What is alternative nutrition? Alternative types of nutrition: pros and cons

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In my opinion, to keep yourself in great shape and healthy, you don't have to hold yourself back or make sacrifices. It's important to make a conscious decision to eat what you enjoy, including tasty foods that help your body function better. Choosing healthier, more nutritious foods will come naturally to you once you learn when and how to introduce them into your diet. And it begins when healthy eating becomes a habit.

For example, I love chocolate cakes and eclairs filled with creme brulee, and I will never deprive myself of this. But you can replace some foods with healthier ones. In this case, you will not lose anything, but on the contrary, you will receive even more useful nutrients, vitamins and minerals. We offer you 10 alternative, healthier foods that will help you lose weight quickly and stay in great shape.

White rice → Quinoa

Quinoa is a unique grain - it contains more protein than any other grain. On average 16.2% (compared to 7.5% in rice). This South American cereal also contains all nine amino acids the body needs. In addition, quinoa is rich in phosphorus (three times more than in rice, and not inferior to many types of fish), iron (twice as much as wheat), calcium, zinc, and fiber.

Rice is rich. There are slightly fewer calories in one serving of rice than in the same serving of quinoa. But immediately after eating, carbohydrates turn into sugar, and later - since the energy is not completely consumed - into fat. Quinoa is processed very efficiently, providing pure protein fuel to the entire body. Therefore, in a dispute with rice and with many other grains, it still wins.

White bread → Lavash

Purely theoretically, not a single type of bread can be called “good”. Ideally, this should be spelled bread or sprouted grain bread, which are minimally processed, retaining the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients. But such bread is very difficult to find on the shelves of regular stores, and it will not be cheap.

Therefore, for your sandwiches, instead of sliced ​​white bread, choose pita bread. It has fewer calories than white bread, low content, but there is iron and calcium. Unlike pita bread, white bread has virtually no nutritional value.

Mashed Potatoes → Cauliflower Puree

Compared to potatoes cauliflower is a much better everyday option for a number of obvious reasons. Cauliflower contains vitamins and minerals such as: C, K, B1, B6, potassium, sodium, fiber, folic acid... The list goes on and on. The apogee of the benefits of cauliflower puree for your health is its very low calorie content compared to mashed potatoes.

Rye flatbreads → Cornmeal flatbreads

One average corn tortilla contains only 40 kcal and 5 g of fat, while rye flour tortillas contain 110 kcal and 2.5 g of fat. The difference is obvious! Not to mention, rye tortillas contain far too much sodium compared to cornmeal tortillas.

Sour cream → Greek yogurt

Low-fat Greek yogurt has a delicate, mild taste. Its consistency is approximately similar to sour cream, even a little thicker. Greek yogurt acts as an excellent substitute for sour cream, while being low in calories. One cup of low-fat Greek yogurt contains about 130 calories and 0 grams of fat, while one cup of sour cream contains over 450 calories and 45 grams of fat. That's a significant difference!

Juice → Fruit water

Most people know that fruit juices (even if they are freshly squeezed and made with the highest technology) are actually not that healthy. Often, fruit juices are packaged with sweet syrup, which provokes our body to produce and store excess fat. Choose water with fresh fruit instead of juice. This will help you avoid stocking up on “packed calories” every day.

Mayonnaise → Avocado puree

Do you like all sorts of snacks with sauces? Then consider: two tablespoons of mayonnaise contain 115 kcal, a lot of saturated fat and about 200 mg of sodium, while 1/4 of a whole one contains only 80 kcal. And its health benefits are fantastic: avocado tops the list of anti-aging foods because it contains healthy vegetable fat, vitamin E, as well as glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that keeps the body oxygenated and potassium, which keeps the skin and blood vessels in good condition. It's no wonder that some people consider pureed avocado pulp a superfood.

French fries → Sweet baked potatoes

French fries are harmful for objective reasons: they contain a lot of saturated fats and carbohydrates, which do not bring anything good to the body. Another thing is yams - sweet potatoes. Next time you want to snack on French fries, bake some sweet potatoes in the oven. You'll save a huge amount of calories and get a hefty dose of vitamins and nutrients that are so beneficial for the body: A, C, protein and fiber.

Tomato ketchup → Fresh crushed tomatoes

It would seem that what’s wrong with tomato ketchup - it’s just tomatoes, after all? But no. Tomato ketchups often contain a large number of sugar, and sometimes other strange ingredients that you definitely don’t need when you’re trying to maintain . Choose fresh, diced or crushed tomatoes. By at least, so you know exactly what you're putting in your mouth. And it won't contain countless unnecessary sugars that will only encourage your body to produce and store fat.

Pasta → Whole grain pasta

There is no particular difference in calorie content between pasta and whole grain pasta. But regular pasta provides virtually no nutritional value, while whole grain pasta can contain up to 7 grams of dietary fiber and 8 grams of protein. This means that by eating whole grain noodles, spaghetti or cones, your body is getting more of the nutrients it needs to function healthily and burn excess fat.

Of course, you won’t find such products in a regular store. However, if you really want to, you can still find them in the same Auchan or METRO. Another thing is laziness. But those who seriously think about their health and future are not lazy.

It never hurts to remember the existence of such substitute products in order to use them, if not regularly, then at least periodically. You can try something simpler to start with, like guacomole or some whole grain pasta. Over time, this will become a habit. The main thing is to pay attention close attention what you eat and enjoy it!

IN Lately More and more people are beginning to think about one of its most important components -. There are a lot of conversations and opinions on this subject, and more and more often you can hear about alternative nutrition concepts that have roots going back to deep history, but do not fit into traditional ideas. Each of them has both positive and negative sides. However, the share common sense present in everyone. To help you understand how each concept differs from each other and what the main characteristics of each of them are, we have dedicated the presented article.

So, let's look at each concept in detail.

Therapeutic fasting

The concept of therapeutic fasting is based on the human ability inherited from ancient ancestors to normally tolerate long periods of fasting. People have talked about the healing effects of this process throughout time. It was also mentioned by Avicenna and Hippocrates as a medicine. But, despite this, this concept has both supporters and opponents, who have been arguing around it for centuries.

The main idea of ​​this theory is complete abstinence from eating for a certain time (from a day to 3-4 weeks). And the basis of the action of therapeutic fasting is the stress experienced by the body, the result of which is the activation of all body systems, increased metabolism, and active breakdown of toxins. All together this has a rejuvenating and strengthening effect on the body.

Nowadays, therapeutic fasting is used to prevent the aging process, prolong longevity, rejuvenate, increase physical and intellectual activity and improve overall well-being. In addition, with the help of this method, people are cured of allergic, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, and also get rid of excess weight and mental problems.

The negative aspects of therapeutic fasting are considered to be a constant feeling of hunger and weakness. But this issue can be solved by drinking water with lemon juice and vitamin complexes. Experts most often recommend resorting to a 26-hour fast, during which you should load the body with gentle physical activity, take a contrast shower and visit a bathhouse.

Ancestral nutrition

The basis of the concept of ancestral nutrition is the predisposition inherited by a person from his ancestors to special diets, in other words, to the consumption of non-thermally processed foods. The concept under consideration consists mainly of two components - a raw food diet and a dry diet.

Raw food diet – a diet based on the consumption of only raw, non-thermally processed dairy and vegetable products. Thanks to this diet, unchanged nutrients are absorbed, and the feeling of satiety with food comes faster than when eating “wrong” food. As a result, a person begins to eat less food. A raw food diet is often used to reduce body weight and prevent diseases of the excretory and cardiovascular systems. Despite the fact that there are a lot of raw foodists today, supporters of scientific medicine recommend sticking to this diet only for a very short time.

Dry diet – Another diet that people have resorted to in the past. It consists in the fact that a person eats only food, but does not drink liquid. Nowadays, dry eating is recommended in very rare cases - during the treatment of special intestinal diseases. Otherwise, it is better not to resort to this diet, because... Prolonged abstinence from fluid intake will definitely cause dehydration.


The concept of vegetarianism is one of the oldest alternative nutrition theories, which completely excludes or limits the consumption of food of animal origin. The basis of vegetarianism is plant foods. In general, there is strict and non-strict vegetarianism. With a strict diet, absolutely all food of animal origin is excluded from the diet. In case of non-strict (kill-free) - only that part that is the product of killing animals and birds.

According to vegetarian philosophy, eating animal products is contrary to the structure of the human digestive organs and their functions, resulting in the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, which causes chronic diseases. Plant food, in turn, is ideal and contributes to a decent lifestyle.

Thanks to vegetarianism, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced, blood pressure is normalized, intestinal diseases are prevented, liver function is improved and other positive changes occur. However, despite this, many scientists believe that strict vegetarianism is the reason that the body does not receive enough proteins, fatty acids, iron and other nutrients. To provide the body with them, you need to consume a huge amount of plant foods, which in itself overloads the digestive system, which means there is a possibility of developing protein deficiency, hypovitaminosis and dysbacteriosis, deficiency of nutrients and amino acids.

It is for this reason that strict vegetarianism as a diet is recommended only for a short period of time as a contrast or fasting diet. Non-strict vegetarianism, including the consumption of milk, eggs, etc., is quite acceptable.

Main nutritional factor

The concept of the main nutritional factor is based on the idea that the body must be regularly supplied with one or more nutritional factors. Any others are considered secondary, which means they are excluded or ignored. Even a non-specialist will understand that with such a diet, the body will experience a constant shortage of some specific substances that are essential for it. And supporters of scientific medicine generally argue that there simply cannot be any basic nutritional factor, because The human body needs to receive the most complete complex of all substances, which can only be ensured by a rational, balanced diet.

Separate food

The concept of separate nutrition implies that there are compatible and incompatible foods. The main thing that is taken into account here is digestion, and other features of the interaction and absorption of substances in the gastrointestinal tract are not taken into account. Supporters of separate nutrition believe that you cannot combine starchy and protein foods, because Digestion of proteins occurs in the lower part of the stomach in acidic environment, and starches - at the top, thanks to the enzyme of saliva, which requires an alkaline environment. An acidic environment inhibits the activity of enzymes, and the digestion of starchy foods stops. As for sour foods, they should not be consumed with starchy and protein foods, because this negatively affects the gastric enzyme pepsin. This means that rotting processes begin in protein foods, and the body simply does not absorb starchy foods. Sweet fruits and sugar should also be eaten separately from all other foods. But many nutritionists tend to argue that there is no difference in what a person eats first and what at the end, and digestion itself occurs mechanically. The food itself should always be varied.

Nutritional indexes

The essence of the concept of food indices is the value of food, representing for the body the sum of its components chemical indicators. But the application of this concept in practice becomes the reason that many products of ambiguous quality are considered interchangeable, which creates the danger of unbalanced diets, because The main principle is not the balance of nutrients, but the index values.

The most common diet that perfectly reflects the above principles is the glasses diet. One point in it is equal to 30 Kcal. All products should be assessed only according to the energy component, regardless of the chemical composition. Any substances (carbohydrates, fats, proteins and even alcohol) are interchangeable factors, which cannot be the case in principle.

"Imaginary" drugs

People who subscribe to the concept of "false" drugs believe that certain products have healing properties. This becomes the reason why a product begins to be actively advertised and its properties are praised. The product is beginning to be recommended as a panacea suitable for everyone. An ideal example would be the craze among people for eating quail eggs, sprouted seeds, etc. The effectiveness of this concept is easy to challenge, because The human body is a complex system, which is simply impossible to significantly influence with just one product.

"Living" energy

The first information about the concept of “living” energy appeared in early XIX century. Its supporters are people who are firmly convinced that the human body (and any living creature) is a container of special immaterial energy. This substance is transmitted in an inexplicable way, but has a major effect on the vital functions of the body. The only more or less suitable material explanation for this process can be the fact that when humans and animals consume plant food, the energy transferred to plants by the sun's rays is transferred. Those. Essentially, “living” energy is the energy of the sun.

Absolutization of optimality

Adherent to the concept of absolute optimality, they make every effort to discover and designate the composition of a diet that would be the most optimal for a person, i.e. would be equally effective in all functions of his body. In other words, the search for the ideal diet is underway. As a suitable example, we can cite the concept of “Convinence”, popular in Europe, where the principles of a healthy lifestyle are combined with the principles proper nutrition and popular diets, as well as a special philosophy. In addition, it has now become fashionable to lead a fitness lifestyle, the components of which are a healthy lifestyle itself, playing sports and eating as healthy as possible.

So what can we say in conclusion? As you can see, today humanity is seriously concerned about nutrition issues, i.e. what kind of diet should you stick to in order to have an extremely positive effect on your body, promote longevity and good health. Which option to choose for yourself is, of course, up to you to decide. Moreover, you already know about the advantages and disadvantages of each concept. Just don’t completely and irrevocably surrender to the chosen option. Try what seems most suitable to you. Pay attention to how your body reacts. Over time, you will be able to create your ideal concept, which may even consist of several. You can also find useful information on nutrition issues.

Leave comments, share your own experience, perhaps you know of any alternative nutrition concepts not discussed here.

What do you think?

Below we bring to your attention a short survey, the results of which will be of interest to everyone who is concerned about proper nutrition.

Separate food

Theory separate power supply was developed by nutritionist Herbert Shelton in 1928 of the last century. He wrote: “We do not benefit from food that is not digestible. Eating and at the same time spoiling food in the digestive tract is a waste of food.”. However, not all scientists supported his theory. The debate about whether separate meals are beneficial or not continues to this day. In this article we will try to understand: what is separate meals and why is it so popular?

Separate power principle

The essence of separate nutrition is to eat only those foods that are compatible with each other during digestion. This theory has gained particular popularity among those who are on diets and want to lose weight, as well as among people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The first thing you need to remember if you decide to switch to separate meals is the basic rules, which are not recommended to be violated.

Rules for product compatibility when feeding separately

Never eat carbohydrate foods (bread, potatoes, peas, beans, bananas, dates and other carbohydrate foods) and acidic foods (lemons, oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, cranberries, tomatoes and other acidic fruits) at the same time.

    Never eat concentrated protein (nuts, meat, eggs, cheese and other protein foods) and concentrated carbohydrate (bread, cereals, cakes, sweet fruits) at the same meal. At one meal you should eat eggs, fish, milk, cheese, at another - bread, cereals, noodles (if it is not possible to refuse them).

    Never eat two concentrated proteins in one meal. Two proteins of different types and different compositions require different digestive juices and their different concentrations. These juices are secreted into the stomach in different time. Therefore, you must always follow the rule: One protein per meal.

    Fats (cream, butter, sour cream, vegetable oil) should not be eaten with proteins (meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other proteins). Fat suppresses the action of the gastric glands and inhibits the secretion of gastric juices when eating meat, eggs, and nuts.

    Avoid eating sour fruits (oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapples, cherries, sour plums, sour apples) with proteins (meat, nuts, eggs). The simpler our meals, the more efficient our digestion.

    Avoid eating starches and sugars at the same meal. Jellies, jams, butter, sugar, molasses, syrups on bread or in one go with cereals, potatoes, sugar with cereals - all this causes fermentation, and then poisoning of the body.

    You only need to eat one concentrated starch per meal. If two types of starch (potatoes or porridge with bread) are consumed at one time, then one of them is absorbed, and the other remains untouched in the stomach, like a load, does not pass through the intestines, delays the absorption of other food, causes its fermentation, increasing the acidity of the stomach juice, burping, etc.

    Do not eat melon with any other food. Watermelon, honey melon, cantaloupe and other types of melons should always be eaten separately.

    Milk must be taken separately. The fat in milk prevents the secretion of gastric juice for some time. Milk is digested not in the stomach, but in duodenum, therefore, the stomach does not react to the presence of milk with secretion, which interferes with the absorption of other food.

Rules for eating when eating separately

For that, so that separate nutrition is effective There are some more rules to remember.

    It is necessary to give up alcohol, smoking, and hot spices.

    reduce the amount of protein substances in food (meat, eggs, cheese, mushrooms, legumes, etc.).

    reduce the consumption of table salt in food.

    increase the share of natural foods in the diet food products.

    restore a healthy appetite.

    do not eat often and a lot.

    During the day there should be one main meal and two additional ones.

    You need to eat slowly, chewing your food well. It is especially important to follow this rule when consuming raw and, less often, cooked plant foods, in order to prevent gastric and intestinal disorders.

Simplified separate power options

If at first it is difficult for you to remember all the above principles of separate nutrition, or, for some reason, you are not able to adhere to them all, you can use simplified diagram separate power supply, which is based on the following principles:

  1. Separate proteins from carbohydrates and do not take them in one meal, and the proteins themselves must also be separated, depending on their type. Separately it’s possible, but together it’s impossible.
  2. Reduce the amount of sweets you consume, and completely eliminate sweets and chocolate - you will have to draw positive emotions from something else.
  3. Consume mineral water during the day.
  4. Give preference.
  5. Treat this way of eating - not as a temporary phenomenon, but as your way of life, then these rules will not be a burden to you.

P. Ivanov’s system as an alternative to the principles of separate nutrition

There are a lot of followers of the system of Porfiry Ivanov, or “Ivanians” as they are also called in our country, since the simple principles of this old man with kind and wise eyes appealed to many. We will not cover their essence on all scales, but will dwell only on what Porfiry Ivanov said regarding the method of nutrition. So, he also recommended to his followers to separate foods into protein and carbohydrate containing foods, and not to mix them in one meal. He did not recommend consuming dairy products with anything, while he even approved mixing them together - for example, cottage cheese with sour cream. And, the wise old man constantly reminded about it throughout the day.

I don’t know what you will say, but in our opinion, such a system really has a lot in common with the principles of separate power supply. Well, if all this is supplemented with a cleansing purpose and, then it is quite likely that the secret of, if not eternal youth, then at least healthy old age has already been revealed to us.

Lecture outline:

2.1. Vegetarianism

2.2.Therapeutic fasting

2.3. Raw food diet

2.4 Separate power supply

2.1. Vegetarianism

In addition to traditional theories of nutrition, in recent decades, many alternative theories have emerged that go beyond traditional ideas about human nutrition. Some of these theories have deep historical or religious roots, others appeared under the influence of fashionable trends in society. It is impossible to say for sure how effective and efficient such theories and methods of alternative nutrition are. Adherents of various alternative theories believe that it is their method that most fully corresponds to the principles of proper balanced nutrition. Of course, every theory of alternative nutrition has a rational grain, but none of them can be universal and acceptable to everyone. When choosing your own nutritional method, you must clearly understand the pros and cons of each alternative theory. Among the most common alternative nutrition theories are the following:

Vegetarianism– from the Latin vegetarius – vegetable. Proponents of this theory, popular in recent decades, prefer to eat plant foods, partially or completely abandoning the consumption of animal products. Vegetarianism is one of the most ancient alternative nutrition theories. This is the general name for dietary systems that exclude or limit the consumption of animal products.

Voluntary vegetarianism is predetermined:

· religious instructions;

· moral and ethical convictions that deny the slaughter of animals;

· medical (health) reasons.

Proponents of vegetarianism for medical reasons believe that such nutrition is most adequate for the human body; it ensures health, disease prevention and active longevity.

Thus, there are 3 main types of vegetarianism:

· veganism - strict vegetarianism, eating only plant foods of any culinary processing;

· lactovegetarianism - eating plant and dairy products;

· lacto-veganism - eating plant and dairy products, as well as eggs.

Strict vegetarians (vegans). Their diet is deficient in complete proteins, vitamins B2, B12, A and D. The content of calcium, iron, zinc, and copper may be quantitatively sufficient, but the digestibility of their plant foods is low. Therefore, strict vegetarianism is irrational for the growing body of children and adolescents. Children from vegan families often lag behind their peers in physical development, and latent manifestations of nutritional pathology are more common among them.

Veganism cannot meet the increased need for easily digestible calcium in older people, especially postmenopausal women, when there is great danger development of osteoporosis. Strict vegetarianism has an adverse effect on pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding, fetal development and the health of the infant. The body of a healthy adult can adapt to the normal intake of some essential nutrients. However, during illnesses, the body’s adapted capabilities may be insufficient, and in the case of some diseases (major surgical interventions and injuries, burn disease, some diseases of the digestive system, etc.), the need for complete protein increases, which veganism cannot provide. This also applies to people with heavy physical labor or those who are intensely involved in sports.

Lacto-vegetarians. Unlike vegans, they have a smaller deficiency of vitamin B12, iron, partially zinc and copper, but milk and dairy products cannot fully satisfy the body's needs. Lacto-ovo vegetarians may have a slight iron deficiency due to low absorption from eggs. In general, lacto-vegetarianism and, especially, lacto-ovo-vegetarianism do not contradict modern principles of rational nutrition.

Vegetarian nutrition, in the case of a wide range of plant products, has positive aspects: a high content of vitamin C, carotenes, potassium, magnesium, dietary fiber, and in the case of veganism, an almost complete absence of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. However, dairy products and eggs may be more significant sources of fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol than meat products.

Proponents of vegetarianism as a healthy diet believe that meat has an adverse effect on the body due to the presence of toxic biogenic amines formed from meat proteins, uric acid, ammonia and other metabolic products. It is believed that these substances disrupt the function of the central nervous system and overload the activity of the liver and kidneys through the need to neutralize them and excrete them from the body. The idea that meat is harmful in the case of rational (that is, not excessive) consumption has no scientific basis. This provision also applies to individual metabolites of meat foods, for example, uric acid. It has been proven that uric acid and ascorbic acid are active water solvents and antioxidants in the human body. In addition, uric acid protects ascorbic acid from oxidation. The high concentration of uric acid in the blood of higher monkeys and humans is considered as a peculiar adaptation to vitamin C deficiency. It is believed that the evolutionary increase in the level of uric acid as an antioxidant in humans contributed to its longevity compared to lower monkeys. These data are one example of suboptimal regulatory systems of the human body, since high levels of uric acid in the blood and tissues pose a threat to the development of gout and urate nephrolithiasis. However, it must be borne in mind that these diseases develop only in the case of a hereditary tendency.

According to some data, strict vegetarians, compared with people who eat normally, have low mortality from coronary heart disease, hypertension and non-insulin dependence are less common. diabetes, some forms of cancer, particularly colon cancer, occur less frequently. On the other hand, it has been found that vegans are more likely to have vitamin deficiencies and minerals, anemia, high infectious morbidity, in particular tuberculosis. In 1990, the American Dietetic Association expressed its position on veganism: provided that the diet is supplemented with vitamins and minerals, veganism can be important in the prevention of atherosclerosis and some other diseases, despite the low biological value of the protein of a vegan diet.

A milk-vegetable diet is considered appropriate for elderly and elderly people. However, studies have shown that only 9% of centenarians were lacto-vegetarians throughout their lives. In the case of some diseases, animal and poultry meat and fish are limited or excluded for a short or long period. A vegetarian diet, which does not exclude the consumption of animal products, is recommended in case of obesity, atherosclerosis and related diseases - intestinal dyskinesia with constipation, gout, urolithiasis, uraturia and others. Strict vegetarian diet in the form of fasting days is integral part diet therapy for many diseases. For healthy people, a mixed diet is optimal: widespread use of vegetables, fruits and various vegetarian foods, as well as avoidance of excess consumption of meat and meat products. It should be taken into account that a mixed diet creates greater opportunities for adapting nutrition to the biochemical individuality of the body than a diet that consists primarily of plant or animal products.

There is a distinction between pure (or strict) vegetarianism, whose supporters exclude from the diet not only meat and fish, but also milk, eggs, caviar, as well as non-strict (kill-free) vegetarianism, which allows milk, eggs, i.e. products of live animals. According to the views of vegetarians, the consumption of animal products contradicts the structure and function of the human digestive organs, promotes the formation of toxic substances in the body that poison cells, clog the body with toxins and cause chronic poisoning.

Eating exclusively plant foods leads to a cleaner life and serves as an inevitable stage in a person’s ascent to the ideal. The advantage of vegetarianism compared to a regular diet is the reduction in the risk of atherosclerosis. A vegetarian diet helps normalize blood pressure; at the same time, blood viscosity decreases, intestinal tumor diseases are less common, bile flow and liver function improve, and other positive effects are observed.

However, most researchers believe that when eating exclusively plant foods, i.e. With strict vegetarianism, significant difficulties arise in sufficiently providing the body with complete proteins, saturated fatty acids, iron, and some vitamins, since most plant products contain relatively little of these substances. When following the principles of strict vegetarianism, it is necessary to consume an excessive amount of plant foods that would meet the body's energy needs. In this case, there is an overload of the digestive system with a large amount of food, which causes a high probability of dysbacteriosis, hypovitaminosis and protein deficiency. Those suffering from serious illnesses, including malignant tumors and diseases of the blood system, can pay with their lives if they eat this way. Over the years, strict vegetarians may develop a deficiency of iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins B2, B12, D, essential amino acids - lysine and threonine.

Thus, strict vegetarianism as a nutritional system can be recommended for a short period of time as a fasting or contrast diet.

With non-strict vegetarianism, which involves the consumption of animal products, most of the valuable nutrients enter the body with milk and eggs. Under these conditions, building nutrition on a rational basis is quite possible.

IN last years It has been shown that for maximum protection of the body from autoimmune processes, it is necessary to reduce the protein content in food from 20 to 6-12%, however, growth processes are inhibited.

2.2.Therapeutic fasting

Man inherited the ability to endure relatively long periods of fasting from his distant ancestors. Not only doctors of antiquity, but also many famous people of that time knew about the healing effect of abstaining from food. The essence of this theory is complete abstinence from food for certain period time. The period of fasting can vary from one day to several weeks.

The famous ancient doctors Hippocrates (377-460 BC) and Avicenna (980-1037) liked to prescribe the fasting method as an effective and cheap medicine. One of the active propagandists of this method was the American writer Upton Sinclair, who wrote the book “Fasting Treatment” (1911). The method of therapeutic fasting has experienced its ups and downs, it has as many supporters as opponents. The controversy surrounding it has continued for decades.

The basis of the action of starvation diets is dosed stress, which leads to the activation of all systems, including increased metabolism. In this case, the breakdown of “slags” occurs and, as a result, “rejuvenation of the body.” Dosed starvation diets are currently considered as a means of preventing aging, prolonging life and rejuvenating; at the same time, these diets increase physical activity and intellectual abilities, and improve overall well-being. Currently, the method of therapeutic fasting is used in the treatment of many cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, allergic diseases, obesity and a number of mental disorders.

Difficulties in using the method include psychological factors - a feeling of hunger and a feeling of weakness. To overcome them, it is recommended to limit the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, drink water with the addition of lemon juice, and take complex vitamin and mineral preparations to maintain the vitality of the body. An optimal 26-hour fast is recommended, with the possible use of a shower, a visit to the bathhouse and light physical activity. Proponents of the theory claim that during therapeutic abstinence from food, the breakdown of “toxins” and “rejuvenation of the body” occurs.

2.3. Raw food diet

Raw food diet- one of the concepts of ancestral nutrition . The concept is based on the idea that modern man has inherited from his distant ancestors the ability to eat a certain diet - foods that have not been heat-treated. The concept of ancestral nutrition is represented by adherents of two directions - raw food diet and dry food diet. However, these directions are largely antagonistic to each other.

The theory is based on eating raw foods of plant origin and dairy products without heat treatment. According to supporters of a raw food diet, such nutrition allows the absorption of nutrients in their original form, since under the influence of heat treatment and the inevitable exposure to metals, their energy value decreases and absorption becomes more difficult. It has been established that with a raw food diet, a feeling of satiety occurs much sooner than with the consumption of cooked food. This leads to the consumption of less food and is used in nutritional therapy to treat obesity. Loss of body weight also occurs due to a decrease in the amount of fluid consumed during a raw food diet and less consumption of table salt, which is important for diseases of the cardiovascular and excretory systems. From the position of scientific medicine, the concept of raw foodists can only be accepted for a short period of time.

Dry diet as the second version of the concept of ancestral nutrition may be acceptable only for a limited period in the treatment of certain intestinal diseases. Depriving a person of fluid, even for several days, leads to dehydration. This concept does not comply with the laws of rational nutrition.

2.4 Separate power supply

Separate food- this is a separate, unmixed food of different chemical composition products, in other words, it is the use of certain foods at different meals and at certain intervals. A special option for separate nutrition is the consumption of different food groups (meat, dairy, vegetables, etc.) on different days.

Separate nutrition is based on ideas about the compatibility and incompatibility of products and the harmfulness of consuming combinations of certain products to health. The concept of product compatibility is based on ideas about the peculiarities of digestion of different products in the alimentary canal and the adverse effects of mixed foods on digestion and human health.

The founder of the concept of separate nutrition was the American nutritionist Herbert Shelton. Its system strictly regulates the compatibility and incompatibility of food products. In this case, the focus is on digestion in the stomach and other aspects of the interaction of substances in food and their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract are not taken into account.

According to the concept of separate nutrition, you cannot eat protein and starchy foods at the same time: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, cottage cheese are incompatible with bread, flour products and cereals. This is explained by the fact that proteins are digested in an acidic environment in the lower part of the stomach, and starches are digested in its upper parts under the action of the salivary enzyme and require an alkaline environment. In the acidic environment of the stomach, the activity of salivary enzymes is inhibited and starch digestion stops. Acidic foods cannot be combined with protein and starchy foods, since, according to supporters of separate nutrition, they destroy stomach pepsin. As a result, protein foods rot, and starchy foods are not digested. Supporters of separate nutrition recommend consuming sugar and sweet fruits separately from everything else.

According to many nutritionists, this concept is dominated by ideas about the mechanical digestion of food. Food stays in the stomach for at least several hours. Therefore, it does not matter what is eaten at the beginning of the meal or at the end. The principle of dietary diversity should be maintained for every meal. However, the separate nutrition system has a rational grain - moderation in nutrition and recommendations for greater consumption of fruits, vegetables, and milk.

The harm of separate nutrition. Not all nutritionists recognize the undeniable benefits of separate nutrition. The main argument against it is the artificiality of this system, and, as a result, a violation of normal, natural digestion.

The entire history of cooking indicates that humans are adapted to eat a variety of mixed foods. And if you adhere to the rules of separate nutrition for a long time, digestive system will forget how to cope with “dishes”, retaining only the ability to digest individual foods.

In addition, in nature there are no products consisting only of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Generally, food contains many nutrients. This circumstance determines the fact that the concept of separate nutrition is theoretical in nature and can only be considered as a “book” and not as a guide for a healthy lifestyle.

We also note that a diet associated with separate nutrition does not fit well with eating habits and traditions. From childhood we are taught how to organize a meal: how to set the table, what to serve, what spices to serve. And we learn not only to do exactly this, but also to enjoy such food consumption.

In this regard, a person who is accustomed to eating a piece of bread at lunch may encounter serious obstacles to maintaining a diet. On the one hand, this person can only eat acceptable foods, on the other, his body will persistently demand “forbidden” bread. Achieving a feeling of fullness will be incredibly difficult. The result of such a violation of the habit can be overeating, which is fraught with negative consequences both for health and figure.

As practice shows, getting used to a separate diet is not easy, and although the body receives all the substances necessary for normal functioning, many experience a feeling of hunger. What kind of pleasure is there in eating?!

Advantages of separate nutrition. The popularity of the separate power supply system would not have been possible if not for the advantages of this method over others.

Due to the rapid passage of compatible products through the digestive tract, fermentation and rotting processes do not occur, which significantly reduces intoxication of the body. Your health improves when you switch to separate meals, and you also lose excess weight. The results of this method of losing weight, as a rule, are quite lasting, especially if you use it constantly.

Separate nutrition is useful for gastrointestinal disorders and cardiovascular diseases, because this system allows you to reduce the load on the body.

The separate feeding method is a “non-directive diet”. This is a strict limitation and separation of all products, however, one that provides an alternative and, accordingly, allows you to diversify the menu.

Despite the fact that over many years of practice in this area, many authors have appeared who have revised the idea of ​​separate nutrition and reduced this concept to a diet, initially separate nutrition is still aimed at a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the rules of separate nutrition include not only a combination of products, but also their moderate amount.

Control questions

1. Features of vegetarian nutrition.

2.Name the features of therapeutic fasting

3. What is a raw food diet?

4. Advantage of separate power supply

1.Functional foods. Teplov V.I. Publisher: A-Prior Year: 2008 Pages: 240

2.Functional Food Product Development. Jim Smith (Editor), Edward Charter (Editor) John Wiley Sons. 2010