How on an energetic level a man attracts girls. Women's funnel for attracting men

. Meanwhile, their less expressive girlfriends often bask in male attention and also choose: to which of the fans will they give their heart? Yes, you yourself have probably noticed: men often hover in flocks around some women and do not pay attention to others, who seem to be in no way inferior to these favorites. What's the matter?

Our lesson today is dedicated to the beginning of a relationship - how to arouse interest in yourself.

But before that, we asked Larisa what exactly does it consist of - our feminine power?

Be both a girl and a lover!

- Larisa, many readers are sure that there are no secrets to female attractiveness. Some are born beauties, others - ugly, some are lucky - and they marry a successful and loving man, others are unlucky - and they do not meet their person. Is there truth here?

No. I begin my classes with a story about the great women of the past who were loved by famous and talented men. As a rule, their muses were not beauties! Let's remember Maria Ignatievna Benkendorf, Gorky's last love. She was ugly, but she got married so often that everyone forgot her maiden name. In addition to Gorky, Maria Ignatievna was loved by Herbert Wells, who even left her an inheritance. And how many people were dying for Elena Dyakonova, whom many considered ugly! At the age of thirty-seven she left her husband for the great artist Dali and for many years happily served him as a muse named Gala.

How did they attract and retain outstanding men? Feminine sexual energy, which is more important than beauty. IN modern world men managed to convince us that nothing depends on women. A woman, not feeling her role, takes up arms against a man. Instead of helping him move through life and develop with him, she begins to demand a lot from him and blame him for all his troubles. She doesn't understand that a woman is at the center of the world. In fact, a man does not know how to take energy from space - he is all aimed at realization, action. A woman draws the energy of nature - from earth, fire, water, air. And he transmits this energy to a man, who senses this fullness in a woman with his skin. Even if you are young, rich and smart, but empty, not a single man will stay near you. We receive exactly as much as we know how to give. And if next to you is a not very educated husband who earns little and does not want to strive for anything, it means that your strength was only enough to attract a partner of such a low level. By the way, the ancients knew about this and knew how to use their knowledge. Secret practices of female power were taught in the temple of Aphrodite. I became acquainted with female techniques of other non-European cultures - Hinduism, Buddhism, and in Peru I studied with the keeper of the knowledge of the ancient Incas.

- And what did you learn there?

Much - from life philosophy to specific women's exercises to increase their sexual power. Let's start with psychology. A man dreams of finding everything in one woman - a lover, a mistress, a queen, and a girl. These are the four main manifestations of feminine energy, the main states of a woman. Our typical mistake: we choose one or two qualities from this list, forgetting about others. For example, when we get married, we forget to admire our husband like a girl, we don’t burn with passion like a mistress, but we simply become a caring housewife. And then the man begins to look for the missing qualities on the side. Moreover, at different stages of a relationship, it is important to correctly include each of these qualities in order to achieve results.

Four states of a woman


practical, caring, thorough, calm, measured.

Her power is at the level of a man’s physical needs.

What it gives: care, peace of mind, comfort, delicious food, comfort, understanding.

What he receives: gratitude and respect.


independent, inaccessible, willful, successful, confident, smart, reasonable.

Her power is mental, at the level of a man’s intellectual needs.

What it gives: communication, information, advice, desire to win, friendship.

What he receives: admiration, gifts, respect, interest.


light, capricious, eccentric, defenseless, admiring.

Her power is emotional.

What it gives: admiration, attention, recognition, trust, acceptance.

What he receives: care, tenderness, love, gifts, protection.


passionate, temperamental, inventive, shameless, frank, skillful, sensual.

Her power is sexual.

What gives: passion, pleasure, the feeling that he is the best, the energy of orgasm.

What you get: passion, pleasure, affection, fidelity.


How to win the one you need?

Remember: a woman attracts the attention of men only in the state of a lover - slight excitement and sexual fulfillment. Meanwhile, many women make the mistake of trying to impress at the first meeting with their intellectual superiority, thriftiness or childish insecurity. The mistress is sensual, but at the same time mysterious, she talks little about herself, listens to the man and radiates waves of charm. Do not rush to use the word “mistress” at the first meeting - if a man immediately receives this energy, then the relationship either does not develop further, or develops according to the lovers’ scenario. On the other hand, if a man was refused at the first meeting, then he may disappear if he was only interested in free energy.

Exercise No. 1. Funnel for attraction

Many of us complain: “I don’t see worthy men! Where can I get them? Be calm - they will “come” literally out of thin air. Just do this exercise. If it doesn't help, repeat every day. The exercise may seem stupid, but it has been around for centuries. Try it and see the results.

1. We enter the energy flow: as we exhale, we raise our arms to the sides and join our palms above our heads.

2. As you inhale, lower your folded palms to chest level.

3. While holding your breath, without opening your palms, turn them over with your fingers and lower them to the level of the “center of passion” (located four fingers below the navel).

4. Form a funnel: mentally focus the energy in the “center of passion.” As you exhale, separate your palms and raise your arms up, slightly bending your elbows.

5. We circle clockwise.


To attract sellers and students, you need to turn three times;

7 times - middle managers;

17 times - deputy directors;

34 times - business owners;

72 - minister and oligarch;

180 - prince, king, head of state.

Don't start with the maximum - try yourself at level 2 - 3.

6. We give thanks and mentally close the space. This is important, because you will have to go on air more than once.

Exercise No. 2. Getting to know each other

If you have already decided on the object, it's time to move on to action. According to statistics, 90% of successful acquaintances are provoked by women. 5 steps to attract attention.

1. Look straight into the eyes for 7 seconds without looking away.

2. Smile. A smile signals to the male subconscious that you have good feminine health.

3. We hang out in front of his eyes. Men have tunnel vision.

4. We start talking to him. Three topics are acceptable - about him, about you and about the situation. Create a mystery around yourself. "How old are you?" - “25 and several years of experience,” etc. The more we play with words, the more interested we become.

5. Let's touch. You can “accidentally” lean on it, as if you’ve stumbled. When touching a man, inhale. When you extend your hand goodbye, be sure to take a deep breath.

After 10 - 15 minutes we disappear. If they like you, they will take your phone number. The man always makes the appointment. When going to a meeting, do not forget: from a “mistress” you need to be reborn into a “queen”. Mentally put on the crown. But don't be arrogant - real queens are sweet and attentive to people. First dates last no more than 2 hours. During this time, your job is to remain silent and listen to him. You need to collect as much information as possible about your chosen one. Under no circumstances should you give in on the first date! To get to know each other better, people need at least 30 hours of conversation, not sex. And don't try to entertain a man. This is his task.

Exercise No. 3. The field of sexuality

We close our eyes and mentally descend to the “center of passion.” And we imagine how a red poppy with four petals is blooming there. As you inhale, count to ten and at the same time squeeze your intimate muscles. As you exhale, open the petals of the flower. We repeat several times until we feel a pleasant warmth in the lower abdomen.

BY THE WAY: after 20 compressions of the intimate muscles, pheromones are released into the blood, the pupils dilate and the gaze becomes more expressive. Experienced seductresses do this trick before looking a man in the eye.

Exercise No. 4. Squeezing a man out of ourselves

Nowadays it’s fashionable to be “your guy”, one of the most powerful compliments to a woman is: “Oh! You have a man's mind! But until we expel excess male energy from ourselves, we cannot dream of a crowd of fans. The vast majority of men feel uncomfortable with a woman who looks like them. To find out which energy you have more - male or female - let's do an exercise.

1. Sit down comfortably, close your eyes, take a breath and as you exhale imagine that you are in an artist’s studio. 2. In front of you is a canvas with your portrait. You admire yourself and take the palette. There are only two colors in it - red and white. You begin to paint your figure - head, torso, arms, legs. Look carefully at what you got, which paint is more? Red symbolizes the feminine, white - masculine. If you have used little white, your energy is normal. If there is not enough red, things are not important, you need to do the meditation again and paint yourself red. And do this once a week. An ideal woman has no more than 25% male energy.

In the next issue, our lesson will be called “Strategy for Getting Married.” We will tell you how to tie a man to you and lead him to his cherished decision.

From childhood we are taught many things: how to eat, how to sit, how to walk, how to take care of our body. But for some reason, no one thinks of teaching a girl the basic techniques of seducing men, or, more accurately, attracting them. But this is no less important for achieving happiness and prosperity in life.

How many unpleasant moments a woman experiences just because she doesn’t know how to attract (interest) the man she likes. We have to be content with those who choose us. But it also happens that this does not happen at all, and then disappointments in life cannot be avoided!

We decided to try to correct this annoying misunderstanding and bring to your attention a topic that, we hope, will help you achieve what you want.

A little information

We have already talked about the existence of female power (energy) in articles on our website in the Psychology section. There are also levels of feminine power. There are only seven of them. Now we will list them: physical power, sexual power, money power, emotional power, space-time power, and the last power is spiritual.

How to accumulate attracting energy

At the first level, a woman has physical power - the ability to attract. She receives it at birth. And to a greater extent it depends on external data. Although there is an opportunity to improve the situation here too. There is a certain energy practice aimed at accumulating energy to attract men. Here she is:

Energy technique for attracting men

Stand up straight and, inhaling, join your hands at chest level, as if to pray. As you exhale, raise your arms up through your sides and clasp your palms together. Enter the energy flow.

Then we inhale again and at the same time lower our joined hands to chest level, hold our breath and lower them to a level below the navel by four fingers. We focus the energy here, while moving our palms apart, leaving our fingers together, and we get a kind of triangle.

Exhaling, we open the funnel, raise our arms up, slightly bending them at the elbows. Then we begin to rotate around our axis clockwise. Minimal amount turns - 3, maximum - 108 times. It all depends on what level of man you want to attract.

There are six levels for men. For the first one, three turns are enough. For the second - seven turns, for the third - seventeen, for the fourth - thirty-four, for the fifth - seventy-two. And for the highest level – one hundred and eight turns.

It takes twenty-eight days for your cells to move from one level to another. Remember this.

After the practice, do not forget to close the space (funnel) and be sure to thank him.

Let us immediately note that the first level is not decisive. The determining factor in the art of attracting men is the second level – sexual power.

How to light a fire

As you know, sexual energy has the greatest attractive force. A man feels it in his inviting gaze, alluring smile, timbre of voice and sensual touch. But in order to light a fire of desire in a man, you must first of all burn yourself.

Intimate muscles will help activate sexual energy. It only takes ten to fifteen vigorous squeezes to feel the fire of a fire inside you.

The magic of a look

This fire will immediately fill your eyes with a unique sparkle, your pupils will involuntarily dilate, giving your gaze a mysterious look. And if you mentally say the following phrase: “Love is amazing, I am amazing, you are amazing,” the man will simply be amazed by your gaze.

Such a withering gaze should last no more than seven seconds. This is enough to ignite a spark. Then you should, as if reluctantly, lower your eyes.

The magic of a smile

Having cast the next glance towards the man and noticing that he is looking at you, make a second gesture towards him. Send an inviting smile.

In such a smile, the mouth is slightly open, the corners of the lips are slightly raised, and the eyes glow with passion.

If a man doesn’t answer, don’t be upset. Most likely, he has his own reasons for this.

But if he turns on, he will definitely try to get closer to you under any pretext.

The magic of voice

Your next step will be any spoken phrase. The main thing is for the man to hear her. If you don't know what to say, find a reason to ask him for help. It has been noticed that normal men gladly respond to a call for help.

In general, act according to the situation. If it is appropriate, you can speak with admiration about his perfume or some detail of clothing. This is no longer important. It is important that your voice comes from within at low vibrations, sensually and bewitchingly.

The magic of touch

The final step in the seduction process is, of course, your touch. It is this that is the final conductor that ignites the spark of passion. But before that, you must fill your palms with fire sent from the center of your feminine power.

You can always find an innocent reason to touch a man - as if accidentally running your hand along his back while passing by, or touching him while asking about something. A slight sigh will help to strengthen the force of the touch.

We hope that these methods of seducing men will help you achieve what you want and teach you to attract into your life those representatives of the stronger half of humanity whom you choose.

How to become a magnet for men. Part one: the state of a mistress.

It's no secret that there are women who enchant with their energy; you always want to be close to them and feel their warm aura. Such women are always surrounded by worthy men, they are lucky in love and are happy in marriage. Yes, yes, such women discovered a great women's secret - they learned to be a magnet for men! And it’s not just about learning something, for example, how to shoot your eyes beautifully or how to skillfully do an erotic massage, it’s much deeper - it’s the art of being a woman, of being always and everywhere in a feminine state.

At first glance this may seem simple and banal, but I assure you this is far from the case. Learning to always and everywhere be a woman in our male and sometimes very aggressive world is quite difficult, because you have to solve a lot of male issues, work in male positions, enter into negotiations, and even disputes, in general, decide everything and everywhere yourself, and this does not benefit femininity and alluring attractiveness. Masculine energy will never attract masculine energy. Only feminine, truly feminine energy will attract admiring men's views. To become a magnet for worthy men, you need to be in the female state as often as possible and be able to properly manage your female incarnations. There are only four of them - the mistress, the queen, the girl and the mistress, so our female task is to learn to master them perfectly.

For men, the most alluring female state is that of a mistress. It is the state of a mistress that helps to attract a man into your life. A woman attracts the attention of men only in the state of a lover, a state of slight excitement and a buzz from life. A man reads and goes to be filled with feminine energy, so he reacts to a woman filled with sexual energy. The lover is sensual, but at the same time mysterious, she does not tell information about herself. But if he immediately receives this energy, and the woman remains in the state of a mistress and the relationship either does not develop further, or develops according to the lovers’ scenario. Therefore, it is at the beginning of acquaintance that it is important to be in the state of a mistress, then other incarnations come into play, but I will tell you about this another time. In order for you to learn how to properly be a Mistress, I offer you a small cheat sheet to help you.

So, it’s important for the lover’s condition!

Feminine appearance:
- cloth
- underwear
- shoes
- decorations
- makeup
- hairstyle
- aroma
Movements and manners:
- light gait, small step
- concentration on your body, on sensations / awareness
- leisurely/relaxed
- smoothness of gestures
- graceful turn of the head
- velvet voice (from the stomach)
- a close, languid gaze
- posture
- smile
- silence, active listening
- desire to hum
- health care
- care for skin, hair, nails, heels
- exercises to maintain tone, flexibility, stretching
— all kinds of spa treatments, massages
Sexual energy:
- be always ready
- take initiative
- receive sensual pleasure
- know your body and be skillful
- know your husband's fantasies
— relaxedness/ frankness: share your fantasies, talk about your feelings and desires
- attractiveness: erotic undressing/dressing, dancing

Internal filling
- attention from the female chakras (heart or womb)
- head free from thoughts
- positive happy mood
- joy from feeling your body and movement
- the ability to receive pleasure: from food, conversation, touch, aromas, oneself
- sense of self-worth, self-love
- sensitivity: giving/receiving pleasure, energy and love - selflessly
- feeling and awareness of one’s own hidden power
- inspire to heroic deeds
- gives the husband the feeling that he is the best
- lack of interest in the assessments of strangers
Creative Energy:
- loyalty
- creativity
- artistry
- talent
- creativity, any
- activity
- enthusiasm
— brightness
- passion in hobbies
- ability to dive
- generates ideas
- opens up something new
- originality
- spontaneity
- ingenuity
- charm
Elegant surroundings:
- dishes
- bed sheets
- accessories
- home clothes
- music
- women's films, books, magazines
Mandala dance
cleansing fire meditation
practice on the element of fire
walking around without underwear
intimate muscle training
breathing practices (to release body tension)

Believe me, such a woman will not only always be the center of everyone’s attention, but her image will also be imprinted in the memory of those around her for a long time.

If at the chime you made one single wish - to meet your soulmate in the new year, we will tell you where you can and should start right now!

“Your loved one will find you, if only you are in the right psychological state,” says Larisa Renard, founder of the Academy privacy, and offers you several simple exercises and techniques that can achieve this effect.

The world is full of men, full of opportunities and miracles - you just need to start taking simple steps and everything will happen!

“Womb Breathing”: a practice for filling with energy

You close your eyes and turn your attention to the uterus. You inhale with your stomach and imagine how the uterus expands and fills with energy, and as you exhale, you contract your intimate muscles. Do 10-15 such cycles and imagine how the energy of the earth enters your feet, rises into the uterus and fills it as you exhale. Take another 15 inhalations and exhalations until you feel heat in the lower abdomen and a slight pulsation of the uterus. And with each blow, you imagine how the space of your uterus expands, becoming even larger and larger. First, the space increases to the size of a room, then to the size of a city, then to the size of a country, a planet and, finally, the Universe. And you soar in this space, enjoying its majesty and perfection. You feel the eternal pulsation of the Universe, the pulsation that gives birth to new worlds: inhalation and exhalation - the eternal beat of life. And having enjoyed this state, you begin to compress your space to the size of a planet, then to the size of a country, a city, a room, and now you feel how space is compressed to the size of a uterus. You mentally thank the space and open your eyes.

If you do this practice for at least a week, you will already begin to notice the first results, but to make the world revolve around you and to be sure that you can attract the person you dream of into your life, start making an attraction funnel.

Female attraction funnel

The funnel is made to fill with energy or to attract a man and favorable events. As we exhale, we raise our arms up through the sides and enter the energy flow, joining our palms above our heads. We exhale through the mouth, exhaling everything negative. As you inhale through your nose, lower your arms again to chest level. While holding our breath, we turn our hands down and lower them to the level of the center of passion (it is located four fingers below the navel), we focus the energy by spreading our palms and joining our fingers, as if forming a triangle around this center.

As you exhale, open the funnel, raising your arms up and slightly bending your elbows, fingers connected, the center of your palms pointing upward. And we begin to make turns clockwise (to the right), breathing freely, not thinking about anything special, letting thoughts flow freely. Having finished the practice, we close the space by placing our hands, palms on top of each other, with the right palm on top, on the lower abdomen. We thank the space: “I am doing this for the benefit of me and the entire Universe.” The funnel is done every day for 21 days.

5 steps to attract men's attention

Psychologists have noticed that for a successful acquaintance you need to take five steps. Good news: You can prepare for each of them.

1. Look

“Men look at those who see them,” says popular wisdom. Don’t be afraid to look at men, but to make your gaze alluring, sexy and attractive, squeeze your intimate muscles (vaginal muscles). Do at least 20 compressions, your pupils will dilate, and your gaze will become so bottomless that a man will immediately want to drown in it. Give him this opportunity by not looking away for at least seven seconds, and trying to look into his left eye. The left eye is “responsible” for our unconscious, emotions and helps to penetrate a person’s soul. You can fill your gaze with admiration and promise. If you have a free minute - you are stuck in a traffic jam or on your way to work, repeat the affirmation to yourself: “I am already attractive, I am already sexy, I am already desirable!”

2. Smile

When the man finally comes to his senses and realizes that they are looking at him, gently smile at him with a flickering smile. Imagine that lips appear on the back of your head and break into a smile, while your real lips remain almost closed. This smile is also called the Mona Lisa smile; it has mystery and depth.

3. Gait

And if a man still hasn’t rushed towards you with an offer to drink a cup of coffee, get acquainted, help, or simply hasn’t gone in your direction, give him another chance. Start walking towards him with the gait of passion. You lower your attention to your center of passion, and imagine that a thread is coming from your uterus to a man, you feel that something is attracting you, pulling this thread. Walk towards the man, as if with your uterus forward, keeping your focus on the lower abdomen. If you go far, you may begin to tighten your muscles again, increasing the fire that burns within you. Walk slowly, as if you are being attracted by a powerful magnet.

And when you finally approach a man, say: “Yes”! Deep, languid, mysterious. Let this sound come from the womb. And let the man think about who or what you said “Yes” to: him, yourself, good weather, or something else... But in order to pronounce this short word so that it will be impossible to forget it, you will have to practice a little. Even a week of practicing this little meditation is enough for your “Yes” to have a stunning impact. We close our eyes, take a breath, and as we exhale, lower our attention into our womb. It’s as if a million streams from all over the body flow into our center, into our womb. The lower abdomen fills with warmth and an orange color. Imagine a sea of ​​fire in your lower abdomen. But this fire does not burn, it gives warmth. And in this fiery sea our mother swims, enjoying the warmth and light. And we imagine how our mother’s mouth appears. He silently opens and says: “Yes!” this bliss. We repeat several times. Then we begin to say “Yes!” with our lips, but without a sound. We add sound, imagine that it is orange and comes from the very depths. Our mouth only lets in this orange sound. We say “Yes” to this world, “Yes” to ourselves, “Yes” to bliss.

5. Touch

Gently touch him, his wrist, his shoulder, his back. But so that your touch makes everything tremble in a man’s heart, so that he remembers your first meeting as a magical vision, touch him not with the cold hands of an ice statue, but with the hot, electrified fingers of a living woman. Yes, this again requires a little training, but the effect is worth it! Inhale and as you exhale, lower your attention to your womb. Focus the energy and feel the warmth and slight pulsation. Imagine a hot, pulsating ball in your lower abdomen and, as you inhale, raise it to the level of your heart. As you exhale, connect it to your love center: connecting emotion, joy, love to our passion. Feel this ball and, as you exhale, direct two streams of energy into your hands, to the very tips of your fingers. And touch the man while inhaling, “including” him in yourself, slightly delaying the movement.


Of course, when you start getting acquainted, you are unlikely to remember all the exercises and steps, but practice is needed in any case. You can reassure yourself that you are simply rehearsing the role of a femme fatale.

Your task is to meet ten men in a week. Two of them will turn out to be potential suitors, the rest can become business partners, friends, or simply interesting conversationalists. The main thing is that you will see and feel that the world is full of men, full of opportunities and miracles - you just need to start taking simple steps and everything will happen!

We, of course, all secretly believe in love and fate, in the fact that one fine day a prince on a white horse or Mr. Gray on a ship with scarlet sails will come for us. But who is stopping us from spurring fate and guiding Mr. Gray in the right direction?

Let's look at 4 steps a woman should take to the right man appeared in her life himself.

1. Give yourself permission to be happy.

This may sound naive, but in fact, many people do not want or are even afraid to be happy. The reason partly lies in our culture (including the Orthodox one), when suffering is good and right, but being rich, successful and happy is shameful, although pleasant. That is why in our society it is customary, if not to be, then to pretend to be unhappy.

There is also a psychological aspect to the problem: children who are disliked or offended by their parents subconsciously believe that they are unworthy of love and happiness, so they in every possible way avoid relationships that are built on mutual affection, respect and honesty. Relationships that can make them happy.

2. Make room for something new.

To make new harmonious relationships entered your life, it is necessary that there is a place in them, including literally, physically. One of the “magical” Feng Shui rituals for attracting a partner into your life your apartment. Put on the mezzanine or throw away all reminders of life with a previous partner, if there was one - photographs, old things, interior items purchased together, etc.

3. Techniques for attracting men

All existing techniques, regardless of the exoticism of the ritual, are actually aimed at only one thing - sending a social request to the Universe (or, if you prefer, to the information field): “I’m looking for my betrothed.” You will certainly receive an answer to this request - sooner or later, one way or another.

So, possible rituals to attract a man.


Feng Shui experts also consider it necessary:

  • empty a shelf in a closet or a drawer for the things of a man who will soon appear in your life;
  • have a normal double bed and always make it for two - two pillows, two blankets, etc.;
  • imagine your life together as a couple, act as if you already have a man;
  • draw a picture of you and a man together or make a collage with your photo and a photo of the character you want (visualization technique).


There are also many gaming, supposedly magical, techniques for attracting a partner into your life, which in fact simply rebuild your consciousness from a single existence to a couple. These include such funny rituals as throwing red panties on a chandelier (author Lissy Moussa), a spell on men's slippers, placing paired figurines of mandarin ducks or paintings with two peonies in the bedroom, etc.

Women's funnel to attract a man

The funnel is one of the most famous ritual exercises, which is done in order to be filled with feminine energy or to attract a man and favorable events.

As we inhale, we join our hands in front of our chest as if we were going to pray. As we exhale, we raise our arms up from the sides and join our palms above our heads - we have entered the energy flow. We exhale through our mouth, imagining that the negativity is leaving. While inhaling through the nose, we again lower our hands to chest level and fold them “prayerfully” on our chests. We hold our breath, turn our hands down, spread our palms and leave our fingers connected. The result is a collar into which we direct energy, having previously lowered it to the level of the center of passion (four fingers below the navel).

As you exhale, open the funnel, raising your arms up and slightly bending your elbows, fingers connected, the center of your palms pointing upward. In this position, we begin to rotate around our axis clockwise. It is believed that the level of man we attract depends on the number of turns. But it is important not to get too dizzy. So don't get carried away.

Having finished the rotation, we place our hands on the lower abdomen - palms on top of each other, the right one on top. We thank the space: “I am doing this for the benefit of me and the entire Universe.” The funnel is done every day for 21 days.

4. Apply the general laws of attractiveness

When doing all kinds of rituals or working with a psychologist, do not forget about the most simple rules attractiveness. It is not enough to ensure that the right man comes into your life, it is important that he stays for a long time.

So, as a survey of men of different levels of wealth, different ages and social status, female attractiveness in men's eyes is always calculated according to the formula: grooming + confidence + sparkle in the eyes. These three components of our female success are necessary and sufficient, paradoxically as it may seem.

Being well-groomed does not necessarily mean an expensive haircut and clothing from fashion brands. A woman should feel respect and love for herself, attention to her appearance- then men, for whom the visual image is very important, will love her much more willingly.

No less important is the manner in which you carry yourself. "Habits beautiful woman"turn out to be more important than physical beauty itself for a well-known reason - people perceive us the way we see ourselves.

Having a fan, at least one, is a very good boost to self-esteem. By the way, this also works very well for men. So don't reject the men you're interested in, even if they're not right for you. As you know, the retinue makes the queen.

Well, volumes have been written about the fact that “a man reacts to an impulse” and that a woman should radiate joy, be light and serene. I won't repeat myself. Let me just remind you that “the most important thing in a woman is a smile.”