Issue child allowances in the MFC documents. Apply for child support at the MFC

Future parents should find out even before the baby is born, what they rely on. Previously, registration was carried out in the authorities social protection and had to collect a large number of documents in various instances and long wait in line at the reception.

Since 2017, the procedure for receiving benefits has changed. You can arrange it. Thus, the procedure is greatly simplified, and citizens can save time.

What is the procedure for applying for child support?

Initially, parents should find out if it is available to complete the registration procedure. To this end, citizens are required to make or visit an institution on their own.

If there is an appropriate service, you need to do it to a specialist. Also, customers have the opportunity directly in the center get a ticket in line. Visitors must wait for your number to be announced on the scoreboard, and then go to the desired employee of the institution.

Actions in the absence of a service in the organization?

If the required registration service is not provided at the MFC at the location, this can be done at another branch.

Before contacting the organization, it is worth clarifying what services it provides in order to reduce time costs.

Preparation of a package of documents for child benefits

Before contacting higher authorities Citizens must collect documents:

  • an application addressed to the head, which is drawn up according to the model;
  • or passport if the child is over 13 years old;
  • a certificate containing information on family income for the last three months;
  • certificates confirming the identity of the parents;
  • a certificate of completion of training for those children who have reached the age of 16.

Child allowance is paid for children whose age is does not exceed 16 years. Payments will be extended if he has not completed the training. After submitting documents to Multifunctional Center, an employee of the organization issues a receipt for their acceptance and advises citizens on issues related to the calculation of payments.

Amount of child benefit payments

The amount of benefits is determined depending on the region where clients live. Payments are made every quarter. On average, in Russia they receive 300 rubles monthly. It is noteworthy that the amount must be equal to or less than the subsistence level. It can be calculated using the following formula:

Important information: To school through the MFC for 2018-2019

SD = D / H / T

D - the total income of parents for a specific period, determined by the place of residence.

H - the number of family members in accordance with the information in the certificate.

T - the number of months during which payments will be made.

In certain cases, the size state aid can increase for the following categories of citizens:

  • poor families;
  • single mothers when providing the relevant certificate;
  • disabled persons with a certificate;
  • large families;
  • military families.

Is there an allowance for children under the age of 1.5 years?

In Russia, a child care allowance is paid every month until it reaches one and a half years. It relies on all categories of families, regardless of income, employment and other characteristics. Its registration can be carried out at the department of social protection of the population or at the MFC.

The payout cannot be higher. 17 thousand 990 rubles regardless of the income of family members. When one of the parents cares for several children who have not reached the age of one and a half years, due payments will be summed up. In such a situation, they cannot be more than the total family income.

Required documents

Employed parents must prepare documents: an application, which is drawn up according to the model; ; ; certificate confirming income for the last three months. Students and non-employed persons must provide the following documents:

  • high school diploma or diploma of education received;
  • certificate of admission to the labor exchange or training at a university.

Important information: Maternal capital through the MFC

Registration for large families

Multifunctional centers individually calculate the accrual procedure social assistance, put large families. The region of residence is taken into account. Basically, the amount of the payment is equal to the living wage.

When applying for state assistance of this type, it is necessary to clarify the information with an employee of the center in order to find out what the method of accrual will be and what documents need to be prepared.

Third child allowance

Families in which a third and next child, have the ability to issue lump sum payment. This service is available to one parent who is officially employed. This year the payout is 16 thousand 350 rubles.

When applying to higher authorities, you should fill out an application addressed to the head of the company and provide the following documents:

  • passport and its copy; on which social assistance is issued;

After ten business days from the moment the clients apply, they should begin to make payments.

Actions in case of refusal

Monthly benefits are available to all parents and legal guardians, regardless of the nature of employment and the type of social assistance. However, there are situations in which citizens may be refused. They need to know exactly what to do in such cases.

Only those clients whose profit level is more than the subsistence minimum, depending on the place of registration, have grounds to refuse to assign payments.

At the same time, until 2001, the procedure had no restrictions and was available to absolutely all families in Russia, but the conditions changed after the introduction of new legislative requirements.

If parents have been denied services, they must without fail demand a written justification from the MFC, which indicates the specific reasons for the refusal.

Important information: Divorce through the MFC

If employees have not fulfilled this condition or refused to fulfill it, citizens have the right to file a complaint, appeal to the prosecutor's office or court to protect their rights.


After reviewing the information provided, we can conclude that this year social assistance, regardless of its type, is available to be issued in specialized institutions.

Applying to the multifunctional center greatly simplifies the procedure, since you do not need to stand in line for a long time and present a large number of documents. Pre-citizens can also regarding the procedure for its payment.

If you need help of a reference and legal nature (you difficult case, and you don’t know how to draw up documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses at all), then we offer a free legal advice: (round the clock, seven days a week):

  • MOSCOW and MO: +7 499 93-840-69
  • SAINT PETERSBURG and LO: +7 812 425-14-34 -
  • REGIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: 8 800 350-84-13 - ext. 638

For the convenience of applying for social assistance throughout the territory Russian Federation multifunctional service centers were created. This approach provides for the simplification of the procedure for the population to submit documents. The applicant can get advice on all necessary issues at the MFC for registration child allowance and submit Required documents. The employees of the center themselves transfer all the data to the organization that will accrue the funds.

State aid definition

Child benefit is considered state subsidy from the country's budget, intended for material support of motherhood. If a woman is an insured person, then the payment is made by the Social Insurance Fund.

All types of material financing are carried out in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law, which determines the amount of payments, terms of provision and categories of the population.

The procedure is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 81 “On state benefits citizens with children.

The accrued allowance is paid every month. The exception is the maternity allowance. It is paid as a one-time payment. Its size is calculated according to the age of the woman in labor, the number of babies born in the family and the place of residence.

Benefit types

The procedure for granting child subsidies is reviewed annually. Starting from February 1 of the current year, all accrued amounts are indexed. The amount depends on the type of assistance provided. All benefits providing for the care of children are divided into such categories:

The amount of the payment at the birth of the first child in the family differs from the amounts accrued for the second and subsequent baby.

Eligibility for payments

Only certain categories of citizens can apply to the MFC to apply for a child benefit. Assistance applicants are:

  • low-income citizens;
  • families with unemployed members.

The calculation of insufficient income is based on the subsistence minimum established during the period of granting the benefit. Each region has its own size.

Applying for child benefits through the MFC can be carried out:

If the applicant is unable to personally apply for child support, this function is performed by his representative. In this case, it is required to notarized power of attorney. This situation may arise for citizens who issue child benefits not at the place of registration, but at actual place residence.

To apply for a childbirth allowance at the MFC, preliminarily you will need to do the following:

  • register the baby where one of the parents is registered;
  • determine the nearest service center to the place of residence;
  • get a preliminary telephone consultation on the provision of services;
  • make an appointment with a ticket or an electronic queue;
  • prepare the required documents for receiving state subsidies.

List of required documents

Documents are accepted after the applicant fills out the form according to the provided sample. After that, the center employee takes the required documents. In return, the applicant receives a receipt of acceptance of papers from registration number and date of submission.

The multifunctional center is an intermediary institution between citizens and government agencies. Therefore, the assignment of state aid may take a little longer than sending documents directly to the authorities. social security.

Before receiving a payment, the applicant needs to know what documents are needed for benefits at the MFC. Decor government payments providing for the care of a child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, is the same for all age categories. Only the package of documents may differ.

Documents for this type of benefit are accepted from all families, regardless of the fact of employment. They provide the following list:

  • documents certifying the citizenship of both parents, together with copies;
  • certificate of family composition and marriage certificate;
  • certificate certifying the birth of the baby, with a copy;
  • application for benefits at the MFC;
  • bank statement with the recipient's account number and details;
  • certificate of income of each working family member for three months;
  • a certificate from the employment service from an unemployed parent or from the place of study, if studying in educational institution;

A sample to fill out is in the multifunctional center along with the forms. If the applicant does not understand how the application is filled out, the consultation is provided by an employee of the institution.

Making child payments through the MFC is especially convenient for young mothers, as it saves their personal time. For the speed of the process, you should perform such recommendations:

Reasons for rejection

Although receiving child benefits through the MFC is absolutely legal, some families may be denied benefits. Failure cases are possible for the following reasons:

  • if the applicant provided false information about family members, including their income;
  • in the absence of all required documents;
  • provision by the applicant of fictitious certificates for receiving benefits;
  • when the recipient loses the right to payments;
  • after 6 months from the date of birth of the baby;
  • if the average monthly total family income exceeds living wage in the region where the applicant lives;
  • when a newborn is on full state support;
  • upon deprivation of the right to raise a child.

If there is confidence in the illegality of the refusal by the social security authorities, you can write a written statement addressed to the head of the institution with a request to explain the reason for the refusal. Next with this written explanation The decision of the social institution is subject to appeal in court or the prosecutor's office.

Termination of an already assigned payment may occur in such circumstances:

  • upon detection of the fact of forgery of documents;
  • when traveling abroad permanent place residence;
  • when transferring a child to state support;
  • at the end of the payment period;
  • when depriving the applicant of the rights to the child;
  • with the official employment of the applicant;
  • when registering the beneficiary of the allowance at the employment service;
  • in the event of the death of the applicant or the child.

If the question arises whether it is possible to apply for child allowance at the MFC, the applicant must be sure that he has legal grounds for the payment of all subsidies provided for by the current legislation.

If you need help of a reference and legal nature (you have a difficult case and you don’t know how to draw up documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses at all), then we offer free legal advice: (round the clock, seven days a week).

Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old can be easily issued at any MFC in your city. All you need is to collect the necessary package of documents. Unfortunately, at one time I could not find up-to-date information on the MFC website or get help by phone. So I am sharing with you the list of documents that the manager provided for consultations at the MFC.

Documents for registration of allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years

The list of requested documents is quite impressive.

1. Application for grant public service. Filled in on the spot.

2. Consent to the processing of personal data. Two forms, one filled out by the father, the other by the mother as the legal representative of the child.

2. Passports of parents and their photocopies. Copies of sheets with personal data are taken, with all registration stamps and marriage registration.

3. Birth certificate of the child and its photocopy.

4. Account details with Sberbank in the region where you plan to receive benefits.

5. Certificate of family composition (done by the passport officer).

6. Employment book for review and copies of pages, or only a duly certified copy.

7. Certificate from the place of work stating that mom (dad) does not use the specified leave and does not receive benefits. This reference provided by the applicant if she or he has worked since the birth of the child.

8. If dad was officially employed or works to this day, you must provide a copy of his work book.

9. Document confirming the status individuals acting as individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, other individuals, professional activity which is subject to state registration or licensing. Copy and original for viewing or certified copy.

9. SNILS of all family members. For example: mother, father and child. Originals.

10. Information about the lack of registration in territorial bodies of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation as an insured and on non-receipt of a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child at the expense of compulsory social insurance. The original is taken to the FSS by an individual entrepreneur.

After the package of documents is collected, it must be given to the manager at the MFC. The processing time for an application is approximately two weeks. After this period, the applicant will receive an SMS with a positive or negative decision on the phone number indicated in the application. They can refuse if something is wrong with the documents. In this case, you will need to come to the MFC branch and retake the documents.

developed in Russia financial assistance system child support is no exception. But the conditions and requirements for families to apply for state support are not known to most citizens. What documents should be collected to receive assistance depends on the status of the child and the whole family.

Child benefit is material payments from the state to maintain financial position families with one or more children.

Accruals are provided only for certain citizens - the social status of the family, the age of the child, as well as the inability to earn money on their own are taken into account.

The money is transferred from public funds or from a fund. The rules for calculating and calculating payments are stated in Law No. 225-FZ of July 21, 2014.

Calculation of the amount of child allowance is carried out individually for each category of citizens and age of the child. To a greater extent, payments depend on the economic situation of the region in which the family lives.

Financing of regional funds from public funds. This is carried out in cases where the financial and economic situation of the region is unstable and cannot allocate cash to support low-income families.

Full list of documents

Child benefits in Russia are divided into lump sum And regular. You can issue them by submitting the relevant documentary documents to the local administration - often this is the Department of Social Protection of the Population (Sobes). The list of documents directly depends on the category of the family and the type of material assistance.

Full-time students

All student payments are made at the educational institution after the birth of the child, taking into account the provision following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - valid at the time of application;
  • statements;
  • sick leave from antenatal clinic;
  • certificates from the Employment Center on the lack of employment at the time of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • child's birth certificates.

If the father of the born baby is also a student, he needs to take a certificate from the educational institution about the absence of accruals received. The certificate is provided by the student to the dean's office along with the above list.

For women registered with the Employment Service due to the liquidation of the enterprise and the reduction

IN this case woman should contact the Department of Social Protection of the Population with next package:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • an extract from the antenatal clinic on registration;
  • work book (the document indicates the relevant article of the Labor Code);
  • a certificate from the Employment Center on registration as unemployed due to the liquidation of an enterprise or a reduction in staff.

In the Department of Social Protection of the Population, an appropriate application is written for receiving payments in accordance with the form - often a ready-made form is simply filled out.

In this case, it means mandatory lump sum payment for the birth of a child, intended for all women in Russia.

The package is collected for submission to the employer's accounting department if a woman is employed or to the Social Security Administration. working woman need to cook:

  • application for payment;
  • a certificate in the form F-24 - take it at the registry office after the birth of the baby;
  • act of registration of the birth of a person - a copy and original are provided;
  • a certificate of the absence of payment of funds in the name of the father - they take it from the dean's office, provided that the father is a student, or from the company's accounting department in case of employment;
  • originals and copies of passports of both parents.

If a woman does not work, but the father is employed, he provides all of the above to the accounting department at the place of employment. If both parents are officially unemployed, then the documents are submitted to the social security department. Here must submit:

  • statement;
  • certificate received in the maternity hospital;
  • pension certificates of both parents;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • employment records confirming the absence of employment on this moment;
  • an extract from the Employment Center on inclusion in the list of unemployed citizens;
  • copies and originals of the passport.

When applying Social worker may require a statement of previously uncollected payments for a newborn to the mother and father. To do this, you will have to go to the social security authority (often this is a separate office in the Social Security Administration) and take certificates on presentation of a passport and an act of registration of a newborn. Both parents do this.

If a woman is officially employed, she needs to contact the accounting department or the personnel department of the enterprise with the collected:

  • application addressed to the head of the grant maternity leave and accrual of payments for child care;
  • a copy and original of the act of registration of the newborn;
  • a copy of the woman's passport;
  • a certificate from the father's place of work on the absence of formalized leave and money transfers for the care of a newborn, issued in his name.

If both parents are unemployed, they need to contact the Social Security Administration with documents:

  • statement;
  • extract from work books(they can be presented in the original);
  • a copy of the dismissal order - must be attached if the mother was fired after the birth of the child;
  • calculation of benefits received for pregnancy and childbirth - if they are received from the enterprise during the period of employment;
  • calculation of average earnings - certificate of income for Last year employment (obtained from the enterprise in case of dismissal after childbirth);
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • copies and originals of passports.

If both parents were unemployed at the time of the woman's pregnancy, payments are processed in the standard lump sum application process described above.

Until the age of 14, 16 and 18

To receive such payments, you need to apply only to the Department of Social Security. Provided here:

  • statement;
  • stamped passport permanent registration at the place of application;
  • act of registration of a newborn in the registry office;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • certificate of income received for the last 12 months - if the applicant is not working;
  • certificate of income in the presence of employment in the form 2-NDFL.

These benefits can be all citizens of Russia- parents and guardians. In the absence of an act on the registration of a newborn, a document on the appointment of guardianship is provided.

Military wives can receive increased child benefits. You can receive payments by submitting to the Department of Social Security:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the marriage registration certificate;
  • an extract on observation during pregnancy in the antenatal clinic;
  • an extract from the husband's service from the military unit;
  • a copy of the woman's passport.

When reissuing

Reissuance of the type of child benefit occurs in the event of a change in the status of the family, the child reaches a certain age and other situations. For re-registration, they also contact the employees of the Social Security Administration with certificates:

  • the applicant's passport;
  • copies of passports of family members;
  • birth registration certificates for all minor children;
  • marriage certificate;
  • income statements for those family members who are officially employed at the time of registration of social charges;
  • an extract on the composition of the family;
  • work books.

If a woman is widowed and is reissuing benefits to receive payments due to single mothers and survivors, she must bring a certificate of death of the baby's father.

Obtaining procedure

The procedure for obtaining child benefit is not complicated, since the above information is basic. If you collect everything in a timely manner said documents for specific cases, processing payments will take no more than one day.

Often, it is enough to simply submit documents and sign the relevant papers, which will be issued for signature by a civil servant in the Social Security Administration or an accounting employee at the place of employment. Application forms are also ready - they are simply filled in on the spot, although there are exceptions.

After submitting the application, the received certificates are processed - their authenticity is checked. If there are violations or fraud, payment of benefits will be delayed until the clarification of the circumstances and the causes is corrected.

You can receive the listed types of child benefits if you apply in the first year after the birth of the child. Payments will be calculated for the entire period from the birth of a minor.

Exists fixed date transfer of all types of benefits. Applicants receive funds on social cards of Sberbank on the appointed day. If payments are applied for later, on the day of transfer of funds, applicants will receive the entire due amount immediately.

For example, accruals for care up to 1.5 years. A woman could apply to the Social Security Administration only 3 months after birth. After submitting the documents, payments for all 4 months will be transferred to her at once.

Features for MFC and other ways

You can currently apply for child support through the MFC and the social security website in in electronic format . The procedure for registration through the MFC is no different from applying to civil servants of the department. The same documents as listed above are provided. The only difference lies in duration of consideration of documents.

The MFC is an intermediary, so you have to wait at least 14 days until the documents are handed over to their destination, reviewed by the social security and all orders are drawn up. You can find out about the decision at the MFC immediately after they receive copies of orders for the calculation of payments. Funds will be transferred on the day approved by the region.

To apply through the social security website is to go to the official portal of the State Service Here the corresponding form is filled out, it is necessary to enter all the data of the documents.

After it turns out notification of accepted application on email the applicant. Then you just have to wait for the information to be considered. If there are questions, the applicant may be contacted by the Department of Social Security and set a date for the visit, providing the originals of all documents.

You should not refuse state assistance. Often, even small amounts of money are turned down very handy in the current difficult financial situation.

For more information on benefits, see this video.


The amount of the federal one-time allowance for the birth of a child in 2019 is 17,479.73 rubles. In Moscow, it can be obtained by citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners, refugees and stateless persons who have a place of residence (stay) in the city, regardless of the order of birth of children and whether they are employed or not. To apply for the allowance, you need to submit an application and documents within six months after the birth of the child.

You can make a payment at the place of work (service) or in social protection(for citizens who are not subject to insurance) - in this case, you need to contact the multifunctional center. In addition, to obtain it, some .

The amount of a one-time allowance for the birth of a child in 2019

One-time allowance at the birth of a child, according to Art. 11 of Law 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, paid after every birth, regardless of whether the person applying for it is employed or not, and how the child was born in a row. From February 1, 2019, the amount of the benefit is 17479.73 rubles.


When born at the same time some children, the allowance is provided for each of them. If a child is born dead, then the payment not provided. When divorce the birth allowance is issued by the parent with whom child lives. The benefit is only provided alone from parents (adoptive parents, guardians), issue it twice for one child it is forbidden.

The payment is indexed annually. The change in its value is shown in the diagram (the amount is indicated in rubles).

The growth of the lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child in Moscow

How to get an allowance?

For a one-time allowance for the birth of a child they have a right the following persons residing in the city of Moscow:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • foreign citizens and stateless persons;
  • refugees.

To receive benefits, you must complete the following: conditions:

  • persons entitled to the payment must be the parents (adoptive parents or guardians) of the born child (children);
  • persons applying for benefits and the child (children) must have in Moscow:
    • location;
    • place of stay;
    • place of actual residence;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation must live on Russian territory, and foreigners and stateless persons - constantly live in Russia.


You can apply for benefits within 6 months from the date of birth (adoption, establishment of guardianship).

Apply Later possible, if it was not provided within the specified period by good reasons, established in the list of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 74 of January 31, 2007. These include:

  1. Emergencies (hurricane, fire, flood, earthquake, etc.).
  2. Long-term temporary disability due to illness (injury) lasting more than 6 months.
  3. Moving to another locality, change of location.
  4. Forced absenteeism illegal dismissal or removal.
  5. Damage to the health or death of a close relative.
Other reasons may be recognized as valid in court.

Where to apply for a payment?

To apply for a one-time allowance for the birth of a child in Moscow, you need to submit an application and the necessary ones at the place of work (service) or to a multifunctional center if it is issued by the social security authorities.

apply at the MFC Can:

  • personally (or through a representative) on a first-come, first-served basis;
  • signing up by phone;
  • by signing up through the portal on the website of the Mayor of Moscow.


Through the multifunctional center, the allowance is issued if both parents (adoptive parents or guardians) do not work (serve) officially, or are not subject to insurance for other reasons.

When accepting documents, refuse, If:

  1. The submitted documents are no longer valid.
  2. An incomplete list has been provided.
  3. Provided documents and application authorised representative the person entitled to the payment.

In the appointment of the allowance will denied, When:

  1. The applicant is not entitled to benefits.
  2. The application and documents were submitted with non-compliance with the established requirements.
  3. The payment has already been made.
  4. The documents provided have expired.
  5. The submitted list contains false and/or contradictory information.
  6. The documents and information received from other departments differ from the documents and information provided by the applicant.
  7. An incomplete list of documents has been provided.

At the place of work (service) a one-time payment at the birth of a child faces:

  • officially employed;
  • being civilian personnel military formations of the Russian Federation that are outside the country;
  • serving:
    • by contract;
    • in the internal affairs bodies;
    • troops of the National Guard;
    • fire service;
    • institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system;
    • drug control authorities;
    • customs authorities;
  • dismissed due to the withdrawal of troops, the redeployment of military units, the expiration employment contract V military units outside the Russian Federation or due to the transfer of the husband from such units to the territory of Russia.

In social protection Moscow allowance is issued by persons:

  • not officially employed;
  • undergoing full-time training (paid or free) in organizations higher education, professional educational organizations(including additional professional education) and scientific organizations;
  • individual entrepreneurs (IEs), notaries, lawyers and other persons whose activities must be registered or licensed.


If the payment is provided at the place of work (service), then it is assigned and paid in within 10 days from the moment of application. If the benefit is issued through social security, then it is assigned within 10 days and paid no later than 26th of next month.

What documents are needed?

To apply for a one-time allowance for the birth of a child on the official place of work or service, you need provide:

  • application (you can see an example of filling out the link);
  • Russian passport or residence permit;
  • certificate of birth of the child (children) or other document confirming the birth (if issued abroad);
  • certificate(s) of birth;
  • a certificate from the place of work (service) or from the social security of the second parent (adoptive parent) that they did not receive the payment.

Depending on the situation, the list must be clarified with the employer.
To apply for a lump sum birth allowance at the MFC necessary provide:

  1. Statement.
  2. Passport of the Russian Federation or residence permit of the applicant.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a residence permit of the second parent (certified copy).
  4. Birth certificate of a child or children (original) - if the registration was not made in Moscow, or another document proving the birth, if issued by a foreign state.
  5. Birth certificate - if registration was carried out outside Moscow.
  6. A document with information about the place of residence (stay) of the child in Moscow (certified copy) - if the MFC does not charge payments for housing or public utilities and does not transfer documents for registration and withdrawal from it. If the child lives in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts, then the document is required.

In some cases, regardless of where the lump sum is issued, it may be necessary to additional documents . Their list is presented in the table. They are submitted to the employer Always, and the need to provide them to the MFC can be found at the link on the portal of the website of the Mayor of Moscow.

Happening Document
The identity document of the applicant and the second parent does not contain information about the place of residence (residence) in Moscow Document with information about the place of residence or stay in Moscow
The child is in care
  • decision to establish guardianship (extract from it);
  • foster family contract (if any)
The child is adopted A court decision on adoption or adoption that has entered into force ( certified copy) or an adoption certificate
Contacted by single parent One of the following documents:
  • birth certificate (form 25);
  • death certificate of the other parent;
  • divorce certificate;
  • a court decision that has entered into force on the recognition of the second parent as missing or on the declaration of death
Parents are divorced Confirmation of cohabitation with the child in the territory of the Russian Federation
Father's eligibility needs to be verified Paternity Establishment Certificate
Draws individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc., or the other parent is one of the indicated persons
  • status confirmation;
  • a certificate from the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) on the absence of registration of the applicant and (or) the second parent in it and on non-receipt of benefits - must be issued no earlier than a month before the application
A legal representative or authorized person is contacting
  • identity card (original);
  • documents confirming the authority. Persons who are not legal representative, providepower of attorney(in simple written form, notarized or equivalent to certified by a notary)
If the full name does not match the data specified in the identity card Document on changing personal data



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