Constitution day. Constitution Day: history and traditions Information about the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation

12 December

Constitution Day is one of the most significant public holidays in Russia and is celebrated annually on December 12.

On this day in 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular vote in our country. The full text of the Constitution was published in " Rossiyskaya newspaper"December 25, 1993. Since 1994, according to the Decrees of the President of Russia (“On Constitution Day of the Russian Federation” and “On non-working day December 12") the day December 12 was announced public holiday.

The Constitution - the fundamental law of the state - is the core of the entire legal system Russia and determines the meaning and content of other laws.

Since the first adoption of the Constitution, a number of amendments have been made to the document, one of the most recent being the provisions that “The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of six years by citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot” (formerly - for 4 years) and that “The State Duma is elected for a term of five years” (previously - for 4 years) (Law of the Russian Federation on Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation No. 6-FKZ of December 30, 2008).

At the end of the 1990s, the Russian Constitution experienced at least two political crises, from which it emerged with honor and dignity. It was preceded by the Constitution of the RSFSR adopted in 1918 and the first Constitution of the USSR, adopted in 1924 and consolidating the victory of socialism in the Soviet space. Then came the Constitution of 1936 and the so-called “stagnant” Constitution of 1977, which was in force until the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russian Constitution - solid foundation democratic development Russian state. This is not just a declaration of good intentions, it is a real working document of direct action. The Constitution for a citizen of any country is the Law, which he must know first of all, because knowledge and competent application of laws is the norm of civilized life, a powerful lever for improving its quality.

A binding made of the finest red leather, an applied silver coat of arms of Russia and a gold-embossed inscription “The Constitution of the Russian Federation” - this is what “copy number one” of the country’s basic law looks like. The so-called inaugural edition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is kept in the library of the head of state in the Kremlin.

For more than ten years, December 12 was an official holiday. However, in December 2004, the State Duma adopted amendments to Labor Code RF, changing the Russian holiday calendar. The law provides for the abolition of the day off on Constitution Day, and the holiday itself is included in the memorable dates of Russia.

One of the most important holidays in our country is Constitution Day. The importance and solemnity of this holiday is of great importance. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is considered as the fundamental law of our state. She is a regulator of various public relations. The law specifies the basic concepts: society and political system. The Constitution acts as the guarantor of the citizen of the Russian Federation and determines his rights and obligations. This document belongs to the highest pedestal. Other legal documents are subject to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and must fully comply with it.
The Constitution stipulates: suffrage, political, economic and judicial system.

What is the power of the Constitution?

1. Only on the basis of this document other laws of the country are developed and adopted,
2. Only this document defines human rights and freedoms, as well as the construction system state power,
3. Only this law considered untouchable
4. Only this document requires direct execution,
5. Only this law applies and operates equally throughout the entire territory of Russia.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation has its own structure and consists of a preamble, the first and second sections. The preamble talks about the concept and establishes the meaning of the Constitution.
The first section includes 9 chapters with their own title.
The second section explains the transitional provisions of the law and also contains a conclusion.
Based on the above, we can conclude that the Constitution of the Russian Federation is of great importance for each of us and for the state as a whole. Therefore, every year we celebrate a holiday - Constitution Day in our country, which is always held on December 12. This holiday truly unites all people who live in Russia.
Historical reference
On December 12, 1993, a referendum took place. Its implementation was of great importance, and the reason for this was the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Thirteen days later, newspapers published the full text of the state's most important law. Since that time, every year throughout Russia the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation is celebrated.

Of course, the first text of the Basic Law was changed and supplemented more than once. The last changes made concerned the term for which the President of our country is elected; he will be elected for 6 years, and the State Duma for 5. Any changes to the Constitution can be made only with the help of the Law of Amendment to the Main Law.
Taking into account historical information, the Constitution of the Russian Federation has undergone several political crises in the country, which led to an even greater strengthening of positions and strength.
The Constitution of the RSFSR was first adopted in 1918. Since the unification of all republics took place, the Constitution of the USSR received approval. This happened in 1924, when the socialist system finally won. This document was amended in 1936 and 1977.
The adoption of the country's main law in 1993 contributed to the strengthening and development of completely new economic opportunities and government structural reforms. It was the national assembly that determined the adoption of the country's fundamental law. Currently, the Constitution acts as a powerful regulator affecting all spheres of life.
Before the appearance modern Constitutions, the founding laws were fundamental. Their history goes back to ancient Greek cities. The code of laws of Cleisthenes and Solon was most widespread in Athens. As for Rome, Servius Tullius was in charge of lawmaking. There is an assumption that the constitution of Sparta was developed by Lycurgus.
The oldest Constitution still in force today is main law San Marino. It was created back in 1600, and its basis was the city charter.
In the Russian Empire there was a possibility of creating a unified law that would act as an instrument of power and restrain the autocracy. This created the conditions and opportunity for the noble family to enjoy the rights of the estate. This event can be dated back to 1730. The archives contain a draft document of a constitutional nature. Its developer M.T. Loris - Melikov. The most interesting thing is that the document was approved by the signature of Alexander II, but never came into force. Later in 1905 - 1906. basic laws were created Russian Empire, which regulated all directions in the state. They can rightfully be considered the first Russian Constitution.
The February Revolution of 1917 prevented further development of lawmaking.
Every Russian is obliged to know the Constitution of the Russian Federation, since it is the basic document of our state. Knowledge of the basics is the key to well-being and highly developed infrastructure, as well as a prerequisite for a decent standard of living and constant improvement in its quality.
The very first copy, which was specially designed for the inauguration, is in the library of the country's first person.
Until recently, Constitution Day was a red day on the calendar and was considered a non-working day. Today this event is considered normal working day.

How is Constitution Day observed and celebrated?

Despite the fact that Constitution Day is not one of the weekends and non-working days, it is customary to celebrate it and hold various ceremonial events dedicated to this holiday.
1. On this day, December 12, the Head of State congratulates Russians on this from all TV screens important holiday. The text of the address of the President of the Russian Federation indicates the significance and importance of this document for the entire country as a whole, and for its individual indigenous resident.
2. In all educational institutions countries hold special celebrations or activities that are also dedicated to Constitution Day. Such events make it possible to convey to pupils and students how important the supremacy of law is in the state, and also tell and bring to attention about previously adopted Constitutions and their features. At such lessons, the content of the main law of the country is described in detail, and the meaning of each of its points is explained. This approach allows the younger generation to appreciate the importance of the Constitution in the life of every person, and also to know the basics of the main law, their rights and responsibilities from an early age.
3. As a rule, ceremonial events are organized for Constitution Day, which are held in government organizations. These are various concerts and performances of dance groups.
4. Throughout the Russian Federation, museums hold exhibitions dedicated to this day. Here you can familiarize yourself not only with the current Constitution of the country, but also with its predecessors. This allows you to better learn the history of your state and the basic law of the country.
5. On this day, every Russian congratulates his loved ones, acquaintances and colleagues on this holiday. As such congratulations, you can present cards and symbolic gifts.
6. It is on Constitution Day that small souvenirs with state attributes are handed out on the streets of our vast homeland. Public figures conduct civil actions.
7. In honor of this holiday, scientific conferences are often organized and held, in which the top leadership of the state also takes part.
The Constitution today is a reliable foundation of a democratic state.

Constitution Day is celebrated all over the world: from Japan and Norway, where festivities are held on this day, to Gibraltar and the island of Niue, which have not yet gained independence. By the place this holiday occupies in the life of society, one can judge the role of the Law in this country.

For twelve years this holiday had special value for ordinary citizens as a day off. So far, the State Duma has not adopted amendments according to which, since 2005, Constitution Day is no longer a day of rest in our country, and December 12 is included in Russia’s memorable dates.
However, the tradition of celebrating Constitution Day in Russia has been preserved since 1936, when its third version was adopted on December 5. In 1977, the holiday was moved to October 7 - the day of adoption of the new constitution of the USSR - the “Constitution of Developed Socialism”.

The first Constitution in our country actually appeared on April 23, 1906. Shortly before this, Emperor Nicholas II issued two manifestos “On the improvement public order" and "On the right of the State Council to approve laws adopted by the State Duma." On their basis, amendments were made to the Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire, which gave this body of laws a constitutional form.

By that time, Russian legislators had someone to rely on in the process of writing the Constitution. Some sets of laws have existed for almost four thousand years. The oldest of them, the Code of Laws of Ur-Nammu, was published in 2050 BC. The first Constitution in the world is called a legal code issued by a Sumerian ruler around 2300 BC. Unfortunately, it has not survived.

The oldest existing constitution in the world is the Basic Law of San Marino, which was adopted back in 1600, despite the fact that this law was based on the city charter adopted 300 years earlier.

Thus, in 90 years, Russia has already had five Constitutions. Of course, this is not a record. For example, changes in the Basic Laws of the country in Latvia also often occur. In Lithuania, since 1918, eight laws on the new Constitution have been adopted. Such impermanence is not limited to the vast expanses of the former USSR. In Denmark, for example, six Constitutions have changed over the past 160 years, with the first (1849) and last (1953) versions adopted on the same day - June 5.

Today, Kyrgyzstan can be considered the main contender for an absolute record in this category. Since 1991, the Constitution of this country has already undergone five changes. significant changes. Relevant referendums were held in February 1996, October 1998 and February 2003, and in November and December 2006 the parliament independently adopted new edition Basic Law. Judging by the passionate desire for change that dominates the minds of the citizens of Kyrgyzstan, the current version of the Constitution is far from the last.
On the other hand, in the USA and Norway, for example, the Constitution is not changed at all - the initially adopted Basic Law has been in force there for two centuries. However, the Americans, without touching the essence, constantly correct the details: since 1787, 27 amendments to the Constitution have been adopted in the United States.

IN last years I often heard about the need to introduce similar amendments to the Russian Constitution, or even to adopt a new version of it. At the same time, as research by VTsIOM shows, the more often this was discussed in the media, the worse the people felt about this prospect.

Thus, if in 2000 the majority of Russians believed that the Constitution needs to be improved (53%), now only 36% think so. The dominant point of view is that this document can be changed only in exceptional cases (47%, in 2000 - 35%).

It is interesting that the attitude of Russians towards the Basic Law of the country changed after the abolition of the holiday on Constitution Day. This is especially surprising if we remember that the tradition of relaxing on this holiday was deeply rooted in Soviet times. Moreover, after the collapse of the USSR, most of the former Soviet republics retained it: Constitution Day is a day off in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan... and even, for example, in Abkhazia.

However, during all this time, neither in the USSR nor in Russia, any special form of celebrating Constitution Day appeared. Although you can find very interesting role models abroad.

In Norway, where Constitution Day coincides with the country's Independence Day, on May 17, children dressed in national clothes and carrying flags hold festive processions. Parades are often accompanied by school bands. This tradition is almost 140 years old. And since 1906, the Royal Family began to gather on the balcony of the Royal Palace in Oslo to greet the processions passing by
After the children, representatives of political, sports, religious and other organizations join the procession. The official part smoothly flows into mass festivities that last until late at night.

In Japan, the Diet building opens to visitors on May 3. Lectures are held on the importance of a democratic and pacifist constitution for Japan. This day falls during Golden Week, during which, in addition to Constitution Day, Showa Day (Emperor Hirohito's birthday), Green Day (Foundation Day) and Children's Day (May 5) are celebrated. Most Japanese employers give their employees extra days off this week.

In Denmark, Constitution Day is one of the Flag Days, when the flag is raised in places established by law. state flag countries. It also coincides with Father's Day.

An even more interesting coincidence is in Turkmenistan, where May 18-19 marks the Day of Revival and Unity of Turkmenistan and Magtymguly Poetry Day. The same date, May 18, 1992, is the day of adoption of the Constitution of Turkmenistan. It was decided to combine these dates into one holiday.
In the town of Ak-Tokai, located in the Iranian province of Gulistan, in May 1999, a solemn opening ceremony took place of the mausoleum of the classic of Turkmen literature, poet and philosopher Magtymguly Fragi and his father Dovletmamed Azadi. Since then, the burial place of the two Turkmen classics has become the site of an annual pilgrimage for their compatriots, which often coincides with Constitution Day.

The current format for celebrating Constitution Day in Russia is fully consistent with that adopted in most countries of the world, where it is also not a day off. We can only hope that attracting public attention to this holiday will contribute to the legal education of citizens, at least within the framework of the Basic Law of the country.

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Russian Constitution Day, which is celebrated annually on December 12, is one of the main public holidays in our country. The Constitution is the legal foundation of the state, the basis on which the legislative and executive powers rest. The Constitution determines the direction of development of the state and defines the rights and responsibilities of every citizen of the country. U Russian constitution long story. She survived different times, sometimes, not entirely kind. The Constitution that is in force in Russia now is fundamentally new law, based on the principles of democracy and designed to protect the interests of every person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Constitution Day in the USSR

The first constitution of the USSR was adopted on January 31, 1924. It was there that the victory of socialism was proclaimed. In fact, the constitution of '24 legislated the formation of the USSR: a state that included union republics. The next Soviet constitution, the “Stalinist” one, was adopted on December 5, 1936. It is curious that it not only defined a fairly wide range of socio-political issues facing the country, but also proclaimed the end of the main stage in the construction of socialism in the USSR. In the period from 1937 to 1977, Constitution Day of the USSR was celebrated on December 5.

The “Stalinist” constitution was in effect for quite a long time, until 1977, when it was replaced by the “Brezhnev” constitution, popularly known as the “stagnant” one. Constitution Day was moved to December 7, the date of its adoption. In fact, a “stagnant” constitution was in force until 1993.

Constitution Day in modern Russia

On December 12, 1993, the new Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted. This day became an official state holiday of the Russian constitution. By decree of President B.N. Yeltsin declared it a non-working day. Unfortunately, in 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a number of amendments to the Labor Code of Russia and made changes to the calendar of holidays. Constitution Day has ceased to be a day off; now it is simply a memorable date in honor of the main law of the country.

Traditions of Russian Constitution Day

Despite the fact that Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, December 12, is an ordinary weekday, the holiday is celebrated quite widely. Ceremonial meetings at the highest level must be held state level. Meetings are also organized in work collectives and educational institutions. Law lessons are held in schools, where children get acquainted with the basic provisions and fundamental laws of the constitution modern Russia.

The current Constitution is compiled from several sources. The main ones were the draft of the Constitutional Commission Supreme Council RF (or the so-called “Rumyantsev project”) and the project prepared by the Constitutional Conference, convened by Yeltsin’s decision.

As a result, the draft of the Constitutional Conference incorporated many of the provisions of the draft of the Constitutional Commission and was adopted as the basis for the final revision of the Constitution with the involvement of the constituent entities of the Federation, deputies, specialists, and working groups. It was this draft fundamental law that was submitted by the president to a popular vote.

The referendum on the adoption of the new Constitution was held on December 12, 1993. 58 million 187 thousand 755 Russians took part in it, or 54.8% of registered voters. 32 million 937 thousand 630 voters (58.4%) voted for the adoption of the Constitution.

The Constitution officially came into force on December 25, 1993, the day it was published.

The new Constitution of the Russian Federation significantly changed the structure higher authorities state power. It enshrined the principle of separation of powers and took a serious step towards improvement federal structure Russia. For the first time in the history of our country, the norms of the constitution were given direct action. This means that any person can protect his rights by referring to constitutional norms, and judicial and other government bodies when considering cases and decisions controversial issues must be guided, first of all, by the norms of the fundamental law.

The Constitution did not prescribe, as it had previously, a pre-established unified economic system based on state property, equally protecting all forms of property, ensuring freedom of development of civil society.

The Basic Law proclaimed the President of the Russian Federation as the head of state and assigned him responsibilities for protecting the Constitution, human and civil rights and freedoms, protecting the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state integrity, and ensuring the coordinated functioning and interaction of government bodies.

Being the main document of the state, the norms of the Constitution do not require any other legal confirmation. All laws adopted on the territory of our country must not contradict it, in otherwise they are subject to cancellation.

Upon taking office, the President of the Russian Federation takes an oath to the people on a copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The text of the oath is enshrined in Article 82 of the Constitution.

The binding of the special copy of the Constitution is made of the finest red monitor lizard leather; on the cover there is an applied silver coat of arms of Russia and the inscription “Constitution of Russia” embossed in gold. An official description of this attribute has never been stated.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1996 No. 1138, it was established that a specially produced single copy of the official text of the Russian Constitution is the official symbol of presidential power.

A day before his inauguration, scheduled for May 7, 2000, acting Russian President Vladimir Putin revoked the 1996 Decree on presidential regalia. A special copy of the text of the Constitution was deprived of its official status as a symbol of presidential power.

All of Vladimir Putin's inauguration ceremonies as President of Russia (in 2000, 2004 and 2012), as well as Dmitry Medvedev's inauguration ceremony for Russian President (in 2008), were held using the same special copy of the Constitution. This has become a tradition, but is not formally obligatory and is not prescribed by anything.

Since 2000, the President of Russia has the right to take an oath by laying his hand on any edition of the Basic Law.

A special copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is kept in the library of the Presidential Administration in the Kremlin and is used only during the inauguration of the President of Russia.

From 1996 to 2008, a number of changes were made to the Constitution related to the consolidation of the subjects of the Federation, as well as changes in their names.

On December 30, 2009, more significant amendments were made to the Basic Law. They were provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation on the amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 “On changing the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation and State Duma"and the Law of the Russian Federation on the amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 "On control powers State Duma in relation to the Government of the Russian Federation."

Since 2009, according to the Basic Law, the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation and deputies of the lower house Russian parliament increased: the head of state is elected for 6 years (previously 4 years), and State Duma deputies for 5 years (previously 4 years).
In addition, the government is obliged to report to the State Duma on its work. The texts of the reports are published in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta and the Parliamentary Gazette.

In 2014, the Constitution was amended in connection with the unification Supreme Court and Higher arbitration court Russian Federation, in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea and the city to the Russian Federation federal significance Sevastopol, as well as in connection with the introduction of the institution of “federal senators”.

For twelve years, Constitution Day, December 12, was a public holiday. From January 1, 2005, according to adopted by the State Duma amendments to the Labor Code ( the federal law dated December 29, 2004), this day became a working day. In July 2005, the Russian Constitution Day was included in the list of memorable dates.

Conducted in November 2014, the majority of Russians (75%) know that December 12 is celebrated as Constitution Day in Russia, but 24% of our fellow citizens found it difficult to answer. As sociologists have found, 27% of Russians believe that the current Constitution of the Russian Federation fully meets the needs of the country, and in 2013 only 18% of respondents held this opinion. The share of those who support changes has remained virtually unchanged - 15%. About 40% of Russians also believe that the authorities “generally” follow the Constitution; their share increased by 12% compared to 2013. About 44% of respondents believe that the Constitution plays the role of a guarantor of the rights and freedoms of a citizen of the Russian Federation, 21% are of the opinion that it maintains order in the activities of the state.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources