Signing pdf digital signature. How to correctly sign documents with an electronic signature (EDS)? Sending a file for signing

In our age computer technology To certify documents, the so-called electronic digital signature or abbreviated EDS began to be used. However, in this matter, many do not have a clear understanding of why this is necessary, because most are accustomed to working the old fashioned way, signing documents manually. We will discuss later how to sign documents electronically.

digital signature or digital signature?

EDS is a certain object in in electronic format, by which you can immediately identify the person who created it, establish authorship, check the authenticity of the document, etc.

Naturally, visually, an electronic digital signature may look like an ordinary signature in the form of a graphic object inserted into a document. In fact, asymmetric encryption and cryptography algorithms are at work here. The digital signature itself uses private key and a key certificate, which allows you to determine the trusted person and the signature that belongs to him, the integrity of the document and confirmation of the fact of its signing.

Why should you sign documents with digital signature?

Many people are somewhat perplexed about whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to sign documents with an electronic signature. This question can only be answered in the affirmative. For a simplified understanding, let's look at one example.

Let's assume a company represented by general director must draw up a bilateral contract. It is clear that it will have to be visaed in any case, since without this it will not have legal force. But the shipment finished contract, say, by fax turns out to be impossible. When sending by e-mail The graphic format of the scanned document is not welcome, because the signature can be forged. Thus, you have to send the same Word file, but this is the document that must be signed. But how to sign a Word document with an electronic signature? In general, there is nothing particularly difficult about this. Next, we will consider several simple methods for creating digital signatures. For now, let's focus on legal issues.

Do I need to sign electronically signed documents manually?

Many office workers and managers believe that it is necessary to additionally (manually) endorse documents containing digital signatures (so to speak, just in case). Clearly misleading. This is completely optional.

The fact is that when creating a digital signature and certificate, a special agreement is drawn up with a certification center and certified by a notary, and at the stage of generating the certificate, a private key is issued. From a legal point of view, this is confirmation of the owner of the digital signature. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself: secondary sighting is not necessary.

Algorithm for working with digital signature

Let's figure out how to sign a document and see how it all works.

Such processes are based on the creation of a cryptogram that hashes the certified file, determining the owner's data, authorship and data integrity. At the next stage, the created hash is encrypted using a private key, after which either a whole document with digital signature or a separate signature file linked to the document is generated.

The recipient uses public key. Of course, in general outline Most algorithms are very similar to each other. The difference may only appear depending on the type of software used.

How to sign a Word document with an electronic signature using the editor?

Many users do not even realize that digital signatures can be created quite simply even in the office Word editor. How to sign a Word document with an electronic signature? As easy as pie. The actions in different versions of the editor are slightly different, but in general the essence is the same. Let's look at creating a signature using Word 2007 as an example.

So, how do you sign documents electronically using only Word? To do this, after placing the cursor in the place where the signature is supposed to be placed, the insert menu is used, in which the text item is selected. Then you should find the signature line item and set the MS Office signature line.

In the settings dialog box, you need to specify the details of the person signing the document, then select a scan of the original signature, and then enter given name in the box next to the "x" icon. After this, a printed version of the signature will be displayed.

On a tablet with handwriting input, you can sign it yourself. If you need to sign a document on behalf of more than one person, you will need to configure signature fields for each person.

You can do it even simpler by selecting the “Prepare” line in the “Office” button menu, then specify adding a signature, then use the purpose of signing the document, then select a signature, and finally, select the “Sign” item. The signing will be confirmed by a red icon appearing on the panel and an inscription stating that the document contains an electronic signature.

The most popular tools for creating digital signatures

Now let's see what could be the solution to the problem of how to sign a document. For this, it is advisable to use a third-party software.

Among Russian-language software, the most popular and most widespread are the following software packages:

  • "CryptoARM";
  • "Crypto PRO";
  • "CryptoTree".

The first program looks like the simplest, so we will further discuss how to sign documents with an electronic signature using it.

Creation of digital signature using the example of the CryptoARM application

There are two methods to create a digital signature using this application: using the context menu and performing actions through the main interface of the program. For a simpler understanding of the process, we will focus on the first option, especially since the second is almost identical, only the main action is called directly from the program. Let's say you need to digitally sign a Word document.

First, in Explorer, you need to select the document you are interested in and select the “Sign” line in the RMB menu. After this, the “Wizards” window will appear, which will help you perform all further actions. Click the continue button and check if the file is selected. If necessary, you can add several more objects to sign them simultaneously.

Click the “Next” button again and in the next window select the encoding method. In principle, you can not change anything and leave the default settings. In the next step, you can enter additional data (time stamp, visa, etc.). Along the way, you can check the box to save the signature as a separate object (both files will be required when later checking the signature in the document). If you do not check this box, the signature file will be merged with the document.

After continuing, you will need to select a certificate that was issued by the appropriate certification authority (it can be located on external eToken media or registered in the system registry). After this, the remaining parameters can be left unchanged. After completing all the steps, all you have to do is click the “Finish” button.

Note: if a separate file is selected for signing, as a rule, it will be located in the same directory as the original document being signed and will have a SIG extension.

Features of signing PDF, HTML and XML documents

Finally, a few words about other formats. In principle, for PDF documents the steps will be the same, however, due to the specifics of other Adobe programs, it is advisable to separate the signature file from the main document.

A situation is possible when the recipient of a document first wants to familiarize itself with its contents, using the same Acrobat (Reader) for this, and only then begins to check the signature. By the way, some Adobe applications also allow you to sign files using their own standard means.

If you embed a signature in HTML documents when working with thin clients, you will need to click “Sign and Send” in the browser, after which the developer’s script will be activated, generating a string variable with document verification data, which will be entered into a special hidden field, signed and transferred to the server using the POST method. This will be followed by verification of the document and signature, after which a table will be generated on the server with the fields of the signed document itself and its digital signature.

You can sign like regular documents, use the InfoPath Office tool, or create a special tag attribute in the document itself.

Brief summary

Here's a brief summary of how to sign documents electronically. Of course, not all methods that allow such operations were given here, and not all programs for creating digital signatures were considered. However, even according to this brief description You can already understand why an electronic signature is needed, and how all the necessary algorithms basically work.

If you look at some types of software, in particular office programs or the most popular products from Adobe, you can use them too own funds. However, in terms of simplifying work, according to at least, it is better for a novice user to use third-party utilities as an example with “CryptoARM”. It goes without saying that we should not forget about legal side question. Some companies create electronic signatures and certificates on their own, but in the end they are not only invalid, but have no legal force.

Electronic documents, like paper ones, require approval. Unsigned papers will not have legal force and therefore cannot be used in any transactions. You need to know how to sign a digital signature document correctly, then participants in business processes will be able to receive a number of benefits.

Despite the fact that an electronic digital signature is very convenient, not everyone can figure it out. The reason for this is the different document formats that you have to deal with. When signing letters with an electronic signature, you most often encounter files belonging to the Microsoft Office system.

What is digital signature and how to use it

An electronic digital signature should be understood as an object with which you can easily determine authorship and understand who exactly created the document. In addition, using an electronic digital signature, you can determine the integrity of the file and its authenticity. At the same time, file creators need to know how to sign digital signature documents correctly in order to avoid mistakes.

Much here will depend on what type of electronic digital signature is used. By using modern means information protection, it will be possible not only to confirm authorship, but also to clarify the changes that were made to your documents after their final publication.

Signing virtually: work procedure

To sign a document with an electronic digital signature, you will first need to generate general information that will be indicated in it, and then add a signature line and digital signature to it. The file signing algorithm can vary significantly. Here it usually all depends on how exactly the software is used in work. Most often we are talking about documents that are processed in Microsoft Office 2007 edition. To add a signature to these files, you must do the following:

  • place the cursor where you need to sign the document using an electronic digital signature;
  • in the menu, find the “Insert” tab, and in it select “Text”, then find “Signature Line”, then in the drop-down items find “MSOffice Signature Line”;
  • then you need to set up a signature in the dialog box that will immediately appear when you select the above line (you will need to provide information about the person who signs the document);
  • if the document must be signed by several people at once, create a line for each signature, adhering to the points above.

If you need to sign only a line, and not the whole file, you will need to select this line in which the electronic digital signature is entered. To sign a digital signature document, you need to open the “Signature” dialog box, and then perform any of the following actions:

  • select a scanned image of the signature you put on paper documents every day;
  • enter your own name next to the X icon - then you will see a printed version of the digital signature;
  • if you use a tablet, you can put a handwritten signature;
  • if you have special software, you just need to click on the “Sign” button.

It is quite possible to sign an electronic signature with a scan of a document, the main thing is that your signature is clearly visible. It is also possible to create an invisible signature that will not be displayed in the document content. You can see it if you click on the “Signature” line, which is located in the status bar (it is located at the bottom of the screen).

Why an electronic digital signature?

A document signed with an electronic signature has the same legal force, the same as plain paper. Using such documents allows you to save a huge amount of time that you usually have to spend at the post office trying to send all the necessary reports. In addition, you can save money that is spent on printing documentation.

All document signing algorithms are very similar. They were created using the same principle with some modifications. To sign a document that is HTML in format, you will need to create a hidden type field using the appropriate form. Work in a web browser EDS users it will be much easier. The most important thing is to fill it out correctly the required form, and then click “Sign” and “Submit”. After this it will happen automatic sending letters.

If it is necessary to endorse a file in the XML format, signing the document with an electronic digital signature can be performed using the algorithm used for the MSOffice format. If we are talking about working with the XMLdsig format, you will have to use additional programs and the MSInfopath application, which is included in every Office suite.

Cryptographic protection of digital signatures is the key to the security of your reports

To use digital signature to sign documents, you need to acquire special software. The software must perform cryptographic operations that can be used to control the digital certificates issued by the centers. Thus, it is possible to significantly simplify the procedure for approving documents.

It is necessary to select the most optimal program with the help of which it is possible to conduct crypto operations in the territory of the former CIS. In addition to data protection and encryption, such software provides ample opportunities to their owners who wish to sign documents using an electronic digital signature.

The advantages of such software are as follows:

  • Using an electronic digital signature, you can endorse entire packages of documents, as well as archives.
  • It is allowed to use a simple and enhanced digital signature.
  • The owner of the signature has the right to create a primary and additional version; in some cases, a certification version is also used.
  • If you intend to work with MSOffice files, you can also use an invisible electronic signature. If you need to add several signatures at once, you can use two options simultaneously. If only one person signs the file, an invisible signature is used.
  • Special software will allow its owner to add comments along with the signature, as well as adjust the approval date of the file.
  • Limits on signed documents can only be set due to insufficient memory on the computer only.
  • Simultaneous processing of several documents is allowed.

If you know how to put a digital signature on a document, but the file is different from those that were used previously (for example, their format is PDF), you will need to choose a different optimal program. It is important that it can be used to endorse files created in AdobeReader and AdobeAcrobat. Make sure that the program supports all versions.

It is very important to choose the most optimal strategy for signing existing documentation created in electronic format. If you wish, you can consult with specialists - they will help you choose a convenient strategy, but be prepared for the fact that you need to pay for this work.

Digital signature in business

The purpose of signing a document with an electronic signature is its official endorsement. Electronic file, endorsed with an electronic signature, is no different from a paper one, legally it has the same force. Before you start using an electronic digital signature in your actual work, you will need to generate data for the key and certificate.

They will be used to verify the authenticity of the digital signature. The private key will help create an electronic signature. When creating keys and certificates, specialists use cryptographic structures found in the operating systems of all modern computers. The certification authority ensures the correct use of all existing certificates.

You will need to sign a special agreement with the certification center, and the agreement must be officially certified by a notary. Some organizations open their own centers, but in this case EDS of employees the enterprise will not be valid outside its borders. That is why it is necessary to use the services of external certification organizations.

When the EDS certificate is just generated, each employee of the enterprise receives a private key. The procedure for generating keys can be performed using completely different algorithms, the main thing here is to make sure that they are all up-to-date so that there are no complications in the future.

Final stages

After absolutely all the keys and certificates have been created, you will need to install crypto providers. They are usually installed in operating systems, so you will need to check their availability on your computers before installing them. Final registration of keys may only be possible after the final installation of crypto providers.

Next, you need to install software that can work with electronic signatures. In particular, we are talking about Microsoft Office, with which you can already create signed documents. Each computer in the organization must have such software installed. It is desirable that the software be universal, and you can use the most different types signatures.

Now you know how to sign a document with an electronic digital signature, and you can use this to work with your partners. Remember that each digital signature has its own validity period and must be renewed every year. It is necessary to constantly monitor your digital signature. If you sign documents with an invalid signature, you may encounter enormous difficulties. To renew your signature, you will need to contact certification centers, where you will be asked to provide the same papers as when issuing an electronic signature.

IN Lately The information capabilities of the Internet have increased significantly, and need for approval electronic documents, with the help of which certain operations can be carried out.

How to install on a computer

Before you can sign documents remotely, you first need to install a digital signature certificate on your computer, thanks to which it will be possible to visa even serious documents related to financial issues.

To install digital signature on a personal computer, you need to install the CryptoPro program. After installation, you need to launch it by clicking the left mouse button. Next, select the “Service” tab in the window that opens and select “View certificates in the container.”

A new window will appear in which you must select the “Browse” button, when clicked the user will have access to the list of containers. From this list choose the one that will be used for work in the future.

After selecting the container, right-click on it and launch the “Properties” tab. The “Certificate Import Wizard” window will open. Then we move all the selected files into the storage into the “Personal” category.

After the computer imports all the files into the required container, installation of digital signature to the computer will be considered completely completed, and you can start working.

General operating procedure

The rapid spread of digital signatures cannot cause any particular surprise, since in the era of development information technologies the use of electronic documentation has become ubiquitous.

Thanks to the presence of your own signature, you can endorse documents for a wide variety of purposes, and the user receives many advantages when interacting with business partners.

Before you sign a document, you must first create it. This means that certain information is entered into the file, which will form the body of the document and will need to be certified.

As soon as the information is grouped and completely entered, it is necessary to add a signature line and the digital signature itself. The signing algorithm will differ from each other. It all depends on what software is used to work.

How to sign

Let's look in more detail at how to sign a document, depending on what software is used for active work and creating documentation. There are several types of programs that interact with digital signatures and are used to perform any operations and transfer personal information.


This is the most popular program for creating files that require a visa when digital signature assistance. Everything will depend on what version of the program is used:


From time to time it becomes necessary to affix a visa to documents in HTML format. A similar form requires a signature when using government Internet portals to provide certain services (for example, Pension Fund RF

To sign, you will need to go to the portal using the Internet Explorer browser, find the “Sign and Send” function in its menu, decide on the certificate and, following the prompts in the dialog box, click on the “Sign” button.


To sign a document that is in PDF format, you will need to install the CryptoPro PDF plugin on your computer, which was specially designed to work with Adobe Reader version 7.0 and higher. This plugin is freely available on the Internet, and in addition, it is absolutely free.


Documents with the XML extension are most often encountered when working with databases. In some situations, it becomes necessary to endorse a document (for example, if you are dealing with a document relating to statistical data, or information about the accrual wages employees).

To put your signature, you need to press a special key built into the program by default. There is also the option of signing documents in XML format using additional software capabilities that are provided by a number of programs, including CryptoPro ARM and XMLdsig.

Multi-file documents (Rar archives and the like)

Sometimes it may be necessary to sign a large number of documents. In this situation, it is advisable to put an electronic signature on each file separately. If for some reason this operation is not possible, then another option is allowed.

It is necessary to create a so-called document card in a separate text attachment. It should contain all identification data for each document on the list, as well as key hash functions for each file.


The need to sign databases arises only in two cases: if you work with payroll or deal with tax deductions. IN in this case leaving your digital signature will be extremely simple. The program used for the database initially has a built-in button for signing the document. You will need to find it and perform several actions in accordance with the menu prompts.

What to do if the digital signature does not work

Users often encounter a problem when the digital signature does not work and there is no way to certify a document in electronic format. Problems like these are common and there are specific solutions for them.

Let's look at the most common cases of problems with digital signatures:

  1. "Invalid certificate". To get rid of this problem, you will need to install an electronic signature, following the prompts of the Certification Authority.
  2. "The certificate is not trusted". This problem occurs quite often, and to get rid of it, you need to install root certificates Certification authority, which can be found on digital media with digital signature data or on the official Internet portal of the Association of Electronic Free Platforms
  3. “The CryptoPro program has expired”. There is only one solution to this problem - entering a license key. Once this operation is completed, the problem will be resolved and the program will resume working.
  4. « Capicom is not installed or is not working correctly". To cope with this complexity, you will need to download and install Capicom, and then configure the browser according to the instructions provided on trading platforms with whom you plan to interact.
  5. "The container key does not match the certificate key". If this difficulty is identified when working with digital signature, then you will have to carefully check all the containers on your computer. It is possible that the signature was moved, or that the wrong certificate was selected due to a glitch. If the required container is not found, then in this case you will have to make a request to the Certification Center regarding reinstallation and re-issuance of the digital signature.
  6. “There is no certificate selection or no working certificates were found”. This situation is considered one of the most difficult, and an effective solution can be found by installing CA and Capicom root certificates. In addition, you will also have to contact the Certification Authority and obtain additional information regarding the validity period of the certificate.

Cryptoprotection and reliability

The use of digital signatures is becoming increasingly More and more topical issue . In conditions of paperless document flow, key positive characteristics of digital signatures appear, such as a significant increase in the speed of working with documents, an increase in processed documents in quantitative terms, and much more.

However, many users continue to mistrust because they believe that there is a high probability of becoming victims of hackers.

Similar opinion cardinally incorrect. The digital signature operates on the basis of the rules and requirements of cryptographic protection, in which there is a public and secret access key. Available only for those digital signatures that are classified as highly qualified. Their difference lies in the fact that crypto protection has a quality certificate from the FSB of the Russian Federation and it is a priori impossible to encounter fraudulent or hacker actions when using it.

Another important point is the fact that, in accordance with federal regulations, an electronic signature is equal to a regular signature and therefore cryptographic protection must have increased qualification requirements to prevent information leakage into the public domain.

Additional information on the process of signing an electronic signature document is presented in these instructions.

For those who are just starting to get acquainted with electronic document management(EDI), questions arise: why do we need an e-signature, what types of it are available, and how to sign with an electronic signature PDF document or Word.

An electronic digital signature is an online analogue of a handwritten signature. On paper it looks different: it is a set of numbers, a graphic image, for example, printing or text.

The electronic signature protects information from falsification (illegal changes) and allows you to identify its originator and owner.

An electronic document has the same legal force as a paper document if it is signed with an enhanced, qualified electronic signature. A simple and enhanced unqualified e-signature is also used, but its use in circulation must be discussed in advance with counterparties or external users of information.

The law introduces certain rules for the use of electronic signatures. Which of the three types will you need? specific situation, summarized in the table:

Reinforced unskilled

Reinforced qualified

When to use

  • at banking transactions;
  • for registration in state information systems and receiving government services;
  • for internal use;
  • for external EDI, if the parties have agreed on its use.
  • for participation in e-procurement according to 44-FZ;
  • for internal company purposes;
  • for exchange business papers with counterparties, if there is a corresponding agreement.
  • for reporting;
  • for participation in electronic trading;
  • for working with government information systems, including the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rosalkogolregulirovanie;
  • for conducting EDI within the company and with partners.

Where and how to get an EP

An enhanced qualified electronic signature is issued only by certification centers that have received the appropriate accreditation from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. A register of such organizations is published on the department’s website, which will help you choose the most suitable option.

To receive you will need:

  • application, passport, SNILS - for individuals(except for individual entrepreneurs);
  • the same plus an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service (since 01/01/2017 such forms are not issued, so a copy of the entry sheet in the register) - for individual entrepreneurs;
  • application, passport, copies constituent documents, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificate of registration (from 01/01/2017 - a copy of the entry sheet in the register) - for a legal entity;
  • the same thing plus state registration data according to the rules foreign country, translated into Russian and certified - for foreign companies.

If the applicant’s representative contacts the center, he must have his passport and power of attorney with him.

Sign the document

After receiving and installing a signature on your personal computer, you should figure out how to sign a digital signature document in different situations. Let's consider the two most popular formats - PDF and Word.

So, there is a ready-made text formed in Microsoft program Word version 2010. Open the section called “File” in the upper left corner. We find the inscription “Information”. This tab has three different options: grant someone permission to change the text, check the quality of information using additional services, and view one of the previously saved versions. We need to stop at the “Protect Document” section. At the very bottom there is a button that allows you to put an e-signature.

This option will not work if you have Word version 2003 or 2007. In the 2003 program, you need to go to a tool such as “Tools”, then “Options” and “Security”. Here we select “ Digital signatures».

Let's look at how to electronically sign a Word document, version 2007. Go to Office (the button in the upper left corner), then “Prepare”. There is a special section with digital signatures.

It's even easier to sign information prepared in Open Office. In the “File” tab on the toolbar there is immediately a “Digital Signatures” section.

Let's look at how to digitally sign a PDF document in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Open the “Editing” section and the “Settings” tab. We immediately find ourselves in “Categories”, where we go to “Digital signatures” and select the one we need.

Special programs

CryptoPro CSP

Supported algorithms:

GOST R 34.10-2012, GOST R 34.10-2001, ECDSA, RSA

Supported Software:

  • Microsoft Office;
  • Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook;
  • Adobe Systems Inc. products;
  • browsers Yandex.Browser, Sputnik, Internet Explorer, Edge;
  • Microsoft Authenticode;
  • Microsoft IIS, nginx, Apache;
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop Services;
  • Microsoft Active Directory.


Has several versions:

  • "CryptoARM Start" - free version, which does not require entering a license key. Performs signing and encryption operations using standard Windows crypto providers. If you have the CryptoPro CSP CIPF installed, the digital signature on the document is checked (the digital signature itself cannot be created);
  • "CryptoARM Standard" - basic version: creation and verification of the correctness of the digital signature, fully supports the CIPF "CryptoPro CSP";
  • "CryptoARM Standard PRO" contains additional modules TSP and OCSP, an advanced signature module. Creates and verifies the correctness of the improved CRYPTO-PRO signature;
  • "CIPF CryptoARM 5". Certified version. Complies with the requirements of No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures”. Additionally, you need to purchase a distribution kit on CD with a form and CIPF CryptoPro CSP 4.0.

Features of CryptoARM:

  • Digital signature of individual files, data packages and archives;
  • signature options: primary, additional (by several persons) and certified (by a higher-ranking employee);
  • use of advanced digital signature properties (creation time, user comment);
  • classic and improved digital signature formats;
  • two signature options (separated from the source data and combined with the data);
  • deletion of a signed file, including guaranteed deletion;
  • the size of signed data is limited only by the file system and available free space;
  • simultaneous processing of an unlimited number of files;
  • printing signature on paper.

Certification of the exact time of signing of documents:

  • EDS with time stamp;
  • viewing and checking the time stamp on a signed document;
  • viewing and checking the time stamp on the signature.


This is a comprehensive solution for encrypting and signing documents, managing digital certificates, authentication, etc. Buying CryptoTree is much cheaper than purchasing the products separately.

The cryptoprovider CryptoPro CSP and the CryptoARM application are installed at the user’s workplace to perform encryption and electronic signature operations. The program meets the requirements Federal Law RF No. 1-FZ dated January 10, 2002 “On electronic digital signature.”

Modern software allows you to put an electronic signature (EDS) on any documents, incl. and created using the Adobe System product. In PDF files, you can put a visible signature, which is reflected as a line in the file, and a visually invisible one. Each type of digital signature has equal legal force, and the signed file can be sent to the recipient via email.

There are important differences in the operation of programs during the formation of an electronic signature. Acrobat allows you to:

  • certify the PDF file with an invisible or visible digital signature (using cryptographic algorithms prescribed in GOST R-34.10-2001);
  • create a PDF document based on GOST R-34.10-2001;
  • check the electronic signature you have made.

For created and opened files, Reader provides the ability to:

  • EDS verification using cryptographic algorithms;
  • certification of PDF documents with extended access.

Before you start working with a signature in Reader, you need to use Adobe Acrobat. In it the user:

  1. Opens (creates) the required document.
  2. Opens the "File" menu item.
  3. Selects “Save As” from the menu.
  4. Selects "File PDF Reader with Advanced Features" from the menu.
  5. Connects additional functions if necessary.
  6. Clicks “Save Now”.

After this, the file can be signed with an electronic signature using Adobe Reader.

Forming a signature in Adobe Reader

To put an electronic signature, you need to click “Signing” in the “Working with Certificates” menu window. Also there you select the required type of digital signature (visible or invisible). If, when choosing a signature generation method, you checked the box next to “Ask when I sign,” a dialog box will pop up. The method of generating an electronic signature is indicated in accordance with the program used to work with the signature.

If employees of the certification center took part in setting up the workplace, the dialog box may not appear, because settings are set by default.

Then you need to determine the place where the digital signature will be placed and create a signature line. In the new window that opens, all you have to do is select the signing certificate to use. To make your work easier, the list of certificates can be sorted by name, validity period, or issuer.

Signing a PDF document

To affix digital signatures in PDF files, you can use two programs: ViPNet CryptoFile and CryptoARM.

ViPNet CryptoFile allows the user to sign a digital signature document for free. The program works with different types files, as well as with archives. The disadvantage of ViPNet CryptoFile is the ability to supply only one digital signature.

CryptoARM from CryptoPRO is a licensed and paid product. The advantages of the service are work with all types of files, with archives and the ability to affix several digital signatures when signing a file. Despite the paid license, CryptoARM is a more common software tool for working with digital signatures.

How to sign a PDF file with an electronic signature:

  • Open the desired PDF file.
  • In the right panel, click “Fill out and sign”.

  • In the panel that opens, select “Fill out and sign” and “Additional tools” again.

  • Select “Certificates to add to panel”.

  • Click on “Insert digital signature” and use the cursor to select the place in the body of the document where the digital signature should be located.
  • In the certificate selection window, select the one you need. Click “Ok” and “Sign”.

An electronic signature affixed to a PDF file looks like this:

How to send a file

Once signed, the file can be sent to other users. To do this, click “Next” on the “‎Fill and sign” panel.

Sending is possible in several ways:

  • a link to the signed document;
  • a copy of the file in a separate letter;
  • original document (for signing).

The sequence of actions when sending depends on the selected method.

Sending a link to a document

A link is sent to recipients to a signed and completed copy of the PDF file, which cannot be edited. A copy of Adobe Sign is certified. To send, you need to click “Get link” and “Create link”.

  • click “Copy link” and send it by email;
  • Click “Attach link to email”. In this case, a letter will be created from the email account you are using, and the subject of the message will be the title of the document.

The user can only add the recipients’ addresses and click “Send”.

Send a copy in a separate message

A read-only copy of the document will be sent via email only. Recipients will be able to view without editing.

To send you need:

  • Click “Send a copy”.

  • Enter email address the user to whom the document is sent.
  • Click “Submit”.

Using this method, you can send a document to several users at once, and the “Subject” and “Message” fields are filled in as usual.

Sending a file for signing

To send a document for signing you need:

  • Click “Request Signature” and “Get Started”.

  • Adobe Sign will open. The required information is indicated in the “Name” and “Message” fields.
  • In “Additional parameters”, select, if necessary, authentication of the document author or other parameters.
  • In the “Place for signature” section, add form fields and indicate the place where the digital signature should be located.

After filling out all the forms, you need to click “Submit”.

How to receive a PDF document with digital signature from other users

Receiving documents in PDF format from other users occurs through the “‎Fill and Sign” tool. It runs on the Adobe Sign cloud service. This method allows you to sign documents online using a digital signature via mobile devices or an Internet browser from any city.

The recipient and addressee do not need to fill out numerous forms with data or purchase additional software for affixing an electronic signature. Users simultaneously receive a request by email to generate an electronic signature, after which the operation is completed and a copy of the certified document is sent. The process can be monitored online via Acrobat Reader DC or Acrobat DC.

For subsequent certification using EDS certificate The PDF file is generated in Adobe Acrobat. The program makes it possible not only to certify a document, but also to check a previously created digital signature. You can sign the file using the free ViPNet CryptoFile software or a licensed product from CryptoPRO. The signing sequence in the programs is similar, and the resulting file with a signature can be sent directly as a link, via an electronic mailbox, or for signing by a second party via Adobe Sign.