Property as an economic category. Property, as an economic category, expresses the relationship of appropriation (alienation) of objects and created

Real estate objects Natural Artificial objects (buildings) Land plots Forests and perennial plantings Subsoil plots and water bodies Residential Properties Commercial real estate Public property Current use of land Land plot in circulation Condominium House Apartment Room Secondary housing, country building (dacha) Offices, restaurants, shops, hotels, warehouses, etc. Enterprises as property complexes Hospitals, clinics, theaters and recreation centers, schools, train stations, etc. Ready-made Requiring reconstruction and major renovation Requiring completion of construction Origin Purpose Scale Ready for use

Property The subject of property is the active side of property relations, person, citizen Social groups Production collective People Population Object of property - the passive side of property relations land Natural resources Property Means of production values ​​money and securities information Intelligence Work force

Registration of ownership of a newly created property Checking the Developer’s documents Signing the contract Equity participation Registration of the agreement (DDU) in Rosreestr Putting the facility into operation (opening the address) Registration of ownership

System of restrictions on property rights real estate Restriction of property rights Compulsory (by law) Voluntary Unilateral expression of will By agreement: Mortgage Easement Trust Leasing Other In public interests In private interests Alienation of an object when a plot is withdrawn Easements In the interests of a neighbor Requisition of an object for public needs Temporary restrictions: intended use, licensing, etc. Confiscation Nationalization of property Alienation on the basis of Art. 252,272,282,285,293 Civil Code of the Russian Federation Restriction of rights to use or dispose of historical or cultural monuments, protected zones, agricultural lands, etc. Permanent restrictions: Building codes, zoning, environmental standards, etc.

Subject of ownership: Person, family, association of citizens, population, people, legal entities Relationships Subject-subject Subject of ownership: Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, cities, regions, population. items Object of property Object of property of land of various categories Object of property Subject-object relations

Cycle stages 6. Major renovation 6. Development 7. Change of owner 8. Physical wear and tear 9. Deterioration of physical properties 10. Deterioration of functionality 11. End of economic life 12. Termination: natural destruction, demolition State registration 1. Pre-investment stage (feasibility analysis, justification) 2. Creation , formation (design, construction) 3. Commissioning 4. Ownership and use 5. Functional historical obsolescence

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Own. Economic forms property.

Property is a system of economic and legal relations, characterizing the socio-economic and organizational forms of appropriation of property.

Property Economic category Legal category of relations between people regarding the appropriation of material goods, and primarily the means of production. relations between people regarding the ownership, use and disposal of property

Property relations Subject of ownership (owner) Object of property (property) about individual people or groups of people who own, manage and use material goods, means of production and consumer goods that fully or partially belong to the owners

Form of ownership - legally regulated property relations, characterizing the assignment of property to a specific owner by right of ownership.

Forms of ownership private public

Forms of private property

Forms of private property Individual labor property is characterized by the fact that an individual entrepreneurial activity simultaneously uses its own means of production and its own labor. If the farm uses the labor of family members, such property has the form of family labor property (for example, a family farm). An individual private owner can also use hired labor on the farm (permanently or for seasonal work).

Forms of private property Partnership property is an association of capital or property of several individuals or legal entities for the purpose of carrying out joint business activities. Each participant in the partnership enterprise retains his share of the capital contributed by him or the property in the partnership property.

Forms of private property Corporate (joint stock) property is property formed through the issue and sale of shares. Property object joint stock company In addition to capital created through the sale of shares, there may also be other property acquired as a result of business activities.

Forms of public ownership

Forms of public ownership State property is a system of relationships in which absolute rights The management and disposal of property is carried out by government bodies (institutions).

Forms of public property National property is common property all citizens of the country, which is not divided into shares and is not personalized between individual participants economic process. Property is necessary for the state to fulfill its economic, social and defense functions. Objects of state property can be Natural resources(earth, its bowels, forests, waters, air space), energy, transport, communications, roads, educational establishments, national cultural institutions, fundamental science, defense and space objects IT. P.

Forms of public property Municipal (communal) property is property that is at the disposal of regional government agencies(region, city, district, etc.).

Forms of public ownership Cooperative ownership is the joint property of members of a separate team, created on a voluntary basis to implement joint activities. The property of a cooperative is formed as a result of the combination of property, cash contributions of its members and income received from their common labor activity. Each member of the cooperative has equal rights to management and income, which is distributed according to the contributed share and the labor contribution of the members of the cooperative.

Forms of public property The property of the labor collective is common property transferred by the state or another entity to the disposal of the enterprise collective (on the terms of purchase or lease), which is used in accordance with current legislation. Collective property can exist in different types depending on the source of the ransom. If an enterprise is purchased at the expense of accumulated profits, then indivisible property of the enterprise team is created. If the enterprise was purchased at the expense of the personal income of its employees, then share ownership is formed.

Forms of public property The property of public and religious associations is created through own funds, donations from citizens or organizations, or through the transfer of state property. The subjects of such property are parties, trade unions, sports societies, churches and other public organizations.

“Rights and responsibilities of taxpayers” - Taxes are mandatory payments by citizens and legal entities to the state budget. treasury. Taxpayer rights. Taxpayers - organizations, individuals. persons who are responsible for paying taxes. The work was carried out by a student of group 111 Mikhailov Mikhail. Responsibilities of taxpayers. Rights and obligations of taxpayers.

“Rental agreement” - 2. 6 Rental objects. Introduction. Chapter 2 2. General provisions about rent 2. 1 Concepts of a lease agreement. State registration are subject to lease agreements, the object of which is real estate. The concept of a lease agreement. 2.2 Essential conditions rental agreement. The Civil Code, in turn, provides that the lease agreement is concluded for a period.

“Criminal trial” - The investigator conducts a preliminary, i.e. pre-trial investigation. Rights of the suspect: filing a petition, refusing to testify, contacting a defense lawyer. The victim acts on behalf of the prosecution, i.e. a person who has been harmed by a crime. The prosecutor oversees the investigation and inquiry and supports the prosecution at trial.

“Property in the economy” - Priority in the Constitution and multi-layered protection. The influence of economic relations on the state. Constitutional norms as the main legal framework regulation of economic relations. Liberty economic activity. Limits of government intervention and guarantees of ensuring a number of principles market economy(clause 1, 2 art. 74).

“Municipal authorities” - Lecture 10. Getting started. Leading positions. Municipal service V Russian Federation. Head Status local administration(appointed) contract worker. Model 3. Head of a municipal organization = chairman of the representative body of a municipal organization (for all types of municipal organizations). Deputy heads are heads of departments. Non-elected positions Category B and C.

“Right to use subsoil” - Table Historical stages in the development of mining law in Russia. State educational institution higher vocational education"NATIONAL RESEARCH TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY" INSTITUTE OF NATURAL RESOURCES. Course RATIONAL METHOD OF SEARCH FOR GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF MINERAL RESOURCES (Part I) Lecture MANAGEMENT OF SUBSOIL USE RELATIONS Author: Ph.D., Associate Professor Domarenko Viktor Alekseevich TOMSK 2010.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, property can
located in private, public,
municipal property, and
also owned by public
associations (organizations).
Establishment by the state in whatever
whatever the form of restrictions or
advantages in exercising the right
property depending on
location of property in private,
state, municipal
owned, owned
public associations
(organizations) - not allowed.

Types, forms, types of property

History knows the following types of property: general and private. In the Republic of Kazakhstan in
According to civil code private, public,
mixed forms of ownership:
1. private property acts as the property of citizens and
non-state legal entities and their associations;
2. state property is a system of relations in which
management and disposal of property objects is carried out by
representatives of government authorities.
3. collective property is a system of relations in which
the labor collective jointly owns, uses and disposes of
means and products.

Within these forms there can be various types
1) Individual property
a) Personal property (does not generate income, is used for
personal purposes: home, furniture, knowledge)
b) Private labor generates income (the family lives by its own labor)
c) Non-labor, based on hired labor(enrichment due to
someone else's work)
2) Collective ownership
a) Partnership
b) Cooperative
c) Joint stock company
d) Co-production
3) State property
a) Republican (consists of the republican treasury and
b) Utility (consists of local treasury and property,
assigned to communal legal entities)


Subject of the republican
state property
is RK. Subject
communal state
property is
Cannot be in private
land ownership:
agricultural, defense,
forestry and water funds, especially
protected natural areas
(Article 193 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

Forms of ownership can change from one to another and
carried out using different methods:
-nationalization is the transfer of private property to
state (land, transport, industry);
-privatization (lat.privatus – private) is the transfer
public to private. Acquisition by legal and
individuals from the state of state objects
property, as well as shares of joint-stock companies created through the transformation
state enterprises and organizations (not privatized
objects of national heritage, cultural and historical
values, reserves);
-denationalization - the return by the state of nationalized
property to previous owners (distribution in countries
-reprivatization - return to private property state
property resulting from a previous purchase
enterprises, land, shares, etc. from private owners.
The formation of a market economy caused a natural
the need to transform property relations. It
carried out through denationalization and privatization.

Forms of ownership

1. The concept of property. Property as the basis of socio-economic relations 2. Forms of ownership

Own- system economic and legal relations between people regarding the ownership, management, use and appropriation of life benefits due to any property.

Property relations This is a constantly (systematically) repeated, reproduced relationship between people, inextricably linked with property rights ownership, disposal, management of use and appropriation of the means of production and the results of their use.

  • state (federal and constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
  • municipal ( local authorities management);
  • private property.

  • intellectual property ;
  • movable property (for example, securities, banknotes, money, precious metals);
  • real estate (for example, land, industrial and residential buildings).

Private ownership- property of private individuals:

citizens - individuals and organizations - legal entities carrying out activities separate from the state for their own purposes and interests.

  • pooling of private deposits;
  • use in common interests owners (shareholders) under unified control and management;
  • distribution of final results between participants in the collective farm, taking into account the property of each of them.

  • business partnerships (full partnership, limited partnership);
  • business companies (LLC, ALC, JSC, subsidiaries and dependent companies);
  • production cooperatives;
  • non-profit organizations.

An important role in the economy belongs to joint ownership , having the following features:

  • all people united in a collective treat the means of production and other factors as jointly and inseparably belonging to them;
  • shares of property of individuals are not determined or allocated;
  • the total income from the economic use of joint property is distributed according to the established procedure.

Under state ownership The state has absolute rights. State property is not divided into shares and is not allocated by individual participants in the economic process.

According to the principles of formation and mechanisms of functioning, it is similar to municipal property , which also has its monetary and material sources, like the state one, is not divided into shares and cannot be allocated by individual participants in the economic process.