Beginning of issuing new electronic passports for Russian citizens. Biometric electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: receipt New electronic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: receipt, deadlines and objections

Interior Russian passport is a document that not only certifies a person’s identity, but also provides him with a wide range of exercise of his rights as a citizen Russian Federation.

Over the course of several recent years This document is gradually being transformed: changes concern both its appearance and structure, as well as functions.

Who will need to receive

In 2019, you will need to apply for a new passport to replace your old one in the following cases:

  • people born in 1999 and 1974 (in connection with the onset of their 20th and 45th birthdays, respectively) due to the expiration of the previous paper document;
  • after loss or theft;
  • after changing the last name, first name or patronymic;
  • after an official gender change;
  • when the document is worn out or severely damaged;
  • when identifying errors in the information contained.

What changes will happen

In the field of registration, issuance, receipt, and the form of the document itself, a number of changes will occur by 2019. It will be useful for those who are about to receive a passport to know what innovations they will encounter.

  • The age at which citizens receive a passport will increase by 2 years (the first receipt is shifted from the age of 14 to 16).
  • The validity period of the document will be limited to 10 years, after which the obtaining procedure must be completed again.
  • In 2019, issuance in all regions of the country will be carried out at Sberbank branches. The regions for preliminary testing of this project in 2018 will be the areas with the largest shortage of centers for the provision of municipal and public services.
  • The form of the passport is being transformed: from 2019, the issuance of the paper version will completely stop. Instead, people will be able to receive an electronic version of this document.

What will the electronic passport look like?

The transition to an electronic version has long been discussed and planned. Since technology does not stand still, this step is understandable and logical. This project has been postponed several times, but from 2019 it will be implemented throughout the Russian Federation.

The size will be familiar to owners of plastic cards, namely 45x86 mm. Images and information will be located on the front and back.

The front side will contain the following information:

  • document's name;
  • full last name, first name and patronymic of the owner;
  • day, month, year and place of birth;
  • date when the card was issued;
  • date after which the expiration date expires;
  • passport ID.

On the same side, 2 identical photographs of the owner will be placed: one of them (on the left) will be larger and made in color, and the second (on the right) will be monochrome and much smaller.

Data on the back:

  • the same number as on the front side;
  • SNILS number;
  • tax identification number;
  • code value of the department that issued the electronic passport.

On the left is the same photo of the owner in black and white as on the front.

Below the main information is a machine-readable field that contains additional information in in electronic format. Here, at the request of the owner, information about marital status, minor children, military ID number, disability or pension certificate, etc. will be entered.

The images on the card will be digitally printed, which provides a degree of protection. With this method, colors do not change for a long time and remain in their original form.


In connection with the transition to the new system, all the possibilities that were available when using a paper passport are retained, but many new ones will be added to them, providing a wide range of applications. Using an electronic card it will be possible to:

  • register online at your new place of residence without visiting the relevant authorities;
  • pay for transport fares;
  • use as a bank card;
  • receiving and paying for services in medical institutions;
  • identify the owner;
  • register remotely as a legal entity;
  • open a bank account online;
  • make electronic payments, including utility payments;
  • carry out voting;
  • obtain information about pension insurance, driver's license etc.

The most close attention When developing the card, attention was paid to the degree of its protection. This part of the program was implemented by Rostec, whose specialists combined the most modern developments with unique domestic innovations.

The consequence of painstaking work was that it is impossible to make changes to the information printed on both sides of the document and contained in electronic form using any currently available technologies.

This guarantees the safety of use and all manipulations that will be performed using an electronic passport.

Conditions for receipt and replacement

In order to obtain a passport in 2019, you will need to submit a standard list of documents to the appropriate branch of Sberbank. After this, the owner will be given new document no later than 10 days.

To register, you will need to pay a state fee. It is not yet known exactly what its size will be in 2019.

Another option would be to order remotely using the government services portal. To do this, you will need to fill out an online application on the website using a standard form, attach a file with photos and send a request for processing.

On the website you can monitor the status of the application and track at what stage in this moment the request is being processed. Once ready, the owner will be informed where and at what time he must be present to receive the electronic card. This option will be slightly different in cost, but will save a lot of time.

You can learn more about the new electronic ID cards from video:

The history of the Russian passport system began in the 18th century. At first, the obligation to obtain an identity card extended only to peasants temporarily leaving their home village. 100 years later, foreign passports appeared. In 1918, passporting was abolished, but after 14 years all townspeople were instructed to issue a document. The Regulations on the passport system that we are familiar with appeared only in the 1970s. What does a passport look like now and what rights does its holder have?

What documents prove identity?

Except civil passport, on the territory of the Russian Federation are considered a universal identity document following documents:

  • (For Russian citizens under 14 years old);
  • diplomatic passport;
  • identification card / or military personnel;
  • Russia (issued for 2 months until the registration of a Russian passport is completed).

In some situations you can use service ID a prosecutor's office employee or a driver's license. During elections or a referendum, persons in custody, suspected or accused of committing a crime, present a special certificate.

However, it will not be possible to obtain a loan from a bank or perform other legally significant actions using these documents - they only certify a person’s status.

Study in more detail what can be used in Russia as.

Passport as a document

Once upon a time, the people who inhabited Russia had no documents at all, and this did not prevent them from starting families, having children, paying tribute, etc. With the emergence of new responsibilities to the state and the establishment of human rights, the need arose to take into account the population. This would make it possible to collect taxes, pay pensions, and find lawbreakers. The result was a human identity identifier.

Now every citizen who has reached the age of 14 and lives on the territory of the Russian Federation is required to have a passport at least twice and for 45 years.

During the existence of the state, passport samples were modified several times. The difference between the new document and its predecessor is the presence of a machine-readable entry on the 3rd page. The form has not undergone any changes, the number of pages and colors of the document remain the same.

In Russia, even teenagers know what a Russian passport is. Foreigners applying for Russian citizenship need to figure this out, because most countries use a different identification system.

What information is included in the passport?

The current passport description is published in new edition Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 1997 No. 828. Thus, the third page of the document is reserved for entering information about the identity of its owner. A photo of the citizen is pasted on the left side of the page, and the right side contains 6 main blocks of information made by offset printing: full name of the document owner, his gender, as well as date and place of birth.

This information and data regarding the place of issue, the validity period of the document, etc., are duplicated in the above-mentioned machine-readable record, consisting of two lines of 44 characters. This code speeds up data processing when processing documents or receiving government services.

Marks in the passport

According to the above-mentioned resolution, the following pages of the passport are allocated for special marks:

  1. Page 5–12 - on registration / deregistration of the owner of the document. Although many believe that now the institution of registration no longer has the same importance as before, you should not shy away from registering.
  2. Page 13 - about attitude towards military duty.
  3. Page 14 and 15 - about marital status (registration/divorce.
  4. Page 16 and 17 - about children (their gender, full name, date of birth and personal code are indicated).
  5. Page 18 and 19 - about identification code(TIN), and other documents identifying the owner outside the Russian Federation. At the request of the passport holder, you can also put a mark on your blood type and Rh factor here.

Find out in more detail what opportunities it provides.

Marks are made only by employees of authorized services - registration authorities, military commissariats, migration and tax authorities.

What data is prohibited from entering into a passport?

Sometimes passport holders, without relying on their memory, write down important information on its pages - telephone numbers, credit card PIN code. They say you always have your passport with you, so you can use the necessary information at any time.

It must be taken into account that no marks or entries not specified in the Passport Regulations can be made in this document. As representatives repeatedly informed the Russians migration service, the presence of children's drawings, numbers and other information will lead to the fact that. This will allow an experienced lawyer to cancel, for example, a real estate purchase/sale transaction, arguing that it was concluded under an invalid document.

Procedure for registration and receipt

The issuance of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the procedure determined by the above-mentioned Regulations, as well as the following regulations:

  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1997 No. 232 “On the main document identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation”;
  • Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for issuance, replacement and execution state function for registration of passports of citizens of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Since the procedure for processing legally important documents changes from time to time, you should clarify in advance what you need to obtain new passport a citizen of the Russian Federation upon initial application upon reaching 14 years of age. In this case, you need to act quickly, because the registration of new legal relations a teenager with the state is given 30 days.

This issue should also be studied by Russians living abroad, their children and foreign nationals who have recently received Russian citizenship. To clarify the procedure for obtaining a passport in unusual situations, you can apply for a certificate from the federal authorities.

Package of documents for submitting an application

For initial registration For a civil passport, the applicant must provide the following set of documents:

  1. Completed application form 1-P (by hand or on a computer).
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. 2 personal photos (format 3x4 cm).
  4. Confirmation of Russian citizenship.
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty.

If a citizen permanently residing outside the Russian Federation applies for a passport, he must present a document that certifies his identity abroad. Foreigners applying for a Russian passport must ensure that all documents are translated into Russian.

Find out more about what you will need to collect.

Registration deadlines

Russian citizens can obtain a passport in any region of the country, but the time frame will differ depending on the location of the applicant.

If a citizen receives a passport for the first time, applies for re-issuance of a document or makes any changes, total term provision of the service does not exceed 10 days. Required condition- contacting the migration authority located at the place of registration.

The registration procedure includes checking data, sending requests to the competent authorities, receiving responses and issuing passports. If difficulties arise at any stage, the applicant will have to wait longer.

Although some intermediary companies offer urgent receipt of a Russian passport, in reality it is unlikely that it will be possible to get the document faster.

How to check the readiness of your passport

Usually, when receiving documents, a migration service employee informs the applicant about the date of the visit to receive a completed copy. Sometimes it becomes necessary to find out in advance whether the passport is ready.

There is a service on the official website of the GUMVD that allows you to find out if your passport is ready. However, opportunities to clarify the readiness of the general civil document Not yet.

The only available way to get an answer is to contact your local Migration Office in person. You can find out everything that interests the applicant over the phone or during a visit to the service department.

On what grounds is it possible to replace a passport?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a citizen must within 30 days begin measures to replace a passport if the following events occur:

  • reaching 20 or 45 years of age;
  • change of passport data;
  • significant changes in appearance;
  • gender change;
  • detection of an error in a previously issued document;
  • unsuitability of the passport due to mechanical damage.

Read in detail about in what other cases it may be required.

Where to apply

The country's authorities regularly introduce new rules for processing documents, which improve the level and speed of service to applicants. Given the numerous changes, many are wondering who is currently issuing passports in Russia. Today, applicants have the opportunity to choose an institution to apply:

  1. Territorial bodies and divisions of the Office for Migration Issues (UVM).
  2. Government services portal. After confirmation of acceptance of the application, the applicant selects the appropriate UVM branch to personally bring the original documents.
  3. Multifunctional centers. Their main advantage is high speed of service. For example, in metropolitan centers the queue time is 3-4 minutes. Since the service is provided by territorial principle, check in advance on the official website of the MFC where to submit documents.

The centers only accept and issue ready-made passports, while the documents themselves are still processed by units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What is an electronic passport

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are constantly developing new technologies for issuing passports. After implementation foreign documents The idea of ​​electronic ID cards was approved. With time plastic cards with electronic storage media will replace paper documents.

According to representatives of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, without this passport it will be impossible to obtain electronic services. However, in everyday life paper passports will still be in use until 2025.

Do you need registration in your passport?

The rules and deadlines for registration, as well as liability for non-compliance with migration legislation, are regulated by several legislative acts. Analysis of these documents allows us to conclude that a passport without registration remains valid. However, according to Art. 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (parts 1 and 2), its owner will be punished for ignoring the registration rules in the form of an administrative fine:

  • private individuals - 2,000–3,000 rubles;
  • tenants and homeowners - 2,000–5,000 rubles;
  • legal entities - 250,000–750,000 rubles.

If a violation of the regime is recorded in cities federal significance, the fines are even higher.

Read more about fines for violating registration rules in the Russian Federation.

In addition, although the lack of registration does not deprive a person of his civil rights, row social guarantees Available only to registered holders:

  • targeted medical assistance;
  • expedited registration of a foreign passport;
  • receiving government benefits;
  • registration of a car in the traffic police and others.

So, you should take care of timely registration.

Rights and obligations of passport holders

The passport system appeared in order to coordinate the relationship between citizens and federal authorities countries. By becoming a “cog” of this mechanism, a citizen is endowed with certain rights and responsibilities. Let's discuss what rights a citizen of the Russian Federation has to obtain a passport.

This main document of any citizen is similar to a personal code, which is contained in all state registers. Having a passport allows you to prove your belonging to the Russian Federation and demand the exercise of rights:

  • to start a family;
  • move freely throughout the country;
  • to get a job;
  • receive other legally significant documents;
  • enter universities;
  • open a personal bank account;
  • take part in voting;
  • purchase housing;
  • receive medical care.

So, almost all significant events in life take place with the participation of this document. Along with the rights, Russian citizenship and a Russian passport entail a number of responsibilities:

  1. Security (receive, store and replace it in a timely manner).
  2. Carrying or not having a passport.
  3. Passport surrender in case of termination of Russian citizenship.

No one legislative act does not contain a requirement to have the document with you.

However, we invite you to study the legal requirements in more detail, since the question raises a lot of controversy.

Penalties for not having a passport

A passport is the main document of a citizen. Once a child reaches the age of 14, the birth certificate as proof of identity and proof of citizenship becomes invalid. In case of failure to receive a passport, parents will be subject to administrative fine(Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Delay is also accompanied by the imposition of sanctions. A fine is imposed if 30 days have passed since the data specified in the passport (age, appearance, name, gender, etc.) was changed, but its holder has not applied for a new document.

The fine is 3,000–5,000 rubles. If payment is not received within 60 days, the violator will face a new penalty: a twofold increase in the amount, correctional labor(50 hours) or arrest for 15 days.

The introduction of new technologies into all areas of our lives has not ignored such an important part as identity documents. And the paper passports we are accustomed to will very soon become history. On the territory of the Federation, since 2015, they began to issue a new type of Russian Federation passport, which meets all the latest modern requirements technological progress.

Replacement timing

The program to exchange paper documents for electronic ones began on January 1, 2015. Over the course of 12 months, four Russian regions– Rostov region, Crimea and Sevastopol, Krasnodar region.

Starting from January 1, 2016, the implementation of the passport program begins everywhere. This, however, does not mean that you need to immediately collect documents and go to the migration service. The process of exchanging internal identity cards is designed for 10 years. This means that all residents of the Russian Federation will have to receive new documents by 2025, since the old ones will be considered invalid.

To whom are they already issuing

First of all, all those who receive a passport for the first time, that is, upon reaching 14 years of age, will be able to acquire a new document. Persons who apply for a replacement passport for one of the following reasons will be able to exchange their ID together with them:

  • reaching the ages of 20 and 45 years;
  • loss of document;
  • detecting an error in it;
  • change of personal information;
  • change in appearance as a result of plastic surgery;
  • gender change.

This means that when submitting documents for the issuance of a new form, citizens will by default receive an electronic passport.

Basic information

First, it is necessary to indicate how the new passport differs from the old one. In addition to external signs, which we will discuss below, the main difference lies in the way information is stored in an electronic document.

The new generation of identity cards can be used to implement the following tasks online:

  • open bank accounts;
  • vote in elections;
  • submit a petition to the court;
  • make electronic payments;
  • certify documents by a notary;
  • register an enterprise;
  • make electronic transactions.

What does it look like

The appearance of the document will resemble a regular bank card, which is covered with lamination and contains an electronic chip; in addition to personal information, it will contain information about all other documents of the owner - TIN, driver license, SNILS, marriage and birth certificates, medical insurance.

Fingerprints will also be required and will also be recorded on the card. In general, we can say that an electronic passport will replace all other documents.

On front side The card will contain the following information:

  • photo;
  • place, date of birth;
  • date of issue and expiration;
  • serial number of the document.

On the other side electronic media the authority that issued it will be indicated, the owner’s signature and information about other documents will be indicated.

How to get

The important question remains how to obtain a new passport. The agency that will be authorized to provide all Russian citizens with a new type of document is the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS). To apply, you must write an application in person at the office at the place of your registration, temporary registration or stay, or submit an electronic application on the website.

Please note that the new certificate is issued for a period of 10 years, after which it will have to be renewed again. In this case, those cards whose owners have changed personal data or appearance, or simply lost them, will also be subject to exchange.

The time frame for receiving a new document will, as before, depend on the place of filing the application - if at the place of registration - then 10 days, if in another region - then 2 months.

Talk about state duty For now it is possible in the same amount - 300 rubles. But, most likely, this will change in the near future, since the procedure for producing a card is more expensive and complex than that of a regular paper ID.

The documents for the new Russian Federation passport were approved as follows:

  1. Statement.
  2. Documents, information about which is recorded on an electronic chip.
  3. Internal Russian passport.
  4. Receipt for payment of duty.

It is important to note that it is no longer necessary to include a photo in the package of documents, since the photo will be taken directly by a migration service employee at the moment you submit your application.

According to experts, the new generation of personal IDs will help avoid counterfeits and will greatly facilitate many procedures, which today are already completely computerized.

Plastic passport of the Russian Federation: pros and cons: video