Parks, forests, rivers, ponds And young people, children, and old people Clean, neat, beautiful rivers, ponds, lakes And plants, and insects, and birds, and animals Health, strength, vigor, good mood. Funny incident from life Russian language Complete sentence d

Read the text, observing the intonation of the enumeration. Note the pause sign between words | and the fact that words marked with the sign are pronounced in the same tone.

1) Swallows, | rooks, blackbirds, | larks, | nightingales | in autumn they fly to warmer climes. 2) Before departure they are worried | shout, | fussing. 3) Migratory birds head to the Caucasus, | to Crimea, | to Egypt, | to India. 4) Songbirds cannot withstand harsh and frosty winters. 5) The guys take care of the sparrows, | jackdaws and magpies. 6) These birds do not fly anywhere for the winter.

Review the diagrams. Put questions to the underlined words.

The underlined parts of the sentence are homogeneous.

Homogeneous members of the sentence answer to the same question and refer to the same member of the sentence.

Homogeneous members do not depend on each other and are pronounced with the intonation of enumeration. Both the main and secondary members of a sentence can be homogeneous.

Guys, remember the problem?

      A jackdaw sat on a birch tree,
      Two crows, a sparrow,
      Three magpies, a nightingale.

How many birds perched on the birch tree? How many subjects are there? Please note that the subject can be expressed by a phrase.

There are 8 birds in total. And there are 5 subjects (homogeneous members).

Now listen to an excerpt from M. Aliger’s poem. Determine which members of the sentence are homogeneous.

      Autumn has just begun to work,
      I just took out my brush and cutter,
      I put some gilding here and there,
      dropped some crimson here and there
      and hesitated...

Here the homogeneous members of the sentence are predicates: took it, took it out, put it down, dropped it, hesitated.

199 . Put questions to homogeneous members of the sentence. What parts of speech are they? How does her luggage characterize a lady?

      The lady was checking in luggage
      Travel bag,
      And a little dog.

(S. Marshak)

200 . Determine which members of the sentence are homogeneous and what question they answer. What punctuation mark is placed between homogeneous terms connected only by the intonation of the enumeration? Write down and underline homogeneous parts of the sentence.

1. Grasshoppers, crickets, violinists and mole crickets sang their secret music in the grass. 2. Silence reigned in the field, in the grove, in the air. 3. The forest rang, groaned, rattled. 4. The arable land is overgrown with strong, tenacious, unpretentious weeds. 5. The wind blew feathers, shavings, and dust along the street. 6. Sparks flew (to) left, (to) right, up.

201 . Indicate homogeneous parts of the sentence in the text. What parts of speech are they expressed by? Read the sentences, observing the intonation of the enumeration.


We are all owners of parks, forests, rivers and ponds.

Young people, children, and old people relax in city parks. It is important for everyone that the parks are clean, tidy and beautiful.

We must protect forests: do not cut down trees, do not make fires, do not litter. We are all responsible for the cleanliness of sources, rivers, ponds, lakes.

The natural environment includes plants, insects, birds, and animals.

And we must always remember that they all help us maintain health, strength, vigor, and good mood.

202 . Read the poem by V. Osten. Make a sentence with a subject road and homogeneous predicates. What new meaning has been added to the word for you? road?

Sample. A road is a highway, a trail,....

      Just think how much
      Meanings of the word "road".
      The highway is called dear,
      And the path running nearby,
      And the path that lies on the plains...
      And the caravan's path to the desert...
      And the climber's step is steep...
      To the top, hidden in the clouds,
      And the trace of the ship above the waves,
      And the blue heights above us...
      And soon it will be replenished with new ones
      The meaning is a familiar word.


We are all owners of parks, forests, rivers and ponds.

Parks, forests, rivers, and rivers are secondary members in my opinion! we are young children old people - the main member of the application! expressed by a subject noun. in Gogoda, clean, neat, beautiful - the secondary member of the clause is expressed by the definition question (which ones, in which ones). ) the latter following the example))))

Similar questions

We are all owners of parks, forests, rivers and ponds. Young people, children, and old people relax in city parks. It is important for everyone that the parks are clean, neat, and beautiful. we must take care of forests, do not cut down trees, do not make fires, do not litter. We are all responsible for the cleanliness of sources, rivers, ponds, lakes, the natural environment includes plants, insects, birds and animals, and we must always remember that they all help us maintain health, strength, vigor, good mood. It is necessary to write out groups of homogeneous members of the sentence, underline and name them. Thank you very much, I give 18 points


Parks, forests, rivers, ponds And young people, children, and old people Clean, neat, beautiful rivers, ponds, lakes And plants, and insects, and birds, and animals Health, strength, vigor, good mood

Larionov Fetis

Parks, forests, rivers, ponds And young people, children, and old people Clean, neat, beautiful rivers, ponds, lakes And plants, and insects, and birds, and animals Health, strength, vigor, good mood

Panyutin Svirid

Which textbook is the text from?

Russian language Complete the sentence by completing homogeneous members of the sentence Squirrels feed on acorns,...


Russian language Please help me with an essay on the topic: how do you do your favorite or necessary work.


Russian language The war years are the most capacious and fulfilling in my life, and that is why it is difficult to talk about them... During the war, I was formed both as a person and as a poet. All my good and bad sides - both in life and in creativity - appeared with defining clarity right then. After the war, there was either development or extinction of certain qualities, but their beginnings were laid in those years. I saw the war, experienced it, endured it from the very beginning to the very end. Physically, fate was surprisingly kind to me - one light scratch from a bullet during the entire war! Morally, she gave no mercy to anyone, and I was no exception. But I received everything in full - both the bitterness of defeats and the happiness of victories. I remember the terrible roads of retreat - we passed them, leaving the encirclement of the Bryansk forests and Oryol fields in 1941. I remember besieged Leningrad - transparent faces, octams of bread... And I remember the wind of battle success that blew in our faces on the Baltic plains. I still see in my dreams the open gates of Hitler’s concentration camps in Poland, from where people of all nations and languages ​​ran towards us, crying and laughing. I celebrated Victory Day in central Germany, and one memory of those unthinkable days intoxicates me more than any wine... The war taught me to write those poems with which I could start a direct conversation with the reader and hear a response. FIND IN THIS TEXT: 1) Epithets 2) Metaphors 3) Antonyms 4) Anaphors 5) Polyunion 6) Rhetorical question 7) Rows of homogeneous members



We are all owners of parks, forests, rivers and ponds.

We are all owners of parks, forests, rivers and ponds.

Similar questions

  • Young people, children, and old people relax in city parks. It is important for everyone that the parks are clean, tidy and beautiful.
  • We must protect forests: do not cut down trees, do not make fires, do not litter. We are all responsible for the cleanliness of sources, rivers, ponds, lakes.
  • The natural environment includes plants, insects, birds, and animals.
  • And we must always remember that they all help us maintain health, strength, vigor, and good mood.
  • It is necessary to ask questions and emphasize the main and minor members, what is expressed, highlight homogeneous members

parks, forests, rivers, and rivers are secondary members in my opinion! we are young children old people - the main member of the application! expressed by a subject noun. in Gogoda, clean, neat, beautiful - the secondary member of the clause is expressed by the definition question (which ones, in which ones). ) the latter following the example))))

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Plant communities are characterized by tiers: 1. aboveground only 2. underground and aboveground 3. underground only 4. none of the above
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translate into English. Good afternoon, Mac, My name is Marina. I am 18 years old. I live in the city of Krasnoyarsk in Siberia. My family is me and my mother. I have a cat Vasily and a dog Mikhail. I like volleyball, dancing, and swimming. In the evenings I like to walk and listen to music. Do you have any favorite songs and favorite performers?
Russian language
In a new way, calm and stern,
I live on a wild coast.

Not an idle or kind word
I can’t say anything anymore.
I can't believe it will be Christmas time soon.

parks, forests, rivers, and rivers are secondary members in my opinion! we are young children old people - the main member of the application! expressed by a subject noun. in Gogoda, clean, neat, beautiful - the secondary member of the clause is expressed by the definition question (which ones, in which ones). ) the latter following the example))))

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parks, forests, rivers, and rivers are secondary members in my opinion! we are young children old people - the main member of the application! expressed by a subject noun. in Gogoda, clean, neat, beautiful - the secondary member of the clause is expressed by the definition question (which ones, in which ones). ) the latter following the example))))

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