Military ranks. Assignment of regular military ranks to military personnel Other ways of obtaining ranks in the army

Military rank represents not only a certain position of one soldier in relation to other soldiers, but also a specific number of obligations. Therefore, the higher the military rank, the more responsibilities the soldier has. Those who enlist in the military often ask the question of how to become a junior sergeant in the army. This issue needs to be examined in more detail.

How military ranks are assigned

A certain rank in the army, including junior sergeant, occurs according to the corresponding hierarchy. Initially, a soldier entering service is called a private. After this, after some time, the soldier is awarded the rank of corporal. After this come the sergeants:

  • rank of junior sergeant;
  • rank of sergeant;
  • rank of senior sergeant.

A soldier cannot apply for higher positions in the army, since it is quite difficult to even obtain the rank of sergeant or senior sergeant in the army. It is necessary to initially understand that in our country the troops are divided into land, air and sea, as a result of which the ranks will differ. The following ship ranks correspond to the ranks of the ground forces:

  • private - sailor;
  • corporal - senior sailor;
  • junior sergeant - sergeant major 2nd grade;
  • sergeant - sergeant major 1st rank;
  • senior sergeant - chief petty officer;
  • petty officer - the chief petty officer of a ship.

Junior ranks

If we talk about the rank of private, then this is the lowest level in the service. It is written down in the appropriate document when the conscript soldier enlists in the army. It is this day that can be considered the day when he is mobilized, that is, exactly in a year. The shoulder straps of a serviceman with this rank do not have distinctive insignia.

The rank of corporal is already a step higher than private. If a military man wishes to receive this rank, he must be in an appropriate military position that would correspond to the rank that the soldier has today.

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As a rule, almost any soldier can receive the rank of corporal. At the same time, he may have a certain position by position, for example, senior driver. All people in a similar position are required to have this title.

Jr. The sergeant is a soldier who knows the military regulations very well, he has leadership and management skills, he is always ready to competently and responsibly lead the personnel entrusted to him. As a rule, this soldier is respected not only by his peers, but also by his commanding officers. The junior sergeant is capable of commanding a full-fledged squad, which is under his jurisdiction at the time of assignment of this rank. The duties of a junior sergeant include necessarily knowing everything that happens in his department, and about each soldier individually, as well as being able to competently manage his subordinates.

The shoulder straps of a junior sergeant have two parallel stripes of small width (compared to the stripe of a senior sergeant). The immediate superior of the junior sergeant is the platoon commander. As a rule, the platoon commander also has the rank of junior sergeant, or already sergeant, but he is a higher-ranking figure for the reason that he has the platoon at his disposal. Also on the shoulder straps of a junior sergeant may be the abbreviation of the troops in which he serves.

Obtaining a specific title can be achieved in another way. For example, a conscript can calmly approach a senior officer and inform him that after serving in the army he intends to go serve in government agencies, for example, the police. After this, the soldier can tell his senior rank that he needs to obtain the rank of junior sergeant, since it can play a decisive role in his future service.

In the future, he may receive a number of orders, by completing which he will be able to prove that he is worthy of this title. Or if the soldier had previously shown his brightest traits, showed his hard work and positive attitude towards his comrades, his readiness to always come to their rescue, then he may later receive the rank of junior sergeant, since he has already proven that he is worthy of wearing his shoulder straps .

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There is another option for obtaining the military rank of junior sergeant. Often, on the days of the biggest holidays for soldiers (May 9, February 23), they may be awarded extraordinary ranks. Therefore, these days are an excellent opportunity to rise to a higher level in the above hierarchy.

Other ways to obtain ranks in the army

As a rule, one is replaced by another, that is, if the previous military personnel resigned or went into the reserve, then new soldiers who are one step lower are taken to fill the vacant positions. Due to the fact that there are no longer platoon commanders or squad leaders, any soldier who has proven that he is worthy of a higher military rank can be promoted and simultaneously assigned to one of these positions.

A soldier who previously held this position can also be promoted to junior sergeant without the condition of dismissal; this can also be done for any services to the Russian army. However, there are very few such cases, and often this is not done. At the same time, sergeant or junior sergeant are not given very often, since they need to be appointed to a specific position, either as a platoon commander or as a squad leader.

The fact is that a company cannot have more than two or three commanders, so if a soldier has set himself the task of becoming a junior sergeant or sergeant, he will need to be patient.

In addition to the squad or platoon commander, a junior sergeant is capable of commanding a tank or even a combat vehicle. If a soldier has distinguished himself greatly in the performance of his military duties, he may be promoted to the rank of junior sergeant if he already holds the rank of corporal, and he is discharged as a reserve. In this case, the corporal should not hold a military position.

Before receiving the military rank of junior sergeant, a soldier must, accordingly, undergo military service in a guards military unit. In addition, words corresponding to his profile are added to the military rank of a soldier in military service who has any accounting specialty. For example, a corporal of justice or a junior sergeant of the medical service.

From the times of Peter the Great with a corporal's halberd in a gray homespun caftan, a Kalamenka camisole with horn buttons and the same trousers.

Rank of junior sergeant is one of the most ancient. For the first time its analogue arose in the Streltsy army. True, then this title was called foreman and coincided with the position of the same name as commander of the smallest unit. With the advent of the regiments of the foreign system, the foremen who served in it began to be called in the Western manner corporals. This rank was officially introduced in 1647. Corporal commanded a corporal - an analogue of the previous ten or the current branch.

The rights and duties of the Russian corporal were first set out in the annex to the military regulations of Peter the Great, called “Exercise, preparation for the march, ranks and positions of regimental ranks.” In accordance with this charter of 1716 corporal “ is appropriate for all our soldiers, in the morning and in the evening, to be known, and if any of them are inclined towards an evil life, to guard against such deeds and forbid in every possible way and not allow them to play cards and other grains; and if anyone appears disobedient to him, it is appropriate for him to tell the sergeant about it. He stands at his corporation in the front rank on the right side" .

In Peter’s times, the rank of corporal initially occupied an intermediate position between corporal and sub-ensign, but since 1722 the rank of fourier became the next rank after corporal, and the sub-ensign moved two ranks higher. At the same time, the rank of corporal was abolished, and below corporal only private. The corporal's insignia was the halberd he wore with a rounded chopping surface. However, in combat conditions, the corporals took an ordinary gun instead. Out of order corporal carried a stick with a bone knob, which soldiers should have feared more than an enemy bullet.

In the life campaign that existed in 1741-1762 rank of corporal corresponded to the captain's. This is not surprising, since lieutenants served as privates in the life campaign.

During the time of Paul I, the rank of corporal was replaced by the rank of junior non-commissioned officer, however, for a long time the bearers of this rank were called corporals. The older one non-commissioned officer did not exist then and the next rank again became the rank of lieutenant.

This situation lasted until 1827, when the lieutenant officer became the highest of the non-commissioned officer ranks, again moving up two steps. Then a decorated non-commissioned officer stood over the former corporal, and the junior non-commissioned officer began to be called simply a non-commissioned officer. At the same time, the rank of corporal was introduced, supporting non-commissioned officer below.

Shoulder strap of a junior non-commissioned officer of His Majesty's 65th Moscow Infantry Regiment

Komot 1922-24

Separated commander 1924-35

Separated commander, cavalry, 1935-40

Lance Sergeant, infantry, 1940-43.

From April 8, 1843, non-commissioned officers received two stripes on shoulder straps . stripes had a thickness of 11.125 mm and were made of white boson.

In 1884 separated non-commissioned officer renamed to senior non-commissioned officer, and, accordingly, the non-commissioned officer began to be called a junior non-commissioned officer. This rank remained until 1917, and in the white armies until the end of their existence.

True, in the Army of the Siberian Government and in the People's Army of Komuch, this rank, like other pre-revolutionary ones, was preserved, but it was associated with completely different insignia. It was preserved by both Denikin’s troops and Yudenich’s troops, but there its designation was traditionally Russian.

In the Red Army, already in January 1919, the category of detached commander appeared, designated by a red fabric sleeve triangle. In 1922, this triangle moved to the sleeve valve, and from October 2, 1924 - to buttonholes arr. 1924.

Moreover, one triangle went not to the squad commander, but to his deputy, who could also be a flight commander - an even smaller unit than the squad. Commander the same compartment received two triangles. True, and commander department and his deputy belonged to the same service category K1.

In accordance with NKO Order No. 176 of December 3, 1935, personal categories were introduced in the Red Army instead of service categories military ranks. The deputy squad commander, corresponding to the previous and later corporal, was abolished along with the units as tactical units, and now commander compartments began to be worn in buttonholes arr. 1935, one triangle at a time.

In parallel with the all-army one in 1935-37. there was a unique system of insignia of the NKVD, which included the internal and border troops. There, two squares were used to indicate the rank of a detached commander.

Separated commander border troops 1935-37

On December 2, 1940, the owner of one triangle began to be called a junior sergeant (See: Insignia Red Army 1940-43). He still commanded a squad, a gun crew or a tank crew, but more often these functions were performed by sergeants, since platoons in Red Army lieutenants or junior lieutenants commanded.

In January 1943, a hundred years after the introduction of non-commissioned officer badges in the tsarist army, junior sergeants, along with the entire Red Army, received shoulder straps model 1943, which, like pre-revolutionary junior non-commissioned officers, had two badges.

Unlike pre-revolutionary times, the color of the shoulder strap now corresponded not to the regiment number, but to the branch of the army. The edging also mattered.

Since the end of 1973, according to Article 165 of the Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 250 of November 1, 1973, “On the shoulder straps of the ceremonial uniform of sergeants and conscripts of the Soviet Army, metal letters “SA” in height are placed at a distance of 15 mm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap 32 mm, and on colored shoulder straps for an overcoat and other items of uniform, the letters “SA” 25 mm high are placed at a distance of 25 mm from the lower edge of the shoulder strap.” In the internal troops, sergeants and foremen wore the letters "VV", in the border troops - "PV", and in the state security troops - "GB", and only one 11th Separate Cavalry Regiment had three letters on their shoulder straps - "OKP".

Article 20. Military ranks

1. Article 46 of the Federal Law establishes the following composition of military personnel and military ranks:

───────────────────────┬──────────────── ────────── ──────────────── Military composition│ Military ranks ├────────────────── ─┬─────── ────────────── │ military │ ship ───────────────────── ──┴──────── ────────────┴───────────────────── Freiter senior sailor junior sergeant foreman 2 articles sergeant petty officer 1 articles senior sergeant chief petty officer chief ship's petty officer Warrant officers and midshipmen Warrant officer Midshipman senior warrant officer Senior midshipman Officers: junior officers junior lieutenant junior lieutenant lieutenant lieutenant senior lieutenant senior lieutenant captain captain-lieutenant senior officers major captain 3rd rank lieutenant colonel captain 2nd rank Colonel Captain 1st Rank senior officers Major General Rear Admiral Lieutenant General Vice Admiral Colonel General Admiral General of the Army Admiral of the Fleet Marshal of the Russian Federation ──────────────────────────────────────── ────

2. Before the military rank of a serviceman serving in a guards military unit, on a guards ship, the word “guards” is added.
The words “justice” or “medical service” are added to the military rank of a serviceman or a citizen in the reserve who has a military registration specialty of a legal or medical profile, respectively.
(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2009 N 30)
To the military rank of a citizen who is in the reserve or retired, the words “reserve” or “retired” are added, respectively.
3. The seniority of military ranks and composition of military personnel is determined by the sequence of their listing in Article 46 of the Federal Law: from the military rank of “private” (“sailor”) to a higher one and from the composition of “soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen” to a higher one.
Military and naval military ranks corresponding to each other are considered equal.
4. Military ranks are assigned to military personnel personally.
Military rank can be first or second.
5. The form and content of submissions, forms of other documents and orders for the assignment of military ranks, as well as the procedure for their execution and submission (with the exception of senior officers) are established by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided.

Article 21. Procedure for assigning the first military rank

1. The first military ranks are considered:
a) for “officers” - junior lieutenant, lieutenant;
b) for the composition “ensigns and midshipmen” - warrant officer, midshipman;
c) for the composition of “soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen” - private, sailor.
2. The military rank of lieutenant is awarded to:
a) a serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, or a serviceman who has the military rank of junior lieutenant, regardless of the length of military service in this military rank, who has graduated from a higher or secondary military educational institution - upon graduation from the said educational institution;
(clause “a” as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2007 N 364)
a.1) a citizen who graduated from a federal state educational institution of higher professional education and completed training in a military training program at a military training center at this educational institution - on the day following the day of issuance of the order on graduation from the specified educational institution;
(clause “a.1” was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2008 N 395)
b) a citizen who has successfully completed the training program for reserve officers at a military department at a state, municipal or non-state educational institution of higher professional education that has state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties), - upon graduation from the specified educational institution;
c) a citizen (military soldier) who does not have the military rank of officer, who has a higher professional education related to the relevant military specialty, and who entered military service under a contract for a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position job title;
d) a military serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, undergoing military service under a contract, having a higher professional education related to the relevant military specialty, and appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;
e) a citizen who is in the reserve, does not have the military rank of officer, and has a higher professional education - at the end of military training and after passing the relevant tests;
f) a military serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, undergoing military service under a contract in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Special Facilities Service under the President of the Russian Federation - in the manner determined by the heads of these bodies , upon completion of training under a training program as part of a training group or simultaneously with entry into military service, subject to subsequent training during the first year of service.
(clause “e” was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2000 N 653, as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2009 N 743)
3. The military rank of junior lieutenant is awarded to:
a) a military man who has completed training courses for junior officers and has a secondary (complete) general education - upon graduation from the specified educational institution;
b) a citizen (military soldier) who does not have the military rank of officer, who has a secondary vocational education related to the relevant military specialty, and who entered military service under a contract for a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position job title;
c) a military serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, undergoing military service under a contract, having a secondary vocational education related to the relevant military specialty, and appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;
d) a citizen who is in the reserve, does not have the military rank of officer, and has a secondary vocational education - at the end of military training and after passing the relevant tests;
e) a military serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, undergoing military service under a contract in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Special Facilities Service under the President of the Russian Federation - in the manner determined by the heads of these bodies , upon completion of training under a training program as part of a training group or simultaneously with entry into military service, subject to subsequent training during the first year of service.
(paragraph “d” was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2000 N 653, as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2009 N 743)
4. The military rank of warrant officer (midshipman) is awarded to:
a) a serviceman who has graduated from a military educational institution that trains military personnel in the military specialties of warrant officers (midshipmen), who has a secondary (complete) general education - upon graduation from the specified educational institution;
b) a citizen (military officer) who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), who has a higher or secondary vocational education related to the relevant military specialty, and who entered military service under a contract for a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman) ), - upon appointment to the appropriate military position;
c) a military personnel who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), who is undergoing military service under a contract, has a higher or secondary vocational education related to the relevant military specialty, and is appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;
d) a military serviceman who does not have the military rank of warrant officer (midshipman), who is serving under a contract in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Special Facilities Service under the President of the Russian Federation - in the manner determined by the heads of these bodies, upon completion of training under the training program as part of a training group or simultaneously with entry into military service, subject to subsequent training during the first year of service.
(clause “d” was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2000 N 653, as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2009 N 743)
5. The military rank of private is assigned to:
a) a citizen who does not have a military rank, called up for military service - upon departure from the military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the place of military service;
b) a citizen who does not have a military rank and is enlisted in the reserve - upon enlistment in the reserve;
c) a citizen who does not have a military rank and entered military service under a contract - when enrolled in the lists of personnel of a military unit;
d) a citizen who does not have a military rank and is enrolled in a military educational institution - upon enrollment in the specified educational institution.
6. The military rank of a sailor is assigned to:
a) a serviceman called up for military service - when enlisted in the lists of personnel of a military unit where the state provides for the military rank of sailor;
b) a citizen who entered military service under a contract and does not have a military rank - when enrolled in the lists of personnel of a military unit where the state provides for the military rank of sailor;
c) a citizen who does not have a military rank, enrolled in a military educational institution - upon enrollment in the specified educational institution, where the state provides for the military rank of sailor.
7. Upon entering military service, a citizen who is or has served in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, other law enforcement agencies or in the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief and has a special rank, he may be assigned a military rank equal to his special rank in the re-certification procedure determined by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided.
(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 17, 2003 N 444)

Article 22. Procedure for assigning the next military rank

1. The next military rank is assigned to a serviceman on the day of expiration of his military service in the previous military rank, if he occupies a military position (position) for which the state provides for a military rank equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to the serviceman.
2. Time limits are established for military service in the following military ranks:
private, sailor - five months;
junior sergeant, sergeant major 2 articles - one year;
sergeant, foreman 1st article - two years;
senior sergeant, chief petty officer - three years;
ensign, midshipman - three years;
junior lieutenant - two years;
lieutenant - three years;
senior lieutenant - three years;
captain, captain-lieutenant - four years;
major, captain 3rd rank - four years;
lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - five years.
(clause 2 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2007 N 364)
3. The military rank of a senior officer may be assigned to a military serviceman after at least two years of his military service in the previous military rank and at least one year in the military position (position) to be filled by senior officers.
The terms of military service in the military rank of colonel general (admiral) and army general (fleet admiral) are not established.
4. The term of military service in the military rank of lieutenant for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract who have graduated from a full-time military educational institution with a period of five years or more is set at two years.
(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2007 N 364)
5. The period of military service of military personnel in the assigned military rank is calculated from the date of assignment of the military rank.
6. The period of military service in the assigned military rank includes the time spent in military service.
The following is counted within the specified period:
a) the time of break in military service in the event of unjustified prosecution of a serviceman, illegal dismissal of a serviceman from military service and his subsequent reinstatement in military service;
b) the time of suspension of military service;
c) time spent in reserve.
7. When a serviceman is appointed to the highest military position (position), at the same time, and if simultaneous registration is not possible, from the date of appointment to the highest military position (position), he is assigned the next military rank if his term of service in the previous military rank has expired, provided that that for this military position (position) the state provides a military rank equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to the military member.
In this case, the military rank of a senior officer is assigned taking into account the requirements of paragraph 3 of this article.
8. A military serviceman who has the military rank of officer and is successfully studying full-time at a military educational institution, postgraduate course, military doctoral program, the next military rank up to lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank inclusive, is assigned on the day of expiration of his military service in the assigned military rank, regardless of military position (position) that he held before entering the specified educational institution, postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies.
9. A serviceman who has the military rank of officer, who, before entering a military educational institution, postgraduate course, or military doctoral program, held a military position (position) for which the state provides for the military rank of colonel, captain 1st rank or senior officer, the next military rank up to colonel, captain 1st rank inclusive is assigned in accordance with the military position (position) held before entering the specified educational institution, postgraduate course, military doctoral program after the expiration of the length of service in the assigned military rank.
10. A serviceman may be awarded the next military rank ahead of schedule for special personal merits, but not higher than the military rank provided for by the state for the military position (position) he occupies.
11. A military serviceman whose period of military service in the assigned military rank has expired, for special personal merits, may be awarded a military rank one step higher than the military rank provided by the state for the military position (position) he occupies, but not higher than the military rank of major, captain 3 rank.
12. The military rank of corporal (senior sailor) may be awarded as an incentive for special personal merit to a military personnel holding a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of private (sailor).
13. The military rank of junior sergeant (sergeant major, article 2) is assigned to a private (sailor) holding a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of junior sergeant (sergeant major, article 2) and above, upon expiration of his military service in the previous military rank, as well as a serviceman who has successfully completed training in a military training unit under the sergeant (sergeant major) training program.
14. While serving a sentence in the form of a restriction on military service or arrest, a military serviceman cannot be awarded another military rank.
15. The time spent serving a sentence in the form of a restriction on military service or arrest is not counted towards the period of military service in the assigned military rank.

Article 23. Rights of officials in conferring military ranks

1. Military ranks are assigned to military personnel:
a) senior officers - by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the federal executive body that provides for military service;
b) colonel, captain 1st rank - the head of the federal executive body that provides for military service;
c) other military ranks - by officials determined by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided.
The military commissar of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation assigns the military rank of private to citizens called up for military service.
The powers of officials of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation to confer military ranks, with the exception of military ranks of senior officers, are established by the director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
2. Officials have the right to assign military ranks to military personnel under their direct subordination.
A superior official enjoys all the rights to assign military ranks granted to subordinate commanders (chiefs).
3. Assignment of the first military rank of officer, military rank of officer ahead of schedule, one step higher than the military rank provided by the state for the military position held, as well as military rank to military personnel successfully studying full-time at a military educational institution, postgraduate study, military doctoral studies, up to and including colonel (captain 1st rank) is carried out by the head of the federal executive body that provides for military service.
4. Assignment of military ranks to warrant officers (midshipmen), sergeants (foremen) ahead of schedule, as well as assignment of regular military ranks one step higher than the military rank provided for the occupied full-time military position: warrant officers (midshipmen) - not higher than the military rank of senior warrant officer (senior warrant officer) ), sergeants (foremen) - not higher than the military rank of sergeant major (chief ship sergeant major), - is carried out by officials who have the right to assign these military ranks.

Article 24. Duration of tenure in military ranks, the rights of officials to assign military ranks and the procedure for assigning military ranks to citizens in reserve

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2009 N 30)

1. Citizens in the reserves may be awarded the first and subsequent military ranks, but not higher than the military rank of colonel or captain 1st rank.
2. A citizen who is in the reserve may be assigned a military rank if the specified citizen is assigned or may be assigned to a military unit (intended or may be assigned to a special formation) for conscription for military service upon mobilization to a position for which the wartime staff a military rank is provided that is equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to a citizen who is in the reserve, and the next military rank, in addition, after the expiration of the established period of stay in the previous military rank. In this case, a citizen who is in the reserve can be assigned a military rank after he has completed military training and passed the relevant tests or in the certification procedure.
3. Time limits are established for being in the reserve in the following military ranks:
a) private or sailor - five months;
b) junior sergeant or sergeant major 2 articles - one year;
c) sergeant or sergeant major 1st article - two years;
d) senior sergeant or chief sergeant - three years;
e) warrant officer or midshipman - three years;
f) junior lieutenant - two years;
g) lieutenant - three years;
h) senior lieutenant - three years;
i) captain or captain-lieutenant - four years;
j) major or captain 3rd rank - five years;
k) lieutenant colonel or captain 2nd rank - six years.
4. By decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation), a citizen who is in the reserve, with high professional training and extensive experience in a specialty applicable in military service, who has the military rank of officer, the period of stay in a military rank may be shortened.
5. A citizen who is in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, if he has work experience in a specialty related to military registration, the first military rank of an officer may be assigned by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the certification procedure:
a) having a higher professional education - lieutenant;
b) having secondary vocational education - junior lieutenant.
6. The next military rank of a citizen who is in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may be assigned to:
a) soldier, sailor, sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer and midshipman:
up to and including the chief petty officer or the chief petty officer - a military commissar;
up to senior warrant officer or senior midshipman inclusive - military commissar of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
b) officer:
The paragraph became invalid on November 29, 2009. - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2009 N 1363;
up to colonel or captain 1st rank inclusive - by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
7. The next military rank can be assigned to a citizen who is in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:
a) up to and including senior lieutenant - with positive certification;
b) from captain or captain-lieutenant to colonel or captain of the 1st rank inclusive - when he undergoes military training in a position corresponding to the next military rank, and passes the corresponding tests or in the certification procedure if he has work experience in a specialty related to military registration (military service in the corresponding officer positions).
8. The procedure for conducting certification for assigning military ranks to citizens in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
9. A citizen deprived of a military rank is assigned the military rank of private by the military commissar, simultaneously with registration for military service.
10. Citizens who are in the reserves of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation are assigned regular military ranks in the certification procedure, taking into account the possibility of their further use in military positions.
The rights of officials to assign military ranks, the procedure for assigning military ranks and conducting certification of these citizens are determined respectively by the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Article 25. Procedure for reinstatement in military rank

Paragraph 1 of Article 25, in its constitutional and legal meaning in the system of current legal regulation, cannot be an obstacle to the restoration to their previous military rank of persons deprived of their military rank extrajudicially (Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2009 N 483-O-P).

1. A citizen who has been deprived of a military rank, after the removal or expungement of a criminal record, can be restored to his previous military rank by an official who has the right to assign this military rank, at the request of the citizen, in the presence of a positive review from the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation and a decision of the commission of the military commissariat.
2. A citizen’s application for reinstatement in military rank is considered by the military commissar no later than one month from the date of its receipt by the military commissariat.
If there are grounds for reinstating a citizen to his previous military rank, the military commissar draws up a proposal to reinstate the citizen to his military rank.
In this case, the restoration of a citizen to a military rank can be carried out by order of an official who has the right to assign this military rank, in relation to the procedure for its assignment.
3. A citizen deprived of his military rank due to an illegal conviction is restored to his previous military rank after the decision on his rehabilitation comes into force from the day of his deprivation of his military rank.
A citizen whose military rank has been restored enjoys the rights and benefits established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in accordance with the restored military rank.

There are two types of ranks in the armed forces of the Russian Federation - military and naval.
Rank and file

Private- the lowest military rank in the army of Russia and most other countries, higher in rank only than recruit or cadet (except for officer courses). In the Armed Forces of the USSR, the rank was introduced in 1946 (before that - fighter, Red Army soldier).

Students are called "cadets". During the training period, they are awarded the military rank of enlisted personnel, and in case of successful completion of a military educational institution, they are immediately awarded the officer rank of lieutenant.

Corporal- a military rank assigned to the eldest and best soldiers, who replace them during the absence of squad commanders.

In the armed forces of the USSR (and then Russia), corporal is a military rank with a status higher than private and lower than junior sergeant.
Awarded for exemplary performance of official duties and exemplary military discipline. Indicated by one stripe on the shoulder straps.

The words “justice” or “medical service” are added to the military rank of a serviceman or a citizen in the reserve who has a military registration specialty of a legal or medical profile, respectively.
To the military rank of a citizen who is in the reserve or retired, the words “reserve” or “retired” are added, respectively.

In the Navy, he corresponds to the rank of senior sailor (photo on the right).

Lance Sergeant- a military rank in the army of Russia and some other countries, in rank below sergeant and above corporal. The regular position is the commander of a squad, tank, or combat vehicle. Also, in exceptional cases, the rank of “junior sergeant” can be awarded upon transfer to the reserve to the most distinguished conscript military personnel who have the rank of “corporal”, but are not in a regular position requiring the rank of sergeant.

Sergeant- a military rank of junior command in the armies of many countries.

In the Soviet army and the Russian Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies, the military (special) rank of sergeant was introduced by order of the People's Commissar of Defense dated November 2, 1940. Assigned to: cadets who have completed training in educational units under the sergeant training program with “excellent” marks; junior sergeants worthy of being awarded the next military rank and appointed to positions for which the states provide for the rank of sergeant or upon transfer to the reserve. The regular position is the commander of a squad, tank, or combat vehicle.

Before the military rank of a serviceman serving in a guards military unit, on a guards ship, the word “guards” is added.
The words “justice” or “medical service” are added to the military rank of a serviceman or a citizen in the reserve who has a military registration specialty of a legal or medical profile, respectively.
To the military rank of a citizen who is in the reserve or retired, the words “reserve” or “retired” are added, respectively.

Staff Sergeant- a military rank in the army of Russia and a number of other countries, in rank above sergeant and below sergeant major.
Before the military rank of a serviceman serving in a guards military unit, on a guards ship, the word “guards” is added.
The words “justice” or “medical service” are added to the military rank of a serviceman or a citizen in the reserve who has a military registration specialty of a legal or medical profile, respectively.
To the military rank of a citizen who is in the reserve or retired, the words “reserve” or “retired” are added, respectively. The regular position is deputy platoon commander.

Sergeant Major- military rank of sergeant (senior officer). In the armed forces of the USSR, it was introduced by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated September 22, 1935. According to the current regulations, it is awarded to the best senior sergeants who have served in sergeant positions for at least 6 months and appointed to positions for which the states provide for the rank of sergeant major, as well as positively certified senior sergeants with transferring them to the reserve. In the Navy, the rank of chief sergeant corresponds to the rank of chief naval sergeant (until 1971, in the USSR Navy, the rank of chief sergeant corresponded to the rank of midshipman).
An official in a company (battery). He is the direct superior of the soldiers and sergeants of his unit; is responsible for the correct performance of their service, military discipline, internal order, and the safety of weapons and other property. Subordinate to the company commander and, in the absence of officers, performs his duties. Persons with the rank of warrant officers (midshipmen) and long-term military servicemen in the ranks of sergeants are appointed to the position of company (battery) foreman. In the Navy, the rank of foreman corresponds to the rank of chief naval foreman (photo on the right).

Ensign- military rank (rank) in the armies of a number of countries. In the Armed Forces of the USSR, the ranks of ensign and midshipman were introduced on January 1, 1972. Ensigns and midshipmen represent a separate category of military personnel. In terms of their official position, duties and rights, they occupy a place close to junior officers, are their closest assistants and superiors for soldiers (sailors) and sergeants (foremen) of the same unit. Since 1981, the rank of senior warrant officer was also introduced.

Today I will tell you how to get a military rank in the army.

Initially, you will be a private, then comes a corporal, and after the corporal comes a junior sergeant, a sergeant and a senior sergeant. You may not hope for more, but this is not certain, since it is already very difficult to get a sergeant and senior sergeant in the army. Let's take it in order and start, of course, with the military rank of private.

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What military ranks can a conscript soldier achieve?

I would also like to remind you that in addition to the army, we also have the Navy, where military ranks differ from land ones, namely:

Assignment of the military rank of private

The initial military rank in the army is private. A private is an ordinary soldier who serves in the army and does not stand out in any way. This rank is stamped on your military ID at the assembly point where you are from, and the date of assignment to the rank of private is the date of your dismissal from military service. Ordinary soldiers have clean shoulder straps, and, as they say, “clean shoulder straps mean a clear conscience.” There is nothing more to say about the military rank of private.

Assignment of the military rank of corporal

Let's talk about the next military rank - corporal, the so-called most trained soldier. As they say, “it is better to have the daughter of a prostitute than the son of a corporal,” I don’t know why this title is so disliked, but according to one of the many versions, this is connected with Tsarist Russia, where corporals at the front were placed in the first rank, and, accordingly, they died first.

How to get the rank of corporal? There is a so-called ShDS (staff list) - “shtatka”. This is in every company. In order to receive this rank, you need to hold the appropriate military position. That is, your position in this “staff” must correspond to your rank.

A corporal can be assigned to any soldier, for example, by title you will be , and the senior driver should have the rank of corporal.

Assignment of the military rank junior sergeant, sergeant

Military ranks of sergeants and senior officers

Next comes the rank of junior sergeant. Let's think about it, do you need it? A junior sergeant is usually a soldier who knows the regulations, who is able and willing to lead personnel, who is respected in the military team, not only by the soldiers, but also by the command. He may already be a squad leader. The squad commander is the soldier who will have him under his command. The squad leader must know everything about each soldier from his squad. And also skillfully manage them.

The direct superior of the squad commander will be the deputy platoon commander (zamkom platoon) - this is the same junior sergeant or sergeant who will lead the entire platoon.

That is, there is a chain of military personnel, namely: private, corporal, junior sergeant and sergeant. Usually the platoon commander is a junior sergeant or sergeant, the squad commander is a corporal, and ordinary soldiers are simply in different platoons.

There is another method for obtaining a military rank. Let's say you approach your company commander and say that after the army you want to serve in the police or another law enforcement agency and the rank of junior sergeant will be useful to you to make it easier for you to move forward. Perhaps this will be enough to award you the military rank of junior sergeant (provided that you are really worthy of it).

The third option for assigning a military rank

Let's say - February 23 or May 9, usually regular and extraordinary military ranks are awarded on these holidays, and accordingly you can fall under this topic.

How else can you get a rank in the army?

This is when the old conscription retired and vacancies became available for military positions, for which the state provides for the military ranks of corporal or junior sergeant. And, since there will be no platoon commanders and squad commanders, any worthy soldier can be appointed to this position with the assignment of the next military rank.

Also, the rank of junior sergeant can be given for some merit, but this is very rare. So let's look at it: a private is a soldier who simply serves in the army. A corporal is the same soldier, but no longer a soldier and not yet a junior sergeant. Next comes the junior sergeant, who leads the squad, and the sergeant, who can already lead an entire platoon. But not all soldiers are given a sergeant. There will be only two or three of them in the company.

Conclusion: if you want to run around at night on platoon or squad business, fill out various documentation, monitor the whole platoon, get paid for them, etc., then you can become a junior sergeant. And if you just want to quietly serve in the army, then be a private.

As they say, everything is in your hands and in fact, make it so that you awarded military rank not that hard

The presence of personal military ranks among military personnel is one of the features of military service. Military ranks provide clarity and clarity in the relationships and subordination of military personnel, i.e. provide relationships of power and subordination.

Military ranks have a significant impact on the conditions and procedure for serving by the corresponding categories of military personnel, on the scope of their official and personal rights (for example, on the additional total living area for a colonel).
Military personnel of the Soviet Army units (CIS Allied Forces) stationed in Russia from December 1991 to May 1992 continued to wear the uniform and insignia of the Soviet Army. Since the legal registration of the Russian Army on May 7, 1992, wearing the uniform and insignia of the Soviet Army is, in fact, considered illegal.