How to get a young family. Description of conditions and collection of documents for the “Young Family” program

The 2016 “Housing” project’s subprogram to assist young families in purchasing housing is designed to solve people’s housing problems. According to the document, families are provided with government assistance free of charge. Who is entitled to receive the payment, what is required for this, and how to spend it correctly will be discussed in this article.

Target indicators

The project aims to:

  1. Provide assistance to young families in 2016 with subsidies for the purchase of housing.
  2. Attract finance from married couples and banks to purchase a home.
  3. More than 150 thousand couples from 2015 to 2020 received a certificate of payment. The amounts allocated for the implementation of activities are shown in the table.

Volume of subsidies for 2015-2020.

Source of funds Total amount, billion rubles Including 2016, billion rubles % of total amount
Federal budget 35,85 5,24 10,55
Budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local ones 84,2 12,21 24,78
Family own funds and loans 219,79 32,40 64,67
Total: 339,84 49,85 100

Implementation of the program will allow achieving the following profitability indicators:

  • providing housing for 150.38 thousand families;
  • attracting funds from creditor banks and citizens to the industry;
  • strengthening relationships within families;
  • reduction of social tension;
  • stimulating birth rate growth.

Project “Young Family”: conditions in 2016

The project operates throughout the Russian Federation on the basis of legislative acts developed by the regions. Local authorities issue project participants with personalized certificates to receive subsidies. They are valid for 7 months after issue. The owner gives this document to the bank servicing social funds under the program, and the credit institution opens a current account for crediting assistance.

State support is 30% of the cost of an apartment for childless families and 35% for those with children or an incomplete family: a single parent and a child.

Project participants

A family can become a recipient of social support, including if one spouse does not have Russian citizenship or a single parent is a Russian citizen with one or several children. In this case, it is also necessary to comply with the following requirements:

  1. Each spouse was under 35 years of age on the date of entry into the register of candidates for payments.
  2. Young people are recognized as needing housing.
  3. The couple’s income is enough to approve the loan or they have personal savings to pay the rest of the debt.

The need for housing is characterized by the following reasons:

  1. Conditions are unacceptable for living.
  2. There is no own living space or it is less than the established standards.
  3. Living in a communal apartment with a person who has a disease that makes coexistence impossible.
  4. There is an amount required to pay part of the loan.

How to get into the program

Support size

The average monthly family income of applicants for payment must be no less than the following amounts:

  • for two - RUR 21,621;
  • for three persons - RUR 32,510;
  • for four - RUR 43,350

The amount of assistance depends on the size of the family:

  • two - about 600 thousand rubles;
  • three - about 800 thousand rubles;
  • four - about 1 million rub.

Use of government subsidy

The family has the right to spend the amount received for specific needs:

  • purchase housing;
  • pay the last share payment to the cooperative;
  • make the first mortgage payment;
  • repay the debt and interest on the loan, except for penalties.

The subsidy does not allow you to purchase an apartment in a secondary fund. The applicant can receive the payment once. The project provides for voluntary participation.

Calculation of the payment amount

The federal program “Affordable Housing for Young Families” in 2016 provides for the amount of assistance, the amount of which is determined by the cost of housing as follows:

StJ = N x RJ , Where:

  • N - cost of 1 m² according to local standards;
  • RJ - total area.

For a family of 2 persons, RZ = 42 m², for a family of 3 or more - 18 m² per person.

Mandatory documents

To participate in the program, applicants provide the authorized organization with a list of documents:

  • statements of a certain sample in 2 copies;
  • copies of identity cards;
  • a copy of the certificate from the registry office (if available);
  • document confirming the need for housing;
  • certificates of earnings or other evidence indicating the availability of funds to purchase the premises.

If there is an outstanding loan, you must also present:

  • certificate of ownership or agreement with the contractor;
  • a copy of the agreement with the bank;
  • a certificate indicating the amount of the outstanding balance and interest on the mortgage.

Documents can be submitted by any family member who has reached the age of majority, or by an authorized representative under a power of attorney.

Local authorities are required to check the papers and notify the applicant in writing of a positive or negative decision after 10 days. Then the family must write a statement of any content and, within 15 days, submit it to the administration, where they will receive a certificate.

Refusal to pay

An applicant may not be allowed to participate in the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program in 2016 for the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with legal requirements;
  • incomplete package of documents provided;
  • falsity of the submitted data;
  • use of budget funds earlier.

If the reasons for the refusal are eliminated, a re-application is possible. Authorized bodies form lists of project participants by the end of August of the year preceding the year of payments.

Formation of a register of candidates

Persons who registered before the end of February 2005 and families with 3 or more children have the right to receive priority subsidies. If the age of the spouse has crossed the 35-year mark at the beginning of the formation of the list of candidates, then the family is removed from the register.

So, to take advantage of government support for the purchase of housing, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Register as a project participant in your region.
  2. Wait for the certificate to be issued.
  3. Submit the document to the bank.
  4. Choose a suitable housing option.
  5. Pay it under the agreement through a credit institution, paying an additional 70% with personal or borrowed funds.

The “Young Family” program in 2016 will allow citizens to buy housing on favorable terms. Detailed information about it can be found in the departments for work with youth of the administration of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The “Young Family” program, extended by Dmitry Medvedev for 2016 - 2020, was created specifically to help new units of society improve their living conditions. To participate in the project you must meet the following conditions:

  1. Program participants must be Russian citizens:
    • can take part in the project even one of the parents if there is one child or several children;
    • if in it spouses participate(married couple), then the number of children or their presence does not matter (the age of marriage is also not taken into account).
  2. The single parent or both spouses cannot be over 35 years old.
  3. The local administration must recognize the participants as in need of improved housing conditions - this means that the size of their available living space per person cannot be more than 15 m 2.

According to current legislation, the “Young Family” program has been extended until 2020.

Other programs working with young families

It is important to note that there are several state housing programs working with young cells of society. Such events include:

  • Federal target program “Housing”, which has been extended until 2020;
  • The “Providing Housing for Young Families” program, which is a subprogram of the above-mentioned Federal Target Program “Housing”, is also valid until the end of 2020.
    • Sometimes you can find a different project name “Affordable housing for a young family”. In fact, the more cumbersome name is the real, original name of the project.
    • In everyday use, the shortened name is more common - just "Young family".

The regions have their own projects to help citizens improve their living conditions, for example:

  • “Social Mortgage” (Kazan);
  • “Social development of the village” (Rostov region);
  • “Social support for certain categories of families in the field of mortgage lending” (Kirov region).

In addition, banks, as a rule, offer their preferential mortgage products designed to include married couples in need of improved housing conditions.

Program statistics

From 2010 to 2015, more than 300,000 families expressed a desire to take part in this project. Since the “Young Family” program is now in effect until 2020, it can be assumed that the same number of Russian citizens will take advantage of its benefits.

Social benefits are provided to the holder of a certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) in non-cash form by crediting the appropriate funds to his bank account opened with the bank, based on the bank’s application for the transfer of budget funds.

Holder of a certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits within 1 month from the date of its issue submits this certificate to the bank.

The bank account agreement establishes the conditions for servicing the bank account, the procedure for the relationship between the bank and the owner of the certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits, as well as the procedure for transferring funds from the bank account.

The bank account agreement is concluded for the period remaining until the expiration of the certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits, and can be terminated during the term of the agreement upon written application of the account owner. In case of early termination of the bank account agreement (if funds provided as social benefits were not credited to the specified account), the Bank issues the account owner a certificate of termination of the bank account agreement without transferring social benefits.

The certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits submitted to the bank is not returned to the owner after the conclusion of the bank account agreement.

A participant in the subprogram has the right to use social payments to purchase residential premises(s) from any individuals and (or) legal entities, both in the primary and secondary housing markets or for the construction of a residential building that meets the requirements established by Articles 15 and 16 of the Housing Code Code of the Russian Federation, landscaped in relation to the conditions of the locality in which residential premises(s) for permanent residence are purchased (built).

The purchased residential premises(s) must be located or the construction of a residential building must be carried out on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the executive body of which has included a young family participating in the subprogram in the list of applicants for receiving social benefits.

The acquired residential premises or the constructed residential building are registered as the common property of all members of the young family indicated in the certificate.

Documents provided by the account owner to the bank to pay for the purchased residential premises(s) (Appendix No. 1 to the Bank Account Agreement for servicing the subprogram “Providing housing for young families” of the federal target program “Housing” for 2015-2020).

1. To pay for the purchased residential premises(s), the account holder submits to the bank:

a) bank account agreement;

b) Contract for residential premises(s);

c) extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). An extract from the Unified State Register must contain complete data about each person for whom the right to residential premises is registered. An extract from the Unified State Register is provided to the copyright holders themselves or their legal representatives, or to individuals and legal entities who have a power of attorney from the copyright holder or his legal representative. To obtain from the rights registration authority an Extract from the USRN containing complete data about each copyright holder, it is necessary to contact all copyright holders at the same time or their legal representatives, or persons who have a notarized power of attorney(s) from the copyright holder(s) or his(their) legal representative(s);

d) documents confirming the availability of sufficient funds to pay for the purchased residential premises(s) in a part exceeding the amount of the social benefit provided.

The Agreement for residential premises(es) specifies the details of the certificate (series, number, date of issue, authority that issued the certificate) and the bank account(s) from which payments for the residential premises(s) will be carried out. , acquired on the basis of this agreement, and also determines the procedure for paying the amount exceeding the amount of the social benefit provided.

2. In case of acquisition of economy class residential premises(s) by an authorized organization providing services for young families participating in the Subprogram, the account holder submits to the bank:

a) bank account agreement;

b) an agreement with an authorized organization.

The terms of a sample agreement with an authorized organization are approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

The agreement with the authorized organization providing services for young families - participants of the Subprogram, specifies the details of the certificate (series, number, date of issue, body that issued the certificate) of the authorized organization and its bank account (bank accounts), and also determines the procedure for paying the amount, exceeding the amount of social benefits provided necessary for the purchase of economy class residential premises(s) on the primary housing market.

3. In the case of using social benefits to pay the down payment when receiving a housing loan (loan), including a mortgage, for the purchase of residential premises(s) or construction of an individual residential building, the account owner submits to the bank:

a) bank account agreement;

c) in case of acquisition of residential premises(s) - Agreement for residential premises(s);

d) in the case of construction of an individual residential building - a construction contract.

4. In the case of using social payments to repay the principal amount of the debt and pay interest on credits (loans), with the exception of other interest, fines, commissions and penalties for late fulfillment of obligations on these credits or loans, the account holder submits to the bank:

a) bank account agreement;

b) credit agreement (loan agreement);

c) an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate or construction documents - in case of unfinished construction of a residential building;

d) a certificate from the creditor (lender) about the remaining part of the principal debt and the amount of debt to pay interest for using a mortgage housing loan (loan).

5. In the case of sending a social payment as the last payment to pay the share contribution in full, after which this residential premises becomes the property of a young family - a member of the cooperative (or one of the members of the young family - a member of the cooperative), the owner of the account must submit to bank:

a) a certificate of the remaining unpaid amount of the share contribution necessary for his/her acquisition of ownership of the residential premises transferred by the cooperative for his/their use;

b) a copy of the charter of the cooperative;

c) an extract from the register of members of the cooperative confirming his membership in the cooperative;

d) a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, certifying the state registration of the cooperative's ownership of residential premises purchased for a young family participating in the Subprogram;

e) a copy of the decision to transfer residential premises for use by a member of the cooperative.

6. In the case of sending a social benefit to pay the price of a construction contract, the account holder must submit to the bank:

a) documents confirming the right of ownership, permanent (perpetual) use or lifelong inheritable possession of members of a young family to a land plot;

b) a construction permit issued to one of the members of a young family;

c) a construction contract, which provides information on the total area of ​​the residential building planned for construction and calculation of the cost of the work performed on the construction of the residential building.

Creating a new family implies not only a full integration into society, but also existence with the most convenient and high-quality life support. One of the most pressing issues at all times, both for our state and for young families, is obtaining affordable housing.

In order to provide assistance in such problems, the current legislation has provided for a special state program. A modern type of state assistance is presented in housing certificates. In this article we will look in detail how to get a housing certificate for a young family from the state in Russia.

Obtaining a housing certificate for young families from the state

The housing certificate provides special rights with the possibility of receiving material subsidies and real estate.

The rules that regulate the provision of appropriate living conditions to young families are specified in a special resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 1050). According to these standards, with the help of the subsidy provided, a young family can purchase housing of the established type, as well as construct a residential facility.

A young family must take into account the conditions that are mandatory for a young family to meet in order to receive a housing certificate:

  • The family must be officially recognized as needing to improve their living conditions and be next in line for appropriate registration.
  • The age of each spouse must be within 35 years.
  • The presence of total family income should provide opportunities for subsequent payments for purchased housing in addition to the funds that the state is ready to provide.

Receiving this type of subsidy is allowed even to those young families in which only one of the spouses has citizenship of the Russian Federation. In addition, certain rules of the same resolution ensure the legitimacy of the following important nuances. So, young families who need to provide housing include:

  • Young families registered before March 1, 2005.
  • Families that registered with the state after March 1, 2005, in accordance with Art. 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

In the latter case, the family does not have to be registered due to the need for housing.

Under voluntary conditions, the right to obtain a housing certificate is granted once. To be included in the state program, it is necessary to provide a complete package of documentation:

  • Application for inclusion in the state program register.
  • Statement on the need to provide this type of subsidy (2 copies).
  • Marriage certificate. No document is required for single-parent families.
  • Identification documents for each family member.
  • Any documentation confirming the family’s need for housing.

Any young family must provide documentary evidence demonstrating the need to change their living conditions for the better. This is possible if:

  • A family lives in the same living space with a patient with chronic, infectious and other types of diseases, which can pose a real danger to health.
  • Inappropriate living conditions.
  • The living space for each family member is less than normal.

To fulfill all the conditions of the procedure, a young family must submit all income certificates that will confirm its ability to pay the amount not covered by the subsidy for housing. You will also need registration information for all specified family members and a copy of your personal account.

Another option for disposing of funds is possible. If the family took out a housing loan before January 1, 2011, then instead of information about the total family income, you need to provide:

  • Loan agreement.
  • Certificate of registration of ownership rights to real estate purchased on credit.
  • A certificate of the balance of the loan debt issued by a banking institution.

All collected documentation is accepted by the local executive authority. A package of documents can be provided by either one of the members of the young family or an authorized representative - if the appropriate paper is available.

Application for a housing certificate and possible refusal

The documentation and information provided in it are checked within a 10-day period. Then, within 5 days, applicants are given an official response on the decision made.
Refusal to provide a subsidy is considered lawful in the following cases:

  • The presence of real estate owned by one of the members of the family applying for the certificate.
  • Incorrect information provided in the documentation.
  • The inability of a young family to pay the necessary part for housing on their own.

It is possible for a young family to re-submit an application for a certificate from the state, which is carried out after eliminating the shortcomings indicated by the authorized body. In addition, it is important not to forget that the use of subsidy funds is strictly regulated and can only be used for:

  • Buying a home.
  • Mortgage credit lending.
  • Repayment of a loan taken before the grant was issued.
  • Construction of your own residential property.

Successful completion of all procedures and fulfillment of their obligations provides the young family with their own housing.

Amount of housing certificate for a young family

The amount of payments for subsidies intended for young families is set at an amount not exceeding 30% of the cost of living space. If the family has a small child, the payment amount can be increased to 35%. In general terms, the amount of subsidies is determined based on the following indicators:

  • Cost per square meter of living space in a specific region.
  • Space standards required for quality living.

Determination of the amount of the required subsidy is carried out by authorized persons once, without the right to change during the entire period of application of the housing certificate by the young family.

The procedure for obtaining a housing certificate for a young family

After a positive decision is made and the family is recognized as in need of state assistance on housing issues, the young family is entered into the register.

If, while the family is on the waiting list, one of the spouses turns 35 years old, the family ceases to be an applicant for a subsidy.

A family’s inclusion in the state program is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis based on the time of submission of documents. The lists are formed before September 1 of each year.

The law provides a 9-month period for a young family to use the issued housing certificate for its intended purpose. This standard is considered generally accepted, but regions can often introduce additional adjustments.

Within 2 months of this period, it is necessary to cash out the subsidy, which requires opening a special account with a partner bank. After directly completing the real estate purchase transaction, the certificate along with the necessary documentation is transferred to the bank, after which the subsidy is transferred to the account by the treasury.

The agreement that must be concluded with a bank participating in the program is automatically considered valid during the validity of the certificate. If desired, to make full payment for housing, you can use the lending services of the same banking institution. Moreover, the collateral in this case will be the apartment being purchased itself.

If you fail to timely implement the opportunities provided when receiving a certificate, you can provide the relevant authorities with information that the certificate was not applied and the funds were not transferred to the account. Then the young family will be able to use the certificate by issuing it again.

If the certificate is lost or accidentally damaged, the family can contact the authorities that issued the certificate with a request to issue a duplicate. A new document is issued within 30 days.

Housing subsidies and maternity capital - purchasing housing

A rather attractive point is the possibility of participation of funds. That is, when applying for a mortgage at a banking institution, it will be allowed to repay it with the subsequently received maternity capital.

It is important to remember that until the second and subsequent children reach the age of three, they will not be able to use funds from maternity capital.

Correct implementation of the procedure includes contacting the Pension Fund at the place of registration, submitting an application and the following list of documents:

  • An issued certificate for maternity capital.
  • Insurance certificate.
  • Passport.
  • Certificate confirming the rights to real estate (copy).
  • Sales and purchase agreement (copy).

You will also need a certificate indicating the amount required for payment in accordance with the mortgage insurance agreement. Maternity capital is transferred to any specified bank account of the recipient by bank transfer. The operation is carried out within a two-month period, after which it will be possible to pay the mortgage.