out for the following purposes:

For the convenience of informing customers about the characteristics of the product, as well as its manufacturer;

Compilation of databases about specific products;

Providing reference services to regional government bodies;

Exercising government control over compliance with requirements (Russian and international) in the manufacture of products.

How to develop a catalog sheet

In each certification center (as in the Foratest center), its registration is carried out according to the approved algorithm:

Appeal authorized person companies to the certification center;

With an expert from the center (during the consultation, a plan for document execution is agreed upon and a list of necessary documents is compiled);

Providing documentation by the customer to the certification center employee;

The stage during which the list of products is filled out;

Registration of a completed document.

Getting a catalog sheet is quite a difficult task, as it may seem. After all, its design has a number of features, namely:

This can only be done on separate species products (for several types of goods this document not issued);

Registration of the document (sheet) must be completed, because a product catalog sheet without registration is invalid;

The information presented in the document must comply with current standards and requirements.

How does the development of a catalog sheet end?

Taking into account all the above features, the registration of the catalog sheet should be carried out in specialized centers by experienced certification specialists. If there is a discrepancy with the requirements, the completed document will not be registered.

Registration of a completed document can begin only after providing the following documentation to the certification center:

Application on behalf of the customer to register the finished sheet;

Previously completed technical specifications for the products for which the document is being prepared;

The actual product catalog sheet (presented in three copies).

Without unnecessary worries, you can do it at the Foratest certification center. Our certification specialists will be happy to advise you on what needs to be done to ensure that its registration goes quickly - for advice, go to the section of the site.

Prepare this document in the most reliable and in a fast way- provide all concerns to an employee of the Foratest certification center. of this document on the website of our center.

We will be happy to help you obtain a catalog sheet for your products!