Pentagram Ritual. Ritual of the pentagram Magical abilities of the sign

The Pentagram is a powerful symbol representing the actions of the Eternal Spirit and the four elements under the divine guidance of the letters of the Name Yeshua. The elements themselves in the symbol of the Cross are under the control of the Name Yahweh. But the letter Shin, symbolizing Ruach Elohim, The Spirit of God, being added to the Tetragrammaton, turns it into a Name Yeshua(Yeheshuah) or Jeovasha(Yehovashah) - the last option is obtained by placing the letter Shin between the letter symbolizing the Earth and the other three letters of the Tetragrammaton.

Each corner of the pentagram emits a ray, which symbolizes the radiation coming from the Divine. Therefore, it is called the Flaming Pentagram or the Star of the Great Light: these names affirm the presence of the forces of Divine Light in it.

As a symbol of goodness, the pentagram should be placed with one corner upward: this upper corner symbolizes the dominion of the Divine Spirit. But if you place the pentagram with two corners up, you will receive a symbol of evil, asserting the superiority of matter over the Divine Spirit, which by right should rule over it. Look, don't do that!

But if an absolute need arises to work or talk with a Spirit, which is evil in nature, and to hold it before you without causing it suffering, then you will still have to use the sign of the inverted pentagram (for let it be known to you that you have no right to cause harm even to evil Spirits). pain out of curiosity or on a whim). In this case, point the tip of your Magic Sword at the lower corner of the pentagram and hold it there until you send away this Spirit. And do not offend the spirits of evil: remember that, according to the Apostle Jude, the Archangel Michael himself, arguing with Satan, did not dare to reproach him, but only said: “The Lord rebuke you.”

Further, if you want to draw a pentagram and carry it with you as a symbol, draw it on a black background and color it as you were taught. This symbol should include, in addition to the pentagram itself, images of the Wheel, Lion, Eagle, Taurus and Man - each near the one of the five angles that is given to it under control. These correspondences are the basis of the Higher Ritual of the Pentagram: they determine from which corners the pentagram is drawn in a given case. The Circle or Wheel is a symbol of the omnipresent Spirit; hardworking Taurus is a symbol of the Earth; Leo - the rage of Fire; Eagle - Water, soaring as if on wings, under the influence of fiery force; Man is Air, endowed with subtlety and depth of thought, penetrating into the innermost secrets.

Before you start calling, you always need to draw a vicious circle around yourself.

Streams of power rushing from Fire to Air and from Earth to Water are the outflows of the Spirit - a mediator between the active and passive elements. The two pentagrams of the Spirit presented below must precede and conclude every invocation, balancing the elements and establishing their harmonious influence. At the end of the ritual, the flows change direction to the opposite.

1.Summoning Pentagrams of the Spirit

2. Balancing active elements

5. Balancing passive elements

1. Banishing Spirit Pentagrams

2. Completion for active elements

5. Completion for passive elements

These are the pentagrams of the Spirit, serving for invocation and expulsion. In the center of them should be depicted the sigil of the Wheel.

1. Banishing pentagrams

2. Summoning pentagrams





In the invoking pentagram of the Earth, the flow descends from the Spirit to the Earth, and in the expelling pentagram it moves in the opposite direction. The sigil of Taurus should be depicted in the center of this pentagram. These two pentagrams serve for the invocation and expulsion of the general race, and the rules for working with them - under the name "Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram" - were at one time given to the Neophyte of the Order of the Golden Dawn.

However, this Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram is used only in light and not particularly significant invocations of a general nature. It is given to members of the Outer Order so that Neophytes can protect themselves from hostile forces, as well as gain some insight into how to summon spiritual, invisible entities and how to communicate with them. The Earth Banishing Pentagram will also serve as protection against any hostile astral force. When drawing a pentagram, you should always carefully close it, making sure that the end point coincides with the start point.

The invoking pentagram of Air begins from the angle of Water, and the invoking pentagram of Water begins from the angle of Air. The invoking pentagrams of Fire and Earth begin from the corner of the Spirit. In the center of each of these pentagrams should be depicted the emblem of Kerub associated with this element. In banishing pentagrams, energy flows are reversed. But before you start drawing these signs, draw a circle around the place where you will work. Remember: this circle is the key to your success.

Except in those cases when you want to limit and concentrate power, the pentagrams themselves should not be encircled (unless only in order not to make a mistake in the outline of the pentagram). However, in order to concentrate power in any symbol or talisman, the pentagram should be inscribed in a circle.

RULE: Summoning pentagrams are drawn towards the corner that corresponds to the summoned element, and banishing pentagrams are drawn in the opposite direction.

The element of Air corresponds to the water symbol (zodiacal sign of Aquarius), for the reason that air is the container of rain and moisture. Fire corresponds to the symbol of Leo the Snake (zodiac sign Leo); Water - the alchemical Eagle of distillation (Eagle Head; Earth - the hardworking Bull (Taurus). Spirit is a product of the One, to whom all things are subject.

The elements fluctuate between cardinal points, and none of them has its own permanent abode. In the ceremonies of the First Order, each of them is correlated with one of the cardinal directions, but these correlations are based on the nature of the winds. Thus, the essence of the east wind is predominantly airy. The south wind awakens the fiery essence. Western winds bring moisture and rain. The northern winds are cold and dry, like the Earth. The southwest wind is fierce and gusty: it mixes the opposing elements of Fire and Water. The north-west and south-east winds are more harmonious: in the first, the influences of two passive elements are combined, in the second - two active elements.

However, the natural arrangement of the elements in the zodiac is different: Fire - in the east, Earth - in the south, Air - in the west, Water - in the north. That is why it is said that the elements fluctuate: Air - between west and east, Fire - between east and south, Water - between north and west, and Earth - between south and north.

The spirit also fluctuates - between Height and Depth.

Thus, the direction of the world in which one should turn one’s face during invocation is best determined by the winds, since the Earth, forever rotating around its axis, is subject to their influence to a greater extent. But in order to visit the abode of any of the elements with the help of spiritual vision, it is better to use their position in the zodiac.

Air and Water have a lot in common, and since the first is the container of the second, their symbols were swapped every now and then (the sign of the Eagle was sometimes attributed to Air, and the sign of Aquarius to Water), but it is still better to use the correspondences indicated above. It is for this reason that the invoking pentagram of Water, as mentioned, is identical with the expelling pentagram of Air, and vice versa.

When working with the pentagram of the Spirit, one should perform the Signs of Salutation of the degree of Junior Adept; with the pentagram of Earth - the Sign of the Zealot, with the pentagram of Air - the Sign of the Theorist; with the pentagram of Water - the Sign of the Practitioner; with the pentagram of Fire - Sign of the Philosopher.

To invoke and expel the forces of zodiac signs, you should use pentagrams of the element to which a given sign belongs, and in the center of the pentagram you should place the traditional symbol of this sign. For example:

1. Banishing pentagram for Pisces - banishing pentagram of Water

2. Invoking pentagram for Aries - invoking pentagram of Fire

All sigils should be drawn starting from the leftmost point and moving clockwise.

If you want to call upon the power of the zodiac sign itself, and not the elements acting through it, draw up an astrological chart at the time of the operation to find out which way you should face. For at one time of the day any zodiac sign can be in the east, and at another - in the west.

When preparing for any magical work or operation, it is advisable to cleanse and consecrate the workplace by performing the Lesser Ritual of the Banishing Pentagram. In some cases, especially when working with or through the forces of the planets, it is wise to also use the Lesser Ritual of Banishing Hexagram.

In order to combine Power, Flow, Color and Sound in a single symbol, each corner of the pentagram is assigned certain Divine Names in Hebrew, as well as Names from the Angelic Tablets. These names, shown in the following diagram, should be pronounced when drawing invoking and expelling pentagrams.




12. Elohim


These angle correspondences are the key to the entire Ritual of the Pentagram. In the course of ordinary invocation - without the Enochian Tablets of the elements - when drawing the pentagram of Water, one should pronounce the Divine Name El, when drawing the pentagram of Fire - Elohim, etc. But if you are already working with the Enochian Tablets of the elements, then use the Divine Names drawn from them in the angelic language. For the Earth such a name is EMOR DIAL HECTEGA, etc., and for the Spirit there are four words: EXARP - in the east, HCOMA - in the west, NANTA - in the north, BITOM - in the south.

These Names should be pronounced like this: take a deep breath, then say the Name as you exhale, stretching it out as long as possible, not necessarily out loud, but certainly with a powerful vibration: A-a-a-el-ll (A-a-a-el-ll ) (Since this Name consists of only two letters, I have made it a habit to vibrate first the names of these letters separately - Aleph Lamed, and finally the syllable El itself, as indicated in the text. - Note AND. Regardie.). Or - EM-OR-R DI-A-LL HEC-TE-E-GA. If desired, you can also draw letters or sigils of these Names in the air.

To call upon the forces of all four elements, from all four cardinal directions, in one operation, start in the east. Draw here the balancing pentagram of the active elements and the invoking pentagram of Air, pronouncing the corresponding Names. Then move the end of the wand to the point of the south and here draw a balancing pentagram of the active elements and an invoking pentagram of Fire, pronouncing the corresponding Names. Then turn to the west and draw the balancing pentagram of the passive elements and the invoking pentagram of Water, also pronouncing the corresponding Names; then turn to the north, draw a balancing pentagram of the passive elements and an invoking pentagram of the Earth, with the corresponding names; and, finally, having made a full circle, again turn your face to the east.

Expulsion should be carried out in the same way, unless you want to temporarily delay certain forces. Every ritual of invocation must open and end with the Kabbalistic Cross. (Detailed instructions for performing the Kabbalistic Cross are given in my book "What You Should Know About the Golden Dawn": Israel Regardie. What You Should Know About the Golden Dawn, Falcon Press, 1983. - Note. I. Regardie.) In some cases, you can pronounce other Names - for example, the Names of Angels and Spirits - in the corresponding cardinal directions and draw the letters and sigils of these Names in the air.

When working with one single element, the rules are as follows. If this is an active element - Fire or Air - draw in all four cardinal directions the balancing pentagram of the active elements and the calling pentagram of the element with which you are working. If this is a passive element - Earth or Water - then draw in all four cardinal directions the balancing pentagram of the passive elements and the calling pentagram of the element with which you are working. Expulsion is carried out according to the same rules. Do not forget to pronounce the Names in exact accordance with the pentagrams.

The magical pentagram of Aries, bringing good luck, wealth, prosperity, fame and other benefits

Determinants (psychological characteristics of personality): initiative, activity, enterprise.

Symbol: sacrificial lamb, ram, deer, power of growing seed, red, yellow and green squares.

Projection on body organs: the head and its integument, the upper jaw, the bones of the skull and face without the area of ​​the upper lip, nose, and “third eye”.

Mascot: golden fleece, hammer.

Stones: ruby, diamond, emerald, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, moonstone, heliotrope.

Metal: iron, steel.

Trees: maple, rowan, hazel.

Flowers: foxglove, magnolia, hydrangea.

Happy Days: Tuesday, Sunday.

Unlucky days: Friday Saturday.

Favorable numbers: 4, 7,9 (all numbers divisible by 9).

Favorable colors: purple, fiery red, orange, bright yellow (purple is an unlucky color).

Nutritional Requirements: Aries are not very picky eaters and, as a rule, are indifferent to what they eat.

In adulthood, it is advisable for Aries to reduce the amount of food taken due to a decrease in activity. Fatty foods that cause atherosclerosis should be avoided.

Aries' favorite foods are lamb, mutton or goat. Aries love everything spicy, especially seasonings with onions and peppers.

The outgoing Aries loves to have a good time with friends and is obviously a big beer connoisseur. This is no coincidence, since one of the plants of Aries is hops. By the way, beer will not harm those born under the sign of Aries.

Aries vegetables: carrots, hops, onions, sweet and capsicum peppers, radishes, shallots.

Fruits: grapefruit and watermelon.

Herbs and spices of Aries of the first decade: chili pepper, curry, garlic, horseradish, mustard, onion, basil, coriander, cumin, ginger, peppermint, anise, cloves, maple, nutmeg, sage.

Herbs and spices of Aries second decade have a more subtle and refined aroma: rosemary, saffron, sesame, chicory, citron, ginseng, bay leaf.

Aries third decade suitable: anise, sage and cloves for main courses, and for dessert - maple juice, nutmeg, licorice, mint, vanilla, thyme.


For Aries, 2009 is a time when it is necessary to decide on future plans, goals, and direction. A period when a lot can be adjusted and changed. Finding like-minded people at this time means finding a promising future.

Be bolder in taking on new directions, unleash your creative abilities, and actively and independently make your way into life. Persistent movement towards the intended goal will be more effective than covering prospects along the horizon.

The temptation is great to take care of personal affairs, romance and plunge headlong into creativity and idleness. Constant problems with children will take you away from solving the main tasks of the six months. Finding the golden mean between these issues will allow you to achieve what you want. Otherwise, nervousness, fuss, increased aggressiveness towards others and fatal bad luck may haunt you all this time.

For Aries, whose heart is yearning for love, the stars predict many meetings and hobbies. However, those who rely on light and short-term romances may unexpectedly find themselves in long-term emotional dependence. Love and the union of hearts with serious intentions are supported by the stars.

Severe emotional trauma awaits people who decide to put their own Ego above family values. Good luck and success await Aries, whose activities are related to the recreation of other people and children.

The stars invite you to seriously think about making plans and projects for the future. Luck awaits those who can fit into the coming changes and allow them to come true.

If your previous years were devoted to raising children, and you played the role of a patron-educator, then from the second half of 2009 it is very important to bring more friendliness and ideology into your relationship, pay more attention to the child’s soul, talk with him more often about his plans for the future, try to penetrate children's Secrets.

The role of a boyfriend or girlfriend within reasonable limits will help you not to lose contact. It is extremely important to take these actions without waiting for unpleasant surprises from your children.

In 2009, additional obligations will appear in the household sector. You will also have to pay more attention to health. There is a possibility of a surge in chronic diseases. Try to take all precautions and preventive measures for those diseases that you know.

An increased burden of obligations may also fall on you in your work and relationships with colleagues. There is no point in refusing the obligations that fate imposes on you.

There is a high probability that you will have to rethink your place in life, re-plan your work schedule, reconsider opportunities and obligations at home.

Everything you have to sacrifice during this period will not be in vain. All this will be for the sake of strengthening your own health and position at work.

Seeds thrown during this period will give good seedlings.

Constellation Aries (Ari)

Aries (the ram) is one of the most prominent constellations of the Zodiac. Its three main stars form an obtuse triangle, which is easy to find: it lies south of the constellations Triangulum and Perseus, north of the Head of Cetus.

The name of the brightest star of Aries, Gamal, means “grown-up lamb” in Arabic.

Aries occupies an area of ​​441.4 square degrees in the sky and contains 82 stars visible to the naked eye.

The Sumerians called Aries "the constellation of the ram." Of course, this is the same golden fleece ram that saved Frixus and Gella from their stepmother Ino. They were going to get to Colchis, but Hella drowned in the waters of the strait, which received her name - the Hellespont (now the Dardanelles). But Phrixus reached Colchis, sacrificed a ram, and handed the fleece to King Eetus.

Latin name: Aries

The pentagram, the meaning of which we will find out in this article, is, first of all, a pentagon. On each of its five rays there are triangles of equal height. In a broad sense, this is the most ordinary. Even a six-year-old child can easily portray her. However, everything would be simple, if not for one thing... Our asterisk comes in two types: correct and inverted! It seems to “smell of devilry” here, doesn’t it? Let's find out what these variations in her image mean.

Pentagram: meaning of the symbol

Inverted Pentagram: Meaning of the "Goat of Mendes"

In the traditional sense, the Goat of Mendes or the inverted pentagram is the most occult image that has ever existed. This is otherwise called the sign of Baphomet. This is the most important symbol of Satanism. This sign has become official since 1966. The fact is that it was at this time that the Church of Satan was founded, the symbol of which is the sign of Baphomet. This, so to speak, “church” is an official world organization.

AGNI - (FIRE) Symbol of Fire, altar and hearth; amulet symbol of the Highest Light Gods, Protecting homes, temples and the ancient Wisdom of the Gods. Also, this is a Slavic religious symbol of the god Agni; era of Aries – 2,000 BC – beginning of our era; Agni was sacrificed to the coming era of Pisces - the “victorious” Judaism, Christianity and Islam, therefore, in their war against the traditional Slavs, the symbol of Agni is most actively persecuted by them as “fascist”; the Sacred Fire of the altar and hearth; amulet symbol of the Highest Light Gods, Protecting homes, temples and the ancient Wisdom of the Gods. One of the epithets of the god Agni is Pramati; According to Indian texts, the wooden rod by which the sacred fire is produced is called pramantha. And this whole device for lighting the sacred fire is called arani (uranas from Sanskrit means “ram”) and consists of two crossed wooden blocks; in the middle, use a string to rotate the third stick until the bars light up at the point of rotation. The representative of the god Agni is the ram (Aries). Hence the name agnus (lamb), from Sanskrit agnis, from Latin ignis (fire). The image of the star Aries (Aries) is one of the symbols of the Aryans, since Aries is the symbol of Zarathushtra (Zoroaster), the Slavic sorcerer, founder of the fiery religion of Zoroastrianism and teacher of the Aryan race. In the Egyptian tradition of the Slavs, the sacred ram of the god Amun was depicted. Vashtiho-Jesus was also called the Lamb in the Christian tradition of the Slavs. That is why there are so many images of this symbol on Christian works and objects. The number 7 is associated with the god Agni: Agni embodies the seven Powers, which is expressed by his figure with seven arms; seven souls of Agni; its seven languages; seven paths of sacrifice; seven primordial elemental Forces, subsequently associated with the seven planets; on the border of Taurus and Aries is the constellation Pleiades, which also traditionally numbered seven. In Egypt, the seven Spirits appeared in different forms and guises. Chapter XVII of the “Book of the Dead” mentions seven deities of the underworld - Khu, who are associated with the symbolism of the seven stars of the Ursa Major Dipper - the astral symbol of the coffin (ark) of Osiris. “Deliver me,” says the deceased, “from all the vices that are hidden in me, as you did for the seven Spirits who walk among those who follow their lord Sepa (one of the names of Osiris).” The Seven Spirits are mentioned as gods in the retinue of Horus - these are his sons. Their names are Mestha (Amset), Hapi, Tuamutef (Duamutef) and Kebkhsennuf (Kebeksenuf) - the gods of the four cardinal directions. The symbolism of Agni-Aries is also associated with the number 3 and the concept of trinity. The god Agni rules the star Alcyone (Eta Tauri, a blue giant, 3rd magnitude). The Indian name Krittika (Krittika, means “axe”) is a star of rakshasa, or low nature, with powers of a mixed nature: it provides physical, creative powers, or the energy to achieve greatness; brings ardor and ardor to the body or mind of its owner; rules the caste of intellectuals. The animal symbol is a sheep.
What is a pentagram?

The pentagram is an ancient magical symbol with a thousand-year history, dating back to the pre-literate era of mankind. Throughout this time, it was almost universally used by a variety of people, from peasants who wore amulets with it, knights and kings who used it on their coats of arms and seals, to ministers of various cults and religions, as well as esotericists and magicians.

It should also be emphasized that this is not a “dead” symbol, but is well known and still used today. Considering all this, we can safely call the pentagram one of the most powerful (if not the most powerful in general) magical symbols.
A pentacle is a pentagram inscribed in a circle. Today, the pentagram is perhaps one of the most famous magical symbols. At the same time, it is one of the most ancient, significant and powerful.

PENTAGRAMa magical symbol that brings good luck, well-being, prosperity.
The pentagram symbolizes the five elements of nature, starting with the upper ray and continuing clockwise:

Spirit or ether, fire, water, air, earth.
The pentagram is considered a symbol of a perfect man, standing on two legs with his arms spread apart.
The five rays of the pentagram symbolize the five human virtues: love, wisdom, kindness, justice, truth.

These virtues are inextricably linked with man.

Love belongs to the soul, wisdom to the intellect, kindness to the heart, justice to water, truth to the spirit.
The pentagram appeared about four thousand years ago in Mesopotamia, as an astronomical diagram of the movement of the planet Venus. Babylon also used this symbol as a magical talisman.
This symbol will help if you need money for a specific purpose, a symbol of safety and security.
“Glory and wealth are in his house and his justice remains forever.”
Talisman - Pentagram for each zodiac sign .

We make our own pentacle.
The easiest way: You can copy the talisman corresponding to your sign, circle the image with a red pen and activate it in the ways described below.

Also a mascot can be made from thick paper or cardboard. The images are painted onto a circle of cardboard in red ink and then dipped into melted wax. It is believed that wax promotes the absorption and retention of information.

After the seal is ready, you need to charge it with your energy.
Placing the pentacle on your left palm, you should stroke it clockwise with the fingertips of your right hand, while mentally concentrating on the final result.
The pentacle is then placed between the palms, joined in a prayer gesture. The thumbs should rest on the heart area. The stronger the concentration on the final result, the stronger the pentacle will be.

Methods for activating a symbol. We tune in to the symbol. Look at the symbol image for 12-15 seconds. Then lie on the floor with your arms and legs outstretched (starfish pose). Try to imagine yourself surrounded by five-pointed stars shining with yellow light. Take 3 slow breaths, listen to your feelings. If your head is not dizzy, take 3 more slow breaths.

The key phrase that opens the symbol's monetary energy — The shine of the stars does not fade! Gold is like stars! Say the phrase in a loud, confident voice. Regular reference to the symbol Look at the image of the symbol for 10-15 seconds, then close your eyes, mentally imagining the symbol, try to hold the image for up to 20 seconds. Open your eyes and look at him for another 10 seconds, repeating affirmations:
— I am full of strength and confidently moving towards success!
— My choice is a confident path to wealth!
- I get as much money as I want!

Carry a picture of the symbol with you.
A ritual to enhance the effect of a symbol.
In the evening, pour fine salt along the contour of the picture onto the image of the symbol from a pinch. Repeat until you close the circuit: - How many grains there are, that’s how much money I have. Next, cover the drawing with your left palm for 10-15 seconds, carefully pour the salt into a cup of water, stir and drink.

For the talisman to work, it cannot be given into anyone's hands: only the owner can touch it. Ideally, no one should see it or even know about its existence.
The owner of the pentacle should touch it several times a day and think about the purpose of the amulet: thereby the object is fueled with energy.