The cdek company asks for passport information when ordering on Aliexpress: why is this necessary? Is it necessary to provide your passport details to Aliexpress when purchasing a product? how to provide passport details for sdek on aliexpress: instructions. why cdek

Those who use the services of the transport company SDEK are faced with the fact that they were asked to provide passport data. Why is this necessary and how to do it? We'll tell you further.

Why does SDEK ask for passport information for Aliexpress?

Relatively recently, for all parcels sent by courier services with Aliexpress simplified customs control was abolished. Thus, today shipments are checked according to all the rules, and for this, customs needs the recipient’s passport data. SDEK, as you know, is also a courier company, which is why they are forced to ask their clients for such confidential information.

Is it safe to send passport data from SDEK to Aliexpress?

Due to the need to provide passport data to Aliexpress, a logical question arises - is it safe to do this? In fact, SDEK, like any other company working with personal data, has a strict confidentiality policy, within the framework of which all information can only be transferred to customs officers. Moreover, you only need to go through the procedure once, and in the future you will no longer have to send anything.

Is it possible not to provide passport information for SDEK on Aliexpress?

Undoubtedly, the decision whether to indicate passport data for Aliexpress, remains only up to you. However, if you want to receive the parcel exclusively through SDEK, you will have to do this, because otherwise the parcel will not be able to pass customs control and will be returned back to the seller.

How to provide passport information for SDEK on Aliexpress?

In general, of course, the standard sending method looks like this:

  • You pay for the order and select the transport company SDEK as the delivery method.
  • After the order is processed by the seller and sent within two days, a letter will be sent to your email asking you to send your passport data
  • It contains a link. Follow it and fill out the information in the form

Many users are very confused by this measure, since it is done by bypassing the system Aliexpress, so the administration made a very smart decision and now passport details can be entered immediately in the system when filling out the delivery address. So, to supplement the information, go to “My orders” - “Delivery addresses” and under the address click on "Edit".

A form with your completed address will be downloaded to you. There is no need to touch anything here. We are interested in the line . Click on it and a form for filling out your passport data will open.

Enter all the required information and save the result. Now, when ordering goods through courier services, you will no longer need to send data anywhere. By the way, at the moment this can only be done in the full version Aliexpress from a computer, perhaps someday this same form will be built into the application.

Video: Aliexpress asks for passport information in the Aliexpress section

Registration of any parcel with the SDEK courier service necessarily includes entering the passport data of the customer of logistics services. This is necessary to correctly identify the client and resolve possible issues that arose during cargo delivery. The subscriber can leave information about the main documents on the official website of the logistics company SDEK at the link in the “Passport Data” section and not worry about successfully clearing customs or other problems.

New customs requirements

Transportation of international cargo since the end of 2017 requires the provision of new information when crossing the border. Now the recipient of the shipment must indicate the TIN. Without this, the parcel cannot be entered into the Russian Federation. The obligation to collect the necessary information lies with the customs representative, who prepares the necessary documents and monitors the successful passage of the border.

When sending cargo internationally by SDEK, the duties of a customs representative are taken over by the logistics service. Without the client transmitting the necessary information, TC cannot guarantee delivery. The customs at the border will simply return the parcel back to the sender; the subscriber will not be able to receive the cargo. Therefore, if you receive an unexpected message from with a request to urgently send your passport data and TIN for successful customs clearance, you should not ignore it. It is in the interests of the SDEK subscriber to urgently send the requested information.

The Federal Tax Service explains the need to require passport data from citizens during international cargo transportation due to the increasing number of cases of evasion of duties established by law. According to the standards, one person can transport up to 30 kg of cargo per month from other countries, and the amount of goods should not exceed 1 thousand euros. The order of the Federal Tax Service became effective on December 7.

Methods for transmitting passport data

The SDEK logistics service always requests data from its clients. However, the TIN number has recently been included in the list of information required by customs. The cargo transportation service collects passport data in the following ways:

  • A passport and place of residence data are provided by the client when placing an order and filling out paperwork.
  • Conclusion of an agreement. Without the necessary documents, this process is impossible. In your personal account, the TIN initially functions as a login password.
  • Information about buyers of online stores is sent by the owners of the distance selling enterprise themselves, or the information comes automatically when exchanged between online resources.
  • On the official SDEK website at the link, the user enters the missing data when an SMS arrives from indicating the Internet address.

SMS notification from SDEK

The SDEK courier service requests the contact mobile phone number of the recipient whenever sending a parcel. There is an additional service of notifying the client who should pick up the shipment when the cargo arrives at the warehouse.

Before the new rules came into force, subscribers sent parcels without indicating the TIN. When the goods arrived at the border on December 7, SDEK had to urgently request the missing information from customers. SMS has proven to be the most effective way to reach the recipient.

MS caused concern among the company's clients whether it was safe that asked to provide passport data with a strange link to an unfamiliar service. Many customers simply ignored the request when such a message arrived from and the parcels were detained at customs. You can also always track your order using the track number or invoice provided by SDEK.

How to transfer passport data on the SDEK website

Users enter personal data on a special service on the official website. Providing information is safe, the company does not transfer information to third parties and uses it only for operations related to cargo transportation.

How to use the service:

  • Follow the link in the message
  • Enter your full name, address, departure numbers, passport details, verification code, INN.
  • Check the boxes that the terms of the agreement and offer have been accepted. If the function does not work, you need to change the browser.
  • Click the “Submit” button.

How to find out the TIN number

Few people used the identification number and what it is is unknown to most subscribers. A TIN is assigned to every citizen of the Russian Federation who has received a passport and is stored in the Federal Tax Service.

How to find out TIN online:

  • Follow the link to the service of the Federal Tax Service.
  • Enter your passport details.
  • Click the “Send request” button.

Placing an order for cargo transportation by the SEC courier service according to new standards requires an INN and passport data. Submit the necessary information safely on the company’s official website. You can find out your TIN online at the Federal Tax Service.

Using the website’s online service, in a few clicks you can find out the exact location of your parcel or postal item delivered by the courier company SDEK.

The courier delivery and dispatch service “SDEK Logistics Solutions” provides services for express courier delivery of parcels, cargo and postal items throughout the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that SDEK is considered the number one postal service, focused on courier delivery of parcels from China to Russia and the CIS.

In just a few clicks you will quickly find out the exact location of your SDEK parcel.

How to track an SDEK parcel?

It is very simple to track the transportation and delivery of a parcel by the SDEK postal company: to do this, you need to enter the unique identifier of the parcel in the tracking line. It should be noted that the format of SDEK identifiers is somewhat different from the usual track code formats (At the beginning of the identifier, as a rule, there are 5 letters, followed by a ten-digit number, and two letters close the number). After specifying the track number, click on the “Track” button and find out the most up-to-date information about the location of your mail item.

How long to wait for an SDEK parcel?

Official delivery times are not specified, but as a rule, parcels arrive within 30-45 days. Such long terms are due to the high workload of customs in China and the Russian Federation, as well as the fact that the parcel is delivered in China by land transport.

Where to pick up a SDEK parcel

Immediately after the parcel arrives at the delivery point, you will receive an SMS message indicating the address where the parcels are delivered. We advise you to pay attention to the operating hours of this department.

The most popular types of SDEK shipments

  • Parcel - standard delivery of parcels in Russia;
  • Trunk express, efficient and economical delivery of parcels and cargo throughout Russia. Transportation is carried out by land transport;
  • Parcel - delivery of goods throughout Russia;
  • Express light - urgent delivery of light cargo (up to 29 kg). The service is relevant for the delivery of documentation, both in the Russian Federation and within your city;
  • Chinese Express - economical delivery of goods from other countries to the Russian Federation for trading companies.

Is it possible to change the address or date of delivery of a SDEK parcel?

Please note that you can change the address and delivery mode yourself. This functionality is available on the company website.

So, if necessary, you can:

  • Adjust the delivery date and time.
  • Cancel courier delivery and arrange pickup.
  • Select another SDEK branch to receive the parcel.

When buying something in online stores, you need to choose a delivery method; for some, mail is more convenient, while for others, a courier service is suitable. Users are faced with the fact that CDEK asks for their passport information when choosing this courier service to deliver a purchase. Let's figure out why this is needed, what you need to indicate about yourself.

Why may SDEK require passport data?

When a delivery company asks the user for passport information, this is alarming. However, there is nothing wrong, everything is legal.

Currently, the simplified procedure for processing parcels is not valid for all private courier companies. The materials from the passport are required for the parcel to successfully pass customs control.

This is not the whim of the company; it is not asking for information for itself. They are necessary for the successful delivery of the package to the client. When receiving packages, customers are afraid that they are being deceived, but this is not the case. Requirements to present a passport or provide information about yourself are legal, no need to worry.

Do you need data for customs?

As mentioned earlier, commercial delivery services no longer have the right to process parcels in a simplified manner. It is required to carry out customs clearance of parcels according to established rules. To do this, the company requests materials about clients; they are needed for the customs service.

If a person does not want to transfer information about himself to SDEK, then there are several options on what to do:

  • refuse to provide information from your passport and other documents that are required. Yes, you don’t have to do this, but then the parcel will not be able to pass customs and will be sent back to China;
  • In order not to transfer information through SDEK, you can provide it directly to the customs service. To do this, you will need to come to the customs office with your passport and TIN and register the parcel in accordance with all the rules;
  • For delivery, you can choose Russian Post or another option that is more convenient, where you do not need to provide passport information.

What passport data may be required?

If the SDEK company needs some information from the client, they will send him a link by email or SMS, following which he will be asked to enter information from the passport and other documents required by customs into the questionnaire. The following information is needed:

  • full name;
  • passport series and number;
  • the date on which the identity document was issued;
  • Passport issued by;
  • exact date of birth: day, month, year;
  • TIN. This is a number that is assigned to every citizen of the Russian Federation who has received a passport, however, not everyone knows it. Near the input field there are instructions on how to quickly find out your TIN; use it if you do not know it.

All this information is entered into a special window that will open after clicking on the link. You will also need to fill out information about the parcel, check whether the recipient is a citizen of Russia or not, accept the agreement and confirm the accuracy of the information entered.

Important! After the information has been transmitted, it will be stored in the company’s database so that it can be used for the delivery of all subsequent cargo automatically; you will no longer need to specify it.

Should you worry about data security?

Many users do not like to share information about themselves with third parties and wonder whether it is safe. Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of, since the company transmits the information to customs and does not use it under any circumstances. There is such a thing as a confidentiality policy, which guarantees that passport data will not go beyond customs clearance. Violation of it is punishable by law, so no one will pass on the information sent about you to anyone else.

Now you understand why passport data is required for customs. This happens within the framework of the law; new rules require the provision of information about the recipient in order to successfully pass customs control and receive the parcel. The transfer is carried out through the official SDEK website, it is safe, since the process is protected by special protocols, interception is impossible. As for the company, it is not in its interest to use customer information for its own purposes, as this is illegal. Information is transmitted exclusively to customs and nowhere else.

From this material you will learn why SDEK needs passport data and whether it is worth providing them.

Russian legislation regarding the passage of parcels through customs inspection has undergone some changes in the last few years. In this regard, buyers Aliexpress They began to increasingly complain that they were being asked to send their passport data. Although almost all buyers of the site already know about this measure, we still decided to figure out why this is necessary and whether it is worth doing it at all.

Why does SDEK require passport data for Aliexpress?

First of all, let's figure out why SDEK needs customer passport data at all Aliexpress. First of all, do not be alarmed if you receive such a request, since the company is not asking for confidential information on its own whim. As we already said at the very beginning of the article, Russian legislation has undergone some changes and now the recipient’s data is required for a parcel to pass customs checks. It is worth noting that this did not affect all parcels, but only those sent by paid delivery, that is, not by Russian Post. Otherwise, if the package is ordered by China Post, nothing is required.

Is it safe and legal to send your passport details to SDEK on Aliexpress?

As you already understand, the requirement for such personal information on Aliexpress is quite reasonable, but what about security? In fact, every service that sellers cooperate with Aliexpress, have been working for more than one year and during all this time they have managed to distinguish themselves by their reliability. This also applies to SDEK. Since the company has to ask for passport data, and generally work with information about clients, it must have a strict confidentiality policy. Accordingly, it does not allow client data to be disclosed to anyone. In addition, scammers know a huge number of easier ways to obtain people’s data, so it simply makes no sense for them to collect it through Aliexpress .

Is it possible not to indicate passport details for SDEK on Aliexpress and will the parcel arrive?

Undoubtedly, no one Aliexpress cannot force you to provide your data, so decide for yourself whether to do it or not. But you should know that without them, the parcel will not be able to pass inspection at customs; accordingly, it will not be allowed into the country and will be sent back to the seller.

Although, you will still be able to receive the parcel. To do this, you will have to refuse the services of SDEK, as well as other express deliveries, and order goods via free Chinese mail. This will greatly affect the time it takes to receive parcels, but you will not need to provide any additional data.

How to provide passport information for SDEK on Aliexpress?

If you still decide to send everything you need for SDEK, then after sending your order with Aliexpress wait for the SMS and email to arrive on your phone. In both cases, the letters will contain a link to go to the questionnaire to fill out.

There is another way to indicate your passport details. Because Aliexpress Since recently has its own fast delivery, it also requires passport data. That is why, for convenience, the required form was built into the delivery address form.

To fill it out, follow the path “My Aliexpress” - “Delivery addresses” and click the button under the address "Edit".

Scroll down the page and click on the line "Information about delivery". You will immediately see a form for entering your passport details. In it, indicate everything you need and save the result.

Now when sending parcels from Aliexpress You will no longer be asked for your passport information, since you already have it.

Video: SDEK asks for passport information. Fraudsters!? Is it safe?