How to open a Schengen visa. General rules for issuing visas


Traveling is always interesting, useful and exciting. However, if you can visit some countries at any time, then to travel to other countries you will need a special document - a Schengen visa, and you will need to do it in advance. If you are planning a trip to the countries of the European Union, find out what is needed to obtain a Schengen visa, how much it costs and why they may refuse to receive it.

What is a Schengen visa

Residents of states that have signed the Schengen Agreement can visit each other's territories without border control, but citizens of other countries must have a permit document with them - this is a Schengen visa. The document is a small sticker that is pasted into the applicant’s passport. If you have a Schengen card, you can enter a member state of the Schengen area and stay there deadlines.

What is it for?

However, you need to know that not all European countries have signed the Schengen legislation and abolished passport control when crossing their borders. This means that such entry visa does not apply to them. If you have Schengen without additional registration documents you will be able to visit a total of 26 participating states:

  • Czech Republic;
  • Switzerland;
  • Greece;
  • Belgium;
  • Sweden;
  • Austria;
  • Italy;
  • Hungary;
  • Estonia;
  • Portugal;
  • Germany;
  • Denmark;
  • Poland;
  • France;
  • Norway;
  • Iceland;
  • Slovakia;
  • Spain;
  • Slovenia;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Finland;
  • Liechtenstein;
  • Malta;
  • Netherlands;
  • Luxembourg.

How long is it issued?

A visa document has several important parameters: such as the entry corridor into the country, duration of stay, validity period or number of permitted visits. Based on their validity period, documents can be divided into two categories:

  • One-time – the validity period is considered open as soon as you cross the border. For example, you are allowed to stay in the Schengen zone for three months, and its validity period will also be three months.
  • Multiple entry – a visa is always valid longer than the number of days allowed for stay in Europe. Standard duration is 30-60 days, half-year or annual period, for 2 or 5 years.

Types of Schengen visas

From a legal point of view, there are only a few types of permits:

  • category A or transit - you must obtain it if you plan to fly through the territory of countries in the Schengen area.
  • Category B – gives the right to travel within the territory of the country that issued the visa for 5 days.
  • Category C – issued for multiple entries into Europe for a period of no more than 90 days. This category has several subtypes: C1 - gives the right to stay in the Schengen area for 30 days with a single exit, C2 - receiving a multiple visa opens the right to visit the Schengen countries from 90 days to six months from the date of issue of the document, C3 - visa to Europe for a year with total term visits for no more than 90 days, C4 - issued to special categories of citizens, for example, diplomats, ambassadors or politicians.
  • Category D is a type of national long-term visa that will be valid according to the laws of the issuing country.

Types of Schengen

According to the principle of operation, European visas are:

  • airport – giving the right to travel within the airport;
  • transit - allowing travel through the territory of a certain state and staying on it for no more than 5 days;
  • tourist - they are allowed to stay in the country for the period allotted by the consulate and travel through the territory of a third state;
  • national – long-term visas;
  • FRTD – simplified Schengen visa, issued only for transit between the territory of Russia and the Kaliningrad region;
  • LTV is a short-term document that gives the right to visit only one country, the one whose embassy issued it.

What is needed for a Schengen visa

In order to be allowed to enter Europe, you need to contact the consulate. It is very important to submit your application to the consulate whose country you intend to visit first. In addition to the main package of documents, to cross the border you will need to have with you: an invitation from a citizen of a foreign country or a job request from an organization and a document confirming solvency.

Confirmation of purpose of travel

Depending on the type of visa, proof of purpose may require various documents, For example:

  • To travel to study, you must submit a request from the university;
  • for tourists - a hotel reservation receipt, a tourist voucher, round-trip air tickets;
  • To work, you will need an invitation from the employer;
  • citizens who wish to visit relatives - an official invitation to the country addressed to the applicant.

Confirmation of the traveler's solvency

In order to ensure security and prevent an influx of illegal immigrants, some consulates require documents of solvency. It can be:

  • Certificate of employment indicating the position held, salary received and length of service. The document must be issued on the company's letterhead and contain all the necessary stamps and seals.
  • Bank account statement. Must contain information about the availability of a bank deposit. The minimum amount of funds in the account, calculated for 1 person per day, will depend on the country of travel: for Germany - 60 euros, Spain - 65 euros, Czech Republic - 1100 crowns.

How much does Schengen cost?

When preparing documents through intermediaries, be prepared to pay for their services. How much it costs to get a Schengen visa depends on the country you choose to travel to:

  • The least cost - from $120 - is to obtain a visa to such European Union countries as Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Gracia, Portugal and Luxembourg.
  • The average price category (approximately $170) falls on Austria, France, Spain, and Italy.
  • The most expensive Schengen visa to Germany and Iceland is about $220.

Consular fee

If you prepare documents yourself through the consulate, the service will cost you approximately 35 euros - this is a single consular fee. From 2019, the price of a Schengen visa for Russians may be significantly less, but subject to falling into one of preferential categories. Privileges are enjoyed by:

  • close relatives of EU citizens;
  • students going to study;
  • disabled people with accompanying persons;
  • patients traveling for urgent treatment;
  • members of national or regional governments;
  • participants in official exchange programs;
  • researchers traveling to collect data;
  • children under 6 years old;
  • participants in youth sports events and their accompanying persons.

Service fee

When processing documents through intermediaries or a travel agency, you will have to pay a service fee. Its value may differ significantly depending on the chosen intermediary, and may or may not include delivery of documents by courier. For 2019, the cost of the fee for some countries is as follows:

Medical insurance

When calculating the cost of a Schengen visa, do not forget to include the mandatory health insurance. As a rule, for a stay in a European country, insurance costs 1 euro per day. When traveling to ski resorts, tariffs are slightly higher - about 2 euros per day. You can apply for a policy at any insurance center, and its total cost will be 2-3 thousand rubles.

How long does it take to get a Schengen visa?

On average, the period for processing and issuing a document is 5-10 days, but sometimes the wait can drag on for several weeks. It is worth considering that if you contact the embassy yourself, you will need to make an appointment several weeks in advance. If it is a busy holiday season or the consulate is overloaded, then the appointment is made several months in advance.

Additional costs for urgency

You need to start filling out the paperwork before the planned date of your trip, but not earlier than 90 days. It is worth considering that consulates are closed on weekends not only of the country in which they are located, but also of their national holidays. If you want to receive documents quickly, you should use the express visa service, but you will have to pay extra for urgency. average cost fast visa will cost about 180-1200 euros, depending on the country chosen for travel.

How to get a Schengen visa

The procedure for obtaining travel passes in EU countries is generally standardized. The main requirement is to have with you a package of documents necessary to enter a specific country. After submitting the request, the applicant is required to pay the established consular fee. If you don’t have time to do the registration yourself, you can entrust the worries to an intermediary company. Both design options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Through intermediaries

The disadvantage of this design is that any service of the company will need to be paid additionally, which is why the cost of the trip increases significantly. However, this method also has its advantages:

  • You will not need to book rooms, submit real estate documents or other certificates guaranteeing your return to your homeland.
  • There is no need to make an appointment at the consulate; the travel agency employees will do everything themselves.
  • There is no need to study the rules for filling out documents and monitor the deadline for their submission.

On your own at the consulate

If you live in large cities, you can take care of the paperwork yourself by making an appointment at the consular department. There are few downsides to this type of registration: the embassy’s opening hours are not always convenient and the need to stand in line. However there are advantages:

  • this way you can communicate directly with an embassy employee and clarify all the details;
  • learn to fill out paperwork independently and correctly;
  • There is no need for a service fee.

List of documents required for Schengen

To obtain a Schengen permit upon first entry, the embassy must provide following list documents:

  • foreign passport and a photocopy of its first page;
  • filled out on English language questionnaire;
  • two color photographs;
  • photocopies of all pages Russian passport;
  • papers confirming the purpose of the visit;
  • permission from parents if you intend to cross the border minor child;
  • a certificate giving the right to import money;
  • certificate from the place of work;
  • health insurance;
  • biometrics – fingerprints.

How to apply for a Schengen visa yourself

To summarize, it’s worth once again defining the sequence of your actions:

  1. Decide on your destination country.
  2. Check out the list necessary documents for applicants.
  3. Read the rules for completing the package of documents.
  4. Collect all the papers, download the questionnaire from the website and fill out the questionnaire by hand.
  5. Take several color photographs, sized according to embassy requirements.
  6. Sign up for an interview at the embassy, ​​pay Visa fees.
  7. After submitting your application and completing the interview, wait for the designated time frame and come back for an answer.
  8. Having received a visa, you can go on a trip. If a refusal has been issued, after a while you can file an appeal and apply for re-issuance.

Visa centers in Moscow

For non-residents who cannot stay in a big city for a long time, there are special agencies - visa centers. Such companies do everything necessary for you, and the courier will deliver the finished papers to your home. You can track the status of your application at the visa center online. The disadvantage of this registration is that in addition to the consular fee, you will need to pay a service fee - its cost is from 1,300 to 2,000 rubles.

Why may a visa be refused?

Even if all documents are provided, a Schengen member country may refuse the right to visit. As a rule, the reasons for refusal are of the following nature:

  • The applicant had previously violated the terms of stay, rules public order, committed a criminal or administrative offense.
  • You submitted deliberately false information about yourself and did not specify why a Schengen visa is needed.
  • The consulate is not sure that the applicant will return to his country of residence or has sufficient funds on hand to make the trip.


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The Schengen Agreement allows citizens to move freely within the borders of the Schengen area. The Schengen zone includes 26 countries. To open a Schengen visa, you can contact a visa agency or do it yourself. A visa is issued for a country where a long-term stay is planned, and then from this country you can travel unlimitedly to other countries included in the Schengen zone.

A single-entry visa is issued for a specific country through which you can enter Europe. For example, if you want to fly to Spain, but the visa is issued for France, then only from France you can get to Spain and nothing else. And you can go home from any country. A multiple entry visa allows you to enter Europe through any country in the Schengen area. Another advantage of a multiple-entry visa is that you can enter and leave Europe several times during the validity period of the visa, which is issued for a period of 1 month to 1 year. To obtain a visa, you must contact the Embassy of the country where you plan to travel. There are special visa centers that also accept documents, and there you can make additional photocopies, take photographs, take out insurance, get advice and use additional services, for example, home delivery of documents to any city in the country. There is a high risk of refusal if you apply for a visa to the migration service yourself. List of documents provided for visa application in different countries Schengen area may vary (most
  • big list
  • documents are provided to obtain a visa to Germany), but the main ones are:
  • a foreign passport, the validity of which must be more than 3 months after the end of the planned trip, a photocopy of its first page;
  • originals of previous international passports, if they contained notes on the issuance of a visa;
  • photocopy of all pages of the internal passport;
  • a completed application form with a photograph attached to it;
  • a certificate from your place of work or a bank account statement;
  • insurance in the amount of at least 30,000 euros;
originals and photocopies of round-trip tickets;
  • birth certificate, if the citizen submitting the documents is a minor, and if he will travel alone or accompanied by only one of the parents, then also written permission from the second parent.
  • documents confirming family ties (birth certificate, marriage certificate);
  • a certificate from the place of employment indicating the salary of the inviting person (if the inviting person pays for the trip);
  • a document confirming the legal residence of the inviting citizen in the country.
The process of reviewing documents for a visa can take from 4 days to 1 month or more. The timing will depend on the country and its political situation.

When submitting documents for a Schengen visa, you should carefully fill out the application form and, just in case, have additional photocopies of documents and blank forms. After all, an incomplete set of documents or filling them out incorrectly can be a reason for refusing to issue a visa.


By decision of the European Union, from September 14, 2015. mandatory submission of biometric data is being introduced for Russian citizens wishing to obtain a Schengen visa (in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the procedure will be introduced from the end of June). By the end of October, this procedure will be mandatory in all countries that maintain a visa regime with the Schengen countries.

From September 14, 2015, and then every five years, Russians over 12 years of age who decide to obtain a short-term Schengen visa will have to submit biometric data and take a digital photograph.

All explanations on this matter are collected on a special website in Russian.

It provides general information about the Schengen countries, the new Visa Information System (VIS), and where and how to apply for a short-stay visa. The information is clearly structured - first application for a Schengen visa, repeated application, less or more than 5 years have passed since the receipt of the visa, etc. There is information about the action when receiving a visa refusal: few people know that, according to the EU visa code, the applicant has the right to appeal the consulate’s decision by contacting the competent authorities of the European Union.

The website presents interactive map, which determines the user’s location and immediately leads to the nearest consulate of the country where he intends to go. Visa centers of the Schengen countries now operate in 51 cities of Russia: 13 in the cities of the Northwestern Federal District, 12 in the Central, 8 in the Volga, 5 each in the Southern and Siberian districts, 4 – in the Ural, 2 – in the North Caucasus and Far Eastern districts.

The site also has step by step guide and a video in which tourists are explained the details of biometric registration. For example, when giving fingerprints, you must first attach four fingers of one hand at once, then the other hand, and then the thumbs of both hands. And when you are being photographed digitally, it is advisable to take off your glasses and hat, not try to smile, but maintain as neutral a facial expression as possible.

Passport and visa formalities- this procedure is one of the most important factors associated with the need to comply with the rules when crossing state borders. Establishing a passport or visa regime for tourists is the prerogative of the national legislation of the host country.
As a rule, entry into the host country requires obtaining a visa, that is, special permission from the government to enter/exit, reside or transit passage through its territory.

The visa can be:

    Single entry (allows entry once and exit once);

    Double entry (allows you to enter and exit twice);

    Multiple entry (gives permission to enter and exit more than twice).

Having a visa does not guarantee that entry into the country will take place.. Despite the fact that a visa is the main permit to visit another state, it only confirms the registration of the passport in consular office state to be visited. The final decision on the possibility of entry into the territory of a state is made by the relevant immigration (border, police) authorities at the border of this state, and if a person entering the country for any reason, according to the decision of these authorities, does not meet the status of a tourist, he will not be allowed to cross the border, despite for an existing visa.

General requirements for documents for obtaining a visa:

1. A foreign passport, which must contain the signature of the owner. The document must not be expired or contain questionable marks or stamps. The validity period of the foreign passport must meet the requirements for staying in the country of destination. The passport must have at least 2 free (blank) pages.

2. If you have several valid foreign passports, you must provide all original passports.

3. We draw your attention to the requirements for foreign passports For minor citizens RF. All minor tourists going on a sea cruise must have their own foreign passport to cross the border. Children included in the parent's passport are required to issue their own foreign passports and enter using them. Border guards have the right to refuse boarding of children who are included in the parent's passport.

4. If a child under 18 years of age goes on a trip with one of the parents (or accompanied by a third party), it is necessary to present notarized power of attorney from the parent/parents (principal/principals) to the accompanying person, which indicates the country of travel (Schengen countries) and the validity period of the power of attorney (no more than THREE months), a photocopy of the pages of the internal passport of the parent (parents), where there are any marks.

5. Original (or notarized copy) birth certificate for all minor children (under 18 years of age) planning to travel.

6. A photocopy of all pages of the general passport.

7. Consular form.

8. A passport photograph measuring 3.5x4.5 cm, the size of the photographs should not exceed 4x6 cm. The statute of limitations from the date of photography should be no more than six months.

9. Spouses must provide a copy of the marriage registration certificate.

10. Certificate of employment, valid for no more than ONE month.

11. Pensioners, the unemployed and students must provide a certificate of employment from the person financing their trip and a copy of their pension or student ID.

12. Financial support(Documents confirming the availability of funds).

13. Medical insurance.

14. Confirmation of residence in the country.

15. Reservation or copy of round-trip tickets.


    The consulate has the right to request additional documents (relevant for all countries);

    Consular fees may vary;

    It is advisable to apply for a visa in the Consular District where the applicant resides;

    Check the type and validity period of existing visas in foreign passports, in order to avoid misunderstandings and trip disruptions;

    The cost of obtaining a visa consists of the Consular fee, visa support, necessary actions receiving party and document processing;

    The list of documents and visa processing deadlines may be changed due to innovations introduced by different Consulates.

Due to possible changes in the above components, it is necessary to clarify the information at the time of submitting documents for a visa expert manager of the Cruise House "MK"

Reasons why the Consulate may refuse to issue a visa:

    Violations of entry into countries in previous trips (relevant for all countries);

    Incidents with authorities during previous trips;

    There are insufficient guarantees of return to the country of residence;

    Entering false information into the application form;

    Impossibility of contacting a tourist using the telephone numbers specified in the application form;

    Failure to submit or incorrect execution of additional documents;

    Single (unmarried) young girl traveling unaccompanied;

    There are insufficient funds, according to the provided employment certificates, account statements, etc.

Cruise House "MK" is not responsible for refusal by embassies foreign countries in issuing entry permits (visas)!

Visa rules for cruises/tours

1. We draw your attention to the requirements for foreign passports for minor citizens of the Russian Federation. All minor tourists going on a sea cruise must have their own foreign passport to cross the border. Children included in the parent's passport are required to issue their own foreign passports and enter using them. Border guards have the right to refuse boarding of children who are included in the parent's passport.

2. When changing your surname, for example, upon marriage, within 1 month you must change all documents taking into account new name. IN otherwise Visa documents are not accepted.

3. Most cruises/tours require a primary country multi-visa and additional visas, which must be opened in advance and are not opened upon arrival at the port. If you have a single-entry visa or do not have all the necessary (pre-opened) visas, tourists will be denied boarding and will be subject to all penalties. Check availability in advance required visas in foreign passports!

4. When boarding the ship, employees of the cruise company may hold the tourist’s passport for the entire duration of the cruise to simplify border formalities in each port. If tourists need documents at any port, they will be issued to them temporarily. At the end of the cruise, the documents are returned to tourists.

5. In cases where the cruise takes place on visa countries, the opening of visas for which is carried out at the port, tourists need to inform in advance (when boarding the ship) about those ports where they plan to go ashore so that the cruise company takes care of and simplifies everything in advance visa formalities. If these visas are paid, the cost of these visas will be included in the tourist's on-board bill.

6. In accordance with the rules of the Schengen countries, for cruises whose route runs through the territory of a Schengen country, it is necessary to obtain a visa from the country that is the first country of entry into the Schengen zone, or in whose territory the majority of the cruise/tour takes place. The Schengen Agreement area includes the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark (excluding Greenland and Faroe Islands), Iceland, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia. Automatically, Andorra (together with Spain), Monaco (together with France) and San Marino (together with Italy) are included in the Schengen zone.

7. When entering the Schengen area from countries that have not joined the Schengen Agreement, tourists are required to present a passport with valid visa. Entry may be denied if there is reason to believe that the person entering poses a threat to the security of the country, as well as if there are suspicions that this person enters the country for the purpose of illegal immigration or illegal work.

8. Cruise House "MK" provides full visa support. Documents for opening visas are accepted only as a complete package according to the rules and in accordance with the list posted in the section “Consulate requirements for the package of documents by country”.

9. In case of self-submission of documents for a visa, Cruise House "MK" provides a cruise invitation and vouchers in accordance with the purchased paid services. The company reserves the right to refuse visa support to tourists whose documents are questionable.

For Schengen visa holders

1. If you have an open multiple visa issued by one Schengen country with an unexpired validity period, a second visa to one of the Schengen countries WILL NOT BE ISSUED! You must first use the issued visa or cancel it.

2. If you have an open multiple visa issued by one of the Schengen countries, whose validity and number of days coincide with the dates of the planned trip, a new Schengen visa is NOT REQUIRED!

3. A single-entry Schengen visa is considered used if the trip has already taken place, even if its validity has not yet expired.

4. The passport should not contain any notes on visa requests to other embassies of Schengen countries. If there are such requests, they must be canceled.

5. The permitted number of days of stay indicated on the visa must not be exceeded; it is necessary to add up the duration of all previous visits to the Schengen countries and compare them with the number of days of stay allowed by the visa. The resulting difference will show how many more days a tourist can stay in Schengen. So, for example, a tourist has a valid Schengen multiple visa, the validity period of which is from 07/01/2013 to 10/01/2013, the total number of days of stay is 30, while the tourist has already made 2 trips lasting one (8 days) and two weeks (15 days) , when calculating, we find that the tourist has only 7 days left (30-(15+8)=7). This means that he can make a trip for less than a week and only during the validity period of the visa, i.e. travel on this visa for no more than 7 days and return back before October 1, 2013.

6. If a valid Schengen visa does not correspond in duration and validity, and type of intended travel, it must be CANCELED and only then submit documents for registration new visa. Cancellation must be made at the Consulate of the country that issued the visa.

How can you apply and obtain a Schengen visa on your own? List of required documents and sample of filling out the application form. Cost and timing of Schengen registration in 2019.

One of the four fundamental freedoms proclaimed is the freedom of movement of people within its borders. For 26 European countries there is a single Schengen visa, after receiving which you can then move freely throughout almost the entire continent, not paying attention to such conventions as state borders.

This is what a single Schengen visa looks like, the only difference is in the name of the country that issued the visa.

2015 marked thirty years since the signing of the agreement to abolish border controls within Europe.

The place for signing the agreement was chosen so that it would be at the junction of three countries at once. It turned out to be the border river Moselle. It was there, on the deck of the ship, looking at the nearby Schengen village, that the heads of state signed the document. From that moment on, a zone free of passport control when moving between countries arose. For European residents, many of whom live in one country and work in another, this turned out to be very convenient.

Candidate countries for EU membership are marked in green.

Ten years later, in 1995, two more countries joined the agreement: Spain and Portugal. The rest of the European states, despite the fact that the European Union formally existed since 1992, the full effect extended to all its member countries only in 1999, when the Schengen rules became part of EU legislation. Since then, provisions on the free movement of citizens across borders have become general.

At the beginning of 2019, 26 countries support free movement within the European Union. Among them are not only Western European countries, but also the Baltic countries and some Eastern European states. Its closest neighbor also stands apart. They are in no hurry to abolish passport control at their borders.

Another exception is Switzerland. This country is not a member of the European Union in 2019, but supports the Schengen agreement.

What does this visa provide?

  1. First of all, the opportunity, having received a visa from one state, to move freely within the European Union without requesting additional entry permission.
  2. Secondly, when crossing state borders you do not need to go through passport control. Except for exception countries.
  3. Thirdly, the presence of such a visa makes it possible to visit some countries in other parts of the world, again without issuing a separate visa.
  4. Fourthly, having a Schengen visa, you can enter and leave its coverage area at any point.

How to get a Schengen visa yourself

Process self-registration visas are not as complicated as some tourists think. Doing this yourself is quite easy. But you should still know a few subtleties. They relate to the choice of the country for which you will need to apply for a visa, and the type of visa.

The fact is that there is no such country as Schengen. This means that you will have to apply for an entry permit to a very specific European state. According to reviews from tourists, it’s easier, or. Not surprising, since these countries receive a significant portion of their income from tourism.

As for the type of visa, not only the purpose of the trip plays a role, but also whether any Schengen visa has been previously obtained. And also whether any violations were identified related to its registration and rules of stay in European countries. If they are not found, then you can get a visa again with for a long time stay.

You need to apply for a visa, which gives you the right to travel freely throughout almost all of Europe, at the embassy or consulate of one of the countries that are members of the union.

You can apply for it in person, but many prefer the services of various types of intermediaries. This is completely acceptable. You just need to make sure that the organization is trustworthy.

Embassy of Greece in Moscow at the address: Spiridonovka, 14.

What visas exist

Visa B, although it is a transit visa, gives its holder the right to spend from 1 to 5 days in Europe. With such a visa you can leave the airport if the time between flights is up to several days. Or even go further by land transport, crossing the borders of states inside the Schengen zone. The main thing is not to exceed the time allotted for your stay in the European Union.

When issuing transit Schengen visas, the same requirements are observed as for issuing a visa of another type. The documents that accompany the application for a transit visa are also the same.

Type C visa is the main type of Schengen visa. This is what most tourists going to Europe strive to get. Within this type, several subtypes can be distinguished, the receipt of which largely depends on the purpose of the visit.

All other type C visas are classified as , that is, they allow you to enter and exit the country several times during the validity period of the visa. The length of stay is also limited and amounts to three months. If a multiple-entry Schengen visa is issued for a period of more than six months, then it may establish maximum term, which can be spent in the country for six months. For example, Spain can issue a 6-month Schengen visa immediately for the first time. Therefore, many travelers prefer to contact the Spanish embassy or visa center first.

The C2 multiple visa is valid for 180 days. You can get it if you have previously registered tourist visa for a month, and during the stay in the Schengen countries there were no violations of the terms and destination. True, some countries are still inclined to provide such a visa only to those who travel to Europe solely for business matters.

Depending on the purpose of your trip to the country, a special work or student visa may also be issued.

What documents will be needed

First of all, of course, a foreign passport, as the main document confirming a person’s identity. You just need to make sure that there is certain period. The requirements for it differ in different countries. The range ranges from three months to six months. Therefore, this point should be clarified when submitting documents.

To obtain a multiple visa, you may also need a photocopy of your old passport, especially if it already contained a Schengen visa. Therefore, experienced travelers are advised to have such a copy. But those who have this international passport for the first time may need a certificate of this fact.

In addition to a foreign passport, some European embassies are also interested in an internal passport. Or rather, a photocopy of it. And although most often they demand to photograph only those pages where there are records, it is still better to play it safe and have copies of absolutely everything, even blank ones.

Next you will have to fill out an application. It can be downloaded from the official website of the diplomatic mission, filled out, printed and signed. In fact, this is a form that can be filled out in Russian, English or the language of the country that issues the visa. A photograph that meets the requirements is pasted onto the application form.

  • a certificate from work with a signature and stamp (2-NDFL is possible) about the received wages a certificate from work with a signature and stamp indicating the salary received (a sample can be downloaded in both languages);

    Paid tickets for any type of transport and a paid or confirmed hotel reservation will also be needed for those who are applying for a Schengen visa for the first time. A single-entry visa necessarily requires such confirmation. In this case, it is necessary to clarify whether the booking document through one of the online systems is valid.

    Completing the fingerprinting procedure.

    From September 14, 2015, fingerprinting is required. The European Union wants to introduce this practice to simplify control over the issuance of visas, as well as to carefully monitor the legality of refusals. In addition, such an identifier will serve as additional protection for personal information and personal data.

People who have not encountered applying for a visa do not always easily master this multi-stage bureaucratic process. Having dealt with the package of documents, they must understand where exactly they should apply for a visa - at the consulate or visa center. Both methods have their pros and cons and will be relevant in different situations. We tell you how to make the right choice.

Understanding the terminology

Confusion in terms - common reason, which is why people get confused when applying for a visa. Therefore, first, let’s define the concepts.

  • Embassy- this is the main thing diplomatic mission states on the territory of another country. It is headed by an ambassador, represents the interests of his state in the host country and resolves political issues of the highest order.
  • Consulate- an institution that protects the interests of citizens of its country in the territory of the host country, as well as issuing visas foreign citizens. Consular issues can be dealt with either by the consular department at the embassy or by the consulate as an independent body. However, this does not matter to the applicant.
  • Visa Center- a commercial organization that accepts visa applications from applicants, transmits these applications to the consulate and returns passports to applicants, and also provides a number of related services.

As you can see, the embassy has a very indirect relationship with the issuance of visas. Thus, the reception visa documents carried out by two institutions: the consulate and the visa center.

Is there always a choice between a consulate or a visa center?

Not always. Depends on the country for which you are applying for a visa. If you are planning to obtain an American visa, then you have little choice: you can apply only through the consular section of the US Embassy in Moscow. It’s the same with England: documents for a British visa are accepted only by official TLScontact visa centers. But if you intend to visit one of the Schengen countries, most likely you will have to choose either a consulate or a visa center.

What is the difference between applying through a consulate and through a visa center?

By applying through a consulate, you apply directly to the country's mission, while the visa center will assist you intermediary services. The table clearly shows the pros and cons of both serving methods:

Consulate Visa Center
Pre-registration is required, the next available hours may only be available next week Pre-registration is most often not necessary; applicants are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Limited time for accepting applicants. As a rule, the consulate is open only in the morning. Just like any other commercial organization, visa centers have convenient working hours from morning to evening.
Additional services, as a rule, are limited to urgent submission and expedited consideration of documents. The VC offers services such as checking a package of documents, filling out a form, copying, a photo for a visa, issuing insurance, SMS notification about the readiness of the passport and its delivery. Services provided by the consulate can also be paid for at the visa center.
When contacting the consulate, you are required to pay only the consular fee for the visa. When applying through the CC, you pay the consular fee for the visa, as well as the center’s service fee. On average, it turns out to be one and a half to two times more expensive.

Does the method of submission affect the visa processing time?

The time it will take to verify your documents is the same in any case. The filing date matters. You can come to the visa center on any working day. The consulate will appoint you the nearest free time. Sometimes it's tomorrow, and sometimes it's next month.

In what situations is it better to contact a visa center, and in what situations is it better to contact the consulate?

If this is your first time applying for a visa, you don’t know all the nuances and feel unsure of yourself, it will be safer to contact a visa center. There, your package will be checked for the presence of all necessary documents, and if necessary, they will help you fill out a form. Yes, you will overpay, but most likely you will spend much less nerves and effort on the whole process, and your chances of getting a visa will increase.

Visa centers are also relevant if there is simply no consulate of the country you need in your city, and the cost of traveling to another city exceeds the cost of applying through a visa center. Finally, if the reception hours at the consulate are booked several weeks in advance and you simply do not have time to apply on time, then you have no choice but to go to the visa center.

As a rule, experienced applicants contact the consulate directly: they are well versed in the documents and the application process. However, lack of experience in obtaining a visa is not a reason to overpay visa center. If you filled out the application yourself, are confident in your package of documents and are not very limited in terms of time, feel free to contact the consulate.