The Kalachevskaya brigade of internal troops celebrated its professional holiday. The Kalachevskaya brigade of internal troops celebrated the professional holiday of the 22nd brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

B Asurmanov Sergey Anatolyevich – senior assistant to the chief of staff for intelligence of the 22nd separate operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the North Caucasus District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) Russian Federation, major.

Born on July 16, 1968 in the city of Kalach-on-Don Volgograd region. Russian. In 1985 he graduated from high school.

In the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1985. In 1989 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Military-Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After college, he was sent to serve in the Separate Special Purpose Motorized Rifle Division of the Internal Troops named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, commanded a platoon. Since 1994 - in the squad special purpose Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "Vityaz". Both of these military units were sent to the sites of all armed conflicts that took place on the territory of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Sergei Basurmanov had fifty-three such trips to war! Participated in hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Baku, Armenia, North Ossetia and Ingushetia. He traveled several times to the first Chechen war in 1994-1996.

In 1998, he transferred to the newly formed 22nd separate operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (North Caucasus District of the Internal Troops), which was stationed in the city of Kalach-on-Don, Volgograd Region. In August 1999, the brigade was sent on alert to Dagestan, where there were stubborn battles with the gangs of Basayev and Khattab invading from Chechnya. Almost everywhere local population fought back the militants, but in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi, where there was a strong influence of the Wahhabis, many took their side. However, even before the Chechen invasion, the Wahhabis expelled all authorities from their villages and turned them into fortified fortresses. With the help of Chechens and mercenaries, they hoped to withstand the defense from Russian troops and further spread their influence throughout Dagestan.

Therefore, the capture of these villages was a primary task, and it fell to the special forces of the Internal Troops, as the most prepared unit, to solve it. On the night of August 29, 1999, a group under the command of the brigade intelligence chief, Lieutenant Colonel A.L. Sterzhantova, from 60 special forces in two refrigerator trucks, penetrated behind the militants’ lines along mountain roads. His assistant, Major Basurmanov, remained with his commander in this raid, although he had the opportunity not only not to go into battle, but also to go home - his daughter was seriously ill. But he went into battle. This was followed by a forced march through the mountains, a detour and a secret advance to Mount Chaban on the outskirts of Chabanmakhi. With a sudden rush, the detachment occupied the mountain with the militants' relay station located on it without losses, killing the guards. Then the detachment took up a perimeter defense and for 12 hours fought off continuous attacks from a much superior enemy, showing miracles of courage and bravery. Major Basurmanov skillfully led the battle, being in the most dangerous areas, inspiring his subordinates by personal example. In this battle he was mortally wounded in the head by a mine fragment. Risking their lives, the subordinates carried the commander out from under fire, but it was too late. He died from a serious wound the next day.

U By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 25, 1999, Major Sergei Anatolyevich Basurmanov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for the courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus.

Awarded the Order of Courage and medal.

He was buried at the Old Cemetery in the city of Kalach-on-Don, Volgograd Region.

By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 30, 2000, Hero of Russia S.A. Basurmanov is forever included in the lists of personnel of the military unit of the North Caucasus District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Secondary school No. 2 and a street in the city of Kalach-on-Don are named after him.

October 10, 1988 in the village. In Ashukino, Sofrino, near Moscow, on the basis of the 504th training regiment of the Internal Troops, the 21st ObrON operational brigade was formed, which became part of the units of the Internal Troops of the USSR. The reason for the creation of the new part was the increasing incidence of interethnic conflicts that took place in the late 1980s in union republics. Over its almost thirty-year history, the brigade’s personnel took part in hostilities more than once, and also guarded important government facilities.

Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

This branch of the military has existed in the Soviet Union since the late 1930s. The tasks of the Internal Troops included the responsibilities of protecting important government facilities and maintaining public safety. In the 1990s, dozens of paramilitary units were divided into territorial basis former republics.

They acquired the status of official explosives only in 1992, when the corresponding law was adopted by the president. During the first and second Chechen wars, the brigades internal troops were involved in guiding constitutional order to zones of local armed conflicts. The Sofrin brigade was no exception. In combat conditions, the brigade personnel showed courage and bravery. Many of the guys were awarded high awards, some posthumously.

History of the Sofrinsky Brigade

Two months after the establishment of military unit 3641, in December 1988, the first oath of conscripts took place, and already in February 1989, the personnel were transferred to Azerbaijan. Thus began the path of glory of the Sofrino brigade; military personnel participated in all serious conflicts that took place on the territory of the Russian Federation or the CIS from the late 1980s to the present day. Particularly frequent visits took place in the early to mid-1990s, when violent clashes for independence took place in almost all former republics.

Today, the brigade provides assistance to internal affairs bodies during rallies, sports competitions, and protects strategic military and medical facilities. Military personnel regularly patrol railway stations and have the right to detain suspicious persons. At the same time, in the event of an emergency, personnel are always ready to quickly respond and relocate to any point.

Participation in military conflicts

Over the course of two years (from 1989 to 1991), the 21st Sofrin brigade visited Georgia, where it held back an angry crowd during street rallies near Gruzteleradio, Uzbekistan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Dagestan, North Ossetia, and Armenia. Started in 1995 Chechen war The unit's personnel regularly took part in the liberation of the republic from radical Islamists. With the participation of the explosives, several districts of the city were recaptured. The history of the brigade's glory included a battle where 34 servicemen were able to repel an enemy that outnumbered them several times.

After the end of the first Chechen war, the brigade was stationed in Dagestan, where it maintained law enforcement and escorted columns of military equipment. From 1999 to 2003 soldiers of the Sofrino unit were on the territory of Chechnya. After the liberation of Grozny, for several more years they participated in the liquidation of the remnants of terrorist groups.

At the end of the 1990s, the Sofrinsky brigade, as part of the Northern Joint Group of Forces, carried out special operations in many populated areas of Chechnya. Thus, Urus-Martan was liberated from terrorists. The personnel of the unit enjoyed fame not only among the Russian troops, but also among the terrorists who tried not to get involved with the Sofrinites.

Goals and objectives

The many years of military experience of the 21st Obron VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were not in vain. Today this part is considered one of the most prepared in terms of solving important state tasks. The main tasks of the explosives are:

  • security internal security the state and its interests;
  • implementation of public security during mass events or in places of conflict;
  • protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens from criminal attacks.

The internal troops have a good technical base, allowing them to respond quickly and efficiently if necessary. Armored vehicles and aircraft are at the disposal of the VV sea ​​vessels and motor vehicles. Since the 1990s, the troops have had their own intelligence service, following the example of the army.

Heroes and awards parts

Over the 29 years of its existence, 109 people were killed and more than 500 were injured. The most tragic and at the same time heroic moment in the history of the brigade was the unequal battle near Bald Mountain in Chechnya. The special forces bravely withstood the onslaught of the enemy, who was much superior in numbers, for 5 hours. The detachment was able to complete the task, but when retreating it was forced to draw fire on itself. To this day, the military merits of the Sofrin brigade in Chechnya are honored and remembered. Every year, memorial rallies are held on the territory of the unit with the laying of flowers at the monument dedicated to fallen soldiers.

One of the servicemen of the Sofrinsky brigade, Oleg Babak, was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union posthumously. He died in Azerbaijan, fulfilling his duty as an officer to the last. On April 7, 1991, together with a group of military personnel, he went to the village of Yukhary Dzhibikily, where a local resident was killed. Upon arrival at the scene, the detachment was surrounded by Armenian militants. Babak did not lose his head and fired back until his death. Thanks to his heroic actions, his fellow soldiers and civilians survived. In 2012, a monument to Oleg Babak was unveiled at the Ashukinskaya station in the Moscow region.


Despite the well-deserved fame of the Sofrinskaya brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, scandals have not escaped it. In 2002, at the Sofrino station, two special forces soldiers serving in military unit 3641 got into a bloody fight with the seller of a commercial stall. As a result, two people died and one was injured. Opinions about this incident differed in the opposite direction. The unit claimed that the soldiers were provoked into a fight civilians, while the media reported that the enraged military tried to forcefully take a bottle of vodka from the seller.

It is known that that evening several officers and soldiers who served in the war in Chechnya and other hot spots celebrated the birthday of one of their colleagues. And at night, in an army truck, they went to a neighboring village to buy alcoholic beverages. According to one of the guards, drunken servicemen began to pester the girl-seller, and a verbal altercation and fight ensued. Then the guard pulled out a rifle and shot first in the air and then at the officers. One died on the spot, the other was seriously injured. As the special forces fled in a hurry, another soldier was crushed by a truck. The security guard was detained that same night, and a criminal case was opened. And the unit underwent serious disciplinary checks.


Today, the separate operational brigade 21 includes: three battalions, a reconnaissance company and other additional units. For a soldier, getting here is considered an honor. There was an opinion about it as one of the safest units and devoid of signs of hazing.

Service is based on general principles specified in Art. 37 “Law on military duty" Soldiers of the Sofrinsky brigade undergo combat training, participate in exercises and perform work on the internal support of the unit. Since the unit has recently become part of the National Guard, there are some differences in the assigned outfits.

Soldiers live in barracks designed for 70 people. Each conscript has his own sleeping place and bedside table. Once a week the unit holds a bath day. On the territory of a paramilitary institution there is medical unit. However, in case of complex illnesses or injuries, soldiers are transported to nearby hospitals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Information for parents of conscripts

As of 2017, the military unit established a monthly allowance of 1,100 rubles. Such small numbers are due to the fact that part of it is financed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and not from the Ministry of Defense. Every serviceman has the right to receive parcels from relatives or friends. Mailing address Sofrinskaya brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: 41250, Moscow region, village. Ashukino, st. Lesnaya, 1a, military unit 3642 and the soldier’s full name.

Wearing personal mobile phones prohibited; you can contact the conscript through the company command or officers who are allowed to carry a telephone. You can only arrive on a date on Saturday before lunch; the schedule is drawn up in advance. During your visit, you can donate necessary household items and food, with the exception of perishable items.

Driving directions

Military unit 3641 is located 55 km from Moscow, you can get there from the Yaroslavsky station by train or from the station. m. "VDNKh" by bus No. 388 with a transfer to the stop. "Sofrinsky Bridge" to minibus No. 48. There is no parking for civilian cars near the part, so it is better to leave cars in the village.

A meeting with a conscript lasts several hours; there are no hotels in Ashukino, so if it is impossible to go to Moscow, you can stay overnight in nearby populated areas: Mogiltsy, Sofrino-1 or Sergiev Posad.

The Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation have always been on the front line, participating in the resolution of many conflicts both on the territory of Russia and in neighboring states. The Sofrin brigade has a special position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs; it is considered one of the best in terms of combat training. The personnel earned the trust of the authorities back in 1993, when the command of the unit flatly refused to storm the building Supreme Council During the events, officers and soldiers confirmed their loyalty to the oath.

In 2013, an experiment began to staff the 21st operational brigade with contract employees, the goal of which was to create conditions for maintaining troops in constant combat readiness. As planned by the command, the Sofrinsky brigade in the event of armed conflicts was supposed to carry out combined arms combat, as well as be able to navigate and conduct reconnaissance operations in cities and mountainous terrain. Thus, within a year of the experiment, a team of professionals capable of performing the most important combat missions was formed.

Hello, I saw that the first number of this brigade was not accurate, it was 42610, based on a combined detachment stationed in the city of Chirchik, Tashkent region. The described data about the formed detachment in 1980 was called among us “Muslim battalion”; it was outside the territory of the unit and lived in tents .And they were from all over the USSR and there was one criterion...nationality. Also, the battalion that stood in the GDR against the city of ZVAIBRÜKIN in the period of the 70s and before the collapse is not indicated. Three stories from the old brigade))))
1. On Zaitsev’s order, or rather in his favorite words, “I come and am surprised,” he said the following: when driving past the fish factory, he discovered that some fishermen had Lenin, but our brigade didn’t!!! not in order. Well, he gave a hint that there was time until tomorrow, so they allocated 1 baht for the monument, 2 for the pedestal, and the third for the flowerbed))) in general, that’s what happened)) although the next day about 10-15 cars arrived at the checkpoint gate with the prosecutor’s office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the administration. Zaitsev himself went out to them since there was no brigade commander... well, he raised a full combat guard at the checkpoint, placed the first rank of the rest arbitrarily and ordered that any person crossing the white line at the checkpoint should be immediately shot, and added which of the soldiers would be the first to do so and go home to vacation)) in general, there is no better dream for a soldier)) of course everyone left...then I heard from stories that he was called to the district, he was given a strict treatment, and after a couple of months he was given the extraordinary rank of colonel)))
2. The water supply was bad and we just didn’t have time to get to ZIL, in general the old-timers told us to get some water)) so the soldiers went to the city. They wandered around and saw a barrel tied with a chain to a tree, and the inscription KVAS had a great effect on them, more precisely the fact that it is full)). The barrel lost its chain and headed across the river to the steppe))) and in a roundabout way to the brigade. Imagine the surprise of the DC when, when going around, he discovered the drunk part!!! there turned out to be BEER))) and fresh)) )
3. Well, this is directly connected with me, our brigade commander “pioneer” made an unimaginable sports town, we hung ourselves there)) but the only problem is that he said that after building us, everything is done, the asphalt will also be there one of these days, but there is no skating rink..... .in general, leave for the one who “gives birth to this miracle”))) I went to the city. And passing by the newly built kindergarten I saw HIM)))) when I returned to the unit I walked through the “kents” and purely out of friendship asked for help, I was afraid the bride would be taken away)) ) there were about 20 volunteers. I went to the DC and explained the situation... more precisely, that it was all on the orders of the brigade commander, he said I don’t know anything and I don’t see anything, then behind the car)) in general, they carefully tied up the guard with the karamultuk and loaded the roller onto Zila. But that’s the problem due to the weight in front of the truck, it came off almost from the ground, well, they solved the problem quite radically)) some on the cool, some on the hood)) can you imagine Zil is driving and 20 of his people stuck to the front))) well, in the unit a guy with a spray gun was already waiting for us who caused it has an inverter number, as well as the part number. "Pioneer" liked to throw the car behind the part and catch vigilance through the guardhouse))) and some of them knew that night and the skating rink was in a visible place)) When he saw it, it was probably minutes 10-15 walked around and along)) touched the paint, ehh it’s not dry yet))) the boys push me in the side saying go, I carefully approach and then he sees my maneuver, responds to me, I run up, they report and he’s like, so what? start???I say, yes. He-Start!!I start, smiles.Does he even drive??I say, of course!!In general, he takes me by the sleeve, let's go HR department, and I get the treasured leave for marriage)))) Here they are funny incidents were))) Thank you

A werewolf soldier from the 22nd Special Forces Brigade of the GRU of Russia, Maxim Apanasov, has been identified, who holds a contract in Russian army with service in the “special forces of the GRU DPR.”

During its activity, the international intelligence community InformNapalm has repeatedly recorded units and individual military personnel from the special forces brigades of the Main Command in eastern Ukraine. intelligence agency General Staff Armed Forces Russian Federation. The 22nd BrSpN (military unit 11659, stationed in Stepnoy, Rostov region) also appeared several times in our publications, including a trio of servicemen from this unit who left memorable photographs of the Luhansk People’s Friendship Park and the local zoo, as well as contract soldier Sergei Medvedev, who boasted two medals for Donbass and a vacation in Nicaragua.

It's time to name the next werewolf - the so-called action movie. special forces of the GRU "DPR", a member of the "Union of Donbass Volunteers", and in fact - an active contract soldier of the 22nd special forces brigade of the GRU of the Russian army.

While studying the social page of one of the Russian servicemen, a certain Maxim Palestin was discovered among his friends. During an in-depth analysis of the latter’s social profile, we managed to collect some rather interesting information about him.

Apanasov Maxim Vitalievich

Date of birth: 09/20/1989.

Registered at the address: Rostov region, Bataysk, st. Mayakovsky, 22.
Tel.: +79044444873, +79081777663. Email: [email protected]. Passport series 6012, number 022479, issued 07/30/2011.

Since the second half of 2016, the content of Apanasov’s photo album has changed noticeably - photographs appear in it indicating that he belongs to the Russian army, including: a photograph in a uniform with a sleeve chevron of the Russian army, a chest patch with his surname and a buttonhole of the Airborne Forces/SpN, again - a photograph the flag of the 22nd BrSpN, which we wrote about above, and a photograph taken in the barracks of the native military unit, in the uniform of the Russian Armed Forces, with the sleeve chevron of the 22nd special forces brigade and an award bar.

Among the latest photographs of M. Apanasov is a photograph uploaded in February 2017 and, apparently, inspired by nostalgia for Donbass: on board the “August” armored personnel carrier with a comment from the person involved « November 2014, fashchevka, under Debaltseva« .

Note: We should pay tribute to the Ukrainian volunteers who added Maxim Apanasov to the database back in 2015. The first entry about him appeared on the website of the Myrotvorets center on June 4, 2015. In it, our person involved is listed as a Russian mercenary, an illegal armed group militant. This is understandable - by that time Apanasov strictly adhered to the legend: he pretended to be a militant, gave interviews in this capacity, and even posted a recording from “Peacemaker” on his page.

In addition to photographs from social networks, “Peacemaker” presented (see Apanasov-anketa) an interesting selection of documents with M. Apanasov’s personal data: the registration card of a member of the Interregional public organization“Union of Donbass Volunteers” and a questionnaire.

  • Information on the composition and armament of the 22nd OBRSpN

    22nd separate guards special purpose brigade, military unit 11659 (Bataysk and Stepnoy village, Rostov region). Organizational structure: brigade control, 1st Special Forces detachment (1, 2 and 3rd Special Forces companies), 2nd Special Forces detachment (4, 5 and 6th Special Forces companies), 3rd Special Forces detachment (7, 8 and 9- I company of the Special Forces), 4th detachment of the Special Forces (10, 11 and 12th companies of the Special Forces), 5th training detachment of the Special Forces (Krasnaya Polyana village, Krasnodar region), 6th special radio communications detachment (two companies), school of junior specialists (1st and 2nd training companies, Bataysk), special weapons company (including UAV platoon), company material support, company technical support, security and escort company. Armament: 25 units. BTR-80/82, 11 units. BMP-2, 12 units. GAZ-233014 STS “Tiger”, 20 units. KamAZ-63968 “Typhoon”.

The material for publication was prepared on the basis of our own OSINT investigation.