Emergency rescue and other urgent work carried out in emergency zones. Civil defense: voronkova_o_n — LiveJournal What works are classified as emergency rescue

Time: 2 hours.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Explore general concepts and definitions;
  2. Familiarize yourself with the organization and main content of emergency rescue operations.

Equipment. Textbook, PC, projector, DVD - movie: O reproductive health

Lesson plan.

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Emergency rescue work ( a-from work)
- these are actions to save people, material and cultural values, protect the natural environment in the emergency zone, localize emergencies and suppress or bring to the minimum possible level the impact of their characteristics hazardous factors. Emergency rescue operations are characterized by the presence of factors that threaten the life and health of the people carrying out these operations, and require special training, equipment and equipment.

Organization and conduct of reconnaissance in the Black Sea zone.

A special feature of organizing reconnaissance in an emergency zone is the fulfillment of the basic condition - the reconnaissance force includes specialists who are well aware of the specifics of the production where the accident occurred, chemist specialists with appropriate reconnaissance equipment, etc.

The main tasks of reconnaissance in the event of an emergency in peacetime:

    implementation of enhanced surveillance and laboratory control over changes in the degree of contamination of environmental objects with radioactive substances, hazardous substances, and BS in emergency areas and in adjacent territories;

    identifying the general situation in emergency areas;

    identifying the locations of people affected by emergencies and determining ways to rescue them.

Exploration is underway



    in a timely manner

and continuously, and the obtained data must be reliable.

Depending on the methods of obtaining intelligence data and the funds allocated for this, intelligence is divided

by air, river (sea), land.

Elimination of the consequences of emergencies is carried out by the forces and means of organizations and bodies local government, on whose territory an emergency situation has developed, under the direct supervision of the emergency commission. If the scale of the emergency is such that it is impossible to localize or eliminate it with the available forces and means, these commissions turn to the higher emergency commission for help.

Work related to the rescue of people is carried out continuously until it is completely completed. If necessary, personnel shifts and rest are organized

formations at the work site or in designated places (areas).

The purpose of carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent work (ASDNR) is to save people and provide medical care to the victims, local

lysis of the accident and elimination of damage that impedes rescue operations.

Types of emergency rescue operations:

  • search and rescue,
  • mine rescue,
  • gas rescue,
  • anti-gushing works,
  • as well as emergency rescue operations related to extinguishing fires,
  • liquidation work health consequences Emergencies and others, the list of which may be supplemented by a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Rescue operations include:

  • reconnaissance of formation routes and work sites (objects);
  • localization and extinguishing of fires on advance routes and work areas (objects);
  • searching for the affected and extracting them from damaged and burning buildings, gas-polluted, flooded and smoke-filled premises, rubble;
  • opening of destroyed, damaged and littered protective structures and the salvation of the people in them;
  • supplying air to littered protective structures with a damaged filter-ventilation system;
  • providing first aid to the injured and evacuating them to medical institutions;
  • withdrawal (removal) of the population from dangerous areas to safe areas;
  • sanitary treatment of people, veterinary treatment of farm animals, decontamination and decontamination of equipment, protective equipment and clothing, food, food raw materials, water and fodder.

Urgent work during emergency response - this is an activity to comprehensively ensure emergency rescue operations, provide medical and other types of assistance to the population affected by emergency situations, create conditions that are minimally necessary to preserve the life and health of people, and maintain their working capacity.

Other urgent work includes:

laying column tracks and constructing passages (passages) in rubble and contamination zones;

localization of accidents in gas, energy, water supply, sewer and technological networks in order to create conditions for carrying out rescue operations;

strengthening or collapsing building structures into structures that threaten collapse and prevent safe movement and carrying out rescue operations;

repair and restoration of damaged and destroyed communication lines and utility networks in order to ensure rescue operations,

as well as protective structures to shelter people in case of repeated emergency situations;

detection, neutralization and destruction of unexploded ordnance and other explosive objects, ASDNR are carried out continuously, day and night, in

any weather until they are completely completed. To carry them out, all available types and brands of construction and road machinery and mechanisms can be used.

The sequence and methods of performing ASDNR depend on the nature of the destruction, the state of utility, energy and technological networks, the degree of radioactive and chemical contamination of the territory, fires and other conditions affecting the actions of the formations.

First of all, work is being carried out to create driveways and passages to damaged and destroyed buildings, where people may be located, as well as in places that impede rescue operations.

Search and rescue of people begins according to intelligence data immediately after entering rescue groups to the work site (object). The personnel of the formations search for shelters and shelters, establish contact with those taking refuge in protective structures, using communications equipment, air intake openings, and also by knocking on doors, walls, water supply and heating pipes. First of all, air is supplied to the shelter, for which the air intake channels are cleared or, if necessary, holes are made in the walls. overlapping.

All victims are provided with qualified medical care, and if necessary, measures are taken to disinfect the area and sanitize people.

Tutorial for educational institutions Fundamentals of life safety, grade 10, Yu.L. Vorobyov

Conducting emergency response and emergency response during peacetime and wartime emergencies is one of the main tasks of the Russian Federation Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Emergency response– this is the carrying out of all types of reconnaissance and urgent work in the emergency zone and adjacent areas by emergency response forces and means, as well as the organization of life support for the affected population and the personnel of these forces.

Conducting emergency operations and emergency response in emergency zones is one of the main tasks of the forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and represents a complex set of measures. The purpose of carrying out AS and DPR in emergency zones is to save people, provide medical assistance to victims, localize accidents, disasters and create conditions for subsequent restoration work. AS and DPR include rescue and other emergency work.

Emergency rescue work are carried out in order to save people and include:

Conducting reconnaissance of formation routes and work areas (objects);

Localization and extinguishing of fires at work sites (objects) and advance routes to them;

Search for the injured, extracting them from damaged and burning buildings, rubble, gas-filled and smoke-filled premises, damaged Vehicle and so on.;

Opening destroyed, damaged and littered protective structures and rescuing the people in them;

Air supply to blocked protective structures;

Providing first medical and first aid to those affected and evacuating them to medical institutions;

Evacuation of people from emergency zones;

Sanitary treatment of people and disinfection of their clothing, vehicles, territories, structures, equipment, food, water.

Other urgent work are carried out with the aim of creating conditions for carrying out rescue operations, restoration work and ensuring the operability of the equipment and include:

Construction of driveways and passages in rubble and contaminated areas;

Localization of accidents on gas, energy, water supply, sewerage, heating and technological networks (IES networks);

Strengthening or collapsing structures of buildings and structures that threaten collapse and the safety of people during work;

Repair and restoration of destroyed communication lines and utilities

energy networks (IES);

Detection, neutralization and destruction of explosive objects;

Repair and restoration of damaged protective structures (carried out only in wartime conditions).

The scope and conditions for carrying out accidents and accidents largely depend on the scale of accidents and disasters.

Analysis of emergency response and emergency response procedures during emergency response in different zones Emergency shows that all tasks are carried out step by step in a certain sequence and to the maximum extent possible. short time. 3 stages of the AS and DPR are considered.

At the first stage tasks are being solved for the emergency protection of facility personnel and the population, preventing the development or reducing the impact of damaging factors from sources of accidents (disasters) and preparing for the conduct of accidents and accidents. The main activities of this stage are:

Warning the population, workers and employees about the danger;

Use of protective equipment (individual and collective);

Compliance with behavior regimes in the emergency zone;

Evacuation of people from areas where there is a danger of their destruction;

The use of medical preventive measures and the provision of medical and other types of assistance to victims.

Upon receipt of data on the occurrence of A, K, SB, by order of the chairman of the CoES, peacetime emergency civil defense plans are put into effect to eliminate the consequences of A, K, SB and the implementation of the measures provided for in the plan is organized. The CoES carries out its activities through departments, departments and its own operational groups.

Emergency Civil Defense forces are put on alert one by one. First of all, reconnaissance formations are put on alert, as well as those forces that are necessary to carry out tasks to protect the population, localize accidents and prepare rescue operations. These include formations of public order protection, medical and fire services, transport, and departmental rescue service units. Control over the readiness of these forces is carried out by departments and emergency departments.

Other forces are put on alert after assessing the situation and making a decision to conduct an air strike and a DPR. The protection of public order is organized as a matter of priority. For this purpose, a cordon is established in area A or SB, and traffic flow is regulated. Particular attention is paid to preventing panic, information is provided to the population about the situation, instructions and recommendations are given on the procedure for behavior in the emergency zone.

In order to obtain data to assess the situation, all types of reconnaissance are organized. Intelligence establishes and provides data on the location of the accident or security incident, its nature, the scale of damage and destruction, and other information about the current situation.

Based on an assessment of the situation based on intelligence data, the Chairman of the CoES makes a decision on carrying out emergency operations and DPR and implements it through the emergency response authorities.

At the second stage, the main task is the direct implementation of AS and DNR. At the same time, the tasks of the first stage continue. The leadership of the Autonomous Republic and the DPR is carried out by the CoES. Control over the organization and execution of work is carried out by emergency civil defense bodies (departments, departments) and operational groups created by the CoES.

As a matter of priority, work is being carried out to construct passages and passages in the rubble to protective structures where people may be located, to accident sites that impede or complicate the conduct of emergency and non-surgical operations.

Directions (passage) in case of minor local blockages, it is arranged by clearing the roadway from debris, and in case of continuous blockages more than 1 m high - by laying a driveway over the blockage. Driveways are arranged with a width of 3-3.5 m for one-way traffic and 6-6.5 m for two-way traffic. In case of one-way traffic, sidings with a length of 15-20 m are made every 150-200 m. For the construction of passages, mechanization units with bulldozers and truck cranes are used.

Simultaneously with the work on constructing passages (passages), exploration of work sites is carried out, methods and methods are determined for rescuing people from rubble, protective structures and localizing fires, stopping and limiting the release of hazardous chemicals. At the same time, localization and elimination of accidents on technological production lines, utility and energy and technological networks that threaten people’s lives and impede the conduct of nuclear reactors and non-surgical operations can be carried out.

Upon completion of work on the construction of passages (passages), mechanization formations, together with emergency technical and rescue units, and in case of fires at sites and with fire extinguishing teams, move to the work sites and begin rescuing people, opening littered protective structures, supplying air to them if necessary and to carry out other work. The gas rescue team of the enterprise works in gas-contaminated buildings and structures. First of all, the gas pipeline is shut off, the causes of the gas leak are determined and eliminated, all rooms are ventilated to prevent explosions and fires.

Rescue units, reinforced by mechanization means, sanitary squads (units) with access to the work site (facility), disperse and search for the injured, remove them from under the rubble, open protective structures, rescue people from damaged and burning buildings and provide them with first aid , are carried to the loading points for transport.

Structures of buildings and structures that threaten to collapse and impede rescue operations are either strengthened or collapsed.

Those affected near the surface of the rubble and under small debris are removed by manually dismantling the rubble from above, and those in the depths of the rubble (under the rubble) are removed through galleries arranged in the rubble, using voids and cracks formed from large elements of destroyed buildings, or by dismantling the rubble above.

When extracting victims from under the rubble or individual debris, one should avoid shifting the elements of the rubble (debris) and causing additional injuries to the victim, first freeing the head and upper torso. After removing the injured person, he is provided with first aid, and if possible, this assistance is provided even before he is removed from the rubble.

Rescue of people from damaged and burning buildings with destroyed entrances and staircases, rescue, fire-fighting and other formations is carried out by withdrawing and carrying them out through openings made into adjacent rooms with preserved exits, or along ladders arranged for this purpose, as well as through window openings and balconies using ladders, car lifts and rescue ropes.

When rescuing people from blocked protective structures, first of all, contact is established with those being sheltered, their condition is determined, the degree of damage to the filtering and ventilation equipment is determined, after which the method of opening is determined. If necessary, air is supplied to the structures first.

If there is a threat of flooding or gas contamination of the shelter, damaged utility and energy networks are immediately turned off.

First medical aid to the injured is provided in the form of self- and mutual assistance, as well as by the personnel of medical units, sanitary squads and rescue units directly at the place where the victims are found. In this case, first of all, assistance is provided to those affected by hazardous chemicals (gas masks are put on, antidotes are administered if necessary, poisonous liquid is washed off from open areas of the body), as well as to those affected by bleeding, penetrating wounds of the abdomen and chest.

The affected persons are removed from the work sites to the places of loading onto transport on stretchers; those who are easily affected follow on foot.

First medical aid to those affected is provided in first aid units and in medical institutions.

After the set time has elapsed, change of formations. The shift order is determined by the head of the economic facility. In order to ensure continuous work, changes of working personnel are carried out directly at the workplace. The equipment of the formation being replaced, if necessary, is transferred to the personnel arriving for the shift. The commander of the formation being replaced informs the newly arrived commander of the situation and the procedure for maintaining contact with the head of the Autonomous Republic and the DPR.

After handing over the objects of work, the replacement formation gathers in a designated place, then proceeds to the assembly area. From the collection area, the formation, if necessary, is sent for sanitary treatment or to the location area. In the area of ​​location, the readiness of the formation for further actions is restored, PPE and equipment are replaced and repaired, maintenance of machines is carried out, consumables of logistics and medical support are replenished.

At the third stage tasks are being solved to ensure the livelihoods of the population in areas affected by A, K or SB and to restore the functioning of economic facilities. Measures are being taken to restore housing, energy and water supply to public utilities, communication lines, organize medical care for production personnel and the population, and supply food and basic necessities. When a residential area becomes infected, it is decontaminated, degassed, and disinfected. Upon completion of this work, the evacuated population returns.

At this stage, emergency civil defense forces perform their special tasks:

Conducting reconnaissance, surveillance and laboratory control;

Carrying out sanitization, decontamination, degassing and disinfection of transport, equipment, structures, territories, etc.

All other issues related to ensuring the livelihoods of the population are resolved by other organizations and structures under the leadership of the CoES.

Work to restore the functioning of industries and economic facilities is carried out by construction, installation and other specialized enterprises and organizations under the leadership of the relevant ministries and departments.

It should be borne in mind that the occurrence of safety incidents, and in some cases accidents, can be predicted in advance. In such cases, in accordance with the emergency civil defense plans, measures are taken to protect the population, prevent the consequences of emergency situations and accidents, and to prepare for the emergency response and emergency response.

In this kind of situation, the organization and nature of the activities of the bodies and forces of civil defense emergencies are similar to their work in case of suddenly arising A, K, and SB, with the only difference being that a sufficiently large amount of work can be completed in advance before the occurrence of an emergency.

The conditions of the AS and DPR require the personnel of the formations to strictly adhere to security measures. This makes it possible to prevent accidents, losses of personnel of formations and the population during the conduct of emergency operations and DPR.

Unit commanders are obliged to explain to the personnel in advance the characteristic features of the upcoming actions, familiarize them with the procedure for carrying out work and safety rules, and strictly monitor their implementation.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully inspect the damage and identify dangerous places in damaged buildings and structures.

Rescue work in dilapidated, burning, smoke-filled premises, in rubble, they are carried out in groups (at least two people) with mutual insurance. During rescue operations, the movement of vehicles and the evacuation of the injured and the population is organized only along explored and marked routes. Dangerous places are protected by warning signs.

When carrying out work in gas-polluted areas It is prohibited to use open sources of fire. Work is carried out, as a rule, in self-contained breathing apparatus, with tools made of non-ferrous or copper-plated metals.

Emergency work on electrical networks carried out after disconnecting damaged sections of the network at distribution boards, wearing rubber gloves and boots, while observing electrical safety measures.

When working in fire and smoke zones personnel are provided with gas masks and additional cartridges for them, providing protection against carbon monoxide, as well as special clothing and helmets.

In areas contaminated with radioactive substances, it is necessary to observe the radiation safety regime, preventing people from being exposed to radiation in excess of the established maximum radiation doses. All personnel must be provided with individual dosimeters to monitor exposure. At radiation levels of 0.5 R/h and above, when the area is considered contaminated with radioactive substances, work should be carried out wearing respiratory and skin protection.

When eliminating accidents on technological lines (networks) and containers with hazardous chemicals (HCS)), when disinfecting toxic and aggressive liquids, it is necessary to approach the accident site from the windward side, wearing self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Depending on the air temperature, the permissible period of stay in protective clothing must be observed.

Only specially trained formations provided with the necessary protective equipment are allowed to operate in the source of biological damage.

Types of liability for environmental violations.

Civil law liability for environmental offenses is a type of legal liability applied for environmental, civil offenses and torts. According to Art. 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to compensation for damage caused to his health or property by an environmental violation.

Material liability behind environmental offenses- this is a property liability defined by labor, and not civil legislation. officials and other employees through whose fault the enterprise, institution, or organization incurred expenses related to compensation for damage caused by an environmental violation.

This liability is regressive in nature and aims to compensate enterprises, institutions and organizations for property losses incurred due to the fault of misconduct their workers.

The Labor Code provides that when determining damage caused by workers and employees during their performance labor responsibilities, only direct damage is taken into account, and lost income (i.e. lost profit) is not taken into account. It is not permitted to hold a worker or employee liable for such damage that can be classified as a normal production risk. At the same time, the administration of an enterprise, institution, or organization is charged with creating the conditions necessary for workers and employees for normal work and ensuring the complete safety of the property entrusted to them.

Criminal liability in the field of environmental management is used in cases where an act encroaching on the environmental legal order is socially dangerous.

The basis of criminal liability in this area is environmental crime.

An environmental crime is understood as a guilty, socially dangerous act that encroaches on the environmental legal order established in the Russian Federation and causes harm natural environment or creating a threat of such harm and prohibited by criminal law under threat of punishment.

The object of environmental crime is environmental law and order. The environmental safety of individuals and society is recognized as an integral part of the environmental legal order.

Environmental safety is understood as a set of measures that ensure the security of vital important rights and human interests, including the right to a healthy and favorable natural environment.

The concept of “environmental safety” includes a new object of criminal law protection, which is “ecological safety of humanity.” A crime against the environmental safety of mankind is a type of crime against the peace and security of mankind.

Ecocide is one of the crimes in this group. The elements of this crime are provided for in Article 358 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Ecocide is understood as the mass destruction of flora and fauna, poisoning of atmospheric air and water resources, as well as the commission of other actions that can cause an environmental disaster.

Contents of emergency rescue operations

Conducting emergency rescue operations has its own characteristics in the conditions of occurrence various kinds accidents In this article we will understand the types and tasks of work, the features of their organization, rescue operations in case of fires, emergency situations, natural disasters and accidents at hazardous production facilities.

Types of emergency rescue operations

Emergency rescue operations are actions that include the following activities: rescue of people, cultural and material assets, protection of the natural environment in the emergency zone, suppression of hazardous factors characteristic of this emergency. During emergency rescue operations, there are factors that threaten the life and health of the people carrying out these works, therefore special training, equipment and equipment are required.

The main types of support for emergency rescue operations include reconnaissance, transport, road, engineering, hydrometeorological, material, technical and medical support.

The current legislation provides the following types ASDNR:

  • search and rescue;

  • mine rescue;

  • blowout control works (carried out at drilling and oil wells);

  • fire extinguishing work;

  • elimination of health consequences of emergencies.

Rescue missions

Emergency rescue operations are carried out to prevent emergencies so that nothing threatens the life and health of people. Primary rescue actions during accidents, fires, explosions, fires, earthquakes and other emergencies - search and rescue of victims who remained in damaged or destroyed buildings, people who were cut off by fire (smoke, walls, etc.) or who were trapped in room.

The tasks of emergency rescue operations are: extinguishing fires, eliminating the medical and sanitary consequences of emergencies and carrying out other urgent actions, the list of which, if necessary, is specified by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Organization of emergency rescue operations

Organization and preparation for emergency rescue and other work is carried out in several stages. The sequence of activities varies depending on the emergency situation, but in any case, competent planning is required.

A universal scheme for preparing, organizing and conducting ASR is often used:

  • The first stage: protection and rescue of the population, preparation of forces and means of the ASF or ASF for full-scale work.

  • Second stage: direct implementation emergency rescue work in the emergency zone.

  • Third stage: liquidation of consequences of an emergency situation.

More information about organizing emergency rescue operations read here(Basics of organizing emergency rescue operations).

Fire rescue operations

A fire is an uncontrolled combustion that can lead to the destruction of structures, explosions and other factors causing material damage and harm to people's health and lives. Successful execution requires fast and efficient organization combat operations (timely arrival at the scene of a fire, attraction of the necessary forces and means, competent management of activities).

Primary rescue operations when extinguishing fires include searching for injured people, extricating them from danger zone(littered or partially destroyed buildings), air supply to smoky rooms, first first aid, evacuation of people and material assets. You can learn more about priority rescue actions during fires.

Emergency rescue operations

Emergency rescue operations in emergency zones are carried out with the aim of searching for and removing victims beyond the influence of hazardous factors. Emergency medical care is provided to the victims and their evacuation to medical institutions, because on site it is often impossible to create the conditions necessary to save a person.

Work to eliminate emergency situations at hazardous production facilities

To ensure readiness for work to localize and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations, organizations operating hazardous production facilities are required to plan and carry out measures to localize and eliminate accidents at hazardous production facilities. Upon liquidation emergency situation it is important to adhere to, because coordinated and competent work of all departments will lead to the rapid liquidation of the AS.

The Moscow Emergency Rescue Service provides a wide range of services for organizing rescue operations, as well as stationary monitoring of hazardous production facilities. You can contact us using the page.

Emergency rescue and other urgent work(ASDNR) - a set of priority work in an emergency zone, consisting of rescuing and providing assistance to people, localizing and suppressing foci of damaging effects, preventing the occurrence of secondary damaging factors, protecting and saving material and cultural values. Emergency rescue and other urgent work is carried out by emergency services in order to:

  • saving people and providing assistance to the injured,
  • localization of accidents and elimination of damage that impedes rescue operations,
  • creating conditions for subsequent restoration work.

To organize more effective management of emergency rescue and other urgent work, taking into account their nature and volume, the rational use of available forces and means on the territory of the facility, work locations are determined, taking into account the characteristics of the territory of the facility, the nature of the layout and development, the location of protective structures and technological communications, as well as transport routes. Emergency rescue and other urgent work have different contents, but are usually carried out simultaneously.

TO emergency rescue work include:

  • reconnaissance of formation routes and areas of upcoming work;
  • localization and extinguishing of fires on the routes of formations and work areas;
  • searching for victims and extracting them from rubble, damaged and burning buildings, gas-filled, smoke-filled and flooded premises;
  • air supply to littered protective structures with damaged ventilation;
  • opening destroyed, damaged and littered protective structures, rescuing people there;
  • providing first aid to the injured and evacuating them to medical institutions;
  • removal (withdrawal) of the population from dangerous places to safe areas;
  • sanitary treatment of people, disinfection of their clothing, territory, structures, equipment, water and food.

To ensure successful rescue operations in the affected area, other urgent work. These include:

  • laying column tracks and creating passages (passages) in rubble and contaminated areas;
  • localization of accidents on utility, energy and technological networks;
  • strengthening or collapsing structures of buildings (structures) that threaten to collapse on the routes to the work sites.

When conducting rescue and other urgent work in hot spots formed as a result of military operations, the following are additionally carried out:

  • detection, neutralization and destruction of unexploded ammunition in conventional ammunition;
  • repair and restoration of damaged protective structures.

At the same time, work such as

  • disinfection of lesions;
  • collection of material assets;
  • providing food to the population in need;
  • disposal of contaminated food and other work aimed at preventing the occurrence of an epidemic.

Official interpretation

Legal acts of the Russian Federation

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 1 of the Federal Law “On Emergency Rescue Services and the Status of Rescuers” dated August 22, 1995 No. 151-FZ (Russian), emergency rescue operations are actions to save people, material and cultural values, and protect the natural environment in emergency zones , localization of emergency situations and suppression or reduction to the minimum possible level of exposure to their characteristic hazardous factors. Emergency rescue operations are characterized by the presence of factors that threaten the life and health of the people carrying out these operations, and require special training, equipment and equipment.

The law provides for the following types of ASDNR:

  • search and rescue
  • mine rescue
  • gas rescue
  • blowout control works (at drilling and oil wells)
  • emergency rescue work related to firefighting
  • work to eliminate the health consequences of emergency situations
  • others, the list of which may be supplemented by a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation

see also

  • Environmental pollution

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    See what “Rescue and other urgent work” is in other dictionaries:

    Emergency rescue and other urgent work ASDNR is a set of priority work in an emergency zone, consisting of rescuing and providing assistance to people, localizing and suppressing sources of damaging effects, preventing the occurrence of secondary... ... Wikipedia

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Goals and objectives of emergency rescue and other urgent work (ASiDNR)

Other urgent work is activities to comprehensively provide emergency rescue operations, provide medical and other types of assistance to the population affected by emergency situations, create conditions that are minimally necessary to preserve the life and health of people, and maintain their working capacity.

Goals of other urgent work:

  • - creation of conditions for carrying out rescue operations;
  • - prevention of further destruction and losses caused by secondary damaging factors;
  • - ensuring the livelihoods of the affected population and economic facilities in an emergency situation.

Carrying out emergency rescue and other emergency operations (ASDNR) in disaster zones of an emergency situation is one of the main tasks of the forces and means of the RSChS (including civil defense).

The purpose of carrying out ASDNR in the affected areas is to rescue people and provide medical care to the injured, localize accidents and eliminate damage that impede rescue operations, and create conditions for subsequent restoration work.

Emergency rescue operations are carried out in order to search for the injured and extract them from the rubble and from destroyed protective structures, provide them with first aid and first aid and evacuate them from the affected areas and flood zones to medical institutions.

  • - conducting reconnaissance of formation routes and work areas (objects);
  • - localization and extinguishing of fires at work sites (objects) and advance routes to them;
  • - searching for the injured, extracting them from damaged and burning buildings, rubble, gas-polluted, flooded and smoke-filled premises;
  • - opening destroyed, damaged and littered protective structures and rescuing people in them;
  • - air supply to blocked protective structures;
  • - providing first aid and first aid to those affected and evacuating them to medical institutions;
  • - withdrawal (removal) of the population from dangerous places to safe areas;
  • - sanitary treatment of people and disinfection of their clothing, territory, structures, equipment, food, water.

The organization of emergency rescue operations should be based on a differentiated approach depending on the situation, a two-stage system of medical and evacuation support should be provided: first medical and first aid provided directly in the disaster zone, as well as specialized assistance and inpatient treatment outside the accident area (in medical institutions).

Certain rules have been established for the evacuation of victims. First of all, the seriously injured are loaded onto transport, and then the injured moderate severity those who can ride while sitting are the last to be easily affected.

The main requirement for organizing first aid is to provide it to the maximum number of victims in the shortest possible time and evacuate them to medical institutions.

Other urgent work is aimed at creating conditions for carrying out rescue operations and ensuring the operability of the facility.

  • - laying column tracks and constructing passages (passages) in rubble and contamination zones;
  • - localization of accidents on gas, energy, water supply, sewer and technological networks;
  • - strengthening or collapsing structures of buildings and structures that threaten collapse and impede the safe conduct of emergency rescue operations;
  • - repair and restoration of destroyed communication lines and utility networks;
  • - detection, neutralization and destruction of explosive objects;
  • - repair and restoration of damaged protective structures.

The volume and conditions for conducting ASDNR largely depend on the scale of accidents and disasters. The most difficult conditions for the management of ASDNR may occur in the area of ​​combined lesions. Depending on the volume of work to eliminate the consequences of an emergency, various forces and means are involved in such quantities that they ensure the continuity of the ASDNR. Continuity of work is achieved by timely increase in efforts, skillful maneuver of forces and means, timely replacement of units, full provision of their material resources, rapid repair and return of damaged equipment to service.

The plans of the emergency commissions provide for the creation of a group of forces and means intended to conduct ASDNR during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations in a given area. The composition and structure of the group is specified in the event of the threat of an emergency and after its occurrence, taking into account the current situation, the actual presence and condition of forces and means and the volume of work in the affected areas.

The grouping of forces includes facility and territorial formations of high readiness, specialized, special and departmental formations. They may include military units of the Civil Defense, engineering units and units of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense. To ensure continuous work, the grouping of forces consists of formations of the first echelon, second echelon and reserve.

The first echelon of forces and assets is intended to carry out priority rescue operations, especially at facilities that continue to operate.

The second echelon is to increase efforts and expand the scope of emergency rescue operations, as well as to replace the formations of the first echelon.

Reserve - for solving unexpected problems, increasing efforts, replacing part of the first (second) echelon, transferring efforts to new areas (objects) of work.

The formations included in the echelons are distributed among shifts while maintaining their integrity organizational structure and production principle.

The composition of echelons and shifts is determined based on the specific situation in the affected area, the availability of forces and means.

To ensure the unhindered movement of the group of forces to the source of destruction (work sites), by decision of the Chairman of the CoES, traffic support detachments (MSD) are created, one per route. The basis of the OOD is a combined detachment (team), reinforced by formations of services (intelligence, fire, engineering, radiation and chemical protection).

OOD restores destroyed sections of roads and bridges, organizes detours if necessary, carries out disinfection of sections of roads and other work.

Successful implementation of ASDNR is achieved by:

  • - timely organization and continuous conduct of reconnaissance, obtaining reliable data for deadline; rapid introduction of formations into the affected areas to carry out tasks; high level of training and moral and psychological preparation of personnel; knowledge and strict observance by personnel of the rules of conduct and safety measures when carrying out work;
  • - advance study by formation commanders of the features of likely areas (facilities) of work, the nature of their development, the presence of utility and energy and technological networks, storage sites for hazardous materials chemical substances(hazardous hazardous materials), locations and characteristics of protective structures;
  • - continuous and firm management, clear organization of the interaction of forces and means involved in the work, and their comprehensive support.

Specifics of the organization practical actions in an emergency with hazardous substances, it requires a large amount of primary information about a specific toxic substance that determines the chemical situation in the area of ​​the accident. civil protection emergency military

To work at a facility in a contaminated zone, the formation commander is issued a permit approved by the chairman of the emergency commission and signed by the head of the civil defense department of the facility.

The work permit is prepared in any form, but in any case it must contain the following questions: the person responsible for performing the work; place, time, nature of work (type of hazardous substances, concentration and density of infection, air temperature, etc.), task of the unit (formation of civil defense, team); mandatory PPE; list of personnel with a receipt for familiarization with safety requirements; basic safety requirements; surnames, initials and signatures of the person instructing and being instructed, the head of the gas rescue service, responsible for chemical control and operation of PPE.

Permit orders are filed in separate files and stored in the archive for a long time (at least 50 years). Elimination of the consequences of chemical accidents must be completed in the shortest possible time, so all work should be carried out around the clock.