Commentary on the certification of sanitary and technical conditions of working conditions and labor protection. What should be the ergonomic requirements for organizing workplaces? Sanitary and technical condition of working conditions



RD 34.03.502-91


PERFORMERS I.G. Konov, V.I. Nozdran ( production service labor protection)

APPROVED by the former Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR on June 21, 1991.

Deputy Minister E.I. Petryaev

The passport of the sanitary and technical state of working conditions in the workshop was developed on the basis of a generalization of the experience of energy enterprises in certification of the sanitary and technical state of working conditions in the workshops.

When compiling the Passport, we used the current Model passport of the sanitary and technical state of working conditions in the workshop, approved by the Decree of the Secretariat of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions of June 29, 1979 No. 14-6, “Recommendations on the content of the Passport of the sanitary and technical state of working conditions in the workshop,” developed by VNIIOT in cities Tbilisi and Sverdlovsk, as well as regulatory and technical documents.

This Passport is intended to assist employees of enterprises and organizations in assessing the state of working conditions in the workplace, certifying them and drawing up measures to improve working conditions.

With the release of this Passport, the “Passport of the sanitary and technical state of working conditions in the workshop” (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1984) is canceled.


1.1. The sanitary and technical certificate of working conditions in workshop 1 is intended for documentation checking the state of working conditions in a structural unit (workshop, service, district, department, section and other similar divisions of the enterprise, structural unit of the association 2) and identifying workplaces (production areas) that do not meet the requirements of norms, rules and labor safety standards, as well as determining the number of workers under these conditions at enterprises (organizations) of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

The data from sanitary and technical passports are intended to assess the state of working conditions in the workplace, their certification and subsequent rationalization, and should also serve as the basis for drawing up collective agreements, relevant sections of social development plans of enterprises (organizations).

1.2. Persons responsible for the timing and performance of work on filling out the Passport for each workshop ( structural unit), are appointed by order of the enterprise or organization. Responsibility for timely and correct filling The workshop manager bears the passports; for carrying out certification at the enterprise (organization) - Chief Engineer enterprises (organizations).

1.3. When carrying out work to fill out the Passport, it is necessary to determine within the workshop (structural unit) production areas (groups of workplaces) characterized by the same working conditions, and the number of workers in them (including women) during working hours (more than 50% or 2 hours continuously).

If the production site is geographically isolated or working conditions (according to the time of exposure production factors) are not the same for all workers in this area, then when carrying out certification, a group of workplaces within this production area, characterized by identical working conditions, or a separate workplace should be accepted.

If work (by profession) is carried out in different work areas (premises) during working hours (more than 50% or 2 hours continuously), certification must be carried out for all work areas.

If in work area(premises) personnel of several workshops are working or may be working, then indicators of the state of working conditions factors in the work area and the number of workers are entered in the passport of the corresponding workshop.

1.4. The Passport tables are filled out annually based on the results of instrumental measurements (measurement protocols from sanitary and epidemiological stations, sanitary-industrial laboratories and reports specialized organizations) and signed by the head of the workshop. The frequency of instrumental measurements is given in Section. Passports.

1.5. Measuring instruments intended for monitoring hazardous and harmful production factors (HPPF) must meet the requirements of the relevant standards, be certified by the state commission and have metrological support (verification means). The timing of verification of working measuring instruments, methods of measurement and control of CVPF are determined by the relevant standards.

1.6. It is allowed to include additional tables in the Passport depending on the presence and level of other hazardous and harmful production factors determined by the specifics of production. These factors include an increased level of ionizing radiation (when monitoring metal products with gamma flaw detectors, radiation from incoming fuel, equipment, etc.), increased (decreased) ionization of air, increased magnetic field strength, increased level of electromagnetic radiation, increased level of static electricity, increased level of ultrasound, increased level of ultraviolet radiation and others in accordance with GOST 12.0.003-74 as amended on November 1, 1978.

Additional tables are developed by the enterprise (organization) and included in the workshop passport in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological station and the technical inspection of trade unions.

Clause 6 is completed based on the results of the annual inspection of the condition of equipment, machines and mechanisms, taking into account their replacement (modernization).

Clause 7 indicates the building structures of production and auxiliary premises that do not meet safety requirements, taking into account the repairs and reconstruction carried out.

The pulse nature of the noise is determined by the difference in measured values ​​in dBA I and dBA by at least 7 dB (the difference in values ​​in groups 4 and 3 of table).

The tonal nature of the noise is determined by measuring in 1/3 octave frequency bands by the excess of the sound pressure level in one band over the neighboring ones by at least 10 dB.

In gr. 2 indicates the source of increased noise: operating equipment or penetrating noise from an adjacent room.

Due to the lack of domestic sound level meters for measuring impulse noise, it should be taken into account that the impulse nature of the noise (according to measurements from the ORGRES company) is noted in the premises of crushers and fuel car dumpers, when turning off air switches, when operating presses and hammers, and in other cases.

Noise measurements at workplaces are carried out twice with air conditioning, ventilation and air heating units turned on and off (to identify sources of increased noise) and in both cases when at least 2/3 of the units installed in a given room are operating technological equipment in the most typical mode of its operation.

Sound level meters are used to measure sound levels (dBA) and sound pressure levels (dB) in octave frequency bands:

VShV-003-M2 (frequency range 2 - 18000 Hz; manufacturer USSR);

VShK-1 with filter FE-2 (frequency range 2 - 40000 Hz; manufacturer USSR);

type 00017 (frequency range 2 - 20000 Hz; manufacturer "Robotron", Germany);

type 00023 (frequency range 20 - 20000 Hz; manufacturer "Robotron", Germany).

Instrumental measurements of noise levels are carried out in the first year after commissioning of equipment that is a source of increased noise, then - as necessary (after replacement, modernization of equipment, overhaul, carrying out noise reduction measures, etc.), but at least once a year.

Measuring equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.4.012-83 “SSBT. Vibration. Means for measuring and monitoring vibration at workplaces. Technical requirements".

The frequency of monitoring the vibration load on a worker when exposed to local vibration should be at least twice a year, general vibration - at least once a year.

Instruments are used to measure vibration.

In octave frequency bands:

VSHV-003-M2 (frequency range 1 - 8000 Hz; error± 10 %; manufacturer: Vibropribor software, USSR);

vibration meter 00012 (frequency range 1 - 4000 Hz; error± 5 %; manufacturer: Siemens, Germany);

vibrometer BM -1 complete with filter FZ-2 (frequency range 1.4 - 8000 Hz; error ±15%; manufacturer USSR);

VShV-003-M2 (frequency range 10 - 18000 Hz; error± 10 %; manufacturer USSR).

analyzer 3513 (frequency range 0.3 - 1000 Hz; error± 5 %; manufacturer Brühl and Kjær, Denmark);

set 00042 + 11025 (frequency range 0.5 - 4000 Hz; error± 5 %; Manufacturer: Siemens, Germany).

1. Number of jobs

Number of employees, people

Including women

2. Working conditions do not meet the requirements of labor protection standards:

Number of workplaces

Number of employees, people

Including women

3. Working conditions do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards due to the following factors:


Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces

Including women

Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces


Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces

Air pollution:

Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces


Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces

Industrial noise:

Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces


Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces


Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces

Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces


Air dust content:

Number of employees, people

Number of workplaces

Temperature and relative humidity:

Number of workplaces

Number of employees, people

Including women


Number of workplaces

Number of employees, people

Including women

Air speed:

7. 3.7. Thermal radiation intensity: production and auxiliary premises of the workshop that do not meet safety requirements:

walls, columns


other structures (doors, windows, etc.)

8. Number of employees with additional leave and shortened working hours due to harmful working conditions, pers.

Number of workplaces

9. Number of workers on night shifts, people.

Number of workplaces

10. Provision of sanitary facilities


Required by standards (SNiP 2.09.04-57)

In fact there is

Wardrobes (number of closets, places)


for men

for women

Showers, mesh


for men

for women

Saunas, m 2

Washrooms, tap


for men

for women

Toilets (toilets, urinals)


for men

for women

Premises for personal hygiene of women, cabin

Drinking water supply device



soda fountains

Premises (places) for rest during working hours, premises for psychophysiological unloading, physical education classes, m 2

Spaces for heating and cooling, m2

Distributing canteens, place

Meal rooms, m2

Health center, m 2

Premises for repair of workwear, m 2

Premises for drying, dust removal or neutralization of work clothes, m 2

Premises for dry cleaning or washing workwear, m 2

Signatures of the workshop manager: _____________ Date of completion: “___” ________ 199_

_________________ “___” ________ 199_

_________________ “___” ________ 199_

_________________ “___” ________ 199_

05/17/2014 – We present to your attention the Passport of sanitary and technical conditions of conditions and labor protection in the organization. The document includes fourteen sections, which contain indicators reflecting the sanitary and technical state of conditions and labor protection in the organization over the past five years.

Read also: Workwear, work shoes and personal protective equipment

In particular, the passport includes the following indicators:

1. Total number of structural divisions (shops, sections) – total

2. Total number of jobs

Of these, certification was carried out

3. Number of employees – people, total

including women

4. Number of buildings and structures in technically unsatisfactory condition - total

Of these are subject to:

4.1. decommissioning

4.2. reconstruction

4.3. repairs

5. Amount of technological equipment to be replaced (upgraded)

6. Jobs characterized by heaviness and intensity of work

6.1. 3rd grade

6.2. 4th grade

Books on certification of workplaces for working conditions in, "Bamboo" (Ukraine)

7. Working conditions that do not comply with state standards regulatory requirements labor protection:

number of jobs – total

number of employees – people, total

including women

7.1. according to air dust content:

number of workplaces

number of employees

including women

7.2. according to air pollution:

number of workplaces

number of employees

including women

7.3. by noise:

number of workplaces

number of employees

including women

7.4. by vibration:

number of workplaces

number of employees

including women

7.5. by illumination:

number of workplaces

number of employees

including women

7.6. according to the level of non-ionizing radiation:

number of workplaces

number of employees

including women

7.7. By microclimate parameters:

number of workplaces

number of employees

including women

8. Sanitary facilities


8.1. dressing rooms - places

8.2. showers– meshes

8.3. washbasins - taps

8.4. rooms for personal use – units.

feminine hygiene – sq.m.

9. Catering premises


9.1. canteens (quantity)


9.2. buffets

9.3. meal rooms

10. Occupational safety rooms, units.

(required/missing): sq.m

11. Healthcare organizations


11.1. medical units

visits per shift/beds

11.2. health centers (number)

visits per shift

12. Number of employees using:

12.1. additional leave/reduced working hours


12.2. therapeutic and preventive nutrition

12.3. milk

13. Data on industrial injuries and morbidity:

13.1. number of victims of work-related injuries in reporting period- Total

with a severe outcome


13.2. occupational injury frequency rate (Fr)

13.3. average duration of incapacity for work per victim in days – gravity coefficient (CT)

13.4. number of occupational diseases identified during the reporting year in cases

13.5. morbidity with temporary disability (without maternity leave) per 100 workers:

in cases

in calendar days

14. Employees subject to medical examination

of which were examined

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces for working conditions in organizations in the section “ Occupational Safety and Health».

Water supply: source, water quality compliance with SanPiN drinking water, sufficiency of water supply, hot water supply (methods of obtaining hot water, its quality, temperature).

Availability of technical water supply, ways of using technical water, lack of connections between technical and drinking water supply networks (distinctive coloring of pipes).

Sewerage: system for removing industrial and domestic wastewater. Connecting technological equipment and washing baths to the sewer network (air breaks, receiving funnels, siphons, drains). Is mechanical wastewater treatment provided (sand trap, grease trap, settling tank).

Cold supply: cooling system, refrigerant, types of refrigeration units used, temperature control.

Heating: heating system, coolant, types of heating devices, temperature conditions in rooms, sanitary maintenance of heating devices.

Ventilation: the systems used (general exchange, local), the correctness of their design, operating efficiency.

Lighting: natural and artificial (uniformity, sufficiency, sanitary condition of lighting fixtures and windows).

Noise insulation production premises: special foundations, sound-absorbing mats, shock absorbers, gaskets, soundproofing fences.

5. Composition and layout of the premises of the enterprise: list of trade, production, warehouse, utility, administrative household premises, the rationality of their placement from the point of view of threading technological process. Compliance of the dimensions of the area and height of the premises with sanitary standards.

6. Sanitary condition premises: quality of cleaning of premises, provision of cleaning equipment, its labeling, storage conditions, correct use. Presence of flies, barn pests and other insects. Disinsection and deratization measures.

7. Household premises: a place for staff to eat, separate storage of outerwear and sanitary clothing, provision of household premises with showers, wardrobes, linen, etc.

8. Reception of products: unloading areas and canopies above them, loading room, correct transportation of products and documentation for them (delivery certificates, veterinary reports), quality of incoming products, flow and separation of delivery routes for raw materials and finished products to storage areas.

9. Product storage conditions Warehouses and their sanitary conditions (refrigerated chambers, pantries for vegetables, groceries, bread, etc.). Availability of necessary equipment in warehouse premises (racks, chests, stockpiles, hooks, trays, etc.). Compliance with temperature and humidity conditions. Separateness and securing of storage areas and finished products. Meeting deadlines for product sales. Quality of stored products.

One of the forms of ensuring the greatest labor efficiency at each workplace is the certification of workshops and production facilities. It is carried out to determine the sanitary and technical condition of workshops, production facilities, construction sites, as well as the availability of labor protection equipment.
To carry out certification, by order of the organization, a commission of specialists is created, headed by the chief engineer, which includes the chairman of the trade union committee. The results of the examination of working conditions are regularly entered into the sanitary-technical passport, which allows for certain period trace the dynamics of working conditions at each workplace.
The resolution of the trade union of workers in the construction and building materials industry approved a standard passport of sanitary and technical condition and the availability of labor safety equipment in an organization or enterprise. It consists of a number of tables in which they record: the composition of workers by factors and working conditions; the presence of sanitary premises and facilities, medical, preventive and health institutions, industrial noise, vibration in the workplace, dust in the air, air pollution; air temperature; illumination of workplaces; number of workers engaged in manual and heavy work physical work, in conditions that do not meet the requirements and standards of labor protection for production factors; condition of buildings and structures, equipment, machinery and mechanisms; labor protection equipment; injuries and morbidity.
The person responsible for carrying out certification and drawing up measures for the enterprise as a whole is the chief engineer, and for the correct and timely filling out of the passport is the site manager, shop manager. To carry out the work of filling out the passport systematically, make up calendar plan, which determines the deadlines and responsible persons for the implementation of individual stages of work.

The passport is filled out in two copies with the appropriate officials from among the administration, as well as representatives of the medical and sanitary service of the enterprise. Representatives of the sanitary-epidemiological station can be involved in this work.
Filling out the passport requires a comprehensive examination of the sanitary and hygienic condition of production areas and workshops, checking the availability of labor protection equipment, conducting instrumental checks (according to the SES method), summarizing the results of measurements, as well as other data. When determining the parameters of the sanitary and hygienic condition of production premises, the compliance of installed equipment, lighting, ventilation and protective equipment with this technological process, it is necessary to be guided by the current inter-industry and industry rules and regulations on safety and industrial sanitation. After measurements at workplaces, their maximum and minimum values ​​are indicated in the tables.
Based on the analysis of the passport data, the enterprise management develops and implements current and future measures to improve working conditions and increase its safety, compiles lists of necessary devices, basic and auxiliary labor protection equipment and sends them to a higher economic and trade union body.
Construction departments (organizations) that do not have the necessary measuring instruments and departmental sanitary and technical laboratories should conclude long-term contracts with sanitary and epidemiological stations, departments of occupational health and safety of universities, other research and design and technological organizations to carry out research work and corresponding measurements.
Annual sanitary and technical inspections of sites and workplaces must be carried out within two months of the first quarter of the year with the data obtained entered into the passport for the past year.