How to fix Opera notification: "invalid certificate"? What is an invalid opera certificate? The mobile browser complains about pgu security certificates.

How to remove a certificate error?

Master's answer:

If a certificate error appears on your computer monitor, it serves to increase the security of the data stored on it. But if you have already repeatedly used a server and it has been fully verified by you, then such messages will only cause irritation. To solve this problem, you just need to add the certificate to the list of trusted servers.

To resolve the issue, you will need Internet Explorer 7. Select a command such as “Continue to open this website (not recommended)” found in the “Certificate Error: Navigations Blocked” warning window to resolve the certificate issue. By clicking on the field with the image of a shield in the top bar, which is located next to the address bar of the browser, you will open the “Invalid Certificate” dialog box.

Open the View Certificates link and go to the General tab to determine the validity period of the selected website's certificate. Next, click “Install Certificate” to launch the “Certificate Import Wizard” utility, then click Next in the main wizard window.

Check the “Automatically select the certificatestore based on the type of certificate” checkbox and click Next to confirm (for Windows XP).

Then confirm your choice by clicking Yes in the system prompt window and click Finish to complete the installation process of the imported certificate (for Windows XP). Now click “Ok” to confirm that the selected changes are applied.

Check the “Place all certificates in the following store” checkbox and click “Browse” in the Certificate Import Wizard window (for Windows Vista). In the “Select certificate store” window that opens, select “Trusted root centers certification" and then click "OK" to confirm your selection (for Windows Vista). Click "Next". To confirm the execution of the command, click “Finish” in the new wizard window (for Windows Vista). Now click “Ok” to complete the installation of the imported certificate and restart the browser for the changes to take effect.

When using the Opera Internet browser, many users have problems with certificates. In particular, the browser cannot confirm the authenticity of the server and issues invalid certificate in Opera. How to fix this error, remove the notification and gain access to the site, read this article.

About certificates

The certificate is intended to confirm the authenticity and security of an Internet resource. When you try to navigate to a page on a website, Opera may notify you that this resource has a problematic certificate. Usually, a malfunction can occur on little-known sites. If you trust this site, you can ignore the warning and go to it. But what to do if the error appears frequently and on almost any Internet resource?

Important! The error discussed is possible if the certificates are fake. They can be found on the websites of attackers who are trying to take over user data. Ignore the error and only go to the site if you completely trust it.


There are several reasons why the error occurs:

  1. The certificate has expired. In this case, the update did not occur in time, which is why the malfunction appeared.
  2. The time on the computer is wrong. Incorrectly set date and time can cause a conflict with correctly configured certificates.
  3. Data substitution. Each Internet resource has its own certificate. Opera will detect an untrusted (fake) one if any phishing site tries to carry out a spoofing.
  4. Malware on the computer. Your PC may be infected with malicious code. It can replace the link you follow. Attackers can benefit from this. Also, viruses can simply disrupt the stable operation of both Opera and the Windows operating system as a whole.

How to fix it?

If this error occurs frequently, check for its presence in other Internet browsers. Also:

  1. Check the date setting. It is important that it is set correctly (Settings → Time and language → Date and time → Set the time automatically or enter it manually).
  2. Make sure your computer is not infected. Take advantage of free scanners

Good day!

I think that almost every user (especially in Lately) encountered an error in the browser stating that the certificate of such and such a site is not trusted, and a recommendation not to visit it.

On the one hand, this is good (after all, the browser, and in general the popularization of such certificates, ensures our security), but on the other hand, such an error sometimes pops up even on very well-known sites (for example, Google).

The essence of what is happening, and what does it mean?

The fact is that when you connect to a site on which the SSL protocol is installed, the server sends the browser digital document (certificate) that the site is genuine (and not a fake or a clone of something there...). By the way, if everything is fine with such a site, then browsers mark them with a “green” padlock: the screenshot below shows how it looks in Chrome.

However, certificates can be issued by well-known organizations (Symantec, Rapidssl, Comodo, etc.) , and anyone in general. Of course, if the browser and your system “do not know” who issued the certificate (or there is a suspicion that it is correct), then a similar error appears.

Those. I am leading to the fact that both completely white sites and those that are really dangerous to visit can fall under the distribution. Therefore, the appearance of such an error is a reason to take a close look at the site address.

Well, in this article I want to point out several ways to eliminate such an error if it began to appear even on white and well-known sites (for example, on Google, Yandex, VK and many others. You won’t refuse to visit them, will you?).

How to resolve the error

1) Pay attention to the site address

The first thing to do is just pay attention to the site address (it is possible that you typed the wrong URL by mistake). Also, sometimes this happens due to the fault of the server on which the site is located (perhaps, in general, the certificate itself is simply outdated, because it is issued for a certain time). Try visiting other sites, if everything is OK with them, then most likely the problem is not with your system, but with that particular site.

Example of the error "The site's security certificate is not trusted"

However, I note that if the error appears on a very well-known site that you (and many other users) completely trust, then there is a high probability of a problem in your system...

2) Check the date and time set in Windows

The second point is that a similar error can pop up if the time or date is set incorrectly in your system. To correct and clarify them, just click on “time” in the Windows taskbar (in the lower right corner of the screen). See screenshot below.

After setting the correct time, restart your computer and try to reopen the browser and sites in it. The error should disappear.

I also draw your attention to the fact that if your time is constantly lost, the battery on your motherboard is probably dead. It is a small “tablet”, thanks to which the computer remembers the settings you entered, even if you disconnect it from the network (for example, are the same date and time somehow calculated?).

3) Try updating your root certificates

Another option to try to solve this problem is to install a root certificate update. Updates can be downloaded from the Microsoft website for different operating systems. For client operating systems (i.e., for ordinary home users), these updates are suitable:

4) Installing “trusted” certificates in the system

Although this method works, I would like to warn you that it “may” become a source of problems in the security of your system. By at least, I advise you to resort to this only for such large sites as Google, Yandex, etc.

To get rid of the error associated with the unreliability of the certificate, a specialist should be used. plastic bag GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority .

By the way, to download GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority:

Now you need to install the downloaded certificate into the system. I’ll tell you step by step how this is done below:

5) Pay attention to antivirus utilities

In some cases, this error may occur due to the fact that some program (for example, an antivirus) scans https traffic. This is what the browser sees that the incoming certificate does not match the address it came from, and as a result a warning/error appears...

Therefore, if you have an antivirus/firewall installed, check and temporarily disable the https traffic scanning setting (see example of AVAST settings in the screenshot below).

That's all I have...

For additions on the topic - a special merci!

All the best!

Many Internet Explorer users often encounter a situation in which the browser, when connecting to a particular Internet resource, displays a warning related to a security certificate error instead of the requested page. This warning is a consequence of the measures taken by the developers against widespread Internet fraud. In such cases, the browser compares the security key sent by the website with the reference one, and if they do not match, blocks the user from accessing the page.

However, not always a certificate error can be caused by the actions of fraudsters - most often it occurs for completely “peaceful” reasons. These reasons may be:

  • antivirus intervention software or a firewall that accepts a trusted key as incorrect;
  • erroneously set system date and time, not necessarily on the user’s computer, but also on the server where the required site is located. Since each security key is valid for a strictly defined time, such a temporary discrepancy can naturally cause a security error;
  • * the site being opened has a trusted, but no longer current certificate.

Depending on the cause of the error, the user can take the following actions.

Opting out of visiting the website

It is recommended in cases where the warning issued by the browser is fully or partially justified: unknown site (the transition to such sites is most often carried out through links issued by the search engine), web page social network(most likely fake) or a resource that involves financial interaction through payment systems and bank cards. In other words, any site that requires input into special forms data account, card details, etc.

In such situations, it is advisable to check the browser address bar for encryption using the https protocol: clone sites belonging to scammers usually use the secure http protocol, which is unacceptable for official web pages.

Ignoring a certificate error

It is acceptable to use this method if the web resource being opened is well-known and trusted (for example, Youtube, Google, etc.). The sequence of actions is quite simple:

  • in the pop-up notification under the address bar, click “Continue opening this website (not recommended)”;
  • the browser will go to the requested site, but the security certificate notification at the top of the window will not go away;
  • checking the set system date.

If the error occurs due to an incorrectly configured system date, it can be easily resolved by setting the exact date and time. To do this you need:

  • In the lower right corner of the screen, right-click on the clock (or select the “Date and Time” section in the Control Panel).
  • In the window that opens, click on the “Change date and time settings” link, then, if there are any inconsistencies, set the correct values ​​manually.

It should be borne in mind that a date and time discrepancy can also be caused by a very trivial reason: a low battery on the motherboard. In this case, the battery must be replaced, but for many users this procedure may cause difficulties for one reason or another, and automatic synchronization can be used as a solution.

However, we should not exclude the fact that setting the time on Windows servers does not always work correctly, which is due to the abolition of daylight saving time in Russia, so a more expedient way to solve the problem would be to replace the batteries of the BIOS chip.

Disabling error reporting

A method that assumes full trust on the part of the user in the resources being visited. If you are sure that the web pages do not contain everything that Internet attackers like to use (fake pages, redirects, viruses, spam banners, etc.), you can change the browser notification settings.

This is done like this:

  • In the upper right part of the Internet Explorer window, click on the gear icon to open the main browser menu.
  • Go to Internet Options.
  • In the “Advanced” section, find the “Settings” subsection, where you need to activate the checkbox next to the “Warn about certificate address mismatch” item.
  • Save your changes by clicking the “Apply” button, and then “OK”.

If we are talking about organizations in which the Internet connection is managed and controlled by Microsoft server solutions, then the procedure is somewhat more complicated.

  • In the “Control Panel” you need to open the “Administration” link, and then select “Group Policy Management Tool”.
  • Select an existing policy or create a new one.
  • In the “Group Policy Management Editor” you need to find the “User Configuration” section, then “Settings” - “Control Panel Settings” - “Internet Options”. By calling the right-click context menu, select “Create”, and then the browser of the desired version.
  • On the right side, select the element properties, and in the “Advanced communication parameters” tab, uncheck the “Warn about certificate address mismatch” line.
  • Save your changes and close the settings window.
  • Next, you should use the console (command “cmd”) so that the server accepts the previously made amendments and updates the new policy rules: type “gpupdate /force” in the console.
  • Carry out the operation from the previous paragraph on each of the required workstations, and then check the functionality.

In Internet Explorer, Microsoft specialists provided the ability to add certificates manually. We are, of course, talking about completely safe resources, the occurrence of an error on which is not associated with security threats.

To add the key of such a certificate to the browser, you need to ignore the security error, go to the appropriate website and find a link to download the key if available. (files like *.cer, *pkcs, *.crt, etc.). Once you download the certificate, you can add it to your browser. This requires:

  • In the upper right corner of the Internet Explorer window, you need to click on the gear icon, thus calling up the main menu of the browser.
  • Go to “Internet Options”.
  • In the “Contents” tab, select “Certificates”, then “Import”.
  • The “Certificate Import Wizard” will open, where you need to click “Next”.
  • Click “Browse”, then go to the folder where the certificate files were downloaded and select the one you need.
  • Determine the storage location for the keys: automatically (by system selection) or manually by selecting the storage location and storage name, and then click the “Next” button.
  • When the store creation process is complete, the Certificate Import Wizard will display a final dialog box displaying the user-specified parameters.
  • After clicking the “Finish” button, the certificates will be downloaded to the browser and their relevance will be checked. If no problems have arisen, the integration and configuration of certificates will be completed, which the Wizard will confirm with the message “Import completed successfully.”

When opening well-known sites, for example, Yandex, Google, etc. some may display a warning: "The site's security certificate is not trusted". It would seem that these are the sites of the largest Internet companies; what security problems might they have?

And indeed, the problem is not in the sites at all, but in your computer, and it usually occurs in the browser Google Chrome . If a problem with a certificate occurs on a work computer of any enterprise that has its own local network, then the problem may be due to incorrect group policy settings (domain policies). You should contact your system administrator with this question.

On personal laptops and computers, the message "The site's security certificate is not trusted" may occur if the date and time in the operating system is incorrectly set. In the lower left corner of the tray, click on the clock and set the correct date, month, year.

If the problem still persists, you need to manually install the appropriate certificate. You will most likely need a certificate Equifax Secure Certificate Authority. You can download it from the website - click on the link Download - Equifax Secure Certificate Authority right click and select Save link as- a file with the extension will be downloaded to the computer .pem.

Then open Start and in the search bar enter certmgr.msc, launch the found certificate management utility.

The previously downloaded certificate must be imported into two branches:
Trusted Root Certification Authorities
Third party root certificate authorities

To do this, open the corresponding branch, right-click on it and select from the menu All tasks - Import. Then in the wizard we specify the downloaded file and import it.

Also install new certificate can be done directly in the browser. To do this, open in Google Chrome Menu - Settings - Show advanced settings - Configure certificates. In the window that opens, go to the tab Trusted Root Certification Authorities and press the button Import.

If even after installing the certificate, sites do not open, try disabling scanning of HTTPS traffic in the antivirus settings, and also just in case, whether the necessary domains are blocked in it.