Job description of a road safety engineer. Organization of safe road traffic at the enterprise Responsibilities of the person responsible for ensuring traffic safety


person responsible for safety work traffic

1. General Provisions

The person responsible for road safety is appointed by order of the head of the enterprise.

The person responsible for road safety reports to the head of the enterprise and in his work is guided by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and others regulatory documents, operating in the field of road safety, as well as this job description.

2. Responsibilities:

1. Develops measures to prevent road accidents and monitors their implementation.

2.Keeps records of traffic accidents and traffic violations committed by the school bus driver, analyzes the causes of their occurrence, in the prescribed manner prepares reports on road accidents and measures taken to prevent them.

3. Develops and submits to the director of the educational institution, based on materials from inspections and analysis of the state of accidents, proposals for the prevention of road accidents and violations of traffic rules.

4. Systematically reconciles data on road accidents in which the bus was involved with data from the State Traffic Inspectorate.

5. Develops or participates in the development of projects, orders, instructions and other documents of the enterprise on issues of ensuring traffic safety.

6.Organizes mass propaganda work on traffic safety in the team (conducting lectures, reports, conversations, competitions, consultations, showing special films, etc.).

7. Systematically informs the driver, director of the educational institution about the state of accidents, causes and circumstances of road accidents.

8. Participates in events related to ensuring road safety (road safety reviews, campaign runs, competitions, etc.).

9. Submits materials to the director of the educational institution on awarding the distinguished driver.

10. Takes part in restoring the causes and circumstances of road accidents, as well as in identifying violations of established norms and rules to ensure traffic safety related to deficiencies in the operation of the OS.

11. Organizes a team review of traffic accidents committed by drivers, violations of traffic rules and regulations technical operation Vehicle.

12. Participates in the work of the internal affairs department when considering administrative materials on violation of traffic rules by a school bus driver.

13. Controls the driver’s access to driving only those vehicles the right to drive is granted in accordance with the driver’s license.

14. Monitors the driver’s passage of pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations, for compliance established deadlines medical re-examination.

15. Monitors the organization of driver instruction by the operation service on the peculiarities of operating vehicles, taking into account road and climatic conditions.

16. Monitors the use of vehicles, the work of drivers on the line, and compliance with their work schedule.

17. Monitors the probation of drivers and the work of driver mentors.

18. Organizes annual classes with drivers according to a 20-hour program, approved by the Ministry of Autotrans of the RSFSR dated March 31, 1987 under No. DP-14/118.

19. Provides methodological assistance to heads of services and departments of the enterprise in conducting classes, conversations, and driver briefings on road safety issues.

20. Organizes the work of the traffic safety office according to the plan approved by the head of the enterprise (farm) and equips it in accordance with methodological instructions.

21. Participates in the work of relevant commissions to inspect roads and streets on school bus routes.

23. Immediately reports to the State Traffic Inspectorate about traffic accidents with a school bus, as well as cases of return of transport with external damage.

24. Submits to the State Traffic Inspectorate documents on the amount of material damage from damage to the vehicle and cargo in traffic accidents with a school bus


1. carry out inspections related to the prevention of road accidents, demand from the relevant employees the necessary materials, oral and written explanations.

2. If necessary, check the driver’s availability of licenses for the right to drive vehicles, coupons for them, travel (route) sheets, make entries in travel (route) sheets if violations are detecteddriver of traffic rules, transport operating rules, in necessary cases return the bus to the parking lot.

3. To remove the driver and other employees from work in accordance with the procedure established by law. whose condition or actions threaten traffic safety, and apply the necessary measures to them.

4. Prohibits release on line school bus or return it from the line if technical faults are detected that threaten traffic safety.

5. Make proposals to the director of the educational institution to reward employees for their successes in ensuring traffic safety, as well as petition for holding them accountable officials that do not ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on road safety issues.

6. Review and give an opinion on draft documents related to ensuring road safety.


person responsible for ensuring road safety.

I. General provisions

1. The person responsible for road safety is appointed by order of the head of the enterprise.

2. The person responsible for road safety reports to the head of the enterprise and in his work is guided by the Legislative acts of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents in force in the field of road safety, as well as this job description.

II. Responsibilities:

1. Develops measures to prevent road accidents and monitors their implementation.

2. Keeps records of road accidents and violations of traffic rules committed by the drivers of the enterprise, analyzes the causes of their occurrence, and, in the prescribed manner, prepares reports on road accidents and measures taken to prevent them.

3. Develops and presents to the head of the enterprise, based on materials from inspections and analysis of the state of accidents, proposals for the prevention of road accidents and violations of traffic rules.

4. Systematically reconciles data on road accidents in which the enterprise’s rolling stock was involved with data from the State Traffic Inspectorate.

5. Develops or participates in the development of draft orders, instructions and other documents of the enterprise on issues of ensuring traffic safety.

6. Organizes mass propaganda work on traffic safety in the team (conducting lectures, reports, conversations, competitions, consultations, showing special films, etc.)

7. Systematically informs the driving staff, engineering and technical workers, and enterprise management about the state of accidents, the causes and circumstances of road accidents.

8. Participates in events related to ensuring road safety (road safety reviews, campaign runs, competitions, etc.).

9. Participates in establishing the causes and circumstances of road accidents, as well as in identifying violations of established norms and rules to ensure traffic safety related to deficiencies in the operation of the enterprise.

10. Organizes within the enterprise team the review of road traffic accidents committed by drivers, violations of traffic rules and rules for the technical operation of vehicles.

11. Participates in the work of the commissions of the city (district) department of internal affairs when considering administrative materials on violation of traffic rules by enterprise drivers.

12. Controls the admission of drivers to drive only those vehicles the right to drive is granted in accordance with the driver’s license.

13. Monitors the passage of pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations by drivers, and compliance with the established deadlines for medical re-examination.

14. Monitors the organization of driver instruction by the operation service on the peculiarities of operating vehicles, taking into account road and climatic conditions.

15. Monitors the use of vehicles, the work of drivers on the line, and compliance with their work schedule.

16. Monitors the probation of drivers and the work of driver-mentors.

17. Organizes annual classes With drivers according to a 20-hour program, approved by the Ministry of Autotrans of the RSFSR dated March 31, 1987, No. DP-14/118.

18. Provides methodological assistance to heads of services and departments of the enterprise in conducting classes, conversations, and briefings of drivers on road safety issues.

19. Organizes the work of the traffic safety office (class) according to a plan approved by the head of the enterprise (farm) and equips it in accordance with methodological instructions.

20. Participates in the work of the relevant commissions to inspect roads and streets along the enterprise’s transport routes.

21. Immediately reports to the State Traffic Inspectorate about road traffic accidents with the rolling stock of the enterprise, as well as cases of return of transport with external damage.

22. Submits documents on the amount to the State Traffic Inspectorate material damage from damage to the vehicle and cargo in road accidents involving the rolling stock of the enterprise.

III. Rights:

1. Conduct inspections of the work of other services and divisions of the enterprise insofar as they relate to the prevention of road accidents, demand from the relevant managers and employees of the enterprise the necessary materials, oral and written explanations.

2. If necessary, check that drivers of departmental transport on the line have licenses for the right to drive vehicles, coupons for them, waybills (route) sheets, documents for the transported cargo, make entries in the waybills (route) sheets when violations of traffic rules are detected by drivers, rules of transport operation, and, if necessary, return the rolling stock to the enterprise.

3. To remove from work, in accordance with the procedure established by law, drivers and other employees of departmental transport whose condition or actions threaten traffic safety, and demand that the relevant managers take the necessary measures against them.

4. Prohibit the release of the enterprise's rolling stock onto the line or return it from the line if technical faults are detected that threaten traffic safety.

5. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise to encourage senior employees of services and departments for good work and achieved success in ensuring traffic safety, as well as petition for holding to account officials who do not ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on road safety issues.

6. Review and give an opinion on draft documents related to road safety prepared by Others services and departments of the enterprise.


on preventing road accidents

Work plans for the prevention of road accidents in motor transport and other enterprises are developed by employees responsible for ensuring the safe, accident-free operation of motor vehicles and approved by the head of the enterprise.

The plans reflect the enterprise’s activities to reduce the accident rate and are developed on the basis of regulations regulating the operation of vehicles in the transport and road complex.

I have read the instructions

Responsible for road safety work

_______________________/ T.A. Denezhkina

Responsible for road safety.

1. is assigned (entered) by each legal entity and individual entrepreneur, carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport (Article 20 of the Law on Road Safety).

2. Responsible for road safety may perform his duties when appointed to the position of road safety engineer or road safety specialist (that is, perform labor functions only for these positions).

3. Responsible for road safety a specialist of a subject of transport activity may be appointed to perform duties on road safety issues along with his own labor responsibilities for another position.

4. To the person responsible for road safety in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2015 N 287 “On approval of professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport,” the following professional and qualification requirements:

4.1. Responsible for road safety must know:

— regulations in the field of ensuring road safety and transportation of passengers and cargo;

- basics labor legislation;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation, road safety and fire protection;

— purpose and main technical and operational characteristics of rolling stock road transport, loading and unloading mechanisms and means for container and package transportation;

— rules for technical operation of vehicles;

— methods of planning, accounting and analysis of road transport;

— organization of the transportation process and labor of drivers and other workers, engaged in exploitation motor transport;

— the procedure for developing and approving plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

4.2. Responsible for road safety should be able to:

— develop and implement measures to prevent road accidents and monitor their implementation;

— analyze the causes of road accidents and violations of traffic rules committed by drivers legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, in the prescribed manner, prepare reports on road accidents and measures taken to prevent them;

— carry out reconciliation of data on road accidents in which the rolling stock of the enterprise was involved with data State Inspectorate on road safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

— develop or participate in the development of draft local regulations of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on issues of ensuring road safety, including when transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods;

— organize and conduct mass propaganda work on road safety in the team;

— inform the driving staff, engineering and technical workers, management bodies of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur about the state of accidents, causes and circumstances of road accidents;

— establish the causes and circumstances of road accidents, identify violations of established requirements for ensuring road safety;

— control the admission of drivers to drive only those categories of vehicles for which the right to drive is granted to them in accordance with their driver’s licenses;

— control the passage of mandatory medical examinations by drivers;

— organize briefing of drivers on the peculiarities of operating vehicles in various road and climatic conditions;

— monitor drivers’ compliance with the drivers’ work and rest schedule;

— organize driver training and the work of driver-mentors;

— organize the work of the road safety office (class) according to a plan approved by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

4.3. To the person responsible for road safety one of the following requirements must be met:

- having a diploma higher education in the field of training included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Equipment and technology of land transport”, and has passed certification in the prescribed manner for the right to occupy the corresponding position;

— presence of a diploma of higher education in a field of study not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Engineering and technology of land transport”, and a diploma of additional vocational education according to the professional program retraining with the qualification of a person responsible for ensuring road safety, and who has passed certification in the prescribed manner for the right to occupy the corresponding position;

— there are no requirements for length of service (experience).

5. P professional retraining with qualification assignment responsible for ensuring road safety is carried out on the basis of programs professional retraining in an amount of at least 250 hours (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 499).

Persons with higher education undergo qualification retraining non-automotive profile.

The professional retraining program for those responsible for ensuring road safety includes the following topics:

5.1. Regulatory framework in the field of road safety.

5.2. Technical regulations Customs Union TR CU 018/2011 “On safety
wheeled vehicles."

5.3. Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 014/2011 “Road Safety”.

5.4. Technical supervision of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation.

5.5. Basic regulatory and technical documents to ensure road safety (road safety law, traffic rules, etc.).

5.6. Requirements to technical condition and vehicle equipment.

5.7. Fire protection vehicles.

5.8. Compliance with the work and rest regime of the driving staff.

5.9. Transportation of passengers by road.

5.10. The transport process of transporting goods, including large, heavy and dangerous ones.

5.11. Driver reliability and traffic safety.

5.12. Organization of driver training and driver-mentor work.

5.13. Organization of medical examinations of drivers.

5.14. Internal investigation, recording and analysis of road accidents.

5.15. Security environment from the adverse effects of transport

5.16. Liability insurance of the carrier, passengers and cargo.

5.17. Types of driver's licenses.

6. Responsible for road safety in case of performing his functions as a road safety engineer (specialist) must work on the basis of a job description of the same name, containing sections: qualification requirements, must know, functions, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities. Job description approved by the head of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The basis for developing a job description is qualification characteristics contained in section 4 of this article.

6.1. Responsible for road safety in case of performing his functions while combining professions (positions) must fulfill his duties (for traffic safety) on the basis of the order (instruction) of the head of the subject of transport activity.

Municipal educational institution

"Goncharovskaya secondary school"

Sudzhansky district, Kursk region

"I affirm"

Director of Municipal Educational Institution "Goncharovskaya Secondary School"


"___"_________ 2011

Job description of the person responsible for ensuring road safety

I.General position

1. The person responsible for road safety is appointed
by order of the head of the institution.

2. The person responsible for road safety is subject to
the head of the institution and is guided in his work
Legislative acts of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
and other regulatory documents in force in the field
road safety, as well as this official

I. Responsibilities:

1. Develops measures to prevent road accidents
incidents and monitors their implementation.

2. Keeps records of traffic accidents and rule violations
traffic violations committed by the driver of the institution, analyzes
the reasons for their occurrence, prepares reports in the prescribed manner
about road traffic accidents and measures taken to address them

  1. Develops and presents to the head of the institution based on
    materials of inspections and analysis of accident conditions, proposals for
    preventing road accidents and violations of rules
    road traffic.
  2. Systematically reconciles data on road transport
    incidents in which the rolling stock of the institution was involved, with
    data from the State Traffic Inspectorate.
  3. Develops or participates in the development of draft orders, instructions
    and other documents of the institution on security issues
  4. Organizes mass propaganda work on traffic safety in
    team (conducting lectures, reports, conversations, competitions, consultations,
    showing special films, etc.).

7. Systematically informs the driver and the management of the institution about the state of accidents, causes and circumstances of road accidents.

  1. Participates in security related activities
    traffic (road safety inspections,
    car rallies, competitions, etc.).
  2. Together with the HR department, draws up and presents to management
    enterprise materials on awarding distinguished drivers.

violations of established norms and rules to ensure traffic safety associated with deficiencies in the operation of the institution.

10.Takes part in establishing the causes and circumstances of road accidents, as well as in identifying violations of established norms and rules for ensuring traffic safety related to shortcomings in the work of the institution.

11. Organizes a review of committed crimes within the institution’s staff
driver of traffic accidents, violations of rules
road traffic and rules of technical operation of transport

  1. Participates in the work of city (district) department commissions
    internal affairs when considering administrative materials about
    violation of traffic rules by the driver of the institution.
  2. Controls the driver's access to driving only those
    vehicles, the right to drive which is granted in
    according to your driver's license.

14. Monitors the driver’s completion of pre-trip and
post-trip medical examinations, ensuring compliance with established
timing of medical re-examination.

15. Monitors the organization of the service
operation, instructing drivers on the features of operation
vehicles taking into account road and climatic conditions.

  1. Monitors the use of vehicles,
    the work of the driver on the line, compliance with his work schedule.
  2. Monitors driver training and work

18. Organizes annual training for drivers according to a 20-hour program,
approved by the Ministry of Autotrans of the RSFSR dated March 31, 1987, No. AP-14/118.

19. Provides methodological assistance to the head of the institution in conducting classes, conversations, and driver briefings on road safety issues.

20. Organizes the work of the traffic safety office (class) according to plan,
approved by the head of the institution (farm) and equips it in
in accordance with methodological instructions.

  1. Participates in work certification commission for promotion
    driver qualifications.
  2. Takes part in the work of relevant commissions on
    inspection of roads and streets along transport routes
  3. Immediately informs the State Traffic Inspectorate about traffic
    transport accidents with the rolling stock of the institution, as well as
    cases of return of transport with external damage.

24. Submits to the State Traffic Inspectorate documents on the amount of material
damage from damage to the vehicle and cargo during road traffic
transport accidents involving the institution's rolling stock.

It is difficult to imagine any modern enterprise without a vehicle fleet. And the larger the organization, the more automotive needs it has. With the increase in rolling stock, the risk occurrence of an accident growing.

Does your organization need a person responsible for road safety? If your organization is profiled or passengers, then this question disappears by itself. These organizations have a legal requirement to appoint and certify such a person. And if you are not engaged in commercial transportation, then the law does not oblige you to appoint a special person, but responsibility in this case rests with the head of the company or enterprise. That is, in the event of an accident, the manager or director, by default, assumes the functions of the person, or appoints a branch person from among the employees or hires from the outside. This person is vested with authority and responsibility as a road safety specialist. To do this, an order must be issued for the enterprise with the corresponding responsibilities included in the job description. Next, it is necessary to familiarize the employee with the order and responsibilities against signature, and only after that he becomes a full-fledged manager.

Requirements for a specialist

A traffic safety person must be trained and certified if your company's charter includes a "Transportation Services" clause. If this type of activity is not indicated, then you do not have such an obligation. Also, if there is no such clause in the charter, and in fact you carry out transportation to third parties, then you need to make an appropriate addition to the charter and appoint a person in charge. This person must be competent in matters of road safety in the enterprise. This employee must have relevant education or experience recorded in work book. For those who do not have such experience or education, training is prescribed, based on which the person can be assigned these responsibilities. Otherwise, there is a risk that in the event of an emergency situation (accident), the employee may go to court, and he will recognize the appointment of this person the position is illegal. In this case, it is not necessary to certify the employee.

For efficient work company, it is necessary to distribute responsibility for road safety among three employees:

  • Responsible for road safety;
  • control specialist;
  • Responsible for maintaining travel documentation.

The appointment must be made with specific responsibilities for each of them included in the job description. because if you are appointed by order, but the duties are not specified in the instructions, then such an employee will not be responsible for the sector assigned to him. If your company has branches in its structure, then each branch should have three responsible persons. And the specialists of the head branch must monitor the work of the others. These are not necessarily three different employees; all duties can be performed by one person (it all depends on the size of the organization and the amount of rolling stock available). And in addition to the duties of monitoring traffic safety, he can also perform others (mechanic, dispatcher, etc.). This specialist must have a higher education diploma in the areas of “Land Transport” or work experience in a similar position entered in the work book.

A set of security measures

To prevent accidents at an enterprise, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures:

A) induction training is carried out with all newly arrived drivers. It is conducted by the person responsible for road safety at the enterprise; the instruction includes:

  • organization of traffic within the company's territory;
  • working conditions in the organization;
  • procedure for filling out and maintaining travel documentation;
  • sequential ;
  • rules of provision first aid to the victims.

B) pre-trip – carried out in the case of a driver departing along a newly created route, transporting heavy, dangerous or large-sized cargo. It includes the following provisions:

  • presence of dangerous sections on the route;
  • places for possible rest along the route;
  • number and location of points technical assistance on the route;
  • rules safe passage difficult and dangerous sections (long descents/ascents; railway crossings, etc.);
  • algorithm of actions in the event of an emergency situation.

C) seasonal - carried out at least once every six months, at the turn of the change from autumn-winter to spring-summer or vice versa. Its goal is to prepare drivers for operating a car in the previous period. Should include an analysis of accidents that occurred in similar periods earlier.

D) special – carried out in such cases as:

  • laws have come into force that directly affect the activities of drivers;
  • route changed;
  • there was an accident with human casualties or major material damage;
  • information about a terrorist threat has been received

Rights and obligations of the employer and traffic safety specialist

A traffic safety specialist is prohibited from:

  1. Give permission to drive a car to drivers who do not have or have expired driver's license, which reflects the presence of the corresponding category
  2. Force drivers to violate traffic rules or encourage these actions.

Within the limits of the current traffic safety regulations, it is possible to establish your own special rules to comply with traffic regulations and demand their compliance from subordinates.

The enterprise, in turn, must ensure:

The person responsible for road safety must know:

  1. Labor legislation or its main provisions.
  2. Laws that target road safety.
  3. Basic technical and economic indicators of vehicles and their purpose.
  4. Basic rules and regulations for the technical use of vehicles.
  5. Methods of accounting and planning of road transport.
  6. Methods of organizing transportation that ensure compliance with work and rest standards for drivers and other workers ensuring the proper operation of vehicles.

Should be able to:

If you follow all the rules and recommendations, it is possible to achieve trouble-free operation of the enterprise or reduce it to a minimum. This will improve your ranking compared to your competitors. And it will increase the profit and well-being of you and your employees.