Abstract of the GCD in the senior group “Profession rescuer. Thematic role-playing game “Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations” in the preparatory group, outline of a lesson on the world around us (preparatory group) on the topic Educational topic

Galina Rodicheva
Role-playing game “Ministry of Emergency Situations to the Rescue!” (senior group)


Develop creative imagination, the ability to develop a game together, coordinating your own game plan with the plans of your peers;

Encourage children to arrange the game in their own way, independently select and create the items missing for the game;

Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help a peer; the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of fellow players and resolve disputes fairly.


Audio recording with sounds of explosion, engine hum, siren "Ambulance help» ,

Large soft play modules,

Fabric transform for building a car "Ambulance help» , "Ministry of Emergency Situations"

Attributes for stories"Driver", "Shop", "Ministry of Emergency Situations", "Operator", "Ambulance help» , "Dispatcher", "Family", walkie-talkie, cell phones,

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children on topics, “TV show "Emergency", “How the doctors treated me”, “How to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations”, "Ambulance help» , “Why could there be an explosion?”,

role-playing games"Family", "Shop", "Driver", "Hospital",

Meeting with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations fire service cities,

Watching videos from TV shows "Emergency",

Working with albums "Professions",

Didactic a game“Who needs what for work”.

Progress of the game.

Educator. Guys, I was reading the newspaper yesterday and saw an article about how emergency workers helped adults and children who found themselves in a difficult situation after a house explosion (look at photographs in the newspaper). How many of you know what the Ministry of Emergency Situations is? (Ministry of Emergency Situations). And people of different professions work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, including rescuers. Tell me, what qualities should people in this profession have? (courage, bravery, strength, determination, endurance, fitness, dexterity, bravery). How many of you would like to become a rescuer in the future? (children's answers). And right now I’m offering to become rescuers in the game "Ministry of Emergency Situations comes to the rescue.


What emergency situations do you know in which you need rescue help? (Forest fires, floods, plane crashes, road accidents, earthquakes, explosions in residential buildings, etc.).

What situation will we choose for the game today? (they settle on the option of an explosion in a residential building).

What professions do we need in this game? (rescuers, doctors, dispatcher, driver).

Who will the rescuers save? (victims).

Where are the victims sent? (in hospital).

What number should I call? (112) .

What should the caller tell the dispatcher about the incident? (location of the incident, what happened, name of the caller).

In our game, who will inform the dispatcher about the incident? (children's answers). Let it be a mother and baby. She was walking with her - she went to the store - and saw. Then we will need a salesperson in the store. And let’s also have a television correspondent. He will make a report from the scene of the incident, which will then be shown on TV. The video will be taken by the operator.

Educator. To start the game, we need to assign roles. A cards will help us with this.

Children take turns taking out cards depicting roles. The teacher asks the children for permission to take on the role of a correspondent. Children prepare the play environment and take their places. At this time, children are shopping in the store. Mom with baby. Behind him is a correspondent and a cameraman.

Mother. Hello! Please weigh a kilogram of grapes.

Salesman. 7 rubles from you.

Mother. Take it, thank you.

An explosion is heard and the house falls.

Mother (addresses the seller and people). Call urgently!

Salesman (in panic). Where? What number?

Mother. In the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 112, give it to me myself (takes the phone from the seller)- “Hello, hello, is this the rescue service? Come quickly! There was an explosion at 15 Leningradskaya Embankment Street, Nastya Kravchenko called.”

Dispatcher. Rescue team! Leave immediately. Leningradskaya embankment, building 15, explosion in the house (rescuers get into the car with the team "Ambulance help» )

Correspondent. Vanya, turn on the camera, let's start working!

Rescuers at the scene.

Rescuer. We quickly get out of the car and begin to clear the rubble.

I'm putting up a fence!

There's a man there!

We work quickly and accurately! You are alive? How are you feeling?

Alive, but my hand was crushed under a slab!

Guys, let's lift it together!

Rescuers pull out the victim, and ambulance doctors help check pulse, applies a splint, gives an injection. They escort you to the car.

Correspondent. We are reporting from the scene. First question to the rescue commander. Tell me what happened?

Rescuers. An explosion occurred, as a result the walls of the house collapsed, a person was injured, it’s good that there was no fire.

Correspondent. Rescuers continue to work, clearing away the rubble. The team is working "Ambulance help» . Sees a doctor. “Please tell me, how many victims are there and how severe are their injuries?”

Doctor. One male victim! He has severe bruises, presumably a closed fracture of his arm. We put a splint on and gave him an anesthetic injection. Now let's take him to the hospital.

Rescuers get into the car, doctors and the victim get into the ambulance help.

Correspondent. Rescuers finished clearing the rubble and found no more victims. This concludes our report; we will follow further developments.

Dispatcher. First, first! How audible!

Rescuers. I hear you perfectly, we have finished the work, the injured person is in the ambulance help takes him to the hospital.

Dispatcher. Well done, I'm waiting for you at the base.

Mom and daughter return home, turn on the TV and watch a report about the incident.

TV presenter. Hello, welcome to the television company "Lingonberry" and its presenter Anastasia Bogdan. Today at 10 o'clock in the morning in our city on Leningradskaya Embankment street, building 15, an explosion, presumably of gas, occurred in one of the apartments, as a result, part of the house was destroyed. A rescue team and a brigade arrived at the scene of the explosion "Ambulance help» . Rescuers cleared the rubble and freed the victim. Doctors provided first help. The rescued man is in the hospital. Feels good. We thank the rescuers for their courage and heroism. Our film crew worked at the scene of the incident group.

Educator. I express my gratitude to all rescue services, they worked well, harmoniously, and amicably. Well done. Tomorrow we'll come up with a new one plot and continue the game.

Integration educational areas: socialization, communication, cognition, Physical Culture, health, safety, music, work, reading fiction.

Type: integrated.

Children's age: 5 – 6 years.

Form: a game.

Form of organization: a game.

Target: formation in children of a holistic understanding of fire safety.


1. Create conditions and encourage social creativity, develop the ability to divide into subgroups in accordance with the game plot and, at the end of a given game action, unite again into a single team.

2. Expand children’s ideas about the humane nature of the work of firefighters, its necessity, mobility in emergency situations.

3. To form in children the concept of “fire safety”, to consolidate knowledge about the causes of fire.

4. Deepen your understanding of primary fire extinguishing means.

5. Develop children's speech.

6. Instill in children a sense of responsibility for their actions, courage, creativity, and respect for the profession of firefighters.

Preliminary work: watching videos about the work of a firefighter, reading fiction, excursion to fire department.

Equipment: musical selection, attributes for the dispatcher and the hospital, vests, helmets, screens, dolls, stretchers, cubes, tunnel, rope, emblems.

Progress of the game:

Correspondent: Dear guests! Today our film crew and I, a correspondent, of the Vesti Kamyshina program are reporting on a fire brigade training exercise of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Let's welcome them. (Children enter to the music.)

Correspondent: Before you start the exercise, say:

What should firefighters be like? (brave, brave, …)

What kind of people won't be hired as firefighters? (lazy, cowardly, …)

What do you need to do to become a firefighter? (play sports, be kind, …)

Correspondent: Now we know what firefighters should be like. Every firefighter's day begins with exercise. Now we will recharge ourselves with positive energy and warm up. (Warm-up is in progress.)

The correspondent asks the children to remind them who will play what role during the exercise (dispatcher, nurse, senior fireman, driver, firefighters)

The game begins

Dispatcher: Rescue Service. Last name, your first name. Address. Got it, we'll send the equipment.

(The dispatcher transmits the signal to the team commander.)

The alarm sounds, the team gets into the car and, accompanied by the sound of a siren, drives to the site of the fire.

Reporter: Our team reached the scene of the incident. But on their way there are a number of obstacles that need to be overcome.

1. Rubble of stones. (jumping over cubes)

2. Go through the tunnel.

3. On a tightrope.

Correspondent: So the team got to the source of the fire. There are victims who are carried out of the house.

(The fire brigade commander makes a call to the doctors. The “firefighters” on stretchers “carry” the victims out of the house. The doctors provide first aid. The firefighters return to the scene, unwind the fire hose and extinguish the fire.

Afterwards, the commander tells the dispatcher that the fire has been extinguished, and the team returns to base.

(The children get into the car, and the correspondent conducts the interview.)

Correspondent: Well done, team! You have completed your task. Tell children what they shouldn’t do to prevent a fire!

Children read poetry:
1. Matches are dozing like birds,
In the box for now.
Only small matches
Not suitable for playing:
If the spark is accidental
Gets on the carpet pile -
It might end sadly
This scary game!
They will burn like straw
Furniture, walls and floors.
And will remain from home
Just a handful of ash.

2. You can’t leave it in the apartment
Gas turned on to burn.
IN otherwise, Friends,
You will have to regret it bitterly!
Not allowed over a gas stove
Dry wet clothes!
You yourself know which one
Big fire threatens the ignorant!

3. If you turned on the iron,
There is no need to run away suddenly.
Closing the door in the house,
Have you turned everything off? Check it out!

4. No finger or stud.
Suddenly stick you in the socket -
Electricity is dangerous -
Everyone should know this!

5. You can’t be with fire nearby,
Where there are paints, gas, gasoline.
After all, it’s not in vain for us to talk about them
They say: “It’s flammable!”

The presenter initiates the game participants into the ranks of young firefighters and presents them with emblems.

Role-playing game: “Ministry of Emergency Situations is rushing to the rescue!”
- Strengthen children’s knowledge of fire safety and rules traffic.
- Expand your vocabulary.
-Consolidate knowledge about dangerous situations and how to deal with them.
-To instill in children the need to take care of their safety.
-Develop curiosity, memory, logical thinking.
2 sets of emblems for each team, fire safety posters, 20 soft toys, samples of road signs, 2 road signs cut into pieces, 8 knitted rugs, 2 bandages, 2 envelopes containing a description of signs and the location of the suspects.
Progress of the game:
(2 teams of 10 people each from senior and preparatory groups are participating)
Hello guys! Today we will play a game called: “Ministry of Emergency Situations to the Rescue!” What kind of word is this – Ministry of Emergency Situations? How is it deciphered?
And it stands for the Ministry of Emergency Situations and specially trained people work in it, who are called rescuers.
Child 1:
If trouble comes to the house,
Rescuers are always there for you,
They will arrive to the sound of a siren.
And they will help you instantly.
A very well-knit squad
From resourceful guys.
Everyone is brave, kind, skillful -
Few words, but a lot of action.
A lot in life situations,
Where you have to try
Save people from trouble.
You are the country's rescuers
The Motherland really needs them.
Well, guys, we found out who the rescuers are.
Today we have two teams of rescuers in our kindergarten who will show us how dexterous, skillful they are and how they can cope with various situations.
Let's get to know them:
1st team – “Young Rescuer”.
Team 2 – “Rescuers”.

Now we will do a warm-up and you will immediately understand the first situation we are talking about. I will ask the teams one by one riddles, and they must answer them.
It is beautiful and bright red, but it is burning, hot, dangerous. (Fire)
A small horse with a light instead of a mane. (Match)
A crane with a boom on a red car is rushing to quickly put out that dangerous fire. (Fire engine)
If the smoke billows out in clouds, the flames beat in tongues, and there is fire and heat everywhere - this is a disaster... (fire).
Child 2:
Yes, a fire can happen, even if it’s not our fault,
In that case, we also know how to behave:
If we can go out the door, we’ll do so - we’ll leave,
We will take all the animals out of the apartment with us.
We'll close the door tighter and report a fire.
And we will ask all neighbors to call “zero one”.
Competition 1: Who can save all the animals from a burning house the fastest?
(children take turns running to the high chair, taking one soft toy each and returning to their place, etc. which team is faster)
Educator: Situation two -
Since we were in a hurry to get somewhere,
And they rushed straight ahead.
All the cars were slowing down
We shied away from them.
From under the wheels we barely
We managed to escape alive,
And our guard shouted sternly:
“Don’t run out onto the road!”
What did the children not observe in this poem?... - That's right. Traffic Laws. And in order for you and me to always cross the road correctly, we must know the road signs. Now the rescuers will help us with this.
Competition 2: Collect a sign
(each team is given a set of separate fragments of a road sign; which team will assemble the complete image faster)
After the teams complete the task, the children will read poems about these signs.
Child 4:
Sign " Crosswalk»:
There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass!
Child 5:
"Children" sign:
There are children in the middle of the road,
We are always responsible for them.
So that their parent does not cry,
Be careful, driver!
Educator: Situation three -
Ice, ice...
Ice at the house, at the gate.
I love to slide on ice
I can go anywhere on the ice.
But as soon as I took a step,
Immediately onto the path - smack!
How can I get to kindergarten?
Shouldn't we crawl there?!
Ice, ice...
I slide forward a little bit.
Competition 3: Help a friend get to kindergarten.
(Using wicker rugs, stepping only on them, get to the chair and back. Which team is faster) Educator: Situation four -
I hurt my hand with glass
And I endure such torment,
I walk with a bandage
I'm not friends with glass!
Educator: Our rescuers must be able to provide first aid medical care. Now we'll see how they deal with this.
Competition 4: Bandage the victim.
(The “victim” sits on a chair. Team members run up to him one by one: the 1st bandages his hand, the 2nd unbandages. Who is faster) Educator: Situation five
IN kindergarten came today
Stranger Citizen
He sneaked into the group,
Everyone was just charging.
And no one saw him
He was the only one in the group.
Looked around furtively
He took something out of his pocket
He threw something into the corner
And he quickly left the kindergarten.
Who were these guys?
Maybe our guest or an artist?
But most likely of course
Still, he is a terrorist.
Suddenly he brought a bomb to us in the garden,
Acid, or maybe poison.
If something suddenly happens
The terrorist will be happy.
If any of you notice a suspicious object
Call the adults right away!
And call the rescuers!
Do not pick up the item!
Educator: Now our rescuers will look for suspicious persons. The police received an idea of ​​what they might look like and where they might be located. Your task is to find them.
Competition 5: Find the suspect.
(Each team is given a description of the suspect, hair color, what he is wearing, a man or a woman and where he might be. For example: in the second row, 9th from the left. Who will find the right person faster.) Educator: Well, guys, our game is over . Let's summarize.
We present to the participants...
Child 8:
No matter where you go you won't get into trouble
While you are alive, you are not dead
There is “Ministry of Emergency Situations” in the world
And we expect miracles from him
Rescue Squad
There are no more wonderful guys
They will find you in the deep forest
And they will save you from the fire
Under a mountain avalanche
They will find you and take you out
Rescue Squad
There are no more reliable guys!

Attached files

Plot-role-playing game in the preparatory group

"Ministry of Emergency Situations"


    Teach children to independently assign roles, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it.

    Expand children's understanding of the humane nature of the work of firefighters, ambulances, their necessity, and mobility in emergency situations.

    Strengthen children's knowledge about fire safety.

    Develop a friendly attitude towards each other.

    Develop dialogical speech, imagination, thinking.

    Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of various professions.

Subject-game environment:

    Multimedia equipment.

    Fire truck model.

    Shield with fire tools: fire extinguisher, buckets, shovels, hatchets.



    First aid kit.

    Uniforms for firefighters and doctors.

Preliminary work.

Reading fiction,

Watching the educational film “Fire”,

Making attributes for the game,

Excursion to the Ministry of Emergency Situations,

Competition of drawings and models of fire trucks.

Progress of the game.

Music is playing. Children enter the hall. Greetings for guests. Communication game “Hello!”

Hello, palms


Hello legs


Hello cheeks


Hello guests

Hello Hello hello!


Guys, I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it:

He's a friend of the guys

But when they play tricks on him,

He becomes an enemy

And it burns everything around! (fire).

You think it's fire. Please look at the screen. Did you guess correctly? That's right, well done!

Now, sit comfortably on the rug near the screen and listen to the tale that I will tell you.

“Once upon a time there was fire. He was cheerful and hot. The fire walked wherever it wanted: through forests, houses, trees. The fire spared no one on its way and was the worst enemy of all living things. Why do you think? (he burned everything). And then one day he met a man on his way and said: “Give us fire, let’s measure our strength.” Fire replies: “Why, man, can you measure yourself against me.” But the man insists on his own, fire and agreed. So their battle began. The man lured the fire to the river and jumped into the water. The man grabbed the flames with his wet hand and wanted to extinguish them. The fire prayed: “Don’t put me out, man, I will serve you faithfully.” The man took pity and forced him to serve himself. That’s how fire began to serve man and became his friend,”

Why does a person need fire? (keep warm, cook food, light your home).

What can cause a fire?

How to call firefighters?

And now we will play a game " Brave firefighters»

What professions do you think are needed in this game?

(firemen, doctors, dispatcher, correspondent)

Please tell me what the fire department commander, firefighters, and dispatcher are doing?

Let's distribute the roles.

Who will be the commander of the fire department?



A doctor?




Take your seats, let's start the game.

Mom and daughters at home. Mom is busy in the kitchen. The girls are playing. Suddenly one of the girls saw matches.

Let's play with matches!

You can’t, mom doesn’t allow you to play with matches!

Yes, we'll just see. (lights matches)

A fire (a girl) jumps out from behind the stove and dances with the tanya of fire.

The girls run into their mother’s kitchen in fear:


What's happened?


We were playing with matches and a fire started in the house.

Mom runs to the phone and dials 01. (phone sound)


Hello, the fire department is listening. Are you saying what happened? Give the address.


There is a fire in our house. Come quickly to the address Polzunova street 1 apartment 2.


Okay, wait, we'll be there now.

Dispatcher: (takes the radio, hands it over to the firefighters).

Attention! Fire brigade No. 1 is on the move. Fire on Polzunov Street 1 apartment 2.

Fire department commander:

Let's leave!

(addresses the team).

Fire brigade, form up. Prepare to go to the fire.

(firefighters gather, take their places and go to the fire).

(Firemen put out the fire, the fire department commander takes people out and takes them to the doctor).

The doctor examines people, measures their blood pressure, and asks about their well-being. Suddenly a girl started crying, the fire department commander came up to her and asked why she was crying. The girl says that there is still a dog in the house. The fire department commander reaches into the house and takes out the dog. Mom and daughters thank the firefighters.

A reporter approaches the fire brigade and asks questions:

Please tell me what happened? (fire)

What do you think could have caused the fire? (careless handling of fire).

Who was in the house? (People)

No harm done? Were everyone saved?

Thanks for your work!


To prevent a fire from happening in the house, let’s review the fire safety rules.

Please tell me your poems.

    I am fire! I'm a friend of the guys

But when they play pranks on me,

Then I become an enemy

And I burn everything around"

    Don't pick up matches!

To the forest, animal house

There was no fire anywhere,

So that the bugs don't cry

Don't lose the bird's nest

And only the birds sang songs

Don't pick up matches!

    But danger is on the way

It's guarding - you can't get around it!

If anything goes wrong,

If there is marriage in the fireworks,

Or they didn’t run away

Or someone got hit through the window,

In general, there are so many questions here!

Don't let off fireworks without asking!

    Do you want to arrange fireworks?

Okay, let's not argue

Just so as not to get hurt

You need to call adults for help

    Turn off electrical appliances

If guests come to you

Or a friend came to visit you

Before you play with him

Don't forget to turn off the iron!

    When leaving, turn off the lights!

Know any wires

Damaged - trouble!

After all, they are too dangerous

Closing like a flash!

    Give your friends this advice

Simply everyone can:

When leaving, turn off the lights

And the devices too!

    Very, very important rules!

Guys, remember that

You can't joke with fire

Who is not careful with fire?

There's a risk of fire there.

Game over, thanks for playing!

Objective: to form an idea of ​​life situations that are dangerous for a person and ways of behavior in them.
1. Strengthen the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes, building material, maps, diagrams.
2. Expand the understanding of the professions of rescuers, medical workers, media workers (correspondent, cameraman)
3. Develop the ability to conduct dialogue with the teacher and peers.
4. Continue work on enriching the vocabulary: equipment, evacuation, equipment).
5. To consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, call by phone: “01”, “02”, “03”.
6. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships and the habit of playing together.
7. Cultivate such qualities as empathy, responsiveness and kindness.
Preliminary work:
Classes, conversations, didactic games, familiarization with equipment that helps in emergency situations. Examination of illustrations on topics of extreme situations.
Show nurse correct first aid.
Creating and solving problem situations with children: “what would you do?”, “what to do if...”.
Introducing children to the rules of behavior and evacuation in case of fire, fire prevention measures (do not play with matches, gas and electrical appliances).

Rescue Service headquarters (telephone desk, walkie-talkie, journal, safety posters. Helmets, belts, shovels, buckets, stretchers, life belt, first aid kit, group map, inflatable pool.
Progress of the game.
Educator: “Guys, have you ever found yourself in a dangerous situation?”
- How did you behave during this?
-What would you do if your friend or neighbor became ill? (they would call ambulance by phone "03").
- How many of you have ever seen a real fire? What professions do people rush to help during a fire? (firefighters).
Continue my thought: I saw smoke, don’t yawn and the firefighters....(call)
- What phone number should I call the fire department? ("01").
- How many of you guys have ever seen real firefighters? What qualities do you think fire rescuers have? (dexterous, brave, hardy, fearless, etc.)
2. Educator:
- Guys, when emergencies happen, who should you call for help? (rescuers)
- What emergency situations have you heard or seen?
- Give the phone number of the rescue service in the city of Balakovo. (112)
- Who are the rescuers? Let's collect in my palms many words that denote the personal qualities of rescuers.
Children: courage, strength, masculinity, discipline, endurance, professionalism.
- Can women be rescuers? (can be as a doctor or nurse).
- What qualities does a doctor have? (kindness, mercy, patience, affection).
3. Educator:
- Do you want to be real rescuers today? Depending on how long the working day for rescuers and doctors lasts for a whole day, you and I will be divided into two shifts. One shift is on duty and the other is resting. How do adults relax? (children's expected answers). We need to select a team of 4 people, two dispatchers, two doctors and an ambulance driver, construction workers and victims to play the role of rescuers. I will be a correspondent today, I will try to remember everything and write a report about your work, I need help from a cameraman who will film.
-Let's first choose builders. Who wants to be a builder? You have to build a house according to the drawing. Choose a foreman, mason and carpenter and start construction.
- Who wants to be a rescuer? (4 people) . As we noted that rescuers are disciplined people, you need to choose a commander or foreman to whom everyone will obey. Decide for yourself who it will be, put on overalls and position yourself in the headquarters.
- Who chose the role of doctor, nurse, ambulance driver? What does an emergency doctor do? (provide first aid to the victims and take them to the hospital for further examination). Take all the necessary attributes and take your seats.
4. Correspondent:
Attention! Attention! I am reporting from the control room of the Rescue Service headquarters. I ask the first question to the dispatcher: “Tell me, how often do you receive calls asking for help? Who comes to you more often, adults or children?
- And here is the first call.
- Hello! Emergency Services is listening! What's happened? Give the address. Don't worry, we will help you.
Dispatcher 2:
Attention! Is the team ready for the call?
Rescuers: “Ready. Who needs help?
Dispatcher 2: “On the bank of the Volga, a child fell into a hole.”
Foreman: “Let’s begin the task. Take the necessary equipment: a rope, a life belt. We’ll ride on the Buran all-terrain vehicle.”
Why do we travel not by car, but by all-terrain vehicle?
Because we will have to get to the victim by thin ice, but driving a car is dangerous.
We arrived at the scene. Rescuers began the rescue operation. Here is one of the rescuers carefully crawling across thin ice, the other is belaying him. It is clear that the victim is holding on with all his strength.
Hold on, we will help you now. Don't be afraid, everything will be fine.
But doctors are already rushing to help. What are your actions?
Doctor: He has severe hypothermia, he needs to be warmed up and examined. Be patient. You will feel better now. Calm down, the worst is over.
Correspondent: The operation to rescue a man trapped in the wormwood was successful. The victim was sent to the hospital, and we are returning to the headquarters of the Rescue Service.
2. Dispatcher: Hello! Emergency services are listening. What happened to you? Give the address. I'm sending a team to help you.
Dispatcher 2: Attention! Attention! Is the team ready to go?
Rescuers: Ready. Where is our help needed?
Dispatcher: A building collapsed on Lenin Street.
Brigadier: We take everything we need. Go.
Correspondent: I am reporting at the scene of the incident. The first question to the rescue team commander: “Tell me what happened?”
Brigadier: We have arrived at the site of a house collapse, there are casualties.
Correspondent: What are your actions?
Brigadier: First of all, we need to clear the rubble.
Correspondent: Rescuers are starting to work carefully, clearing the rubble. It seems a victim has been found. He is immediately treated by emergency doctors. I see that the doctors are putting a splint on my leg and securing it with a bandage. The injured person is taken to the hospital, and the rescue team and I return to headquarters.
Oh! Look what I see - a real tiger just ran down the street. He probably escaped from the zoo. This is dangerous for passers-by. What will you do?
Brigadier: We urgently stop and prepare for the operation. You need to call the zoo and find out if a predator was running away from them?
Correspondent: The rescuers are talking about something, taking out some kind of device and a map, trying to determine where the animal is.
What are your actions?
Brigadier: First of all, we need to declare a city alarm.
Dispatcher: Attention! Attention! We ask all city residents to be careful. A dangerous predator is walking around the city. Don't leave home unless necessary.

Rescuers: We shouldn't be afraid. Only brave people go to work as rescuers. We will catch the animal with a net, give it a sleeping pill and send it back to the zoo.
Correspondent: How do you find out where he is?
Rescuers: A device that picks up a signal via satellite will help us. The animal has a chip on its neck that will tell you where it is.
Correspondent: I watch how deftly they throw a net over the beast. He doesn't even try to escape from the rescuers. He's probably very scared himself. They give him an injection, carefully place him on a stretcher and take him to the zoo.
And we are returning to headquarters with a rescue team
It was one of the rescuers' working days. I thank you for your work and wish you peaceful duty. The report was conducted by Lepilina L.V., cameraman Alexander Petrov. Until next time.