Rules for safe behavior on the road. Pedestrian reminder

From early childhood, parents instill in their children the main rules of behavior on the road, they tell them when it is possible to cross the roadway and when it is not, they say that the most important thing on the road is attentiveness, not fussiness. Learning the rules traffic(hereinafter referred to as traffic rules) is sometimes carried out in a playful form: quizzes with questions in kindergarten, educational books and drawings, even models of doll traffic lights - all this helps the baby remember basic information, which, quite likely, can save his life.

Although in most cases traffic rules concern the driver who is driving the car, without the competent behavior of pedestrians when crossing the roadway, these rules would be meaningless. They are updated annually (rarely - several times a year), therefore, for greater confidence in their safety, all road users should monitor them.

Who are pedestrians?

It would be correct to say that this includes all people who move on foot. If a person walks along the side of the road and pushes a bicycle next to him, he is a pedestrian. If he stopped walking, got into a vehicle and drove off, it means that he has already become a full participant in traffic, in in this case cyclist.

Pedestrians are people who move in wheelchairs or on rollers. And also driving a moped next to them. Therefore, it will be useful for everyone to know the rights and responsibilities of pedestrians.

It doesn't matter if you have any form of transport with you - as long as you walk, you are a pedestrian. Let's give an example. Even if he leaves it to go to the nearest store and buy drinking water, then as long as he stands on his feet, he will be considered a pedestrian. What follows from this? That all the general responsibilities of pedestrians will apply to him too.

How to behave on the road?

Parents should teach their children these basics from an early age. To find out how to behave correctly on the roadway with other road users, you need to look at the traffic rules collection. The responsibilities of a pedestrian are described there in a separate chapter, conveniently divided into subsections. This is necessary to organize information and quickly memorize. But many will be surprised when they start reading them. In fact, most people have known all this information since childhood.

If we systematize the responsibilities of a pedestrian, formulate them briefly and succinctly, then we can conditionally divide them all into the following groups:

Rules of conduct when crossing the roadway;

Rules of conduct with vehicles;

In the dark.

What should a pedestrian know?

The road surface is not a place for games and frivolous behavior. Knowing your responsibilities and observing them will allow the passenger to behave more confidently on the street.

We list the responsibilities of a pedestrian on the road:

If there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path, then you should move along the side of the road in the direction of traffic;

A person is required to cross the road only at a crossing or zebra crossing; if there are none, the roadway is allowed to be crossed at intersections along the sidewalk or curb;

If there is no controlled crossing, then a pedestrian can appear on the road only after he is convinced of his safety, that there is no fast-moving car nearby and he will have time to cross before a vehicle arrives, and so on.

How should a pedestrian behave at night?

There are certain responsibilities of a pedestrian at night. This knowledge is usually ignored, considered an unnecessary formality. However, the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the roadway at night were not drawn up by chance. Most road accidents happen at night. The silhouette of a pedestrian may not be clearly visible, which may provoke the driver to make a fatal mistake.

The responsibilities of a pedestrian when crossing the road at night relate to the presence of any item with him from the patch on his jacket, T-shirt or shirt, for example. The driver will never miss such a pedestrian, even if he stands in the shadows. Now there are many stores ready to help people in this matter: what kind of items are not on sale there!

How to get off public transport?

There are rights and responsibilities of pedestrians when exiting public transport. Everyone should know them. A person, while at a stop, must also understand his rights and obligations, which are prescribed in the traffic rules. The responsibilities of a pedestrian when exiting a vehicle are to leave only when the doors are fully opened. Don’t rush, don’t push, don’t jump out of the vehicle as soon as the doors open slightly. Do not ask the driver to stop in a place not intended for this purpose. This is important not only because the driver himself may receive a fine for such a stop. Such requirements are explained by the fact that the passenger may fall under the wheels of another vehicle, the driver of which in this situation was not at all expecting your appearance in in the wrong place from the bus and did not have time to brake.

What is the correct way to cross the road after getting off the bus?

When you have managed to get out of the vehicle safely, you need to carefully consider the method of crossing the roadway. If you were traveling on a bus or trolleybus, then you need to cross the road behind it, but not in front. Following cars should see your intention to cross the road.

If a pedestrian crosses the roadway in front of a bus, the driver of the following car will not be able to see him in time and brake. This may lead to an accident.

Crowds of people at the bus stop are also undesirable. This applies especially in the morning and evening hours, when most people go to work. There is a danger that due to the crush, some pedestrians may be pushed onto the roadway. If the driver vehicle does not have time to react and rebuild, then this situation will end in tears.

Common pedestrian mistakes

Quite often, pedestrians neglect their duties, thereby creating a threat to traffic order. But most importantly, they are putting their own lives in danger.

Quite often people violate one of the main traffic laws - crossing the road only at green light. Because they are in a hurry or simply do not want to stand in the cold for an extra minute until the traffic light changes color, they run across the road, completely unaware of which light is on. It is unacceptable.

The second, no less serious mistake that pedestrians make is crossing the road in the wrong place. Cars have to slow down to allow a person running through the roadway to pass, but if something happens, the blame for the accident will fall entirely on the pedestrian.

Pedestrian crossing hazards

Pedestrian traffic rules are designed in such a way that both he and car drivers can feel comfortable. Since they will be included in a well-functioning traffic mechanism, where all participants know their place and move smoothly and confidently. But, unfortunately, the opposite situation also happens when traffic violation, and even a special zebra crossing can pose a danger to humans.

Throughout the world, this part of the roadway is one of the safest for pedestrians. But in Russia this, unfortunately, is not the case. Most accidents and collisions with people occur at zebra crossings due to the inability of drivers and pedestrians to behave sensibly.

The responsibilities of a pedestrian are to remember: a zebra crossing is a part of the road along which cars drive, sometimes at high speed. Before crossing the roadway, you need to look both ways. After all, it may happen that, without noticing a fast-moving car, you start crossing the road, and the driver will not be able to brake.

Having stepped on a zebra crossing with one foot, a pedestrian should stop. Thus, he will demonstrate his intention to cross the road, and car drivers will be able to brake in time to let him pass.

Road signs to help pedestrians

Among the many road signs, there are those that can make life much easier. These are also the duties of a pedestrian - to know them by heart.

Finding yourself at an unfamiliar intersection, any person looks for a pedestrian crossing sign: a man walking along a zebra crossing in a white triangle on a blue background. It shows where you can cross the road.

A crossed out man in a red circle can only mean that crossing is strictly prohibited, as this could pose a danger to life (too busy traffic on the street, for example).

The sign (a man going down the stairs) is also very useful. If the area is unfamiliar, but you see such a symbol, then you don’t have to worry about how to cross to the other side of the street.

Also marked with road signs: bus, trolleybus or tram in a blue rectangle. When you see such a symbol, you can stop and wait for the nearest carrier.

Teaching children traffic rules

As mentioned above, the child receives basic knowledge about the rules of the road in kindergarten or elementary school. But parents, by their own example, should show their child the skills of correctly crossing the street.

It’s sad to see how a mother, grabbing her son’s hand, runs across the road at a red traffic light. We must not forget that the roadway is not a playground for our children. It is worth teaching them this, instilling in them the rules of behavior on the road and remembering them themselves.

Thus, the main responsibilities of a pedestrian are defined in They must be observed by everyone without exception and remember that not only convenience, but sometimes life depends on this.

Both drivers and pedestrians need to clearly know the rules of behavior on the road. Failure to comply with established standards can lead to very sad consequences. Most accidents occur precisely because the pedestrian did not know the safety precautions or the motorist decided that the laws were not written to him. As a result, due to haste or simple negligence, all road users suffer.

Rules for pedestrian behavior on the road

There are a number of rules that you can follow to protect yourself while crossing the road. Let's look at different cases.

Night time

First of all, it is worth remembering the fact that in the dark the driver can notice a pedestrian no more than 10-15 meters away. Taking into account the fact that a moving car cannot stop instantly, it will be about 20 meters. Having made some simple calculations, you can come to the logical conclusion that in such a situation an accident is inevitable. Therefore, it is recommended to make sure that the driver actually noticed you and began to brake. Remember also that the person sitting behind the wheel may panic and not be able to control the vehicle. Therefore, you should start crossing the road in the dark only after the car has completely stopped.

Unregulated transition

Rules of conduct on the road include a section on crossing the roadway in unregulated areas.

  1. Walk to the edge of the sidewalk and stop to let drivers know vehicles that you intend to cross the road.
  2. Pay attention to whether there is a traffic island on the roadway.
  3. Wait until all cars within 40 meters of you have stopped or passed.
  4. The rules of conduct for schoolchildren on the road, as well as for all other road users, require complete vigilance. Therefore, look around several times and make sure that the roadway is clear for movement.
  5. When you reach the island, stop and assess the situation.
  6. If it is possible to cross the remaining section of the road, follow the above points.
  7. If traffic is heavy or drivers are not stopping, carefully step onto the roadway. In this situation, the driver moving in the lane closest to you will be forced to stop. It is very important to just step onto the roadway and not start crossing. In some situations, the driver cannot stop if another car is moving dangerously close behind him.

Adjustable Transition

The rules of conduct for pedestrians on the road contain recommendations for crossing in a regulated area. It is important to remember that even if the owner of a vehicle is categorically wrong and moves in violation of all traffic rules, this does not mean that you need to get under the wheels of the car. It's better not to risk your life to prove yourself right.

  • Pay attention to whether there are “reckless” drivers, “pilots” or other irresponsible drivers among road users.
  • Cross the road only in the designated area.
  • Do not cross the roadway when the light is flashing green, much less yellow or red.

Outside the crosswalk

When studying the rules of behavior on the road, it is worth considering the possibility of crossing outside pedestrian zones. If the nearest regulated zone is very far away, you can cross the roadway by following some rules.

  1. Never stop in the middle of the road.
  2. While remaining on the sidewalk, walk to the edge and let drivers know that you intend to start moving.
  3. Look around and assess the situation.
  4. Wait until all vehicles at least 60 meters away have come to a complete stop.
  5. Start moving.

Remember that even if a car starts to slow down in the lane closest to you, there is a possibility that cars driving behind or next to it are out of your line of sight. Therefore, you should move carefully, constantly looking around.


Everyone must follow these rules on the road. Previously, only drivers of vehicles were fined for violations, and pedestrians were not punished in any way. Today the situation has changed, and now people traveling on foot are also responsible for such violations. If you cross the road in the wrong place or at a red light, you can be fined in the amount of 500 rubles.

Rules of conduct on the railway

During the summer season, a huge number of people use by rail. The main cause of injuries to children and adults at this time of year is precisely non-compliance with the rules of conduct on the railway. Because of the fear of being late for the train, some take risks: they cross the tracks under the platform, jump into a moving train, etc.

The basic rules of behavior on the railway include the following points.

  1. You can cross paths only in specially designated areas.
  2. It is strictly prohibited to crawl under the carriages. It is also prohibited to climb over automatic couplers.
  3. You cannot jump into a moving train.
  4. It is prohibited to hold the doors or interfere with their automatic closing.
  5. Children should not play on the platform or train tracks.
  6. While on the train, it is prohibited to stick your head or hands out of the windows.
  7. You can exit the carriage only after the train has come to a complete stop and only from the side of the boarding platform.
  8. It is prohibited to cross the tracks in front of a moving train.

It is worth considering that a moving train cannot stop instantly, since its speed only seems small. In fact, modern trains can travel quite fast, up to 120 km/h. Thus, having slowed down, such a train will still move by inertia for quite a long distance.

Under no circumstances should you stand close to the edge of the platform. First, you may accidentally trip and fall onto the tracks right in front of a moving train. Secondly, you risk getting caught in the strong air flow that is created during the passage of two oncoming trains. Its power is so strong that it can easily suck a person into an air vortex and throw him under a train.

Rules of behavior on the road near railway tracks also apply to drivers who are prohibited from moving railway in unauthorized and not equipped for this purpose places. Motorists are strictly prohibited from driving after the warning light comes on.

Children on the road

Small children are not always attentive near the roadway, so parents must clearly and understandably explain to their children how to behave when crossing the road. If a school or kindergarten does not hold special seminars at which young pedestrians are told the rules of behavior for children on the road, then you should pay special attention to this issue.

Warn your child that even when crossing the roadway hand in hand with an adult, he should still look both ways. It should also be explained that the road or train tracks are not the place to play.

To make it easier to learn the material, you can make special cards that show correct and incorrect situations. You can give your child a game exam in which he will answer questions related to crossing the road. Invite him to draw a traffic light or other warning road signs.

And, of course, remember that you are an example for your child, so don’t break the rules and let your child see how to act.

In most schools and others educational institutions Special classes dedicated to this topic are held annually. The seminars also include the topic “Rules of conduct for students on the roads” for older children.


Thousands of people die on the roads every year. It would seem that there is nothing complicated about the elementary rules, but, alas, most people prefer to ignore them. Not only drivers, but also pedestrians are increasingly neglecting safety precautions, putting not only their lives at risk, but also the health of others. By running a red light, you could be responsible for a terrible tragedy and ruin your future forever. It doesn’t matter what brand of car the driver has or what position the pedestrian occupies, everyone is equal on the road. Only by respecting each other and following simple rules of conduct while driving on the roadway can we protect ourselves and our loved ones.


For pedestrians, as well as for car drivers, there arerules for pedestrians on the roadand especially when moving you need to know and followresponsibilities of pedestrians on the road.

Children should always know and followrules for pedestrian behavior on the road, be attentive and focused.

1. Pedestrians should always walk on sidewalksor special pedestrian paths, in the absence of sidewalks or pedestrian paths - along the side of the road against the traffic of cars. Pedestrians carrying or carrying large objects, as well as people who use non-motorized wheelchairs, may walk on the edge of the roadway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders creates an obstacle for other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, pedestrian paths or roadsides, pedestrians, in accordance with the rules for pedestrian traffic on the road, can move along the path for cyclists or walk in one row along the edge of the roadway. When driving along the edge of the roadway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of cars. People driving a motorcycle, moped, scooter, or bicycle must follow the direction of travel of the vehicles.

Pedestrians walking on the sides of the roador the edge of the roadway in the dark or in conditions of poor visibility, it is recommended to carry objects or clothing with reflective elements and ensure that these objects are visible to car drivers.

2. Movement of organized pedestrian columns of peopleon the roadway it is allowed only in the direction of movement of vehicles on the right side of the road, no more than four people in a row.
In front and behind each column on the left side there should be escorts with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility (fog) - with lights on: in front - white, in back - red.

Groups of preschoolers and schoolchildren are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, in their absence - along the sides of the roadway, but only during daylight hours (daytime) with the obligatory accompaniment of adults.

3. If necessary, cross the roadway, pedestrians, according to the pedestrian traffic rules, on the road must cross it only at pedestrian crossings (zebra crossings), including underground and overground crossings.

In the absence of pedestrian crossings of any kind, they cross the road at intersections along the sidewalks or curbs. If there is no crossing or intersection in sight, it is permitted to cross the road only at right angles to the edge of the roadway on sections of the road without a dividing strip or fences. In this case, the section of the roadway crossing should be clearly visible in both directions.

4. If the traffic is regulated by a traffic controller, pedestrians when crossing the road must be guided by its signals.
In places on the road where it is installed
pedestrian traffic light, pedestrians must be guided by its signals, in its absence -transport traffic light.

5. At unregulated pedestrian crossingspedestrians can enter the roadway after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles and their speed, making sure that the crossing will be safe for them and they will have time to cross the roadway.
When crossing a roadway without a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians should not exit from behind a stationary vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

6. Having entered the roadway itself, according to the rules of conduct for pedestrians on the road, children should not linger or stop or pick up a fallen item, unless this is related to ensuring traffic safety.
Pedestrians who did not have time to finish crossing the road must stop on the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. You can continue the transition if you are convinced that absolute safety your further movement and taking into account the traffic light signal or traffic controller.

7. When approaching vehicles with blue flashing lights onand a special sound signal, pedestrians are required to refrain from crossing the roadway and wait until such vehicles pass.

8. Wait for a vehicle(minibus, bus, trolleybus or taxi) is permitted only on landing platforms raised above the roadway, and if there are none, on the pedestrian sidewalk or on the side of the road. In stopping places for route vehicles that are not equipped with landing areas, it is allowed to enter the roadway to board the vehicle only after it has completely stopped. After disembarking from the vehicle, it is necessary to clear the roadway without delay.

We are all pedestrians, that is, full participants in traffic. When a person goes on a visit, to work, to school, in all these cases he is a pedestrian, which means that in order to ensure personal safety and the safety of others he is obliged to follow the traffic rules.

According to statistics, half of the accidents on the road involve pedestrians, and this is a terrible indicator. The main reason for all the troubles on the road is

Who is a pedestrian

According to the traffic rules, a pedestrian is a person who is outside a vehicle on the road or on a bicycle or pedestrian path. Pedestrians also include persons using wheelchairs, roller skates, scooters and other similar means of transportation.

Cyclists are participants in the traffic when riding, but as soon as a person gets off the bicycle, he becomes a pedestrian.

Road service workers are not pedestrians while performing work and the rules for pedestrians do not apply to them.

Pedestrian movement on the road

A pedestrian crossing can be regulated or unregulated.

  1. A controlled pedestrian crossing is equipped with a traffic light or has a traffic controller. If there is a traffic controller, you should obey his signals, regardless of the traffic light signals.
  2. If there is no traffic light or traffic controller, then the crossing is considered unregulated. If the traffic light is constantly yellow, the crossing is also considered unregulated.

The golden rules of a pedestrian - cross the road where there is good review in both directions, and the ability to realistically assess the road situation. Good visibility is equally important for driver and pedestrian.

Unforeseen situations often arise on the road, so it is important to be able to anticipate the mistakes of other road users. A pedestrian should also be able to anticipate the situation.

Pedestrian safety on the road requires being prepared, for example, for such a common situation when an undisciplined driver does not allow a pedestrian to pass at a crossing or a vehicle moving at high speed does not have time to brake in time on a slippery road.

At uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, the driver is obliged to let a pedestrian pass, but this does not mean that you can throw yourself directly under the wheels of a car. The pedestrian must realistically assess the distance to the nearest vehicle and the speed of its approach, and make sure that the crossing will be safe.

A cyclist crossing the roadway pedestrian crossing, must get off the bike and walk.

A pedestrian crossing is a place where both pedestrians and drivers should be extremely careful.

Public transport stops

The main problem is hitting pedestrians.

This is especially true for urban environments, where stops are located close to each other. Difficulties are also added by drivers who park near stops, thereby further limiting visibility.

The main reason for collisions is a violation of traffic rules, according to which a person is obliged to bypass someone who has stopped at a stop. public transport only in front. Walking around from behind the bus, the pedestrian does not see the full situation on the road.

Haste also often leads to tragedy. The desire to get into a departing vehicle at any cost makes a person forget about the danger and throw himself directly under the wheels of cars. Most often, such “races” end in severe injuries or even death.

Parental Responsibility

Child road traffic injuries are the most pressing problem modern society.

At all times, parents have been responsible for their children. When crossing the road next to an adult, the child relies on him and does not watch the movement, so the adult must hold the child's hand tightly. All adults must remember that a child learns the rules of a pedestrian by imitating his parents and other older pedestrians.

You should begin to instill in your child a culture of behavior on the road as early as possible, explaining to him the basic rules and setting your own example.

When moving a group of children, two accompanying persons must stand on both sides of the road, right and left. Those accompanying them must stand facing the movement with red flags raised in their hands. Before starting to move along the roadway, the group must stop so that the stretched formation can group. The accompanying children are the last to leave the roadway, after the entire group of children has crossed the road.

Pedestrians in a residential area

TO residential areas This includes not only roads located inside blocks, but also all adjacent courtyard areas. Usually the beginning and end of a residential area are marked with a special sign, but this sign is not required to be placed in courtyards.

Pedestrians on the road in a residential area have the right to move not only on the sidewalk, but also along the entire width of the roadway. Moreover, it often happens that there is simply nowhere to go except the roadway.

Despite the fact that in a residential area pedestrians on the road are given priority in traffic, unreasonable interference with the movement of cars must not be created.

Pedestrians are prohibited

Pedestrian safety rules on the road prohibit the following actions:

  1. Go out onto the roadway without making sure own safety and the safety of other road users. We should not forget that the main cause of most road accidents with serious consequences is the unexpected appearance of a pedestrian in front of a moving vehicle.
  2. Running out or entering the roadway suddenly. Including the pedestrian crossing.
  3. Children entering the roadway independently without accompanying adults.
  4. Cross the roadway outside a pedestrian crossing, if there is one within sight.
  5. Linger and stop on the roadway unless it is related to traffic safety.

Pedestrian rights

The rights and responsibilities of a pedestrian are stipulated by the traffic rules on the territory of the Russian Federation.

  1. At a marked unregulated pedestrian crossing, the pedestrian has priority. Pedestrian safety requires a complete stop of all vehicles as soon as a person sets foot on the roadway. The only exceptions are cars with special signals.
  2. A pedestrian, as an active participant in road traffic, has the right to demand from executive power creating conditions for pedestrian safety.


The list of violations for which a pedestrian is subject to a fine is quite large, and you should know it.

Fines are imposed depending on the severity of the violation in the amount of 200 to 1,500 rubles. Ignorance of traffic rules does not relieve a pedestrian from responsibility.

First of all, you should remember that crossing the road at a red prohibitory signal is prohibited, and most importantly, it is dangerous to life. For this violation a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.

If a pedestrian, when crossing the road in the wrong place, interfered with a vehicle and an accident occurred through his fault, then the fine will be up to 1,500 rubles.

Of course, the fines imposed in monetary amount not so big, but nevertheless it will be an administrative violation.

Pedestrian safety

The pedestrian himself must first of all take care of his safety. Pedestrian safety depends on the combined actions of the pedestrian and the driver, but it should be remembered that injuries sustained by a pedestrian may be incompatible with life.

You should not hope that the driver sees and hears everything around him. A person walking along the road or crossing the roadway should carefully monitor the road and not be distracted by anything else. Pedestrian safety precautions prohibit talking on the phone, listening to music with headphones, or wearing a hood that completely blocks outward visibility.

When crossing the road, even in designated areas, you must make sure that the driver sees the pedestrian and stops in time. The safest option is to first make eye contact with the driver of the vehicle and only then begin the transition. It should be remembered that even an equipped crossing cannot fully ensure the safety of pedestrians on the road.

In order for as few tragedies to happen on the roads as possible, drivers and pedestrians first of all need to follow all prescribed rules and treat each other with respect. By ignoring traffic rules, the driver risks his freedom, and the pedestrian - his health.

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Rules safe behavior on road.
Pedestrian reminder
Being a pedestrian is a lot of responsibility. Road traffic is a complex process, but its safety depends on the actions of each person, and therefore on you. You must strictly follow the traffic rules. It is especially important to know how to behave on the street, cross the road and know the rules for pedestrians.

Rules for safe behavior on the road:

1. You should only walk on the sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path, and if not, on the side of the road (along the edge of the roadway) always AWAY the movement of vehicles.

2. Where there is a traffic light, you must cross the road only when the traffic light is green.

3. In places where there are no traffic lights, it is safe to cross the road using an underground or overground pedestrian crossing, or, in their absence, using a pedestrian crossing (“zebra crossing”).

4. If there is no pedestrian crossing, you must walk to the nearest intersection. If there is no pedestrian crossing or intersection nearby, cross the road along the shortest route. And only where the road is without fences and is clearly visible in both directions, looking carefully to the left and right.

5. Start crossing the road only after you are sure that all the cars have stopped and are allowing you to pass.

6. Don’t stop monitoring the situation on the road while crossing.

7. You cannot climb over fences.

8. If the road is wide and you didn’t have time to cross, you can wait at the “safety island”.

9. Playing games on the road and sidewalk is dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to run out onto the roadway because of trees, cars and other objects that prevent the driver from seeing you in time.

10. When driving along the edge of the roadway at night, mark yourself reflective element(elements).

11. Do not linger or stop on the roadway, including on a horizontal line road markings separating oncoming and passing traffic flows, with the exception of stopping at traffic islands.
12. When approaching a vehicle with blue or blue and red beacons on, a pedestrian is prohibited from crossing the roadway, and a pedestrian on the roadway must leave it, observing safety precautions.

13. If you have just gotten off the bus and you need to cross to the other side, then the best option is to wait until the transport leaves the stop. Another option is to go to the established crossing point - a pedestrian crossing, indicated by a road sign or markings, or go to the place where the traffic light is installed and only here is it safe to cross the road.

14. Even on roads where traffic rarely passes, in the courtyards of houses, you must always be careful and not forget about your safety. Do not cross the road without looking around, because cars may unexpectedly leave the alley.

15. When waiting for transport, stand only on landing areas, on the sidewalk or on the side of the road.

Pedestrian, remember!

Your safety and the safety of those around you depends on your discipline on the road. We wish you a safe journey!

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