Submit documents to replace your passport at the MFC. Is it possible to change my passport at the MFC? Description of the procedure and recommendations

A procedure such as replacing a passport at the MFC is available to almost all persons Russian Federation. If your main identity document in the Russian Federation has expired, do not rush to the Federal Migration Service office at your place of residence - you can get new passport through MFC.

List of documents and their submission to the MFC

The process of obtaining a passport takes time. In addition to preparing documents, you need to stand in line at the Federal Migration Service. The first stage is to submit all the prepared papers, and the second is to receive a passport (fortunately, it does not take much time).

Tiring queues can be happily avoided if you come to register at.

True, it will not be possible to avoid collecting documents, but there are not so many of them here. Before going to the MFC, prepare:

  • birth certificate;
  • application for replacement (issuance) of a passport (can be filled out directly in);
  • two photographs 35x45 mm (they know how to take photographs in the relevant photo salons);
  • an extract from the house register;
  • military ID, registration at place of residence, birth certificates of children (if available) - all these documents are needed to put the appropriate marks;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Who can submit documents for replacement through the MFC

Who can take advantage of the opportunity to submit an application for a replacement (issuance) of a passport at the MFC? The following persons have the right to do this:

  • Have reached 20 years of age;
  • Those who have reached 45 years of age;
  • Those who have changed their name, gender, appearance or information about the date and place of birth;
  • Those who have noticed inaccuracies in their documents;
  • Those who have discovered that the document is unsuitable for further use.

The following categories of persons cannot change their passport at the MFC: those who have delayed the replacement, those who have lost or do not have registration at the place of application.

For example, if you are registered in Krasnodar, you cannot apply to Rostov-on-Don.

The procedure for issuing a new passport at the MFC lasts 10 days from the date of submission of documents. As soon as your document form is ready, you will be invited to receive it at the Federal Migration Service - it is received there, but not at all

For the first time, a passport is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation upon reaching 14 years of age. It is then changed at ages 20 and 45, after which it is valid indefinitely. Upon reaching the specified age, a citizen has 30 days to submit documents, in otherwise he may be fined (Article 19.15 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative offenses dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ), the fine ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Also, the passport must be changed if there is a change in last name, first name or patronymic, gender, if there is an error in the passport data, wear or damage to the document, if it is lost or stolen, as well as significant change citizen's appearance. Old USSR passports are also subject to replacement.

Select MFC

To replace or obtain a passport, Muscovites can contact any Multifunctional Center(MFC) provision public services"My Documents". It is advisable to first call the help desk +7 499 777-77-77 (24 hours a day) and find out whether the passport issuance service is available at a specific MFC. In those areas where the function of passport offices has already been transferred to the MFC, it will be possible to obtain an identity document only at the MFC.

Package of documents

The list of documents for replacing a passport depends on why you are changing it or receiving it for the first time.


  1. Completed application form No. 1P (the form is issued at the MFC).
  2. Birth certificate (if not available, you must obtain a copy from the registry office or provide documents replacing it).
  3. Two recent photographs of the applicant measuring 35 x 45 mm, without headgear.
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty (you can pay at the terminal in the government services center)


  1. Passport to be replaced (if any).
  2. Documents for putting marks in the passport (if any):
  • military registration documents;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • birth certificates of children (if they are under 14 years old);
  • international passport.

If your passport has been lost, you must also provide a statement about the loss of your passport and a notification coupon for registering an incident report (issued by the police).

Detailed information about issuing passports is available on the website.

State duty amount

The fee for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation remains the same - 300 rubles. Those whose passports have been lost or become unusable will have to pay 1,500 rubles (a fine of 100 to 300 rubles may be imposed for damaging a passport).

Submission of documents

To submit documents to the MFC, you do not need to pre-register through the website. Having received the electronic queue coupon, you should go to the window where they will accept your documents and tell you when to come for your passport. You can also pay the state fee here.

Documents for obtaining a passport are sent to the territorial department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Deadlines for issuing a passport

As before, it will take 10 working days to re-issue a passport or issue a document for the first time.

If during this period you need an identification document, you can get an official temporary identity card from the MFC (in this case, you will need another photo or a certificate of acceptance of documents for issuing a passport in any form.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are required to change their passport twice in their life - at 20 and 45 years old. This is due to the fact that it is during these periods of life that a person’s appearance undergoes the greatest changes. Therefore, reality and photos must match. Today we will look at how a passport is replaced at the age of 45.

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After the anniversary is celebrated, we must begin updating the main document. To do this, within 30 days you must submit a corresponding application to the MFC to replace your passport. For reference: MFC is a multifunctional center that was created to simplify all types of municipal and government services provided to the population. The MFC provides advice on any issues related to filling out documents, collects these same documents, checks them and submits them to the passport office, Rosreestr, migration service or other institution.

There are several ways to get an appointment at the MFC:

  1. Sign up by phone hotline. For each settlement There is a phone number to call. You can find it at
  2. Sign up through the “Electronic Reception” function of the “My Documents” center. In the “Online booking” section, you must select your city, the address of the nearest center, the time and date of the visit, and also indicate the reason why you are going to visit a consultant.
  3. Get a coupon for electronic queue. To do this, you will need to come to the MFC and print out an admission coupon with a number through the terminal. When it’s your turn, your number will light up on a special display in the corridor. So it's time to come in.

As practice shows, the third method is the most reliable. This may be due to the fact that online recording programs are still in development and often fail.

Replacement steps

Renewing a passport at the MFC at the age of 45 occurs as follows:

  • you come to an appointment with a specialist at the MFC at the appointed time, together with him fill out an application for a replacement and attach it to the other required documents (we will tell you which ones later);
  • pay the state fee;
  • You receive a receipt from the specialist stating that the documents have been checked and accepted. Using the number of this receipt, you can then track what stage your request is at;
  • V fixed time come and pick up your updated document.

By the way, here at the MFC you can order a certificate, confirming your identity, and the fact that the passport is being reissued. But keep in mind that such a certificate carries many restrictions, for example, it does not give the right to apply for loans, buy real estate (or cars), book plane tickets and travel outside of Russia. In all other cases it will be quite suitable.

Required documents

You can exchange your passport at the age of 45 at the MFC if you have the following documents:

  • the passport you will be changing;
  • application for replacement of old passport;
  • two photographs measuring 35 mm by 45 mm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Please note that special records from your previous document will be transferred to the new passport: information about marriage or divorce, presence of children, your blood type. To confirm the data, you must provide the appropriate evidence to the MFC employee.

If you are liable for military service, please also provide a military ID or registration certificate. To put a registration stamp in your new passport, you will need to provide the MFC with an extract from the house register, which indicates the registration address.

Photo requirements

To ensure that the MFC employee does not send you to redo the photos, make sure in advance that they meet the established requirements :

  1. The photograph can be either color or black and white. The latter are rarely seen in modern passports, but any photo studio can offer such a service. The main thing is that the photo is clear.
  2. You should only take pictures with your head uncovered. The exception is for persons whose religion does not allow them to remove their headdress in front of strangers.
  3. Hairstyle should be casual. Glasses, like a mustache, are only allowed if you wear them regularly.
  4. The passport photograph must be taken on a white background, without the presence of foreign objects or people.

How to fill out an application for a replacement passport

Replacement of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation at the age of 45 occurs on the basis of an application in the established form (Form 1P). The form can be downloaded from the migration service website or picked up at the MFC branch.

The application includes the following items:

  • Federal Migration Service code;
  • series, number, date of issue of the current passport;
  • Full name, date and place of birth, registration of the applicant;
  • marital status, by whom and when the marriage certificate was issued;
  • Full name of father and mother;
  • actual place of residence (city, village, district, street, house);
  • information about another citizenship, if it previously existed.

In our case, this is the onset of 45 years of age. A double signature is placed just below.

The final phrase of the text is to clarify that a new passport must be issued on the basis of the current one (and all its components are once again included below).

At the end, the signatures of the employee and the head of the department are placed.

After the passport is received, at the very bottom of the same application you will need to add:

So-and-so received a passport, date such-and-such.

What is state duty

Replacing a passport at 45 through the MFC involves not only time costs, but also a small financial investment.

State duty (abbreviated as state duty) is a monetary collection carried out migration service Russia when replacing or issuing new documents.

In 2018, changing your passport at the age of 45 at the MFC will cost you 300 rubles. If the passport was damaged or lost, then replacing it will cost 1,500 rubles.

All citizens who apply for the issuance of documents are required to pay the state fee. The exceptions are orphans and children left without parents due to difficult circumstances.

You can pay the state duty through Sberbank (at the cash desk, through a terminal or by bank transfer through Sberbank Online). This bank additional commissions does not charge. The same cannot be said about other banks. State duty is also available for payment through the State Services Portal (

Before paying the fee, you must obtain the correct details and indicate the purpose of the payment.

How to pay state duty via bank card

If, in the case of payment through a cash register, the responsibility for correct data entry lies with the operator, then with non-cash payments, only you are responsible for everything.

When paying a fee via the Internet, you should be especially careful when filling out the data, since if the funds go to someone else’s account, there is no guarantee that they will be returned.

The information for paying the state fee for replacing a passport at 45 years old via the Internet is as follows:

  • correct details (you can find them either on the website of your MFC branch, or take them directly from an employee);
  • card number from which funds will be debited;
  • your full name and registration address.

You can receive a passport at the MFC at the age of 45 10 days after submitting your application. However, such a re-issue period is provided only for citizens who have permanent registration in the region of application to the MFC. If the registration is temporary, then the period for consideration of the application increases by three - 30 days.

To each of these periods may be added additional days public holidays when civil servants are on vacation, as well as days for sending documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and back (for example, to draw up a temporary certificate confirming identity).

Sometimes such a wait can worry the applicant, therefore, in order not to be nervous in vain, you can monitor the readiness of the document without leaving home. This is done by registration number address (it consists of 13 digits and can be seen in the upper left corner of the application).

You can check your readiness on the My Documents center website. To do this, just select the “Checking readiness” section in the “header” of the site and enter the extract number in the window that appears. If the system produces errors, you can try refreshing the page.

You can also consult the hotline at 88005505030 to determine how soon your passport will be ready. The contact center operates 24 hours a day.

Can they refuse to replace a passport?

It would seem that everyone has every right exchange your passport at age 45. The MFC, however, may refuse. Good reasons for refusal are:

  • indication of deliberately false data;
  • lack of Russian citizenship or the beginning of the process of deprivation of it;
  • incomplete information about yourself;
  • provision of an incomplete package of required documents;
  • photographs do not correspond to the required format;
  • documents are completed on foreign language or gross spelling errors were made;
  • unpaid state duty.

If the refusal was explained by other reasons, then such a decision can be appealed. It is better to consult a lawyer for advice.

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Additional Information

If a passport replacement at 45 years of age is required through the MFC incapacitated person(the person is sick, has become disabled or has mental disabilities), then the right to re-register is transferred to relatives or a guardian. In this case, a confirming certificate from a medical institution is added to the main list of documents.

The application is filled out and signed by the person in charge of guardianship, and not by the passport holder himself.

At the age of 20 and 45, the obligation to replace the Russian passport begins.

They receive their first passport at the age of 14. It is also necessary to replace your passport if you change your last name.

The procedure for replacing a passport is mandatory; this can be done at the MFC.

The occurrence of the following circumstances obliges a citizen to change his passport:

The main reasons why you need to change your passport are the biological changes that occur as a person grows older: his appearance changes.

Replacement is also provided if the citizen has done plastic surgery by deliberately changing your appearance.

Upon reaching 20 and 45 years of age, the document must be changed within 20 and 45 years.

In case of delay, you must pay a fine of 2000-3000 rubles. Exception: completing compulsory military service. 30 days then need to be counted from the day the service ends.

Let's find out whether it is possible to change your passport at the MFC, and what is needed for this.

In 2019, your passport can be changed at the MFC, except in cases where:

  • passport stolen or lost;
  • a passport is received by a citizen over 18 years of age who has never previously received a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • An incapacitated or partially capable person receives a passport.

The replacement of the document in the above cases is carried out at the territorial division of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Previously, passports were issued in Federal Service on Migration. Currently, the FMS has been abolished since November 2017.

In other cases, documents can be replaced at the MFC. Advantages of carrying out the procedure in multifunctional centers:

  • convenient work schedule;
  • employees provide assistance in filling out the application and immediately check the documents;
  • You can sign up online and receive electronic queue coupons.

Let's find out how to change your passport at 45 or 20 years old through the MFC.

The application can be submitted through the State Services portal. The application is checked, after paying the state fee, the citizen is invited to go to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to submit documents. The package of documents is carefully checked.

Passport production time - 10-30 days. Depends on the place of submission of documents (whether the citizen submits documents at his place of residence, or he decided to issue a new passport in another place).

If a citizen wishes to change his temporary identity card during the period of obtaining a new passport, he must contact the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The MFC does not issue certificates.

The MFC will replace your passport if:

  • the citizen is 20 or 45 years old;
  • the passport is damaged or damaged;
  • changed their last name;
  • errors need to be corrected.

The following documents are provided for passport replacement at the MFC:

Renewing a passport at the MFC at age 20 is the same as at age 45. You must go to the MFC in person. The citizen receives an electronic queue ticket, waits for a call, then submits an application and documents in the required window.

The employee will check the documents, give a receipt and inform you of the deadline for receiving the completed passport.

This usually takes 10 days.

Many people do not know whether it is possible to change their passport at an MFC other than their place of registration. It is possible, but replacement will take longer - 30 days. It may also take another 6 days to transfer documents between the MFC and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Deadlines are established by law. If you receive an offer from someone to issue a passport urgently, you should avoid such an offer: there is a risk of falling into the hands of swindlers. Illegal registration of a passport will definitely lead to trouble.

State duty

Passport replacement - payable service. State duty is paid:

You can get a 30% discount:

  • by submitting an application through State Services;
  • wait for the invoice to pay the state duty;
  • pay by bank card, electronic wallet (Webmoney), mobile phone.

We remind you that to restore a passport if lost or receive new document Due to its theft, it is impossible to go to the MFC.

Receiving a completed passport

Many people are interested in how to find out if the passport is ready at the MFC. The readiness of the document is checked online on the official website.

The employee gives the application number, which can be used to track the stage of consideration of the application.

A passport will be refused if:

If the refusal is not justified, the decision can be appealed.

Other reasons for refusal:

  • lack of Russian citizenship;
  • the procedure for deprivation of citizenship has been launched;
  • the citizen did not pay the state duty.

The procedure for replacing a passport at the MFC is quite simple and does not require significant time investment. The processing time for the document is 10 days; if a citizen wants to change his passport at a place other than his place of residence, he will have to wait a little longer - 30 days.

After collecting all the documents, you need to contact the MFC, whose employees will help you fill out the application and answer all questions regarding the registration of a new passport.

Video: MFC - obtaining and replacing a passport for free!

The ID card is mandatory document, which any citizen of the Russian Federation should have. The first document is issued upon achievement, before which it is replaced. After this, you need to change your passport. This is done in mandatory

You can apply for this service at:

  • Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Multifunctional center "My Documents".

The second option is the most popular, since the document is prepared quickly. Since 2018, contacting the MFC has become even more convenient, since now a person does not depend on the place of residence or registration, submitting documents to any branch at will.

In what cases can you replace your passport at the MFC?

Besides mandatory shift document with the onset of a certain age mark, there are a number of other grounds:

  • Damage to appearance.
  • Dilapidation.
  • Change in gender.
  • Appearance changes that are radically different from the photograph in the document.
  • The presence of errors or inaccuracies in personal data.
  • A loss.
  • Theft.

It is necessary to write an application for re-issuance of an identity card within a period not exceeding 30 days from the moment the basis for its replacement appears. All citizens of the Russian Federation must comply with this requirement, as it is prescribed at the legislative level.

How to replace a passport through the MFC

When contacting the multifunctional center for a new document, you should adhere to the following instructions:

  • Step one - get an electronic queue. This can be done via the Internet, by calling a hotline number, or in person using a self-service terminal.
  • Step two - collect a complete package of documents required for this service.
  • Step three – pay the mandatory state fee. This can be done at the bank’s cash desk, non-cash, through a terminal at an MFC branch. Its size varies from 300-1500 rubles. In the first case we are talking about replacement, in the second about restoration.
  • Step four - visit the MFC branch at the appointed time and fill out an application in the prescribed form. You can do this in advance by downloading the form from the official website.
  • Step five is to receive a receipt from the registrar, which can be used to track the readiness of the document.
  • Step six is ​​to get a new passport once it is ready.

MFC staff will advise you on any issue that arises during the process of obtaining the document. The absence of queues allows you to receive the service as quickly as possible short term, without unnecessary hassle.

List of required documents

Before visiting the MFC, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Statement of the established form.
  • Old ID card.
  • Photo of the required sample.
  • Deposit check state duty.
  • – if the passport is changed due to a change of surname.
  • Military ID.

All of the above documents are required in original + in copy (one copy). In some cases, you may be asked to provide additional documents:

  • Registration document.

Service execution time

The time it takes to receive a new document depends on the department where the application was submitted. If a citizen applied at the place of actual registration, the passport will be ready in 10 days. In all other cases, the period increases to 30 calendar days.

Failure Cases

In some cases, the applicant may be denied an operation to replace a passport. Here is their list:

  • Errors in the application.
  • Providing knowingly false information.
  • Invalid photo format.
  • Lack of Russian citizenship.
  • Provision by a foreigner of documents without a translation officially certified by a notary.
  • Providing an incomplete package of documents.


After an incident requiring a passport replacement occurs, the citizen has 30 days to carry out this operation. Otherwise, the state will impose penalties in accordance with legislative norms. The amount of the penalty varies from 2,000 rubles to 5,000 rubles, depending on the city of residence individual. The imposed fine can be canceled if the reason for the delay was found to be valid.